Agnia aspen. Evgeny Osin: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Evgeniy Osin - latest news

At the request of his wife, the bailiffs took away all his valuable property.

Don't remember already? And you don’t remember his clips? Well, no wonder. In the early 2000s, Zhenya Osin was filmed only for dark NTV stories: he got drunk, had a fight, shit himself, got into a fight, got divorced... What kind of hit parades are there?

The pop idol really drank heavily, losing his human appearance. Seven years ago, Express Gazeta journalists personally witnessed how Zhenya “caught a squirrel” in a five-star Egyptian hotel.

The artist flew to Sharm el-Sheikh with his whole family, but on board the airliner he overdid it with duty-free whiskey. And at the reception when checking in, I got into a fight with the big security guard. This was not a sight for the faint of heart. Shorty Osin rushed at the Arabs, swearing at the four-story man. The wife tried to calm her sobbing little daughter. And the singer’s sneaky mother, with a bottle of whiskey under her arm, suddenly went to sleep right on the couch in the hall...

He then washed himself, calmed down and began thrusting calendars with his image on the embittered Bedouins. But the Egyptians stood their ground and kicked him out of the hotel. Only in the evening the singer managed to check into a simpler hotel. Russian tourists helped.

Previously, the children's laughter of his beloved daughter Agnia could be heard in Evgeniy's four-room apartment. But after a divorce from his wife Natalya Cheremisino, the artist whiles away the evenings alone. Only children's toys remind Aspen that he once had a family. Zhenya doesn't like to talk about the past. Prayers help him get out of depression. Most Now he spends time in a corner alone with lamps and icons. Express Gazeta special correspondent Natalya Murga visited the abode of the fallen star.
“I haven’t seen my daughter for three years,” says Evgeny Osin. - She is 11 years old now. It’s not that my wife doesn’t allow me to see Agnia... But she has set up the child in such a way that she doesn’t want to meet with me. Although dad never hurt his daughter. He always gave gifts: iPads, laptops, a drum set... I hope when Agnia grows up, she will understand that dad is a good one.

Like the last sucker

He met blue-eyed Natalya in one of the banks.
“I noticed a girl in the window and invited me to a concert,” Evgeniy recalls. - Natasha has come. Later I found out that she has a husband. She asked me not to call, and for some time I bravely held on. In 2000, under New Year we came from a tour from the Baltic states. I kept in mind the blue-eyed girl and dialed her number. Natasha was home alone, and we talked calmly. I invited her to visit. I thought he wouldn't come in. But one day, while walking with the dog, she came in. We drank tea, nothing more. They started calling each other, and Natasha came to visit...
Natasha told her husband, a Spanish teacher, that she had someone else. My husband intelligently left without even taking my things. We then gave them to him. Mother Natasha, of course, opposed our union and said: “What are you doing? Why are you destroying the family? We got married in 2000. Friends-artists came, everything was as it should be... Two years later, a daughter was born. IN church calendar We found the name Agnia, we liked it.

Natasha has been staying at home since the birth of her daughter. Soon, due to mutual misunderstanding, domestic quarrels began. She is proud, she never compromises, she will not give in. She left home several times and lived with her parents. Then she returned. One fine day I filed for divorce. Before this, Natasha stole money from the house, all our savings. The stolen amount will be enough for the child to reach adulthood with a reserve. At first I thought: one of the guests stole it. But then I realized - it’s Natasha! Because she didn’t take everything: she left two “pieces” of dollars for me to live on.

We went to court for a long time. At first I defended the right to see my child on weekends and go on vacation twice. And then we shared this four-room apartment on Demyan Bedny Street. My wife was sure that I bought it during marriage. But I purchased it three days before the union was officially formalized! I got the apartment, and Natasha harbored a terrible grudge... She began to demand alimony. I gave it in cash - into her hands. But in vain! I didn’t have any documents left. And then one day the bailiffs burst into my home! They brazenly walked in wearing dirty shoes. They described the property for three kopecks. A guitar that costs $2,000 was described for 500 rubles, a jeep is five times cheaper than the cost. Once I arrived on a Yamaha motorcycle to the bailiff, so Natalya noticed and said: “He came on a motorcycle, take it quickly!” Confiscated. My lawyer had to return the motorcycle through the court... She fooled me, in a word, like the last sucker.

Groundhog Day

It’s not for nothing that Zhenya stopped drinking alcohol. A sober thought immediately came to my sober head. “Since my ex won’t let me see my daughter,” the singer thought, “I’ll get a job as a teacher at her school!” At the same time, I’ll teach the kids music!” And I settled down.
“There is not a single active artist who teaches at school,” Osin is proud of his action. “The teachers were surprised, but they received me well. In two years I created children's ensemble"Spy Kids". The children chose the name. A year later they grew up and decided to change to something else - “Chips”. It’s interesting to watch them: at first there were only girls and one boy in the team - Misha Ryabushenko. He began to feel embarrassed that he was alone. They took another boy. I asked a director I know to shoot the “Rain” video. It turned out successful. Then they filmed the second, third... In addition to Agnia, another girl sang in the group - Kristina Erofeeva. They were considered friends, but began to argue over songs. As a result, one wrote down her version, the other - hers. They turned into competitors. Everything is like on a real stage: intrigue, star fever...

I never thought that I would become a teacher. Now I tell everyone: children are not people. They do not forgive mistakes, and everyone needs their own approach. There are capricious ones - it’s difficult to sculpt something out of them. Of course, they didn’t put buttons on my chair; such tricks don’t work with me. Only a small incident happened to one boy. After all, I myself did the renovations in the music classroom: I lined the walls with sound-absorbing material, the floor rebounded and bought carpet, installed the necessary electricity, telephone, and Internet. The class was done to the highest level. One day I forgot my stapler in class. And a boy named Oleg, he was a drummer in my band, took it and started sticking it into expensive furniture. Of course, he forced him to pull out all the staples, but the holes remained. And one day he took an iron chair and dragged it across the carpet with its edge, tearing out the wool. I spoke to him strictly. Children need to be raised. When I was a child, do you know how my father punished me? He pressed his head between his legs and whipped him on the ass with a belt.
Then Natalya married the owner of a car wash. The man is not a Muscovite, and she moved into his rented house in Solntsevo. We found a school closer to the new house and transferred Agnia there. And I remained teaching these children music and singing... At first I received 12 thousand, but now the salary has been increased to 35 thousand rubles. In addition to teaching children, I organize all school events in the assembly hall. It’s with this money that I now pay alimony, buy gifts for my daughter... True, even here Natasha is trying to deceive me: through Agnia she asks me to buy either a second laptop or something else. And the in-laws use them!

Agnia does not miss the group. She already considers herself solo singer. Talented child. I'm not saying this because she's my daughter...
I didn’t leave school because I couldn’t leave my children. Got used to them. I'm here now new director Inessa Evgenievna and everything changed: they made repairs, transformed the territory. Before me, there were only two men in the school. And now there are eight of us. A physical education teacher and a programmer appeared... I am convinced that there should be an equal number of men and women at school, only then will the child be able to receive a normal, balanced upbringing.

Agnia was worried when she left for another school

On the day when our special correspondent Natalya MURGA visited Moscow school No. 1287, Evgeniy OSIN was holding another disco.

All the teachers were glad that Osin came to work for us! - Director Inessa Bokhonskaya admitted to Express Gazeta. - It was Zhenya’s idea to equip the classroom as a studio. In addition, he makes wonderful videos with children. Today, for example, Evgeny Borisovich held a disco, after which he announced the recruitment of children to new clip! Children come to him very willingly because he has a lot of school songs. Although he is an authoritarian teacher and it is easier for him with little ones.
His daughter Agnia is a lovely girl. I graduated from fourth grade with straight A's. When she left us, she was very worried. I think she didn’t want to part with the team and her father. Agnia even looks like her dad. Time will pass, and I hope they finally make peace. And I advise Zhenya to be persistent in order to improve her relationship with her daughter.

In the early 90s, the song “The girl in the machine gun is crying” was heard from almost every window in Russia and beyond. This was the time of popularity of the singer, composer and songwriter Evgeny Osin. We will get acquainted with his biography in this article. Let's find out the reason from the stage and what is happening to him today.


The biography of Evgeny Osin began in Moscow on October 4, 1964. He grew up as a restless and curious boy. Since childhood I have been fond of playing various musical instruments. He was especially attracted to drums. He mastered them well by the age of 12. And at the age of 14 he successfully performed in the school ensemble.

Education was necessary for the further development of the musical biography of Evgeniy Osin. His parents understood this and sent the teenager to study musical notation in one of the best Moscow schools. However, the energetic Zhenya soon became bored with traditional lessons, and he dropped out of school.

After 10th grade, the young musician made a second attempt to get an education and entered the Institute of Culture. The Faculty of Amateur Directing warmly welcomed the talented Evgeny Osin, but the guy again did not like his studies. And he left the institute with a certificate. In fact, this was permission to work as the leader of a regional amateur ensemble.

In addition to music, Evgeny Osin was involved in breeding pigeons. He kept the birds on the balcony. And he dreamed of building a big house with a dovecote. This hobby pushed Osin to the decision to become a vegetarian.

First projects

Evgeny Osin's musical biography as a singer began in the Nightcap group, which he created at the age of 22. Later it became known as "Cupcake". This was the musician's first serious project. In it, he was simultaneously a songwriter, guitarist and vocalist.

After the collapse of “Keks”, the artist changed many bands. The first on this list was “Nicolaus Copernicus”. Participation in this group allowed Osin to master percussion ( percussion instruments). In the next group - "Alliance" - the musician is already sitting at the drum kit.

Two years later, the energetic Osin was noticed by a producer and musician and invited him to work in the “Father Frost” team at his center. He collaborated with this group for about a year, but did not gain much popularity.


An important step in creative biography Evgeniy Osin became involved in the Bravo team. Everything happened quickly and unexpectedly for the young musician. Zhanna Aguzarova suddenly left the group before the tour. And so that the plans would not be disrupted, an urgent casting was announced for the place of the vocalist. Among the applicants were Penkin. But for some reason the band’s composer, Evgeniy Khavtan, delayed the decision on choosing a frontman.

And then Evgeniy Osin came to the casting. The musician did not hope for anything, but they took him. During the year of cooperation with the legendary group, he recorded several songs from the album “Let’s say “Bravo!” to each other,” starred in a video and took part in a tour. Osin was replaced in the group. Then his candidacy was more suitable for the producers.

Solo creativity

Working at Bravo allowed the musician to gain invaluable experience and achieve professionalism in his career. Now musical biography singer Evgeny Osin goes to new level. He creates his own group, Avalon. Her repertoire included compositions various directions: from jazz to “heavy”.

In the early 90s, Osin turned to the style of the 70s. His solo project became successful almost immediately. The courtyard aesthetics appealed to millions of listeners. The approach was absolutely unsophisticated. Osin took compositions that were unpopular in professional circles, sincere and written in simple language, added rock and roll rhythms - the result was hits. And after the video “The girl is crying in the machine gun,” the singer woke up as a real star.

By the way, the author of the text of this hit was Andrei Voznesensky. And music for another one popular song“Portrait of Pablo Picasso” was written by a Polish composer (the film “The Pianist” was filmed about him). The composition itself was first performed by the Polish singer Irena Santor and in translation was called “No one will return these years.”

Aspen was spurred on by success. He worked actively in the studio, recording song after song, toured the country, and performed at the same venues with other pop stars. The singer also took part in B. Yeltsin’s election campaign in 1996. The concert in Rostov-on-Don was memorable when Osin and the president danced on the same stage.

Decline of creativity

In 2000, the musician still works a lot, actively appearing on television and taking part in various creative projects. But former glory not anymore. Critics explain the decline of his work for two reasons. Firstly, the singer’s songs and performance style have ceased to be relevant. After all, the period of post-Soviet romance is long behind us. In addition, Osin’s compositions were broadcast on radio and television with the label “retro”.

The second reason was the musician’s addiction to alcohol. Attempts to cope with the problem led him to church. Osin visited monasteries and even lived and worked in them. This gave him peace of mind for a while.

However, it was precisely in those years that Evgeniy Osin’s musical biography as an artist ended. He no longer acts or records songs. In order to somehow live, Osin gets a job as a music teacher in English school in Moscow.

In 2005, the film “Popsa” was released on Russian screens. The singing of one of the characters, Lev Malinovsky (performed by Valery Garkalin), was voiced by Evgeny Osin.

Personal life

In the 90s, being famous, the musician met a girl, Natalya. She worked in a bank and was married at that time. But this did not stop the artist. Soon in personal biography Evgenia Osina happened dramatic changes. Natalya divorced her first husband and reciprocated the musician’s feelings. They got married, although the girl's mother was against it, calling this marriage a mistake and a rash step.

In 2002, the couple had a daughter, Agnia. This event increased family happiness, but not for long. Osin loved his daughter very much, spoiled her and developed her creatively. For her, he recorded an entire album of children's songs, “Bagel and Loaf,” and composed many poems. But alcohol addiction turned out to be stronger and destroyed the family idyll. Natalya filed for divorce and took her daughter, limiting any contact with Osin. To see his daughter, the musician got a job as a teacher at her school. There, in 2010, he created the children’s group “Fishki,” of which young Agnia became a member. The team even shot several videos. However, Natalya prevented this too. She managed to turn her daughter against her father and transfer her to another school.


Currently, all that is known about the biography and personal life of Evgeniy Osin is that he continues to struggle with alcohol addiction. The musician lives alone in his Moscow apartment. Sometimes his sister and friends visit him.

A couple of years ago, Osin was diagnosed with serious problem with the spine. The musician's legs sometimes give out. There is no money for quality treatment, although the artist turned to Tibetan specialists, and they managed to help him for some time.

In August 2017, the singer left home. Three days later, his sister filed a missing person report with the police. Aspen was found in one of the special centers for combating alcoholism. According to the artist, the offer of treatment came from friends.


Throughout his creative biography, Evgeny Osin has released 15 albums. The first three are “Man from the Star” (1988), “Let us say to each other “Bravo!” (1989) and “The Shining Path of Fire” (1991) - recorded as part of the groups “Father Frost”, “Bravo” and “Avalon”, respectively. Also in the singer’s discography there are two albums of children’s songs, which are dedicated to Osin’s daughter. These are “Bagel and Loaf” (2001) and “Bagel, Loaf and Bagel” (2009). The second included songs by other artists. The composition “Alphabet” was performed by Agnia herself.

Osin's latest collection of songs is called “Separation”. It was recorded in memory of his close friend and stage colleague, Alexander Alekseev, who passed away in 2010. The singer worked on the album material for a very long time. The year of release was only 2016. Before this, Osin made an attempt tour across Russia. His performances were crowned with success. Despite the fact that fans of the artist’s work had aged, the halls were full, and the atmosphere was the same as in the fiery 90s.

Singer Evgeny Osin completed a rehabilitation course in Thailand. Returning to the capital, he gave up alcohol and is now trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. What made Osin take charge of his health was largely the news that he had another daughter.

I met her mother Lena even before my marriage to my first wife Natasha. We met on Arbat, and I immediately liked her. He started courting us and soon we moved in together. They lived together for several months, but then they broke up.

I met Natasha, Agnia was born. My ex-lover and I stayed in good relations, saw each other periodically. A few years ago, Lena found my number and shocked me with the news that I have a daughter.”

Osin asked the woman to see the girl. “I remember being very worried,” continues Evgeniy. - But Nastya and I found mutual language. The girl followed in my footsteps. Nastenka studies music and participates in children’s modeling shows!”

According to Osin, Nastya looks very similar to him. But, despite this circumstance, Evgeniy decided to take a DNA test. “I don’t know the results yet,” says the singer. - I know that Lena had a man after me. When Nastya was born, he declared that the girl was not his and abandoned her.”

Co eldest daughter The girl does not yet know the musician Agnia. For a long time Osin had problems in his relationship with the heiress and her mother - they did not want to communicate with him.

After Evgeniy underwent rehabilitation, the relationship improved, but recently the daughter stopped communicating with her father again.

In today's talk show broadcast“In fact,” the artist’s second family agreed to a DNA examination. “I am her patron, she calls me dad. I admit that she is my daughter, but we need to check specifically,” Osin explained.

The girl’s mother, who appeared in the studio, said that she was very kind to the artist and considered him a close friend and family member. Elena Godunova hopes that the performer of the hit “The Girl Is Crying...” will still be able to overcome alcohol addiction, which he has been suffering from for many years.

“I want my daughter to help him get back to old life. He lacks love, warmth, family. My the main objective so that he stops drinking,” Elena said. By the way, friends do not believe the woman and believe that she intends to take possession of the artist’s property, taking advantage of his kindness and naivety.

“We have known each other for 20 years, since 1998, and if I wanted, I would try to take something away from him,” Godunova responded to the accusations.

Elena Godunova hopes that Osin will still recover from alcohol addiction. The girl really considers Osin her father and hopes that he and her mother will start a family and be happy together.

At the end of the broadcast, Dmitry Shepelev was given an envelope with the results of the DNA examination, offering to announce the result to Elena. The woman, in turn, acted wisely by showing the document only to Aspen. The artist was so touched by this act that he could not hold back his tears.

As for Osin’s eldest daughter Agnia, the girl’s father and mother did not communicate for a long time, then the relationship seemed to improve, but after Thailand and undergoing treatment, which accompanied Evgeniy’s breakdowns and new binges, Agnia again stopped answering her father’s calls.

"It happened. Her mom forces a stranger to call her dad. Agnisha, I love you very much. You are my daughter, dear, and over the years you will realize this,” Evgeniy addressed the girl live.

Let us remember that when singers Evgeniy Osin and Chris Kelmi were sent for rehabilitation to the DeNova center, it seemed that they would soon get rid of their addiction and the green serpent would free them from its fetters forever. Moreover, the cost of staying here is said to be a sky-high 800 thousand per month. It would seem that for that kind of money people can count on quality and quick help professionals...

“Zhenya (Osin. – Ed.) has breakdown after breakdown, he drinks again and again, and, alas, no positive changes in his condition have yet been observed,” said the singer’s relatives. “As far as we know, he’s been unconscious for five days now, he can’t get out of bed, he doesn’t recognize anyone, he walks around on his own. Things are no better for Chris Kelmi. A lot of money was paid for them, but things are still there.”

Look what he was like...

Evgeny Viktorovich Osin, the author of famous hits of the 90s, was born in Moscow in October 1964. The boy’s father, Victor, worked as a trolleybus driver. The parents gave their son a sister, Albina. When the child was 9 years old, the father left the family, and the children remained with their mother. My father was a sectarian - he belonged to the Seventh Day Adventists. After the parents separated, mom and the kids were given two-room apartment in Tekstilshchiki. Viktor Osin lived in Cherepovets, where he headed a sect cell and worked as the head of a motorcade.

Since childhood, the restless boy became addicted to playing the drums and by the age of 12 he could already play them quite well. The talented Zhenya even went to music school to better master musical notation, But traditional activities quickly bored him.

After finishing 10th grade, Evgeniy Osin enters the Institute of Culture at the faculty of directing amateur performances, but, without completing his studies, he leaves from there with a certificate that allows him to be the leader of an amateur ensemble. In those years, the young romantic was passionate about another activity: he tamed pigeons. On his balcony the young man built a real dovecote. During these years, Osin dreams of big house for his pets, which he will build when he gets rich.


For Evgeny Osin, one thing was clear: music is what he wants to devote his life to. In his youth, Zhenya changed many musical groups. At the age of 22, he created his first project, “Nightcap,” which was later renamed “Cupcake.” Evgeniy became a vocalist and guitarist in his group.

After the breakup, the musician moved to the group “Nicholas Copernicus”, where he mastered percussion, and then to the “Alliance”, in which he sat down at the drum kit. Two years later, Stas Namin notices the young energetic musician and invites the guy to his center to work with the “Father Frost” group.

How many years Osin would have worked like this is unknown, but in Evgeniy’s creative biography an event occurred that can be called a happy circumstance. They were urgently looking for a vocalist for the popular group at that time. The fact is that, having recorded an album with the musicians, she suddenly decided to leave the team before the tour. And in order for the tour not to fail, it was necessary to as soon as possible find an equally charismatic frontman who would save the situation.

Clip by Evgeny Osin “A girl is crying in a machine gun” Song by Evgeny Osin “Yalta”

At a performance in Rostov-on-Don, during Osin’s song “Yalta,” the president unexpectedly appeared on stage and began to dance. It was a shock for everyone: the singer, the presenter and the security guards. Photos from that significant concert can be seen on Instagram, and the video is posted on YouTube.

In the 2000s, Evgeny Osin acted a lot on television in musical projects, he works with young performers and experiments. The album “Golden Collection” and a collection of children's songs “Bagel and Loaf” are released. But the artist can no longer achieve his former glory. There could be many reasons for this. The very style of the singer’s performance is becoming irrelevant, since the time of post-Soviet romance has long passed. The artist’s songs are increasingly broadcast on radio and television with the “retro” tag.

In addition, the singer begins to have problems with alcohol. Trying to resolve problems, Evgeny Osin turns to the church for help and finds support there. He visits monasteries, lives in them for some time and works. Ultimately, Evgeniy Viktorovich finds inner peace. He gets a confessor. In the singer’s spacious Moscow apartment, in a corner with icons, a lamp was burning until the last moment.

Personal life

At the end of the 90s, Evgeniy meets future wife- Natalya. At that time she worked in one of the banks and was married. But this did not stop the love interest, and soon after the first divorce, Natalya married Evgeniy Osin. The couple was happy, even despite the fact that the girl’s mother spoke out against her daughter’s rash step.

Undoubtedly, the most important event in the singer’s personal life can be considered the birth of his daughter Agnia in 2002. For her, he composed many children's songs and poems. Evgeniy tried free time spend with his family, he took his beloved wife and daughter to the sea. But alcohol addiction interfered with the artist’s personal happiness. His wife Natalya left him after some time and stopped the artist’s contacts with the girl.

Osin suffered from separation from his daughter. In order to resume communication with Agnia, he got a job at English school No. 1287 as an extracurricular singing teacher. Evgeniy Viktorovich successfully used his basic education and created the popular children's group "Fishki", with which he even recorded several videos. But the ex-wife remained adamant. She turned her daughter against her father and transferred Agnia to another school. For 5 years pedagogical activity the artist practically did not appear on stage.

After breaking up with his wife, Evgeniy lived with a woman in a de facto marriage for five years. But she couldn’t come to terms with the singer’s “illness” and left.

Later, Evgeny Osin again took up his solo career. In 2010, the artist experienced one of the main losses of his life - tragic death Alexander Alekseev, close friend and stage partner. The singer dedicated to the memory of his comrade last job- the album “Separation”, on the material for which he worked for a very long time.

The artist resumed touring: he performed in a team with girls. Despite the fact that the singer’s fans were already old, he never stopped drawing full houses. Evgeny Osin often took part in joint performances with other pop stars.

In February 2018, Osin admitted that he was raising illegitimate daughter Anastasia Godunova. The artist met the girl’s mother, whose name is Elena, even before marrying Natalya. Then the lovers even began to live together, but later separated. The singer remained on good terms with Lena. And a few years later, the woman called Evgeniy and said that they had common daughter.

Last years the singer lived in Moscow. The musician’s height was 168 cm, while the man weighed 72 kg.

Illness and death

In July 2017, Evgeny Osin told the press that his legs had failed due to problems with his spine. The artist added that he has no money for treatment. Then the singer came to the performer's aid. The woman suggested that Eugene call a doctor to make a diagnosis. The celebrity also urged not to give money to the artist, because he would waste the money on alcohol. As a result, Evgeny Osin refused the examination and had a fight with Natalya. Sturm stated that she no longer wants to interfere in the musician’s affairs.

A month later, the singer left home in an unknown direction and did not return. Three days later, the performer’s sister turned to the police for help. It turned out that Evgeniy is in a rehabilitation center in Thailand and is being treated for alcoholism. This was facilitated by the TV presenter, who herself. Later it became known that the treatment did not bring results, and the celebrity returned from Thailand very dissatisfied. And the singer called Borisova “a complete man.”

In March 2018, the artist was hospitalized in Moscow. The cause was severe intoxication. Then doctors carried out a series of procedures to remove toxins from Evgeniy’s body.

In February it was reported that Osin was unconscious for three days.

On May 22, journalists learned that Evgeniy Viktorovich. A few days earlier, the artist went to the traffic police on a new motorcycle to register the vehicle. But, approaching the house, the singer lost control and fell, as a result vehicle crushed Aspen's leg. Arriving doctors provided first aid to the artist and diagnosed a broken toe. However, Evgeniy refused to go to the hospital and intended to register the motorcycle that day. An eyewitness who called the doctors stated that Osin was sober.

Evgeniy’s troubles did not end there. A little later, the musician participated in the filming of a television program dedicated to extreme sports and broke his arm. The artist was hospitalized and underwent surgery. As soon as the singer felt better, Osin was sent home. To celebrate, Evgeniy Viktorovich decided to celebrate his recovery and got drunk again. At the same time, the performer said in an interview that health problems began when the man stopped drinking.

Same month former member The group shared with fans that they are starring in Evgeny Osin’s new video for the song “Favorite.” The girl posted photos and videos of the work process for Internet users to see. According to Yulia, there is still a “special spark” in Evgeniy’s work. The artist tried to help her colleague.

On June 25, the group’s producer wrote on the page in “ Instagram“, that if Evgeniy does not take measures to restore his health, then the artist’s days are numbered. Andrei shared that Osin’s hand began to rot after the operation, but the artist does not stop drinking, his legs and kidneys are failing. Doctors were even worried that the singer would have to amputate his arm.

On November 17, 2018, it became known about Evgeniy Osina. The body was discovered a few days later by his sister Albina in his Moscow apartment. The cause of Osin's death was cardiac arrest. According to Albina, her brother did not contact her for several days. Ex-wife Natalya and Agnia reported that they were in the singer’s apartment a couple of days before his death. At that time, Evgeniy was in a deplorable state, but categorically refused help.


  • 1988 - “Man from the Star” (with the group “Father Frost”)
  • 1989 - “We will say Bravo to each other!” (with group)
  • 1991 - “The Bright Path of Fire” (with the group “Avalon”)
  • 1992 - “70th latitude”
  • 1994 - “In “Russia”
  • 1996 - “Working on mistakes”
  • 1999 - “Birds”
  • 2000 - “Golden Collection”
  • 2001 - “Bagel and loaf”
  • 2001 - “All the same girls”
  • 2003 - “In the Mood for Love”
  • 2003 - “Star Series”
  • 2009 - “Bagel, loaf and bagel”
  • 2010 - “New and Best”
  • 2016 - “Separation”

// Photo: Salynskaya Anna /

Last year, Evgeniy Osin completed a rehabilitation course in Thailand. Returning to the capital, the 53-year-old man gave up alcohol and is now trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. Aspen was motivated to take charge of his health not only by his conscience, but also by a new circumstance - recently the artist has been taking part in raising his intended daughter. He learned about its existence several years ago. The singer told StarHit why he hid his second family.

“My daughter’s name is Nastya Godunova, she is 12 years old. She even calls me daddy! - says Osin. – I met her mother Lena even before my marriage to my first wife Natasha. We met on Arbat, and I immediately liked her. He started courting us and soon we moved in together. They lived together for several months, but then they broke up. I met Natasha, Agnia was born. We remained on good terms with our ex-lover and saw each other periodically. A few years ago, Lena found my number and shocked me with the news that I have a daughter.”

Shocked, Osin immediately asked the woman to see the girl. “I remember being very worried,” continues Evgeniy. – But Nastya and I found a common language. The girl followed in my footsteps. Nastenka studies music and participates in children’s modeling shows!”

According to the celebrity, Nastya looks very similar to him. But, despite this circumstance, Evgeniy decided to take a DNA test. “I don’t know the results yet,” says the singer. – I know that Lena had a man after me. When Nastya was born, he declared that the girl was not his and abandoned her.”

The singer is constantly in touch with Elena and Nastya. Every evening he calls and asks how they are doing.

“Of course, the mother is mainly involved in raising the girl,” shares Evgeniy. “But I’m also ready to help with advice.” It’s nice that Nastya listens to me.”

Now the girl is studying music. In the photo with member of the group A"Studio Baygali Serkebaev // Photo: VKontakte

The girl has not yet met the musician’s eldest daughter, Agnia. For a long time, Osin had problems in his relationship with the heiress and her mother - they did not want to communicate with him. The singer even got a job as a music teacher at the school where Agnia studied and created a group where she became a soloist. After Evgeniy underwent rehabilitation, the relationship improved, but recently the daughter stopped communicating with her father again.