Alla Dukhova biography personal life children. Guest editor Alla Dukhova about sons and family heritage. Love and career

Alla Dukhova is the “godmother” for countless dancers who graduated from the TODES studio school. In real life, she is a mother twice over. And already a grandmother - her granddaughter Sofia is three years old. This fall, the girl became one of the students of the TODES ballet, where she was brought by her parents - Alla Dukhova's eldest son Vladimir and his wife Anna.

Motherhood is a great joy for me. All free time I spend with my children. For example, my son Kostya and I practice Nordic walking. And I try to devote the morning hours to communicating with him. In terms of choosing a profession and life path I trust my children. The eldest, Vladimir, is studying to become a director, Konstantin is still a schoolboy. What path they will choose, whether any of them will continue my work - life will show. The principles of my upbringing are simple: I love my sons, respect their choices and accept them! Now granddaughter Sofia is dancing with all her might in front of the mirror, making us laugh, and this year she went to classes at the TODES school.

Volodya was not interested in dancing. But Kostya, the youngest, loves to dance and enjoys going to dance school. And it's wonderful when children dance. From a scientific point of view, it has been proven that no sport develops the body as harmoniously as choreography.

When children come to our school, they become so enthusiastic that everyone has a personal motivation to attend classes. Children become disciplined and organized. This helps parents in their upbringing, and they enjoy using it.
Alla with son Kostya

Why choose dancing? The purposes for which children are brought to classes are completely different: someone brings a child to get in shape, lose weight, for general physical development. There are kids who are stressed out, and dance helps to overcome their inhibitions. Yes, there are those who are trying to make a star out of them. Many parents wanted to dance themselves, but various reasons They didn’t succeed, and they send their children to us.

One thing can be said: dancing gives enormous positive energy, and regardless of your goals, everyone will enjoy and healthy body.
Alla Dukhova with her students (in the center is the daughter of Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin Yana)

Alla Dukhova's life is divided between her beloved sons Vladimir and Konstantin and her other brainchild - the dance group "Todes", the permanent leader of which she has been for more than a quarter of a century. Despite the crazy work schedule, Alla was able to surround her sons with great love, and, at the same time, she always understood that they were sorely lacking in her attention.

Officially, she was married only once, but her marriage broke up after husband of Alla Dukhova Sergey went to America, but she did not want to go with him. He was a good programmer and always dreamed of working in the States, but Alla did not share this impulse.

So she was left alone with a small child in her arms. At this time, Dukhova was already leading a dance group, she had to work a lot, so little son She sent Vova to her sister in Riga, realizing that the child was better off with his mother, but she could not interrupt her career. She had to be torn between Riga and Moscow, and at that moment Alla’s sister, who herself had five children, provided her with invaluable support, for which Dukhova is eternally grateful to her.

In the photo - Alla Dukhova with her sons

Despite the fact that Vladimir grew up away from his mother, they were able to maintain a spiritual connection with him and remained close. The father of Kostya's second son was common law husband Alla Dukhova Anton is a former DJ, and then a lighting designer at Todes. They met in Bulgaria, but even after the birth of their son they never formalized their marriage.

Allah doesn't consider it prerequisite for happy family life- for the first time, the stamp in her passport did not save her from divorce. They often had to part with Anton - either she went on tour, or he went with the team to install lights, but these partings only strengthened their love - they had no chance of getting tired of each other. But there are also disadvantages to loving at a distance - it is quite possible to completely lose the habit of each other.

In the photo - with his eldest son

Today Dukhova’s eldest son is twenty years old, and the youngest is twelve, but on social events their mother still appears alone, and no one knows whether there is a man who could be called Alla Dukhova’s husband today. She admits that, in addition to one official one, she had several civil marriages, but her career did not contribute to their strengthening. Alla is always busy from morning to evening, and sometimes she has to work, not only without vacations, but even without days off, and not every man can withstand such a lifestyle for his wife.
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Name: Alla Dukhova

Age: 51 years old

Place of Birth: With. Kosa, Perm region

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 57 cm

Activity: choreographer, director of the ballet "Todes"

Family status: Married

Dukhova Alla - biography

The famous choreographer and director of the ballet group “Todes”, a teacher at her own dance school, a talented and attentive woman. Alla Vladimirovna Dukhova lives up to her name, she is just as sincere and understanding.

Childhood, family

Alla from the Komi-Permyak district. She was barely a year old when her parents moved from a small village to Riga. The scope for development in the capital city determined the inclinations of the girl with early childhood. Music and choreography became a serious hobby, which became the most important component of Alla Vladimirovna’s biography.

The girl's mother was a very attentive and sensitive woman. Noticing how her daughter repeated the movements she had observed from the rehearsals of the choreographic club, she took her to dance ensemble. The girl was lucky with her teachers; the famous Laizane, Dubovitsky, Shurkin were on her way. In the life of the future dance star there were competitions and festivals, victories and ups.


Alla studied well at school, but while she was in high school, a circus toured Riga. The girl was friends with the daughter of a circus trainer and soon got backstage. Purposeful and easy to communicate with, Alla was invited to work. The next tour was already for the lineup, which included a pretty Riga woman who had just been hired. The girl had her first successes, but had to forget about the circus for the rest of her life. The circus performer seriously injured her ankle, and doctors forbade her from performing dangerous stunts.

This story with the circus greatly upset the girl; she worked as a janitor, a freight forwarder, and a teacher. dance studio at the pioneer camp. Last place her work as a teacher was appreciated. Alla worked selflessly and enthusiastically, which is why she received an invitation to the House of Culture. Alla always wanted successful career dancer, but what attracted her most was the process of staging dance numbers. The sixteen-year-old girl herself created her first team. Few people understood how important it was to stage dance correctly in the Soviet Union, since this art form had not yet been cultivated.

Alla Dukhova's ballet "Todes"

The aspiring leader constantly improved herself by studying records famous dancers. The “Experiment” team was female, but one day at one of the competitions fate brought them together with men's group"Todes." The guys brokedanced, and the girls demonstrated polished movements and skills.

The dancers decided to unite, mixing two styles: clean graceful choreography and breakdancing. Alla was elected director of the newly created ballet. The biography of any creator always continues in the capital of Russia, Moscow. The Todes artists are on their way to real glory there were many obstacles.


Dorm life independent organization concerts and many more problems the ballet guys and their leader had to overcome. Help came from Alexander Birman and the Riga Philharmonic, who achieved tour to the Ural city of Chelyabinsk. Performances dance group accompanied the performances of Igor Talkov, Sofia Rotaru and other pop stars. The performance was a huge success with the audience. Immediately, singer Rotaru signed a five-year contract of cooperation with the Todes ballet. And the way to the mass audience was opened by entrepreneur Igor Popov, who organized solo concert group.

From now on popular artists wanted to see Alla Dukhova's ballet as a backup dancer in their numbers. Almost all song stars collaborated with Todes. They submitted to him " New wave" And " Slavic Marketplace" Monte Carlo, Munich and Seoul applauded the band's performance when it accompanied the appearance of Michael Jackson, Ricky Martin and Mariah Carey.

"Todes" is expanding its composition. There are already 150 dancers in the ballet, in addition, Alla created a school with her famous team in Moscow, Riga and St. Petersburg. The director has many worthy graduates who shine on stages all over the world. The Dukhova Ballet has existed for 24 years, but its number of fans is not decreasing, on the contrary, it is increasing. Each concert of the group is interesting for its bright dance numbers; each dance is a separate performance. Alla has her own clothing line.

Alla Dukhova - biography of personal life

The life of a talented woman is bright and unpredictable in any of its manifestations, and her personal life is no exception. Three marriages, two sons. Dukhova's current husband Anton is always next to his beloved wife; he works as a lighting director in Alla's team. Native Latvia is proud that the famous artistic director lives in its capital. Alla herself built herself a large, comfortable house.

Alla Dukhova's ballet "Todes" has existed for almost 30 years. At first it was a very small team. Its leader and creator Alla Dukhova was an unknown young girl at that time. She and her dance group came to conquer Moscow. Then no one could have imagined what a brilliant future was in store for her and her small team.

Alla Dukhova

Alla Dukhova - director of the ballet "Todes" - was born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kosa (Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug). A year later the move to Riga took place. There Alla met her parents and sent her to a music school. But the girl liked dancing more. At the age of 11, the future celebrity joined the Ivushka ensemble. But she dreamed not only of dancing, she wanted to be a stage director. A. Dukhova organized her first team at the age of 16. It was called "Experiment". Only girls danced in it. The dances of her group were based on modern Western choreography. Alla studied foreign school herself, on videotapes.

At one of the festivals in which A.V. Dukhova took part with her “Experiment,” fate brought her together with the male group of breakdancers “Todes” from St. Petersburg. The guys really liked Alla’s choreography. The girl, in turn, gained respect for the breakers for how skillfully they performed their tricks. As a result, the two teams decided to unite.

Today A. Dukhova very often takes part in television programs, gives interviews, and is a member of the jury of dance television projects.

History of the team

Alla Dukhova created the ballet “Todes” on March 8, 1987. This event took place in North Ossetia, on The team that she then led included three girls: Ivona Konchevska, Dina Dukhova and Alla Dukhova herself. The ballet “Todes” (breakers), with which the girl’s group merged, consisted of seven young guys, they were: S. Voronkov, G. Ilyin, R. Maslyukov, A. Glebov and A. Gavrilenko. The performances were choreographed by Alla Dukhova. The ballet “Todes” quickly gained popularity. Very soon it became difficult for A. Dukhova to combine the work of a director and dance herself. The issue was resolved by the team by choosing her as leader.

Soon the Todes ballet set off to conquer the capital. There the artists worked as backup dancers for the stars Russian stage: S. Rotaru, K. Orbakaite, L. Dolina, V. Leontyev, V. Meladze, V. Presnyakov and many others. They even had a chance to perform on stage in Monte Carlo with R. Martin, M. Kerry and M. Jackson.

Gradually, the ballet grew, he became cramped in the ranks of the backup dancers, and he began to perform independently and tour. Studio schools began to open, and recently a theater appeared.


Most recently, the dance theater was opened by Alla Dukhova. The Todes ballet performs here with its performances. The theater opened in March 2014. Alla Dukhova and her artists dreamed about this event for many years. Todes's performances are stunning shows with first-class choreography, fantastic costumes, magnificent lighting effects and 3D scenery.

The choreographer and director of the performances is Alla Dukhova.

Despite the fact that the theater has only existed for two years, it is already very popular.


Alla Dukhova’s show ballet “Todes” in its recently opened theater invites viewers to watch the following unique performances:

  • Attention is bright spectacular show about love and life. Without a single word, the play will tell about how complex the world of relationships between a man and a woman is.
  • The play “Magic Planet” is where the actors tell young spectators that they need to be brave, honest, faithful and strive for their dreams.
  • The play “Dancing Love” is a story about young lovers who dream of becoming famous. They believe that Big city will help them to realize themselves, while their love will not break. Is it really?
  • The play “We” is an enchanting show that brings together the best dance numbers for the entire almost 30 years of existence of the Todes ballet.


The main cast of Alla Dukhova's ballet “Todes”:

  • A. Ilyasova.
  • A. Zelenetsky.
  • A. Shcheglova.
  • M. Smirnov.
  • D. Petrenko.
  • E. Koval.
  • V. Shapkin.
  • A. Sotnikov.
  • D. Ponomarev.
  • A. Mankova.
  • D. Kiseleva.
  • Yu. Korzinkina.
  • D. Gorkov.
  • D. Ishmetov.
  • V. Medvedev.
  • E. Aglyamova.
  • A. Radev.
  • Y. Agapova.
  • Zh. Kurbanova.
  • A. Osipov.
  • P. Volosov.
  • A. Liventseva.
  • S. Gogin.
  • E. Nuikina.
  • A. Kaverina.
  • M. Scibor-Gurkovsky.
  • I. Parinov.
  • T. Shchedrina.
  • E. Heimanis.
  • A. Hwang.
  • A. Tunik.
  • A. Remeslov.
  • I. Surina.
  • A. Zubova.
  • I. Nesterenko.
  • M. Shabanov.
  • A. Khazaryan.
  • D. Written.
  • Ya. Sivtseva.
  • E. Vasiltsov.
  • R. Dmitrischak.
  • D. Alexandrov.
  • I. Leimin.
  • I. Efimenko.
  • M. Tarelko.


Alla Dukhova's ballet "Todes" provides an opportunity young talents and even for adults to show Creative skills, learn to dance beautifully. The team has opened many schools in different cities. Everyone is welcome to attend the training. People with any physical fitness, weight and age can study at the Todes school; there are no restrictions, the main thing is the desire to dance, diligence and good attendance at classes. Classes are conducted by soloists of the ballet “Todes”, who have undergone pedagogical and psychological training and were allowed to work after successfully passing the exam. Students of the studio school take part in festivals and reporting concerts.

The school also has its own workshop, where you can purchase or have comfortable clothes made to order for rehearsals. The studio gives children an excellent education and good prospects for the future.

The ballet "Todes" has long gained popularity among audiences for its stunning dynamics, unique musicality and coherence of movements. And all this is the merit of not only the talented dancers, but also their permanent leader Alla Dukhova. Once a sixteen-year-old girl who ran away from her parents' house with a troupe of circus performers... Who would have thought what would come of this self-taught dancer? And here you go: at the concerts of the ballet "Todes", which will take place on stage academic theater them. M. Gorky on June 9 and 10, expected to be sold out.

The life of Alla Dukhova, director of the Todes ballet, is equally divided between Riga, where she is from, where her home and children are, and Moscow, where her work is. “These two cities are equivalent for me,” says Alla. “But in each of them I lead completely different lives".

This year, Alla bought an apartment in Kuntsevo in the Russian capital, but never got around to improving it. Therefore, she still lives in a rented apartment in Moscow. Or rather, he spends the night: in the morning, without having time to have breakfast, he runs away and returns at two or three in the morning.

Dukhova admits that if it weren’t for Riga, her whole life would be continuous work. But the thought that children are waiting for her helps her break out of the series of endless tasks. And in Riga, Alla allows herself to take a break: “Here I gain strength and spend all my time with my children and loved ones.”

IN hometown at Dukhovaya big house in the most expensive, elite area - in Mezheparks. There are only private properties, pine trees and peaceful silence. But in the house of the head of “Todes” the noise is serious - after all, six children live in it! “We don’t have a house, but a whole kindergarten,” Alla notes cheerfully. The fact is that not only Dukhova lives in Mezheparks with her two children, 8-year-old Vladimir and 7-month-old Kostya, but also her sister Dina and her husband Arkady and their 6-year-old Polina, 3-year-old Innokenty and 2-year-old twins Rodion and Benjamin. (Dina danced in the first cast of Todes, but when she got married and the question arose: family or career, she chose family. Now she heads the Riga branch of Todes. Arkady is engaged in construction business.)

The sisters did not always live together. But one day a story happened that united two families under one roof. When Alla gave birth to her first son, a mouse appeared in her apartment. “I’m terribly afraid of mice and called my sister in a panic,” recalls Dukhova. “And Dina offered to live with her until this unfortunate mouse was caught in my apartment. And I moved, at first without my things. But somehow it turned out that “I began to live with them. Dina and Arkady themselves insisted on this, because I was constantly touring and I had no one to leave Vovka with.” So, because of an anecdotal story with a mouse, two families began to live together, and then decided to build one house for everyone.

“At first we wanted to build two houses,” says Alla, “but Arkady thought it was pointless. Then we would run to visit each other all day long, and for our son Volodya we would have to make a room for both me and Dina - after all , when I'm in Moscow, he lives with her. We didn't really consult with anyone about what our house would be like: Dina - on her half, I wouldn't mind building it on mine. the house is even larger, but in Riga the size of construction is strictly regulated, so I had to fit into my hundred square meters,” Alla complains. However, the house turned out to be rather large: 2 floors with an attic, 1000 square meters, 15 spacious rooms, among which, in addition to personal ones, there are also common rooms (two guest rooms, a children’s room, a playroom). In addition, the house has a swimming pool, solarium, sauna, and garage.

All members of this big family has its own cozy room. The only member of the family who remains without his own room is little Kostya, who sleeps in his mother’s bedroom, and his crib is next to hers. “I spent more time with my eldest son than with my youngest,” recalls Alla, “because then it was less work. Eight years ago everything was different: we worked with Valera Leontyev, “Todes” had one program that was staged specifically for him. There were not 16 studios of our ballet, and only 16 people worked in the main cast, while now there are 60! True, I gave birth to Kostya in the summer, when the studio in Moscow was closed. So I spent three months calmly next to him. And then everything started spinning again: now I spend one week in Moscow, the other with the children in Riga. Moreover, in the Russian capital I endlessly think about whether everything is okay at home, and in Riga - how is it in Todes. Of course, it would be more convenient for me to transport my children to Moscow, but I understand perfectly well that they are better off in Riga: the air is cleaner here, the school is a stone’s throw away, and tennis courts are nearby. Then there are six children here, they are friends, they feel good together, and it would probably be wrong to tear Vovka and Kostya away from them.”

Alla cannot be called a strict mother. And the children give her almost no reason to be dissatisfied. Vova is growing up very calm and thoughtful; he has been studying at music school, and the teachers praise him. He also studies English, karate, and tennis, so five days a week he appears at home only at eight in the evening. “It’s hard for him,” Dukhova admits. “But I think that children need to be disciplined already from kindergarten, then it will be easier for them later." Alla Dukhova does not meet Kostya's father, Anton, as often as they would like: either he is on tour, or she (they met two years ago in Bulgaria. Anton is a former DJ, but Now he works at Todes as a lighting designer.) So it turns out that they spend six months together, and half the year separately. “Of course, I miss him,” says Alla, “I’m looking forward to meeting him. But because we rarely see each other, everything feels like the first time. Anton recently said: “Well, wow, you and I are still having an affair, and our son is already six months old!” By the way, Alla and Anton are not officially married. But for her this is not important: “What good is it that I had official husband and there was a stamp in the passport? This did not keep us from getting a divorce..." (Alla was officially married once. But her husband Sergei, with whom she gave birth to Volodya, left for America. Dukhova did not follow him.)

The birth of children greatly changed not only the external life of Alla Dukhova, in many ways she became a different person: “Before their birth, I was much tougher. But now I began to look at people differently: after all, every person is someone’s son or someone’s daughter, someone's father or someone's mother. I probably became kinder, more attentive to people. life goals have changed: if before I lived only for work, now I know that I live for the sake of my children, and therefore I treat myself more carefully, I think about every step I take. I really want my sons to be proud of me and not be ashamed to say that their mother is Alla Dukhova."

Alla’s house is one of the most open in Riga; guests gather in it almost every day. And not only local residents. When going on tour to Latvia, Philip Kirkorov, Kristina Orbakaite and many other stars always visit Alla. Happened to Philip here funny story. Alla's house is guarded by the Giant Schnauzer Yarma, who greets each guest with a menacing bark, which, however, is only a formality. But she missed Philip's arrival. And late in the evening, when Kirkorov was leaving the living room, he unexpectedly came across the calmly sleeping Yarma. “Me too, guard dog!” - said the singer. She, having opened one eye slightly and without even moving, barked lazily for order. Even a dog understands perfectly well that his owner's house bad people they won't come in.

Irina Danilova, especially for "B"