Going to the circus on Vernadsky Avenue: how to get to the spectacular show. How to take your child to the circus for the first time

This story began in the very ordinary family. Here is the head of the family - dad Oleg. His right
hand - mother Irina. They have two wonderful children, a seven-year-old girl Polina and a boy
Zakhar is four years old.

One day dad bought tickets to the circus. The long-awaited Sunday has arrived, and the family
started getting ready for the show.

Ah, the circus, my love! How much joy you bring to people! What kind of miracles are there?
happening within your walls! And what amazing animals and birds appear in your light
spotlights! And what talented artists work, and how they work in your arena,
a sight for sore eyes! But let's continue...

So, the family got together and went to the circus. They got to the place by trolleybus,
They showed their tickets at the control, went inside and took their seats. Suddenly a trumpet sounded
trumpets, timpani rang, and the performance began.

The first act was a trainer with dogs. They jumped, danced and even
sang. At the end they bowed, the audience applauded and the performers left.

Then jugglers on unicycles performed. This number is also for everyone
I liked it.

Then two clowns with a dog jumped into the arena and began to teach it to ride.
bicycle It was very funny, because it turned out that the clowns themselves ride bicycles
They don’t know how and constantly fall.

The fakir came out next to the arena and showed such amazing tricks that the audience
applauded almost non-stop. Then the trainer came out with the camels, who
They turned out to be very smart and performed difficult tricks.

The audience was simply delighted and clapped their hands together. This is the first part

When after the break everyone sat down in their places, it turned out that Zakhar
I lost interest in performing. He no longer looked at the playpen at all, he turned his head around
sides, and then began to ask to be held by his mother.

Mom looked at the artists with all her eyes and, of course, did not take her son in her arms. Then
Zakhar crawled out of his seat and lay down on the floor in the aisle.

Dangling his raised legs in the air, the boy looked around. First he saw
other people's legs and seat legs. And then!..

Behind the farthest row of chairs crawled on their bellies two men who looked like
robbers. They were hiding from someone. “What are they up to?” - Zakhar thought and pulled
sister by the leg.

What do you want? – Polina asked.
- Come here, I'll show you something! – And Zakhar beckoned her with his hand.

Polina quietly crawled out of her seat and lay down next to her brother. He pointed her to
sneaking people.

These are thieves! – Polina immediately determined, “we must follow them!” Went!

And the children crawled between the rows behind the bearded guys. We were turning around in the arena
amazing events, because the performance of tigers and lions began. Therefore leaving
children and went unnoticed.

Brother and sister left auditorium and saw how these strange guys turned
around the corner. The children followed them and heard the following conversation:

Did you, Pockmarked, take those special gloves so that they wouldn’t scratch our hands? –
One person asked another.

Yes, I took it, I took it! – He answered, “Don’t drift, Shoe, everything will be okay!”

I expect to get good money for them! – The first one said and they moved on.

Polina looked her brother in the eye and said:
- These are definitely criminals! Have you heard what their nicknames are? One is Pockmarked, and the other is Shoe!
After all, there are no such names!

Zakhar nodded his head in agreement.
- Now we need to find out who can scratch them! - That's what Polina said, and the children
followed the criminals.

Pockmarked and Shoe (we’ll call them that too, since that’s what they call themselves)
walked along a long corridor and came to a cage with small tiger cubs. One of the guys
He pulled out a bunch of keys and unlocked the cage door.

Now it’s clear whose claws they are afraid of,” the girl whispered to her brother, “it’s not clear
But where is the security?

In fact, there was no security, and the criminals began to drag out
small tiger cubs and put them in a bag. The cubs meowed and called their mother, but she did not
could hear nothing, since she was performing in an arena where music was playing loudly.

Shoe threw the bag with four tiger cubs behind his back and moved towards the exit. Ryaboy locked
cage and also followed his partner. The children followed them relentlessly.

The criminals came to the basement, where there was an emergency exit. One of them again
He pulled out a bunch of keys, unlocked the door and they went outside.

Having looked around and made sure that there was no one nearby, the thieves ran to
a truck that was waiting for them nearby. The car was old and there was no way
I wanted to start.

Polina and Zakhar, like real detectives in a movie, quietly crossed the open
space and climbed into the back of the car. The thieves were so worried about the stalled engine,
that they didn’t see anything around. Finally the engine started and they drove off.

Where are we going? What if to another city? Why did they need tiger cubs? - Such
Polina asked herself questions, but she had no answers to any of them.

Zakhar would be glad to help, but he didn’t know how. He just looked at his
older sister. It soon became clear to the girl that the car had left the city, and then
There should be a traffic police post.

When we get to the checkpoint, I will shout that there are thieves here, and the police will catch them! - Said
Polina, but the car suddenly stopped.

The children heard one of the criminals come out and slam the door. In the back of the car there was
a lot of different things, so the children were able to quickly hide. Among other things was there
and a bicycle.

From the shelter, my sister and brother could clearly see how Ryaboy took a bicycle from the back and
I put it on the asphalt. What he did next was not clear.

Soon the car started moving and after some time passed the traffic police post without inspection.

Polina and Zakhar simply did not have time to call for help. After a short period
After a while the car stopped again.

There were cracks in the sides of the car, through which the brother and sister decided to look, for
Why did the car stop? They saw that Ryaboy arrived on a bicycle, on the trunk
he had a box, and in the box there was a bag of tiger cubs.

This is what cunning criminals did. Ryaboy carried the tiger cubs through the checkpoint on a bicycle
DPS. After all, police don’t search cyclists.

The pockmarked man pulled the bicycle up and laid it on the bottom of the truck. Zakhar at this moment is very
I was scared, but not for myself, but for my beloved sister. But everything worked out, they were not noticed, and
the car moved on.

Well, well, you are cunning, but we will catch you anyway! - The girl whispered, and Zakhar
shook his fist at the criminals.

Evening was approaching. The car stopped at some high fence. The shoe is out
from the cabin, talked about something with the guard and they were allowed through the gate. Brother and sister
We saw several helicopters laid up. This was the territory of the airfield.

Shoe and Ryaboy left the cockpit and walked towards one of the helicopters. In the hands of
there was a bag of tiger cubs.

What to do? What to do? – Polina was worried, and Zakhar pointed out to her a certain object,
fell out of Ryaby’s pocket when he was dragging the bicycle into the back of the car. It was
ordinary mobile phone.

The girl immediately called her mother and wanted to tell her that the criminals stole from the circus
tiger cubs and that they need to be rescued immediately. Unfortunately, mom was so scared that she was missing.
She screamed so loudly into the phone that it was completely impossible to talk to her.

Polina called the police, told about the abduction and asked for help. And since
they already knew about the theft, they sent riot police to this airfield.

The criminals, meanwhile, did not sleep. They managed to board the helicopter and launch
engine. The children decided to pursue the kidnappers in the air.

Polina and Zakhar ran to the helicopter, climbed into the cargo compartment under the bottom and
They grabbed hold of the staples there with their hands. The helicopter soared up.

From a bird's eye view, the children saw how a car with riot police drove into
territory of the airfield, as several people boarded another helicopter and so did he
rose into the air.

It was very scary for the children to fly at such a dizzying height in an uncomfortable
iron box, but they, without looking up, looked at the helicopter pursuing them and waited,
what will happen next.

Quite unexpectedly, the criminals opened fire on the riot police. Polina and Zakhar
They heard the machine gun cracking overhead, but they didn’t see who was shooting.

In response, the riot police also opened machine-gun fire. Now the children have seen very well,
as bullets hit their helicopter.

A few moments later, black acrid smoke appeared. It was one of the bullets that hit
apparently, into the engine of the helicopter where the criminals were. If the riot police knew what was there
there are children, they wouldn’t shoot.

The helicopter stopped obeying the rudder and began to gradually lose altitude. It was thick below
the forest and the helicopter, falling, hung on tall trees. Criminals screaming in horror
jumped out of the car and ran into the forest, trying to escape justice.

At this very time, the second helicopter hovered over the forest, and from it to the ground along a cable
The riot police descended and continued the pursuit. Polina and Zakhar did not fall
suffered and were not even hurt. Now they opened the lid of the cargo box and looked
down on how the operation goes.

Finally, the adults noticed the girl and boy. The men in uniform carefully removed them from
fallen car.

Small tiger cubs were also captured. They were alive and well, just a little
scared. The children were taken to the police station in a riot police vehicle, where they were already
parents were waiting.

Mom and dad were very happy that their dear children were safe and sound. stood nearby
the trainer who was given his precious tiger cubs, and he was also very happy about it.

Mom first hugged and kissed Polina, and then went up to Zakhar. The boy heard
as she said:
- My fathers, he’s sleeping!

Zakhar opened his eyes and saw that he, and his sister, and his mother, and his father, all
are not in the police department, but in the circus. The show is over and the audience
gradually leaving the hall. Zakhar was surprised that they ended up back at the circus so quickly,
and asked:

Have the thieves already been caught? And the riot police have already left? Where is the crashed helicopter?
Dad, mom and Polina laughed.

You dreamed it! – The mother said and kissed her son on the top of his head.
This is how this one ended wonderful story. And our heroes returned to their home.

Each child has his own readiness to visit circuses, theaters and museums. One child gets acquainted with the circus at the age of 1.5 years - he is brought into a noisy unfamiliar room and nothing happens, he reacts adequately to what is happening, rejoices and claps his hands. Parents think: this won’t last long, soon he will get tired of the abundance new information, but nothing like that, after the intermission the child continues watching with pleasure. Another, even at 4 years old, can fearfully hold on to his mother’s hand and be frightened by tigers running into the arena. What's the matter here? Of course, the reaction depends primarily on the character traits of the baby himself, but it is equally important to help him prepare for the meeting, and not just buy a ticket and bring him by the hand. At what age a child is ready to get acquainted with the circus, parents should feel for themselves, but still the most appropriate time is just over two years, although, of course, there are exceptions to the rules. At two years old, a child can already be explained a lot, and most importantly, he is ready to perceive the circus due to his psychological and physiological development. No psychologist will give you a clear definition of the age limits for going to the circus. Be guided by your own intuition - no one understands the peculiarities of a child’s behavior better than parents. You know his character, temperament, abilities and interests. Do you know what you can do to distract him and captivate him? If you have a brave, sociable and self-confident toddler, he will most likely perceive with interest an unfamiliar environment, animals, loud music and an abundance of people. Of course, it will be easier with a five-year-old child - he has a more varied life experience. He knows what to expect from a man dressed in a bright clown costume or a trained bear. But at any age it is advisable to preparatory activities before your first trip to the circus:
  1. Before visiting the circus, go to the zoo first. See how your child reacts to different animals. Especially those who can be met on the stage of the circus. If he is afraid of a bear or an elephant at the zoo, you will never persuade him to watch the “elephant dance” indoors. In a child's imagination, this picture will be even more terrifying. The main rule for parents is to respond to everything with a smile. Children always look at our reaction: I fell, I hit myself, but how does mom react to this? She smiles - it means it's not scary. And so it is in everything. Prepare in advance for the fact that you will have to visit the zoo more than once or twice. You can walk here every day, starting from infancy. The baby will quickly get used to various animals, begin to recognize their habits and, perhaps, he will have favorites. And when you come to the circus, he will happily meet “old acquaintances” there.
  2. Tell us about how wild animals differ from the same “artists” in the circus, that a trainer specially works with them, and they obey him. The child must learn that animals will not run out of the arena and should not be afraid of them. IN early age Children absolutely trust adults, so they will definitely believe you. The main thing is to rejoice and have fun with your child, and then he will have a favorable impression of what he sees.
  3. If possible, visit the circus tent. This one is small and exact copy big circus will help your child form an idea of ​​the upcoming show.
  4. To check your child’s reaction to clowns, go to the “Teresa Durova Clown Theater” or to a performance by a small clown group,
  5. Watch a videotape of a circus performance. Discuss with your child what he liked, what was not understood or scared him - “work through” these points.
  6. Get started preparatory conversations a few weeks before the upcoming trip, read poems and stories about the circus.

Buying tickets

Front row tickets for the first visit are contraindicated! Firstly, the child may be frightened by such proximity of circus performers, and secondly, he will not see the picture of the entire performance. Therefore, choose a row so that the baby’s gaze can cover the entire arena and effortlessly follow the performance of acrobats under the dome. Study the seating plan in advance. Most likely, the most optimal rows will be from the sixth to the tenth - higher is not necessary. You can buy tickets for those seats that are located opposite the orchestra and the artists' entrance - then the child will see how the performance begins, how the animals are brought into the arena. For the first time, choose seats closer to the exit - it may happen that you will have to leave several times during the performance. In this case, you will not disturb anyone, and you yourself will not feel awkward. And another important factor for a successful trip to the circus is the time of the performance. For children preschool age It's better to buy tickets for the morning shows. They usually start at 12 o'clock and last 3 hours with a break. Calculate so that you can return home for lunch and your child's nap. Even if your daily routine has changed, still put your baby in bed, at least for an hour, so that he doesn’t get overexcited in the evening. You can buy tickets for the evening performance. After lunch and nap, the child’s perception will be more intense, and new impressions and delight will be calmed by a peaceful conversation with the mother before bedtime.

How to dress and what to take with you

Of course, going to the circus is a holiday. Choose an outfit together with your baby, even on your own decision in this matter will help him feel the significance of the upcoming event. The circus room is warm enough; you don’t need to wear extra warm clothes. The situation is unfamiliar, so even if the child has long been accustomed to asking to go to the toilet, during the performance he may stare and not warn you of his need. Bring spare clothes and use the restroom or put on a diaper before the show. During intermission, your baby will probably get hungry, and the lines at the buffet are always long. Therefore, it is better to take with you food that is familiar to him, such as juice and cookies. But you still can’t avoid shopping: children are very fond of toys and various accessories - all of this will be sold in huge quantities from trays in the foyer. Buy your child a clown nose or ears as a souvenir of their camping trip. With their help, he can turn into a real clown and show his family what he saw at the circus. You can also take pictures with clowns or animals in the lobby, but only if the child wants it.

About the circus orchestra

In all the circuses of the world, the orchestra sounds loud and plays bravura music. This is due to the fact that animals work to these rhythms, and musical bars must be beaten loudly for them. Therefore, it is necessary to warn and prepare the child for fanfares and timpani. At home, when you listen to music together, turn the volume up louder than usual and tell your child that the music will be just as loud at the circus. You can attend a concert with orchestral music. At the circus, do not forget to warn your child before the start of the performance that the music is about to start playing very loudly. There is no need to say: “don’t be afraid,” otherwise he will be wary - if my mother says that, it means that something can scare me. You can get reverse effect. So, don't pre-program him to fear. Behave confidently and, looking at your calmness, the child will calmly perceive what is happening in the arena. If the baby does cry, maintain composure and do not break down. It will only get worse if you start shushing him and tugging at him. It will not be possible to restore calm, and you will have to leave.

Meeting with animals

If the child has not yet gotten used to the threatening large sizes bear or elephant in the zoo, then in the circus they can also scare him. Find out in advance what program number these animals will enter the arena, and invite your little one to go out into the hall to eat ice cream or something else before their performance. Find out in advance what animals you will meet during the show. If, for example, the child has never seen a snake, show it in the picture and tell him that in the circus he will see it alive, it is not scary at all, but very wise. When you first visit the circus, there should be fewer surprises. There are enough impressions already.

Presentation script

Usually the performance is built according to a general scenario. For example: "The Adventure of Pinocchio." Even an elephant can play the main character in a circus. They put a striped cap on him and Pinocchio is ready. So that the child has the right idea about this fairy tale character, read this fairy tale to him or retell it in a form understandable for his age. Introduce him to the main characters so that during the performance the child will immediately recognize central characters. You can guess the plot by the name of the program or, if it doesn’t tell you anything, ask about the script at the circus box office. For example, last year at the Moscow circus on Vernadsky Avenue the performance was called “Wedding of the Jays” and for very young children this spectacle was incomprehensible. Therefore, familiarity with the plot of the performance is also important point when preparing to go to the circus. It seems that the most serious challenge for a child in the circus, these are crowds of people, loud music and encounters with large animals, but clowns, magicians, acrobats and trapeze artists can also frighten a child.

About clowns

According to parents' observations, it is clowns that are the most difficult and longest for children to get used to. At an early age, a child may be frightened by this noisy and self-centered person. The kid may not accept the bright, awkward clown costume, much less his makeup or mask. Before going to the circus, first show your little one the clown in the picture, then try to approach him from afar on the street. Nowadays many city holidays are held with the participation of clowns. Buy a clown toy, tell your child that clowns are the most cheerful friends. You can play around with them and be naughty, scream and even do things that parents usually forbid. Clowns are the same children, only bigger ones. If possible, invite a clown to your birthday party, just explain to the artist in advance that some children will be seeing him for the first time. Ask the clown to put on makeup and transform right in front of the kids. Then it will be easier for them to accept it. Show how clown jokes and tricks make you laugh, so that the child understands that everything the clown does, he does to make everyone have fun. Dad and mom can (by purchasing children's anti-allergenic face makeup) together with the baby come up with their own clown masks.

About acrobats, magicians and trapeze artists

As a rule, children perceive these circus performers with pleasure and they do not cause any fear. Rather, on the contrary, the child will be fascinated by the manipulations of the magician and the jumps of gymnasts under the circus big top. But just in case, work on this topic too, so that unexpected problems do not arise. First of all, this concerns the tricks of illusionists. Their performances are usually accompanied by special effects in the form of smoke or fireworks. If possible, warn your baby about this so that he does not get scared. You need to remember that during the performance the lights are often turned off, so “play out” this moment at home. Start preparing your child at least a week before the planned hike. Tell him about the circus every day. Don’t forget to “work through” those features that we have already talked about. Explain to him the rules of behavior: during the performance you cannot get up from your seat and go down to the arena; You cannot shout loudly when aerialists and animals are performing; can't eat; and you definitely need to applaud the artists at the end of the performance - this is the most important thing for them. But do not overload your baby with rules and prohibitions. If he does something wrong, we can talk about it next time.

We're at the circus!

And now the long-awaited day has come. It's better to arrive early, before the show starts. Take a walk in the lobby and get used to the atmosphere and atmosphere of the circus. Visit the restroom. When you enter the hall, tell and show your child where the artists will come from and where the musicians will sit. During the performance, look not only at the stage, but also at your baby. Watch his reaction, explain and comment on everything that happens. Don’t be embarrassed by those around you, they will understand you, especially since there is loud music in the circus, and you won’t disturb anyone. If the baby wants to sit in your arms, let him sit, closeness loved one will help him overcome fear and inconvenience. If, despite the preparatory measures, the child still bursts into tears and refuses to watch, do not force him to sit, much less scold him. Try going out into the lobby, offering him water or something tasty. Take a walk on fresh air and try to enter the hall again. If it doesn’t work out, don’t be upset yourself, and don’t tell him that he’s a coward, etc. Encourage your child and tell him that the artists will be waiting for him, despite the fact that he has left. They understand everything and know that today it didn’t work out for him, and they are not offended at all, but on the contrary, they will always be glad to meet him another time.

Elena Moskalenko

The game is an activity.

"Going to the Circus"


Development of children's artistic abilities, creative thinking, imagination through theatrical activities.


Cultivate a sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

Development of children's artistic abilities, creative thinking, imagination through theatrical activities.

Develop the ability to convey the character traits of animals and depict using expressive means(movements, plastic movements, pantomime)

Encourage children to want to participate in various types creative activity, show your abilities.

Equipment: Animal hats (bunnies, bears, horses, hoop, inflatable weights, inflatable ball (large, gymnastic stick, handkerchiefs.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher gathers the children on the carpet in a circle.

Today guys, I invite you to play animals. You can hear the dog barking!

Who came to us? (Bug's dog)

Hello Zhuchka, look what a beautiful dog. Maybe you want to play with us? We know a game that talks about you too.

Game: "Shaggy Dog".

You and I have played animals many times already. We learned to show how they move and play. What types of characters are there: cunning, cowardly, brave, timid. What animals did we play? (Various, fabulous, circus). Where can you see many different animals? (zoo, circus).

Do you love the circus?

Remember we played the circus. They were circus performers, portraying trained animals. Would you like to play circus again? Let's arrange a real circus performance with you?

Let's take her with us and show her circus acts.

What do we need to get into the circus? (tickets)

We made the tickets ourselves. Who will distribute the tickets?

Take your seats.

Children sit on chairs.

The teacher turns away and puts on the clown’s cap and nose.

The teacher is a presenter and a clown at the same time.

Clown (teacher) The clown Fantik is in the arena all the time.

Attention! Dear audience! A fun circus has arrived!

Number "Horses"

Attention! Now trained horses are performing. They can walk, run, and gallop beautifully.

The horses run out.

Run, march! (The horses run in a circle at a small trot, with their front legs (arms) tucked in.) Well done! Our horses can jump over a stick (they jump over a gymnastic stick). Dance, (beat with a hoof, shake your head).

Spectators applaud the trained horses. The horses bow and run away.

Room "Girya"

The clown, straining himself, brings a fake weight into the arena and wipes the sweat from his face.

A weight lifting specialist, a world-famous heavyweight athlete, is invited to the arena.

Meet! Strongman - Kirill

An athlete enters the arena, legs in a wheel, chest drawn in. Stands in front of the weights. He grabs the weight, lifts the weight to his shoulder, then lifts it up. A clown escorts an athlete with a raised weight in his hand from the stage.

And now Intermission! Let's play.

Physical exercise “Bunnies”.

Room "Trained Bears"

The next number is the world famous folk artists fairy forest: scientists bears.

They know how to roar, dance a square dance, and ask the audience for sweets (Bears run out.)

Sweet Tooth Bear, show how you know how to ask for something sweet (The bear waves his paw. They give him candy)

Boris the bear can play ball. (Ball game with a clown and spectators) - Well done! Bears can dance merrily (They dance with handkerchiefs)

Room “Nimble Bunnies”

Your guests are four-legged artists - trained bunnies.

Hello, up! To me! (Children pretending to be bunnies run out) Stop! (The bunnies tuck their paws (arms) and stretch out on tiptoe, standing on one leg).

How many paws do you have? (show two paws) How many ears do you have? (show two ears) How many tails do you have? (show one ponytail)

Bunnies dance to cheerful music.

Spectators, applaud! (the bunnies bow and run away.)

The performance is over. I invite all artists to the arena. Parade alley! (all children performing roles walk in a circle)

Clown performs a magic trick with a box (a surprise for every child)

The teacher takes off the clown's wig.

Today we attended a wonderful performance at the circus!

Did you like playing circus?

What artists did we meet? (clown, strongman)

What trained animals have you seen? (bears, bunnies, horses)

But it was you guys who so diligently and expressively portrayed artists and animals

Thanks guys! I liked it very much? Did you like the performance, Zhuchka? (the teacher seems to be talking to the dog)

He says he liked it and doesn’t even want to leave. Stay and stay with us in the group, we will welcome you puppet show we'll invite you.

Many parents have encountered in practice the situation of an unsuccessful first visit to the circus with their child. It would seem that he has grown up, is accustomed to loud music, and is showing interest in songs and dances. However, with the first beats of the drums and the sounds of fanfares, the baby begins to sob inconsolably, not paying attention to the parents’ entreaties and attempts to calm him down. As a result, the holiday was ruined, and going to the circus became a big stress for both the parents and the baby. What is the mistake and what do you need to know about your first trip to a circus performance?

At what age can you go to the circus?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Some kids respond well to the circus atmosphere as early as one and a half years old, while others begin to cry inconsolably and ask to leave at four years of age. It all depends on the character of the child. Parents should feel that the time has come to go to the circus for the first time.


Average age The first visit is two years old: this is the beginning of the period when a lot can be explained to the baby.

How to properly prepare a child for the first visit to a circus performance: trips to the zoo


A visit to the zoo will be excellent preparation for your baby. You can go there even from infancy. During each visit, you should explain to the child who is where, and observe with him their life and behavior.

Gradually you will see how your baby will happily react to his next visit to the zoo. Now it's time to go to the circus. There he will see previously familiar animals and will be very happy with them.

Show an example of your attitude towards animals and ideas

When visiting the zoo, explain to your child that a trainer works with the animals; he is responsible for raising and caring for them. You should be relaxed, friendly and enjoy interacting with animals. The child will see this attitude in the parents and gradually adopt it. The same can be done by turning on a recording of a circus performance at home, and by reacting to show how much you admire the events taking place on stage.

What are the best places to choose in the circus?


Remember that buying tickets to the first row is contraindicated for your first visit.

Even with good preliminary preparation, the baby may get scared and cry. You should study the seating layout in advance. Usually it is optimal to choose places from five to ten. It's not too close to the arena, but the viewing angle at these places is quite large.


Before the start of the performance, you should arrive in advance before the start of the performance, help your child adapt to the circus, and walk with him around the foyer and hall. The success of your first visit to a circus performance primarily depends on good preparatory work parents.

How to teach children ethical behavior in in public places? Parenting. Mom's school

“Finally, the baby has grown up and is ready to go to the circus!” - you decided, bought tickets, came to the circus next weekend and happily awaited the start of the performance. Suddenly, from the very first loud fanfare, the child gets scared and begins to sob inconsolably. No amount of persuasion helps, and you understand that you need to go home. What's the matter?

Age and training

Each child has his own readiness to visit circuses, theaters and museums. One child gets acquainted with the circus at the age of 1.5 years - he is brought into a noisy unfamiliar room and nothing happens, he reacts adequately to what is happening, rejoices and claps his hands. Parents think: this won’t last long, soon he will get tired of the abundance of new information, but nothing like that, after the intermission the child continues watching with pleasure. Another, even at 4 years old, can fearfully hold on to his mother’s hand and be frightened by tigers running into the arena. What's the matter here? Of course, the reaction depends primarily on the character traits of the baby himself, but it is equally important to help him prepare for the meeting, and not just buy a ticket and bring him by the hand.

At what age a child is ready to get acquainted with the circus, parents should feel for themselves, but still the most appropriate time is just over two years, although, of course, there are exceptions to the rules. At two years old, a child can already be explained a lot, and most importantly, he is ready to perceive the circus due to his psychological and physiological development.

No psychologist will give you a clear definition of the age limits for going to the circus. Be guided by your own intuition - no one understands the peculiarities of a child’s behavior better than parents. You know his character, temperament, abilities and interests. Do you know what you can do to distract him and captivate him? If you have a brave, sociable and self-confident toddler, he will most likely perceive with interest an unfamiliar environment, animals, loud music and an abundance of people. Of course, it will be easier with a five-year-old child - he has more varied life experience. He knows what to expect from a man dressed in a bright clown costume or a trained bear.

But at any age, it is advisable to carry out preparatory activities before the first trip to the circus:

  1. Before visiting the circus, go to the zoo first. See how your child reacts to different animals. Especially those who can be met on the stage of the circus. If he is afraid of a bear or an elephant at the zoo, you will never persuade him to watch the “elephant dance” indoors. In a child's imagination, this picture will be even more terrifying. The main rule for parents is to respond to everything with a smile. Children always look at our reaction: I fell, I hit myself, but how does mom react to this? She smiles - it means it's not scary. And so it is in everything. Prepare in advance for the fact that you will have to visit the zoo more than once or twice. You can walk here every day, starting from infancy. The baby will quickly get used to various animals, begin to recognize their habits and, perhaps, he will have favorites. And when you come to the circus, he will happily meet “old acquaintances” there.
  2. Tell us about how wild animals differ from the same “artists” in the circus, that a trainer specially works with them, and they obey him. The child must learn that animals will not run out of the arena and should not be afraid of them. At an early age, children absolutely trust adults, so they will definitely trust you. The main thing is to rejoice and have fun with your child, and then he will have a favorable impression of what he sees.
  3. If possible, visit the circus tent. This small and exact copy of the big circus will help your child form an idea of ​​the upcoming show.
  4. To check your child’s reaction to clowns, go to the “Teresa Durova Clown Theater” or to a performance by a small clown group,
  5. Watch a videotape of a circus performance. Discuss with your child what he liked, what was not understood or scared him - “work through” these points.
  6. Start preparatory conversations a few weeks before the upcoming trip, read poems and stories about the circus.

Buying tickets

Front row tickets for the first visit are contraindicated!

Firstly, the child may be frightened by such proximity of circus performers, and secondly, he will not see the picture of the entire performance. Therefore, choose a row so that the baby’s gaze can cover the entire arena and effortlessly follow the performance of acrobats under the dome.

Study the seating plan in advance. Most likely, the most optimal rows will be from the sixth to the tenth - higher is not necessary. You can buy tickets for those seats that are located opposite the orchestra and the artists' entrance - then the child will see how the performance begins, how the animals are brought into the arena.

For the first time, choose seats closer to the exit - it may happen that you will have to leave several times during the performance. In this case, you will not disturb anyone, and you yourself will not feel awkward.

And another important factor for a successful trip to the circus is the time of the performance. For preschool children, it is better to buy tickets for the morning sessions. They usually start at 12 o'clock and last 3 hours with a break. Calculate so that you can return home for lunch and your child's nap. Even if your daily routine has changed, still put your baby in bed, at least for an hour, so that he doesn’t get overexcited in the evening.

You can buy tickets for the evening performance. After lunch and nap, the child’s perception will be more intense, and new impressions and delight will be calmed by a peaceful conversation with the mother before bedtime.

How to dress and what to take with you

Of course, going to the circus is a holiday. Choose an outfit together with your baby, let his independent decision in this matter help him feel the significance of the upcoming event. The circus room is warm enough; you don’t need to wear extra warm clothes.

The situation is unfamiliar, so even if the child has long been accustomed to asking to go to the toilet, during the performance he may stare and not warn you of his need. Bring extra clothes, and before the show, visit the restroom or put on diaper.

During intermission, your baby will probably get hungry, and the lines at the buffet are always long. Therefore, it is better to take with you food that is familiar to him, such as juice and cookies. But you still can’t avoid shopping: children are very fond of toys and various accessories - all of this will be sold in huge quantities from trays in the foyer. Buy your child a clown nose or ears as a souvenir of their camping trip. With their help, he can turn into a real clown and show his family what he saw at the circus.

You can also take pictures with clowns or animals in the lobby, but only if the child wants it.

About the circus orchestra

In all the circuses of the world, the orchestra sounds loud and plays bravura music. This is due to the fact that animals work to these rhythms, and musical bars must be beaten loudly for them. Therefore, it is necessary to warn and prepare the child for fanfares and timpani. At home, when you listen to music together, turn the volume up louder than usual and tell your child that the music will be just as loud at the circus. You can attend a concert with orchestral music. At the circus, do not forget to warn your child before the start of the performance that the music is about to start playing very loudly. There is no need to say: “don’t be afraid,” otherwise he will be wary - if my mother says that, it means that something can scare me. You may get the opposite effect. So, don't pre-program him to fear. Behave confidently and, looking at your calmness, the child will calmly perceive what is happening in the arena. If the baby does cry, maintain composure and do not break down. It will only get worse if you start shushing him and tugging at him. It will not be possible to restore calm, and you will have to leave.

Meeting with animals

If a child has not gotten used to the threateningly large size of a bear or elephant in the zoo, then in the circus they can also frighten him. Find out in advance what program number these animals will enter the arena, and invite your little one to go out into the hall to eat ice cream or something else before their performance.

Find out in advance what animals you will meet during the show. If, for example, the child has never seen a snake, show it in the picture and tell him that in the circus he will see it alive, it is not scary at all, but very wise.

When you first visit the circus, there should be fewer surprises. There are enough impressions already.

Presentation script

Usually the performance is built according to a general scenario. For example: "The Adventure of Pinocchio." Even an elephant can play the main character in a circus. They put a striped cap on him and Pinocchio is ready. In order for your child to have a correct idea of ​​this fairy-tale character, read this fairy tale to him or retell it in a form understandable for his age.

Introduce him to the main characters so that during the performance the child immediately recognizes the central characters. You can guess the plot by the name of the program or, if it doesn’t tell you anything, ask about the script at the circus box office. For example, last year at the Moscow circus on Vernadsky Avenue the performance was called “Wedding of the Jays” and for very young children this spectacle was incomprehensible. Therefore, familiarity with the plot of the performance is also an important point when preparing a trip to the circus.

It seems that the biggest challenge for a child in the circus is crowds of people, loud music and encounters with large animals, but clowns, magicians, acrobats and trapeze artists can also frighten a child.

About clowns

According to parents' observations, it is clowns that are the most difficult and longest for children to get used to. At an early age, a child may be frightened by this noisy and self-centered person. The kid may not accept the bright, awkward clown costume, much less his makeup or mask. Before going to the circus, first show your little one the clown in the picture, then try to approach him from afar on the street. Nowadays many city holidays are held with the participation of clowns. Buy a clown toy and tell your child that clowns are the most fun friends. You can play around with them and be naughty, scream and even do things that parents usually forbid. Clowns are the same children, only bigger ones. If possible, invite a clown to your birthday party, just explain to the artist in advance that some children will be seeing him for the first time. Ask the clown to put on makeup and transform right in front of the kids. Then it will be easier for them to accept it. Show how clown jokes and tricks make you laugh, so that the child understands that everything the clown does, he does to make everyone have fun. Dad and mom can (by purchasing children's anti-allergenic face makeup) together with the baby come up with their own clown masks.

About acrobats, magicians and trapeze artists

As a rule, children perceive these circus performers with pleasure and they do not cause any fear. Rather, on the contrary, the child will be fascinated by the manipulations of the magician and the jumps of gymnasts under the circus big top. But just in case, work on this topic too, so that unexpected problems do not arise. First of all, this concerns the tricks of illusionists. Their performances are usually accompanied by special effects in the form of smoke or fireworks. If possible, warn your baby about this so that he does not get scared.

You need to remember that during the performance the lights are often turned off, so “play out” this moment at home.

Start preparing your child at least a week before the planned hike. Tell him about the circus every day. Don’t forget to “work through” those features that we have already talked about. Explain to him the rules of behavior: during the performance you cannot get up from your seat and go down to the arena; You cannot shout loudly when aerialists and animals are performing; can't eat; and you definitely need to applaud the artists at the end of the performance - this is the most important thing for them. But do not overload your baby with rules and prohibitions. If he does something wrong, we can talk about it next time.

We're at the circus!

And now the long-awaited day has come. It's better to arrive early, before the show starts. Take a walk in the lobby and get used to the atmosphere and atmosphere of the circus. Visit the restroom. When you enter the hall, tell and show your child where the artists will come from and where the musicians will sit. During the performance, look not only at the stage, but also at your baby. Watch his reaction, explain and comment on everything that happens. Don’t be embarrassed by those around you, they will understand you, especially since there is loud music in the circus, and you won’t disturb anyone.

If the baby wants to sit in your arms, let him sit; the closeness of a loved one will help him overcome fear and inconvenience. If, despite the preparatory measures, the child still bursts into tears and refuses to watch, do not force him to sit, much less scold him. Try going out into the lobby, offering him water or something tasty. Take a walk in the fresh air and try going into the gym again.


Yes, that’s exactly how it is. We went to the circus for the first time when we were just over 2 years old. By that time, we were familiar with the animals well from the zoo, my daughter really liked the gymnasts and acrobats, and in general she liked everything except the clowns, although I didn’t particularly prepare her for going to the circus, but at home we had a toy clown, and she really liked the pictures of clowns in one of the clinics, and in the park she once saw small show clowns. But at the circus she was very scared of them, even though she wanted to leave, she barely persuaded her to stay, even when we were watching a recording of the performance, she asked her to turn it off when they were performing :-(.

Comment on the article "First trip to the circus"

Have you taken 6-year-old children to the circus on Vernadsky Avenue? I try to hush up talk about the circus. I had to go once, of course. In this sense, Durov's corner is better.


I have loved the circus since childhood. And I live not far from the circus on Vernadsky. But we don't like him. On Tsvetnoy it also depends on the presentation, but overall it’s much more decent.

it deteriorated and became a booth, we weren’t even there, I saw the recordings.
But on Tsvetnoy, too, you know, a couple of years ago we attended a super popular program, which won some places and awards. I left in bewilderment: why cabaret and striptease in children's place? Can’t dads meet these needs without children?)
But I also don’t like the circus because of the animals. I try to hush up talk about the circus. I had to go once, of course.
In this sense, Durov's corner is better.
Otherwise, I would replace the circus with theater (well, I do) definitely.

Maybe there are some more circus performances, it is with your experience of visiting, otherwise Yandex is looking for something, but how much of a circus performance?


I didn't like the show. The children seemed fine, but I didn’t see any outright delight. The hall was half empty (Sunday evening performance). The best places are opposite the artists' exit, of course. At the end of the number with gymnasts on a swing, the cable holding their trampoline passed right over my head (1st row, sector C), and over the heads of some of those sitting above, too. I had to lean to the side. I almost didn’t see this number because I was sitting under the net :).
I liked the short number with the boxing kangaroo. On this, it seems to me, all my impressions ended. The predators were leopards, it seems. The trainers were poorly obeyed. And the net, it seemed to me, was too low :) There were dogs, birds, horses.
But my opinion: it was a waste of time :(

PS: in March some new program, Like Russia, will start on Vernadsky, maybe it’s better for it? Obviously, the Designer was not a success for them, maybe at least they improved here..

my daughter and her husband went today, they both liked it, they both came happy. True, we are not fans of the circus - my husband and I last time We were in childhood and adolescence, but my daughter never saw Vernadsky at all.


We went to Vernadsky, well, I expected more and the children got bored, the performances were very long. I liked the walruses or the seals VERY much, my husband and I were already in tears, how smart they are. The illusion was normal, the rest was so-so.

over the past three years there have been 2 times in color and the same number in Vernadsky. In color it’s a complete disappointment, in Vernadsky I’m always delighted.

attitude towards the circus.. Serious question. About yours, about your girl’s. Since this summer I have hated all circus manipulations with wild animals (or formerly wild ones) I categorically...


Until the age of 12, she lived in a house next to the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Naturally, I went to every new performance + to all the street ones (we were on balconies on holidays)
She was not indifferent, but she did not admire either. The circus was a special atmosphere for me, not a theater, not a movie - a CIRCUS. The smell that greeted you at the entrance, the thick layer of sawdust under your feet, the sounds of animals, the atmosphere itself - it was a circus
Then they set it on fire, then demolished it - I loved the ruins with the remains of a curtain made from mirror balls
At the age of 15 I first came to the “new” circus. Spit it out
Then I was in the new one on Tsvetnoy - this is not a circus
I became indifferent to the circus - it’s a theater, and the theater is not of very high quality (or the program was unsuccessful, I don’t know)
What I was waiting for so much before was completely killed - there is no clownery. And what is now being portrayed is a pitiful resemblance to those Clowns that I found in the old circus on Tsvetnoy.
This year I was in Thailand. A separate topic is circus performances with huge animals - tigers, lions and a lot of elephants.
Since this summer I have hated all circus manipulations with wild animals (or formerly wild ones)
I am categorically AGAINST the training of large predators and, in general, anyone who cannot be “tamed” without pain. And those from whom they earn money without their consent.......
In short, the attitude is complex, close to negative.
I recently saw a Chinese circus - amazing work of people on themselves and on entertainment. What I saw here after the demolition of the old one on Tsvetnoy.... they just extort money for sound-color-special effects