What does a person's native language mean? The role of a person’s native language. Read an essay on the Russian language on the topic of your native language for free

Have you heard, dear readers, about the Kingdom of the Russian Language? One day, not just anyone, but Emelya himself got there...

“About the Russian language and Emelya”
Author of the tale: Iris Review

Emelya somehow ended up in the Kingdom of the Russian Language. Here and there beautiful speech is heard, clever proverbs are spoken. The people live literately. Everyone knows crafts. Fast cars are running in the Kingdom. And the people are beautiful and friendly.

Emelya comes into a house and asks to spend the night. But his speech is clumsy, he distorts words and phrases. The owners let him into the door, and the next morning they said: “You should learn, Emelya.”

“I don’t feel like it,” was the answer.

And soon Emelya got bored and got ready to go home. Yes, he cannot find the right words to tell where the state in which he lives is located. I made sentences, spoke words, but nothing was clear. Without knowing Russian, you won’t even get home.

Emela had to go to school and study. And the school in the Kingdom of the Russian Language was good. They quickly taught Emelya some sense there. Emelya also received important lessons in the Russian language.

And then he told his owners where the state in which he lived was located, and they suggested the path to him.

And Emelya went home literate.

Questions for the fairy tale “About the Russian Language and Emelya”

Which Kingdom did Emelya end up in?

What speech was heard in this Kingdom?

Did Emelya know how to speak beautifully and correctly?

Why couldn’t Emelya explain where he lives?

Where did Emelya learn Russian?

Do you like Russian language lessons?

We have a sacred thing - the Russian language. Century after century, the Russian people followed their unique historical path. And at all times his constant “companion” was the Russian language. Centuries, customs, mores, forms of organization and psychology changed, and the language of the people also underwent changes. And yet, for thousands of years it remained the same Russian language. The language they spoke Grand Duke Kyiv Vladimir (Krasno Solnyshko), Lomonosov and Radishchev, Pushkin and Lermontov, Yesenin and Chekhov.

Russian language takes important place in the galaxy of languages ​​of the world. The Russian language belongs to the linguistic system of related Indo-European languages, which in origin go back to the Indo-European proto-language. It was used by the ancestors of a number of peoples living in the vast expanses of Europe and Asia. According to its specifics (features of grammar, phonetics and vocabulary), the Russian language differs from other languages language families: Turkic, Finno-Ugric, Sino-Tibetan and others.

The Russian language (the language of the Russian people) is a variety of the East Slavic branch within the Indo-European language family.

Russian is the official language Russian state. Eat the federal law, accepted State Duma and called this: “On the state language Russian Federation" This law is aimed at ensuring the use of the state language of the Russian Federation, protecting and developing linguistic culture.

All state acts, laws, regulations, protocols, orders (official documents) in Russia are written in Russian.

Russia is a multinational state. And it is the Russian language that is the language of interethnic, interstate communication. It belongs to the family of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world.

... From childhood to old age, a person’s life is inextricably linked with language. The first syllables of “ma-ma”, lullabies, fairy tales, poems - and now my acquaintance with the Russian language has begun. It continues at school, university, and, in fact, throughout our entire lives. Through words, reading, speech, we learn a lot. Something that was never known or seen. And it is possible that we will never see it. We comprehend the world through words. Stories from teachers, conversations with mom, good books, fascinating films, necessary information with electronic media– and the world becomes closer to us. The universe reveals its secrets.

One of the main wealth of a people is its language! For centuries, the eternal treasures of human thought and experience have multiplied and live in the word. Language did not appear “suddenly” - it is the result of the development of more than one millennium.

Language is the primary means of human communication. No less important is the fact that language is a tool of thinking. “Human thinking is based on linguistic means.”

Russian language is one of the the most complex languages in the world. He is melodious and beautiful, gentle and lyrical. There is a lot written on it magnificent works. Works are written in literary language. Literary language- This highest form Russian language is the language of national culture.

The Russian language has a huge number of words. But to write a good one literary work, it’s not enough just to pick the right words. To make it interesting, a huge amount of work needs to be done. We all know the imperishable masterpieces - . Several centuries have passed since their publication. But they are still on everyone's lips; and all because Krylov’s fables are magnificent, complete dramatic works, and their language is the absolutely perfect Russian language. Krylov's works are full of amazing phraseological turns, apt expressions, and subtle phrases. Most likely, only a person for whom Russian is a native language can fully appreciate the creations of this author. And, although Krylov’s works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, those who speak Russian perfectly will be able to fully experience the “aroma” that the language of Krylov’s fables exudes. About two hundred lines of rough sketches were found for Krylov’s well-known fable “The Cuckoo and the Rooster,” which in its final version consisted of only twenty-one lines. This is how carefully the great fabulist handled the Russian word, the Russian language.

The representative of Russian sentimentalism, Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (1766-1825), once correctly noted: “ The true richness of a language lies not in the multitude of sounds, not in the multitude of words, but in the number of thoughts expressed by it. A rich language is one in which you will find words not only to signify the main ideas, but also to explain their differences, their shades, greater or lesser strength, simplicity and complexity. Otherwise he is poor; poor with all his millions of words. In a language enriched by intelligent authors, in a developed language there cannot be synonyms; they always have some subtle differences between themselves, famous for writers who master the spirit of language, think for themselves, feel for themselves, and are not parrots of others».

The prominent teacher, critic and literary critic Alexei Fedorovich Merzlyakov wrote and discussed the Russian language. He was a teacher in the literature department at Moscow University. Was a teacher A.S. Griboedova. Alexey Fedorovich's lectures were a constant success among students. Merzlyakov highly valued Russian literature of the 18th century and attached great importance poetry and, studied the Russian language. He wrote: “Z Lomonosov’s services to language and Literature are immortal. - In his writings, with sweet amazement, Russians noticed for the first time the wealth, splendor, splendor of their language... They found everything new language, new words, new sounds; felt that they were family and wondered why they had not known them before».

A friend of the Lyceum, a prominent participant in the Decembrist movement, fought for purity and for the establishment of the Russian language. In his journalistic article “On the direction of our poetry, especially lyrical poetry, in the last decade” (1824), which caused a huge resonance in society, Kuchelbecker wrote: “ May truly Russian poetry be created for the glory of Russia; May Holy Rus' not only in the civil, but also in the moral world, be the first power in the universe!.. Chronicles, songs and folk tales are the best, purest, most reliable sources for our literature».

The Russian language, which united ancestors and descendants, united the nation, changing over time, never interrupting its history for a moment, has become one of the most perfect and full-fledged languages ​​in the world. Outstanding French writer Prosper Merimee emphasized: “ ... the French language, supported by Greek and Latin, calling on all its dialects for help ... and even the language of the times of Francois Rabelais - unless it alone could give an idea of ​​​​this sophistication and the energetic power ... of the Russian language".

Our native language is the language that we hear around us from the very beginning. early age. Each nation has its own. The language belonging to a particular nation reflects its culture and customs. Our mother tongue is our heritage. It was formed over many centuries, absorbing everything that happened around it, reflecting the thoughts and mood of the people and what they experienced. Many events affected its development. And the patriotic people of their language put a lot into it. These are great and famous writers, poets and many others.

And our Russian language is very diverse, melodic and beautiful. It is not for nothing that he is called mighty. Just think how many means of expression there are in it. Russian vocabulary is rich: many phraseological units and speech patterns. And how many options there are in our speech on how to call the same phenomenon! With the help of the Russian language, you can express all shades of feelings, thoughts, and everything else, you can describe everything down to the smallest detail. And all this because he is really very rich!

But it's not that simple either. It seems easy only until you start studying it. And during this process you will learn a lot of new and interesting things. You encounter many pitfalls on the paths of its knowledge. But all these are little things. After all, a truly powerful and strong language requires careful study.

How was our speech formed? native language! It also has a rich history. And this once again proves his greatness and versatility. Throughout its development, both the spelling rules and the meanings of words changed, some even fell out of use. Not everyone knows how many of them mean now. Such words are called obsolete.

And so, it’s interesting: many of them didn’t just sink into oblivion. Yes, we don’t use them now in their original meaning. But, on the other hand, words are formed from them that are also present in the modern Russian language. True, the meanings of many of them are already different.

In my opinion, this is a very interesting and entertaining science - language learning. And, besides, everyone simply must know their native language!

Essay Russian is my native language

Since ancient times, people have exchanged thoughts, expressed their emotions and conveyed information not only with gestures, but also with the help of language. After all, only humans can write and read; this is one of the main differences between us and animals. After all, it is speech that says that we are able to think, reflect and delve deeper into our thoughts.

Every nation has its own language. It is he who shows the character, color and dialect of a given people.

As for me, I really love my native language. My language is Russian. It is rich in dialects, shades with different sides. The Russian language is full of synonymy, turns and melody. After all, what does it take to just read a poem in your native Russian language... It’s a joy that brings pleasure, and if you also endure all the pauses and arrange the intonations, then it’s simple magical ritual carrying you away into the distance. Perhaps someone will say that I am biased, because I was born in a country with this language. Yes, it’s possible, but still I believe that there is no language more beautiful and stronger than ours. After all, even during the Great Patriotic War, people went to victory with our loud Russian “HURRAY!”

I can say with complete confidence that language is a living organism that is capable of growing and changing along with its people! Even the appearance of some new words, in my opinion, is good. New words show that we are not standing still, we are developing! And development always leads to prosperity.

From the early childhood Parents instill in their children the need to be literate. And literacy includes proficiency in one's native language at the highest level. It is necessary not only to speak correctly, but also to write!

With all this, Russian is considered the most difficult language to learn throughout the world, and in general for its native speakers. Sometimes, not immediately coping with one thing or another in teaching my native language, I cannot imagine which foreigners who came to us on exchange or for some other reason should study it.

Children initially do not understand why language is needed, so the task of parents is to explain it to them. Explain with the understanding that language is life! Later, the child himself will understand what’s what, but at the beginning of the journey, everything needs to be explained to him. At school and in higher education educational institutions Children will, of course, be taught to write, read and much more, but it is worth remembering that the deepest foundation is given in early childhood. And in general, if our native language is treated with respect and deep respect, then it will never be included in the list of “dead” languages.

2, 3, 4 grade

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My family's native language.

Look around and you will see many fascinating things created by the mind and hands of man: radio, telephone, cars, ships, planes, rockets. But the most amazing and wise thing that humanity has created is language. All people on earth can speak. They speak different languages, but all languages ​​have one task: to help people, to understand each other when communicating, in common work.

We recognize the Turkish language,

Italian, Danish, Swedish,

And we admit Japanese

Both English and French

But in native land in Russian

We write, we think, we eat.

Then we can only breathe freely,

If we hear native speech,

This “Factual story for children” was told by S. Mikhalkov. A story about our native language. Is this true? More like reality!

Our native Russian language is one of the most developed and rich languages ​​in the world. This National language Russian people, the state language of the Russian Federation and the language of interethnic communication. Without language, the life of man and society as a whole, the development of science, technology, and art is impossible. Great value The language is marked by Russian proverbs and sayings: “Without a tongue the bell is silent”, “With the tongue they weave lace”, “The tongue is a banner: it leads squads”.

The richness and expressiveness of the native language and its great role in the history of civilization were noted by writers and poets, scientists and cultural figures. The classic of French literature Prosper Merimee, who learned Russian, noted: “Rich, sonorous, lively, distinguished by the flexibility of stress and infinitely varied in onomatopoeia, capable of conveying the finest shades Endowed, like Greek, with almost limitless creative thought, the Russian language seems to us created for poetry.”

Do we think about what a wonderful inheritance - the Russian language - we have inherited from past centuries? Which long haul Has our language evolved, from wall paintings to the alphabet? How many people worked to improve it until it became what it is today?

Let's think about it. And we understand that our language is worthy of love and close study. We are proud of his amazing resilience: he survived the years of turmoil and devastation. We admire its amazing beauty when we read poetry and fiction.

I now remember a poem by A. Yashin:

I love my native language!

It is clear to everyone.

He is melodious

He, like the Russian people, has many faces,

As our power, mighty.

Proving that our language is melodious and melodic is not at all difficult. One has only to read a poem or sing a folk song. And then no more evidence will be needed.

My whole family notes the uniqueness of the Russian language, its richness and expressiveness. My family is Russian. Both my parents and I were born and raised in our small village of Khromtsovo, Furmanovsky district, Ivanovo region. All members of my family today were brought up on Russian fairy tales, songs, proverbs, sayings, on good and bright Russian films. With what love and warmth they speak of them, smart and kind. Accurate and instructive.

And my family’s roots go far from these places. My grandmother Sonya was born during the Great Patriotic War in distant Mordovia, and she is a Mordovian by nationality. In the places where she lived, they speak a mixture of Russian and Ukrainian. The basis of speech is Russian, but some words are borrowed from Ukrainian language. Until the age of 15, she lived in her homeland and spoke her own language. And then, having moved to central Russia, she mastered a new dialect. And Russian became her native language. She knew a great many fairy tales, songs, epics of the Russian people, which she told and sang to us, her grandchildren.

My great-grandfather fought at the front during the Great Patriotic War. Of course, I haven’t seen him, but I know about him from my grandmother’s stories. He studied at school for only 3 years, and did not have time to learn and study much. I only learned to write and count, but most of all I loved to read. He read everything he could get his hands on, devouring books one after another. What amazingly interesting letters he wrote to his wife from the front. Through the lines and words penetrated all the feelings he experienced: fear, pain, sadness, and pride. Reading them, you become even more convinced of the richness and power of the Russian language.

Fate was more favorable to my parents and their brothers and sisters. They all grew up in peacetime, received a good education. They had the opportunity to study in regular, musical, and art schools. Maybe that's why they grew up creative people: they all sing and dance well, can draw well, and know the history of Russian painting and music. One of my mother's hobbies is Russian folk song. She knows a great many of them, and sings very emotionally and soulfully. My mom - active participant everyone national holidays and festivities held in our village, their organizer and inspirer. With its help, we, children, immerse ourselves in the world of folk tales, better understanding the past of our country and our language. Thanks to her, I realized that the Russian language is not only a set of complex grammatical rules, but also beautiful song, fairy tale, funny ditty, interesting story, an amazing poem and much more that surrounds us.

All my relatives never tire of repeating to me and my little first-grader sister: “The Russian language is the language of Russian literature. He teaches us a lot. Therefore, you need to know him well, skillfully use his wealth verbally and writing, take care of it."

Of course, I understand that there is still a lot I don’t know. I’m still just learning how to use its riches, and I don’t always succeed. I remember how in the 5th grade I wrote an essay “A Walk in the Woods.” I was painfully short of words, only words were spinning in my head. let's go, go out, get there... Nothing worked, even cry. My mother read me a description of nature from a story. This is the wealth of masters of words! And we have a lot to learn from them. According to scientists, our language has hundreds of thousands of words - a vast ocean. I realized that I should try to get to know them as much as possible and learn how to use them. And then many secrets of our native language will be revealed to us.

The Russian language is constantly changing, growing with us, and, therefore, with me. And what it will become in the future depends on us. I want to believe that he will be correct, rich and accurate, that he will be pure and kind. Then people will become kinder.

Every person is born, grows and develops in a society, an environment that implies close interaction and communication. Communication occurs through language. It doesn’t matter on what continent and in what country a person was born, each of us, having been born, hears around us, thinks and begins to speak one thing - our native language.

My native language is Russian. This is the most wonderful and rich language in the world! The classics of Russian literature have a huge number of beautiful and truly great works known all over the world. Russia is a huge country where people live a large number of nationalities, each of which knows Russian and communicates in it. This makes our native language one of the world's.

Since childhood, from the lips of our mother, we hear lullabies, fairy tales, stories about everything. We comprehend the world through the word, which is the basis of language. As we get a little older, at school, we begin to study the rules of the language, its grammar, vocabulary, thereby paying tribute to its greatness and admiring its immeasurable wealth. Not being able to speak and write correctly in your native language is the highest ignorance. Without knowing his native language, a person loses his homeland forever, and a person without a homeland is a person who has nothing that could make him happy, a person who does not know his native language is a lonely person.

“The fate of every people is organically intertwined with the fate of its language. Only native speakers can preserve and cherish their native language. After all, every nation has a unique culture, history and traditions. And, of course, language,” wrote one of the writers... He’s really right! The fate of not only nations depends on language, the fate of each of us depends on knowledge and skills in using our native language. Well, only its owners and native speakers can preserve, develop and love their native language.


It's hard to imagine how people would live if they couldn't communicate! This is taught by language - a priceless gift that man is endowed with by nature.

Our native language is Russian. This obliges us to study it carefully and seriously. Interest in the great Russian word was instilled in us from early childhood. Maybe that’s why it became our favorite subject at school.

We love our Russian language lessons, lively and interesting. We like to “dig into words, analyze them according to their composition, recognize lexical meaning". Our teachers convey to us the hidden beauty of every word. We learned in class that Russian words “themselves radiate poetry, just as gems radiate a mysterious shine."

Our native language carefully preserves the wisdom of centuries and the memory of millennia. It contains the immense soul of the people, the greatness of their feat. He is a guiding thread to the heights of world culture, to the light of knowledge.

The Russian language is our wise and eternal teacher.

We are spoiling the Russian language by using foreign words unnecessarily.

Ivan Turgenev called for a reverent attitude towards the Russian language. He said that everyone who speaks Russian must fight against the dangers leading to the weakening and damage of their native language.

The Russian people walked their great historically century after century. No matter how his face, the face of a multi-million people, changed, he remained himself under Vladimir of Kiev, and under Ivan the Terrible, and in the days of 1812. What held it together? What is it that lives indestructible for many centuries that makes us feel like the stern warrior Svyatoslav, the wise chronicler Nestor, and the glorious naval commander Ushakov as our brother and fellow tribesman?

Of course, Russian languages

Beautiful, rich, powerful Russian language!

"Hidden treasures native word

Important minds will notice -

For someone else's babble

We neglected it madly.

We love the muses of other people's toys,

Rattles of foreign dialects,

But we don’t read our books...”

A.S. Pushkin


O my tongue, great and mighty,

Diluted with slang muddy water,

Illiterately devoid of euphony,

You are almost an outcast in your own country.

They hear: “shopping”, then “macho”,

That “bodybuilding” - last “weekend”...

For every “business woman” - “definitely”

“Cool”, “drop-dead” “boyfriend”.

“Respect” and “respect” are heard everywhere,

“Poem” - chopped off - “poem”,

On the websites of writers - “zhitukha”,

In communication and in disputes - everything is “IMHO”.

Tormented... Out of stupidity? For the sake of it?

Language is not just speech or words:

History, culture, spirit of the people -

If he disappears, the nation is dead.

Poets and writers of Russia,

Guardians of the native language,

It's time to join forces

May the Russian language be preserved for centuries!

In the Russian language 750 years ago, the majestic patriotic words Igor the Prince, calling on soldiers to defend their Motherland: “Brotherhood and squad! Better yet, I am tired of being, rather than full of being!”, i.e. It is easier to suffer death in battle for Rus' than to be captured by its enemies.

Love and learn your native Russian language!