Andrew scotch income for the year. Andryusha was a good guy, but he fell under the influence of bad company. Andrei Skoch was announced in the federal ← Hodor. “I don’t have much to buy,” Andrey Skoch, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

This low-quality photo from 1994 captures several notable personalities who are now suddenly interested in the City of London bankers, explains The Guardian illustration. "Far right - Andrey Skoch , now considered the richest deputy of the State Duma. He is a close friend of the billionaire oligarch and Arsenal shareholder. Alisher Usmanova , and also (indirectly) one of the leading figures behind the Russian telecom operator Megafon, write the authors of the article, journalists Simon Goodley, Luke Harding and Miriam Adler. On Wednesday, Usmanov held an IPO of MegaFon in Moscow and London.

Bottom left: Avera Sasha (junior), Mikhas, Andrey Skoch (nickname Scotch, now State Duma deputy). Top left: Gurchenkov (nicknamed Vova Chef), Arnosha Tamm (Spivakovsky), Avera Vitya, Kvetnoy Leva

"Side by side with Skoch sits Sergei Mikhailov , and next to him, in the first row, Viktor Averin . These two are said to be one of the most formidable gangsters in Russia," the article says.

Information about these old acquaintances surfaced when Megafon placed 17% of its shares in London. “Coincidentally, this almost equals the shareholding that the Skoch family indirectly owns,” the article says. Skoch transferred all his business to the name of Vladimir's father, the newspaper claims.

Skoch declined to answer the Guardian's questions about his acquaintances. Usmanov's spokesman said in an email: "There are too many unsubstantiated allegations, rumors and allegations about different people in Russia."

However, the authors found: "In an interview with the Financial Times last Friday, Skoch admitted that he knew Mikhailov and Averin. He had previously spoken about these acquaintances in an interview with Vedomosti in 2010, in which he confirmed that the photograph was genuine." According to Skoch, he and his partner Lev Kvetnoy held negotiations with Mikhailov and Averin on the purchase of service companies at Vnukovo airport. Skoch also told Vedomosti that since 1995 "no more joint stories with Viktor [Averin] happened. Neither with him nor with Sergei [Mikhailov] we had any more common affairs."

“However, last week Skoch said in an interview with the Financial Times that after the incident he continued to meet with Averin on business matters. The last time they saw each other was 7 years ago when they met by chance in a Moscow restaurant,” the article says. In the same interview, Skoch said about Mikhailov and Averin: "I can't say that they were bandits. They were ordinary businessmen."

However, according to Federico Varese, professor of criminology at Oxford University, Mikhailov is the alleged founder of the Solntsevskaya gang, the most powerful mafia gang in Russia.

“In the same interview with Vedomosti, Skoch boasts of his close friendship with Usmanov, who also had questions, in particular about connections with an alleged drug dealer. Gafur Rakhimov from Uzbekistan. Usmanov denies ever having business ties with Rakhimov and says he lived next door to his parents.

The partner broke the silence on Usmanov's deals

While Alisher Usmanov is preparing a $2.1 billion MegaFon placement on the London market, his friend Andrey Skoch has been in the spotlight, reports the Financial Times.

Skoch, 46, is to receive indirect ownership of 30% in a holding company being created by Usmanov, which will combine the oligarch's shares in MegaFon, Facebook, and the Arsenal football club.

"Skoch, who has remained in the background throughout his business and political career, has become an example of a so-called silent partner of major Russian oligarchs, who have come to prominence as a result of due diligence carried out in connection with IPOs and international deals," Courtney notes. weaver.

In a rare interview, Skoch stressed that Usmanov would retain full control of MegaFon's holding and strategy, even if Skoch decides to take direct ownership of a 30 percent stake. While the share will be recorded in the name of his 79-year-old father.

"Alisher Usmanov manages assets and will manage them. If he wants to expand, he will do so. If he wants to sell, he will sell," he told the Financial Times.

"I trust him. I know that he always does what is needed," he stressed. [...]

Courtney Weaver

“They said: then we will kill you. We said: well, then we will kill you too.

Andrey Skoch remembered his youth

Andrey Skoch, the co-owner of Metalloinvest, is called the richest deputy of the State Duma - his fortune is estimated at $ 1.4 billion, in the Forbes Golden Hundred for 2010 he ranks 46th in terms of wealth. It was all the more surprising to read his declaration of income before the October elections to the Belgorod Regional Duma (Skoch was one of the “locomotives” on the United Russia list). It turned out that the billionaire Skoch owns only a modest apartment in the Belgorod region and he has no other property - no securities, no bank account. In an interview with Vedomosti, Skoch revealed this secret, and at the same time told the story of his business and explained why his name was once associated with the Solntsevo organized criminal group.

— How did you earn your first money?

We had a cooperative, we baked bread. It was the second half of the 80s, when the first laws came out that allowed to do something.

[...] At the end of the 80s, computers began: we rented a pavilion at VDNKh, brought components, assembled and sold - the first big money was earned on this. [...]

- The media wrote that at that time you met with representatives of the Solntsevo organized criminal group. This is true?

- Then there were no distinctions, who is a grouping - who is not. Go to any restaurant - some serious guys are sitting. If you want to live, you just had to not be afraid. But he was never a member of the Solntsevo or any other group.

- And on there is a photograph in which you are depicted with Sergei Mikhailov, who was considered the leader of the Solntsevo organized criminal group, and Viktor Averin. What was the relationship between you?

- This is 1994. Lev [Kvetny] and I decided to buy up service companies at Vnukovo Airport. I was introduced to Sergey and Viktor as the owners of these companies. We met, discussed the conditions, then agreed - a photo was taken on this topic. To say that someone was a member of some group, I can not - it would be incorrect.

- Since then, have you communicated with Mikhailov or Averin?

- In 1995, I was at Viktor [Averin's] birthday party. I had quintuplets in December 1994. Victor called to congratulate him, he was struck by this incident, and he invited me and my wife to Prague. I remember I didn’t want to go, but I thought about my wife, who had suffered in hospitals. After all, where we just didn’t go, how many hospitals we changed - they didn’t want to take these births anywhere. Then I wanted to move away from all this as soon as possible, I wanted some kind of holiday. We went, celebrated for 15 minutes at the Ritz, then we were all taken to the police, photographed and released. There were no more joint stories with Victor. Neither with him, nor with Sergei, we no longer had any common affairs. [...]

— And in the 1990s. did the bandits have to pay?

- Pay - no, I had to face. The very first clashes were when they started a bread-baking cooperative. We've only seen this in movies before. Some guys came, strong-looking with gloomy faces, they said: you will pay us. We reacted harshly: we said that we would not pay anyone. They said: then we will kill you. We said: well, then we will kill you too. On that they parted. There was such a time - weakness was life-threatening.

- And then?

“Then God bless you. There were conflicts, but not on the basis of business, but rather those when you had to stand up for yourself. This happened, he could protect the woman he loved. [...]

- Submitting information about yourself to the election commission of the Belgorod region on the eve of the campaign for the election of deputies of the local legislature, you indicated that you do not own any property. How did it happen?

- Ever since I realized that the business does not arouse such interest in me as in my friends, I have been looking for something for myself. In 1999, I was deputy general director of the Lebedinsky GOK and decided to try something new for myself - I went to the elections to the State Duma. I was so inspired by these elections - there was such a drive, such competition. And according to the law the deputy has no right to be engaged in business. Therefore, the assets that were created by this time became the property of my father. In addition to metallurgy, it is also a telecommunications business - a lot of things. The whole farm - and everything belongs to my father, and is managed by Alisher Burkhanovich. They have developed a good, warm relationship. [...]

“So you don’t have a bank account or a card?”

- No. I had a card in 1995, when it was fashionable, prestigious, I was very young myself, and then I realized that I did not need it. No cards, no accounts.

Do you always travel with cash?

- Yes, I took as much as I needed - and went. I have nothing special to buy, I am not interested in expensive clothes. [...]

— Not even a yacht?

- No. [...]

According to the media, the well-known "United Russia" and a member of the Committee on International Affairs Andrey Skoch is suspected of being involved in financing $ 5 million for a bribe to free Shakro's young "right hand" Andrey Kochuykov

The FSB conducted a series of interrogations in the case of the organization of a criminal community by thief in law Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy). Most of the witnesses were interested in billionaire Andrei Skoch, ex-adviser to the chairman of the Supreme Court Igor Borisenko and their relationship with Shakro young.

It seems that they are "trying on" to the criminal community of "thief in law". Also, a new defendant appeared in the case file - a former co-owner of a large chain of restaurants, which belonged to him together with Skoch.

As a source familiar with the situation told Rosbalt, the FSB asked new witnesses in the case about their relationship with Kochuykov, Kalashov and a number of other representatives of the criminal world. And then a series of questions about Skoch and Borisenko followed. For example, such: "What do you know about the relationship between Skoch and Borisenko with Kalashov and Kochuykov?"

According to the interlocutor of the agency, one gets the feeling that the investigation is building approximately the following scheme for the activities of the OPS. A former employee of the GUBOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Evgeny Surzhikov, who recently served as the head of the Kalashov security service, turned to his ex-subordinate for the Ministry of Internal Affairs Denis Bogorodetsky, who in 2016 served as deputy head of the CSS of the RF IC. Surzhikov wanted to organize the "collapse" of the case and the release of the "right hand" of Shakro the young - "authority" Andrei Kochuykov.

Bogorodetsky redirected the proposal to his immediate head of the CSS - Alexander Lamonov, and he had already connected high-ranking officials of the Investigative Committee Denis Nikandrov and Mikhail Maksimenko to "solving the issue". The amount for Kochuykov's freedom was set at 5 million euros, of which only 500,000 euros were handed over.

According to the FSB, Andrei Skoch and Igor Borisenko could have been collecting such a considerable amount of funds from people interested in helping Shakro and his associate. Moreover, the latter, as follows from the operational materials, allegedly repeatedly helped Shakro in resolving various issues, primarily in the Southern Federal District. Skoch allegedly personally acquainted with Kochuykov and Kalashov. In connection with all this information, counterintelligence officers believe that this was not an ordinary case of transferring a bribe. In their opinion, they faced a criminal community, whose members were corrupt representatives of the IC, criminal authorities and business representatives. The task of this OPS was to release Kochuykov from the pre-trial detention center.

According to the source of the agency, another name appeared in the case file. We are talking about businessman Oleg Sheykhametov, who was known as Oleg Sheikh in the 1990s. Until recently, together with Skoch, he owned the Yakitoriya restaurant chain. The FSB suspects that the businessman was well acquainted with Skoch and Kochuykov, and could be involved in the events.

Original material:"Rosbalt" « xboxnews. en» , 07/24/17, “Andrey Skoch and Igor Borisenko did not spare five million. Shakro Molodoy divorced the Solntsevskys for the "Italian common fund"

The modest and secretive billionaire deputy Andrey Skoch and the not-so-wealthy adviser to the chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Igor Borisenko got into a major scandal that could end in interrogations at the FSB.

Andrey Skoch and Shakro Molodoy turned out to be not just business partners, but also close friends. In any case, this is indicated by many witnesses and documentary evidence available to the FSB. According to the information agency Rosbalt (the material disappeared without a trace about an hour ago, of course, for free, a screenshot of the material is below).

According to Chel.Pro, Andrey Skoch and Shakro Molodoy turned out to be longtime friends and business partners. Not that the billionaire with the Solntsevo past was too close to the crowned Kalash, but monthly meetings over the years since the dashing nineties are documented by the “feds”.

Broken Kalash and multi-malt Scotch, odious Zakhary Kalashov and Andrey Skoch

The day before, the investigative department of the FSB of the Russian Federation decided to dilute the summer period of machine-forced detentions with a galaxy of interrogations in the case of the creation of thief in law Zakhary Kalashov (known to the inquisitive mind of the reader as Shakro Molodoy) of the OPS. During the interrogation of witnesses, as well as the seizure of documents from fake companies, the names of billionaire deputy Andrei Skoch and ex-adviser to the chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Igor Borisenko repeatedly surfaced.

According to the Rosbalt information received from a law enforcement representative, the FSB established that the amount of the bribe that Shakro Molodoy intended to pay to Denis Nikandrov and Mikhail Maksimenko, employees of the IC of the Russian Federation, was exactly 5 million euros. Interestingly, out of these insignificant funds by the standards of Colonel Zakharchenko, the poor SK-Ashniks managed to get only 500 thousand in the single European currency.

Italian liaison for the sun-loving Skoch

According to the version of the investigation, 5 million euros were intended for the release from the pre-trial detention center of Kalashov's close friend of Solntsevo's "authority" Andrey Kochuykov (Italian). It was the Italian who at the very beginning was the link between the once "sunny" Andrei Skoch, Yaponchik and Ded Khasan. Over time, Andrey Kochuykov ceased to play a significant role for Skoch's contact with the main galaxy of "thieves in law" of the post-Soviet space, however, relations remained quite warm. It's funny that Zakhary Kalashov allocated only 100 thousand euros for the entire operation, the remaining 4.9 million euros consisted of "sponsored" assistance from a number of businessmen who had close contact with the mafia. Naturally, the first of them was the Duma billionaire Andrey Skoch.

According to the source who leaked this short story to Rosbalt, seven important witnesses who were related to the scandalous facts of the “ransom of the Italian from the pre-trial detention center” were almost unanimous in their testimony, pointing to Andrey Skoch with a disinterested pointer, and a long-term adviser to the chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Igor Borisenko.

“They spoke in detail about the short-lived financial negotiations, almost all of their participants, and also named most of the interested parties. The names of Andrei Skoch and Igor Borisenko were named among the eleven persons,” an informed source assured the journalists. Andrei Skoch and Igor Borisenko did not come for interrogation. “Their phones are not answered, Skoch's secretary and assistants refuse to give any information, and the lawyer was fired a day ago. Igor Borisenko and Andrei Skoch are not available to the FSB, since at the moment they are allegedly abroad, ”summed up the interlocutor of Rosbalt.

Recall that A. Skoch attracted the attention of law enforcement officers because of close ties with Viktor Averin (Avera) and Sergei Mikhailov (Mikhas) from the Solntsevo organized crime group, one of the most brutal criminal groups of the 90s. As noted by the media, Andrey Skoch to this day does not lose close ties with the remnants of the good old underworld of days gone by.

One of the most entertaining professions is the wife of a deputy. And it's not a joke. After all, it is very honorable to hold this position: the spouse works, gives diamonds, furs, and sometimes even buys personal air transport. This is exactly what happened to the famous housewife and wife of the deputy, which is Elena Likhach. We will tell you more about this fragile and beautiful woman later.

Briefly about Elena

Since our heroine is legally married to a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, nothing is known in detail about her childhood, education and career success. Her biography is also very modest. Elena Likhach is a beautiful and fragile representative of the fair sex, born in the Brest region. She is in her early forties, but she looks much younger than her real age.

According to some sources, the year of birth of Elena Likhach is 1973. Other sources insist on 1975. However, it is difficult to say which information is reliable.

The heroine herself, like a true lady, prefers not to discuss her age in public. Therefore, let's say that our beautiful Elena is the owner of the most interesting Balzac age.

A short description of the heroine

Elena Likhach - charming woman with a charming smile. According to her inner circle, she does not just walk, but seems to be swimming, because she moves very quietly and gracefully. She loves to smile. And he does it not feignedly, but sincerely. This is exactly what the employees of one of her favorites say about her. According to their story, it becomes clear that this beautiful socialite endows all the staff with her radiant smile literally from the doorway.

However, in addition to a pleasant appearance, Elena Likhach is a rather interesting interlocutor. According to the story of some members of the press who managed to get the coveted interview with the wife of one of the most successful businessmen, it is very interesting and pleasant to communicate with Elena. She talks on a variety of topics, easily fends off sensitive issues and supports any conversation.

A few words about personal life

It is authentically known that Elena Likhach was previously married. From her first marriage she has a daughter, Daria. Elena is a wonderful hostess, loves to invent new dishes. True, she does not always succeed in cooking herself. Yes, and it's useless. After all, this activity is perfectly handled by personal chefs and other staff who work daily in the large family mansion of a socialite.

At the moment, Elena is a loving mother of four children, three of whom were acquired in her second marriage. Elena Likhach and the children live in a big house with rooms for each of them. They get along well with their mother and love to play on the huge and picturesque veranda.

Social life and public appearances

Elena Likhach, whose age is about 44 years old, loves to appear in public. And this is despite the fact that her husband, United Russia deputy Andrei Skoch, is trying to protect her from the press. However, as you can see in the photo, the wife of a businessman and a deputy is very photogenic. Therefore, if it gets into the lenses of cameras, it turns out to be very impressive and sophisticated in any picture.

Luxury real estate and participation in fashionable parties

It is known that the beautiful and fragile Elena is very fond of loud. Particularly popular is the frequent parties that she organizes in a large country house in Sardinia. Here she often meets with a famous wife By the way, both charming ladies are on friendly terms and even share one manicurist for two.

Moreover, her favorite event is considered to be Here she regularly arrives on a personal yacht, which she parks near the famous Eden-Roc Hotel. It is here that popular Hollywood stars also stop.

In addition, the spectacular beauty prefers to travel the world on a personal A-320 aircraft. According to all eyewitnesses who have ever managed to be on board, this is a unique liner, the interior of which is far from strewn with rhinestones, but with “pebbles” of much greater dignity. However, since Elena is a believer, she begins each flight with a prayer.

Brief information about Elena's wife

At the moment, Elena's husband is Andrey Vladimirovich Skoch, who was born at the end of January 1966 in the village of Nikolsky, Moscow Region. In addition to political activities, this person is famous for quite good success in business. True, every year he regularly “jumps” from one line in the Forbes rating to another. For comparison, in 2009 he was in 45th place, in 2008 he was in 37th place, and in 2007 he was in 40th place. In 2011, Andrey Vladimirovich ranked 29th among the 200 richest people in Russia. To date, the approximate fortune of this large iron ore magnate is estimated at 5.3 billion dollars.

Andrey Skoch and Elena Likhach

The entrepreneur and the blonde beauty met over 11 years ago. However, they managed to get married only in 2011. The couple entered into an official marriage in Elena's native Belarus. It is noteworthy that the event itself took place on a weekday and behind closed doors of the Minsk Sporting Club.

Recall that some time ago it was here that Vadim Galygin played his wedding. At that time, the press was also not allowed through, although some thrill-seekers nevertheless entered Galygin's wedding and took some entertaining pictures.

But with the marriage of Andrei and Elena, everything was much more complicated. According to preliminary data, it was very difficult to get close to the building, since the perimeter was guarded by a serious security organization. The reason for such strict secrecy is due to the fact that the deputy simply does not like to advertise his personal life. Therefore, during the movement of the wedding cortege around the city, they were accompanied by serious security and several police cars.

In a word, the wedding took place in a narrow circle, to which only 25 guests were allowed. And these are exclusively relatives, closest friends and business partners of the politician. However, among them were quite well-known star performers. For example, the soloist of the "Moral Code" Sergey Mazaev was invited to the wedding. Moreover, such stars as Philip Kirkorov, Leonid Agutin, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Vera Brezhneva and others came to congratulate the bride and groom.

Bright and beautiful wedding

Despite all its secrecy, the wedding of a businessman and his charming companion was still leaked to the press. At the same time, only a few publications revealed the meager details of this event. So, according to information from some sources, a beautiful couple not only registered their marriage in the registry office, but also performed a wedding ceremony in the Church of the Holy Trinity.

As it turned out, for the entire time of the wedding, Elena changed clothes twice. At first it was a long and voluminous dress with a long train, and after that it was short and adorned with precious stones.


In addition to Elena, there were other wives in Andrei's life. In particular, it is said that his first wife currently lives in London and maintains excellent relations with her ex-husband. Andrey and Elena also get along well with each other. The husband pampers his beloved. He buys her luxury real estate, cars, furs and expensive diamonds.

Comprehensive support for husband

It is interesting that the businessman strongly supports his wife in any of her endeavors. For example, there is a known case when Elena decided to become a designer and informed her husband about it. He supported her and even allocated funds for the promotion of her business.

However, it turned out that the beauty is not at all strong in accounting, and, in fact, in design. Entrepreneurial managers took advantage of her weakness. Seeing this, the entrepreneur advised his wife to abandon her venture, offering a solid "compensation". Elena immediately agreed.

Spouses often appear at social events and are active in charitable activities. And after Andrei found out that Elena Likhach was pregnant, he became even more attentive and happier. At the moment, this is the couple's fourth joint child.

Russian entrepreneur, deputy of the State Duma of the third or sixth convocations (1999-2003, 2003-2007, 2007-2011, 2011-2016). In the list of the richest Russians according to Forbes for 2013. ranks 19th with a net worth of $7.9 billion.

Core assets

30% of the shares of Metalloinvest (transferred to the father for possession, and for the management of a friend and co-owner Alisher Usmanov).


Andrei Skoch was born on January 30, 1966 in the village of Nikolskoye, Balashikha District, Moscow Region. In 1998 graduated from the psychological faculty of the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University; Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation.

In 1984 served in the army as part of a reconnaissance airborne company. Then he worked in commercial structures, was deputy general director of Kuznetsov and Partners LLC, organized a cooperative for baking bakery products, sold computers in a pavilion at VDNKh.

In the early 1990s met Alisher Usmanov, trying to get a batch of oil for processing at the Moscow refinery. The deal did not take place, but a close relationship developed between the businessmen. In 1995 became Usmanov's partner in the Interfin company, which soon became part of the Metalloinvest structure. In 1997 was the chairman of the Moscow regional fund of the lottery "Youth of the Planet". Until December 1999 - Deputy General Director of JSC "Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant".

In 1999 elected to the State Duma, member of the Committee on Industry, Construction and High Technologies. Since 2000 - Chairman of the Expert Council for Metallurgy and Mining Industry. In 2003 re-elected as a deputy, joined the United Russia faction. In 2007 elected to the State Duma from the United Russia party. In 2012 again became a deputy, a member of the State Duma Committee on the Commonwealth of Independent States and Relations with Compatriots.

At the end of 2012 the formation of USM Holdings was completed, its main owner is Alisher Usmanov (60%), the share of Skoch is 30%, the British Farhad Moshiri is 10%. The holding combines metallurgical, telecommunications and Internet assets of partners.

Strokes for a portrait

President of the international foundation "Generation", which is engaged in projects in the field of medicine, sports and culture. From personal funds, he donated $ 11 million for the restoration of the graves of Soviet soldiers in Hungary and the restoration of the monument to Tsar Alexander II in Bulgaria. provided veterans of the Great Patriotic War of the Belgorod region with personal cars, purchased 3 thousand cars. He was a member of the Presidium of the Small Business Association of the Moscow Region.

Skoch, together with Elena Mizulina, Valentina Tereshkova and Irina Yarovaya, is a member of an inter-factional parliamentary group for the protection of Christian values, which lobbies for giving Orthodoxy the status of "the basis of Russia's national and cultural identity."

Divorced, has eight children.

Honored coach in sambo and judo. Awarded with medals of the Order "For Services to the Fatherland" I and II degrees. March 2014 Skoch was awarded the Five Continents Medal by UNESCO.


According to media reports, Andrei Skoch served in the KGB research unit, which was engaged in experimental research in the field of mass suggestion.

In the late 1990s The media announced the involvement of Andrei Skoch in the "showdown" around the Serpukhov base of oil products, which became the subject of a dispute between the "Solntsevo" and "Podolsk" criminal groups. In 1998 members of the "Podolsk" organized crime group fired at the tank farm with grenade launchers, and the Oka-Oil company, whose chairman of the board was Skoch, moved.

In 2000 Skoch, who was listed as an adviser to Montazhspetsbank, was a witness in the case of embezzlement of $7 million by Arkady Angelevich, former treasurer of the Solntsevskaya organized crime group, from the bank "Edinstvo".

In 2006 Skoch teamed up with Alisher Usmanov and bought out the shares of former partner Lev Kvetnoy in Lebedinsky GOK and Oskol Electrometallurgical Plant. After that, Skoch and Usmanov began to combine the assets of the enterprise with the assets of Metalloinvest into an iron ore holding, for some time they were partners of Gazprom.

In 2012 a photo was actively discussed in the media, in which Skoch was next to criminal authorities Sergei Mikhailov and Viktor Averin. Skoch confirmed the authenticity of the photo, noting that since 1995. had no dealings with the said authorities. In 2012 it turned out that Skoch since 1996. is an Israeli citizen.

Core assets

30% of the shares of Metalloinvest (transferred to the father for possession, and for the management of a friend and co-owner Alisher Usmanov).


Andrei Skoch was born on January 30, 1966 in the village of Nikolskoye, Balashikha District, Moscow Region. In 1998 graduated from the psychological faculty of the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University; Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation.

In 1984 served in the army as part of a reconnaissance airborne company. Then he worked in commercial structures, was deputy general director of Kuznetsov and Partners LLC, organized a cooperative for baking bakery products, sold computers in a pavilion at VDNKh.

In the early 1990s met Alisher Usmanov, trying to get a batch of oil for processing at the Moscow refinery. The deal did not take place, but a close relationship developed between the businessmen. In 1995 became Usmanov's partner in the Interfin company, which soon became part of the Metalloinvest structure. In 1997 was the chairman of the Moscow regional fund of the lottery "Youth of the Planet". Until December 1999 - Deputy General Director of JSC "Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant".

In 1999 elected to the State Duma, member of the Committee on Industry, Construction and High Technologies. Since 2000 - Chairman of the Expert Council for Metallurgy and Mining Industry. In 2003 re-elected as a deputy, joined the United Russia faction. In 2007 elected to the State Duma from the United Russia party. In 2012 again became a deputy, a member of the State Duma Committee on the Commonwealth of Independent States and Relations with Compatriots.

At the end of 2012 the formation of USM Holdings was completed, its main owner is Alisher Usmanov (60%), the share of Skoch is 30%, the British Farhad Moshiri is 10%. The holding combines metallurgical, telecommunications and Internet assets of partners.

Strokes for a portrait

President of the international foundation "Generation", which is engaged in projects in the field of medicine, sports and culture. From personal funds, he donated $ 11 million for the restoration of the graves of Soviet soldiers in Hungary and the restoration of the monument to Tsar Alexander II in Bulgaria. provided veterans of the Great Patriotic War of the Belgorod region with personal cars, purchased 3 thousand cars. He was a member of the Presidium of the Small Business Association of the Moscow Region.

Skoch, together with Elena Mizulina, Valentina Tereshkova and Irina Yarovaya, is a member of an inter-factional parliamentary group for the protection of Christian values, which lobbies for giving Orthodoxy the status of "the basis of Russia's national and cultural identity."

Divorced, has eight children.

Honored coach in sambo and judo. Awarded with medals of the Order "For Services to the Fatherland" I and II degrees. March 2014 Skoch was awarded the Five Continents Medal by UNESCO.


According to media reports, Andrei Skoch served in the KGB research unit, which was engaged in experimental research in the field of mass suggestion.

In the late 1990s The media announced the involvement of Andrei Skoch in the "showdown" around the Serpukhov base of oil products, which became the subject of a dispute between the "Solntsevo" and "Podolsk" criminal groups. In 1998 members of the "Podolsk" organized crime group fired at the tank farm with grenade launchers, and the Oka-Oil company, whose chairman of the board was Skoch, moved.

In 2000 Skoch, who was listed as an adviser to Montazhspetsbank, was a witness in the case of embezzlement of $7 million by Arkady Angelevich, former treasurer of the Solntsevskaya organized crime group, from the bank "Edinstvo".

In 2006 Skoch teamed up with Alisher Usmanov and bought out the shares of former partner Lev Kvetnoy in Lebedinsky GOK and Oskol Electrometallurgical Plant. After that, Skoch and Usmanov began to combine the assets of the enterprise with the assets of Metalloinvest into an iron ore holding, for some time they were partners of Gazprom.

In 2012 a photo was actively discussed in the media, in which Skoch was next to criminal authorities Sergei Mikhailov and Viktor Averin. Skoch confirmed the authenticity of the photo, noting that since 1995. had no dealings with the said authorities. In 2012 it turned out that Skoch since 1996. is an Israeli citizen.