Phrases about school and school life. The most important words about your home school (student essays)

During our studies, each of us inevitably encountered various funny and absurd situations. A lot of interesting, memorable and fun things happen every day at the school. This is why there are so many family quotes about school and studying. While reading funny sayings, a person remembers his experiences, friends and teachers, as well as various funny incidents and jokes.

Funny quotes about school for funny statuses

A school is an institution where children are taught the necessary and unnecessary things mixed together, in every possible way preventing them from distinguishing one from the other.

Ambition is when you go to an exam, you think you know a 2, and when they give you a 4, you wonder why not a 5?

Leaving the lesson, the boy Misha slammed the door so hard that Grisha, who was sitting on the windowsill, also left the lesson.

The biggest lie when writing an abstract: “List of used literature.”

They say that no one died from knowledge, but the skeleton in the biology classroom worries me.

We study all our lives, not counting the ten years spent at school

The heartbeat becomes louder, the stomach twists, the knees begin to tremble, the eyes become frightened. Love? No, the teacher just says the phrase: “So, he’ll go to the board...”

When assigning homework, teachers target students and end up targeting parents.

First-graders joyfully go to school on September 1 only because their parents did not say how long they will have to study there.

Those who get up early are told: “Sit down! The lesson is not over yet!”

Just as I was about to come to my senses, the school year ended.

Our school home! Conclusion: it's better to be homeless!

Advert near educational institution: “Especially for those who like to skip school: we invite you to a course to raise your temperature!”

Grades 1–5: – Mom, help me decide...
Grades 6–11: – Maaam! Leave me alone! They didn't really ask anything.

1. Knowledge is power!
2. There is strength - no need for intelligence!
3. No intelligence - consider yourself a cripple!
Conclusion: knowledge cripples a person!

And why is school not a place where you come early and leave early?!

School means nerves to hell, constant lack of sleep and offline in VK.

We go to 1st grade with a briefcase that is twice our size. As a result, we arrive at 11 with one package

On the test, our class is like one big family, but every family has its black sheep.

In all my lessons I sit like a politician: I don’t know anything, but I put on a smart face.

I used to think that teaching homework was the worst thing in the world. Nevermind! The worst thing is learning homework with your child.

A first grader is dragged to school. He leans into it with all his might and shouts: “Eleven years!” For what?!"

In high school independent work ceases to be independent. It is already collective.

I have never allowed school to interfere with my education.

All you had to do was skip class once and it became a habit!

A D student has two things: a car and an apartment; a C student has three: a car, an apartment and a dacha. And an excellent student has five things: a bald head, big glasses, a stomach ulcer, a debt to the state and certificate of honor for academic success.

Sometimes you tell yourself: you need to come to your senses! And then you sit, think and understand, but there’s nothing to take on...

The most terrible phrase school childhood: “So, now let’s put away the textbooks and take out double sheets of paper...”

On Monday morning before school, all sorts of illnesses get worse...

School time, despite any difficulties, is considered one of the happiest and most carefree periods in a person’s life. It is during these years that we find our first friends, who most often remain for life, our first love, which truly is the brightest and purest. There are a lot of quotes about the school, and they are on their pages on social networks or simply in ordinary life used by many students and teachers. Funny phrases- this is what you need to read before you start school year so that it starts with a smile!

Duty officer, where is Zaitsev?
- He smokes behind the school.
- Sit down, two! Snitch.

Your boy will not learn bad habits properly unless you send him to a good school.

"Hector Hugh Munro"

School gave me a lot - some knowledge, certificates, diplomas - but it also took away a lot - time during which I could have learned from real life think, observe, survive.

A bad teacher presents the truth, a good one teaches you to find it.

"Adolf Disterweg"

Nothing cheers you up at school like the recess bell.

Children should be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up.


Schoolmates are better educators than parents, because they are ruthless.

"Andre Maurois"

We study, alas, for school, not for life.


Why do teachers who understand only one subject require students to have the most diverse knowledge possible?

I assume school played an important role in your intellectual life?
- Yes, I played. That's where we used to buy sandwiches.

The purpose of the work high school is the graduation of the average student.

The purpose of school should always be to educate harmonious personality, not a specialist.

"Albert Einstein"

The easiest way to tie a child to school is with a belt.

"Igor Karpov"

Are you saying that every schoolchild knows this? If I knew everything that every schoolchild knows, I could teach academics.

"Maxim Zvonarev"

I never allowed school to interfere with my education.

"Mark Twain"

The current school certificate only certifies that its owner has the ability to withstand so many years of schooling.

"Peter Lawrence"

The list of torments that our people have endured should include compulsory school reading.

"Stanislav Jerzy Lec"

It's time for you to go to school.
- What?! I sleep worse at school than in my own bed.

People are brought together by school and other misfortunes.

School is our second home. Well, yes, but they don’t kick me out of my room at home when I’m chatting with friends.

It’s a pity that you can’t stay for a second year at the school of life.

"Yana Dzhangirova"

I curse the gymnasium with all my might. It disfigured my nervous system for a long time.

"Konstantin D. Balmont"

A textbook can be defined as a book that is not suitable for reading.

"George Bernard Shaw"

You can't learn everything at school - you need to learn how to learn.

"Vsevolod Meyerhold"

"Fran Lebowitz"

Many people say that school years are the best in life. It’s like a guy caught in a meat grinder will say: “Nothing, only his fingers got into the machine.”

And why did I think in my school years that the formula for the sine of the sum of angles would still not be useful to me in later life? - the father of a ninth-grader thought, trying to solve a trigonometry problem for his son.

School science is often taught in a dry and uninteresting manner. Children learn to memorize rotely in order to pass an exam, and do not see the connection between science and the world around them.

"Stephen Hawking"

A schoolteacher certainly earns too little as a nurse, but too much as a teacher.

"Fran Lebowitz"

But I don't feel well. Is it true.
- No, nothing like that. Is it true. When I started studying medicine, the first thing I was taught was how to recognize cunning inflammation in a child who doesn't want to take a test.

Quotes about school

School is a place where teachers demand knowledge from students in all subjects, while they themselves know only one.

Every school should be proud not of the number of people who studied there, but of their achievements.

What we learned in schools and universities is not education, but only a way to get an education.

If you weren't taught how to add small amounts at school, then your only chance in life is to handle large ones.

I don’t like school: they force you to focus on what you don’t want to know.

"Leonardo DiCaprio"

It had never occurred to her that sending a child to school was almost the same as going to school again herself.

School felt like a prison and I rebelled against the teacher cops.

"Johnny Depp"

When there are no merits in adulthood, they brag about their school successes.

"F. Selivanov"

Why are children usually so smart, but parents usually are not? Apparently, because children go to school.

It doesn’t matter whether the school achieved its goal of making you a human being. Anyway, one day the moment will come when you will regret it.

Choose poems about your class and classmates, as well as poems about school and teachers, and tell them at the September 1st holiday. Let the light muse of poetry inspire you and all your friends to achieve even greater heights in the new school year.

Poems about a friendly class are useful not only for school holidays. You can re-read them at any time, by yourself or with friends. They will cheer you up and teach you to value the strong friendships that arise during your school years. Well, if you want to laugh heartily, choose the funny poems about school that I selected for you.

Beautiful poems about school

Favorite school

How I love school, mom!
In the morning noisy crowd
We come to class the very best...
This class is of course mine.
There is no more beautiful school in the world:
It's cozy and warm here.
And with our teacher
I admit, we were lucky.
Doesn't swear angrily
Even if he puts “two”,
And he will show it in a businesslike manner,
Where the mistake is, let us know.
May there be many lessons at school,
We will overcome, no problem!
Start at the door
Our school years...

(A. Gavryushkin)

To the teacher

You opened the doors to a great life for us,
You not only taught us the alphabet.
Teacher! We love you, we believe you!
We learned lessons in kindness!
Our journey through life has just begun,
Thank you - it started as it should.
We wish you health and good luck,
Students - good and obedient!

(N. Ivanova)

Hello school!

The cheerful bell will ring,
And the notebook will open.
Here comes the school, here comes the school
He is calling us again.
Somewhere my favorite ball is sleeping,
Everyone is a student again.
The problem maker smiles,
And the fives are waiting for the diary.
We don't go fishing.
The call is ringing.
Goodbye, jump rope,
Forest, clearing, stream.
There’s a new backpack behind me,
There are five lessons ahead.
Hello school, hello school!
No more time to play!

(N. Knushevitskaya)


School to school
sparkled for the year -
The windows sparkled
looking east.
New painting on
the walls of the gym,
In the assembly hall there is a curtain -
The school thought:
"Oh, how I like it
Live in silence
without worries and worries!
It's a pity that it won't last long
I will be a beauty -
Soon hundreds of feet will trample me.
The bells will buzz again
like bees
They'll pour again
streams of speeches...
How tiring if you -
Or Gymnasium,
or Lyceum."
Here it is September.
Along a familiar road
They carry it to school
behind the bouquet is a bouquet -
Any heart
can't stand it, it will tremble.
The school nodded to the children:
So many nice
surprises at the door!
My bow to you, young minds.
How I miss you
I'm having fun!
Well, did you grumble? I’m getting old, alas.”

(G. Ilyina)


The autumn miracle happens in childhood.
Everything that is
next door to us,
in autumn it seems a little smaller:
the road to school is a little shorter,
the straps will wrap the backpack tighter,
the desks are tighter and the classrooms are narrower,
in the sports hall - lower equipment,
books on high shelves closer,
summer is leaving short dreams
Only trees grow
together with us.

(G. Lyakhovitskaya)


Have you heard the good news?
I'll be exactly six soon!
And if a person is six,
And he has notebooks,
And there is a backpack, and there is a form,
And you can’t count the counting sticks,
And he tries to read,
That means he (or rather, I),
That means he (or rather, I),
He's going to school!

(I. Tokmakova)

Poems about home school and the First Bell

September holiday

Every year the call is funny
Brings us together.
Hello, autumn! Hello school!
Hello, our favorite class.
Let us feel a little sorry for summer -
We will not be sad in vain.
Hello, the road to knowledge!
Hello, September holiday!

(V. Stepanov)

Hello school!

Hello school! It's autumn again.
The classroom is calling again.
We'll ask the teachers
Take us into the world of knowledge.
We had a rest over the summer,
We have grown up and gained strength.
- Children, are you ready for school? -
Our teacher asked us.
- We came to school today,
To learn to live
Be a helper at home
Cherish your friendship.
We cannot live without knowledge,
We really need them.
We will become useful to people
We are the masters of the Earth!
So that over our planet
The sun was always shining,
So that children always laugh,
We have come to you, teacher!

(A. Maryukhin)

The Day of Knowledge

The day has come. Calls, ring!
Begin the school year,
A year of dreams and discoveries,
A sad year and a magical year!
How the familiar class shines!
Everything seems to be familiar, simple,
Only every school month
Raises many questions.
We wish you to leave with honor
From difficult trials,
Lots of good news
May good luck be with you!
Fulfillment of dreams
And there are many good friends,
And in the vast sea of ​​knowledge
Find your way!

(Irina Aseeva)

Poems about school and first graders

August 31

Mom, Dad, and I are worried,
Our family worries all evening.
Everything has been ready for a long time - both the shape and the bow.
And miracle flowers decorate the sideboard.
And mom is confused: “Is everything okay?” –
And again I ironed the folds on the form.
And dad completely forgot from excitement -
Instead of porridge, he gave the cat some jam.
I'm worried too, and even trembling,
I follow mom and dad all evening:
“Set the alarm so we don’t oversleep.
For six hours, or better yet for five.”
My mother told me: “Don’t be naive -
I'm thinking about how I can fall asleep today!
After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time.
Everything changes in our lives tomorrow.”

(V. Kodryan)

What awaits me at school

The desk is waiting for me, firstly,
Lessons are waiting
Friends are waiting.
There will be no time for laziness at school,
There I am in a new country
Affairs and knowledge and skills
I will begin the journey.
Nature awaits - forest and field!
After all, we will go on a hike more than once...
A's are waiting for me at school
We are waiting for me throughout first grade!


What is school

School is a bright house,
We will study in it.
There we will learn to write,
Add and multiply.
We learn a lot at school:
About your beloved land,
About mountains and oceans,
About continents and countries;
And where do the rivers flow?
And what were the Greeks like?
And what kind of seas are there?
And how the Earth rotates.
The school has workshops...
There are countless interesting things to do!
And the call is fun.
This is what “school” means!

(L. Arsenova)

To school

Yellow leaves are flying,
It's a fun day.
Sees off kindergarten
The kids are going to school.
Our flowers have faded,
Birds fly away.
- You are going for the first time
to study in first grade.
Sad dolls sitting
On an empty terrace.
Our cheerful kindergarten
Reminisce in class.
Remember the garden
A river in a distant field...
We are also in a year
We'll be with you at school.
The country train has departed,
Rushing past the windows...
- They promised well,
best to learn!

(Z. Alexandrova)


Windows washed
The school is smiling
Sunny bunnies
On the guys' faces.
After a long summer
Friends are here
They gather in flocks,
They make a joyful noise.

They huddle around moms and dads -
These are first graders.
They wait, worried,
Your first call.
So he rang,
Collecting to classes,
And the school fell silent
The lesson has begun.

(V. Rudenko)

Funny poems about school and students

Revenge of a Loser

I'll be a lot years to study,
Don't yawn and don't be lazy,
Don't hide in the silence of the night
Over the notebooks of the eyes,
So that, after completing the training course,
Get a medical diploma
Do stern face
And send a letter:
"Citizen head teacher,
Come for injections!”

(I. Plokhikh)


Textbooks are like bricks
Size, shape and weight.
For those who decided to get a certificate,
It is advisable to be Hercules.
I can do pull-ups many times,
I've been doing exercises since the morning.
But the school bag bends into an arc,
It was as if I was going on a hike.
I won't throw my bag away, keep that in mind!
This is out of the question.
I will become a scientist and find a way
How to make textbooks easier.

(A. Starikov)

On the test

The problem is not solved -
even kill me!
Think, think, head
hurry up!
Think, think, head,
I'll give you some candy
On your birthday I'll give you
A new beret.
Think think -
For once I ask!
I'll wash you with soap!
I'll comb it!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out!
Otherwise I’ll hit you on the top of your head!

(M. Boroditskaya)

If you start right away
Only get A's -
At home they will soon get used to them
And they won't notice.
Therefore, turn on your brains:
Get a couple of deuces
Mom will be indignant
But don’t argue, just keep quiet.
And then again
You can get five
Mom will definitely become
Kiss and hug.
Look at her secretly
And sit and groan,
Hint: these fives are
Oh, they are not easy!

(O. Bundur)

Half marks

I was walking home from school
Slowly slowly,
He kept coming up with excuses.
Carrying a four
According to natural history,
And in Russian -
Half a quarter.

(R. Aldonina)


I am Volodin's marks
I'll find out without the diary.
If brother comes
With a three
Three bells ring.
If suddenly we
In the apartment
The ringing begins -
So it's five
Or four
He received it today.
If he comes
With a deuce -
I hear from afar:
Two short ones are heard,
Well, what if
He quietly
There's a knock on the door.

(A. Barto)


Losers are running around
A whole evening on the slide.
And I'm sitting over books,
I need A's.
Legs are numb
And my back has a cold.
I'd rather retire
Take a well-deserved rest.

(A. Givargizov)


And I have a briefcase in my hand
With a heavy deuce in the diary!
And everyone walks lightly.

And everyone is walking here and there
And just like that, and on business.
And near the house number two
There is bus number two,
And the steamer from afar
For some reason it rang two beeps...

And my legs can hardly drag,
And my legs can hardly drag,
And my head hung down
Like the head of the number two!

And everyone is walking here and there
And just like that, and on business.
And someone sings a song,
Someone is selling candy
And someone buys...

And I have a briefcase in my hand
With a huge D in the diary!
With a heavy deuce in the diary!

And everyone walks lightly...

(E. Moshkovskaya)


Ant for recess
Went into a noisy school
And froze in amazement,
Amazed by the change...

Ant, say a word!
The ant exclaimed:
- Yeees..,
An anthill like this
I have never seen it!

(V. Levanovsky)

The school where I study is seventy years old. But it seems to me that none new school cannot convey the kindness and warmth that radiate from the walls of my school, which for years has kept the sounds of change, the loud exclamations and laughter of students, the strict but correct instructions of teachers
When on a gloomy autumn day
For the first time I entered school,
Warmth washed over me
Like a burning fire

Elementary school graduate!
Became more confident, bolder,
More and more serious and smarter
Every new day you grow older!
Congratulations, this is a holiday,
We exclaim in unison: “Bravo!”
Let the holidays give
Meetings, joys, fun!

Four years flew by like birds.
And today we proudly say -
Graduates are now you, graduates
Stages of the first school path!
You still have a lot to go through
And you may make a mistake more than once!
But we want study to become
The most important task for you!

Elementary school graduate!
There is something to be proud of today!
What to congratulate at school and at home
And be pleasantly surprised!
Let in the land of useful knowledge
It will be very interesting
Exciting, funny,
Bright, fun, wonderful!

We are happy to congratulate you today,
You've moved up a notch!
You and I went all the way to the end,
The farewell bell has already been heard!
You still have more to come
A step to the pinnacle of knowledge.
You are in a hurry to find out in this world,
After all, knowledge helps us live!

I say heroes, not culprits. After all, you have overcome a very important stage on a long journey called “life”. A person makes his own path in life, even if he follows someone else.

You've been on the road for many years now, and prom- like a crossroads. The meeting place from where a new countdown will begin - the countdown of kilometers-days of independent adult life.

We, your teachers and parents, tried to help you pave the way own way, helped in the search for knowledge, supported in moments of difficult choice, and sometimes even laid straw to soften the blows. We are confident that the knowledge you gain at school will be in demand.

We hope that your thirst for knowledge, determination and desire for self-improvement will help you become successful people. May the path you choose lead you to success. Of course, you can stop along the way because you’re tired, or cry because it’s difficult.

Years will pass, certain moments of your school time will be forgotten, but your memories of school will always be warm and full of love. Now you are at the very doors leading to adult life. Nobody knows what's behind them.

We believe that everything will work out for you in life, and all your wishes will come true. cherished dreams. Don't be afraid to live; let kindness, self-confidence and mental strength help you constantly move forward. We are very proud that you studied here, at this school. You have become family to us.

We hope that you also fell in love with this house and will miss it. And we will be very glad if at least sometimes you come back here for a short time to talk about how your life is going, about your plans and dreams. The school doors will always be open for you.

You have been with us throughout all these school years, gave us their affection and care. Therefore, first of all, we congratulate all of you, dear parents, on this wonderful day.

Good luck and prosperity to you!
Let the stars shine especially brightly today, illuminating the road you are just entering with a mysterious light. Let it be even and smooth, like the graduation ribbons that you are wearing now.

Please accept my gratitude today,
I confess, teacher, I love you very much.
Thank you for teaching me everything
Without sparing yourself, you served the children.
For wisdom, support, care, warmth,
Because you gave only good things.

For the noise and anxiety, please forgive me.
Thank you for everything, beloved teacher.
For the fact that you entered the classroom with love
And they opened their hearts to us.
For your kindest glance, sometimes tired,
Because you always stood for us.

I will say “thank you” to you, teacher,
For everything that was given to me in life.
For help, knowledge, support.
You showed light in the darkness.

You taught me to trust people
And discover a beautiful world.
I will only be indebted to you.
I want to wish you all the best.

Dear our first teacher, on behalf of all parents who deeply respect you, we ask you to accept words of gratitude for your sensitive and kind heart, for your care, patience, for your efforts and aspirations, for your love and understanding. Thank you very much for our happy, smart and well-mannered children!

How difficult it can be sometimes
You need to raise our children.
But we all understand it
And we really want to tell you:

Thank you, dear teacher,
For your kindness and patience.
For children you are a second parent,
Please accept our gratitude!

Everyone in the world loves the first teacher!
She gives a sea of ​​strength to children!
If suddenly something bad happens to someone,
The teacher will listen and always help!
The first teacher is the first friend!
May everyone around you always love you!
May it be easy for you from any children
Raise decent and knowledgeable people!

My first teacher, you are my dearest.
I remember learning the alphabet with you,
I learned to write and count,
He worked seriously like a child.

Congratulations, I've grown up already,
As an adult, at the school level, I stand,
And you, as always, are with the kids,
Yesterday she was only with us.

Congratulations on the anniversary of the school and I would like to wish that every morning here begins with good greetings, cheerful smiles, interesting lessons, loud changes, wonderful hobbies and great aspirations. May our teachers and students, parents and all school staff be healthy, may the school be proud of its children, and may children never forget their native source of first knowledge.

Dear teachers, school administration, students, parents and guests, today I would like to congratulate all of us on the anniversary of our wonderful school. I wish everyone good health, determination, well-being and self-confidence. May our school prosper, giving our children the right knowledge, good education and joyful memories. Let everyone in this school be creative and successful.

Congratulations to everyone on the anniversary of this wonderful school. I would like to wish many years of activity to this educational institution, this wonderful teachers, to these kind and sensitive school staff. I also wish purposefulness and enthusiasm to each of the students, vigor and strength to each of the parents. Be healthy, everyone, believe in yourself, and let our beloved school help us all realize our dreams, learn something interesting and discover something amazing every day.

Today we would like to congratulate our School on its anniversary and say: “Thank you very much!”
You raised so many children and raised them to be kind, sympathetic people who know how to love!
Our school is a place where you are always welcome and the doors are open to everyone, where they will always help with good advice, support and listen. We wish our school to welcome only good, kind and obedient children into its walls, success and development for many years to come!

Congratulations to my beloved, native school, which educated and brought into life many worthy people. I wish you further systematic development and prosperity. I wish that every generation of youth within the walls of their home school feels in demand and needed. And so that each of the students finds something important, interesting and attractive here for themselves. Happy anniversary!

Congratulations on the school's anniversary! On this solemn day I wish the school further prosperity. The team of teaching staff is the real pride of the educational institution. And I wish everyone health so that they can continue to work for the benefit of the development and education of the younger generation. I wish you constant self-education, which is the basis for graduating worthy citizens of Russia. And I also wish that graduates come to their native land not only to visit, but also to work within the walls of their native institution!

My friends, I cordially congratulate everyone on the anniversary of our wonderful school. I wish our administration and teachers undoubted respect and unquenchable strength, I wish all parents mutual understanding with their children and prosperity in life, I wish our students excellent studies, correct knowledge and exciting leisure time. Let this school for each of the children be not just a place to receive an education, let it become a friend, assistant and reliable mentor in life for them.

Congratulations to the wonderful staff and director of the school, from which talented, gifted graduates emerge every year. We wish you further fruitful activity, growth and prosperity. Let these long years The work will be an excellent indicator of great professionalism, quality teaching and global experience of teachers. Happy school anniversary!

Dear teaching staff, we would like to cordially congratulate you on the anniversary of your educational institution, wish you talented and grateful students, creative inspiration, success in achieving your goals, good spirits and health.

I congratulate you on the anniversary of the school and want to wish that this school is famous for its great talents and bright minds, so that in every class the lessons are interesting and exciting, and during recess it is fun and cheerful. Let inquisitive first-graders come to us every year, ready to conquer the expanses of science, let eleventh-graders go on a long voyage, who will remember us and often come to visit us.