Denis Matsuev - With love for music from childhood to adulthood. Denis Matsuev: nationality, biography, personal life and interesting facts Matsuev Denis personal life children

Outstanding pianist Denis Matsuev spoke about his daughter Anna, whom ballerina Ekaterina Shipulina gave birth to in October 2016.

Dmitry Matsuev rarely advertises his personal life. A little over a year ago, the pianist became a father for the first time. The musician’s wife, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater and Honored Artist of Russia Ekaterina Shipulina, gave birth to his daughter Anna. Denis said that his heiress, at the age of one and a half years, already adores classical piece and conducts with ease.

« Having your own child is a miracle. I regret that I have so much work to do and I can’t spend more time with her. I have never canceled a single concert in my life, however, I communicate with Anna Denisovna via modern devices. Every meeting with her is a volcano of emotions", Denis said.

According to the musician, his daughter fell in love with him from birth classical music. « She was only a month old when she was transfixed by Stravinsky. She is now one and five years old. Watching a child develop is very interesting", Denis said.

Matsuev noted that their parents help him and Ekaterina in raising their daughter. " We have wonderful grandparents. It is impossible to explain in words how much they love Anna Denisovna. From my own example, I can say for sure that being parents is one feeling. But when grandchildren appear, there is another love. Grandparents buy all the children's things; when we arrive in another country, the first thing they do is run to the store“Matsuev emphasized.

Denis admitted that he became a father at the age of forty. The birth of his long-awaited daughter completely changed his life and worldview. According to the musician, he does not feel his age at all. The only thing the pianist regrets is that he did not know the joy of fatherhood earlier.

« I’m playing the piano, and she’s already starting to conduct to the beat! And what? It's fashionable now to be a female conductor", Denis shared.

Matsuev noted that the emotions of the birth of his first child at the age of forty are difficult to convey in words. However, he has no intention of leaving the stage. For a pianist, performing in front of an audience is an integral part of his life.

« I have a flight every day and a concert every day! The stage for me is the most magical place on earth. I give myself to people and in return I receive a fantastic flow. He heals me, a real charge of electricity that"- said Matsuev.

Bright Denis Matsuev: how did he become a world famous pianist? Who is the musician's wife?

Fans around the world are looking forward to concerts with the participation of pianist Denis Matsuev. He attracts not only his virtuoso playing, but his personal charisma and charm. In this article we will talk about life path musician, his road to fame, and also touch on his personal life, find out who Matsuev’s wife is.

Brief biography of the famous famous pianist

The future star was born in Irkutsk on June 11, 1975. In many ways, his family determined his future: his grandfather worked in a circus orchestra, and his father and mother played the piano masterfully. Matsuev was instilled with love and passion for classical music almost from infancy. Denis’s parents and grandmother gave him his first piano lessons.

He studied at oldest school arts in Irkustk, continuing to hone his ability to play the piano. After training, Denis studied at the city school for several years until he realized that his talent required further development in Moscow. For this reason, the parents decided to move to the capital, giving their son the opportunity to study with the best teachers.

In 1991, Denis won a competition-festival from the New Names foundation; this gave him the right to perform concerts in different countries, including European countries.

After 2 years, he began studying at the Moscow Conservatory, and in 1995 he began working at the capital’s Philharmonic. Three years later, a significant event occurred - Denis won an international competition, the public paid attention to him, and he was well received by critics.

The young and talented musician continued to perform and develop: already in 2004, he received the opportunity to allocate his own subscription to the Moscow Philharmonic program. Denis began working with famous orchestras under the leadership of conductors such as Valery Gergiev and others.

Soon he began working with one of the largest recording studios in the world, releasing albums. Performances in Russia and abroad attracted full houses, and the collections were actively sold out.

Matsuev became famous all over the world, the pianist was invited and eagerly awaited at many concerts around the planet. He used an innovative approach in his performances: Denis attracted the attention of listeners who were not initially connoisseurs of classical music.

A man is always ready to go beyond the possible. He is famous for being the only pianist to complete three Tchaikovsky concertos in one performance.

Denis is also a participant in various charity projects aimed at getting the younger generation interested in classical music. Working with the New Names Foundation, the master became its leader.

Matsuev knows a descendant of the composer Sergei Rachmaninov. Having communicated a lot with him, Denis received the right to record the collection “Unknown Rachmaninov”, playing the master on the piano. The pianist himself considers this collection his special achievement.

In 2014, Denis performed at the Olympics in Sochi: he gave spectacular show at the closing ceremony.

The man also loves football and calls himself a fan of FC Spartak for many years. The man even connects his professional victories with his love for the team.

Despite the fact that Matsuev lives in Moscow, he often comes to his native Irkutsk and loves to spend time outdoors, especially in Siberia. She loves the bathhouse and relaxing on Lake Baikal. His natural emotionality sometimes requires unusual actions: as a man admits that sometimes he likes to have a good scream in the forest to relieve stress and release emotions.

Personal life of a musician

Russian celebrity quite old-fashioned and does not like to talk about her romantic relationships. Some time ago it turned out that Denis had arranged his life and found the one with whom he wants to live. The chosen one and wife is Ekaterina Shipulina, who performs at the Bolshoi Theater as a prima ballerina. The marriage has been going on for several years, and in the fall of 2016 the couple had a daughter.

In 2017, Denis Matsuev was only 41 years old; Despite his rather young age, he is already a generally recognized meter. He knows how to surprise his audience, makes classical music attractive to different age groups listeners, for which it evokes additional respect. We wish him success in his work, new achievements, as well as happiness in his personal life and relationship with his wife.

The world has lost so many talented musicians, singers, and artists because parents “pressured” the child and forced him to study. The result is that the craving for art completely disappears, and humanity loses another genius. The biography of Denis Matsuev, a talented academic and jazz pianist, is a case of “reverse”.

Denis Matsuev's childhood

In Irkutsk, Siberia, on June 11, 1975, a boy, Denis Matsuev, was born, whose family knew firsthand about the world of art. Denis's grandfather worked in a circus orchestra, his mother taught music, his father was a leader in the city drama theater, wrote music.

Denis Matsuev as a child, 11 years old

The child received his first gentle impetus for the development of talent at the age of 4, when his parents noticed that he had hearing and the ease with which he, like a child, but already competently reproduced well-known melodies.

Although Denis began to seriously study music in early childhood, no one at school could call him a “nerd”: he was cheerful, sociable, and at that time he was a fan of football and hockey! Denis was so passionate about this that he twice broke his arm at the skating rink.

The music he was destined for did not let go, reminding him with all his might. As Dina Ivanova, a classmate of the genius, said, at school between lessons he loudly sang, running around the school, a tune from “Slave Isaura,” a TV series that everyone was passionate about at that time.

The beginning of the career of Denis Matsuev

The outstanding pianist always emphasizes that it was his parents who lovingly guided him to musical fame in his childhood and youth. For the sake of their son and his future, they left their established life in Irkutsk, moved to Moscow, rented a tiny apartment, so that Denis could continue to study in the capital.

Music school at the Conservatory named after. Tchaikovsky, where Denis Matsuev began studying in 1990, another three years at the Moscow Conservatory - this is it, the beginning of the path to great success. The public charitable foundation “New Names” organizes competitions for young geniuses. Thanks to them, Denis got the opportunity to demonstrate his talent in England, France and more than 40 countries around the world.

Denis studied in the class of Professor Sergei Dorensky

Having won the XI International Competition named after. Tchaikovsky in 1998, the young conservatory graduate literally “blew up” music world with your talent. To this day, the pianist considers this victory at the competition one of his main achievements. Moreover, he ensured his success with an unusual style of performance: instead of the usual, dry academic style, he chose a concert style.

The year 2004 was significant in that the musician presented his personal annual subscription “Soloist Denis Matsuev” as part of the Moscow Philharmonic concerts. Famous groups were attracted to the concerts, among them the Orchestra of Soloists under the direction of Spivakov.

The contract with SONY BMG Music Entertainment gave a new impetus to the fact that even more music fans learned about Denis Matsuev: discs with recordings of his performances were sold out instantly.

World fame of Denis Matsuev

Now in this talented musician, a tall and attractive man, it is difficult to recognize the boy whom the physical education teacher at school jokingly called “Gritsatsuev” because of his short stature.

Matsuev retained his love for football since childhood

Denis Matsuev, who could not imagine his life without football as a child, still retains his sporting enthusiasm and an unconventional, lively approach to music. An important event in his career as a pianist - the release of the solo disc “Unknown Rachmaninov” in 2015 at the suggestion of the composer’s grandson.

Alexander Rachmaninov concluded a friendly agreement with Matsuev: the pianist would record a disc performing a hitherto unknown fugue and suite if he quit smoking (by the way, the musician fulfilled the agreement). The project was also unusual in that the music was performed on Rachmaninoff’s personal piano.

Matsuev quit smoking to play unreleased works by Rachmaninov

Festivals and concerts, various musical projects– it is impossible to list everything that Denis Matsuev does. He is a regular participant in the annual autumn international festival “Stars of Baikal” in Irkutsk, artistic director forum of a new generation of musicians Crescendo. Competition for young pianists Astana Piano Passion international scale can boast that Denis is its artistic director.

Orchestra of Milan La Scala, Royal Scottish Symphony National Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, symphony orchestras of the USA, France, Germany - far from full list groups with which Denis Matsuev collaborates. The New Names charitable foundation, of which Denis was a student, is now proud that Matsuev is its president.

A concert anywhere in the world by this pianist is sold out and tickets are instantly sold out. According to the newspaper Le Devoir (Montreal), Denis Matsuev is not just a genius: he is passionate and generous in the way he conveys music to the public, his performance technique is perfect, at the same time free and natural.

The talented musician is actively involved in charity work. For example, in June 2017 he gave a concert for the visually impaired young musicians in Krasnodar. He not only played, but also after the concert talked with the children who came to his performance.

Personal life of Denis Matsuev

A brilliant pianist, a talented leader, a philanthropist, Denis is a happy husband and father. The press did not ignore the marriage to the Bolshoi Theater prima ballerina Ekaterina Shipulina and the birth of her daughter Anna in October 2016, but there were minimal comments from the “star” of the events.

According to Denis himself, he does not feel the need to talk about his personal life. The main thing for him is happiness in the family, and he doesn’t take offense at journalists for their intrusive interest, that’s their job.

Hobbies of Denis Matsuev

Sports, a childhood hobby, still does not let Denis out of captivity: he plays football, tennis, goes bowling, and supports Spartak.

Denis Matsuev is a fan of Spartak

A true Siberian, he enjoys going to the bathhouse and making forays to Lake Baikal with his friends. Siberian forests, he says, are a place where he can wander, shout and throw out energy in nature.

Denis loves to relax in nature

A fan of the Sovremennik Theater, Denis Matsuev is very friendly with Galina Volchek. The musician is passionate not only about classical music. For example, the “Jazz among Friends” project, in his words, is jazz improvisation using classical hands.

Very cultured, impeccably brought up and even a little old-fashioned - in a word, a true gentleman. This is the still very young, but already world famous pianist Denis Matsuev. They love him and wait for him everywhere: wherever he comes, the halls of the conservatory are full to capacity!

Denis Leonidovich Matsuev - short biography

Russian virtuoso pianist and musical and public figure.

National artist Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

In 2004, Denis Matsuev organized the international festival “Stars on Baikal,” which now takes place every year in Irkutsk.

The artistic director of the Crescendo competition is a forum for young musicians that has been held since 2003.

Opened in his native Irkutsk concert hall for 60 people it is called “House of Music of Denis Matsuev”. The city also does not forget about Denis - in 2001, the musician Matsuev was awarded the title “Honorary Resident of Irkutsk.”

Denis Matsuev prefers to remain silent about his personal life, however, he was not married and has no children.

In his biography, a young guy from Irkutsk, Denis Matsuev, had no chance of avoiding a profession related to music! His parents were directly connected with the world of harmony of sounds. Music teacher mom and leading composer in theater school dad - figuratively speaking, Matsuev’s entire childhood biography was accompanied by music.

While still very young, Denis greatly pleased his parents: he went to the piano and played a melody from the weather forecast, which he heard every evening on the evening TV news program. Looking at each other, mom and dad understood each other without words, and the son’s future was decided. No, no, this does not mean at all that from then on he was forced to sit at the keys and hammer out tedious solfeggio.

There was enough time to race with the boys in the yard and have a blast at the hockey and football stadiums. Actually, he had no complaints about the piano - he really liked it. Years later, in his interview, Denis will give parents of potential talents practical advice: do not force their children to play! Everyone needs their own time - some an hour, some four. And there is no point in coercion.

In order not to sacrifice their child’s childhood to future achievements, reasonable adults completely adjusted to it. Two grandmothers rushed to retire early just to help the young talent, look after him and in every possible way encourage his desire to learn the game. Of course, very soon all this bore fruit!

Already at the age of 9, Denis played Haydn’s concerto with the Irkutsk symphony orchestra on the stage of the main city philharmonic. Sounds impressive, doesn't it? Nevertheless, like any normal child, the guy sometimes rebelled: he got tired of his gift, and he tried to run away to the yard boys to play football, fight - in general, do things that a prodigy like him is not in the status of. Besides, he was simply raving about sports!

In the capital about young talent They found out even before Denis graduated from school. Simultaneously with his certificate of secondary education, Matsuev received an invitation to study at a school at the conservatory. They took it without exams. Thousands of young pianists dream about this, and the chance fell to a young genius. A bright future was on its way, but Denis rebelled - he did not want to leave Irkutsk.

Manipulation came into play: his father hinted that in the capital Denis would be able to go to matches of the most famous football teams. Only after this did the guy board the Irkutsk-Moscow train. The whole family, sacrificing their careers, followed their son, and the grandmother completely sold her apartment for the sake of the future of her grandson.

So, Denis Matsuev came to Moscow with his parents and 14 thousand dollars, which at that time was a very decent amount. Through quite a short time the boy won his first capital competition, began to communicate with leading musicians and travel abroad. Where did he perform!

And in the Vatican, and in Buckingham Palace, and even at the UN headquarters! But the modest Denis did not turn up his nose: of course, he liked all these capitals of the world, but he loved his homeland no less and traveled around Russia on tour in a reserved seat carriage. And when they asked him “Why?”, he answered: “At the call of his heart.”

Denis Matsuev - And sport, and piano, and love

Of course, the dream of not missing a single match of my beloved Spartak at Luzhniki remained a dream - it turned out to be too packed tour schedule. But, despite this, Denis did not give up his hobby, but on the contrary, he himself became a player in the Starko football team. Once he even completed football match festival “Stars on Baikal” - his fellow musicians became the players.

“What about Matsuev’s personal life?” - you ask. Talking about it is taboo. In various interviews, he calls music the love of his life. Classical - a wife, and jazz - a mistress. "How so?" - journalists ask in unison. A young, active, athletic, talented and world-famous man still does not have a lady of his heart?

To all this, Denis replies that due to his busy schedule and constant flights, there is a catastrophic lack of time for his personal life. However, a real man and should not talk about the names of those he meets. So what if newspapers, magazines and tabloids are full of photographs of him with beautiful strangers? There is no talk of marriage or long-term relationships.

Denis Matsuev understands: it will not be easy for his wife to accept his lifestyle. She will miss him all the time. Relationships where family is sacrificed for work are easily destroyed, but is this what he strives for?

In general, Matsuev takes love very seriously and in a somewhat old-fashioned way: he does not accept communication via the Internet, Skype and SMS. He loves to look into your eyes, give flowers - in general, he is a romantic!

12905 Ekaterina Shipulina graced the world in 1979; she was born in the city of Perm. Her family practiced ballet. The girl’s mother (Lyudmila) was an Honored Artist of the country. She devoted the period from 1973-1990. work in In 1991, the girl’s parents began dancing in the capital. accepted them Musical Theatre

Stanislavsky, as well as Nemirov-Danchenko. We will learn about the details of Catherine’s biography further from the article.

Childhood: how it all began

The ballerina was brought up in strictness and uncompromisingness. The mother always harshly criticized the girl and did not let her relax, forcing her to constantly progress.

For ballerinas, pain is considered a common occurrence that they have to put up with and endure. Sometimes it's hard to just get up and force yourself to do something. Many viewers cannot even imagine how much effort needs to be put in to create the beauty and splendor that is revealed from the stage.

I had to overcome myself, take pills and take new steps on the path to beauty. There are no reflexes left in the ballerina's knees. She fell on them many times and lost sensitivity to blows. As time went on, I began to take care of my health and treat my body not as irresponsibly as I did in my youth.

Rising of a Little Star

People like these truly make the world a more beautiful place. The artist is hardworking, she has a sense of beauty and the perseverance necessary to bring beauty to life.

Having watched her performances, it’s hard not to recognize what a talented ballerina Ekaterina Shipulina is. Her personal life is quite interesting. The ballerina has a twin sister. With her in 1989, the girl went to study at the Perm State Choreographic School. Over time, her sister abandoned ballet art, while Ekaterina Shipulina, a ballerina from God, did not lose her creative passion and continued to work painstakingly to achieve her own goals in art.

Since 1994, the Moscow State Academy of Choreography has become the girl’s place of study. Four years later, Ekaterina Shipulina graduated from this institution with honors. She thoroughly studied Litavkina’s course. The graduation concert was decorated with her performance of a scene from the ballet “Corsair”.

Stressful work activity

The first place where Ekaterina Shipulina worked was Grand Theatre. A year later, the ballerina goes to Luxembourg and wins silver at the International Ballet Competition.

The girl is taking rapid steps towards her development. With each new performance, her career grows upward. Then the ballerina performed the role of the Queen in the ball “Fantasy on a Theme of Casanova”, as well as Mazurka in “Chopinian”.

In the same year, her mastery adorned the ballets La Sylphide, Don Quixote, and The Little Humpbacked Horse (here she danced the role of the Tsar Maiden). She plays her roles with such sensitivity and quality that it is impossible not to be imbued with her performance, not to believe in the conveyed plot and image.

New century, new achievements

In 2000, Shipulina Ekaterina Valentinovna, a ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, played in “Russian Hamlet”, embodying the wife of the Heir on stage. At the same time, he was working on the image of the Queen of the Dryads for the ballet Don Quixote.

In April he takes part in “Swan Lake” as part of festive concert, the occasion for which was the anniversary. May brought work in the troupe of “Pharaoh’s Daughters.” The work was directed by Pierre Lacotte. Ekaterina Shipulina danced the part

On May 7, another performance took place, in which the ballerina was the wife of Rybak. She had the opportunity to dance the part of the Lilac Fairy in the ballet “Sleeping Beauty”. She coped with this role just as wonderfully as with the others. The grace and elegance of this woman is simply indescribable, worthy of admiration and reverence.

September brought the role of Magnolia in Cipollino. November was busy with work at the Regional Charity Fund, supported by the Moscow government. The event “Children of Independent Russia” was held, and the production “The Little Humpbacked Horse” was shown. Catherine played the Tsar Maiden.

At the end of the year I had the opportunity to participate in the ballet “Shadows” of the ballet “La Bayadère”. This program has long delighted the eyes of lovers of graceful and beautiful dance. A concert was also held in honor as part of the first international ballet festival, during which the girl also showed herself brilliantly.

Dancers from different countries arrived, demonstrating their skills to the local audience. The second section was filled with “Shadows”. Also, 2001 brings a trip to Italy with Sleeping Beauty.

International recognition

The new year 2002 comes, the ballerina’s works are replenished with the role of Odette-Odile in “Swan Lake”. In May-June the Bolshoi Theater troupe visits Savonlinna in Finland. July is dedicated to work on Giselle, which was performed in Cyprus. I also had a chance to visit Japan. The stages of Tokyo, Fukuoka, Osaka and Nagoya were open to the troupe, bringing with them The Sleeping Beauty and Spartacus.

October was marked by a concert in honor of the anniversary, which was celebrated by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. That same year I managed to visit largest cities USA. The Nutcracker appears on the tour program. The ballerina is rewarded with the Triumph Award.

Work at home and abroad

March 2003 was memorable for my participation in the ballet festival at the Kennedy Center in Washington. The Bolshoi Theater is in full swing. There are also many performances taking place at home.

The audience is presented with such ballets as “Bright Stream”, “Raymonda” (in this ballerina she performed the role of Henrietta), “Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris"(Esmeralda).

At the end of the year, Don Quixote, in which Catherine plays the role of the Lady of the Dryads, is still enjoying its former popularity. In 2003, the most talented ballerina of her time performed main party in "Chopinian". Her mastery adorned the Prelude and the Seventh Waltz.

In 2004, the Bolshoi Theater came to Paris with a program including “Swan Creek” and “Pharaoh’s Daughter”.

International stage

Ekaterina Shipulina took leaps and bounds in her stage growth. Her biography was replenished in 2001 with the role of Mitra in the ballet “Giselle”. In April, the ballerina had the opportunity to go to work in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, where ceremonial presentations of schools being trained by the Bolshoi Theater took place. May takes her to Kazan to participate in the Fifteenth International festival, dedicated to Here she gets the role of the Lady of the Dryads in the play “Don Quixote”. June was marked by participation in the International Competition of Choreographers and Ballet Dancers.

Charm and attractiveness

Extremely beautiful woman is Ekaterina Shipulina. The photos clearly demonstrate this statement. In the role of the leader of the courtesans Aegina, she does an excellent job in the scene of seducing the warriors. Her movements are graceful and full of grace. The ballerina manages to fill each dance with meaning and put her soul into it. Every image and gesture is carefully thought out. The composition does not consist of empty and automatic body movements, but of elements naturally located one after another.


The girl is accustomed to extreme sports not only at work, but in all areas of life. She is a lover of ice skating and water skiing. Can play tennis, football, visit a fitness club or swimming pool. With such in an active way In life, she doesn’t have much need to watch her figure. Overweight do not accumulate, no matter how much she eats.

Ekaterina Shipulina is a very cheerful person. The ballerina, whose personal life is as vibrant as all areas of her life, admits that, being in love, she feels the fullness of happiness in life. In the future, she plans to have a child and immediately return to work, since she does not understand her life without it.

The ballerina received a number of awards. Each of them was undoubtedly deservedly awarded. This is both “silver” in Luxembourg and the second award international competition in ballet, “Triumph” award for youth. Each of her roles was not just played, but lived and felt. The many titles she has been awarded are well deserved tireless work and hard work in the name of art. Catherine's dance deserves respect and veneration to the highest degree.