Socialite Ksenia Merz forced Mitya Fomin to take a paternity test. Stars before and after plastic surgery: the best photos of Russian and foreign celebrities Ksenia Mertz Instagram

Shocking, bright and self-confident Ksenia Merz is a frequent guest of popular Russian talk shows. As a rule, she is invited there as a “star” expert, but often the odious socialite Merz herself acts as the heroine of scandalous broadcasts. Among the latest sensational stories with her participation: the beating of a housekeeper, an attack on a photographer, financial claims against her lover Alexander Zdasyuk, an audio scandal on Malakhov’s broadcast... For all her publicity, Ksenia manages to remain a “mystery woman”, whose exact age and real name are unknown. Just some facts from her biography and personal life, in particular those relating to ex-husband oligarch Valery Demichev, are available to the general public. Let's talk further about who Ksenia Merz is (photos before and after plastic surgery below), who she was in her youth, whose wife she is today, whether she has children, and other facts from her personal life.

Who is Ksenia Merz: biography and personal life, photo from Instagram

The frequent appearance of Ksenia Merz on various television shows undoubtedly increased interest in her biography and personal life (photo from Instagram below). But no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to get any information about the scandalous blonde before her marriage to the oligarch. There are no reliable references in the public domain about Ksenia’s date of birth, real name, or education. Merz herself does not comment on questions about her past, in particular, her childhood and family.

Facts from the biography and personal life of Ksenia Merz, a selection of photos from Instagram

What is known about Ksenia? In the past, she was the wife of oligarch Valery Demichev, thanks to whose patronage she became a presenter on Muz-TV. The girl was so captivated by the interesting position that her husband gave her an ultimatum: him or the job. And although Ksenia chose a family, in the end, their marriage broke up. According to Merz, Demichev constantly reproached her for being unattractive and took on young mistresses. The girl decided to leave her husband and start new life. Since, through the efforts of her ex-husband, Ksenia was not taken on television, she tried herself as a businesswoman and opened own salon beauty. This allowed Merz to remain socialite th and be inside the star party. Over time, Ksenia returned “to TV” thanks to her shocking behavior and scandalous novels. She became a regular on such talk shows as “Let Them Talk,” “Actually,” and “Live.” IN Lately Merz tries herself as a singer.

“Forever young” Ksenia Merz: what is the real age of the scandalous star

The striking appearance of the “forever young” Ksenia Merz raises questions regarding the real age of the scandalous TV star. The fact is that Ksyusha herself does not give any comments on this matter. Only in one of the old interviews did she casually mention that at that time she was 38 years old. Using a simple calculation, journalists suggested that Ksenia Merz was born in 1972. There is no more accurate information regarding Ksyusha’s age.

What is the real age of the scandalous and “forever young” talk show star Ksenia Merz

If we assume that Ksenia was born in 1972, then today she should be 45 years old. To be frank, Merz does not look like a “woman-berry”. Most likely, the secret of Ksenia’s youth lies in numerous beauty injections and plastic surgery. Naturally, the socialite herself does not comment on such accusations against her.

Ksenia Merz and her lovers: who is her ex-oligarch husband and who claims to be the new husband

A topic that deserves special attention concerns the lovers of Ksenia Merz, or rather, who her ex-oligarch husband is and whether there are any contenders for the role of a new spouse. Despite numerous high-profile novels, Ksyusha was officially married only once. As mentioned above, her husband was oligarch Valery Demichev. Merz met her ex-husband long before he became a major businessman and owner of the Russian Monolith. In her marriage to Demichev, Ksenia gave birth to a daughter, Stefania.

Who is Ksenia Merz’s ex-husband and which of her last lovers is claiming to be her new husband?

When the girl was only 4 years old, the couple broke up, but continue to maintain friendly relations. Demichev cannot be called a popular public person, and his name rarely appears in the domestic media. Unlike his ex-wife, Valery prefers to do business rather than appear on television. Almost immediately after the divorce, the bright blonde Merz began a high-profile affair with former soloist Hi-Fi group Mitya Fomin. It was rumored that Mitya and Ksyusha were planning a wedding, but star couple I never made it to the altar. Later in her interviews, Merz repeatedly hinted at gay Fomina and the facts of his betrayal of her with other men. After Mitya, Ksyusha often appeared in the company of interesting young people. By the way, her last novel with the young fitness trainer Alexander Zdasyuk is over loud scandal. Merz accused young man that she impersonated another person and demanded that he compensate for the moral damage caused to her in court.

What kind of facial surgery did Ksenia Merts perform: a selection of photos before and after plastic surgery

The bright appearance of TV star Ksenia Merz makes one think about the plastic surgery on her face that she had done (before and after photos below). The first thing that catches the eye of even the average person is the shape of Ksenia’s nose. The assumption that rhinoplasty has been performed is confirmed by the overly thin profile and raised tip of the nose. It can be seen that Merz's nose has changed if we compare the early and latest photos women.

A selection of photos before and after facial plastic surgery performed by Ksenia Merz

In addition to rhinoplasty, Ksenia Merz changed the shape of her lips and cheekbones. Experts also suggest that the woman had blepharoplasty, an operation to change the shape of the eyes. The socialite is also suspected of undergoing a circular facelift operation (photos before and after plastic surgery below). We hope that now you know more about biography, age, children, career and personal life scandalous Ksenia Merz. And the selection of the following photos from Instagram will show you what the first wife of oligarch Valery Demichev looks like today and ex-girlfriend Alexandra Zdasyuk.

The heroine of Dmitry Shepelev’s program “Actually” was socialite Ksenia Merz. The woman gave birth to a daughter, Stefania, 14 years ago and all these years hid who the girl’s father was. Decided to reveal the secret former housekeeper socialite Zulya, who is offended by the blonde for treating her poorly. On the air of the show, Zulya told who gave birth to her daughter Merz.

“She is deceiving everyone, she is a fraud, she deceived her husband. She always demanded a lot of money from him. And I can say he doesn't real father her daughters, it's 100 percent. He is not Stephanie's real father. I can tell who the father is. This is singer Mitya Fomin,” the woman said.


Ksenia confirmed the words of her former employee and spoke about her affair with Mitya. “Yes, I had a relationship, I had an affair with him for a very long time. I left my husband twice on my own, and he brought me back. My mother always guided me. She convinced me to return to my husband,” Merz shared.

Mitya Fomin did not deny that he met with Ksenia, but the singer is sure that she did not give birth to a daughter from him: “Yes, I was in a relationship with Ksyusha. She was then in a civil marriage. I was lonely at that time. This romance happened out of mutual sympathy.”

Fomin agreed to undergo a DNA test, which showed that he is not the father of his daughter Ksenia. Merz concluded that Stefania's real father is her ex-husband.

Many are interested in who socialite Ksenia Merz is, her biography on Wikipedia (height, weight, how old), personal life (latest news) and photos on Instagram, family - parents (nationality), husband and children.

Ksenia Merz - biography

Ksenia was born in 1972 in Moscow, and this is presumably the same as her name, since some sources say that her name is Oksana, but as for her surname, it is not known whether it is real or not. Regarding her parents, the school she graduated from, and the presence higher education nothing is known either. In a word, the biography of this lady, who today is called a socialite and businesswoman, is a huge White spot.

Today, as indeed in last years, this bright blonde with expressive lips, constantly attracts attention. In addition, she herself does everything for this, constantly appearing at various social events and top-rated television shows.

Many people are interested in who is Ksenia Merz’s ex-husband? It is known that this is the owner construction company“Russian monolith” - Valery Demichev.

As she herself says, at first her husband allowed her to work on the Muz-TV channel, but since she began to spend much more time in the studio than at home, he gave her a choice - work or family. And since Ksenia was more interested in a busy life, full of bright events, social society and public attention, she peacefully separated from her husband, maintaining normal relations with him.

After the divorce, she made every effort to be called a socialite. The woman constantly appeared on television, causing scandals and even brawls, dressing flashily and putting on makeup provocatively. For example, in one of the episodes of the “Let Them Talk” program she attacked a photographer with her fists, and on a talk show in which the divorce of Hollywood stars Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt was discussed, without blinking an eye she declared that she had Cote d'Azur mansion, standing nearby with the house of this star couple. She once caused a scandal at Sberbank, accusing employees of serving only VIP clients in an exemplary manner and not paying attention to ordinary ones.

Those who follow her antics also pay attention to her appearance, believing that she is the result plastic surgeons, the socialite herself keeps the intrigue and does not comment on such statements.

Ksenia Merz - personal life

As we have already said, the diva’s husband was Valery Demichev, who owns the Russian Monolith construction company. Ksenia has repeatedly noted that they got married when her husband had just begun to take his first steps in his business. The couple had a daughter, Stefania, and over time, the husband’s business went uphill, which made it possible to significantly improve the family’s well-being - they first rented a house in Zhukovka near Moscow, which was considered an elite village, and then purchased a mansion on Rublyovka.

But soon the relationship between the spouses began to burst at the seams - Demichev, who had become rich, was no longer satisfied with his wife, who, as he believed, was beginning to grow old, and he took on a young mistress. Ksenia, again, as she herself claims, having taken her four-year-old daughter, left her husband, and then again there were solid blank spots - according to one information, she moved into her mother’s apartment, and according to another, she sold the jewelry donated by her husband and bought a house in the capital .

True, the ex-husband still gives money to support his daughter and regularly meets with her on weekends.

After the divorce, Ksenia got herself a boyfriend - singer Mitya Fokin. At first there were even rumors that they wanted to get married, but soon the romance ended, and the separation was not without Ksenia’s scandalous confessions that Fokin cheated on her with men and was simply unbearable in everyday life.

It is unknown whether the socialite has someone now, although there are rumors that a new lover is taking place, however, it is not known who initiated them.

Many people are interested in where Ksenia Merz is now and what she is doing. You can learn about this from her Instagram page, where the restless lady constantly shares latest photos And latest news from my life with subscribers, and, by the way, there are many of them - more than 100 thousand.

But to put it briefly, Ksenia does not betray herself, and constantly makes loud statements or gets into spicy stories, not giving the opportunity to forget about herself.

Not long ago, she stated that her daughter was attacked by a “zombie tutor” in mathematics, whom the agency provided her, and in the summer of 2017 she got into a fight with her employee (as you know, Ksenia is the owner of a beauty salon). Moreover, their brawl was filmed by cameras located in the salon. Ksenia, who was severely beaten by an employee for accusing her of theft and firing her, wrote a statement to the police, demanding that the culprit be punished.

At the end of November 2017, Merz took part in the TV show “Actually” and announced to the whole country that the father of her daughter could well be her ex-boyfriend Mitya Fokin. And, by the way, the topic: Ksenia Merz and her daughter Stefania - who is the father of her daughter, interested many, since the lady herself stirred up interest in her.

Fokin himself was present at the show and did not react in any way to such a statement, because, as he later admitted, he was confident in himself. And indeed, a DNA test showed that he is not Stefania’s father, and in addition, a polygraph on the show established that at one time the socialite had an abortion from Fokin.

Biography, life story of Ksenia Merz

Ksenia Merz is a socialite, a former presenter on the Muz-TV channel, and now the owner of a beauty salon. She was also known as a rather scandalous person, as evidenced by numerous publications in the media.

Childhood and adolescence

The ex-wife of an oligarch involved in the construction business carefully hid this entire period of her life. It is only known that Ksenia (real name Oksana) was born in 1972. A similar situation exists with information about parents, about whom nothing is known for certain.

Live in secular society

Ksenia always liked to be in public. Moreover, this was facilitated by her bright appearance. In addition, her marriage to one of the oligarchs, who also contributed to her work on the Muz-TV channel, also helped her get into the glamorous party. But, I soon realized that I had made a mistake. Ksenia spent much more time on set than at home. In the end, things came to a divorce. However, the couple parted as friends (as Merz herself says).

After leaving TV, the socialite developed a new hobby - a beauty salon. She also did not forget to guest on various television programs, the broadcasts of which often ended in scandals. And in general, Ksenia has always been “sharp” with her words, which is how she earned herself enough scandalous reputation.

In addition to scandals, Ksenia was also a participant in the television project “ Mobile blondes».

Personal life

Valery Demichev is so far the first and only official husband Xenia. The couple legalized their relationship back when Valery was just beginning to take his first steps in business, producing CDs. Over time, his scope of activity expanded to real estate, where he was able to earn decent capital. The marriage produced a daughter, Stefania. When the baby was 4 years old, the couple separated. The reason for this was Valery’s desire to have a younger person at his side, which Ksenia herself could not handle. But, like a decent father, Demichev did not leave, nor ex-wife, nor a daughter without means of subsistence.

Ksenia herself was also not alone for a long time, and started an affair with RњРёС‚ей Фоминым. But this relationship soon ended due to the fact that (according to Merz), Fomin often became hysterical. And I often met with men.

And this time the socialite didn’t have to be bored for long, although she decided not to show off her next passion.

Video of Merz Ksenia

Who is Ksenia Merz: biography and personal life, photo from Instagram

The frequent appearance of Ksenia Merz on various television shows undoubtedly increased interest in her biography and personal life (photo from Instagram below). But no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to get any information about the scandalous blonde before her marriage to the oligarch. There are no reliable references in the public domain about Ksenia’s date of birth, real name, or education. Merz herself does not comment on questions about her past, in particular, her childhood and family.

Facts from the biography and personal life of Ksenia Merz, a selection of photos from Instagram

What is known about Ksenia? In the past, she was the wife of oligarch Valery Demichev, thanks to whose patronage she became a presenter on Muz-TV. The girl was so captivated by the interesting position that her husband gave her an ultimatum: him or the job. And although Ksenia chose a family, in the end, their marriage broke up. According to Merz, Demichev constantly reproached her for being unattractive and took on young mistresses. The girl decided to leave her husband and start a new life. Since, through the efforts of her ex-husband, Ksenia was not taken on television, she tried herself as a businesswoman and opened her own beauty salon. This allowed Merz to remain a socialite and be part of the star party. Over time, Ksenia returned “to TV” thanks to her shocking behavior and scandalous novels. She became a regular on such talk shows as “Let Them Talk,” “Actually,” and “Live.” Recently, Merz has been trying herself as a singer.

“Forever young” Ksenia Merz: what is the real age of the scandalous star

The striking appearance of the “forever young” Ksenia Merz raises questions regarding the real age of the scandalous TV star. The fact is that Ksyusha herself does not give any comments on this matter. Only in one of the old interviews did she casually mention that at that time she was 38 years old. Using a simple calculation, journalists suggested that Ksenia Merz was born in 1972. There is no more accurate information regarding Ksyusha’s age.

What is the real age of the scandalous and “forever young” talk show star Ksenia Merz

If we assume that Ksenia was born in 1972, then today she should be 45 years old. To be frank, Merz does not look like a “woman-berry”. Most likely, the secret of Ksenia’s youth lies in numerous beauty injections and plastic surgeries. Naturally, the socialite herself does not comment on such accusations against her.

Ksenia Merz and her lovers: who is her ex-oligarch husband and who claims to be the new husband

A topic that deserves special attention concerns the lovers of Ksenia Merz, or rather, who her ex-oligarch husband is and whether there are any contenders for the role of a new spouse. Despite numerous high-profile novels, Ksyusha was officially married only once. As mentioned above, her husband was oligarch Valery Demichev. Merz met her ex-husband long before he became a major businessman and owner of the Russian Monolith. In her marriage to Demichev, Ksenia gave birth to a daughter, Stefania.

Who is Ksenia Merz’s ex-husband and which of her last lovers is claiming to be her new husband?

When the girl was only 4 years old, the couple broke up, but continue to maintain friendly relations. Demichev cannot be called a popular public person, and his name rarely appears in the domestic media. Unlike his ex-wife, Valery prefers to do business rather than appear on television. Almost immediately after the divorce, the bright blonde Merz began a high-profile affair with the former lead singer of the Hi-Fi group Mitya Fomin. It was rumored that Mitya and Ksyusha were planning a wedding, but the star couple never made it to the altar. Later, in her interviews, Merz repeatedly hinted at Fomin’s unconventional orientation and the facts of his betrayal of her with other men. After Mitya, Ksyusha often appeared in the company of interesting young people. By the way, her last romance with a young fitness trainer Alexander Zdasyuk ended in a loud scandal. Merz accused the young man of impersonating another person and demanded that he compensate for the moral damage caused to her in court.

What kind of facial surgery did Ksenia Merts perform: a selection of photos before and after plastic surgery

The bright appearance of TV star Ksenia Merz makes one think about the plastic surgery on her face that she had done (before and after photos below). The first thing that catches the eye of even the average person is the shape of Ksenia’s nose. The assumption that rhinoplasty has been performed is confirmed by the overly thin profile and raised tip of the nose. It can be seen that Mertz's nose has changed if you compare early and recent photographs of the woman.

The name Ksenia Merz is heard by millions of people today, but this is not at all surprising. After all, the girl was able to gain wide popularity thanks to her scandalous character and loud statements.

Ksenia Merz: biography

You can dig into the girl’s biography for a long time, but still can’t find the necessary information. After all, there is a solid black spot here. The socialite carefully hides her past from prying eyes. Information about her childhood, youth, and parents remains a mystery.

It is known that Ksenia Merz was born in 1972 in Moscow. Although it is difficult to answer whether this is the exact age, the press does not even know the beauty’s last name.

Ksenia Merts, whose photos are full of people on the Internet, does not leave many people alone. The public wants to know as much as possible about her, but so far this has not been possible. Although the woman is not used to sitting on the sidelines. She is an active participant in a wide variety of television shows. Ksenia was able to get into the attractive, starry world thanks to the efforts of her ex-husband. A man who wanted to satisfy his passion’s needs allowed her to work as a presenter on a TV channel. But the consequences of such an act turned out to be unpredictable.

Ksenia Merts before and after her active work- that's two different characters.
She got so into the role that she completely forgot about family responsibilities. Of course, this was unacceptable, and her husband gave her a choice: work or family. After some hesitation, Merz announced her decision. Becoming a housewife who constantly cooked food was not part of the plan, so a divorce petition was filed.

Fortunately, she managed to maintain friendly relations with the businessman. The man continues to communicate with his ex-wife and actively helps in raising his daughter. After which the beauties began their active promotion. Numerous shows, programs, broadcasts, thanks to them the fame only grew.

She even starred in the series “Mobile Blondes.” The socialite gained particular fame thanks to her explosive character. Often, programs with her participation ended in fights, which only further excited the audience, thirsty for spectacle. The diva’s appearance received special attention, because Ksenia Merz before plastic surgery and now are two completely different characters. But the star herself does not comment on the rumors.

As for the beauty’s personal life, after her divorce from Valery Demich, she dated famous singer Mitya Fomin. But the relationship reached a dead end, after which the couple broke up. Today there are many rumors about the presence of a boyfriend, but they have not received subexpression.

If Ksenia Merz before plastic surgery did not attract much attention to herself, then after it everything changed. The woman has more than 100,000 followers on Instagram. Moreover, the show business star actively shares his life with them, constant photographs are excellent proof of this.

Fans not only watch what is happening, but also ask exciting questions. The main one is the number of operations undergone. But the brawler herself avoids the topic that worries millions. However, looking at the photo it is not difficult to guess the quantity. Just look at lip augmentation with Botox, which happened several times. Blapharoplasty also has its place. Thanks to her, the surgeon changed the shape of the eyes, got rid of the hated bags and fatty deposits. The woman even managed to appear in a scandalous one.

Before and after photos indicate surgery performed on the cheekbones and nose. The TV presenter's face took on an oval shape, and her nose became much thinner. One thing is for sure, the woman does not intend to stop there, because there are still so many events and incidents ahead.

The biography of socialite Ksenia Merz is a blank spot. The years of childhood and adolescence are a secret, the cover of which a woman has never lifted. Who her parents are, where they worked and what they did is unknown.

Ksenia Merz was probably born in 1972 in Moscow. In an interview from 2010, she gave her age: 38 years. Real name Ksenia is not mentioned anywhere, but it seems that her name is Oksana. It was not possible to find information about what school she graduated from and whether Merz has a higher education.


It’s hard not to notice the bright blonde with expressive lips. And Ksenia Merz herself does not hide in the shadows: she is a frequent guest social events and top-rated TV shows. The glamorous diva’s husband, the owner of a large capital construction company, allowed his wife to work on the Muz-TV channel. Soon the wife spent more time in the studio than at home. Therefore, the man gave her a choice: filming on Muz-TV or having a family.

The former TV presenter claims that her husband took care of her dismissal from all the TV projects in which she appeared. But the fate of a quiet housewife, feeding her husband with delicacies of her own making, did not appeal to the woman. Ksenia Merz dreamed of rich life, bright events, high society and photo chronicles in glossy magazines.

Ksenia Merz managed to separate peacefully from her husband and maintain friendly relations with him. After the divorce, the woman did everything to be called a socialite. She caused a scandal on television, where she expressed her opinion on the topic under discussion and attracted attention with her outfits and makeup. Soon Ksenia Merz became the owner of a beauty salon. In 2008-2009, the beauty appeared in the series “Mobile Blondes” and participated in a talk show as a commentator. Merz’s participation in a television project often ended in a brawl.

At the “Let Them Talk” program in 2016, where the fate of socialite Alena Kravets was discussed, the glamorous diva attacked the photographer with her fists. On a talk show where the divorce of Hollywood stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie was discussed, Ksenia Merz spoke knowledgeably about the couple’s separation, announcing that her house on the Cote d’Azur is located next to the Jolie-Pitt mansion.

Best of the day

In October of the same 2016, Merz gave a thrashing to Sberbank employees, considering that they provided exemplary service to elite clients and did not pay attention to ordinary mortals. The socialite also spoke out about Denis Voronenkov’s move to Ukraine, calling herself a friend of Maria Maksakova. If you believe Ksenia Mertz, then Voronenkov was henpecked by his strong-willed wife. Allegedly, Maksakova insisted on moving to a neighboring power, whom her husband obeyed unquestioningly.

Looking at the socialite, ill-wishers and TV viewers talk about the plastic surgery that Oksana resorted to. Merz's lips indicate plasticity, toned face and lush breasts. But Ksenia Merz does not comment on rumors and does not clarify, preferring to keep the intrigue.

Personal life

The ex-husband of Ksenia Merz, Valery Demichev, is the owner of the Russian Monolith construction company. Oksana was nearby when the man took his first steps in his career. According to Merz, Valery began to accumulate capital by making CDs. Later took up Building bussiness, and the family in which their daughter Stefania was born rented a house in the elite village of Zhukovka near Moscow. Soon his own mansion appeared.

The romance in the relationship between the spouses has dried up, the rich husband reproached Oksana for her imperfect appearance and aging. He had a young mistress. For the first time, Ksenia Merz forgave her husband, the second time she left the house in Zhukovka and moved with 4-year-old Stefania to her mother’s apartment. According to other sources, the woman sold the diamonds donated by her husband and bought a home in the capital.

Valery takes care of his daughter and gives money for the girl’s maintenance. Former spouses They communicate; Stefania meets with her father on weekends.

After the divorce, Ksenia Merz began an affair with Mitya Fomin. There were rumors about the couple's imminent marriage, but the romance ended in separation and Oksana's scandalous admission that Mitya had cheated on her with men. The socialite did not intend to share her beloved, so she chose to say goodbye to Fomin. In addition, she shared that in everyday life Mitya is “simply unbearable, she is hysterical all day long.” Rumor has it that Ksenia Merz has a boyfriend, but his name is unknown.

Ksenia Merts now

The woman shares news and latest photos on her Instagram page, where the number of subscribers reaches 100 thousand. Vivid scandals and fights still raise the socialite’s ratings, reminding her of her existence. In the spring of 2016, Ksenia Merz reported an attack by a “zombie tutor” on her daughter. The woman turned to the agency with a request to provide Stefania with a math tutor - the girl “slipped” in the subject.

A 20-year-old tutor claims socialite, turned out to be a young lady with oddities, but Merz explained them by the girl’s passion for science. Stefania studied with the teacher for a month without any problems, but then trouble happened. Ksenia rushed home after a call from her frightened 12-year-old daughter. The tutor had a nervous breakdown, she fell to the floor, broke her nose, knocked out her teeth and covered the floor with blood.

Then she attacked the girl, who escaped by running into the corridor screaming for help. Arriving home, Ksenia Merz saw the bloodied tutor pounding on the neighbors' doors, shaking the entrance with animal screams. Ksenia complained to journalists of the Ren-TV channel that the agency did not apologize for what happened, so she will file a lawsuit.

In the summer of 2016, Ksenia Merz got into a fight with her former employee Tatyana Parshina, whom she fired on charges of theft. Parshina came to the salon on Shmidtovsky Proezd and made a row, demanding payment for the work. A stormy showdown that ended in a fight between Ksenia Merz and Tatyana Parshina was caught on a video camera installed in a beauty salon. Parshina knocked Mertz to the floor and injured her former boss. The fight was stopped by salon employees who came running in response to the screams. Ksenia wrote a statement to the police, demanding that Parshina, who beat her, be punished.