Edita Piekha. Biography of Ilona Bronevitskaya Great success of singer Ilona Bronevitskaya

Ilona Bronevitskaya is talented singer and just a multi-faceted personality. In her life you can find a huge number of interesting episodes, bright events and impressive achievements. That is why the biography of this charming lady always arouses such genuine interest. Our new article will help you learn a little more about the fate and career of this pop celebrity.

Childhood of Ilona Bronevitskaya - daughter of Edita Piekha

Ilona Alexandrovna Bronevitskaya was born on February 17, 1961 in the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg). Her parents were inextricably linked with the world of creativity and belonged to the category of real Soviet “celebrities”. The compositions of her mother, Edita Piekha, were heard from all radios in the country. And his father, Alexander Bronevitsky, was known as the permanent leader of the popular ensemble “Druzhba”. Thus, creative path the future celebrity began already in childhood.

At first she traveled around Soviet Union together with the star mother. Then I studied pop vocals together with his equally illustrious father. Thanks to the support and help of her parents, Ilona learned to play the keyboard well and also sing beautifully. Our today's heroine began to successfully demonstrate these skills already in early childhood, when she began to go on stage with her mother. Probably, it was at such moments that little Ilona clearly realized that she could not live without the sound of applause and light and spotlights.

Driven by the dream of success variety career Our today's heroine, at the age of seventeen, entered the Leningrad State Institute of Music and Cinematography, where she began studying in the pop department. During this period, her main teachers and mentors were I. R. Shtokbant and P. B. Arkhangelskaya. It was they who gave the young girl a pass into the world of Soviet art.

The first roles of actress Ilona Bronevitskaya

After finishing her studies at the institute, Ilona began working as an actress at the Buff Theater ( artistic director– I.R. Shtokbant). She performed many wonderful roles on the local stage, playing a variety of heroines in a variety of theater productions.

It is also worth noting that already in 1981, Ilona Bronevitskaya also made her film debut, playing the role of Gerka Fradkina in Gennady Polok’s film “Our Calling.” This acting work, however, did not bring her much success, and therefore subsequently Ilona acted in films very rarely. Currently, her filmography includes only three films, in each of which her roles were relatively small.

Great success of singer Ilona Bronevitskaya

The real success of Ilona Bronevitskaya is not connected with theater or cinema, but with music. Since 1986, the artist performed as a singer in her mother’s band. However, this state of affairs lasted only two years. Already in 1989, Ilona began working on her solo work.

In 1988, Bronevitskaya became a laureate of the prestigious competition for young performers “Yalta-88”, receiving third prize within the framework of this project. From that moment on, a new chapter began in Ilona Alexandrovna’s career.

She often toured the cities of the USSR, giving concerts in various cultural centers and concert venues. First solo concert our today's heroine took place in Irkutsk at the beginning of 1989. After this, touring and moving became an integral part of her life.

For five years, Ilona has traveled all over the world with concerts. Largest cities CIS. Several times in Bronevitskaya’s career, more unusual routes were also encountered. Among the most unusual points of the singer’s tour are Afghanistan, Finland and Bulgaria. Ilona Alexandrovna also performed as a guest star at the festival “ Slavic Marketplace", as well as in a series of New Year's concerts at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia".

Ilona Bronevitskaya - “Dear Mother”

Our today's heroine managed to achieve recognition and fame back in the days of the USSR, but the real takeoff of her career occurred already in the nineties. So, in particular, in 1995, the artist released her first solo album- “Dancing for Breakfast”, and also began hosting the “Wider Circle” program as a presenter. Some time later, the show “Morning Mail” was also added to the artist’s list of works, which the singer hosted for two years.

Subsequently, Ilona Bronevitskaya successfully alternated work on television with studio recordings. This situation allowed our today’s heroine to record her second album, “What do you want, clients?” in 1996. However, it’s difficult to call either the celebrity’s first or second album truly successful. The public has always warmly received Ilona Bronevitskaya’s performances. But she was never a star of the first magnitude.

Ilona Bronevitskaya currently

Last on this moment The singer’s album, “Songs for Breakfast,” went on sale in 2005. When recording the record, numerous guitar parts were used, as well as real Tuvan throat singing. Despite this, the album received rather muted reviews from critics.

Stas Piekha, now a successful musician.

The second and third husbands of our today's heroine were also closely connected with the world of music. Yuri Bystrov worked as a composer, and Evgeny Timoshenkov was a multi-instrumentalist.

From her second marriage, the artist has a daughter, Erika Bystrova, who now works as an architect.

Piekha Stanislav Pyatrasovich - famous singer, graduate fourth season show "Star Factory" and in parallel with this so much versatile person that it is simply impossible to keep track of what he is doing in life. Stas is not only a singer, but also a poet, a sought-after actor, and a master of voice acting for cartoons.

Piekha has already managed to publish two collections of poems and is filming videos. And he never hides behind the back of the famous and beloved grandmother Edita Piekha and does not hide behind the name of his mother.

Stas never considered himself one of the majors or the golden youth of that time; he was used to achieving everything and always achieving everything on his own.

Height, weight, age. How old is Stas Piekha

It is worth noting that Stas’s fans simply adore him. Therefore, they try to find out everything about their idol, including his physical parameters, including height, weight, age. It’s even easier to find out how old Stas Piekha is, because the guy never made a secret of his date of birth. On the contrary, I tried to emphasize youth and talent.

Stas Piekha: the photo in his youth and now is the same photo, since the guy is still young and full of strength. After all, he recently turned only thirty-seven years old, and he was born in 1980.

According to the zodiac sign - Leo - Stas can boast of such character traits as ambition, courage, determination, and talent. But the Eastern horoscope gave the guy the sign of a cunning, dexterous, resourceful, stylish and creative Monkey.

The height of the young talent did not exceed one meter and eighty-two centimeters, so he would be quite suitable for basketball. Stas Piekha weighs no more than seventy-three kilograms, although this figure may change periodically.

Biography of Stas Piekh

The biography of Stas Piekh began from the moment he was born in the northern capital - St. Petersburg, and he ended up in a very creative family.

Father - Petras Gerulis - is known as a jazz musician from the times of the USSR, who was also a stage director in theaters.

Mother - Ilona Bronevitskaya - a singer who is in demand in Soviet and Russian stage, and also an actress and announcer on radio or television.

Sister - Erika Bystrova - maternal step-brother, she was born six years later than her famous brother, currently the girl has received a higher architectural education, she works not only as an architect, but also as an interior designer.

Little Stasik constantly toured with his grandmother, so at the age of seven he traveled across half of the USSR, he sang and played the piano beautifully, so he was sent to study at the M. Glinka Choir School.

Stas studied well, was known as a ringleader and a merry fellow. Therefore, after graduating from school, he decided to enter Gnesinka at the request of his grandmother. But then he was expelled from it because he skipped classes. By the way, the guy always said that he did not intend to become a singer and tour, breaking away from his family.

In 2004, the outrageous guy got on the “Star Factory” show, where he immediately quarreled with Igor Krutoy. But he worked with Viktor Drobysh, who began writing songs for Stas. By the way, Piekha only took third place, but managed to get money for promotion and shoot a video, and since 2005 he has already become incredibly famous.

The guy dubbed cartoons, including the characters in the film “Aristocats”, “Our Masha and the Magic Nut”, “The Princess and the Frog” speaking in his voice. Piekha starred in four documentary projects and won various nominations at the MUZ-TV, Golden Gramophone, and Song of the Year awards.

From 2005 to 2013, Piekha managed to release only three full-length albums, and also shoot high-quality videos for seventeen compositions. At the same time, he still has time for viewers to see the news with the tag “Stas Piekha wife wedding.”

Personal life of Stas Piekh

The personal life of Stas Piekh has always been incredibly stormy, as fans were simply delighted with the handsome and talented boy. However, few people know about all of Stanislav’s novels, so that later they could not acquire scandalous details, significantly spoiling the life of the guy himself and his significant other.

By the way, Stas started dating girls while he was still at school; he wanted to please them, but he never said who his grandmother and mother were. Piekha's first serious love is Victoria Smirnova, since they dated from 2004 to 2008, although then the girl went to study in London and forgot her boyfriend.

Piekha said that Smirnova is Timothy’s cousin, so he met her on the “Star Factory” show. And then he starred in the video for the song “About You.” The guy was very upset about the departure of his beloved, but was in no hurry to offer her an official marriage.

By the way, it was rumored that Stas had an affair with Victoria Boney, but these rumors were not confirmed. Because the guys are just colleagues.

Family of Stas Piekh

Stas Piekha’s family is quite unusual, creative, and friendly, since his grandmother, Edita Stanislavovna Piekha, did a lot for him, and named her grandson after her father. The fact is that my mother toured the USSR and the world almost all the time. And the father left the family back in 1981, giving his son only his last name. As soon as the boy turned seven, his father's surname was changed to his grandmother's.

Stas considers his mother’s second husband, Yuri Bystrov, who was not only a musician and pianist, but also a composer, to be his real father. Stepfather long years headed music department theater "Buff", and also gave Stas his sister Erica.

By the way, his famous grandmother had a special influence on the guy, who advised where to go and how to become a star, she recorded a song with him for the “Star Factory”, although Bronevitskaya refused to record.

It is worth noting that they spoke about the Piekha dynasty behind their backs like this: “Grandmother is a singer and mother is a singer, and son is a singer.” The guy tried to make a career as a singer, poet and actor on his own, without hiding behind the name of his loved ones, which made victories sweeter.

Children of Stas Piekh

The children of Stas Piekh are also a mystery, since no one ever knew that the musician was also a young daddy. He did not talk about the fact that his heir was growing up, so the army of fans was shocked by this event, but this shock was rather pleasant.

The fact that a son is growing up in the family became known thanks to the excessive talkativeness of Viktor Drobysh, and then Andrei Malakhov, who revealed the secret about the heir in October 2015 in the show “Evenings of Grandma Edita Piekha.”

Stanislav Piekha confirmed that he has a son, but refused a more detailed consideration this fact, specifying only that his wife decided so, and he supported this decision.

Son of Stas Piekha - Peter Piekha

The son of Stas Piekha, Pyotr Piekha, was born in 2014 in a marriage with model Natalya Gorchakova, but no one spoke about the fact that this event happened. live. The boy was recently caught on camera with permission famous father, so it became clear that little Petya- a copy of his dad in childhood.

After her baptism in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, mother and baby moved to Barcelona closer to the sea.

At three years old, his father decided to show Petya to the world, so he simply carried him on stage in his arms during a concert, and the baby burst into tears from fear. This incident proved that the boy clearly took after Piekha’s breed, because little Stas behaved in exactly the same way at the age of three at his grandmother’s concert.

In June 2016 joint photo Stas Piekha and his son graced the cover of OK! magazine, and in an interview the singer admitted that he always wanted to name his heir Peter, so other names were not even discussed. The fact is that Piekha’s father’s name was Petros - Peter, and the boy was born in a city associated with the name of Peter I.

Piekha is simply crazy about his son, he sometimes spoils him too often, trying to constantly be nearby so as not to miss anything. By the way, the first word Petenka said was the word “dad”.

Stas Piekh's ex-wife - Natalya Gorchakova

Stas Piekh's ex-wife, Natalya Gorchakova, is known as a model, actress, DJ, and blogger. The young people met at one of the parties in 2010, and about serious relationship They began to talk between them already in 2013, when Natasha and Stas appeared together at the Vitebsk Slavic Bazaar.

Piekha and Gorchakova got married in 2014 in hot Barcelona, ​​and they most likely did it not according to Great love, and so that their baby has both a father and a mother.

It is worth noting that the wedding was modest, and only close people gathered at the table, and marriage was considered illegal in Russia. That is why it came as no surprise to anyone that a year later Piekha simply left the family, although he continues to raise his son to this day.

He clarified that he did not want to torment Natasha, since he was not created for a family that interferes with creativity.

Actress, singer and presenter Ilona Bronevitskaya was born on February 17, 1961 in St. Petersburg. Her family was creative: her mother - famous singer, and dad is a composer and conductor. It was her father who was the founder of the Druzhba ensemble, which was very popular during the Soviet period. The daughter’s career was predetermined by fate, because the child of such talented parents was bound to continue the family business. The children of Ilona Bronevitskaya are also endowed with creative talents, but not all of them connected their lives with the stage.

Edita Stanislavovna Piekha and Alexander Bronevitsky worked a lot, so they could not pay due attention to raising their daughter. She saw her parents extremely rarely, because most They spent time on tour. Ilona was raised primarily by her grandmother. The very same future star as a schoolgirl, she carefully hid the fact that she was the daughter of a popularly beloved singer. The girl wanted to be perceived as an independent person, and not as the daughter of a celebrity. She didn’t even let her mother go to the school graduation. It’s interesting, but even now Ilona still addresses his mother simply by her first name.

After receiving secondary education, Bronevitskaya became a student at the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. For her studies, she chose a pop specialization, but at the same time she also studied at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts. After receiving her diploma, the girl worked at the Buff Theater, and after that she collaborated with her mother’s team. She decided to start a solo career after a successful performance at the Yalta-88 competition. Things progressed very successfully, and the singer’s first album was soon released. But after some time, the public began to somewhat lose interest in her work.

Ilona tried herself no less successfully as a TV presenter. The program “Wider Circle,” which she hosted, was a huge success with viewers. The biography of Ilona Bronevitskaya is full of bright surprises and surprises. So, to everyone’s surprise, it was she who replaced the famous presenter Yuri Nikolaev in the program “Morning Mail”. More from student years the girl managed to try herself as a film actress and starred in several youth films of that time.

In the photo: Ilona Bronevitskaya with her son, husband and beloved dog

The personal life of Ilona Bronevitskaya was not immediately successful. The girl, like her mother, was officially married three times. Each of her husbands was somehow connected with music. The girl sought her first lover for a very long time, then she was still very young. The chosen one was the jazz musician Petras Gerulis. Only after getting married did Ilona realize that she had simply invented for herself the image of a man who actually did not exist. In this marriage, a son, Stanislav, was born. For some time the boy bore his father's surname, but then the grandmother insisted on changing the documents and giving the child her surname. Now it is difficult to find a person who has not heard about famous singer named Stas Piekha.

Ilona’s second husband directed the Buff Theater, where she worked for some time. Yuri Bystrov was a pianist and composer. The couple had a daughter, Erica. She turned out to be the only heir of the legendary Edita Piekha, who did not pursue a career on stage. The girl is engaged in architecture and interior design.

I met my third husband in the 90s. The man then worked as a keyboard player for Svetlana Lazareva. He immediately got along with Ilona’s children, which won the woman’s heart. Together they moved to live in Moscow. This marriage turned out to be the most durable; the couple still live happily. Fans often have disputes about how many children Ilona Bronevitskaya has. It must be said that the singer has two children from her first two marriages and two grandchildren (a grandson from her son and a granddaughter from her daughter).

In addition to her family, Ilona loves pets and often sponsors homeless shelters. At her house in different time lived a livery dog ​​and a Vietnamese pig. Now Bronevitskaya is no longer so actively involved in her career, but still does not stop working. She manages to support the family hearth and help with raising her grandchildren. Husband Evgeniy Timoshenkov also loves children very much and tries to pay attention to them no less than his wife.


The granddaughter of the 76-year-old singer gave birth to a girl. The baby was born in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg. The girl’s mother, Ilona Bronevitskaya’s daughter, 27-year-old Erika Bystrova, is feeling well.

Edita Piekha.

Liliya Sharlovskaya

October 2 legend Russian stage Edita Piekha became a great-grandmother. Her granddaughter Erica gave birth to a girl. The baby was born in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg. The girl’s mother, Ilona Bronevitskaya’s daughter, 27-year-old Erika Bystrova, is feeling well.
The baby’s newly-made uncle, singer Stas Piekha, has already congratulated her on the joyful event. “Today my little sister became a Mom! It's a happy day! — the performer said on his Instagram.
“Congratulations to your entire family on the addition of another generation. The next step is yours, Uncle Stas!” — singer Valeria wrote in the same microblog.
Let us remind you that earlier Edita Stanislavovna admitted that she had already come up with an idea for the girl unusual name. “I would like her to be named Felicia. But this is unlikely. Erica was raised by the other side, by the parents of Ilona’s second husband, and there her grandmother’s name was Valentina. So, perhaps my great-granddaughter will be named that way,” Edita Stanislavovna said in an interview.

Ilona Bronevitskaya is a famous singer, actress and TV presenter. At one time, the artist became the winner of the All-Union vocal competition in Yalta, where she received her first recognition. Loud glory Bronevitskaya was brought to television programs “Morning Mail” and “Wider Circle”, in which Ilona acted as a presenter.

Ilona was born into a family creative people. Mom is popular Soviet singer of Polish origin. Father Alexander Bronevitsky is a composer and conductor who founded the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Druzhba”, which became incredibly popular in the USSR.

As a child, Ilona did not see her parents often, since her father and mother were constantly on tour. The girl’s grandmother, Erika Karlovna, was involved in raising her. As a schoolgirl, Ilona hid from her classmates and teachers the fact that her mother was a star. Bronevitskaya wanted to be treated as an independent person, and not as the daughter of an artist. The daughter didn’t even let Piekha go to prom. Ilona still addresses her mother by her first name – simply Edita.

Having received her matriculation certificate, Ilona went to study at the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. Bronevitskaya chose pop as her specialization, but also studied dramatic art. After graduating from university, the aspiring singer was a member of musical theater“Buff”, and then from 1986 for two years she performed in her mother’s team.


In 1988, Ilona Bronevitskaya successfully performed at the All-Union Competition of Performers “Yalta-88”, where she received one of the main prizes. After this, the girl decides to solo career. True, only ... 7 people came to Bronevitskaya’s first independent concert in her life, which took place in the city of Irkutsk. But this was the very first pancake that was bound to go lumpy

Gradually the singer gained popularity. Based on the songs “It’s Far Away”, “Radio of Our Love” and “Sweet Pierrot”, the singer recorded her debut in 1995. studio album"Dancing for Breakfast" A year later, a new disc “What do you want, clients?” is released. The compositions in this work were playful character, so the record was not met with enthusiasm. Ilona even received the title of “children’s singer,” which the artist decided to take as a compliment.

Only a decade later, Bronevitskaya released her third album, the name of which is similar to the debut - “Songs for Breakfast”. It features both solo compositions and songs that Ilona performs with her mother Edita Piekha and her son. The hits “Let's not talk about love”, “Projectionist”, “Childhood” turned out to be successful last call" The song “Family Album”, which was not included on Ilona Bronevitskaya’s record, also became popular.

A television

After success at the Yalta-88 vocal festival, Ilona Bronevitskaya began to build musical career. But soon in creative biography a new page has begun for the artist. Ilona was offered to try herself in a new role as a TV presenter. The decision was influenced by the fact that, firstly, entertainment“Wider Circle” was already popular with viewers, and secondly, with colleagues. There were two Bronevitskayas in this show famous singer And .

Later Bronevitskaya appeared in an even more popular music program- the Sunday program “Morning Mail”, which was previously hosted by, and now Ilona Bronevitskaya along with the singer has become the face of the program. Also featured as a soloist own project“Home”, which aired on the radio station “Russian Radio”.


Ilona Bronevitskaya is not just a creative person, but a very passionate one, so the artist tried own strength V different directions. In addition to music and television, the girl, while still a student, attended film set. In 1981, Ilona starred as Gerka Fradkina's student in the comedy historical children's film“Our calling” about schoolchildren of the 20s of the XX century. On one site, Ilona was lucky enough to work with,.

Five years later, the girl recreated the same role in the continuation of this picture, “I am the outpost counselor.” The film was about the same schoolchildren, only in the conditions of a pioneer camp.

Also, the artist, together with other Soviet pop artists, starred in the musical film “Where-Where-Where?!..”, where she played main character. The film was created in the genre of musical slapstick, where the leading actors performed numbers right on the streets of an ancient Russian city.

In 2010, the artist participated in a documentary about voyages to other countries, “Taste of Travel.”

Personal life

Like Edita Piekha’s mother, Ilona Bronevitskaya tried three times to arrange her personal life. Each of the singer’s spouses was directly related to music.

First husband, Lithuanian jazz musician Petras Gerulisa, the girl fell in love at a young age, sought her lover for a long time, but after getting married, she soon realized that she had invented a person for herself who actually did not exist.

This short union gave birth to the first-born, son Stanislav. For the first few years, the boy bore his father's surname, but then, at the insistence of his grandmother, the birth certificate was redone, and his beloved grandson became Stas Piekha. In addition to music, since childhood Stas was interested in hairdressing and even cut his mother’s hair. The young man graduated from the Glinka Leningrad Chapel Choir School and a Spanish school with a degree in hairdressing.

Ilona met her second husband, pianist and composer Yuri Bystrov, when she was an actress at the Buff Theater, which the man directed. In this marriage, a daughter, Erica, was born, the only one of Edita Piekha’s descendants who abandoned her stage career. When the girl grew up, she became an architect and interior designer.

WITH last husband Bronevitskaya began dating Evgeniy Timoshenkov in the 90s. The young man worked as Svetlana Lazareva’s keyboardist and won over Ilona because he got along well with the singer’s children. The family moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

Ilona is a big animal lover. At different times, the artist had a dog of the Italian Greyhound breed and even a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig named Pumba live in her house. In addition, Ilona Alexandrovna provides serious support to shelters for homeless animals.

Ilona Bronevitskaya now

Ilona Bronevitskaya is active civil position. In 2016, in the State Duma elections, the artist represented the party “ United Russia" Ilona Alexandrovna participated in the primaries, which she reported on from the official website. The artist nominated herself as a candidate for deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma in the Lytkarinsky single-mandate electoral district. Social life Ilona Bronevitskaya also covers in her own “ Instagram", where she posts family and work photos.

Help in any form interested Ilona with teenage years. Bronevitskaya regularly participated in charity events; later, the social activist was attracted to tasks on a regional scale. Ilona Bronevitskaya is also involved in the work public council under the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, the artist is engaged in outreach work with parents of teenagers who are faced with a drug problem.

Now the main work of life for the singer has become the protection of homeless animals. The artist organized the ANO “Center for the Care of Homeless Animals”, for which she recruited a team of six people. The company is engaged in catching, vaccinating and sterilizing stray dogs and works under government orders. Bronevitskaya calls for humane treatment to innocent dogs. Sterilized dogs become absolutely safe for passersby. You can recognize such dogs by the yellow clip on their ear.

In addition to business, Ilona Bronevitskaya holds the position of advisor to the governor of the Moscow region on a voluntary basis on issues of humane regulation of the number of stray pets, which allows the artist to supervise charity organisations, dog shelters operating in the Moscow region.

The public figure is interested in the fate of other animals. In 2016, the artist participated in the purchase of 13 cows from a liquidating dairy farm. All the animals were supposed to die at the slaughterhouse, but thanks to the help of the singer, they managed to take out the rescued cows. Later it was decided that the artists would distribute the milk, cheese and butter obtained from the cows to needy pensioners.


  • 1995 - “Dancing for Breakfast”
  • 1996 - “What do you want, clients?”
  • 2005 - “Songs for Breakfast”

TV shows

  • "Wider circle"
  • "Morning Post"


  • 1981 - “Our Calling”
  • 1986 - “I am the outpost leader”
  • 1989 - “Where-where-where?!..”
  • 2010 – “Taste of Travel”