Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov. Vigilant labor overcomes obstacles Vigilant labor


Leading 1 and 2;

Soldier Kargopolsky;

Youth Mikhailo;


Lomonosov is an adult;

A. Korf - Chairman of the Academy;

Raiser - mining engineer;

Elizabeth - the daughter of a brewer;

Elizabeth's mother;

1st Lead : M. V. Lomonosov was born on November 19, 1711 in the village of Mishaninskaya, Kholmogorsky district of the Kurostrov volost of the Arkhangelsk province in the family of a peasant - Pomor. He studied first at home on his own. His first Russian textbooks were: “Arithmetic” by L. Magnitsky, “Slavonic Grammar” by M. Smotrytsky, “Psalter” by Bishop Simeon of Polotsk. Subsequently, M.V. Lomonosov called these books “The Gates of Learning”.

2nd Lead : Young Mikhailo fished with his father, was an observant, reasonable and thoughtful young man. Traveling along the White Sea and the Arctic Ocean, he remembered for the rest of his life the fabulously beautiful northern lights and icy mountains floating on the boundless expanse of the ocean. He often asked himself questions about such natural phenomena, the answers to which he sought in various books, but did not find an answer to them.

1st Lead : Lomonosov's father wanted his son to continue his work on his own, and Mikhailo only thought about studying science. A meeting in Arkhangelsk with an educated man who served Peter the Great faithfully, but was exiled for his tough temper by the followers of Peter the Great, played a huge role in the life of young Lomonosov.

scene one

Meeting at the tavern

Lomonosov with a soldier Kargopolsky in a tavern.

Soldier: Who will you be?

Mikhailo: Mikhailo I, the son of a fisherman Vasily Lomonosov.

Soldier : Competent or what?

Soldier : What else do you want?

Mikhailo: I doubt a lot. For example, what causes the northern lights, what causes thunder and lightning? From which it is written in the bible that God created the Earth in 6 days, and I think that it must have been difficult for him even to create our Kurostrov. And if not God, then who?

Soldier : The fact that you doubt Mikhailo is good. Do you know what exit you need?

Mikhailo: I know

Soldier : You need to study. Deep sciences must be comprehended. This is difficult business. You need to learn Latin. And Latin is taught in Moscow.

Mikhailo: What should Latin be studied for?

Soldier : Because all scientific books are written in Latin.

Mikhailo: What about in Latin?

Soldier : Because there is no one to write in Russian yet. You need a boyfriend in Moscow. If you decide to go to Moscow, find me and I will help you.

1st Lead . However, by that time, Queen Anna issued a decree not to accept peasant children for study at the gymnasium. Soldier Ivan helps Lomonosov to get a paper from a bribe taker clerk, according to which Lomonosov is listed as the son of a nobleman. Lomonosov managed to enter the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy (corresponding approximately to the level of high school), posing as the son of a Kholmogory nobleman, since peasant children were not accepted there.

2nd Lead . At the academy, along with other subjects, they taught Latin. Lomonosov knew that only by studying Latin, which at that time was the international scientific language, one could master the knowledge that science had accumulated by that time.

1st Lead From the very first days of his stay at the academy, Lomonosov showed himself to be an exceptionally gifted and diligent student. It was necessary to study at the academy for 13 years. For a year, Mikhailo graduated from two to three classes. And in five years he managed to master the Latin and Greek languages ​​well, study arithmetic, geography, history, comprehend Latin and Russian poetry, as well as the basics of versification. It made no sense to remain at the Academy, and, posing as the son of a priest, Lomonosov wanted to go on an expedition with geologists to Central Asia. The deceit was soon discovered, but by that time his outstanding abilities had manifested themselves so strongly that the talented young man himself was interceded by the Archbishop of Kiev Feofan Prokopovich, an associate of Peter the Great.

scene two

On the "carpet" of the archbishop

(the archbishop sits and Lomonosov enters.)

Archbishop : What is this? Yes, when was it that a schoolboy would come to me without calling me?

Lomonosov : Please, listen to me, holy father.

Archbishop : Why are you cheating? Either you pass yourself off as a nobleman, or as a priest's son?

Lomonoso Q: Why, they wouldn’t have been admitted to the academy if he hadn’t called himself the son of a nobleman. I came to the academy to learn Latin, because all the great books in Latin have been written.

Archbishop : Oh, you, man! You are the man. Well, Peter the Great himself loved men. And he chose people to court not by race, but by mind. And what: will you continue to lie?

Lomonosov : No, I see there is no need for that. I ask you, help me to serve Great Russia, I want to compose scientific books myself.

Archbishop : That's what, schoolboy, I see talent in you and great perseverance in the sciences, so I will help you in everything. Know that I am your first protector.

Lomonosov (kissing the hand): Thank you very much.

2nd Lead : And Lomonosov was not expelled from the academy, on the contrary, among the top 20 students, he was sent to receive higher education at the university at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. At that time Albrecht Korf was the chairman of the Academy. He wrote in advance to the berg-physicist Johann Genkel, who lived in Freiberg, so that he undertook to teach Russian schoolchildren in chemistry and metallurgy. Genkel replied that he was willing to train any fool for money. But better than those who understand Latin and German. Korf selected priest Dmitry Vinogradov and Mikhail Lomonosov, the son of a peasant, for teaching. A third student was assigned to them - a Muscovite Gustav Reiser, the son of a mining engineer.

scene three

Gustav Reiser's father, Vincent Reiser, visited Korf before sending students abroad.

Raiser : Baron, I am an old berg-meister and I know that Genkel understands the mining sciences like a pig in a pharmacy. Wouldn't it be better to send our students first to Marburg, where the famous philosopher Christian Wolff soars with high intelligence.

Korf : Well, let them go first to Marburg. Tell them to come in here.

(Enter Lomonosov, Vinogradov, Raiser.)

Korf A: Of course, our academy will send you money. But if the Germans offer you to pay for dancing lessons, you will refuse, because dancing is not necessary for the development of chemistry in Russia.

Vinogradov: All right, Mr. President.

Korf : I believe you have a great future ahead of you. One of you three will be glorified forever. Maybe it will be you turns to Raiser). I hope for you too, sir turns to Vinogradov). Maybe lucky and ... you (Baron Korf uttered uncertainly with a grin, looking around Lomonosov, who was listening to him with great attention).

Reiser would go on to become a mining engineer like his father.

Vinogradov will discover the "secret of Chinese porcelain" and create Russian.

2nd Leader. In August 1736, Russian students arrived in Marburg, where they were cordially greeted by Christian Wolf himself, a philosopher who was excellently educated in all sciences. His high morality, world authority, colossal knowledge had an infectious effect on young people. At lectures, students not only caught his words, but also noted in the notes: here the professor deigned to laugh, and here he wiped away a tear. Wolf gave lectures at the university on 16 sciences at once.

1st Lead : In Marburg, Wolf Lomonosov studied chemistry, mining, geometry, trigonometry, hydraulics and hydraulic engineering, French and German, drawing and fencing. Resolutely and immediately, refusing the temptations of student life, Lomonosov spent all his money on books. Soon, in 1731, he sent to St. Petersburg his first scientific work "On the transformation of a solid body into a liquid, depending on the movement of the existing liquid."

2nd Lead . Wolf, noting the success of the students, wrote to the academy that Lomonosov, apparently, was the brightest head among them. Lomonosov even mastered the French language, and he simply could not do without German. The fact is that he was settled in the house of the widow of the brewer Tsilch, whose daughter Elizabeth evoked the most tender feelings in the cold lump.

Scene 4

With the bride.

(Table with books and papers. Elizabeth enters the room and sees the Russian lodger crying. She set her mug of beer on the table and walked over to him. Lomonosov, looking out the window, and there, against the background of the sky blackening in the night, it was as if a giant peacock spread its marvelous tail.)

Elizabeth : You are crying?

Lomonosov : I'm crying, look for yourself, even here, within the German Hesse, my native northern lights have reached. In Latin, it is called "Aurora Borealis" by all learned people.

(The maid of honor Zilch undertook to put things in order on his desk, littered with lecture notes and poems.)

Elizabeth : Read me these lines in Russian.

Lomonosov : "I'm tearing flowers under the clouds." ( They look at each other, holding hands. The mother enters with bags, undressing, says: “Elizaveta, take the debt to the baron.”)

1st Lead . In February 1739, student Mikhailo Lomonosov married the beautiful daughter of a Marburg brewer. The fact that he was married was not known in St. Petersburg for a long time, and Lomonosov himself, by agreement with his wife, hid it.

Scene 5

Pop: God's servant Mikhailo and God's servant Elizabeth are getting married. In the name of father and son and holy spirit. Amen!

Servant of God Mikhailo, do you wish to marry the servant of God Elizabeth?

Mikhailo (timidly): Yes.

Pop: Servant of God Elizabeth, do you want to take the servant of God Michael as your husband?

Elizabeth : Yes.

Pop: From now on, I pronounce you husband and wife. Live in peace and harmony.

2nd Lead . M. V. Lomonosov spent about 5 years abroad. In the spring of 1741, he received permission from the Russian Academy of Sciences to return to St. Petersburg and returned to his homeland, where he began independent studies and achieved obvious success in them.

Scene 6

with Richman.

(Molecules are drawn on the board, there is a candle on the table.)

Richman : What is body heat?

Lomonosov : The heat of the body lies in the internal movement of the particles of the body.

Richman : What about caloric? - an invisible warm liquid.

Lomonosov : There is no caloric. An animal, for example, a cow always radiates heat, although it never eats warm food.

Richman : But how to explain the increase or decrease in body temperature.

Lomonosov : The movement of particles can accelerate, it can slow down, thus the body temperature can increase, it can decrease, that is, particles of cold bodies move more slowly, and hot bodies move faster.

Richman : And how to explain the biggest cold in the body?

Lomonosov : Apparently the greatest cold in the body is characterized by the complete rest of the particles.

1st Lead . At this time, power over the Academy was completely in the hands of Schumacher's secretary. Most of the academicians were people of reactionary views and, of course, did not care about the development of Russian science. Lomonosov constantly had to defend his views, fight for the development of domestic science. However, after Lomonosov wrote “Ode on the Capture of Khotin”, which was read in the Empress’s palace, fate changed for the better. On July 25, 1745, Empress Elizabeth, the daughter of Peter the Great, signed a decree on the production of Lomonosov by members of the Academy. In 1760 he was elected an honorary member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, then an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts and the Bologna Academy (Italy).

2nd Leader. On the diversity of his interests and research, A. S. Pushkin beautifully said: “Combining the extraordinary power of will with the extraordinary power of the concept, Lomonosov embraced all branches of education. The thirst for science was the strongest passion of this passionate soul. Historian, rhetorician, mechanic, chemist, mineralogist, artist and poet, he experienced everything and penetrated everything ... ".

Lomonosov died in 1765 at the age of 54.

The merits of M. V. Lomonosov to Russian science.

Lomonosov made the greatest discoveries that were 100 years ahead of the development of science:

    The law of conservation of the mass of substances: “All changes that occur in nature are such a state that, how much of what is taken from one body, so much is added to another, so if, where matter decreases, then multiply in another place.

    He invented the night vision tube, scales, thermometer.

    Observing the moment of the passage of Venus across the disk of the Sun, he discovered that Venus is surrounded by a noble air atmosphere.

    He expressed the infinity of the universe in verse:

“The abyss of stars has opened up full,

The stars have no number, the abyss of the bottom ... "


So I, deepened in this abyss,

I'm lost, I'm tired of thinking ...

    He translated "experimental Wolffian physics" into Russian. With this translation, Russian physics received not only the first textbook in Russian, but also the foundations of the Russian scientific language.

    In 1775, in Moscow, according to the project of Lomonosov, the first university in our country was built and opened, which now bears his name.

    Lomonosov is the creator of the first Russian research chemical laboratory.

A tireless fighter for the development of domestic science, he said: “The honor of the Russian people demands to show its ability and sharpness in the sciences and that our fatherland can use its own sons not so much in military courage and in other important matters, but also in reasoning of high knowledge.”

The people of our country are proud of their first Russian scientist and highly honor his memory. Streets, squares, cities are named after him; Moscow State University bears his name.

In the year 240 - the anniversary of the birth of M.V. Lomonosov, a gold medal named after him was established as the highest award of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Part I. Orthodoxy in Russian America (From the time of foundation to the mid-1960s)

The first Orthodox settlers in North America

When did the Orthodox first set foot on American soil? It is hidden behind the impenetrable veil of time. “In a people whose religious culture has given a home to Catholics, Protestants and Jews, Orthodox Christians have been largely overlooked and ignored,” write Mark Stokoe and Father Leonid Kishkovsky. “With few exceptions, their historical experiences have gone unrecorded, their documents untranslated, their identities, institutions and activities unknown.” Until the founding of Russian America at the end of the eighteenth century. information about the settlers of the Orthodox faith is extremely scarce. But here's the paradox: in 1768, the largest group of settlers in the entire colonial period landed in Florida, at least a third of which were Orthodox Greeks.

But that is not all. Even at the dawn of the Middle Ages, in the 6th century, the pious Irish monk Brendan the Navigator (c. 484–578) made a voyage with his companions, described later in the Travels of St. Brendan the Navigator. He discovered the Faroe Islands, Iceland (in which the Irish monks subsequently established their hermitages), as well as a certain island in the West, covered with vegetation (as many scientists believe, Greenland or Newfoundland). To show that the journey of the saint was possible, the Irish traveler Tim Severin in 1976 built the same boat from the skin of an ox (“kurakh”), which was used by St. Brendan, and in two years sailed from Ireland to Newfoundland via the Hebrides, Faroe Islands and Iceland. If Brendan the Navigator really reached America, he became the first Orthodox to set foot on the land of this continent.

But these are all assumptions, and the fact is that five years after Great Britain, as a result of the Seven Years' War (1756–1763), took possession of Spanish Florida earlier, the Scottish doctor and businessman Andrew Turnbull founded a settlement on its northeastern shore, for which he contracted the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, who were familiar, as he believed, to the hot climate. Of the 1255 people brought on eight ships in the summer of 1768, about half a thousand were Greeks from the Mani peninsula in the Peloponnese, Crete and other islands of the Aegean Sea. The rest were Catholics, immigrants from southern Italy and the island of Menorca. Turnbull named the settlement New Smyrna after his Greek wife, who was born in Smyrna (now Izmir, Turkey). A poorly prepared expedition, food shortages, tropical diseases and ill-treatment led to the fact that nine years later, when the British authorities finally paid attention to the deplorable situation of the settlers, just over four hundred people remained alive. Freed by the governor of Florida, Tonin, from virtual slavery, they chose to leave New Smyrna and settle in the capital of the colony, St. Augustine, where for the first time since the day they arrived in America, the Greeks were able to organize an Orthodox community in the house handed over to them by the authorities.

Founding of Russian America and the Orthodox Mission

The first Russians who saw on August 21, 1732 (old style) the then unknown to the world northwestern shores of America were Ivan Fedorov and Mikhail Gvozdev, who approached them on the boat “Saint Gabriel”. But due to unfavorable weather conditions, they did not manage to land on the shore. Nine years later, the famous expedition of Vitus Bering and Alexei Chirikov discovered and explored many areas of the northwestern coast of the continent and part of the Aleutian Islands. On her ships, for the first time, an Orthodox Liturgy was performed off the coast of America. In the next thirty years, many Russian merchants and fur merchants completed the discovery of new lands. In 1778, the famous navigator James Cook visited the Russian settlement on Unalaska Island. However, the greatest contribution to the spread of Russian settlements in America was made by the Rylsk merchant Grigory Ivanovich Shelikhov and his wife Natalya Alekseevna in the 80s. XVIII century In view of the fierce competition between the fur companies, which led to clashes, Shelikhov and his companion Ivan Golikov turned to Empress Catherine II with a request to establish a monopoly company with broad administrative rights to manage the new Russian possessions. But Catherine “was wrong,” however, contrary to the prevalent absurd opinion, not that she sold Alaska to the newborn United States (this happened seven decades after her death), but that she refused Shelikhov and Golikov their request: “Multiple expansion into the Pacific Sea will not bring solid benefits. Trading is another matter, taking possession is another.”

But to the second request of the merchants - to send a church mission to America - the Empress responded with liveliness. On her behalf, the Holy Synod appointed the first Orthodox mission from the Valaam monks to Alaska, headed by Archimandrite Joasaph (Bolotov). Nine months after leaving St. Petersburg, in September 1794, the mission arrived at its destination - in the harbor of the Three Saints on Kodiak Island. In the same year, a wooden Resurrection Church was built there (since 2001 it has had the status of a cathedral). The selfless labors of the Valaam monks, who not only converted the natives to the Christian faith, but also taught them gardening, horticulture, and other necessary activities, quickly bore good fruit. “Americans,” Elder Herman testified in one of his letters, “go to baptism very willingly; almost seven thousand were baptized, and on Unalashka ... the Aleuts surprised us with their dexterity and desire for baptism.”

By 1796, the activities of missionaries began to expand to the Alaska coast of the mainland. But not everything went smoothly. So, in Alaska, near Lake Iliamna, Hieromonk Yuvenaly was brutally killed by the Yupik Eskimo tribe. When, after the murder, the shaman of this tribe put on the cross of the holy martyr, he could not perform the pagan rite. Struck by this, he announced to his tribe that in the future they should respect and listen to those who wear such a sign, that is, a cross. Subsequently, representatives of the Yupik tribe became Orthodox Christians. In 1980 Father Juvenaly was glorified as a holy martyr.

The first experience of founding a local diocese was also unsuccessful. At the request of Ivan Golikov, the Holy Synod, taking into account the importance of the American mission, determined that there should be a special bishop in America with the title of Bishop of Kodiak, vicar of the Irkutsk diocese, in order to expand the mission's capabilities and give it greater authority. Archimandrite Joasaph was elected bishop, having already proven himself in the position of head of the mission by zeal in establishing Orthodoxy in America. On April 10, 1799, his consecration took place in Irkutsk. But the ship "Phoenix", on which Bishop Joasaph and his companions were returning to Kodiak, crashed, and all the passengers died in the waves of the ocean.

The monks of the mission did not get on well with the leadership of the Russian-American Company founded in the same 1799 by decree of Emperor Paul I. Its chief, the “chief ruler of Russian America” Alexander Andreevich Baranov, actively expanding Russian possessions in America (for which he was awarded the first personalized gold medal in Russian history, bestowed on a person from the merchant class), cared primarily about the profitability of the enterprise entrusted to him, because it was not necessary to count on the help of distant St. Petersburg. His employees, trying to get more furs for export to China, in every possible way oppressed local hunters - Aleuts and Eskimos. Elder Herman, who actually began to act as head of the “Kodiak Mission” after the death of Bishop Joasaph, resolutely stood up for his flock and the aborigines in general. The extremely aggravated conflict forced the Holy Synod in 1811 to close the American episcopal see and transfer all the affairs of the mission to the Irkutsk diocese.

Meanwhile, the energetic Baranov expanded the company's expansion to the south. In the summer of 1799, on the island of Sitka, he founded the fortress of St. Archangel Michael. However, three years later, the Tlingit Indians (Koloshi) attacked with a “great force” and destroyed the fortress and the settlement near it.

Only in the autumn of 1804, with the support of the sloop "Neva" of the first Russian round-the-world expedition, Baranov managed to recapture the island of Sitka. He erected here a new fortress, Novo-Arkhangelsk, which in 1808 became the capital of Russian America. To supply the company's settlements with bread, Fort Ross was built in California four years later, in which the chapel of St. Nicholas. This caused conflict with the Spaniards, who then owned California. In particular, in 1815 the Spaniards attacked a Russian ship and took all the Aleuts who were on it into captivity. The Franciscan monks tried to persuade them to renounce the Orthodox faith and convert to Catholicism. When they refused to do so, one young man, Peter, had his fingers cut off, then the joints of his legs and arms, until he died of blood loss. The holy martyr professed the Orthodox faith to the end, repeating: “I am a Christian!” In 1980 he was canonized as a locally venerated saint of the Alaska diocese.

A few years before his resignation, in 1818, A. A. Baranov made an attempt to establish the influence of the Russian-American Company in the Hawaiian Islands. On the island of Kauai, the company's agent, Dr. Georg Schaeffer, built Forts Elizabeth, Alexander and Barclay. Orthodox chapels were built in the first two. When Emperor Alexander I refused to take the island of Kauai into his citizenship, the forts were transferred to the local authorities.

Restoration of the diocese. Saint Innocent (Veniaminov), “Apostle of America”

In 1824, Priest John (in the world Ivan Evseevich Popov-Veniaminov) arrived with his family on Unalaska Island. A zealous missionary, rightfully called the "Apostle of America", he was also an outstanding scientist - geographer, ethnographer and linguist, whose works gained worldwide fame. In order to ensure the success of Christian preaching among the Aleuts, Father John studied their language, translated the Catechism, the Gospel and many prayers and liturgical books into it. Studying the manners and customs of his flock, he visited the American mainland several times, where he performed many baptisms. On Unalaska, Father John (after the death of his wife, who left him two daughters and six sons, he became a monk with the name Innokenty) opened a school for boys and taught there himself, teaching them not only to read and write and the Holy Scriptures, but also numerous crafts, which he himself mastered perfectly. Here is an example noted in the diary of the famous explorer of North-West America Lavrenty Alekseevich Zagoskin: “When winding the chronometer, the chain broke. On our passage from Novo-Arkhangelsk, the same misfortune happened to the ship, and the damage was repaired by His Grace Innokenty, who left the memory of his priestly service in Sitka by building a clock in the dome of the church there. (Probably referring to the Cathedral of St. Nicholas.)

In 1840, the episcopal see in America was restored with the center in the city of Novo-Arkhangelsk (in 1853 it was moved to Yakutsk). On December 15 of the same year, Archimandrite Innokenty was consecrated Bishop of Kamchatka, the Kuriles and the Aleutian, and on April 21, 1850, Bishop Innokenty was elevated to the rank of Archbishop. Saint Innocent was a wonderful preacher. He devoted 45 years to the cause of enlightening the peoples not only of the Aleutian Islands and North America, but also of Kamchatka, Yakutia, and the Khabarovsk Territory. Thanks to the labors of St. Innocent, in 1859 for the first time they heard the Word of God and divine services in the native language of the Yakuts. One of his best works is “Indicating the Way to the Kingdom of Heaven” published in 1833 (translated into various languages ​​of the small peoples of Siberia, withstood more than 40 editions). St. Innocent's disciple and pupil of missionary activity, the holy righteous Jacob Netsvetov, became the first native of Alaska to be ordained to the priesthood.

In January 1868, Saint Innocent became the successor of Metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov) in the chair of the Moscow First Hierarchs and remained there until his death on March 31, 1879 (O.S.). In 1977, Metropolitan Innokenty was glorified as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church.

The affairs of the Russian-American Company went downhill. The resources of the fur-bearing animal were greatly depleted, and with the release in the late 40s. nineteenth century to the Pacific Ocean of the United States, Russian industrialists began to clearly yield to the Americans in the competitive struggle. In addition, the Russian Empire concentrated its interests in the newly acquired (by the way, with the active participation of Bishop Innokenty) Amur and Primorsky territories. On March 18 (30), 1867, an agreement was concluded between Russia and the United States on the sale of Alaska for 7.2 million dollars. The treaty also dealt with ecclesiastical matters. “St. Innocent,” writes Professor K. E. Skurat, “could nevertheless insist on the inclusion in the sale agreement of a clause according to which all churches and land plots belonging to the Russian Orthodox Church in America were to remain the property of the Russian Church, behind which complete freedom of activity was ensured. But after 1867, the former, comparatively favorable conditions for missionary work no longer existed.”

On October 6 (18), 1867, the official ceremony of the transfer of Russian America to the United States took place, and on June 29, 1872, the episcopal see was transferred from Sitka to San Francisco. A new stage began in the life of Orthodoxy in America.

Vladimir Moiseenko

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Purpose: Formation of the cognitive needs of students in the study of the discoveries of the great scientist in the field of the Russian language and literature.

1. Introduce the biography of M.V. Lomonosov as a biography of "young Russian science".
2. Show the relevance and relevance of his discoveries in modern society.
3. Raise a sense of pride in the great scientist.

300 years of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov
Lomonosov's biography is a biography of "young Russian science", here the fate of a person is closely connected with scientific discoveries and creative deeds. Russia, first of all, was served by Mikhailo Lomonosov, he devoted his odes and studies to her.

1. Introductory speech about M.V. Lomonosov (teacher).
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov - the first Russian natural scientist of world importance, encyclopedist, chemist and physicist; he entered science as the first chemist who gave physical chemistry a definition very close to the modern one and outlined an extensive program of physical and chemical research; his molecular-kinetic theory of heat in many ways anticipated the modern idea of ​​the structure of matter - many fundamental laws, including one of the principles of thermodynamics; laid the foundations of the science of glass. Astronomer, instrument maker, geographer, metallurgist, geologist, poet, approved the foundations of the modern Russian literary language, artist, historian, champion of the development of national education, science and economics. He developed the project of the Moscow University, later named after him. Discovered the existence of an atmosphere around the planet Venus. Active member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts.
1 leader:
In December 1730, a caravan with fish left Kholmogory for Moscow. At night, when everyone in the house was sleeping, Lomonosov put on two shirts, a sheepskin coat, took with him Smotritsky's Grammar and Magnitsky's Arithmetic, given to him by his neighbor, and set off in pursuit of the caravan. On the third day, he overtook him and begged the fishermen to let him go along with them.
Lomonosov carefully thought out his departure from the house. He learned that only in three cities of Russia - in Moscow, Kyiv and St. Petersburg - one can master the higher sciences. He stopped his choice on Moscow. Lomonosov had a long and difficult winter road ahead of him.
Having traveled all the way in three weeks with a fish convoy, Lomonosov arrived in Moscow in early January 1731, where he did not know anyone.
He walked towards the snow storm
To the big dream - step by step ...
Even then it was boundless
His sea soul.
Farewell for a long time, dear North,
To the pain in my heart you are loved ...
And under the ice the Dvina seethed,
Saying goodbye with every drop to him.
And the pines hummed above:
“You, Mikhailo, don’t forget us…”
Step by step under the convoy creak:
"Happy journey, happy journey..."
He is every drop, every branch
Left a part of my soul
His invisible marks
Hiding in the northern wilderness.
Not thunder rumbles in fast clouds,
Not the ocean in the darkness rumbles -
The North composes a mighty anthem,
Mikhailo speaks with the world!
Thank you, Dvina waters,
For centuries, those who managed to save
His solemn odes
His lofty speech.

2 host:
About his admission to the “Spassky Schools”, that is, to the Moscow Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, M.V. Lomonosov writes as follows: “I enrolled in the Moscow Spassky Schools on January 15, 1731. Salaries in six lower schools are 3 kopecks a day, and in the seventh 4 kopecks a day ...
While studying at the Spassky schools, I had overwhelming strivings that turned away from the sciences on all sides, which in those years had an almost unconquerable force.
... Unspeakable poverty: having one altyn per day of salary, it was impossible to have more food per day than bread and kvass for money. Thus I lived for five years and did not leave the sciences.
3 leading:
An amazing sense of purpose was inherent in M. V. Lomonosov. He spent his free time in the library of the Zaikonospassky Monastery, reading chronicles, patristics and other theological books, secular and philosophical publications, and even physical and mathematical works. From the academic biography it is known that after the first half of the year he was transferred from the lower class to the second, and in the same year - to the third.
A year later, he began to learn Greek.
In 1735, before reaching the theological class, Lomonosov was summoned from the philosophical class to the Academy of Sciences, and together with other twelve students of the Spassky School, he was sent to St. Petersburg and enrolled as a university student at the Academy of Sciences.
4 leader:
MV Lomonosov arrived at the St. Petersburg Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences at a time when it entered the second decade of its activity. It was an already established scientific institution, which had a significant staff for that time. All the leading scientific disciplines of that time were represented at the Academy.
Lomonosov's serious attitude to scientific studies distinguished him from the general mass of pupils of the Spassk schools who arrived in St. Petersburg. At the Academy of Sciences, the inquisitive and industrious Pomor, joining the new science, got acquainted with the modern approach to research, which was very different from the medieval scholastic disciplines that were taught at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy.
Mikhailo in orderly Petersburg,
He's at the Academy of Sciences
Short day and long night
In labor tirelessly.
All that is open is famous
From the birth of the world, study:
Hidden from future times
In days gone by lie the keys.
1 leader:
In 1745 he applied for permission to give public lectures in Russian; in 1746 - about the recruitment of students from seminaries, about the multiplication of translated books.
Lomonosov's main work on rhetoric is "Rhetoric" of 1748, which became, in fact, the first anthology of world literature in Russia, which also included the best works of Russian literature.
Lomonosov's manuals were the first publicly available guides to eloquence.

2 host:
"Russian Grammar" - the basics and norms of the Russian language, in which Lomonosov developed the concepts of parts of speech, spelling and pronunciation of a word.
The orthoepic recommendations of the "Russian Grammar" are based on the specifics of the "Moscow dialect": "The Moscow dialect is rightly preferred by others not only for the importance of the capital city, but also for its excellent beauty."
Lomonosov saw that the Russian language in his time was heavily littered with both foreign words and obsolete, dilapidated Church Slavonic words and expressions. Lomonosov and set it as his task to purify the Russian language, reveal its riches, develop a literary language on a folk basis.
3 leading:
Lomonosov introduced the concept of artistic and expressive techniques and developed the stylistic system of the Russian language - the theory of three calms (the book "Discourse on the Usefulness of Church Books").

Lomonosov singled out three "calm":
1. High calm - high, solemn, stately.
Genres: ode, heroic poems, tragedies, oratory.
2. Medium calm - elegies, dramas, eclogues, friendly compositions.
3. Low calm - comedies, satires, letters, epigrams, songs, fables.
Lomonosov is the founder of the Russian solemn (addressed to the rulers) and philosophical ode. In his odes, Lomonosov glorifies the Russian victories over the enemies" ("Ode on the Capture of Khotyn", dedicated to the capture of the Turkish fortress Khotyn in 1739) or celebrates various solemn dates. Lomonosov also wrote odes on religious and scientific topics. In a figurative, poetic form, Lomonosov gives in "Morning Meditation" a scientific description of the physical structure of the sun, and in "Evening Meditation" - his theory of the origin of the northern lights.
The ode "On the day of the accession to the throne of Empress Elizabeth" (1747) is one of the best odes of Lomonosov. It is dedicated to Empress Elizabeth and was written on the day of the celebration of her accession to the throne (November 25). In 1747, Elizabeth approved a new charter and new staff of the Academy of Sciences, according to which the amount of money allocated to the Academy was doubled. In the same year, the Russian government was going to enter the war on the side of Austria, England and Holland, who were then fighting against France and the German states. These circumstances determine the content of Lomonosov's ode. He welcomes Elizabeth as a champion of enlightenment, praises peace and silence as a guarantee of the success of the sciences.
We listen to the ode "On the day of the ascension ..." (reader)

The motherland, its vast expanses, its inexhaustible natural wealth, its strength and power, its future greatness and glory - this is the main theme of Lomonosov's odes. It is clarified and supplemented by the theme of the Russian people. Lomonosov sings of the talent of the great Russian people, the mighty spirit of its troops, the Russian fleet. He expresses his firm conviction that the Russian land is capable of producing its own great scientists, its own "Russian Columbuses", great cultural figures.
Lomonosov's poetry is saturated with scientific, cosmic and natural-philosophical imagery (a didactic epistle to Shuvalov, "Reflections"); he contributed to Russian satire ("Hymn to the Beard", epigrams). The unfinished poem "Peter the Great" was an attempt at a national epic.
By the very nature of his nature, in his views, Lomonosov was a citizen poet. He has a wonderful poem "A Conversation with Anacreon", showing Lomonosov's attitude to poetry and his understanding of the poet's tasks. Lomonosov says:
Though the tenderness of the heart
In love I am not deprived
Heroes eternal glory
I'm more excited
opposing the singer of love Anacreon himself as a singer of heroes.

1 leader:
In his continuous concerns about the spread of education in Russia, Lomonosov repeatedly pointed out that it was necessary to found a university in Moscow on a preferential basis. The matter passed very quickly through all legislative instances, and the university was solemnly opened by I. I. Shuvalov on January 12, 1755 on Tatyana's day.
Closing remarks (teacher):
What are the discoveries of the great scientist in the field of the Russian language and literature?
Lomonosov did a great job in the development of the Russian literary language on a folk basis, brought to the end the reform of Russian versification begun by Trediakovsky and reinforced it with his poetic works.
Lomonosov contributed to the creation of Russian classicism, a progressive direction for that time, and was the father of that solemn ode, which after him becomes a popular genre in Russian literature of the 18th-19th centuries.
Lomonosov's poetry, deeply ideological, patriotic, and civilly oriented, greatly contributed to the rapid and successful development of Russian literature.
Both as a scientist and as a poet, Lomonosov devoted all his knowledge and strength to serving the people and the motherland.
In his suicide notes, Lomonosov writes: “For this I endure that I try to protect the work of Peter the Great, so that the Russians learn, so that they show their dignity ... I do not grieve about death: I lived, suffered and I know that the children of the fatherland will regret me ... "
Brilliant abilities, deep love for science, invariable hard work, fiery patriotism, unbending firmness of will in achieving the goal - these are the hallmarks of Lomonosov.

(viewing film 3 "For the Glory of the Fatherland". In the film "For the Glory of the Fatherland" the events take place 20 years later and tell about the last years of the life of a scientist who became an academician and gained worldwide fame for his scientific discoveries.)

Vigilant work overcomes obstacles

In 2018, the Day of the Worker of Agriculture and Processing Industry of Russia was celebrated on October 14 - a great occasion to find out how things are going at the Reftinskaya poultry farm?

On this day, congratulations are given to workers in agriculture and the processing industry and all those who, from dawn to dusk, without days off and holidays, work on the ground, grow bread and vegetables, and supply milk, meat and other food products to our tables. The holiday of agricultural enterprises of villages and cities, their work is very important - this is a vital branch of production for the state and its economy depends on its success. The agro-industrial sector and the entire complex, and these are procurement enterprises, enterprises for the processing of agricultural raw materials, food industry enterprises, including service enterprises, and organizations, they all guard food security, our lives and health, and the Day of the agricultural worker is honored not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

The poultry farm is undergoing rebranding, numerous stands with a new logo are full of dazzling around the village. What are these changes? The company has a new leader - what has changed? Where did a number of products that consumers loved disappear from the shelves? For answers, we went to Alexander Leonidovich Zasypkin, the general director of the Reftinskaya poultry farm.

Let's get acquainted: where are you from, what positions did you hold earlier, how many years in the agricultural industry, how long have you been holding this position?

I was born in Verkhnyaya Pyshma. He has been working in the agricultural industry since 2000. First, at the Bogdanovskiy Meat Processing Plant, for about three years as a director. Just got to the company, which needed a change. At that time, there were traditional technologies for the 60s and 70s, sausage was cooked and smoked in shaft-type ovens, everything was done by hand, the temperature was set. Everything was within the competence of those people who worked there. Yes, the products were tasty, but the risks are high with such technologies. On the one hand - the "Stone Age", on the other - people were proud of their products. I always rely on this, on love and pride in what you do, then the latest technical means will help. A lot of work was done to re-equip the plant, at that time revolutionary equipment was installed - innovative ovens, cutters of foreign production, packaging equipment. The result was an increase in production volumes from three tons to fifteen per shift!

Then a group was formed, URALAGROGROUPP LLC, and my associates and I moved to the Kurgan region, to a meat processing plant. And again a number of tasks: they began to design a pig complex and it was necessary to think about the raw material base, grain. I then headed the agricultural sector from 2005 to 2011. At the end of 2016, I moved to Yekaterinburg, served as Deputy Minister of the Agro-Industrial Complex, headed the economic, legal and development departments. He worked for a little over six months, headed the commission on the efficiency of enterprises in the agro-industrial sector, and went to the Reftinskaya poultry farm, some inconsistencies were found. I was asked to lead it, and now, in September 2017, I became the leader.

What is your company and employee policy? What innovations have you brought during your year in a leadership position?

The main thing now for the factory is to restore its former glory. It is a unique production for the Sverdlovsk region. The factory is thirty-seven years old! A lot of traditions have been preserved here. And the main asset is the labor collective, those people who love, know their job. When I took over as head, the financial situation was, of course, not the best. There were minor problems with the health of the birds, with the sales system. The basis of the factory's efficiency and confidence in the future is successful work in a competitive market, because today the poultry industry has developed greatly, has increased many times over the past ten years. If fifteen years ago chicken was a scarce product, now it is in abundance, and it is available to everyone. So there is a tough competition between enterprises.

We have built our attitude to business in two directions: reducing costs, reducing all production costs and increasing the marginality (benefits, ed.) of sales by increasing the volume of finished products, such as dumplings, semi-finished products, delicacies. Entering the modern market is our only task now, to learn how to work with networks. Federal networks have very strict requirements.

The company has been rebranded. What are the changes?

The factory needed changes to meet modern consumer and market requirements. It was decided to rebrand, as the consumer requires product recognition. I would like to clarify about rebranding: it is not just a change of color, logo, etc. First of all, this is building a dialogue with the consumer. With the help of the new brand, we wanted to convey to our esteemed consumer that we are ready to improve, we do not stand still. The slogan "Quality Standard" speaks of our responsibility to the buyer, we are aware of it and are ready to make every effort to ensure that fresh and high-quality products are always on the tables of fellow countrymen. The logo is also an important element. Remember, earlier large and important families had their own coats of arms, which were meaningful and were a “calling card”. Now this role is played by the logo. Our scallop symbol implies belonging to the poultry industry, it is made in a modern graffiti technique, which is a folk urban culture, and therefore close to our consumer. The scallop can also be considered as the silhouette of a crown, which organically complements the slogan "Quality Standard" and indicates that we are ready to develop and be competitive, ready to become leaders in this industry. The start of rebranding began on October 1, outdoor advertising has already appeared, trams with updated product design run in Yekaterinburg. Within two months, all our products will be in an updated form.

Why did a number of products familiar to consumers disappear from the shelves (for example, minced sausage)? They also asked about products in small tin cans.

We can return sausage mince if such wishes of the consumer have been received. As for tin cans, it was a temporary pause. A new line of canning products has been developed, which has already been released and appeared on the shelves in a new design. I advise you to try it, the product has passed multiple tastings, we vouch for the quality!

Are there any plans to introduce new products?

Certainly. We have a weekly discussion - novelties committee. I myself traveled to many countries with specialists, everywhere I paid attention to how chicken is sold. We have already purchased equipment for new products. We plan to surprise our customers soon.

They say that any large enterprise is a kind of "small state". What line of interaction are you building with the urban district of Reftinsky? Does the company provide any sponsorship?

I agree about the "small state". We are called a poultry farm, but in fact it is a huge agricultural holding: we have three separate sites that are engaged in the production of grain, there is a site where milk is made, there is a separate site where sausages and delicacies are made (Talitsky district), there is a branded retail chain. The factory employs more than two and a half thousand people! We are happy to communicate with the authorities, and we perfectly understand that the company is a socially significant unit, we are always open for dialogue. Within the framework of the collective agreement, we provide support to our employees, veterans of the factory. So far, we are providing sponsorship with restraint, first you need to have a solid financial footing, which is what we are striving for. By the way, for the first time (after the problems, ed.) the profit went.

What do the words "Reftinskaya" poultry farm mean to you?

For me, the Reftinskaya poultry farm is, as we have already said, a serious state, two and a half thousand people is a very big responsibility! First of all - a responsible team, people will not be replaced by equipment, no matter how modern it may be, attitude towards work, love for one's work and product. And our motto is "Quality Standard".

Taking this opportunity, I want to wish everyone peace, kindness, love, success and good health!


Valeria Zablotskaya