Bank of literary arguments. EGE Russian language. bank of arguments. family problems

The question of the goal and the means to achieve it has worried humanity since ancient times. Many writers, philosophers and public figures reflected on it and gave historical, life and literary arguments to prove their point of view. In the Russian classics, there were also many answers and examples that, as a rule, prove the statement that the paths of achievement must correspond in everything to what needs to be achieved, otherwise it loses all meaning. In this collection we have listed the brightest and illustrative examples from Russian literature for the final essay in the direction of “Goals and Means”.

  1. In Pushkin's novel " Captain's daughter» main character always chose the right paths to achieve goals, however, no less noble. Thanks to this, from an unintelligent nobleman, Grinev turns into a sincere officer, ready to sacrifice his life in the name of duty. Having sworn allegiance to the empress, he honestly serves, defending the fortress, and even death at the hands of rebel robbers does not frighten him. Just as honestly, he sought Masha’s favor, and achieved it. The opposite of Pyotr Grinev in the novel - Shvabrin - on the contrary, uses any means to achieve the goal, choosing the most vile of them. Having set out on the path of betrayal, he pursues personal gain, demands reciprocity from Masha, without hesitating to denigrate her in the eyes of Peter. In choosing goals and means, Alexey is driven by spiritual cowardice and self-interest, because he is devoid of ideas about honor and conscience. Mary rejects him for this reason, because a good goal cannot be achieved by deception.
  2. What should be the final goal if the means to achieve it are cruelty, deception and human lives? In the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time" Grigory Pechorin's goals are momentary, encapsulated in the desire for momentary victories, to achieve which he chooses complex and sometimes cruel means. Hidden in his victories is a persistent search life meaning, which the hero is unable to find. In this search, he destroys not only himself, but also everyone who surrounds him - Princess Mary, Bela, Grushnitsky. To revive his own soul, he plays with the feelings of others, unwittingly becoming the cause of their misfortunes. But in a game with own life Grigory is hopelessly losing, losing those few people who were dear to him. “I realized that chasing lost happiness is reckless,” he says, and the goal, to achieve which so much effort and other people’s grief was put into, turns out to be illusory and unattainable.
  3. In the comedy A.S. Griboyedov’s “Woe from Wit”, the society in which Chatsky is forced to live lives according to market laws, where everything is bought and sold, and a person is not valuable spiritual qualities, but by the size of your wallet and career success. Nobility and duty are nothing here compared to the importance of rank and title. That is why Alexander Chatsky turns out to be misunderstood and not accepted into a circle where mercantile goals dominate, justifying any means.
    He gets into a fight with Famusovsky society, challenges Molchalin, who resorts to deception and hypocrisy in order to get high position. Even in love, Alexander turns out to be a loser, because he does not defile the goal with vile means, he refuses to squeeze the breadth and nobility of his heart into the narrow framework of generally accepted and vulgar concepts with which Famusov’s house is replete.
  4. A person is valuable by his deeds. But his deeds, even if subordinated to a high goal, do not always turn out to be good. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's “Crime and Punishment” Rodion Raskolnikov decides for himself an important question from a moral point of view: does the end justify the means? Can he, according to his theory, dispose of people's lives at his own discretion?
    The answer lies in the title of the novel: Raskolnikov’s mental anguish, after the atrocity he committed, proves that his calculation was incorrect and his theory was erroneous. A goal based on unjust and inhumane means depreciates itself and becomes a crime for which sooner or later one must be punished.
  5. In the novel M.A. Sholokhov's "Quiet Flows the Flow" the fate of the heroes is swept away by the revolutionary elements. Grigory Melekhov, who sincerely believes in a happy and wonderful communist future, is ready to give his life for the well-being and prosperity of his native land. But in the context of life, bright revolutionary ideas turn out to be untenable and dead. Gregory understands that the struggle between whites and reds, seemingly aimed at a “beautiful tomorrow,” in fact represents violence and reprisals against the helpless and dissenters. Brilliant slogans turn out to be deception, and behind the lofty goal hides the cruelty and arbitrariness of the means. The nobility of his soul does not allow him to come to terms with the evil and injustice that he observes around him. Tormented by doubts and contradictions, Gregory is trying to find the only correct path that will allow him to live honestly. He is unable to justify the numerous murders committed in the name of a ghostly idea that he no longer believes in.
  6. A. Solzhenitsyn’s novel “The Gulag Archipelago” - a study related to political history The USSR, according to Solzhenitsyn, is “an experience artistic research", in which the author analyzes the history of the country - a utopia, building an ideal world on the rubble human lives, numerous victims and lies disguised as humane goals. The price for the illusion of happiness and peace, in which there is no place for individuality and dissent, turns out to be too high. The problems of the novel are diverse, since they include many questions. moral character: Is it possible to justify evil in the name of good? What unites victims and their executioners? Who is responsible for mistakes made? Supported by rich biographical and research material, the book leads the reader to the problem of ends and means, convincing him that one does not justify the other.
  7. It is human nature to seek happiness as the main meaning of life, its highest goal. For her sake, he is ready to use any means, but does not understand that this is unnecessary. The main character of the story V.M. Shukshin “Boots” - to Sergei Dukhanin - manifestations of tender feelings are not at all easy, because he is not used to unjustified tenderness and is even ashamed of it. But the desire to please someone close to him, the desire for happiness, pushes him to spend a lot. The money spent on buying an expensive gift turns out to be an unnecessary sacrifice, because his wife only needed attention. Generosity and the desire to give warmth and care fill the somewhat coarsened but still sensitive soul of the hero with happiness, which, as it turns out, is not so difficult to find.
  8. In the novel by V.A. Kaverin's "Two Captains" the problem of ends and means is revealed in the confrontation between two characters - Sanya and Romashka. Each of them is driven by their own goals, each of them decides what is really important to them. In search of solutions, their paths diverge; fate pits them against each other in a duel that determines moral guidelines each, proves the noble strength of one, and the vile baseness of the other. Sanya is driven by honest, sincere aspirations; he is ready to take a difficult but direct path to find out the truth and prove it to others. Chamomile pursues small goals, achieving them in no less petty ways: lies, betrayal and hypocrisy. Each of them is experiencing the painful problem of choice, in which it is so easy to lose yourself and those you truly love.
  9. A person does not always clearly understand his goal. In the Roman L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky is in search of himself and his place in life. His shaky life guidelines are influenced by fashion, society, and the opinions of friends and relatives. He is delirious about glory and military exploits, dreams of making a career in the service, but not just rising to high ranks, but gaining eternal glory winner and hero. He goes to war, the cruelties and horrors of which instantly showed him all the absurdity and illusory nature of his dreams. He is not ready, like Napoleon, to follow the bones of soldiers to glory. The desire to live and do wonderful life other people set new goals for Bolkonsky. Meeting Natasha instills love in his soul. However, in a moment that requires his perseverance and understanding, he gives in under the weight of circumstances and abandons his love. He is again tormented by doubts about the correctness of his own goals, and only before his death Andrei understands that the best moments of life, its great gifts are contained in love, forgiveness and compassion.
  10. Character makes a person. He defines it life goals and landmarks. In “Letters about the good and the beautiful” D.S. Likhachev’s problem of the goal and the means to achieve it is considered by the author as one of the most important, forming the young reader’s concepts of honor, duty, and truth. “The end justifies the means” is a formula unacceptable to the author. On the contrary, every person should have a goal in life, but no less important are the methods that he uses to achieve what he wants. In order to be happy and in harmony with one’s own conscience, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of spiritual values, giving preference good deeds and wonderful thoughts.
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  • People who don't read books are depriving themselves of the wisdom of previous generations.
  • Literary works teach a person to think, analyze, and look for hidden meanings
  • The ideological influence of a book can last throughout a person’s life.
  • By reading, a person becomes smarter and more intelligent
  • You can find solace in books even in the most difficult times.
  • Books are a collection of all human wisdom accumulated over many centuries
  • Without books, humanity is doomed to destruction


A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. For Tatyana Larina, main character works, books are a completely special world. The girl reads a lot of novels and, in her fantasies, sees herself as their heroine. She imagines life as it is presented in her favorite books. When Tatyana falls in love with Evgeny Onegin, she begins to look for traits in him that are common to the heroes of her favorite works. When Evgeny leaves the village, the girl studies his library, learning more and more about this man from the books.

Ray Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451" The importance of books in a person’s life cannot be overestimated. In Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel, we see a world devoid of literary works. By destroying books, humanity destroyed its historical memory and my freedom, I forgot how to think and delve into the essence of things. Replacement literary works There have become completely stupid TV shows, talking screens with “relatives”. People themselves did not understand how they turned into creatures unable to think or grasp the essence of what they read. Their brains are accustomed to accepting light, entertaining information. People seriously decided that books bring only evil and that there is no need to read them. By losing the books, humanity doomed itself to destruction by allowing itself to be controlled.

F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”. The Bible had a huge influence on the life of Rodion Raskolnikov, the main character of the work. Sonya Marmeladova reads an episode to the hero, the meaning of which will be important for him later life. The passage telling about the resurrection of Lazarus conveys the idea of ​​​​the all-encompassing mercy of God and the forgiveness of sinners: sincere repentance leads to the rebirth of the soul. While in prison, Rodion Raskolnikov reads the Bible. The book helps the hero take the path of spiritual resurrection.

Jack London "Martin Eden". Reading books helped Martin Eden transform from a poorly educated sailor to the smartest person of its time. The hero spared no time and effort in reading: at the same time he read and studied grammar, admired beautiful poems, and studied the works of Herbert Spencer. With the help of books, Martin Eden received a comprehensive education without spending time at school and university. While reading, the hero regretted that there was so little time in the day. The life story of Martin Eden confirms that books are a huge store of knowledge for mankind, in which one can find the answer to any question.

K. Paustovsky “The Storyteller”. As New Year's gift the boy receives a book with fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen. Fairy tales captivate the child so much that he forgets about the holiday and the fun. While reading, he falls asleep under the tree, and in a dream he sees the author himself. The boy thanks the writer for opening the way to the world of fairy tales. The hero is sure that it was fairy tales that taught him to believe in miracles and the power of good.

The main character of the story “Yushka” is the blacksmith’s poor assistant, Efim. People simply call him Yushka. This young man, due to consumption, early turned into an old man. He was very thin, weak in arms, almost blind, but he worked with all his might. Early in the morning, Yushka was already in the forge, fanning the furnace with fur, carrying water and sand. And so on all day, until the evening. For his work, he was fed cabbage soup, porridge and bread, and instead of tea, Yushka drank water. He was always dressed in old
pants and blouse, burned through with sparks. Parents often told careless students about him: “You will be just like Yushka. You will grow up and walk barefoot in the summer and in thin felt boots in the winter.” Children often offended Yushka on the street, throwing branches and stones at him. The old man was not offended, he calmly walked by.
Adults were not much different from children. They called Yushka “blessed”, “animal”. Because of Yushka’s meekness, they became even more bitter and often beat him. One day, after another beating, the blacksmith’s daughter Dasha angrily asked why Yushka even lived in the world. To which he replied that the people love him, the people need him. Dasha objected that people beat Yushka until she bleeds, what kind of love is this. And the old man replied that the people loved him “without a clue”, that “people’s hearts can be blind.” And then one evening a passerby clung to Yushka on the street and pushed the old man so that he fell backward. Yushka never got up again: blood started running down his throat and he died.
And after a while a young girl appeared, she was looking for the old man.

It turned out that Yushka placed her, an orphan, with a family in Moscow, and then taught her at school. He collected his meager salary, denying himself even tea, just to raise the orphan to his feet. And so the girl trained to be a doctor and came to cure Yushka of his illness. But I didn’t have time. A lot of time has passed. The girl stayed in the city where Yushka lived, worked as a doctor in a hospital, always helped everyone and never took money for treatment. And everyone called her the daughter of the good Yushka.
So at one time people could not appreciate the beauty of this man’s soul; their hearts were blind.

They considered Yushka a useless person who had no place on earth. They were able to understand that the old man had not lived his life in vain only after learning about his pupil. Yushka helped a stranger, an orphan. How many are capable of such a noble, selfless act? And Yushka saved his pennies so that the girl could grow up, learn, and take advantage of her chance in life. The scales fell from people's eyes only after his death. And now they are already talking about him as “kind” Yushka. The author urges us not to become callous, not to harden our hearts. Let our heart “see” the need of every person on earth. After all, all people have the right to life, and Yushka also proved that he did not live it in vain. You must use at least 1 argument of your own, taken from fiction, journalistic or scientific literature

. Most often, examples are given from fiction literature, from which you can take arguments to substantiate your point of view. It is compiled on the basis of works from which arguments are most often given when writing an Unified State Examination essay in the Russian language. The list is sorted by author's last name in alphabetical order.

It is worth noting that this list of references is not strictly defined and is only advisory in nature. Arguments can be brought from any other works, the main thing is that they correspond to the main problem of the text. It is also not necessary to read all the works below; for each topic that the text may be devoted to, it is enough to prepare 2 arguments from some of the works.

List of references for arguments in the Unified State Exam essay in the Russian language

Author Works
L.N. Andreev “Judas Iscariot”, “Red Laughter”, “Petka in the Dacha”
V.P. Astafiev “Tsar Fish”, “Dome Cathedral”, “Hut”, “Horse with pink mane", "Lyudochka", "Postscript", "Last bow"
I. Babel "Cavalry"
R. Bach "A Seagull Named Jonathan Livingston"
V. Bianchi "Tales of Animals"
G. Beecher Stowe "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
A. Blok "Twelve"
M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", " dog's heart", "Notes of a Young Doctor", "Fatal Eggs"
I.A. Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco", "Brothers", "Dark Alleys"
V. Bykov “Roundup”, “Sotnikov”, “Until Dawn”
B. Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet...”, “Drop by drop”
J. Verne "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea"
K. Vorobiev "German in felt boots"
N. Gal "The Word Living and Dead"
E. Ginzburg "Steep route"
N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba", " Dead Souls", "The Overcoat", "The Inspector General", "Terrible Revenge"
I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"
M. Gorky “Old Woman Izergil”, “At the Depths”, “Childhood”, “Mother”, “Tales of Italy”, “My Universities”, “Konovalov”, “The Orlov Spouses”
A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"
V. Grossman "Life and Fate"
Charles Dickens "David Copperfield"
F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, “Idiot”, “White Nights”, “The Brothers Karamazov”, “Demons”, “The Boy at Christ’s Christmas Tree”
T. Dreiser "American tragedy"
V. Dudintsev "White Clothes"
S.A. Yesenin "Song of the Dog"
A. Zheleznyakov "Scarecrow"
A. Zhigulin "Black Stones"
V. Zakrutkin "Mother of Man"
M. Zamyatin "We"
I. Ilf, E. Petrov "Golden calf"
A. Knyshev “Oh great and mighty Russian language!”
V. Korolenko "Children of the Underground"
A.I. Kuprin « Garnet bracelet", "Taper", "Duel"
Yu. Levitansky "Everyone chooses for themselves..."
M.Yu. Lermontov “Borodino”, “Hero of our time”, “And I see myself as a child...”, “Stanzas”, “Clouds”, “I will not humiliate myself before you”
N.S. Leskov "Southpaw", "Lady Macbeth" Mtsensk district", "The Enchanted Wanderer"
D.S. Likhachev "Thoughts about the Motherland"
D. London "Love of Life", "Martin Eden"
V.V. Mayakovsky « Good attitude to the horses"
M. Maeterlinck "Blue bird"
ON THE. Nekrasov “Who lives well in Rus'”, “Grandfather Mazai and the hares”, “ Railway", "Reflections at the Front Entrance"
A. Nikitin "Walking across three seas"
E. Nosov "Difficult Bread"
A.N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm”, “Our people - we will be numbered!”
K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram", "Old Cook", "Tale of Life"
A. Petrov "The Life of Archpriest Avvakum"
A.P. Platonov "In beauty and furious world", "Yushka"
B. Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man"
A. Pristavkin “The golden cloud spent the night”
M. Prishvin "Pantry of the Sun"
A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", "The Captain's Daughter", " Stationmaster», « Queen of Spades”, “Nanny”, “I loved you...”, “October 19”, “God help you, my friends”, “The more often the lyceum celebrates”, “Chaadaevu”
V.G. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”, “French Lessons”
A. Rybakov “Children of Arbat”, “35th and other years”
K.F. Ryleev "Ivan Susanin", "Death of Ermak"
M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The History of a City”, “The Golovlev Family”
A. de Saint-Exupéry "A little prince"
A. Solzhenitsyn « Matrenin Dvor", "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", "The Gulag Archipelago", "In the First Circle"
V. Soloukhin "Black Boards", "Letters from the Russian Museum"
A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin"
L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", " Sevastopol stories", "Childhood", "After the Ball"
Yu. Trifonov "House on the Embankment", "Disappearance"
I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, “Mumu”, “Russian Language”, “Biryuk”, “Notes of a Hunter”, “Nature”, “Conversation”, My Trees”, “Sea Voyage”, “Asya”
F.I. Tyutchev “Not what you think, nature...”, “The Last Cataclysm”
L. Ulitskaya "Daughter of Bukhara"
G.I. Uspensky "Straightened"
A. Fadeev "Young guard"
A.A. Fet “Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch ...”, “On a haystack at night in the south”, “Dawn says goodbye to dawn”, “Pines”
DI. Fonvizin "Undergrown"
E. Hemingway “The Old Man and the Sea”, “Where It’s Clean, It’s Light”, “Undefeated”
N. Chernyshevsky "What to do?"
A.P. Chekhov « The Cherry Orchard"", "Darling", "Jumping", "Anna on the Neck", "Ionych", "Gooseberry", "Ward No. 6", "Student", "Chameleon", "Thick and Thin", "Death of an Official", " Vanka”, “Steppe”, “Melancholy”, “Unter Prishibeev”, “Bride”
L. Chukovskaya "Sofya Petrovna"
K.I. Chukovsky "Alive as Life"
V. Shalamov "Kolyma Tales"
E. Schwartz "The Dragon"
M.A. Sholokhov « Quiet Don", "The Fate of Man", "Melon Garden", "Birthmark"

The Russian language constantly interacts with other world languages. In the novel in verse, A.S. Pushkin, describing Onegin’s outfit, says that “... trousers, tailcoat, vest, all these words are not in Russian.” Surprisingly, centuries have passed, and no one remembers that these words were once disowned, considering them frivolous and discourteous. At the beginning of the 19th century, they were considered relatively new types of clothing, the terminology of which had not yet been fully established. The selection of Russian names was slow. Nose light hand Pushkin we consider these words to be our own and do not think about their origin. One can argue whether the Russian language has become richer, but it certainly has not become poorer, because today instead of a sleeveless jacket we say “vest”, and instead of short pants we say “knickers”. Although, we can safely say that this word is gradually becoming obsolete.

2. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

In the eighth chapter, Tatiana’s appearance is surrounded by an aura of enthusiasm and secular apotheosis. Pushkin that Tatyana was “a true snapshot of Du comme il faut...” And then the author asks for forgiveness from the Slavophiles: “Shishkov, forgive me. I don’t know how to translate.” The expression translated from French means decent, decent, as it should be. Usually this expression is used in an ironic sense, but here Pushkin uses this word - comme il faut - in a positive sense, everything that is not vulgar (that is, not vulgar, that is, not primitive, vulgar). The author talks about this later.

No one could find it in it
That autocratic fashion
In high London circle
It's called vulgar. (I can not...
I love this word very much
But I can’t translate;
It’s still new to us,
And it is unlikely that he will be honored.
It would be suitable for an epigram...

Vulgar - primitive - has become absolutely our word used in colloquial speech.

3. A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky acts as a defender of the Russian national language. He finds it inappropriate to use French in his own country, at least. To be closer to the people. In his monologue he says:

At conventions, at big ones, on parish holidays?
A confusion of languages ​​still prevails:
French with Nizhny Novgorod?

Assuming that the past three years might have changed something. Griboedov, through the mouth of Chatsky, expresses his negative attitude towards the use of the French language in everyday life.

4. L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”

In the novel, the author conveys a situation when, after the Battle of Borodino, representatives of St. Petersburg society decide to abandon the use of French words. However, such a decision is difficult to implement, since in high society it is not customary to speak Russian and many simply do not know the meaning of French words in their native language. L.N. Tolstoy clearly does not sympathize with the representatives high society, considering that in Hard time all citizens must unite, and language is one of the main means contributing to this.

5. K. Paustovsky

believed: “We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.” Our outstanding writer I thought that true love love for one’s country is unthinkable without love for one’s language. Russian literature is the pride of the nation, the names of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Bulgakov are a world heritage, they are read and loved on all continents. “Many Russian words themselves radiate poetry, just as gems radiate a mysterious shine."