A pregnant woman dreamed of maggots. Why do you dream about maggots? Dream Interpretation - White dog

If you dreamed of maggots in a dream, you can find an interpretation of this picture in dream books. Some dream books clearly interpret the appearance of maggots as an unkind sign: what you see in a dream means that a person does not disdain any, even the most in sophisticated ways in pursuit of one's own benefit. Consequently, attempts to use dirty tricks against people around them can have an extremely negative impact on the future of the person who dreamed of these white worms.

For example, if a person collects maggots in glass vessels in a dream, then this means that it is very likely that he will take participation in illegal acts in the near future. Moreover, count on the help of loved ones in in this case it would be reckless, because they will not come to your aid, and maybe even betray you.

Why do you dream about maggots on your body?

Maggots on the body most often symbolize bad things. As a rule, these dreams are associated with the existence of an unfriendly attitude towards the dreamer on the part of others, or, conversely, these dreams speak of the unkind nature of the dreamer’s activities. Let's figure it out most common dream scenarios with maggots:

  1. Maggots on the body
  2. Maggots in hair
  3. Maggots in the mouth

If during sleep a person observes worms crawling on him, this means that soon he will have to see all the insincerity of the feelings of those whom he considered his friends. This kind of dream suggests that a person is surrounded by hypocritical and deceitful people who are capable of stabbing him in the back at any moment.

If young beautiful girls dream of white worms, then they should think about their outlook on life: does she sometimes go far in her aspirations? Did prudence and commercialism affect her appearance? Shaking off maggots, on the contrary, means that the young woman resistant to such temptations and in the future they will not be able to take possession of her feelings.

A white worm on the body is a symbol of insensitivity and callousness. The person who has this dream is usually powerless against circumstances. The advice of dream books in this case boils down mainly to the fact that a person should again weigh his life priorities, otherwise he will experience all the bitterness of loneliness in the future.

Seeing only one maggot in a dream predicts a romantic relationship. However, it is unlikely to lead to peace of mind and will not bring inner balance. The recommendations of dream books in this case boil down to advice to take into account and take into account the dream you had in the process of choosing a partner.

Why do you dream about maggots in your hair?

If a person dreams of maggots in his hair, he should think about your relationship to the past. Perhaps such a dream with worms for a person indicates a lack of ability to let go and forget certain memories. This also indicates a person’s unpreparedness for such actions, his avoidance of this activity. If you dream of worms in your hair, you most likely regret past actions or unfortunate words spoken towards those people whom you are accustomed to consider close.

The recommendations of the dream books in this case boil down to calls to remain calm and not allow yourself to waste your emotions. In this case, it would be wrong to ignore the problem, holding on to the past and giving more and more strength to this process. Remember that time cannot be turned back and the past cannot be changed, constantly focusing on it will not lead to anything positive. Moreover, time moves forward and it would be much wiser to devote it to the present or the future.

Why do you dream about maggots in your mouth?

If you dreamed of maggots in your mouth, this portends a favorable resolution of important matters for you. You may even be able to make a very favorable deal. However, dream books in this case warn that the road to success may require serious dedication, however, the result of the efforts will greatly compensate for the effort expended.

In the case when in a dream there is a picture of the dreamer taking maggots out of his mouth, you should think about the possibility of changing your field of activity or circle of social connections. It is likely that a person is surrounded by people whose company he does not find pleasant, but nevertheless cannot imagine a way to get rid of it.

Why do you dream of maggots in other places?

It may also happen that you dream of white worms not on the body, but in other places: in water, food, on the floor, and so on. Dream books give their interpretations and advice on this matter, however, it is hardly possible to cover all scenarios of dreams with maggots. We'll consider the following general cases:

  1. What do dream books say? Maggots in food
  2. What do dream books say? Maggots on the floor

Why do you dream of maggot worms in food?

Dreaming of worms in food symbolizes the presence of a hidden ill-wisher in the dreamer. If you dreamed that a person was eating wormy food and felt the larvae moving in his mouth, this foreshadows a physical illness. Dream Interpretations recommend take better care of your health, who knows what fate has in store?

It is better to take such indicators seriously, because diseases are best treated at an early stage. However, even if events develop unfavorably, you should not despair. Such dreams say that despite all the difficulties and necessary efforts, overcoming them will ultimately end in success.

Worms dreamed of in fruits and berries indicate the rapid extinction of love feelings and passions in amorous affairs. It is likely that the person seeing the dream, or his passion, has already formed new emotional connections with another person. If you are confident in your feelings, but see maggots in your food, then you should devote more time to the object of your desires, as there is a risk of things getting worse in this field. Also, dreams of this kind can appear as a result of fatigue from family life and home environment.

Dreaming of maggots in meat reflects the existence of a risk of family quarrel. The basis may be infidelity, or loss of understanding between spouses. Dream Interpretations Interpret this dream in a more positive light if in a dream the wormy meat was noticed in time and thrown aside. In this case, problems tend to end favorably and without causing damage to the relationship.

If you dream of a fish full of maggots, then this indicates possible rumors and undeserved suspicions existing about the dreamer. There is also a possibility that the dreamer is undeservedly reproached for something for which he is not actually guilty. You shouldn't worry in this case. Some time later, fortunately, all rumors and suspicions will disappear by themselves.

Why do you dream about maggots on the floor?

If you see white worms scattered on the floor in a dream, this represents your indifference to your own life, perhaps it symbolizes excessive laziness in relation to this issue. The things that exist in your life probably seem devoid of any meaning to you. However, under the pressure of the fact that you have no other choice, you also see it as necessary to do anything at all.

On the other hand, if you don’t have to complain about a lack of strength and vital energy, such a dream, in which maggots are scattered on the floor, foreshadows a meeting with new ones, interesting personalities, acquaintance with which will be a significant part of a person’s future reality. If a person seeing such a dream is not bound by a marriage contract, this promises him to find happiness when meeting the person of his life.

It is simply impossible to look at disgusting larvae without disgust. It is quite natural that such dreams can be annoying. Most often, the interpretation of such dreams is negative, but in order to find out exactly what maggots are dreaming about, you need to remember all the details of what is happening. Only then will the dream book give the correct answer.

It is simply impossible to look at disgusting larvae without disgust

In some dream books, dreams about disgusting insects are interpreted positively, while in others the vision is perceived negatively.

  • In order to choose the correct interpretation, it is worth turning to several sources at once:
  • a modern dream book indicates that many problems will soon arise, which will be quite difficult to cope with;
  • Azara considers the dream a warning, the work of his whole life is under threat, the dreamer becomes a victim of the insidious plans of envious people and competitors;
  • These larvae also have a negative meaning in Vanga’s dream book. Serious problems will arise on the way to achieving your goal, but with effort you will still be able to overcome them;
  • Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets the vision as positive. Especially if farmers happened to see it. A high harvest awaits them; in the general interpreter it is said that the sleeper disposes in cash

wrong, spends them recklessly.

Worms in the dream book (video)

Why do you dream about maggot worms on your body and hair?

Seeing maggots crawling over your body in a dream is a denote for those who will soon have to learn that their friends are behaving insincerely.

Surrounding the sleeping person there are hypocrites who strive to strike at the most inopportune moment. The fight against callousness and lack of feelings will be beyond your power.

A young girl dreamed of maggots crawling over her body - this is a signal that she needs to think about her life priorities and should not be overly calculating. If she manages to shake off the worms, then she will soon give up material wealth and her life will become calmer.

For a woman, such a dream promises a short flirtation, from which one should not expect joy and tranquility.

If you have a slightly different dream, in which these worms are swarming in your hair, then you can safely say that the dreamer cannot get rid of the past. It is quite possible that to this day he is experiencing anxiety about previously committed acts, offensive things said to those closest to him and causing them mental pain.

In this case, it is extremely important to let go of this situation, since it is simply impossible to correct it. It is necessary to look to the future and not dwell on the past.

Why do you dream of white maggots?

Dreams in which white maggots are present have several meanings. To interpret such a vision, you should remember the details of the dreams:

  • in a pile of manure - an unpleasant but very serious conversation is expected. Even accusations of untruthful words are possible, but you will still be able to prove that you are right;
  • indoors - there are certain doubts in making a decision. It is recommended to collect your thoughts and make the right choice;
  • collect in any container - the sleeper is developing an insidious plan and is clearly ready to play dishonestly. It is worth seriously considering whether to act this way;
  • in berries - problems will soon arise in your personal life. It is possible that the life partner is cheating on the sleeping person;
  • there are a lot of larvae in this moment the dreamer is in a difficult life situation and doubts whether he can correct the situation.

Dreams in which white maggots are present have several meanings

Seeing maggots on the floor, food

Lazy people who are absolutely indifferent to their own lives have to see larvae on the floor in their dreams. Most likely, they are currently busy with a meaningless undertaking, but due to lack of choice, they are completely inactive.

Maggots in food indicate that in real life the sleeper has secret enemy

In the same case, if such unusual dreams visited an energetic and cheerful person, then they promise him a meeting with new people. It is possible that this acquaintance will become fateful; there is every chance of meeting a life partner with whom you will live a long and happy life.

Maggots in food indicate that in real life the sleeper has a secret enemy. But if in a dream you happen to try such disgusting food, then it is quite possible that serious health problems will soon appear, the treatment will be very difficult and lengthy.

Why do you dream about maggots on fish or meat?

, in which maggots move is a negative sign. Soon the family will have serious conflicts, the cause of which will be betrayal or a complete lack of understanding between spouses. Only if the presence of larvae in dreams was detected in a timely manner and they were not eaten, can one count on a positive resolution of the situation.

A dream in which a fish is filled with larvae is considered a warning. It is quite possible that the sleeper will be suspected of something or even reproached, without having any reason for this. Don't take this too seriously, as the situation will soon be resolved.

A dream in which a fish is filled with larvae is considered a warning.

Seeing maggots in a person’s mouth in a dream

There are several both positive and negative explanations of dreams in which maggots end up in the mouth:

  • making a profit as a result of hard work;
  • with spoiled food - you should pay attention to your health status and undergo a full examination. Only in this case will problems be avoided;
  • white - to achieve the goal, you will have to overcome many obstacles;
  • many - cases will be successfully resolved, it is possible that a profitable contract will be concluded, but for this you will need to work hard;
  • get it out of your mouth - you should think about changing your job and circle of friends. At the moment, the sleeping person’s surroundings are not pleasant to him. It is recommended to remain alone with your thoughts for a while and analyze own life, decide what suits you about it, and what you want to change as quickly as possible.

Modern dream book If you dream about Maggots:

Maggots almost always foreshadow some kind of trouble. Having seen them in any manifestation, you should not lose your vigilance and not trust the people around you too much. Worms hint that enemies are nearby and they are actively trying to harm you. You should not share your plans even with friends; they can only imitate sincerity, but in reality they will be jealous and plot something against you.

Why do you dream about maggots placed in some kind of container? Perhaps you will be involved in drawing up a plan for carrying out a bad plan or will take direct part in insidious plans towards a person or business. Touching worms in a dream means playing unfairly against enemies.

Family dream book If you dream about Maggots according to the dream book:

Why do you dream about Maggots - they can indicate an accumulation of negative emotions and thoughts, so you need to pay attention to your psychological condition, find the source of negativity, change something in your life, otherwise things will only get worse in the future.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about Maggots in a dream:

Maggots can also have a favorable interpretation. For example, if you dreamed of worms that you collect for fishing, your marriage will be successful. Seeing maggots close up indicates serious troubles that cannot be avoided; you need to carefully monitor what and with whom you talk. Why do you dream about Maggots? This is a warning about insincere friends who are ready at any moment to trip you up and cause harm. You need to beware of secretive acquaintances.

If in a dream you easily stepped over worms, then in real life you will be able to overcome obstacles and deal with all the problems. A room infested with maggots indicates that you are tormented by doubts. Dream interpretation of Maggots mainly symbolizes earthly problems. If they are small, there will be minor disappointments in life; if they are huge, they foreshadow serious problems that you will not be able to cope with alone.

Why do you dream about maggots on your body? They indicate your callousness, passion for money and prosperity, indifference to feelings. Putting worms on a hook is a sign that you will be able to outwit your enemies and bypass their traps. Dream Interpretation Maggots, if they are in sewage, foreshadows an unpleasant conversation. Worms crawling out of your eyes indicate the fact that you are unwilling to see the obvious. Why do you dream of Maggots in a plate of food - a serious illness with complications. If they are in fruits, soon you will experience resentment and misunderstandings on the love front.


Why do you dream about maggots?

Few people can look at maggots without feeling disgust; this also applies to dreams with their participation, which leave behind unpleasant sensations for a long time. Often negative dreams, on the contrary, are a good omen. To understand this and find out the exact interpretation, you need to try to remember the main details, for example, where exactly the maggots were, what they looked like, etc. It is important to consider that often the same dream is interpreted differently, which is why it is worth drawing an analogy between the information received and real life events.

Why do you dream about maggots?

One of the dream books indicates that these larvae are a good sign, especially if you used them for fishing. For people in relationships, this means happiness and complete mutual understanding, and for single people, it is a harbinger of marriage. There is also an opinion that such a dream indicates that you should carefully understand your own thoughts, since the existing problems are entirely your fault. Seeing maggots in a dream and touching them means that in real life the dreamer often uses dishonest methods in solving problems. Remember that in life there is a “boomerang” rule and all the negativity will come back.

Night vision, where you put maggots in a glass jar, warns that due to your own carelessness you can fall into the trap of insidious people. If you did this in order to go fishing, then the upcoming celebration will take place without problems. In one of the popular dream books, such insects mean that in a difficult situation, help from close friends will never come, or you should expect betrayal on their part. To see maggots in food in a dream means that there is a person nearby who is making negative plans against you. If the dreamer nevertheless ate food with larvae, this is a warning about impending health problems. A dream where you had to put maggots on a hook serves as a warning that your enemies have prepared numerous traps. If in the end you managed to catch a big fish, it means that the dreamer will be able to cope with all the problems and emerge victorious.

A night vision in which maggots crawl in the grass prophesies good harvest. If you saw a lot of larvae in front of you, but didn’t even pay attention to it and stepped over them, it means that in the future you will be able to easily cope with all the problems. A dream in which many small maggots appeared promises a lot of disappointments. If they were large, then prepare for huge problems that you will not be able to cope with on your own. Night vision, where you had to kill the larvae, indicates that thanks to your own work you will be able to solve all the problems.

Why do you dream of white maggots?

White larvae in fruits or berries symbolize that problems should be expected in relationships with the opposite sex. For people in a couple, this is a clear signal of betrayal. A dream where there are a lot of white worms and maggots around you indicates that at the moment you are in a difficult situation and are experiencing a lot of doubts. In one of the dream books, white maggots promise minor intrigues and problems, but don’t worry, because everything will end well.

Why do you dream of maggots and worms on a person?

Larvae on the body indicate that the dreamer is an insensitive person and it is impossible to change this in any way. In life, material values ​​come first for you, and this can lead to the fact that all people turn away from you. Maggots crawling over the body warn of injustice and malice on the part of close relatives and friends.


Dream Interpretation Worms

Worms, Maggots, Larvae, Worms, Roundworms

If in your dream there were Worms, Maggots, Worms or Roundworms, Dream Interpretations warn that in reality the people around you are far from showing sincere friendship and love towards you. If you did not see Worms in a dream, but their Larvae caught your attention, Dream Interpretations advise you to be as attentive as possible to what is happening around you.

Seeing worms in a dream- ill-wishers; otherwise - your own negative thoughts and desires.

Such an unpleasant image as Worms could appear in your dream as a result of your own negative behavior or the negative emotions and feelings you have accumulated. “Worms” are your bad thoughts, which took away the peace of the night. And only by clearing your mind and heart in reality can you expect that such images will leave your dreams forever.

Seeing maggots, worms or roundworms in a dream- hangers-on, People Living at your expense.

Seeing worm larvae in a dream- to unpleasant news; Beware of dishonest people.

Larvae are not Worms yet, but they are already an extremely dangerous signal for you! Something near you is subject to outside and clearly negative interference. Someone is probably trying to gain your trust, so that they can then live calmly and successfully at your expense. Treat your dream with a high degree of responsibility - think about who exactly these “Larvae” are for you personally. By getting rid of them in time in real life, you will save yourself from a lot of problems.


Worms maggots on the body

Dream Interpretation Worms maggots on the body dreamed of why you dream about maggots on your body in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see maggots on your body in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Worms that are large and thick mean intestinal and rectal disease.

Earthworms are a pustular disease.

To diathesis.

To allergies.

Dream Interpretation - Worm

If you dreamed that you ate a worm, then in the near future you will be in a good mood. To make your good mood last as long as possible, make faces in front of the mirror in the morning.

If you dreamed that a worm was crawling on you, then your enemies are preparing to destroy you. To prevent them from succeeding, eat a piece of black bread with salt and black pepper.

Dream Interpretation - Body

Your body. Seeing your body healthy, beautiful, smooth is a good sign. For a sick person, such a dream promises recovery, for a healthy person - vigor and increased strength. If a girl or boy dreams of her own body, on which something characteristic of the opposite sex has appeared (for example, a girl may have hairy legs, like a man, and a boy may have hairy legs). female breast), such a dream may foretell an imminent marriage. If such a dream occurs to someone who has already gotten married, the dream is not very favorable. It means an affair that poses a danger to the marriage.

If you are not interested in fulfilling such a dream, imagine that you saw not your own body, but someone else's.

Seeing your naked wet body is a sign of illness. If your body was wet and dirty, you are in danger.

Imagine taking a bath or shower and drying yourself.

If in a dream you saw your naked body being washed by other people, this is a very bad dream. He foreshadows imminent death.

You need to imagine that you have “returned” to your body and come to life. The people who were going to wash your corpse get scared and run away.

If you look at yourself in the mirror and see that your body is changing before your eyes - losing weight, getting fat, arms and legs stretching or shortening - you are facing a very difficult period of instability and anxiety.

Imagine that you are in a funhouse, in front of you is a distorting mirror. Your body remains unchanged, the image disfigures it. You break the mirror.

If the body in your dream has lost weight and you feel that you can take off, this means a rapid takeoff in your career. However, the dream cannot be called favorable: quick success can turn your head, you will become arrogant and lose the favor of your friends.

After such a dream, imagine that you are tying a weight to your feet and calmly walking on the ground.

On the contrary, a dream in which you see that your body has gained weight and you are walking on the ground heavily and heavily is favorable - to well-being and stability in business.

Someone else's body. Seeing someone's naked dead body is a sign of illness. If a girl dreams of nudes male body, this means that someone will want to enter into an intimate relationship with her without committing themselves to any obligations. If you have such a dream married woman, she may have a lover.

If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, imagine that it is not a living person, but a mannequin.

For a man to see the body of a naked woman in a dream is a sign of danger.

Imagine that you are turning away, and at the same time a woman is getting dressed.

Dream Interpretation - Body

Seeing your wife's naked body is a great happiness.

The snake wraps itself around the body - the birth of a noble offspring.

Wings grow on your body and you fly - great happiness.

Sweat appears on the body - portends misfortune, evil.

They are going to put stocks and shackles on your body - you will soon get sick.

Continuous streams of water surround the body - foreshadows a court case.

The naked body of a man portends good luck according to fate.

The naked body of your wife portends great happiness.

Insects crawl on a sick body - the disease goes away.

Eating the flesh of your own dead body is separation.

Dreaming of your body being completely naked is a great benefit.

Traveling away from your body means recovery from an illness.

Traveling, wandering, separated from your body - portends recovery from illness.

The light of lightning illuminates the body - there will be a happy event.

Light from heaven illuminates your body - healing from illness or disease.

Light from heaven illuminates your body - healing of diseases or illnesses.

Snow falls without touching your body - mourning for older family members.

The sun and moon illuminate your body - you will receive an important position.

Your body is stained with urine and feces - portends wealth.

The body is burned and blood flows from it - great happiness.

The body is bandaged, entangled with ropes - portends longevity and great happiness.

The body is tied with ropes - great happiness, benefit.

A body that is too fat or too thin - both equally portend misfortune.

Your body is entangled in a net - a service situation, a government matter.

Dream Interpretation - Worm

See Worms.

Dream Interpretation - Body

The way you see yourself in a dream speaks volumes about your own vision of your body in real life. Sometimes in a dream you appear in your real “bodily shell”, and sometimes your body seems either ideal or ugly to you. It is a reflection of how you feel about yourself and how you think you appear to others. As a rule, thoughts about your own body reflect your attitude towards yourself as a person.

If central theme sleep is the shape of the body, we recommend analyzing the background of this perception of it. Sometimes in a dream the body changes beyond recognition, acquiring various magical properties. Examples can be given of walking through walls, increasing the flexibility of the body, changing height and shape. These strange transformations largely reflect your preferred methods of solving problems, but they can also symbolize the limited capabilities of the body or, conversely, complete mastery of it.

Other options for transformations encountered in dreams include the transformation of a person into other forms. Such transformations of appearance are sometimes absurd and funny, sometimes even frightening, and it happens that we appear with a body that perfectly “fits” into the plot content of the dream: this is a manifestation of the ANIMA/ANIMUS living in each of us. Sometimes we take the form of an animal in order to achieve some goal or gain some property. All these reincarnations correspond to those areas of communication in which we either show clear confidence or show obvious weaknesses in our character.

Does your perception match? own body in a dream and in reality?

If your body looks worse in a dream than in real life, does this prevent you from achieving your dream goal or is it simply an additional (but surmountable) obstacle?

Dream Interpretation - Body

If you dream that your body has become larger than usual, then difficult trials await you, worrying, because of which you can make yourself sick. If the body is naked in a dream, then great shame, disgrace, and humiliation await you. A dream in which you saw damage to your body predicts trouble and warns of danger. See interpretation: wounds.

Getting fat in a dream is a sign of quick enrichment and great pleasures, unless you are afraid of this.

Losing weight in a dream foreshadows poverty, deprivation and great suffering. If you dream that your body has turned black, then beware of the machinations of enemies who will win your trust by cunning. A dream in which you saw that your body had become pale and lifeless means that great experiences or a serious illness await you. If in a dream your body is covered with scabs or lichen, then you will have many difficulties in achieving your goal. See interpretation: scabs, ulcers. Getting rid of them in a dream is a sign of successful getting rid of problems.

Eating your own flesh in a dream means that you will reproach yourself for rash actions.

For women, this dream foretells that they will enrich themselves by selling their bodies, and then bitterly regret it. Eating the body of a loved one in a dream means that you will pester him with your reproaches and he may eventually leave you. If you dream that your body was cut into pieces, then the dream foreshadows you great torment or violent death. To see a body (someone else's) cut into pieces in a dream means the successful completion of some business that will progress slowly but surely.

But if in a dream you see blood on these pieces, then beware of an accident with a loved one. Eating the body of another person in a dream means that you will take possession of someone else’s fortune through cunning and deceit.

Dream Interpretation - Worm

Profit // death; crawling through the grass - the anger of friends.

Dream Interpretation - Worm

Symbolizes earthly energy, earthly concerns, primitive relationships.

Seeing earthworms peeking out means you will make a profit by defeating your enemies.

Worms devour everything around - to diseases and troubles.

Small scurrying worms, larvae - irritation, worries, minor grief.

Dream Interpretation - Worm

Annoyance, trouble, sudden difficulties


Maggots stuck to my leg

Dream Interpretation Maggots bit into your leg dreamed of why in a dream maggots bit into your leg? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Maggots biting into your leg in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Legs

Seeing your legs beautiful and slender in a dream means that good luck in business, a pleasant and successful road awaits you. Looking at both legs in a dream means that you will think about your relationship with some person. Wounds, ulcers or broken legs in a dream foreshadow misfortunes, obstacles in business and failure of plans. Getting your feet dirty in a dream is a sign of a careless mistake that will end in shame for you, which will not be easy for you to survive. See interpretation: shit, water, thighs.

Seeing the calves of your legs in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business. A dream in which you saw that the calves of your legs are hard predicts that you will stand firmly on your feet. If you dream that you are scraping someone’s legs until they bleed, then you will receive bad news about the troubles of loved ones who need your support and consolation. If you dream that your legs are on fire, then you should postpone your planned trip, even if it is very important to you. Sometimes such a dream predicts failure in business. A dream in which you saw yourself putting your feet into a fire foretells you that only by intervening in some kind of squabble can you put an end to it. Making any deft movements with your legs in a dream is a sign that your business will succeed thanks to your quick wits, ingenuity and ability to make the right contacts.

If you dream that you have become disabled and lost your legs, then expect great failures, hardships, and misfortunes. The same thing means a dream in which your legs do not obey you. If you dream that one of your legs has been taken away, then you will be separated from a loved one or a partner whom you valued. Spraining your leg in a dream is a sign that you will soon have so much trouble that headaches will begin.

Admiring children's feet in a dream is a sign of consolation and pleasure. Sometimes such a dream predicts making a small profit. Having many legs in a dream is a sign that profit in trade or a profitable trip awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts leg disease, colds or swelling. Having a wooden leg in a dream is a harbinger of deception. Seeing or having crooked legs in a dream is a sign of damage due to a risky business. Seeing or having thin legs in a dream means that some business is too tough for you and you better give it up. Seeing your feet dirty in a dream means trouble and shame. Washing your feet in a dream is a sign that you are about to travel. Washing your feet in a pond with clean and clear water is a sign of happiness and good luck. Sometimes such a dream predicts a slight cold (especially if the water was cold). See interpretation: water.

If you dream that someone is washing your feet and rubbing them with aromatic substances, then you will experience big success, pleasure and well-being. Washing someone's feet or kissing them in a dream means that you will have to repent of what you have done and come to terms with the circumstances. Having hard calluses on your feet in a dream is a sign that, despite the obstacles, you will achieve your goal. See interpretation: calluses.

If you dream that someone bit your leg, then grief, disappointment and trouble await you. A dream in which you felt that someone was tickling your feet or heels warns you of cunning flatterers. Limping in a dream is a sign of dishonor, loss and humiliation. See interpretation: lame.

A dream in which you saw that a legless man is threatening you or chasing you portends great difficulties and obstacles in business. If you dream that one leg is stuck and you cannot pull it out, then expect obstacles in business. If in a dream you were able to free your leg and continue the work you started, then success awaits you, no matter what. To dream that you have a hole in your heel means: expect trouble. The situation will become even worse if the wound on the heel bleeds or the leg hurts. However, if you pulled out some foreign object from it, then your affairs will improve. If you dream that your legs hurt due to gout, then expect obstacles in getting money. There is an opinion that if in a dream your right leg hurts from gout, then the dream portends good luck for you, and if it is your left leg, then the dream portends the opposite. If in a dream you see your legs (feet) with your shoes off (naked), then you will find love adventure. Seeing other people's feet naked in a dream is a harbinger of financial losses. Wounded feet in a dream predict losses and failures. See interpretation: shoes, heels, walk, run.

Dream Interpretation - Legs

If in a dream you wash your feet, this portends an exciting journey and at the same time a short love story. Dirty feet are a sign of insatiability in love and passion. Swollen or sore legs foretell losses from an unprofitable enterprise.

Seeing thin or crooked legs means adultery and clarification family relations. Slender and Beautiful legs they say that you will lose control of yourself and say insolent things to a person who does not deserve any of this.

A wounded or broken leg - beware of an accident. A broken leg portends unprofitable occupations and distrustful creditors.

Cutting your leg until it bleeds threatens the loss of friendship and trust in real life. A leg rotting from gangrene foretells that by helping someone you will harm your own interests. If your leg is amputated in a dream, it means that you will suffer from the excessive care of elders in the family. A dream in which you were deprived of both legs as a result of an operation means that you will be subjected to surveillance, control or audit, depending on the type of your activity.

To have wooden prosthetics instead of legs - in reality you will be cleverly tricked and, at the same time, deceived by the people who have undertaken to help you. If you don’t feel your legs in a dream, you will meet a person who will later cause you a lot of sad experiences.

Pedaling with your feet, hitting a ball or performing sports exercises - you will get involved in a case that is fraught with litigation.

If in a dream you cannot move from your place, because your legs have become like cotton, you are threatened with confusion in need and helplessness in loneliness. To see in a dream many feet walking past the basement window through which you are observing them - in reality you will find something long lost in the house.

A dream in which you allegedly grew extra legs means that you tend to overestimate your merits and humiliate the role of other people in them. Walking upside down in a dream means you will lose your pride, going crazy with love and passion. Too hairy legs speak of your autocratic nature and an irrepressible desire to dominate in everything, which makes it hard for all your household members and, first of all, for your husband.

If you are kicked in a dream, this foretells the danger of being attacked by criminal elements. If a fan kisses your feet, you will gain complete power and control over him. Kissing someone else's feet - give in to a persistent seducer out of spite to annoy your spouse or lover.

Warming your feet by the fire means peace in the family after another storm. Burnt legs mean that your irrepressible vanity will push away from you the person who could be the happiness of your whole life.

Bare feet in the cold due to lack of shoes - you will soon have to set off on a long journey.

Putting anything on your feet means that obstacles await you from a completely unexpected direction.

Walking barefoot on glass and coals in a dream foreshadows a happy future, kind and devoted comrades, on ice or snow - you will find yourself in a desperate situation if you cannot defend your position on a serious issue.

Seeing a thigh in a dream, naked because the wind suddenly lifted the dress, means successful deals and pleasure from a sexual partner. Knees in a dream foretell the danger of being seduced by a scoundrel. Full calves of legs - to illness and unexpected obstacles in business; thin ones - show determination in a difficult situation. Seeing bare feet in a dream foreshadows a new love affair, crooked feet - an interesting acquaintance, dirty - free yourself from worries and sorrows, wide feet - an accident. Seeing your feet in a dream means making yourself look bad public opinion; if someone tickles you, it threatens ruin in real life.

If in a dream a young impudent man strokes your thighs, climbing under your skirt, it means that you will sort things out with someone on a grand scale and in high tones. Seeing someone's hips portends a successful marriage and happiness in love.

Seeing slender, beautiful legs in a dream predicts a future without worries and old age surrounded by loving children and grandchildren. Swollen legs or with protruding knotty veins are a sign of impending losses in commerce and entrepreneurship. A fracture of the ankle joint promises you failure as a result of ill-considered actions. Shaving the hair on your lower leg in a dream means you will lose a friend in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Legs

“stretch your legs” poverty, illness, death. "Stand with your left foot" Bad mood, failures during the day.

"having two left feet" clumsiness.

"knocked off your feet" long search, fuss.

"to run away" to run away.

“my veins began to shake” (severe fear). "Live large" to live on a grand scale, generously.

“to lie at your feet” to humbly ask, to grovel.

“twirl, get underfoot” (get in the way), “lick your heels” (slavish obedience).

“to substitute a leg” is betrayal, to secretly cause harm.

"leg cramped" impossibility of movement, stagnation. “Letting your feet be wiped on you” is humiliation, neglect. “It takes a long time to wipe your feet before the threshold” - indecision, doubt, excessive politeness. “Kneel” admiration, submission, humiliation. "Crush someone's foot" - behave rudely, clumsily. “To crush someone’s heel” and “to follow on the heels” is pursuit, an attempt to get around in something. "Encroach on someone else's place."

“one leg here, the other there” - speed of action, movement. “Crush, trample someone” to deprive someone of their place and dignity.

"stunning news, trip." “Get on your feet” to strengthen yourself financially and morally. "Make your feet" to run away from danger. See add. bow, stand.

Dream Interpretation - Legs

Own legs. Seeing your legs healthy and strong in a dream means you have a long journey ahead of you, connected with overcoming difficulties, perhaps a hike. Standing firmly on both legs - sleep promises stable financial situation, a good job and a solid income. If in a dream you stood on one leg or jumped on one leg, the dream warns you that you have taken on too much and may not be able to stand it. If you have seen that you have crooked legs, in reality you may become a laughing stock for others because of some stupid trick. Looking at your legs in the mirror and seeing them beautiful, attractive and slender - a risky business that you are undertaking will be successful and will bring you a lot of thrills. If you dream that you are washing your feet, such a dream foreshadows a well-deserved reward for your labors. Wiping your feet when entering the house - you will receive a gift, but not the one you expected. Bare legs dream of a new novel. If you dreamed that your legs were aching from rheumatism, in reality you could lose money. Limping on one leg means your spouse will betray you. Seeing that your legs are swelling means your work will go to waste, your business will bring nothing but losses. Breaking a leg means job loss or serious financial damage. If your leg was cut off in a dream, a break in your relationship with your loved one is possible. Seeing your feet dirty means your reputation is at risk.

If you dreamed of sick, lame, broken, swollen or cut off legs, imagine that you are being treated by the best doctors and soon your legs will become healthy, strong and beautiful. If you saw dirty feet in a dream, imagine that you are washing them clean.

Someone else's legs. For a man, seeing naked female legs means a new love, which, however, will not be mutual. If a woman sees a man's legs, this means that she can fully rely on her husband or admirer.

Seeing many other people's feet - you will find an old friend or someone will return a long-forgotten debt to you. Kissing another person's feet means your boss will be pleased with you. If someone kicked you, in reality you will receive a gift from a high-ranking official.

Imagine that the legs you saw are healthy, their owner runs, jumps, walks with ease and pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Legs

Your path through life. You are starting a risky business that could bring failure.

To have crooked legs means to suffer losses.

Washing your feet means traveling.

To have wooden legs - you may experience sadness from injustice.

Being without legs is a sign that success in work is possible.

Putting your feet in the fire means ending family quarrels.

Putting on your shoes means you're on the fast track; losing your shoes means obstacles.

Having dirty feet means trouble.

Wiping them when entering the house is a gift.

Burning your feet in a dream is a harbinger of glory.

They kick you - to wealth.

Bare feet dream of a new love affair.

Strange-looking feet mean a new acquaintance; looking at your feet means losing your position.

Looking at other people's feet means losing money.

Wide feet are unlucky.

A pedicure is being given to you - a warning, be careful in choosing new friends or partners, they may turn out to be unreliable.

Strong legs represent a strong position in life.

Problems with legs reflect insecurity.

Healthy strong legs mean success in business.

Beautiful male or female legs are a sexual concern.

Legs covered in scabs, ulcers - a person’s vulnerable position, anxiety, problems.

Legs don't move - passivity, lack of strength, illness.

Dream Interpretation - Legs

Having dirty feet means trouble.

Wiping them off when entering the house is a gift.

Washing is a joy, a journey.

Smearing them with anything is a journey.

Having very long legs is a benefit for men, a nuisance for women, and frivolity for everyone.

To have crooked legs - to recognize enemies, to outwit them.

Having swollen legs means loyalty from friends and help from them.

Having very thick legs is a joy.

Very subtle - grumpiness of loved ones.

Having one leg crooked or lame is misfortune, illness of loved ones / harm from inaction.

To seriously bruise your legs is a danger from superstition.

To splinter or cut is excessive liveliness of character, danger from this / lack of caution.

Walking on crutches is a new “apprenticeship”; you have to learn something again.

Breaking a leg means the collapse of love hopes.

If you break both legs, death awaits you in a foreign land.

To have prosthetics instead of legs - the road lies ahead / to live in other people's thoughts / to live as a parasite.

To see your legs being cut off is to be in bad company and not notice it.

To receive someone else's feet - help, support.

To have a leg with a hoof is to show evil will.

Having legs as if filled with lead means inertia of mental life and harm from this.

To have huge feet is to hesitate in anything in vain.

Feet covered in scales, seeing your own scabs is an image of your sins and remnants that drag you towards degradation.

Seeing beautiful legs in a dream means yearning for the joys of love.

A man's obsessive dreams about women's legs indicate homosexual inclinations hidden in him.

For women, dreams in which they obsessively take care of their own feet have the same meaning.

Dream Interpretation - Legs

If in a dream you liked slender female legs, you will lose your prudence and show unworthy frivolity in your behavior with some charming person.

Seeing ugly legs means unprofitable occupations and irritable comrades.

Seeing that you have a wooden leg means that you will put yourself in a false position in front of your friends.

If in a dream your legs have ulcers, this portends a decrease in your income due to helping other people.

To dream that you have three or more legs means that your entrepreneurial spirit is more manifested in your imagination than in real affairs.

If you dream that your legs do not obey you, you are in danger of poverty.

If you dream that your leg is amputated. You will lose valuable friends, and the despotic influence of your family will make your life almost unbearable.

For a young woman to admire her own legs means that her irrepressible vanity will push away the man she adores.

If she dreams that she has hairy legs, she will command her husband in the future.

If in a dream your legs are slender and in good shape, this means a happy future and loyal friends.

Simply seeing your feet in a dream often portends a desperate situation. Such a dream encourages you to assert your position in life with greater will and energy.

In a dream, washing your feet means that the cunning of others will somewhat confuse your plans and discourage you.

Seeing that your legs are red and swollen foreshadows troubles: shame and humiliation, a break with your family, and sudden changes in business are possible.

Dream Interpretation - Leg

This is the vitality of a person. And if he sees that he is walking barefoot, then burden, fatigue and suffering will befall him. Limping in a dream means piety and fear of God. If he sees many legs, he will get rich if he is poor, get sick if he is rich, and successfully complete his journey if he is a traveler. For a man, seeing his legs painted with tattoos means the loss of his family, and for a woman, it means the death of her husband. He who loses one leg in a dream will lose half of his property in life, and both legs will lose all his property. Raising and twisting your leg means doing something difficult. They also say: to see such a dream means to be a vicious person. Seeing your shins as iron means prolongation of life. A man who sees a woman's legs will soon marry. If one sees in a dream that the skin on his legs has become rough and his legs themselves are swollen, he will acquire money through difficulties. Breaking a bone in the leg near the shin or ankle means death, and in the heel means a desire to commit a dubious deed that will bring failure and regret. Hairy feet are a sign of strong fanaticism in religion. A patient who sees some liquid in his knees in a dream will soon die.

Dream Interpretation - Legs

Slender female legs, seen in a dream, can take away your last signs of prudence.

If you dreamed about ugly legs, avoid unprofitable activities and irritable friends.

A wounded leg portends loss.

If you saw yourself in a dream wooden leg, which means you will find yourself in a false position in front of your friends.

If your legs were covered with ulcers in a dream, then the desire to help other people will significantly reduce your income.

Reddened and swollen feet dream of trouble: possible shame and humiliation, separation from family, sudden changes in business.

A dream about your legs not obeying you foretells poverty.

If you dreamed that your leg was amputated, you may lose friends and lose good relationships with loved ones.

Washed your feet in a dream - do not be surprised by human cunning, which will somewhat mix up your plans.

A woman who dreamed that she had hairy legs will command her husband in the future.

A dream about one's own legs foreshadows a desperate situation. This means that one should assert one’s position in life with greater will and energy.

Dream Interpretation - Legs

They symbolize the ability to implement any plans and plans.

Seeing your legs slender and beautiful: a sign that your position may soon become noticeably stronger.

If you pay attention to a person with strong, slender legs: such a dream suggests that someone from your environment is able to provide assistance in promoting your business.

At the same time, admiring bare legs (your own or someone else's): means that extraneous hobbies can confuse you or even harm your affairs.

Hairy legs: a sign that you are too concerned with yourself and your own affairs, and this can damage your reputation.

Wounds or sores on the legs: foreshadow a conflict with competitors.

Crossed legs seen in a dream: a sign of a temporary stop in business.

If you see that you or someone else is sitting with their legs crossed: the dream warns that some plans may not come true.

To dream that your legs have stopped obeying you means that your attempts to improve your situation in the near future will most likely be useless. Perhaps it is better for you to reconsider your plans and move on to more promising things. Or maybe it just doesn’t bother you to get some rest and relaxation.

Lame legs: indicate that you are taking on some task without sufficient preparation.




I dreamed that some lesbian, who wanted to have sex, pulled a maggot out of my vagina (we ended up not having sex, she left) I started sniffing my pussy and it started to smell like rot or pus... Horror, not a dream! Please write what could this mean?


I dreamed that I went into the hostel and on the first floor there was a stall selling all sorts of interesting souvenirs - elephants and some figurines... I became interested, but I didn’t have enough money, and I asked two girls, as if in debt, to write down - who worked there, they seemed very friendly, smiling, as if we had known each other for a long time. I don’t remember whether I bought it or not, I remember that I began to climb up the stairs. Then there was some kind of dingy room, a balcony, something like a mess in the floor of a brightly lit room and these 2 girls, we need to do something, I don’t remember what exactly, I remember that I pulled the board either from the floor or the wall, or on the balcony or in I’m in the room and not expecting it, I see white worms (maggots). They're making the most of it, and I'm trying to show the girls what's here, why, where?...



I dreamed of maggots in the skin of a rooster. The rooster is alive and does not belong to me. I took him to the vet. Then failure. The dream was restored in the following picture: the head of this rooster is impaled on the end of a stick. A stick sticks out of the car. There is another rooster sitting on it, a very fat one. Car rides. All.


I dreamed that I or someone else (it was not clear exactly) was carrying a plastic bag full of maggots. and in a dream I suddenly understand that now they will turn into powder, and this is what happens... they seem to crumble inside the bag and become like crumbled peanut shells.


Hello! I dreamed that I left the house on the street, there was a baby stroller in the yard and there were maggots on it. I started to wash them off with water and stepped on them, but something else is interesting, after that monkeys (garillas) appeared, tried to grab the child and finally bit him by the hand of the snake (me). Is this somehow connected?


Hello. Help me figure it out!? I dream that I open my mouth in front of the mirror and bend it lower lip, and there are a lot of small worms in it, like maggots, and they either climb out or climb back in. I was scared at first, and then I thought that this is how it should be for all people, it’s kind of stupid. Thank you.


At the workplace, at the enterprise, I loaded maggots into a large cauldron for processing, there were a lot of maggots, a whole body of the car... and even in a dream I wanted to collect maggots for my brother’s fishing


I dreamed that I was loading maggots into a large cauldron for processing. I also wanted to pick up some maggots for fishing for my older brother, but I was too lazy and didn’t pick them up.


I dreamed of white maggots and worms all together, that we started cleaning the house, then we started removing the mattresses from the bed, one mattress was removed and under it there were a lot of maggots and worms, we were just very surprised in the dream where they were from and were afraid to touch them so nothing didn’t do anything with them, and then the dream passed. Please tell me what such a dream could mean.


Hello, I would like to meet you... You see, I have... I don’t know... an illness or something... I have dreams all the time. I don’t even remember a single day when I didn’t have a dream. And they are always filled with events. If you could help me figure them out...I would be very happy. Let’s say, if you agreed, I would, if possible, send you an email in the morning describing the dream, and you would help me figure it out...
Looking forward to your earliest response.


Hello. I dreamed that white worms were falling out in clusters from the suspended ceiling in the bathroom. I see that there are so many of them there that the ceiling is moving and sagging. Thank you.


I had a dream, I was walking down the street and I saw how two trolleybuses were driving along the same line towards each other, but they didn’t crash, but went around each other, while going around their horns fell off, and then one of them put on their clothes and he moved on, the second one stopped , and then I walked as if along a small river, about a meter and a half wide, which flows downhill, like steps, and I walk along the river waist-deep in water and I see fish walking along the top, spawning, the water is not very clear, and I I caught a fish out of the water, I caught a bunch of small fish, they fit in my two palms, then I walked further and saw a board lying in the water and moving, I picked it up, there was a good live bream lying there, it flopped on the shallows half in the water, and Little monkeys were crawling on it, then the alarm clock rang and I woke up


I'm lying on the bed. There's a wall right in front of me. And maggots crawl along it from top to bottom. There were also multi-colored ones. I tried to brush them off with a broom, but they still crawled.


I had a dream that maggots were crawling on my left leg. Having taken off my sock, I began to shake them off, and then I woke up with an unpleasant feeling and anxiety for my loved ones.


maggots formed in the body of three people and I tried to get away from them, I managed to connect them by interests and they left me behind


I dreamed about maggots eating my finger, but I threw them off my finger, some places on my finger were down to the bone, on my ring finger, in general, not very good good dream When I woke up I immediately grabbed my finger


I dreamed that I was standing in the doorway of a poorly lit room, taking off my bra, and seeing my left nipple, with some kind of pus, and it hurt a lot, but then it started to hurt right breast and I press very hard and a lot of pus with maggots pours out of the nipple, and I press and press and they don’t seem to pour out completely, they spread around the glands under the skin


I dreamed that I was bathing in the bathroom and there was a box, I accidentally touched it and maggots fell out, I collected them and put the box back


I saw maggots crawling in a restaurant, I shook them off the table, one got into my mouth, I ate it. The restaurant was clean and bright, white walls, white floor. In the restaurant, my ex-boyfriend was sitting at another table, because of whom I am currently going through a breakup; I was the initiator of the breakup. I was in the restaurant with my female colleague. Then I went to the shower and washed my face in the shower with clean warm water.


I was in the room and heard a grinding sound behind the wallpaper, peeled back the edge and saw about 100 maggots, I wasn’t afraid of them, but began to carry them with my hands to the toilet to wash them off, well, they fell to the floor while I was carrying them across the room. My late mother was also in this room, she washed the floors, and the cat was a very smart cat, he understood everything and never misbehaved, but that evening he “marked” the bench, and my mother sat on it.


I dreamed of maggots that they came out of the anus, that there were a lot of them, that I then pulled them out, or rather, they crawled out on their own and there were a lot of them. Then I woke up.


I went into the bathroom. And there are bugs everywhere, on the floor, in the bathroom. I walked around them, stood on the edges of the bathtub, washed them off with a shower, and washed myself. then in the same room I found my bag with money and left. it was in the hospital, and suddenly all my relatives were sitting there. And my husband was in the hospital, he found a mistress there, they were violently getting ready to go somewhere, I found out and went home in revenge with two children. But I only have one child. where is the second baby from? (girl) I had a miscarriage the day before.


I was sitting in the square, I was making excuses, then another picture and I was spitting them out as if shooting with my lips! I don’t remember then! And before that, the dream was as if my boyfriend was cheating on me!


there were white maggots in my mouth on my tongue on the roof of my mouth! they held on quite tightly! I tried to spit them out by removing them by hand! I think I took them all off! but such an abomination!


HELLO TATIANA. My sons' dad came to visit. called me and said look what’s happening to me. he raises his leg and there is a cut on his big toe and, lifting his nail, he begins to throw these maggots at me and says that he was told that all this was happening to him because of me. thank you very much in advance.


There were maggots in the room behind the wallpaper. I poisoned them with something, they died, then they appeared again, there were a lot of them, I don’t remember the end of the dream!!


Maggots swarmed on the floor in the room, I swept them with a broom onto a dustpan and flushed them down the toilet. I had a dream from Friday to Saturday.


I washed myself in a bathtub full of worms or maggots, then I shook them off myself, taking a palm full and throwing them into a pile


I dreamed that on the soles of my feet I was taking off my socks and my toes were half rotten, I was tearing off pieces of dead floor, I didn’t feel anything and there were maggots there!!!


I dreamed that I was walking down the street and it started to rain with maggots, very heavy, I screamed and threw them out of myself, I was wearing boots and they fell into the inside of my boots, I invited me into the apartment, my mother was there, she took off my shoes and I kept crying and went to the shower


Hello! I don’t remember the dream completely, but I remember a fragment. I was in the room and wanted to go to another, but a woman’s voice told me not to go there: “Don’t go there, there are worms,” but I still went there and saw maggots and many other larvae. I stepped over them on my toes, but there were too many of them. And at that moment I woke up. Thank you in advance.


Hello, I dreamed about this unpleasant dream, I’m standing and looking at my stomach, and a maggot is sticking out of it, I was scared, my father was just standing next to me, I said, look what the hell, and at that moment my stomach suddenly moved, as if a pregnant woman’s child was kicking and I vomited right on the floor a huge pile of maggots. What does it mean?((


good evening, I dreamed of maggots in the left hemisphere of my head, as if I had a hole there and three fat maggots were sitting, I wanted to pull them out but woke up


In the village, in the yard in front of the house, I saw a large, still alive pig, which was lying, poor thing, and suffering...., poking around, but could not do anything... worms were devouring it from the inside, there were a lot of them, bones were visible... In the same my late grandmother and father were sitting in the yard, who did not react in any way. When I saw all this, I began to choke on tears, hysterics, pointing my finger and trying to say, what are you doing, why are you torturing a pig, pour it over and burn it, it’s , poor thing, she’s suffering... in the sense that she can’t be saved.... This morning around 8 I woke up in shock and tears. Please help me figure it out! Thank you.


It all started with the funeral of some grandmother whom I don’t know, but I was present at it, we sat at the coffin with her at the table and ate, everyone was screaming and talking loudly, I told them to be quieter and I was shaking unrealistically. The next episode of the dream - my parents and their friend were standing on the side of the road near our car, a very strong stream of cars was driving straight at me, almost running over my feet, then I spat a piece of bubble gum and hit one of the cars in the rear bumper, after which it stopped after ours car, got out and walked towards us. But he came up to our car, opened the back door and took something.. I quickly ran after him, and also climbed into his car, a woman was sitting in the back... She had my glasses on her head, and my pet rat (which is in real life) ..and the last episode - we were swimming in the lake, strangers were jumping from the shore, I was tired and went to the shore, two little girls were sitting next to me. , after I sat down on the shore, I looked at the water. , but it turned out not to be water, but just a sea of ​​maggots where everyone jumps and swims in it.. The girls and I started to climb up, I was the very first to get out, then I helped them…. It suddenly became dark, and I suggested to one girl, because... The second one disappeared somewhere, I could bring her home in my car, but I didn’t know where she was, we met a man who said he would take us to her... We agreed, she went with him and for some reason I crossed to the other side of the road but walked with them in parallel. On my side there were old houses and scary ones


I look at myself in the mirror (close) and from my eye I begin to pull out two small white (plump) larvae, similar to maggots, but these are plump. And then I pulled out a huge one - I put it on a plate and it began to decompose and it died.


I dreamed about how I went on vacation to some kind of sanatorium, with one of my best friends and a classmate (pretty, not that I have feelings just by the way) we were having fun, everything was fine, and at one moment I started coughing and and together with I started coughing up white worms, maggots, then everything calmed down a little, I was talking on the phone and suddenly I found myself in the company of old acquaintances and I was smoking a cigarette although I am a non-smoker, then again I was in the same company of a friend and classmate, and again I started vomiting worms they were quite small, and all covered in blood. (the dream was during the day)


I dreamed of white small maggots that ate half of my head, I poured water on my head, and they became thick and transparent, then I began to comb them out in a panic and before my eyes my head grew back as if nothing had happened, there were so many of them I was just in a panic


I dreamed that my husband and I moved into a new 3-room apartment, after some time maggots appeared at the entrance to the rooms, I vacuumed them up, and after some time they appeared again, the apartment was unfurnished, almost empty


It’s as if white maggots were coming out of me in the form of calla lilies, and I’m in the hospital and they tell me this is noomalous, this is how it should be medical sestoa


We have an infant, he is lying in a crib and white lechens, similar to maggots, are crawling all over him; one got into his mouth and I didn’t have time to grab it


My younger sister and I were eating rice and saw thin, not very long, moving maggots) THEN SHARPLY MOVE AWAY FROM THE DISH!


I dreamed that I climbed into the bathtub and noticed in the chest area, in the middle, a hole, like a huge wound, which had festered so much that inside there was a bunch of black dirt, maggots, worms and the like. I took a dip, poured some kind of product into it, like soap, in general, some kind of antiseptic, and it became wildly painful in my chest, my chest itched and I realized that I was scratching it in reality, no longer in a dream. It took me a long time to recover from this dream. I would like to know what it means. And yes, in life I am a clean person, I will not let myself go for nothing. In general, this is unlikely to have anything to do with the cleanliness of the body. Thank you very much in advance.


I'm standing in the bathroom and brushing my teeth. Suddenly I notice that a small white worm is falling out of my mouth. I look in the mirror and see that when I brush my teeth, the same small white worm appears again... It was as if it was sitting between the teeth under the gum. I disturbed him with a brush, so he came out. I brushed it off and it fell into the washbasin.


Hello, I dreamed of a room, I don’t remember exactly why I ended up there. For some reason they removed the Lenolium. And when they removed it there, it was moldy and there were maggots on it


I dreamed that I started scratching my arm, looked carefully and a maggot or larva was swarming under a transparent blister (like a callus), then I squeezed it out and crushed it with blood. That’s all.


I’m standing in the middle of the room and snow-white worms are crawling towards me and the room is filling and filling with them, and they’re crawling from the corner of the ceiling, And right away I’m dreaming of my recently deceased husband that he’s ringing the doorbell, and I’m looking through the peephole and he’s saying to the neighbors what what cannot enter the house.


I dreamed of maggots crawling on me, then I sat in a bathtub with water, stood up and maggots crawled out of the bath, a lot of them


I took the maggot out of my left eye and there were more. I also had maggots in my vagina, I knew they were there.


Hello! I dreamed that maggots fell out of me! so disgusting! please tell me what does this mean? Thank you


Hello! I dreamed that I was going to the toilet, wiping myself off and seeing on a napkin about seven worms or maggots (small, white ones) and so on several times a night, and in the end I started to panic that I seemed to wash myself after each time, aoni turns out to be in me. Tell me what does this mean?


Hello! I had this dream, my late father brought the cats into the room and we looked at the cats and on their stomachs they were all covered in maggots, the maggots were slobbering on the carpet, their father starts to eat them and say that it’s delicious!?


I dreamed that I was walking around someone else’s apartment. People rarely live in it, there is a mess all around. I looked into the refrigerator, there was a chicken in a bag. I opened the bag and there were maggots crawling on the chicken. I closed the refrigerator and left there.


I had a very big dream a strange dream, usually when I dream bad dreams I immediately wake up, but it’s not here. I dreamed that there were maggots inside me, I was spitting them out with blood, and in order to recover, the doctor told me to eat jellied meat, I start eating jellied meat, but it is empty, there is no meat or any other food in it, just like frozen water. I was very shocked by this dream.


I found a bee, dead, there were 4 maggots in it, my girlfriend took one, put it on a hook, went fishing... I fell asleep again... woke up with 3 maggots crawling one after another over me...


Good afternoon Tatyana! my name is Tatyana too)) help me deal with the dream, today I dreamed that I was coughing up pieces of maggots, they were already dead, it was just as if they had been chewed, but I coughed them up and I was scared that it could be in me.
I’ll add that I have a difficult situation in my life, a divorce is looming if my husband doesn’t come to his senses and leaves his mistress.


I was about to leave the kitchen when a bunch of maggots appeared. I started to sweep them away with a broom, but they spread and there were more of them.


My family and I were in a wooden house, where monkeys were crawling on the ceiling, and some fell on me. After which we went to spend the night with our parents, and returned in the morning to wash and clean everything. Then I woke up


I dream that I am going home and near my entrance a girl is crying, coughing and immediately vomiting blood and maggots. what is this for?


Hello! The dream began like this: I am cleaning the house and starting to clean the toilet, I see a white toilet, I wash it, press flush and am about to start washing the floor when I see a bunch of maggots, so many of them that I get scared and start to move away from the toilet and notice that they are already on the floor. I start crushing them with my naked hands, then I close the door and wake up


I was walking on the street with friends, we were crossing the road and suddenly there was a pungent smell and then I saw that all the roadsides were strewn with white and I myself asked what it was, maggots and clearly heard the answer yes
but I didn’t do anything with them, I was just surprised and covered my nose


I dreamed that my face began to rot on one side, I noticed this when I approached the mirror, when I tore off the skin I saw a large number of small white worms (similar to maggots), after which I began to blow my nose to take them out of my face, they fell on the floor in large quantities. then I woke up


Hello, Elena! In my dream, my phone broke, the back cover came off, I began to put it back in place, small white worms began to move inside the phone and fall onto the bed, I began to quickly close the phone, they moved under the cover, the part that I could not hide under the cover I began to crush and throw them away, then I went into the room, and there were a lot of these same worms on the floor. I first collected them from the floor in a pile and went to get a mop, then I woke up.


I dreamed that a coffin upholstered in colored fabric with my father (he died in winter) was placed on the table and it had to be opened, but I was scared and I just sat next to it. Then I saw that maggots began to fall out of the baseboard, then spiders, cockroaches and some insects began to crawl out. There was one huge one hairy spider, like a tarantula (I was afraid to move and sat with my legs in a daze on a chair), I crushed him with one leg of the chair... but for some reason he turned out to be a huge, winged, gray cockroach... and I woke up


I was standing at the mirror squeezing my pimples, and what jerked me started squeezing my lips and live worms began to crawl out of them, and 2 large maggots, I threw them off, like I squeezed them all out.


Pieces of red fish and white maggots fell on me from above and ended up in my mouth. I dived in clean water to wash it all away.


I dreamed that I woke up and there were maggots on my chest like in a magic egg and I crushed them and saw between my breasts under the skin I squeezed out a few more maggots and was about to cut out the rest with a knife since it wasn’t hard to squeeze out and the alarm clock rang and I woke up. I am a 27 year old man.


I dreamed that I was drinking wine from a glass and there were a lot of maggots at the bottom, they got into my throat and I started choking on them, in reality I woke up and felt like there was a lump in my throat


I dreamed that my 2 brothers and I were digging a hole and in this hole we came across a huge pile of maggots, and then one of the brothers began to eat them, I thought of picking them up for fishing and I don’t remember whether I touched them or not.


I don’t remember exactly. At first everything was fine, then I saw a slight redness on my body, I squeezed it out like a pimple and a huge maggot came out. I seemed to have forgotten everything, I got distracted, again I saw redness either on my leg or on my arm, I squeezed it out again and it came out again. and so on 4-5 times, then healthy like dragonfly larvae, then ordinary


He squeezed out white maggots from his left palm. There were lumps, and if you pressed, a piece of white maggot appeared, which could be pulled out and thrown away. Nak got almost everyone. There was a feeling that they might still be in the palm of your hand.


HELLO! Some room was infested with maggots, in bunches in some places. I stepped over them (it was very creepy), then I watered them with something and they seemed to dry up.


ses did a sanitary treatment in all the apartments, I went into the room and she was treated and there were large balls of worms and maggots all over the room


hello, I dreamed of maggots as if they were crawling out of my mouth, I was spitting them, and there were more and more of them, they were literally swarming in my mouth, then I saw them on my door, they were strewn there, I washed them, then everything disappeared, what could this mean?


Walking along the street, I had to bend down to the ground, and I noticed that I had a small wound above my knee - a shallow, short cut. It seemed strange to me, I couldn't remember where it came from. The cut hurt a little. Later, already in the room, I noticed something whitish in this cut. I started squeezing something out. At first it was not clear to me what I was squeezing out, then it became clear to me that these were maggots. then I started to panic and try to squeeze them all out as quickly as possible. At some point, three rather fatty maggots fell out of there, which made me panic even more, and put them in a mug. Then everything is somehow blurry. What is remarkable is that only the small cut itself hurt, but the worms inside the leg were not felt at all, as if they were not there.


I dreamed of a lot of worms in my house on the bed on the floor in the bed linen and I cleaned them up. There were a lot of them, big and small.


I dreamed of maggots that swarmed in my things, wardrobes and cabinets. The feeling was terrible, and in the morning there was an unpleasant aftertaste


Hello. I had a dream that a friend of mine was undergoing an operation, opening up his liver and there were a lot of worms there, they looked like maggots, there was blood because it was an operation. What could this mean?


hello, I dreamed of maggots crawling out through the mesh of a working printer, I looked at them and left, and then they were on the pocket of my husband’s robe, but I don’t remember what I did, but I wanted to take a vacuum cleaner and vacuum them up. Why dream about this, tell me


Well, I dreamed that I was washing something and saw maggots in that water! Little worms! I don’t remember whether they were in my hands or not!


I was fishing. I decided to put a maggot on the hook. I looked at my right hand, around the wrist on the inside, and there was a kind of crust on it and maggots were crawling. Somewhere on the forearm there was a wound, but there was no blood, it just seemed to be torn, and maggots were also crawling inside, but not so many, a few pieces.


I saw very fat maggots coming out of my ears. I was calm. then she started pulling out the larvae, pulling them out in half, but didn’t pull them out and woke up.


I dream that I’m in a dormitory, I look at my hands and see small white maggots crawling under my skin and they were also crawling on the floor... I called my friend, I looked at her, and she had the same thing


Hello Tatiana! It was as if these nasty worms were crawling out from under my scalp and I was combing them out onto the white sheet with a fine-toothed comb. What would that mean?


My husband and I came to visit my grandmother (she died 6 years ago), and I left food in a bag (sausages, sweets and something else). And when I started packing my bag to go back, I came across this bag, there There were already worms and maggots, everything was rotten. In a panic, I began to collect the crawling worms with all sorts of pieces of paper, just so as not to touch them with my hands.


I squeezed out fatty spots on my face, and as a result, maggots were squeezed out, which I could not get off my face, they crawled on it, but in the end I removed them one by one, folding them away from me


I was eating some food and suddenly discovered that there were maggots in the food. I started spitting out food and the maggots were of different sizes. I woke up feeling terrible.


I put maggots on a hook and caught fish, and red worms crawled out of the ground and I collected handfuls of them


Maggots were crawling on a living person, but I know that it was a corpse and worms and maggots were also climbing on the tree nearby.


I dreamed about my best friend. Before my eyes, a whole bunch of little white maggots crawled out of her... when they all spread out, she seemed to have lost 10 kilos.


I dreamed that I arrived at a plot of land, there was a small house there, but with a balcony separate from the house, my finger festered there and long white worms crawled out and I dreamed that a man brought the infection there with some dirty gauze.


I scratched my stomach, after a while white inflamed dots appeared, I started squeezing out and realized that they were maggots, then I squeezed them all out and my stomach remained the same as it was.




Hello. Today I dreamed that I was taking short and long worms, very similar to maggots. What is it for?




Hello, I dreamed that the natives wanted to throw me (for 10-15 minutes) into a hole with some kind of slurry, and in it there were maggots, worms and beetles.


Last night I dreamed that they showed me beautiful baby Having opened it, I saw that it was a boy, when I wanted to pick it up, I noticed that he had bedsores, which before my eyes turned into ulcers with maggots... And I woke up and remembered the dream..


I dreamed it was from mine index finger there are a lot of maggots crawling out and then I see one thin bone on the first folange of the finger, then everything seems to go away and again I see a maggot emerging from the finger, I took it and with great difficulty pulled it out, and after it again a bunch of maggots crawled in, I I show this to my wife, she is shocked, and it happened again and I woke up with pain in my finger


my brother was lying on the children’s bed, then he got up, and I saw white worms, he began to walk away, he took off his boot from his foot, and maggots began to fall out of his foot (there was a hole on the side on his left foot), I began to seem indignant


The maggots appeared when I began to change my clothes after swimming in the sea. The only clothes I had were old, lazy children’s shorts. In horror, I threw them off my shorts with my hands. Fat white ones brrrrrrr.


From Wednesday to Thursday I dreamed that I was in a flowerpot with a cactus Green colour I put something down and before I had time to look back, some white little worms began to quickly appear and after that they crawled up the cactus and I struggled with them and in the end I struggled and all the worms fell off around the cactus and twitched.


I work as a salesperson in a store. I ask someone else to take out a bag of maggots, she brings them to the counter and leaves them. then I come up and look in the bag where they are. Then I say why I put them here and raise my head, look at the ceiling and maggots are falling from the ceiling by my collar, I try to shake them out and wake up.


a bunch of maggots, I swept them up hand in hand and put them in the dog’s bowl, my dog, he came up, put his nose in the bowl, licked it and walked away, and my mother laughed and said: well, even the dog didn’t eat it.


a friend came to visit, took cabbage from my cellar and put it on my bed, when I picked up the cabbage, there were a lot of maggots under it, I started shaking them out on the floor and cleaning the room.


I was fishing and was holding a small caught fish in my hands. Then I collected maggots and wanted to put them on a hook, but for a long time I couldn’t decide


I was in a room like school class for physical education, with mirrors, with benches, etc. In this room I was dancing for some reason in swimsuits. Also in this dream there was some man who I liked, and he also liked me... he and I were in the corridor of this hall, talking... then I entered the hall with mirrors and I see a lot of worms, insects, scabs that filled the entire floor and it was impossible to walk without stepping on them. I was terrified, and tried to spread them out so that I could somehow get through and pick up my things, then some woman came in the form of a cleaning lady and began to mop all these insects,


A large dog in someone else's family had puppies and large white larvae began to appear from the dogs' paws and bodies. maggots spreading throughout the room and got under my clothes, I shake them off, but there are a lot of them and some stuck like leeches


in a dream I was sleeping in a bed in the arms of a small child...who is now 23. I lifted the bed and there are a lot of mice and little mice scattering...and maggots are swarming in groups. The bed washed the floors very bad, all in holes and crevices. Why was the bed right on the floor bed


I came to my grandmother, before that my grandmother really killed and poisoned our dogs. At first I dreamed that everything was fine, I arrived, but then my two beloved dogs were killed in front of my eyes, I returned home with tear-stained eyes and didn’t have time to tell anything when my grandmother immediately sent me to the garage for cereal (to feed the sheep) I went in and then I look at the walls and everything is covered in maggots and headless beetles (and I have a terrible allergy to this, usually my nose starts to vomit, my nose swells and I fainted 5 times), and then they all suddenly fell on me and began to bite my blood splashed and I woke up and screamed and cried for about 10 minutes.......


I saw maggots on myself in the groin area, then a girl I didn’t know removed them, and I saw a relative nearby


I am in my apartment, I go up to the windowsill to water the flowers, that is, I see small midges like lice near the money tree and I lift the roots from the pot, I hold the tree in my hands over the coffee table and a lot of maggots began to fall from the roots onto the white material. Medical gloves are on his hands.


I dreamed that for some reason I was inserting broom rods between my daughter’s and myself’s teeth. And when, tearing off another twig from the broom, I found a small maggot at its base, I hurried to take all the twigs out of my mouth, looking in the mirror, using toothpicks to remove the maggots from my teeth. And then at my daughter’s. But she only had a few maggots and she let me get them. But I want to note that I was absolutely not disgusted. What is it for.


I was running away from some kind of persecution and found myself in a deep hole. Having climbed out the stairs, I found maggots in my mouth between my teeth and in my gums. Then I removed them with my hands.


I dreamed of maggots in a jar of fruit, I transferred them to another jar. I decided to try it and saw small, white worms. For a long time I couldn’t resist spitting it out. There was no particular disgust. Thank you!


MY friend was holding two puppies in his hands, with their bellies up, one was fine, the other had a lot of maggots on his belly and there was also a wasp with a big sting in it, I pulled it out for the third time, and then brushed off the maggots, and I woke up


the hair on my hand was long... I stroked it and there was even more of it and grime was coming out of my hands... and I would rip the skin off my hand to remove these grime


I dreamed that my daughter had three round wounds on her leg and from one she pulled out maggots with her fingers



I dreamed of a newborn baby and revenge, remove very many maggots all over the walls of the room, why all this?


I was walking past a landfill, the color of the landfill was peach, when I passed by I saw that they were maggots, two light-colored dogs ran up to me from this landfill, I drove them away and left. Later I discovered that something was moving on me, I looked and these were thin maggots, small in length 1cm, I find them and crush them, there weren’t many of them, about 4-5, but I didn’t crush all of them. All


Hello! My name is Alexandra, I dreamed that I was vomiting maggots. Tell me what could be.


I dreamed of a room in which there were a lot of maggots; I tried to remove them, but could not. There was also a baby there, I unwrapped his diaper and there were maggots there too. And I knew it was a girl

Gulya, aigul according to her passport:

We had a cat, a leopard, with the color of a Bengal tiger, he didn’t cope well with his death, he was run over by a car, and two months later, I dreamed that I was washing him in the bathroom and white maggots were crawling out of his fur, I shook them off him and he looked at me so sad, I’ve been pregnant for 2 months already, what’s the point of the dream, please tell me :-(


Good afternoon. I opened the refrigerator, there was a bag of bell peppers, I bit off each pepper, and inside there were worms that looked like maggots. The pepper looked absolutely fresh


In a dream, I arrived at a lake, and when I took off my shoes, my feet were covered in small white worms (similar to maggots). I started throwing them off…….


I dreamed that after taking a shower I dried myself with a towel and there were maggots on it. I remove them from my body with my hand and wipe my hand on a clean place on this towel. When I wiped my hand, they were all crushed on the towel and turned into mush. I threw the towel itself into the wash and then I woke up. I had a dream twice during the week [email protected]


I dreamed that I was in a room, in my hands I had a small hat knitted with thread and there were maggots in it.
I needed to give them to someone or put them in some place, but they began to crawl out and when I saw a little of them on my hand, I threw this cap on the table.
It was necessary to collect them, but I didn’t do this because they were covered in some kind of mucus. and then a slug appeared in this hat and I threw it all into the dark void


na krovati bylo mnogo belyx oparyshei ja ix nacel ubivat rukami potom pajavilsa odin ocen dlinyi primerno oklo 2 metrov mozet menshe xatel evo sxvatit i vykinut no poka ubival tex on popolz cerez krovat i vypolz na balkon na ulicu i ja liog spat i tam byl kako ito familiar muzcina ili zena nejasno kakto


I saw myself alive in a dream, I felt uncomfortable, I started taking off my outerwear and then maggots were crawling all over me. I began to pull them out of myself, when I pulled them out, holes from worms remained in my body.


I dreamed that there were a lot of maggots inside the car (either under the hood or in the trunk). I didn't know how to get rid of them! Then there were ants next to the maggots (apparently these were their larvae). Then she sprayed them along one edge with some kind of gas spray such as dechlorvos, air freshener or deodorant. And all the insects began to run away and crawl out from the other edge, i.e. from the edge of the open trunk. And some guy brushed away the remaining insects with his hand - all the insects got rid of! And then, like, let’s go for a ride in this car) What could my dream mean? Thank you!


I looked at my youngest son and there was something near his mouth that looked like a maggot. I removed it. I looked into his mouth and was horrified. His mouth was full of maggots. I started cleaning up, cleaning his mouth and rinsing it. And when I went to the kitchen and saw a plate of pasta I wanted to eat, but instead of pasta there were huge earthworms, I threw them away. And then I looked for the reason for the appearance of maggots in the child’s mouth. But I never found it. And I woke up


I dreamed of a lot of little monkeys that crawled out of the paw of my little dog, and I covered some of them with newspaper and started squeezing


I dreamed that I was standing near the mirror, looking at my eyes and seeing maggots crawling out of them...


There were maggots on the floor throughout the apartment. There was a girl lying in the room and there were none on her. I moved the girl onto the bed and woke up. There was also a woman there and she said that the girl was not hers.


Good morning (afternoon) Tatyana Miller.
I really hope this is not a scam.
In real life I grow bamboo tree
and last night I dreamed about it - only not at home, but near the office big tree., and when I approached it I saw a hole right to the roots. I lay down near the tree and began to look into the depths of the hole, there I saw a swarming swarm of maggots and several thick and more sizes maggots somewhat similar to a centipede (difficult to describe). The next thing I began to do, realizing that they were eating the roots, was to feverishly begin to pull them out of the hole, clearing the hole of maggots. While cleaning the hole, I myself climbed waist-deep into this hole, peering into the soil to see if there were any worms left in it. Climbing out of the hole, I looked at the leaves of the tree to make sure that it was not damaged and was not dying.
(What does all of this mean???)


I took large maggots out of the mouth of a small child (grandson), first one, then 3-4 at a time and threw it away with disgust


I dreamed that I was bitten painfully by an unknown beetle several times, later a deep wound formed in this place and I began to feel movement under the skin, later larvae began to crawl out of the wound, it scared me and I began to pull them out myself


I dreamed of worms, but not earthworms. Maggots, worms and some other things. My whole house was full of them on the walls on the floor everywhere, and there were a lot of them. I tried to sweep them away with a broom, but they kept coming. Then I began to feel them on myself and even on my face.


Hello. I dreamed that I was eating something, then I raised my head (I was looking somewhere), then I looked at the plate again, and it was full of maggots. I felt them in my mouth and started spitting them out. What does this mean?


Hello, I dreamed that I was sitting with friends, chatting and having fun. Then I walked away from them for a minute and accidentally looked at my hands, and there were small white maggots crawling from the hand to the fingers. And they come out from my fingers and crawl away from me, I then looked at my hands, in the place where they disappeared, the whole hand was transparent like gauze. why is this dreaming...


I remember that I woke up, I don’t know why, I lifted the pillow and there were worms or maggots swarming with them. I started to lift my sister, shift her and say that there were worms and she was naked, and I shook her off and put her in a clean place and covered her, and she had already been dead for 10 years and began to shake her further than everyone else to clean up. worms and woke up


I went into the country toilet, he began to serve and I along with him, when the toilet fell along with me, oparishes began to flow out of it into a ditch with water, there was a lot of them, they were white, I began to chew that the neighbor would start swearing at me, then I saw that they had all disappeared and the ditch was filled with sand when I looked at neighbor's plot there were a lot of mice and mice there, they were walking around and not hiding anywhere, then I noticed a couple of mice on my property and tried to kill them, in a dream I remembered that they need to be hit on the nose so that it would die, kill or no I don’t remember I woke up


My finger hurt, I looked across the street and maggots were crawling out of it.


I looked at the bread bin in the folded clothes. I was amazed at the speeches there. A jacket appeared, black and blue in the jacket. I took the jacket in my hands and marveled at how it looked, and the stars started to fall out, and the white and yellow porridge fell right on me.


An incomprehensible animal was running around some large room and all sorts of different maggots and maggots were falling from it. It ran randomly and sometimes hit the wall and at that time even more maggots fell from the impact. I can’t stand them in life, they are very disgusting. In a dream It was also disgusting and scary, I won’t say that I was scared, but it was unpleasant. I would be grateful. And the day before I dreamed of a grapevine


I dreamed that monkeys were crawling on clothes. they were on my clothes and on my son's clothes


Hello Tatiana. I had a very strange dream today. In my mouth rotten teeth, me I pull them out, break them apart, and there is dirt and maggots, the teeth are unrealistically large, the maggots are white, large...... and the smell of rot. I pulled out all my teeth and threw them away. There was still toothache. Next, I suddenly find myself at a pond, a small pond, bright colors, and I see a huge crocodile swimming across this pond, but it doesn’t touch me. And the teeth in my mouth continue to hurt, crumble and fall out


Hello! I dreamed of maggots, as if a person had vomited, and my friend and I started putting them in our mouths as if hiding them from someone, wow, what an abomination, even such a dream makes you feel bad


I dreamed of a full bowl of live maggots that I poured onto my bed


I dreamed that they were crawling under my clothes, either white scabs, I tried to take them off, but they were kind of sticky and someone from the outside said don’t be afraid, these are moth larvae


A boil popped up on my forehead, I started squeezing it out, and there, deep inside, I saw maggots, black big beetles and a lot of pus. I tried to get them out and was very scared. Then I started vomiting with all this and my relatives said that everything bad was coming out.


I dreamed about maggots. There are a lot of white ones in different sizes. Fat and thin. In the village. Near the toilet. On green leaves. It seems to be related to s..m. But I didn't see him. So vague.


I dreamed that I was sitting on a chair at the table, I looked at the finger of my left hand, I pressed on the middle finger where the bone was and from there the worms climbed, and from the index finger a fish climbed, so terrible and dead and so


I dreamed that I took off my new, beautiful shoes from my feet... I began to put them in place for shoes and I saw that worms were swarming inside, like pellets. What does this dream mean???


at first I dreamed of a desktop of paper, and then I took a bite of something from food, and there were maggots, and I began to spit them out


Hello. I dreamed of a cutting board and there were a lot of thick worms on it, white in color, similar to maggots. I put this board in the sink and tried to wash them off


The girl has a large wound on her head and she tries to wash it with water, but she can’t do anything, and turning to me I see a lot of white maggots in her wound


Hello! Last night I had a dream. My husband and I were standing in the bathroom and suddenly large white maggots crawled down the wall and I told my husband, look, the neighbor has come late again. Thank you

The likelihood is negligible that among us there will be a person who will be pleased to look at maggots (the exception will be avid fishermen: for them, plump white worms are a real find and the key to a successful bite).

Night meetings with representatives of this type of crawling creatures will not cause positive emotions. But since you happened to see them in sweet dreams, then, undoubtedly, it is worth turning to the interpreter for clarification about what maggots are dreaming about.

Sometimes maggots in a dream are harbingers of minor troubles, and also symbolize ill-wishers. In both cases, the dreamer should be vigilant and not trust his thoughts to the people around him. Remember, if you do not provide your enemies with the information they need, their evil plan will die on the vine.

As another dream book says, maggots characterize a person’s psycho-emotional state. White worms in night vision indicate many negative emotions and thoughts of the dreamer that have accumulated recently. Pay attention to the state of your soul, find the root cause of your problems and be sure to open the door to change. And, undoubtedly, soon you will again experience a state of harmony and feel like a happy person.

Some publications explain dreams with larvae depending on the gender of the dreamer:

  • If in a dream maggots appeared to a representative of the fair half of humanity, then in real life she is not satisfied with her life in the sexual sphere.
  • If a man dreams of worms and he crushes them, in reality the dreamer is popular with the opposite sex.

A positive interpretation is given to a dream where you see worms that you want to use as bait. Such a dream portends happiness in a marriage. If, immersed in the arms of Morpheus, you put a larva on a hook, then in reality you will be smarter and more cunning than your ill-wishers and will easily avoid their traps.

Larvae in the grass or on the dreamer

If you dream of maggots crawling in, then expect a fertile year. The harvest in your garden plot will be great. For farmers, such a vision portends a good birth of animals.

Why do you dream of maggots that are in their natural habitat (in sewage, spoiled food)? If you see larvae in a sewer pit, then an unpleasant conversation awaits you. It is quite possible that you will be accused of lying. If your conscience is clear, then proving your innocence will not be difficult.

Worms in food can be a harbinger of illness. Be attentive to your condition: if you feel unwell, consult a specialist. Yours quick action in this case, they will help to avoid serious health problems. Also, the presence of larvae in food may indicate a misunderstanding in a relationship with a loved one.

What if you see maggots on your body? Such a dream characterizes you as callous, indifferent to the experiences of those around you. For you, money and prosperity come first. Reconsider your value system; it’s never too late to change. But if you shake off the maggots sitting on your body, then the spiritual principles have already prevailed over the material segment of life.

If in a dream maggots are in yours, such a dream suggests that the past is following you. Let go of the past, live in the present and dream about the future! Why do you dream of maggots that managed to get to your face? A disgusting vision in which maggots are in the mouth is a good sign. Soon, thanks to your efforts, you will hit the jackpot.

There is another interpretation of the dream in which the larvae ended up in your mouth. If they got there along with spoiled food, then you should pay attention to your health. Get examined, because timely diagnosis will help you avoid possible problems. If there are white worms in the dreamer’s mouth, then he will encounter difficulties on the way to his cherished goal. It is worth noting that he will ultimately succeed due to his efforts.

Other clarifications on this issue

If in night vision you are in a room where worms are literally swarming, then you are tormented by doubts about something. Gather your thoughts and come to the only right decision. In addition, such a dream can symbolize gossip that will affect you. If you dreamed of maggots crawling on the floor, and you step over them, then in reality you will emerge victorious from any business, having overcome all obstacles in your path and solved all problems.

A dream in which you place larvae in some container ( glass jar, box, etc.), speaks of your insidious plans. Soon you will be busy planning a bad plan. Think about whether the game is worth the candle and whether you will be satisfied with the result achieved through dishonest means. A dream in which you touch worms with your hands has a similar interpretation.

Thus, despite the disgusting appearance, maggots that you happened to see in a dream, in most cases carry a positive or neutral message for the dreamer. And if they promise trouble, then the dream book gives tips on how to reduce negative consequences to a minimum.

Maggots or blowfly larvae cause very few positive emotions, with the exception of avid fishermen who use them for bait. The dream in which the dreamer saw maggots does not leave his head for a long time and causes a feeling of disgust. Let's try to figure out why maggots are seen in dreams and how to correctly interpret the dream?

I dreamed about maggots - the meaning of sleep

Maggots in dreams have an ambiguous symbol. A particularly favorable dream is one in which the dreamer used them for bait to catch fish. The dream promises a person happiness in the family, mutual understanding and harmonious relationships with his other half. For single people, such a dream is a harbinger of an imminent marriage.

  • Seeing maggots crawling on the grass means expect a good harvest.
  • Collecting nasty worms in a jar means beware of insidious people who can set a trap for you in real life.
  • A dream in which the dreamer saw maggots in food has a negative meaning - the dream warns of betrayal on the part of a loved one.
  • Eating food with worms means poor health.
  • Seeing a huge number of larvae and passing by, stepping over them - you will be able to avoid major problems and get out of a difficult situation. life situation winner.
  • If you dreamed of maggots in a dung heap or in sewage - expect big profits, you will soon be able to get rich.
  • Large disgusting worms in a dream - big trouble, small – disappointment.
  • Squash the larvae - your problems will be solved through hard work.

Maggots on the human body - the meaning of sleep

  • If the dreamer had a dream in which larvae crawled over his body, in reality he will face troubles and misunderstandings with the people around him. The dream book warns that there are people around you who wish you harm.
  • Touching the larvae with your hands means the dreamer will have to use dishonest methods to achieve his goal in order to bypass his ill-wishers.
  • To see an open wound in a dream with worms swarming in it - the dream promises unpleasant news.
  • To see in a dream how an abscess opened up and maggots began to crawl out of it means a successful outcome to a difficult life situation.
  • Larvae swarm under the skin - a debilitating disease; crawling along the legs - a long and difficult trip.
  • One of the terrifying dreams is to see a human corpse infested with maggots. The interpretation of this dream depends on what emotions the person experienced from what he saw. If, upon seeing a corpse, the dreamer did not have feelings of disgust, fear or other negative emotions, pleasant events await him in reality, and unexpected profits are possible. But, if the picture you saw made a negative impression, the dream promises mental pain, disappointment, and melancholy in real life.

Miller's Dream Book: Why do you dream about maggots?

  • Miller's dream book interprets a dream about seeing maggots as a warning to be more careful in your words and judgments with other people. You shouldn't reveal your plans to them.
  • Seeing white maggots on the body means loneliness, a quarrel with a partner.
  • I dreamed of worms in soup - an auspicious dream that promises profit or an unexpected gift
  • Fishing and using maggots to bait fish - you will receive an offer of profitable cooperation in reality.
  • Maggots crawling out of the ears and mouth - a successful resolution of any case, a win

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • According to Nostradamus's dream book, white worms dream of victory and winning.
  • Spitting out larvae or pulling them out of your mouth means cleansing your own reputation by punishing slanderers and ill-wishers. The dreamer will be able to protect his good name and increase your credibility in the eyes of others.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Vanga interprets the dream as a warning about troubles in the dreamer’s personal life. Especially if there were a lot of maggots and the larvae tried to move onto your body. Your relationship with your lover has reached a dead end. Mutual nagging, dissatisfaction and hostility are possible.
  • For a woman to see maggots in a dream is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.
  • If a man had a dream in which he crushes maggots, he will be successful with the opposite sex.

As you can see, vile larvae do not always dream of bad events and troubles. At certain circumstances dreams, they are a symbol of wealth, unexpected profits and a successful outcome in a difficult matter.