Library for youth Preobrazhenskaya Square. Russian State Library for Youth

The library for youth grew out of the youth branch of the State Public Library historical library, which since 1939 has been located in the building Historical Museum on the Red Square. All library activities are connected with the younger generation, as well as organizations dealing with youth issues.

History of the library

October 11, 1966 can be considered the birthday of the library for young people. The initiative to create a State Republican youth library(GRUB) belonged to the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, the Central Committee of the Komsomol and the Central Committee of Trade Unions. The place for new library found near the Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad metro station, where it remains to this day.

Youth is a special age, both from a psychological and social point of view. From the first days of the library’s existence for young people, departments were formed on its basis that were not available in other library systems: Department social research, Department of Vocational Guidance, Department of Youth Problems. The library also had departments for promoting Lenin's heritage, departments for military-patriotic and aesthetic education.

Almost immediately, the State University of Lithuania became an all-Union methodological center for bibliographic services to young people. Thanks to the efforts of its first director, Irina Viktorovna Bakhmutskaya, a network of republican, regional, and regional youth libraries was created throughout the Union. Moreover, the main youth library in Moscow constantly provided assistance to its wards. For this purpose, the Central Library Fund was created and thousands of parcels with books were scattered to all corners of the country.

At the same time, our own research base was created, new ones were developed and implemented experimental techniques working with teenagers. Such as “The work of libraries to develop the cognitive interests of high school students”, “The joint work of the library and school in connection with the cognitive interests of high school students”, “The work of libraries to develop the humanitarian interests of high school students”.

In the 70s, the library operated an international friendship club, which was visited by youth organizations from Europe, the USA, and Latin America.

In the 80s, the library actively developed educational activities, organized youth meetings with famous figures culture. So, her guests were writers Anatoly Aleksin, Albert Likhanov, Yulian Semenov, Leonid Zhukhovitsky; poets Rasul Gamzatov, Andrey Dementyev, Robert Rozhdestvensky; composers Ian Frenkel, Mark Fradkin, Evgeny Krylatov, Evgeny Martynov, Vladimir Shainsky and many others.

The library hosted creative evenings by Vera Vasilyeva, Vasily Lanovoy, Zinovy ​​Gerdt, Valentin Gaft, Vladimir Konkin and others.

Library today

In 1996, the GRYUB was renamed the Russian State Youth Library (RGYUB).

And 10 years later, the library underwent a complete restructuring and modernization - from appearance to the composition of funds, service systems, technologies.

On April 9, 2009, the renovated library opened under the motto “ Modern library- for modern youth." And one of the goals of the institution was to maintain an interest in reading among young people.

On April 16 of the same year, the Youth Historical and Cultural Center “Mansion of the Merchant V.D. Nosov" is a branch of the Russian State Lyubic Library, in which the music and music department is located. Today, his collection includes an extensive collection of books on musical topics, more than 70 thousand gramophone records, 40 thousand printed sheet music.

The total fund of the RGLB is 900 thousand publications. The library has rooms for literature on natural and technical sciences, social and humanities, art and foreign languages, rare book hall and others. There is a center for youth problems and a center for psychological support and social adaptation.

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Today there are so many complaints about the fact that young people today are not the same. And boys and girls don’t read books at all. The modern public has television and the Internet in the foreground. The World Wide Web allows you to get any information from different sources, just sitting at home in front of your monitor. Today you can listen to works through a mobile earphone. But is everything so critical about this book? The library for young people has undertaken to refute this stereotype.

Founding history

Russian state library for young people - this is the largest reading room in the country, aimed at working with this difficult target audience. Today there are 8 similar institutions in Russia federal level.

This institution was founded in the post-war period. In 1966, a branch of the capital's public historical reading room separated into an independent organization.

Autonomy has been beneficial. The Russian State Library for Youth has received the status of an information institution for working with applicants, students and schoolchildren. It is on its basis that today the development, study and initial implementation of modern and experimental work methods is carried out. Only after being fully tested here, the tested methods are introduced in other public reading rooms.

Modern features

The Moscow reading room works with the most advanced stratum of the population. In order to retain your reader, you have to keep up with the times and even strive to get ahead of it.

All visitors here are provided with Internet access; electronic reading forums contain more than 1 million publications. Boys and girls can work from desktop computers, as well as from their laptops, using free Wi-Fi.

Readers can take advantage of staff assistance, but at the same time there is a good self-service process. The book return window, located on the outside side, at the entrance to the reading room, is open 24 hours a day.

Much attention is paid to ensuring access for people with disabilities. Ramps, equipped restroom, special lift. All this provides the possibility of movement not only for wheelchair users, but even for such a category of readers as mothers with small children.

For the visually impaired, audiobooks, reading scanners, and electronic magnifiers are provided. A selection of videos with subtitles is provided for the hearing impaired.

Here everyone can find all the necessary information from a variety of sources existing in the world. And do it in the most comfortable conditions for him.

The reading room even has a completely unusual for our country, but much needed room for feeding and changing babies. There is also a playroom for guests with older children. Surely young parents also come to the library for some interesting work or light reading. All this really proves that the library for young people is friendly and open to everyone.

RGBM online

The Russian State Library for Youth, the actual location of which is well known (Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya, building 4, building 1), is also absolutely accessible when working remotely on the network. Registered users can work with the resources of electronic library systems, which is called RGBM online.

And this is very convenient. The library also has its own official website and is represented in in social networks. A lot of remote opportunities for registered users are available in their “Personal Account”.


A bunch of free events conducted by the Russian State Library for Youth. Moscow is developing not only as a business capital, but also as a cultural city.

The variety of events is not only amazing, but mesmerizing. Literary clubs? Expected. Psychological trainings? Maybe. Meetings with interesting lecturers, round tables with cultural experts, teachers and more? All this surprises and inspires you to visit the reading room.

Truly unexpected and entertaining encounters attract many visitors every day. Many of them cost absolutely nothing to their owners. library card. You can attend almost all events without being an active member of the reading chamber.

Therefore, there is no need to think long. If you don’t know where in the capital you can get a book to read in interesting environment among like-minded people, then the halls of the Moscow reading room are always at your service!


September 9, 2009 became a turning point in the history of the Russian State Youth Library by order of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation dated August 27, No. 589, it was renamed the Russian State Library for Youth.

This change is long overdue. The new name best and more accurately reflects the nature, direction and content of the library's activities. This is encouraged by those terms and concepts that are enshrined in the relevant laws and government documents of recent times, where we're talking about specifically about youth problems.

Today, the modernized Russian State Library for Youth is ready to offer modern model serving a young user with his dynamically developing interests and need for new information technologies.

Users of the Library can be all citizens over 14 years of age, regardless of place of residence. A specialized state library for youth, as well as for specialists in working with youth, was created in 1966 on the basis of the youth branch of the State Public Historical Library. Its organizer and first director is Irina Viktorovna Bakhmutskaya.

The Library's collections include 800 thousand books, 500 titles of magazines and newspapers, 2 thousand multimedia publications, 70 thousand gramophone records, 40 thousand printed sheet music. Users are provided with free access to 20 remote databases located on the Internet and on the library server, and the ability to work from their laptops.

Available to users

Industry universal halls, combining the functions of a reading room and a subscription, providing maximum free access to books, periodicals, CD-ROM, DVD, remote databases, employing qualified specialists - librarians and bibliographer consultants.

Hall of Literature on Social Sciences

Hall of Literature on Natural and Technical Sciences

Hall of Literature in the Humanities

Literature Hall on foreign languages

Computer library

Sheet music department and music library, located in the branch “Mansion of the merchant V.D. Nosov"

Youth Information Service

Here you can get with the help of consultants or independently reference, targeted, thematic information on the problems of education and career guidance, labor and employment,

military service, health and family preservation, youth associations and organizations. Specialists will be interested in an extensive database of article abstracts periodicals on youth issues. In addition, the Library will soon open Center for information and library support for specialists working with youth.

Psychological consultation will help those who have not yet decided on the choice of a profession that would meet their capabilities and value orientations. A professional psychologist will tell you young man, how best to adapt to a multifaceted and multifaceted “adult” life.

Rare Book Hall

The Library's collections include more than 2 thousand rare publications. These are books from past centuries, books donated to the library by authors, miniature editions, collections of bookplates. The earliest edition “Oktoich” 1594. Its creator Andronik Timofeev Nevezha, the second largest Moscow printer of the 16th century after Ivan Fedorov. Readers have the opportunity to become acquainted with these books and receive photocopies of pages and illustrations.

Hall of Visual Arts

Here you can find publications on painting, architecture, sculpture, photography, decorative and applied arts, design, interior design, fashion, stamps. You can look through art albums in the hall and order color copies of illustrations. Electronic publications for which there are appropriate permissions from copyright holders are issued to your home. Literary adaptations can be viewed on TV at the entrance to the hall.

Leisure reading room

In the hall you can look through popular magazines and newspapers; learn how graphic novels (comics) are created, view some of them; get acquainted with publishing news and buy the ones you like; listen in the hall or take audiobooks home, just relax with good music.

Computer Museum clearly illustrates the movement of technical thought from simple finger counting to a personal computer and e-book. Group lectures are held for library visitors, and a serious collection of publications on computer topics from past decades has been selected. 8 workplaces allow training sessions and meetings of amateur clubs to be held there.

Club hall, designed for 12 seats, designed for training sessions, seminars, lectures, negotiations, watching videos from the library’s collections, classes at clubs and interest groups. Here you can play Board games, specially selected to suit the diverse interests of our readers.

Conference hall(100 seats), equipped with serious acoustic and projection equipment, allows you to hold seminars and conferences, meetings with writers and artists, and organize video screenings.

Youth Historical and Cultural Center “Mansion of the Merchant V.D. Nosov"(Arch. L.N. Kekushev, 1903) is located in a wooden mansion in the Russian Art Nouveau style, which belonged to the Old Believer merchant family of the Nosovs. There are exhibitions on the history of domestic entrepreneurship, literary and musical evenings, club classes, and organized art exhibitions. The mansion also houses a music and music department with an extensive music library.