Biography of Nicki Minaj: the most successful hip-hop artist of the new millennium. Nicki Minaj before surgery

Girls, hello again, Alice is with you and I want to talk today about one person known for her buttocks, Nicki Minaj. Almost all rap connoisseurs know this person; her distinctive “talents” can be considered differently vocal abilities like scandalous excesses in appearance, including in the buttocks area. Her true merit in show business circles is her hip size.

Nicki Minaj is a representative of black rap artists abroad; we know her more for her outrageousness and curvaceous figure and roundness in the butt area. Therefore, I want to clearly demonstrate to my readers what it can look like big butt, and also discuss whether Nicki Minaj’s butt is real or whether such impressive dimensions are a consequence of plastic surgery.

Nicki Minaj is a fictional character, but in fact, the dark-skinned girl was named Onika Tanya Maraj at birth. Girl for a long time Raised by her grandmother, she came to New York only at the age of 5, when her parents settled in America. The girl immediately suffered a lot of grief with her drinking father and his tyranny, and as a result of such hardening, a strong personality striving for success.

Girls! I enlarged my butt without creams! A special exercise machine for the buttocks. I just wore it for 2 weeks. Now it’s so strong and beautiful, as if I were going to the gym;) I ordered it here - order it.

Today Onika Tanya Maraj is a true queen of rap and a multifaceted personality who has managed to make her name a brand. She is strong in vocals, since since childhood she had the ability to sing and participated in all sorts of competitions and castings. Therefore, after her first album, the singer immediately blew up all the charts. The star's producers immediately realized that the singer's main advantage was not her voice, but the volume of her hips and the ideal contours of her buttocks.

For reference! Nicki Minaj's earnings today are around $29 million from her singing career.

Is Minaj's butt real?

As the singer herself and her producer assure, she is given by nature curvaceous, respectively, these are real hips and butt. In fact, the topic is shrouded in darkness and mystery, since on the Internet you can find many photographs of the singer in her youth, where different parts of her body looked different. The singer has repeatedly given interviews to various publications, where she claimed that makeup, properly selected clothes and camera angles can work wonders.

If you look at Nicki Minaj's figure, her hips and butt are her most prominent features. And although the singer herself remains silent about whether her butt is real or the result of a professional surgeon’s work, many doctors insist that high-quality implants have settled in her buttocks. From a physiological point of view, a thin wasp waist cannot transform so sharply into voluminous hips.

Buttocks of a rap singer before surgery

Photos before and after surgery:

And here, in my opinion, it is obvious how separated the artificial part of the butt is from the hips and legs. But it’s up to you to judge.

Nick Minaj video

Nicki Minaj's silicone butt or supposedly real buttocks can also be seen in the singer's videos.

As for me, a pumped up butt with your own efforts looks much more impressive, seductive and natural. Therefore, I advise all readers to think carefully about how appropriate body plastic surgery is.


Nicki Minaj, undoubtedly, made her way into the world of show business not so much with her vocal abilities as with the colorful shape of her figure. But not every person appreciates excesses, even if we're talking about about a woman's butt. Having looked at photographs before plastic surgery and new photographs of the star, it can be argued that the plastic surgeon made efforts to exaggerate the natural data of Nicki Minaj’s butt.

Celebrity biographies


04.03.16 10:04

It’s impossible to say right away what attracts more attention to Nicki Minaj: her musical success or extraordinary appearance (this obviously could not have happened without the intervention of plastic surgeons) and shocking style. But the fact remains that Nicki Minaj’s personal life and biography have remained in the center of media attention for several years now.

Biography of Nicki Minaj

In eternal conflict

The future rap star was born into an international family (her mother, Carol, had Malaysian roots, her father, Robert, had Indian and African roots, although both were citizens of the island state of Trinidad and Tobago). Born on December 8, 1982, the girl lived in the suburbs of the capital of Trinidad and Tobago, the town of St. James, with her grandmother and then her name was Onika Tanya Maraj.

Onika's parents were in an eternal confrontation: Robert was a drunkard and a rowdy, and Carol suffered beatings for some time (and once almost died), and then tried to “run away” from an unsuccessful marriage. She looked for work and housing in the States and later took her preschool daughter to New York. Nicki Minaj does not like to remember this early part of her biography. To avoid witnessing constant scandals, Onika left home and indulged in dreams. At such moments, stories for songs and images fantasized by the girl were born. This is how the singer’s alter ego, Nicki Minaj, appeared.

Clarinet and... mixtapes

While studying at school, Onika Tanya studied music and mastered the clarinet. And later she entered LaGuardia College (also a music school). Nicki began her path to fame in the summer of 2007, when her first mixtape “Playtime Is Over” was released. The next collection, “Sucka Free,” appeared in 2008, the same year the rapper was awarded the “UMA” Artist of the Year award. In the spring of 2009, another mixtape was born, and Minaj agreed to a photo shoot in the glossy magazine XXL.

The support helped her a lot famous performer Lil Wayne, who, after listening to Nicki's compositions, offered to collaborate. As a result, in 2009 she received a contract with the Young Money Entertainment label.

Pink Friday

A little over a year later (in November 2010), Nicki’s first album, “Pink Friday,” was released, which eventually reached a circulation of 3.8 million. It topped several US charts and made Minaj a star.

The years 2011 and 2012 turned out to be even more successful in the biography of Nicki Minaj: she voiced Steffy, a minor character animated film « glacial period 4: Continental Drift,” which became one of the top ten highest-grossing feature-length animated films, sang at the Grammy Awards, recorded two compositions with Madonna, and completed work on her second disc, “Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded.”

First tour and feud with a pop star

The disc, consisting of 19 songs, was released in early April 2012. From May to August, Minaj promoted the album on her debut world tour. In the fall, the singer's second major tour took place.

A duet with Alicia Keys and two awards received by Nicki at the 2012 American Music Award ceremony strengthened the rapper’s position. Before the new year 2013, she tried herself in a different capacity: she released cosmetics under her name and announced the creation of her own clothing line.

Nicki was invited to serve on the jury of the 12th season of the popular talent show “American Idol.” Its premiere took place in mid-January 2013. This show played a cruel joke on Minaj: she did not get along with another judge. The feud between Nicki and pop star Mariah Carey was discussed in the media for a long time, but then the divas managed to make peace. The rapper told her fans about this on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. However, Niki was no longer included in the 13th season of the competition.

Duets with Beyoncé and "The Other Woman"

Third (and today's last) studio album Minaj's "The Pinkprint" was released in December 2014. Prior to this, the singer released two singles from the disc, and also recorded two songs with Beyoncé (one for her own album, the other for Queen B’s album).

In addition, in April 2014, the comedy “The Other Woman” was released, in which Minaj had a small role. Her appearance on the screen was received ambiguously, although the film was already criticized a lot, despite the participation of Cameron Diaz and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. The film's ratings were low, but the film grossed $196.7 million.

Personal life of Nicki Minaj

From crazy Barbie to sex mistress

Niki has become famous as a very shocking figure - she can be too bright and provocative even for the world of show business, full of originals and freaks. It would seem that after the triumphant “procession” of dense rows of Kardashians, Lady Gaga’s “meat” dress or the “naked” outfits of Beyoncé, J. Lo and Rihanna, it is difficult to surprise us with anything. However, Minaj is a big sensation - she either shocks fans with another selfie on Instagram, or claims that Mother Nature, and not implants, awarded her a figure-eight figure.

She loves exotic outfits, wigs and revealing poses, appearing either in the image of a strange Barbie or flaunting the corsets of a sex mistress. At the same time, the star claims that she loves to dress well and is a fan of the talent of Donatella Versace and Alexander McQueen.

Nicky + Mick = ?

For a long time, Nicki Minaj’s personal life remained a secret behind seven seals: she did not share details. Only in 2014, the singer mentioned that she had been Safari Samuels’s fiancée for ten years, but now this romance is in the past.

In 2015, Nicki had a new boyfriend - her colleague Meek Mill. More and more often, she appeared with the rapper “in public,” and then admitted that their relationship had been going on since mid-2014. We will see over time what awaits this couple in the future, although the union does not seem too strong: it looks more like PR.

We have compiled a selection of the most famous celebrity plastic surgeries and calculated their approximate cost.

Pamela Anderson

After the series “Baywatch,” Pamela Anderson received the title of the main sex symbol of the 90s. The actress captured the minds of thousands of men who could not take their eyes off her luxurious bust. But let's be honest: this is the merit of plastic surgeons, not Pam. The actress never hid this fact and was even proud of it. In total, Anderson spent at least $8 thousand on numerous breast augmentation surgeries (she inserted silicone in and out).


In addition, Pamela did not stay away from cosmetic procedures. In general, for her bright image, the chic blonde did not pay that much by stellar standards - approximately 11 thousand dollars (634,346 rubles at the current exchange rate).

Nicki Minaj

When Nicki Minaj just started her career, she was just a talented girl with an interesting appearance, but nothing more. Real glory She was brought in by the image of a freak, which she turned to after she had undergone several successful plastic surgeries: she lightened her skin for 1 thousand dollars, had rhinoplasty for 6 thousand and paid another 5 thousand for silicone buttock implants - her new business card.

Apparently, the artist’s expectations were justified and gave her confidence. For everything about everything, Niki paid about 12 thousand dollars (692,014 rubles at the current exchange rate).

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham, ex-girlfriend and wife of football player David Beckham, is an example of a literate plastic surgery. Filler injections into the cheekbones, correction of the corners of the lips and forehead using Botox, lifting the lower part of the face and neck, light rhinoplasty - these “manipulations” turned an ordinary girl into a style icon. Vicky paid at least 19 thousand dollars (1,095,690 rubles at the current exchange rate) for the surgeon’s work.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox conquered Hollywood with one stroke, or rather, with one role - in the movie "Transformers". But the transformation of the actress herself did not go unnoticed. Megan spent at least 4 thousand dollars on breast augmentation and the same amount on plastic surgery of her lips and cheekbones. In addition, the star paid at least 10 thousand dollars for rhinoplasty, trying to achieve the perfect tip of the nose and the absence of a hump. Perhaps Megan also had blepharoplasty (about 5 thousand dollars) of the upper eyelids for a more open look. In total, the beauty parted with approximately 23 thousand dollars (1,326,361 rubles at the current exchange rate). However, for a star of this level this is almost pocket money, especially for such an amazing result.

Donatella Versace

Surprisingly, Donatella Versace does not top this list. On plastic surgery she didn't spend that much money. Although in her case the result is obvious in every sense. Donatella is not only an authority in the fashion industry, but also one of the richest women in the world, so she spared no expense on plastic surgery. However, the result was extremely unsuccessful: numerous operations only worsened the imperfections, turning Donatella’s face into a lifeless and frightening mask. Nevertheless, you have to pay for everything: numerous Botox injections, rhinoplasty, forehead lift, lip augmentation and reshaping - all this cost Versace about 25 thousand dollars (1,441,697 rubles at the current exchange rate), which, to be honest, could have been spend it on something more useful.

Lara Flynn Boyle

Fear of old age is one of the main reasons why women go under the surgeon's knife. Twin Peaks star Lara Flynn Boyle never wanted to grow old and tried with all her might to regain her beauty, spending approximately 28 thousand dollars (1,614,701 rubles at the current exchange rate) on rhinoplasty, lip plumping, eyebrow shaping and Botox injections. But the actress is unlucky: her face looks as if it is swollen, and the traces of her chiseled facial features and graceful beauty are gone. Next sad story about victims of plastic surgery confirms: a golden mean is needed in everything.

Caitlyn Jenner

The Kardashian family occupies several positions in our ranking: of course, they simply love plastic surgery! Look no further than Bruce Jenner, the Olympic gold medalist who discovered he wanted to change his gender. Bruce went through a difficult journey and was able to become a woman, having undergone dozens of operations, including: breast augmentation, smoothing of male facial features, blepharoplasty and hormonal therapy. In total, more than 60 thousand dollars were spent (3,460,074 rubles at the current exchange rate), and Bruce became Caitlyn Jenner - another reality show star.

Kris Jenner

Kris Jenner, the mother of the Kardashian family, also did not stand aside and went through several plastic surgeries (nose, eyes, chin, chest, stomach), spending about 70 thousand dollars on them (4,036,753 rubles at the current exchange rate). By the way, one of the operations even ended up in a series of reality shows, and the result of the plastic surgery deserves praise: 61-year-old Chris looks great for her age!

Kim Kardashian

The Kardashian family surgeon considers his work on Kim to be a benchmark. We won’t argue, the girl really looks not only beautiful, but also quite natural. Kim carried out a significant “redesign”, having undergone liposuction, rhinoplasty, breasts, chin and even inserting implants into the fifth point (Kim herself claims the opposite - and even had an x-ray in live). In addition, the reality star uses fillers to make her lips fuller and her cheekbones more chiseled. In general, if you want to become like Kim, then be prepared to shell out at least 80 thousand dollars (4,613,432 rubles at the current exchange rate)! Although it seems to us that the experts slightly underestimated this amount.

Sharon Osbourne

For her 64 years, Sharon Osbourne looks simply wonderful. But what did it cost her? In 1978, she first turned to plastic surgeon: breast surgery, then a facelift, legs, arms, abdomen, rhinoplasty and other interventions cost her 185 thousand dollars (10,668,561 rubles at the current exchange rate). The reason for numerous operations was the desire to please and fit in with her future husband, rock musician Ozzy Osbourne. In 2012, Sharon was treated for cancer and had a double mastectomy, calling it a day and accepting herself for who she is.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson, the legendary king of the pop scene, spent a considerable part of his life in hospitals - he had so many plastic surgeries that you can lose count. His goal was to change his own appearance: skin color, nose, eyes, eyebrows, brow ridges, cheeks and even jaw. And he did it: more than 100 operations and 1 million dollars (57,667,900 rubles at the current exchange rate) - and he turned from a black guy into a star with an extravagant appearance.

Kylie Jenner

Another representative of the Kardashian family, Kylie Jenner, despite her young age (20 years), spends quite a lot of money on plastic surgery. The girl had complexes about her appearance and made significant changes to it. The star is credited with contouring, a passion for beauty injections, and most importantly, lip augmentation using fillers. You will be surprised: according to rough estimates, Kylie paid for her new plump lips at least 2 million dollars (115,335,800 rubles at the current exchange rate)! However, it seems to us that these expenses paid off - the youngest Jenner launched her lipstick collection, which became a real beauty hit.

Jocelyn Wildenstein

Our ranking is headed by the most famous victim of plastic surgery - billionaire Jocelyn Wildenstein. The woman began undergoing operations to preserve her youth and keep her billionaire husband Alec Wildenstein. Jocelyn told surgeons that she wanted to look like a lioness because her husband loves big cats. As a result, she spent more than 2 million (!), having undergone many plastic surgeries, including: a brow and eyelid lift, changing her eye shape to a “cat-shaped” one, implants in the cheeks and chin, a new lip shape and a mid-face lift. When Alec saw his wife after the operation, he was horrified: who would want to live with a catwoman?

Nicki Minaj is a young, extravagant rock singer who attracts attention not only with her creativity, but also. IN Lately However, there were rumors that her unusual appearance and curvy figure did not come from her parents.

Has Nicki Minaj had surgery?

Nicki Minaj is credited with more than one operation to change her appearance. According to unconfirmed sources, the girl went under the knife several times:

  • for installation of breast implants;
  • for facial plastic surgery;
  • in order to enlarge the buttocks.

It is not always possible to accurately determine changes from a photo, but in the photographs of Nicki Minaj before and after surgery, some points are still visible, for example, the fact that the star’s nose has become thinner and without a hump, that the difference between the waist and hips has clearly increased.

But it is also worth noting that Nick Minaj before and after the operations, if there were any, did not change so dramatically - her breasts were always lush, her buttocks were gorgeous, and her face, if you didn’t look closely, remained the same. It’s interesting that Nicki Minaj denies facial plastic surgery, but remains steadfastly silent about plastic surgery on her buttocks.

Nicki Minaj before butt surgery

Particular attention from fans and paparazzi is drawn to the star’s “rear”, which has recently become even more appetizing. Many doubt that Niki has grown her buttocks is practically gone - in the photo with last concerts The unnatural shape of the hip is very clearly visible. This assumption was confirmed by a specialist in the field of plastic surgery, Dr. David Feldmar. He believes that the singer’s figure has changed thanks to implants or lipofillers. Admirers of the rock star’s work, by the way, believe that Nicki Minaj’s image before butt surgery was more natural, soft and sexy.

Nicki Minaj herself speaks quite categorically about rumors about her size. Avoiding the issue of plasticity, she says that it is not her figure that characterizes her, but that people simply tend to “wash their bones.”

Read also
  • Grammy 2016 – nominees
  • Take #2: Nicki Minaj showed off her engagement ring
  • Nicki Minaj as a child

Whether Nicki Minaj’s figure was better before the operation, whether it was better at all, or whether the girl simply recovered unevenly, perhaps the star’s representatives, to whom foreign media have sent a request, will soon tell.

Hip-hop artist and singer Nicki Minaj (Onika Tanya Maraj) was born on December 8, 1982, in St. James, Trinidad and Tobago, and moved with her family to Queens, New York when she was 5 years old. Minaj's father was a heavy drug addict. One day he set fire to the house where they lived in an attempt to kill Minaj's mother. She said that early years struggles fueled her desire to become better than her parents. “In the back of my mind, I was always all about female empowerment,” she told Details magazine, “because I wanted my mom to be stronger, but she couldn't. And I thought, “If I become successful, I can change my life.”

Young Minaj was looking for an image that would allow her to become a “new person.” At first she called herself “Cookie,” then “Harajuku Barbie,” until she finally settled on “Nicki Minaj.”

“Fantasy was my reality,” she said. Minaj clearly had an artistic gift. At the age of 12, she wrote her first rap and then went to delve into acting at La Guardia High School of Music.

Rapper and singer

Minaj was determined to make a career in the music business. She soon began writing her own material. She was eventually noticed by Fendi's Dirty Money CEO, who found Minaj's MySpace page. He liked what he heard and immediately signed a contract with her.

This connection led Minaj to Lil Wayne, who collaborated with her on a series of mixtapes, the first of which, “Playtime is Over,” was released in April 2007.

In early 2010, there was a lot of speculation surrounding Minaj's highly anticipated debut album, which was scheduled for release in the fall. In April of the same year, she released her first single, "Massive Attack". Two months later, she won Best Female Hip-Hop Artist at the annual BET Awards. She dedicated this award to Lil Wayne.

American Idol judge

In March 2012, Minaj made a guest appearance on the popular television competition"American Idol" She told Jennifer Lopez, who was a judge on the show, to “move a little”??

To make room for her at the judges' table. There was a rumor of a feud between Minaj and Lopez, which Minaj later denied. The singer joined the jury of the show. But it didn't take long before another fight broke out between her and judge Mariah Carey. They seemed to have an instant dislike for each other and openly feuded in the show's early auditions.

Viewers were able to see the two sides pitted against each other after the show's twelfth season aired in early 2013. Minaj and Carey got into an argument during the Charlotte, North Carolina auditions. Carey later claimed that Minaj threatened her with physical harm, as a result of which the singer decided to hire additional security.

Minaj also criticized the show. She tweeted that 'American Idol' is not a singing competition."

Latest projects

Like a rising rap star and dance music Minaj gained recognition from a national audience in 2012. She performed alongside pop superstar Madonna. Some time later, Minaj released the album “Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded”. The recording proved to be a hit, reaching the top of the pop, R&B and rap charts. Contagious dance song“Starships” was a breakthrough. “Pound the Alarm” and “Wa Wa Voom” soon followed.

That same year, Minaj released new version his album entitled “Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded-Re-Up”. His first single, “Freedom,” became extremely popular among the star’s fans.

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