What nationality is Anatoly Tsoi? MBAND group: the first candid interview with the finalists of the project “I want to see Meladze. Participation in television competitions

The mystery about who the father of the third child of ex-Via Gra soloist Anna Sedokova is has finally been debunked. Such news caused a flurry of emotions online. As it turned out, all the guesses and expectations this topic justified.

For a very long time on the Internet, and not only there have been rumors about the romance of Anna Sedokova and the youth soloist M-BAND groups Anatoly Tsoi. It was not uncommon for fans to suspect that they had more than just friendly relations, and they were dating. And after birth little son at Anna Sedokova, users were burning with curiosity wanting to know who the father of 4-month-old Hector was.

Recently, photographs appeared online showing Sedokova and Anatoly Tsoi sitting on the river bank, with little Hector between them. It is interesting that both 34-year-old Anna Sedakova, without commenting on it, and 27-year-old Anatoly Tsoi showed the photo. He, in turn, wrote under the photo “Best day ever.”

So after this, fans have no doubt that it is Tsoi who is the father of 4-month-old Hector. Users were sincerely happy for the couple and wrote that they were very glad that Anatoly and Anna were together.

Anatoly Tsoi and Anna Sedakova: The couple admitted who the father of Sedakova’s child is

It is worth recalling that earlier a video appeared online in which the artists, not knowing that they were being filmed, showed rather tender feelings towards each other. So fans can now breathe easy after learning the truth about the father of Sedokova’s third child. The artist also has two more daughters, but they currently live in Los Angeles.

Artem Pindyura, 24 years old

The young man was born in Kyiv. Artem is known in narrow circles as the solo hip-hop artist Kid. During the blind audition, the guy couldn’t give up his usual style, so he started rapping. Which ensured him the respect of Timati, who sat on the jury and subsequently became the guy’s mentor. But as a result of Konstantin Meladze’s reshuffle, Artem ended up in Sergei Lazarev’s team and won.

“I did not expect that Sergey Lazarev would turn out to be more than just a mentor for me. From him I felt some kind of unreal sincerity and openness. I could not even imagine that Lazarev was such a professional artist. It was during the time that I worked with him that I opened up vocally. And of course, I am very grateful to Timati for his support throughout the entire project, which gave me a lot of confidence", - shared Artem Pindyura.

As it turned out, young man were very serious relationship to the project, which almost reached the wedding. However, according to Artem, the girl did not support him in his work. And just in time, Pindyura found out about the casting for the show “I want to go to Meladze.” This was a chance to prove your right to success.

“If before the project I was still wondering whether I should make music, now life itself, fate and the universe make me understand that this is my business. A business that I absolutely love, a business from which I get a thrill at any time of the year, at any time of the day, in any mood. I went on the show with the goal of giving people positivity. So that everyone in the hall and on the other side of the screen gets a charge of real emotions. I didn’t initially have any plans to even reach the finals. But, as they say, appetite comes with eating, and it was only later that I wanted to win.”, - admitted the third member of the MBAND group

In the past, solo hip-hop artist Artem Pindyura was surprisingly able to join a boy band.

“Each of us has thought many times about solo career, but personally I feel very comfortable being a member of the team. I consider myself a good “player”, and I’m incredibly glad that we ended up with just such a group. Vlad Ramm, with whom we were in a team from the very beginning of the project, is absolutely unreal! A man of emotion, a man of sincerity, practically a brother. Nikita Kiosse and I have been communicating since the first days of moving into the house, he initially seemed a little self-confident to me, but then I realized Nikita - real winner, and he thinks like an adult, smart guy. Tolik Tsoi is a real man, the strongest vocalist on the project, I admired his parts in every number. So I really like working in a team, especially like this!”, Artem Pindyura said frankly.

YouTube video

Anatoly Tsoi, 25 years old

Anatoly is from Almaty - former capital Kazakhstan. For as long as he can remember, he has always been singing. From the age of 14 he began to earn money at corporate events and holidays. Won a bronze medal at the Second World Delphic Games in the category " Pop vocals" At the blind audition “I want to go to Meladze”, he surprised everyone with his performance of the most difficult Naughty Boy song “La la la”, while dancing fieryly. He joined Anna Sedokova's team, went through all the stages of the show with her, and just before the final he was transferred by Konstantin Meladze to Sergei Lazarev's team.

“It was incredibly difficult to move to Lazarev’s team just before the final, since with Anya Sedokova we went through long haul. We had already gotten very used to each other, became friends, and understood each other perfectly! But this replacement led me to victory, Konstantin saw the group with exactly this composition, I trust him completely, so this was not even discussed! The project became a rebirth for me, it began absolutely new life» , - shared Anatoly Tsoi.

Anatoly Vasilievich Tsoi - popular singer Korean origin, winner of the television project “I want to go to Meladze” and member of the boy band “MBAND”.

Childhood and youth

The future artist was born and raised in Kazakhstan, in a large, friendly Korean family, where love and respect always reigned. Anatoly still addresses his parents as “you” and is grateful to them for having succeeded as a person and musician.

The singer is often asked if he is a relative of Viktor Tsoi or Anita Tsoi. In fact, they are just namesakes - “Tsoi” is a very common surname among Russians and Central Asian Koreans. Anatoly respects their work (he considers Viktor an idol of the generation), but dreams of his name being remembered for something special.

Creative skills little Tolik and his undoubted vocal talent were already evident in early age. The boy loved to sing and dance, so at the age of five he was sent to music school. While the other boys were playing Cossack robbers in the yard, Tolya was learning scales and mastering musical notation.

First steps to glory

At the age of thirteen, he moved with his parents to Bishkek and there he and his friends organized their own group “MKD”. Within a couple of years, the guys began performing at weddings and discos, earning good money at that time. As part of the team, Anatoly took part in international competitions and even took third place at the World Delphic Games as the best vocalist.

Returning to Kazakhstan again, the 18-year-old young man went to the casting of the project SuperStar.KZ (analogous to the project “ National artist"). He passed a strict selection and became a participant in the show, reaching the finals, where he performed the song “Forgive” by the group “Umaturman”. The soulful performance of the 17-year-old boy moved the audience to tears.

Inspired by success, Tsoi created new group“National” and after 3 years decided to try his luck on the local “X-Factor”, but this time the audience did not appreciate his peculiar style of performance.


Everything changed when Anatoly met the lead singer of the A-Studio group, Batyrkhan Shukenov. Following his advice, the young man plucked up courage and moved to Moscow. Without wasting time, he immediately set off to conquer the capital musical Olympus.

Having successfully passed auditions for three major projects at once (“Artist”, “Voice” and “I Want to Meladze”), Anatoly chose the latter and was right. The young artist managed to captivate the audience and mentors with his vocal talent and powerful charisma and became a member of Anna Sedokova’s team.

Anatoly Tsoi on the show “I want to see Meladze”

Later he moved to Sergei Lazarev, where he was formed final composition MBAND team: Anatoly Tsoi, Vladislav Ramm, Nikita Kiosse and Artem Pindyura.

When the guys performed new hit Konstantin Meladze’s “She’ll Come Back,” written specifically for the winners of the project, it immediately became clear that the group had a great future ahead of them. The video for this song collected more than ten million views on YouTube in less than a year.

Anatoly Tsoi in the MBAND group with the song “She will return”

In 2015, the MBAND group was nominated for four prestigious music awards. At the same time, Vladislav Ramm left the team, having violated the contract with the producer.

Personal life Anatoly Tsoi

The young charismatic artist does not lack female attention, although he tries not to advertise his personal life. In one of the interviews, Anatoly admitted that he lives with a girl who supported him during the show “I Want to Meladze”, firmly believed in victory and went through many serious tests with him.

Producer Konstantin Meladze has new wards - the MBAND group. Thanks to the project “I want to go to Meladze”, the doors to real show business opened for Nikita Kiosse, Vladislav Ramm, Artem Pindyura and Anatoly Tsoi.

Throughout the fall, viewers of the NTV channel watched how the new project Konstantin Meladze. To get into the boy band of a famous producer, young guys from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan around the clock honed their vocal skills and tried to become one team. The team of Sergei Lazarev - Nikita Kiosse, Vladislav Ramm, Artem Pindyura and Anatoly Tsoi - succeeded in this. They are now MBAND.

Nikita Kiosse, 16 years old

Nikita was born on April 13, 1998 in Ryazan. The youngest member of the boy band. But this does not mean that he is the most inexperienced. He has a background of performances at “Children’s” competitions. New wave" and "Junior Eurovision". And at the age of 13 he participated in the show “The Voice. Children" on the Ukrainian TV channel. It is not surprising that fate brought the young talent to the show “I Want to Meladze”.

“When I got to the casting, I couldn’t even imagine that I would be working with the best producer in our country. To be on stage and, most importantly, to be worthy of it is my dream. The project gave me this chance, and I hit the jackpot. Life on the show for me was probably something more than 3 months in the camp, I was doing what I loved. I found real friends who, I know, will not betray...

But ahead of Nikita and the other members of the band is an ascent to the musical Olympus. During the project, many people fell in love with Kiosse. Especially for girls: young, talented, sociable, handsome.

“I’ll say right away that my heart is free. But not because it didn’t work out, but I just understand that the priorities in my life are now set differently..

The 16-year-old lead singer of MBAND plans to become a real artist, especially since he has someone to look up to.

“I am incredibly grateful to fate that Sergey Lazarev was my mentor throughout the project. For me personally, this person is the standard of talent, ability to work, and an artist in general..

Vladislav Ramm, 18 years old

The young man is from Kemerovo. At the show “I want to go to Meladze”, Vladislav surprised everyone with his spectacular appearance: he jumped from the roof of the filming pavilion with a bunch of balloons and a bouquet of flowers. So the guy admitted his feelings for Vera Brezhneva. However, on the same day, Vlad shocked everyone by admitting that he was married. But the show made its own adjustments to the guy’s personal life.

“I had to make the hardest and most important choice of my life. I broke up with my wife, which was very painful for me, and now I have completely devoted myself to what I love - creativity, music, spectators,” Vladislav Ramm admitted to the site.

Now MBAND lead singer prefers to remember exclusively positive moments.

“There was one very funny incident. We had a long rehearsal. We didn't eat or drink all day, and suddenly a lone dog ran across the area. Nothing foreshadowed trouble, but suddenly Tolik (Anatoly Tsoi, lead singer of MBAND - website note) shuddered, he looked at her with a hungry look, his eyes became 5 yuan, and shouting “Give me a knife!” rushed at the poor guy. We were barely able to stop him and calm him down. Well, what can you do, Korean and Kazakh blood is forgivable for him,” says Vladislav Ramm with irony.

Now Vlad is completely focused on creativity, especially since the most interesting thing begins - intensive work: recordings, filming, concerts.

Artem Pindyura, 24 years old

The young man was born in Kyiv. Artem is known in narrow circles as the solo hip-hop artist Kid. During the blind audition, the guy couldn’t give up his usual style, so he started rapping. Which ensured him the respect of Timati, who sat on the jury and subsequently became the guy’s mentor. But as a result of Konstantin Meladze’s reshuffle, Artem ended up in Sergei Lazarev’s team and won.

“I did not expect that Sergey Lazarev would turn out to be more than just a mentor for me. From him I felt some kind of unreal sincerity and openness. I could not even imagine that Lazarev was such a professional artist. It was during the time that I worked with him that I opened up vocally. And of course, I am very grateful to Timati for his support throughout the entire project, which gave me a lot of confidence,” Artem Pindyura shared with the site.

As it turned out, the young man had a very serious relationship before the project, which almost reached the wedding. However, according to Artem, the girl did not support him in his work. And just in time, Pindyura found out about the casting for the show “I want to go to Meladze.” This was a chance to prove your right to success.

“If before the project I was still wondering whether I should make music, now life itself, fate and the universe make me understand that this is my business. A business that I absolutely love, a business from which I get a thrill at any time of the year, at any time of the day, in any mood. I went on the show with the goal of giving people positivity. So that everyone in the hall and on the other side of the screen gets a charge of real emotions. I didn’t initially have any plans to even reach the finals. But, as they say, appetite comes with eating, and it was later that I wanted to win,” the third member of the MBAND group admitted to the site

In the past, solo hip-hop artist Artem Pindyura was surprisingly able to join a boy band.

“Each of us has thought about a solo career many times, but personally I am very comfortable being a member of a team. I consider myself a good “player”, and I’m incredibly glad that we ended up with just such a group. Vlad Ramm, with whom we were in a team from the very beginning of the project, is absolutely unreal! A man of emotion, a man of sincerity, practically a brother. We have been communicating with Nikita Kiosse since the first days of moving into the house; at first he seemed a little self-confident to me, but then I realized that Nikita is a real winner, and he thinks like an adult, smart guy. Tolik Tsoi is a real man, the strongest vocalist on the project, I admired his parts in every number. So I really like working in a team, especially like this!

Anatoly Tsoi, 25 years old

Anatoly comes from Almaty, the former capital of Kazakhstan. For as long as he can remember, he has always been singing. From the age of 14 he began to earn money at corporate events and holidays. Won a bronze medal at the Second World Delphic Games in the “Variety Vocal” category. At the blind audition “I want to go to Meladze”, he surprised everyone with his performance of the most difficult Naughty Boy song “La la la”, while dancing fieryly. He joined Anna Sedokova's team, went through all the stages of the show with her, and just before the final he was transferred by Konstantin Meladze to Sergei Lazarev's team.

“It was incredibly difficult to move to Lazarev’s team just before the final, since Anya Sedokova and I have come a long way. We had already gotten very used to each other, became friends, and understood each other perfectly! But this replacement led me to victory, Konstantin saw the group with exactly this composition, I trust him completely, so this was not even discussed!

Anatoly is the oldest and most experienced soloist of the group. And, as it might seem, it was Tolya who found it most difficult to forget about his solo past. However, the singer has a different opinion on this matter.

"Eat a large number of groups where there is one soloist and the rest are supporting artists. With Konstantin Meladze, each soloist is individual! Therefore, I don’t even worry that someone will remain in the shadows. My past concerts and performances cannot be compared with a project of this scale!

The MBAND group has photo shoots, filming, recordings, tours ahead - everything that should win the hearts of millions. The boy band has already recorded the song “She’ll Come Back.” As Artem Pindyura admitted, the group has “Napoleonic plans” and a great desire to “become a cult, beyond comparison.” We will soon find out how compatible the plans are with reality.