Rich people how they live. How rich people live in different countries of the world. Self-awareness in everyday life, business

It seems that my mother told everyone in childhood that it is not good to brag. But the temptation can be so great! Collective farm glamor gives away even the most influential world this. For the rich, this is a way to emphasize wealth and abundance, but in reality it is banal bad taste. And our rich people have bad taste in full measure.

Editorial "So simple!" I came across a statement scandalous Lena Miro, with which we will probably agree. Surprisingly, domestic moneybags have no taste at all...

How the rich live

“Still, our billionaires for the most part are notorious collective farmers with meager imagination. There is a ton of money, but the taste is like that of the audience of “Let Them Talk” and “Dom-2”. Got married the other day son of billionaire Karapetyan. His fortune is $4 billion, and the wedding turned out to be at the level of the director of a provincial cement plant. The reason is those who entertained the guests: Brezhnev, Basque, Sobchak.

All these singing and mouth-talking characters can be afforded by any provincial peasant with a relatively tight wallet. Is there a candle factory in Samara? Enough for Ksyusha and Kolya.

Anyone who is not a redneck in spirit is unlikely to want to see Andryushka Malakhov at his wedding, poking around in the “Let Them Talk” studio cotton buds into the mouths of the “raped” Zinks to find out from whom they got knocked up.

Anyone who is not a redneck in spirit may want to see Sting at his party, but not Ksyusha. Anyone who is not a redneck in spirit appreciates the ability to sing in an artist, and not the silicone lifted by the “push-up” that falls out of Vera Brezhneva’s neckline. But, unfortunately, our rich not burdened with good taste. Instead - show-offs from the 90s. It's a pity.

I would really like to see a class of people who set elegant trends emerge in Russia. But, since our “elite” consists of rich collective farmers and rural discotheques led by Ksyushka and Andryushka, this cannot be expected.”

We must say that Lena Miro herself does not have particularly elegant taste and certainly does not set elegant trends. Nevertheless, there is truth in her words. As sad as it may be, the pattern is sad: the more money a person has, the less aesthetic taste he has.

As they say, you can take a person out of the village, but you can never take the village out of the person. All the show-offs and quirks of rich people They look rather funny and disgusting. And faith in God is, of course, commendable, but a thinner chain can withstand a cross. A person is blessed with modesty, no matter how full his wallet is.

What is taste? Innate abilities or good upbringing? We must say one thing: the sense of beauty can and should be trained, forged and improved. Taste is harmony and a sense of proportion. Develop your intellect and surround yourself with beauty, and then taste and style will appear by themselves. As Coco Chanel said: "Bad taste has limits, only good taste infinite".

What do you think, does it depend

New research charitable organization Oxfam revealed that the total capital of eight richest people world corresponds to the wealth of 50% of the world's population. We decided to find out how these eight richest people on the planet live.

Bill Gates (USA)

61 years old. Founder of Microsoft. Net worth: $84.2 billion

Having earned his first billion at the age of 31, Bill Gates did not squander it left and right, but continued to invest in business development. It must be admitted that the test of big money founder Microsoft went with a bang. Most Gates donates the money he earns to charity. Together with his wife Melinda, he founded a foundation that focuses on health, education and environmental issues.

Bill also finds money for his hobbies: he collects rare cars, ancient manuscripts and paintings. The billionaire usually vacations with his family at a ski resort in Greenland or on a rented yacht somewhere in the Caribbean. Trying to pass on his experience to future generations, Bill writes books on business and often speaks at various seminars.

Carlos Slim Helu (Mexico)

76 years old. Owner of Grupo. Net worth: $74 billion

Now Mexico's richest man, Carlos Slim Helu, is slowly retiring and handing over the reins to his sons - three of the billionaire's six children occupy leadership positions in the family business.

It must be admitted that Carlos was not very popular in his native Mexico before - he constantly got into corruption scandals. But after the death of his wife in 1999 and the onset of health problems, the billionaire gradually corrected his image. Now he is investing money in the restoration of the historical part of Mexico City, and also invests money in education and social programs. The Mexican environmental project alone spent $100 million. By the way, having lost his wife, the billionaire categorically refused to marry a second time, but calls himself a “typical family man”: he loves to gather his entire large family together for holidays and summer vacations.

Amancio Ortega (Spain)

80 years old. Founder of Inditex (which includes Zara). Net worth: $72.8 billion

The richest man in Spain, fashion designer, founder of the Inditex corporation, which owns such brands as Zara, Pull & Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho and others, is the antipode of the classic billionaire. He really doesn’t like publicity, can’t stand journalists, never holds official receptions and dines in the work canteen. At one time, Amancio even refused an invitation to dinner from the royal family, which further fueled media interest in him.

Ortega was married twice, he has three children, and all members of his family (including ex-wife) have their share in a multi-billion dollar business. The businessman does not like to boast about his wealth and lives quite modestly. Well, except for his private jet and his own racetrack: the businessman simply adores horses. The Spaniard also invests a lot in charitable projects related to medicine and education. The businessman is also interested in football and painting: he invests money in the first, and often does the second in his spare time.

Warren Buffett (USA)

86 years old. CEO Berkshire Hathaway. Net worth: $72.5 billion

The famous American billionaire Warren Buffett is not afraid of journalists; on the contrary, he has a cheerful and kind disposition. He was married twice and has three children. When the businessman turned 77, doctors discovered he had diabetes, but Buffett managed to cope with the disease and take a fresh look at life. Now, at 86, he tries to lead a relatively active image life, reads a lot, plays Mind games and enjoys his favorite hobby - playing the ukulele. He even writes songs himself and sometimes performs them together with rock stars. Buffett is one of the most famous philanthropists in the world, he once promised that by the end of his life he would give away 99% of the money he earned.

Jeff Bezos (USA)

53 years old. Chief Executive Officer of Amazon. Net worth: $70.3 billion

The Amazon founder differs from his colleagues in his measured life schedule. He is used to sleeping seven or eight, never missing breakfast, and therefore does not make important appointments in the morning. For a billionaire, family comes first. Jeff has been happily married to his wife Mackenzie for 24 years; the couple has four children - three sons and a daughter. All free time the businessman enjoys spending time in their company - they travel, go to sporting events and go swimming. By the way, Bezos has unusual hobby- In his free time, he lifts spent NASA rocket stages from the ocean.

32 years. CEO and co-founder of Facebook. Net worth: $53.8 billion

The Facebook founder is the youngest on the list of the richest people on the planet. Just like his older colleagues, Mark gives a lot of time and money to charitable projects. At the end of 2015, he announced his intention to donate 99% of his Facebook shares to educational and medical causes. Such generosity of Zuckerberg was associated with the birth of his first daughter Max. The billionaire and his wife Priscilla Chan (whom they had been dating since Harvard) could not have a child for a long time.

By the way, despite their enormous fortune, the couple leads a very modest lifestyle: they do not visit social events and don’t really spend money on material goods. Until recently, the couple lived in a rented home; only after learning about Priscilla’s pregnancy, Mark bought his own mansion for $7 million.

From time to time, the question will occur to someone - how do they live, these rich ones?

In this article I will not answer you how the rich live... But I will tell you where you can find the answer!

Even if you don’t have rich friends and acquaintances, and you can’t establish close contacts with wealthy people, you can create a fairly detailed, voluminous and realistic picture the life of an “average” rich person, gaining knowledge from several sources.

How do rich people live?

Do you want to imagine what a rich life looks like, but you can’t? In order to solve this problem, it is enough to spend money on a glossy publication - at least one, or better yet several. These could be magazines about interior design, architecture and landscape, travel, expensive cars, gourmet recipes, beauty salons and haute couture fashion.

Flip through the glossy pages, plunge into the atmosphere of luxury, and you will gain a fairly vivid and voluminous idea of ​​a rich life. Please note that it is recommended to buy real magazines. The online version will not give you the full experience.

However, there are also such rich people who, despite their status and savings, which allow them to live dozens of lives without working a single day, continue to save every penny. For example, they re-brew tea bags, visit the public pool and rent swimming trunks. But this is more the exception than the rule.

How do the rich feel? Do they have feelings? Are they capable of love? Is it true that they cry? What can bring tears to these “rulers of the world”? In order to at least partially get an answer to these questions, it is enough to watch another television series about the lives of the rich. There you can get general impression about the emotional lives of rich people.

Look candid interviews with the stars - almost all of them are wealthy people. You will be surprised how similar the feelings of rich people are to the feelings of the less fortunate part of humanity. However, it is possible to grasp the special specificity of the emotional and other problems of wealthy people.

Take a look. Of course, in the films everything is a little different from what it really is. But I think there is some truth there too.

Better read Forbes. He will lift the curtain on a question that worries a lot of people: “How did they do it? How did the rich get rich? How did they come to the life they have now? Yes, yes, everyone who is not in deep apathy or has not gone into spiritual practices, or to whom something else out of the ordinary has not happened, is interested in this question...

How to start living richly?

Despite the widespread saying that “if you haven’t lived richly, there’s nothing to start with,” people still strive for chic and wealth, and do not lose hope for better life. Therefore, the question “how to start living richly” has been asked, is being asked and will be asked throughout the history of mankind. But if the answer to this question were simple, unambiguous and easily implemented in practice, we would no longer have to read this article and try to picture the life of the rich in our imagination.

We ourselves would begin to live richly, and if we were lucky, we would also be healthy and happy. And they would hardly spend time on the Internet, because, you see, in our time the Internet is one of the options for low-budget pastime. It has a lot of interesting things, but the screen and keyboard cannot compare with traveling on VIP tours, designing another villa on the seashore, playing in a casino with millions of bets, etc., etc.

IN in brief the principles of achieving wealth are described in the article: Be sure that if you set a goal to get rich and go towards it with great persistence, such a short “manual” will be enough for you for the first time.

But, by the way, I watched a video of a program about the life of the rich on Rublevka, several episodes in a row - it’s addictive.

My plans are not to limit myself to this article, but to write a whole series of motivating articles about a rich life. The houses, interiors and cars of the rich, their leisure and entertainment, the appearance and style of rich people and much more on this topic - all this is worthy of close attention and study. I think it will be interesting, and we will be able to get complete and reliable information about how the rich live!

How do the rich live?

Many people are quite interested in the topic that concerns the lives of rich people on our planet. We tend to imagine that the rich live in extreme luxury, which is practically unaffordable for most people. We often see what expensive things rich people surround themselves with. Very often we see the luxury of stars and showmen, but the life of businessmen is not so often described. How do rich businessmen live?

How do foreign businessmen live?

It is worth saying that it is necessary to divide rich businessmen into ours and foreign ones. The fact is that most foreign businessmen accumulated wealth thanks to their achievements, their ability to conduct business, and their cunning. Often many of the richest people do not allow themselves very great luxuries. They bought what they wanted at the very beginning, and they are quite happy with it. For example, Warren Buffett. His house is generally quite modest and cost 31 thousand dollars. He doesn't have expensive yachts, too expensive cars and believes that expensive things distract from the main business. Many such examples can be given. But this mainly depends on the character of the person himself. Thus, Bill Gates' house is valued at $53 million. The area of ​​its buildings is about 0.6 hectares. And the territory of the house itself is located on two hectares. Moreover, a sufficient number of spruces, maples and other trees are planted on this territory, creating the impression of a breathtaking landscape. Gates' home includes a 4-car garage and a family tech play area. The walls of the houses are made of wood, and the supports of the building are polished so that they shine like satin. But the most exciting thing about Gates' house is that the walls inside the house are equipped with a variety of sensors and lights that change color depending on the owner's mood. It seems that the walls are undergoing some kind of instant renovation, changing their color. If we discuss how rich people live using Gates as an example, we can give more than one example.

Life of Russian businessmen

As for our rich businessmen, most of them became rich as a result of the redistribution and appropriation of property inherited after the collapse of the USSR. That is, at one point they successfully became rich. Of course, these businessmen were the people who were in power in the USSR. They got this wealth at a much lower price than their foreign colleagues. And given our mentality, each of our businessmen lives as luxuriously as possible, sparing no money either on houses or on expensive cars. And the places where rich people live are very often fenced off from others, and entire areas of houses are formed into which only the rich have access. A special feature of our businessmen is the purchase of houses abroad in prestigious areas of cities in a particular country. Thus, Abramovich owns estates in the UK, USA and France. Moreover, he has the world's longest yacht, Eclipse (169 m), and a personal Boeing 767 aircraft.

Videos of how rich people live will show you this question clearly. One of them is on this page.

Life of the rich and famous people always aroused great interest. And this is not surprising - after all, they have enormous capabilities that are inaccessible to mere mortals. What choices do rich people make - towards good or evil? Blessings or, conversely, a wasteful attitude towards life? What is the daily life of those lucky people who were born into wealth or were able to amass a billion-dollar fortune?

Warren Buffett

When describing the life of rich people, it is logical to start with the “king of investments and money” - the president of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett. He has a fortune of about 72.5 billion. Buffett is not known for his secretiveness and is happy to give interviews to journalists. Some people believe that the life of the richest people in the world is a continuous holiday, with countless opportunities. But even the mighty of the world This is not insured against troubles. At age 77, doctors discovered Buffett had cancer. However, he managed to win terrible disease, having found A New Look for life. At 86, Buffett continues to lead an active lifestyle. He likes to play intellectual games, moves a lot, and reads. Buffett promised that by the end of his life he would give away 99% of his earnings.

Sheikh Hamdan

The Arab prince is one of the 23 sons of Sheikh Mohammed, Prime Minister of the UAE. And also Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum - the most prominent of all the brothers, who is a true example of what life can be like for rich people. His inheritance is estimated at $18 billion. He goes in for equestrian sports, writes poetry, and, of course, is the heir to a fabulous fortune. Since childhood, the prince has been surrounded by luxury and wealth, however, despite this, he was brought up in the spirit of traditional values. He remembers himself this way: “My father is my mentor and friend throughout my life. I still continue to learn from him. My mother is a true example of love and care. She deserves great respect. I believe that a society that does not value mothers is not worthy of prosperity and is worthless.”

Who will get the crown prince?

Of course, the personal life of Prince Hamdan has always been the subject of numerous gossip - after all, he is the most “delicious” groom for tens of thousands of girls. There were rumors that the prince was engaged to a maternal relative. However, it was also known that Hamdan was in close contact with another relative until 2013. The relationship ended when the prince met his new love- Palestinian refugee Kalila Said. The girl could not be called a gold digger - the prince had to seek her attention for about three months.

The sheikh's father was initially against this relationship. The life of rich people would remain in the past for Hamdan - after all, Sheikh Mohammed could deprive his son of his inheritance. However, the prince chose love, and the father had to come to terms. Rumor has it that he even gave the couple his blessing. But Arab girls do not have to despair - after all, a sheikh can have as many wives as he wants. For example, the crown prince's father is rumored to have about five wives, despite the fact that only two are known. Sheikh Hamdan's brother has already married, and also to a girl from a poor family - Natalya Aliyeva from Azerbaijan. He met her in a Belarusian cafe, where she worked as a waitress. In the UAE, Natalia became Princess Aisha Al Maktoum.

Martha Ortega-Perez

The girl's net worth is estimated at $64 billion - indeed, she may be a genuine example beautiful life rich people. Martha is youngest daughter President of a Spanish company called Inditex. The girl manages the Zara chain of stores. Marta is in second place among the richest heiresses in Spain. The first place is taken by her sister, Sandra Mera. However, Marta, who has always been her father’s favorite, should become the heir to the textile holding. Amancio Ortega's fortune, which she will inherit, is estimated at $72.8 billion.

From her youth, the father taught his daughter ordinary life, without the privileges inherent in the life of rich people. Marta had the opportunity to work as a sales consultant in the London Bershka store, and as an office worker in Barcelona, ​​and even in a Chinese factory. IN this moment Marta works in the central offices of the Inditex holding, and is preparing to take the reins into her own hands. As befits a decent girl from high society, Marta is interested in horse riding.

Bill Gates

And, of course, speaking about the lives of the richest people, one cannot fail to mention such a billionaire as Bill Gates. His fortune is estimated at $84.2 billion. And Gates, as you know, earned his first billion at the age of 31. Gates was born into the family of lawyer William Henry and Mary Maxwell, who held several high positions V large companies America. Gates has been interested in programming since childhood. Big money did not spoil the founder of Microsoft - a huge share of the company's profits every year goes to charity. Together with his wife Melinda, Gates founded a charitable foundation that deals with various issues: education, ecology, and healthcare.