The best food for the road. Food on the road: what food to take on a train, car, bus tour

A must have for a traveler, or what things you should take with you to the passenger compartment of the bus in order to easily survive the move.

Documents and money. This is the most important thing you have on any trip. Passport and insurance should always be with you. You can even put them in a separate small bag. The money should be divided into several parts and distributed among different bags. Just do not put them in a suitcase, which you then check in as luggage. If you have an international card, take cash with you anyway. It is also advisable to have photocopies of all documents.

What is meant by documents?

  • passport with visa
  • medical insurance,
  • bus tickets (airplane, train),
  • driver's license + car documents and insurance (if you drive your own car),
  • printouts of hotel, hostel, apartment reservations.

Pillow. In a sitting position, it is not so easy to find a comfortable position for sleeping, which significantly overloads the neck. But the cervical spine should rest during sleep. If you do not give him a break, then after a long trip on the bus or after a night move, you will no longer have time for excursions. In order not to overload the suitcase, buy an inflatable pillow.

Plaid. “Do you need to take a blanket even in summer?” - Asked my friend, going on a tour of Europe. Yes, even in summer. Buses are often air conditioned. Moreover, if you can still do something with individual air conditioners, then with a general ventilation system it is unlikely. I most often take with me a thin sports towel from Decathlon - it is large, but twisted into a small convenient "bun".

Warm sweater. And best of all a bike with a hood. It should be taken for the same reason that the plaid appeared on this list. Do not underestimate the air conditioners of modern buses and the cold windows of budget cabs.

Food. Food on the road is a separate issue. Have you already prepared sandwiches and chicken in foil? Why did you do it?

  • It is best to take light foods with you, from which there will be no problems with digestion. Fruits or vegetables in a dense peel (bananas, apples, pears, cucumbers), as well as mixtures of nuts and dried fruits, are excellent for this.
  • Bread should be replaced with bran bread or crackers.
  • Boiled eggs can only be taken on the road with a whole shell, while they must be hard-boiled.
  • Boiled potatoes will last longer if boiled in their jackets (food cooked in water automatically becomes perishable).
  • Cheese or meat cuts should be vacuum-packed and eaten immediately after opening. Keep in mind that often meat and dairy products cannot be transported across the border, so they will have to be “liquidated” on their home territory (or not taken with you at all).
  • It is more convenient to carry juices and other drinks in single packages or small bottles. But this is unprincipled.
  • Try not to take too much "dry" food: cookies, crackers, chips.
  • Instant cereals and mashed potatoes are a convenient dish on the road, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with them either.

Wet wipes
. How else are you going to wash your hands on the road?

Power bank (or external battery). Today, many buses already have sockets. In many, but not all. If the road is going to be long, you should have a portable power supply on hand in order to recharge your gadgets in time and always be in touch. You never know.

Interchangeable socks. Imagine that all day long you trampled foreign paving stones with your favorite sneakers, and then, finally, got on the bus, settled comfortably in a chair and took off your shoes. Have pity on the neighbors! A pair of interchangeable socks is unlikely to take up much space in a backpack.

  • A little more about clothes: on the bus it is better to wear not tight jeans or dresses, but comfortable sweatpants.

Travel set. Move your toothpaste, toothbrush, and small towel from your suitcase into your carry-on. In Europe, gas stations and "mushroom" stops are often equipped with civilian toilets where you can brush your teeth and wash your face.

  • A complete travel kit also includes shampoo and shower gel. They can be left in a suitcase, but in order not to drag liters of awl-soap products, I advise you to pour them into small jars. Save a lot of space and lighten your load.

first aid kit. Do not leave the first aid kit in the suitcase that you are going to check in. When your head hurts on the road, your stomach catches you, or you get sick on a mountain serpentine, you will understand why this advice is correct.

What should be included in the first aid kit (in brackets are the drugs that I most often take with me, your list may be different).

  • Painkillers (No-shpa, Spazmalgon),
  • antipyretics (Paracetamol, Coldrex, Teraflu),
  • cold relief powders (ORVIcold)
  • lozenges or sprays for sore throats (Septolete, Ingalipt)
  • remedies for motion sickness (Avia-Sea),
  • remedy for indigestion (Mezim),
  • tablets for food poisoning (activated charcoal),
  • diarrhea remedies (Smekta),
  • antiallergic drugs (Diazolin, Loratadin),
  • cream for protection from the sun or from burns (Panthenol),
  • individual medicines for chronic diseases,
  • patch.

Mask for sleep. This item is optional - for those who cannot sleep without a mask at home. On the road, she is unlikely to save the situation. I don't usually take it.

  • Bus life hack: sometimes the seats on buses not only recline, but also move away from each other, resulting in more space between adjacent seats.

Notepad and pen. You just can't always rely on technology.

I'm like Monica from Friends - I love lists. Especially when it comes to travel. I have a universal list of what I need to take with me, which helps me every time. I just make a photocopy of the list, and then cross off all the items on it as I move things into the suitcase. This helps to get ready quickly and not forget anything.

If you are too lazy to make lists or do not know what you might need on the road, I can recommend several services that will take over the work of compiling lists. - generates a list of necessary things based on where you are going, on what, for what purpose and where you will stop. - offers a universal list for the road, which can be adjusted. You can choose ready-made lists depending on which type of vacation you prefer or which country you are going to. - a checklist from Lifehacker.

Vacation is just around the corner: tickets bought, suitcases packed, almost everything is ready. And here comes the question: what to take on the road from food?

Now the choice of food is simplified: there are ready-made products packed in vacuum packaging that do not need to be cut, and modern containers allow you to increase the shelf life of most products.

Contents of this article

How much food to take with you on the road

Why do not take a lot of food on the road? If the road is by car, then the driver, after he eats tightly, will want to sleep. Light hunger is always better than overeating. In addition, any trip is a minimum activity. Whatever transport you drive, you don’t have to move much, mostly we sit or lie down.

There should not be much food, it is better to let a slight feeling of hunger remain than overeating.

What food to take with you on the road

Basic Rules:

  • Food should not spoil quickly without a refrigerator.
  • The less food crumbles and stains, the better.
  • Food should be easy to eat
  • The taste of the food would be great also when cold
  • There should not be a lot of leftovers from food, especially small ones.
  • No cutting required
  • Food should not have a sharp and specific smell.
  • The easier it is to cook, the better

What to take with you on the road - pizza

Based on these rules, here are the products that you need to take:

  • Bread- you can take the usual, you can with grains. It is better and more convenient if the bread is sliced.
  • Sausage, cheese- also worth taking in slices. Cheese is best suited processed in a square package (sliced), and smoked sausage, boiled sausage deteriorates very quickly, smoked sausage can lie for a very long time.
  • Vegetables- cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes. Of course, the vegetables must be washed. The fewer vegetables, the better. Radishes and cherry tomatoes are a great example: they don't need to be cut or cooked in any other way.
  • Any cutting in vacuum packaging- such products are stored for a long time without a refrigerator
  • From sweet suitable: glazed sweets (M&M), chocolate bars, buns, muffins
  • Yogurt or kefir– modern packaging allows you to store sour-milk products without a refrigerator without restrictions
  • nuts- they are very useful and tasty. It is better, of course, to take peeled nuts.
  • Baked piece of meat, boiled pork- great for the road and can be stored in foil for a long time

What food not worth it take with you on the road:

Fruits fruits can cause indigestion and usually leave waste

Chips- very dirty and crumble

chicken- Chicken is simply inconvenient to eat. If you really want to take the chicken, then it is better to cut it into pieces in advance

Tomatoes- ordinary tomatoes can burst easily (especially ripe ones)

Potatoes in uniforms-leaves a lot of cleaning and stains hands

boiled eggs- similar to potatoes

Chocolate- regular chocolate can melt

Important! Be sure to take ordinary drinking water without gas on the road.

In addition, do not forget to take disposable wet wipes: now special wipes are sold in stores, after which you can not wash your hands and eat calmly.

Also, do not forget to take disposable tableware and napkins.

What to take on the road from food to the bus

Traveling by bus in organized groups usually involves stops. It is necessary to clarify in advance whether the movement on the bus involves meals, or rather stops at a cafe. Most often, organized groups do not leave you hungry for long. Therefore, you only need to take snacks with you on the bus: for example, nuts and sandwiches. You shouldn’t drink a lot - you’ll want to go to the toilet faster and have to endure until you stop.

What to take on the road from food to the train (for two days)

There is much more room for food choices on the train. Firstly, there is hot water, and secondly, an organized toilet. A train trip, if it takes several days, should be designed in such a way as to understand what will be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Perhaps you should use the services of the dining car.

To our list of products, you can add instant noodles and mashed potatoes. Although, the best dish would be pieces of baked meat with ordinary bread and vegetables - tasty, healthy and satisfying. For dinner, for example, you can eat sandwiches or nuts, try not to eat a lot of food for dinner. Breakfast may include yogurt, kefir and some kind of bun or muffin.

Try not to eat a lot of food for dinner, it is better to have a hearty breakfast

What to take from food on the road by car (by car)

A car is a convenient transport on the one hand, and uncertain on the other. You can see in advance the places of possible stops and, based on this, determine the food. Some drivers allow frequent stops and meals at gas stations. Others prefer not to stop as long as possible and snack on the go. Based on the driving style of your driver and determine the menu.

Food for the road - baked chicken

Travel food tips

Now here are some tips that you should definitely use if you are planning a trip and do not want to get an upset stomach or dirty things.

  • Some foods have a long shelf life and some don't - eat the ones that go bad first
  • Wet wipes not only clean your hands, but can also refresh your face.
  • Prepare garbage bags in advance so that you don’t have to look for where to throw your garbage on the road. It would be nice if they close tightly.
  • It is better to take more variety of food than a lot of the same
  • If there is no time to take things on the road, you can go to any fast food and order food to go
  • Most often, on the road, there is not enough ordinary drinking water, and not juices and lemonades or tea.
  • Try to find a place to warm up: at bus stops, parking lots or wherever you can
  • Don't forget to take pepper, salt and toothpicks with you.
  • In a thermos, you can store not only tea, but soup (especially mashed soup)
  • On the first day, you can take with you the usual homemade dishes: cheesecakes, pancakes or pancakes
  • The best fruit that can be useful on the way is a banana, it normalizes the work of the stomach and can be eaten even with not very clean hands, without the danger of poisoning.

We very much hope that our article about what to take on the road from food, You were useful. Tell us about your tips in the comments and we will definitely add them to our article.

Eating deliciously and safely on a long train journey is no easy task, especially if the trip falls during the hot season. Eating at the station cafes is risky, and in the dining car it is also expensive. How to organize food on the road so as not to remain hungry and not become a victim of food poisoning? What products to take on a train in the summer and what is better to refuse? Travel tips.

Food on the train: the rule of three "no"

"No" to perishable products

When compiling a "travel" menu, give preference to products that can be stored at room temperature. No salads with mayonnaise or sour cream dressing, sandwiches with caviar or boiled sausage, cream cakes.

If your trip will last less than a day, a portable cooler bag is what you need. Take care of freezing special cold accumulators in advance: they will help keep food fresh and drinks cold for several hours.

"No" to strong-smelling foods and dishes

Boiled eggs, grilled chicken, sauerkraut and pickles, onions, garlic, smoked meats, any fish dishes and preserves, fast food, some types of cheese - the worst food on the train. Their smell in a stuffy enclosed space is a real test for others. Take care of fellow travelers, do not take strong-smelling products with you!

"No" to food that crumbles and gets dirty

Choose only those foods and dishes that are simple and easy to use. If the food needs to be cut, discard it or cut it ahead of time and pack it in an airtight container. Do not take with you something that stains your hands, clothes and everything around. Seeds, in-shell nuts, crackers, chips, juicy berries or fruits splashing with juice are not the best choice for a train.

What food to take on the train: a list of the best food and dishes for the train

The first place in the rating of "road" food is occupied by dishes that do not require cooking - noodles such as "Doshirak" or "Rollton", instant soups and broths, mashed potatoes in jars, cereals and berry jelly from bags. They are affordable, easy to prepare, do not require special storage conditions, which is very important in train conditions.

What to take in the summer on a train from food, if you do not want to eat semi-finished products? There are many options.

Vegetables and fruits. Thoroughly washed, dried and container-packed fresh fruits and vegetables make a great snack on the go. Choose only the strongest specimens without signs of damage and damage. Hard crunchy vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, stalked celery) can be peeled and cut in advance, but they will have to be eaten first. You can also bake or boil potatoes in uniforms - it can be stored without a refrigerator for a day.

Nuts and dried fruits- Another option for a healthy snack that does not require special storage conditions. Just do not be too lazy to wash and dry dried fruits before the trip.

Canned vegetables. Green peas, beans in their own juice or corn are also suitable as "road" food. If you plan to take a jar of squash caviar with you, remember that it is not recommended to store this product without a refrigerator after opening.

Meat and poultry. A great idea for a healthy and satisfying snack on the road is fried with spices or baked chicken fillet, as well as baked beef (veal), boiled pork or roast beef. Pieces of chicken fillet or thinly sliced ​​​​meat are ideal as a filling for sandwiches and pita rolls. Just do not pack the meat in plastic wrap or a bag, as it will spoil much faster. You can also take small meatballs or meatballs from minced meat or chicken without sauce on the road. They do not need cutting and are tasty even when cold.

Pastries and bread. Unsweetened portioned pastries are a real find for those who have to travel by train. All kinds of snack muffins (with zucchini, ham, olives), khachapuri with cheese, homemade pies with potatoes or cabbage can be stored without a refrigerator for several hours. Sweet pastries should not be stuffed with cottage cheese or cream, it is better to choose simpler products, for example, pies with apples, prunes or dried apricots, buns with raisins, nuts or cinnamon. Choose bread already sliced ​​and do not store it in a plastic bag - there it can become moldy.

Sweets. Drying, bagels, gingerbread, cookies, biscuits, chewing marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows are stored without a refrigerator and do not get your hands dirty. Chocolate, chocolate bars and candy, and chocolate-coated items may melt. It is better to store them in a cooler bag or not to take them at all.

Vacuum packed products. Hard cheeses and raw smoked sausages packed under vacuum conditions can be stored without a refrigerator for 24 hours without losing their taste. In no case do not buy boiled or liver sausage on the train: without a refrigerator, they spoil rather quickly and cause severe food poisoning. The same goes for pâtés. If you plan to take processed cheese on the road, it is better to store it in a thermal bag.

Dairy and dairy products. If your trip will last several hours, drinkable and traditional yoghurts, fermented baked milk or kefir, as well as glazed curds and cottage cheese casserole, are suitable as a light and tasty snack. It is recommended to transport these products only in a thermal bag with cold accumulators. Milk in Tetra Pak is suitable for a longer journey: when closed, it can be stored for quite a long time without refrigeration. On sale there are small packages of 200 ml, which is very convenient.

Cereals and cereals. Corn flakes, rice balls, stars, muesli and instant cereals do not require special storage conditions. If you have a long road ahead, take buckwheat and a thermos with you. To get delicious boiled buckwheat, it is enough to pour boiling water over the grits and soak for 30 minutes in a tightly closed thermos. Another type of cereal that does not require cooking is couscous. To prepare it, you only need boiling water, salt and an airtight container with a lid.

Water and drinks. Do not forget to take a few bottles of drinking water with you, which can be cooled in advance and put in a cooler bag. It is better to refuse sweet and carbonated drinks, as they do not quench your thirst; instead, it is better to take unsweetened berry juice, compote or kvass. You can not take tea and coffee in bags with you, they are always available from the conductor. Alcoholic drinks are also better not to take - their use on the train is prohibited.

What to take on the train besides food and water? On the road, you may also need sugar, salt and pepper, mustard or ketchup (all this can be found in convenient portion bags in the store), toothpicks, wet and paper wipes, alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel, a small kitchen towel, disposable utensils and cutlery .

If your baby is breastfed, there are no special problems with the organization of his nutrition. The same applies to artificial children: mothers need to take infant formula, a thermos of boiled water, and feeding bottles with them. It is better to buy specialized water for a child in advance and in no case use water from a boiler on a train in order to avoid gastrointestinal infections.

The best food on a train for a day with a child is vegetable, meat, fruit puree in jars. Canned baby food is safe for children, as it can be stored without refrigeration for a long time when closed. If necessary, you can warm up the food jars in a small container with boiling water or ask a guide.

What kind of food to take on the train for older children? As a hearty snack, fruits and vegetables thoroughly washed and cut into small pieces, nuts without shells, washed dried fruits, whole grain breads and bars, cookies, dryers, instant cereals, breakfast cereals or muesli with milk from tetra pak are suitable. Do not forget to take drinking water in small bottles, juice bags or fruit drinks.

Do not take with you food that the child has not tried before, and do not buy ready-made meals and pastries at the station cafes and roadside vendors - they may be stale or cooked in appalling conditions.


it all depends on the time spent on the road. you can have dinner in the evening, and drink tea on the train

Comment on the article "What to take on the train from food: food on the road for adults and children."

Food for children and adults on the train - what products to take on a trip. On vacation with children. First aid kit on the road: doctor's advice. My first aid kit on the first trip with a child was also the size of a cosmetic bag and terrified me Medications with me to protect against infection before traveling to ...


And, most importantly, I hope your daughter is not going to Korea to work on a tourist visa (if you can call it work). Just on TV there is a story about two cuckoos from Irkutsk who went to a brothel and were terribly surprised that they were forced to work there.

Well, if it's 3 months, then it's winter anyway. Those. 1 pair for yourself, 1 for luggage + 1 slippers + 1 pair for spring / summer or sneakers. Total 1 pair for yourself + 1 or 2 in luggage. Inside the pair, put the luggage in the first aid kit

What to take with you on the train? You don’t want to drive for a day, you don’t want eggs and fried chicken. While I came up with pancakes from zucchini Girls, tell me what food to take with you on the train, go for a day. Two children, 10 years old and 2 years old, are both picky in food. The youngest baby food from cans is not ...


For information - trip Moscow-Murmansk and back 1.5 days
At long stations - closer to Moscow, everything is civilized and there are 5 kiosks on the platform.
At long stations farther from Moscow - full:
sellers of water-ice cream
sellers of smoked and dried fish pies
sellers of northern berries and apples
+ kiosks and shops, BUT sometimes they are on the other side of the open doors of the train.

chicken with chasnyk, egg, tomatoes, cucumbers and pot)))

An adult, a child of 16 years old on the plane also goes as an adult (train 50%), a child of 4 years old on the plane with a discount, but I don’t remember exactly what kind of small one about food on the train. On vacation with a tummy .... Girls, tell me, please, what is better to take food with you on the train ...


I'm sorry, but the plane is much more expensive??? You take into account all your costs and usually the train comes out at the same price as the flight.

we took cottage cheese and Tyoma cocktails with us to the Crimea, eggs in a bag with 3 bottles of ice for 3 years, the ice never thawed under the bench overnight, all the sour milk was fresh and cold. We took a lot of cookies / dryers / rolls / succulents, well, fruits.

A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness. My son is 2.8 years old, travel by train to the Crimea at 16.5 hours, we leave at 8 pm, before leaving I, of course, feed. What would you take to eat in the morning, so as not to spoil, will it be hot?


at stops they always sell boiled potatoes and grilled chicken ...

Oatmeal can be diluted with boiling water, add cream.
My little one can get by with cookies, a sandwich with butter and cheese + a bag of juice, a banana.
It is better to take a pot. I can't imagine how it is on a train without a potty.

What do they eat on the train? Together with children. Leisure. And now you can take anything on the train in plastic containers and thermal bags. we traveled by train for three days every summer back and forth. two children. I'm alone. no difference coupe or reserved seat. in the reserved seat of children ...

Girls! What can I take from food on the road to the train? We go late in the evening, I mean, we’ll go to bed right away. Of course, it's better to eat it anyway in the morning tomorrow. In a year I would take in...


Baby food Semper - look at the options for the child, and you can eat something yourself :)

Maybe replace boiled potatoes with baked potatoes? Baked meat and chicken in foil are also good. And at the first meal, I saw that my fellow travelers ate vegetable stew and fried fish. And so more fresh vegetables and fruits, some bread rolls and a successful trip to all of you :)

what to take on the road to eat?. Nutrition. Independent travel. Advise what to take on the road. Of course, you can have a bite to eat in a roadside cafe, but not every time you want to eat, I just don’t always risk eating something there, or even get poisoned for a short time, yes ...


I don't like to worry about food on the road either. It’s easier for me to drop into some pom-pom and eat normally and without risk, proven. As for fruits, we always take them, but you don’t really get enough of them. If you take something serious with you, you still have to worry so that it doesn’t bend, spill, then unfold it all, fool around, fold it, it’s not mine.

Only cafes, too lazy to take with you

From food to the road to the train? Water there special. briquettes. And then the products will live until the morning. Always with her child with her ...


We take mostly dry rations. But I also take meat, cutlets there or chops. They live great in a cooler bag, but we eat them first. And then bread, cereal, bagels and lots and lots of water. I also take fruits.

bread and a type of amber on it. meat in such a heat immediately deteriorates.

What to take from food to the train for a child! And I would not dare to give cottage cheese or ready-made soup after 12 hours outside the refrigerator. meals on the train. We don’t offer to boil vegetables with us, we get on the train at 23 o’clock, then Section: Rest with children (what to take a child to eat on the train).

Girls, advise what you can take with you from food ... more precisely, I’ll cook everything there at home and potatoes and chicken, and then we’ll go back from the hotel ... and I won’t be able to cook anything ... go for a day. we are three me and two children (6 years old and 3 years old) please advise.


instant purees, buckwheat, pasta with or without meat fillers. tastier than maggi, cheaper than rollton. a day to go just nothing. + fruits, biscuits.

Thank you all for the good advice... I think we'll hold out for 24 hours! Thank you.

What to take on the train from food ??? Tell me, pliz, who went .. I have completely forgotten which of the products will live until the evening. food on the train. go 21 hours. what to take on a train, something doesn’t fit into your head except for cookies and water, nuts .... the eggs will go bad, I’m also afraid of the chicken ...


yogurters (which are stored without a refrigerator), tomatoes, cucumbers, fruits, bread, cookies, you can baby food in jars - fruit and meat, spread on bread.

for 1 meal I put milk in a small bag of 200 ml and cereal or other dry breakfast

Food on the train. Ideas, tips. Cooking. Especially in the quantities "if you finish an egg, it will be gone." I understand that twenty years ago there was really nothing (!) to take with you, it just didn’t exist in nature, but now it’s fucking products.


Yes, a lot of everything - what you like best: drying, sprats, chips, purchased or home-made muffins, tomatoes / cucumbers.
For the 1st meal, you can also boiled chicken (grilled), but if you don’t eat it, be sure to throw it away.

In short, no eggs. The smell of eggs destroys the consciousness of others in confined spaces.

fish/meat/chicken sandwiches, philadelphia cheese (God forbid), iceberg lettuce leaves, cucumbers, radishes (spring rolls are fine, but I prefer sandwiches)
apples to kill time
snacks according to the taste of the child (nah chips, better something like chewing marmalade, cookies, biscuits)

What to take children on a trip from food? On the train in a compartment. A little more than a day. What to feed children on the road? What do you advise? Tell me what to take with you on a train trip with a 9-month-old baby? I always take them, as soon as we get on the train I wipe everything in places ...

Experienced mothers, what would you give your child to eat and play on the train? In such cases, I take Semper's baby food jars for myself and children, for ages from 1 to 3 years (there is quite human food, such as lasagna, fish with vegetables or meatballs with potatoes ...


Where is the camp? Who is she traveling with? Is there a permanent connection with her?
I just warn you how we ran into: the sea, the children were taken by the counselors, and back, they remained in the camp, and the children were put on the train ALONE! For more than a day, children aged 7-9 traveled alone, hungry, because dry the ration consisted of 2 loaves of bread. Bread was handed out to them 15 minutes before their arrival in Moscow, the guides.
All the children caught a cold, tk. could not reach to close the open window. If one of them got off the platform and didn't have time to get in, no one would have noticed.
Check it all out. Give more money for the return trip. Give Doshirak, there are potatoes and oatmeal in plastic cups - you just need to dilute all this with boiling water. Store food back and forth immediately, label the bags, warn your daughter about what you can and cannot do in different situations.

In such cases, I take Semper baby food jars for myself and children, for ages from 1 to 3 years (there is quite human food, such as lasagna, fish with vegetables or meatballs with potatoes - all in small pieces, not ground, even with seasonings) . My eat with a bang. But in the children's team they can laugh ...

Food on the train. - get-togethers. Child from 7 to 10. What to take from food to a child on a train! And I would not dare to give cottage cheese or ready-made soup after 12 hours outside the refrigerator. meals on the train. We don’t offer to boil vegetables with us, we get on the train at 23:00, that is, we don’t eat until the morning ...


Mine just arrived. I gave her food according to her own preferences: for example, from what is brewed with boiling water - her favorite instant oatmeal (she can eat this forever and only this) and mashed potatoes - the last, I'm not sure what she ate. She threw it away last year, although she herself then and now asked to buy it. Also - "dry food" (all sorts of flakes \ balls \ stars, depending on taste. I don’t eat fruits and vegetables, so there was no point in giving, but why not give normal people. This year and last year at the meeting, parents were given detailed instructions on what to give and what not, and I chose with them in mind.The most important thing is to drink more, but not sweet!!!soda.I gave some juices and a large bottle of plain soda (but theoretically even non-carbonated is better.) Sweets - sweets - as little as possible, but not giving at all - is also impossible.

We took homemade soup in a thermos, in 12 hours it will not have time to deteriorate, especially if the thermos is first poured over with boiling water, and then the hot soup is poured. This is probably very bad, but I took Agush's curds and kefirs with me, nothing happened to them after 20 hours on the train. (It was probably about +25 on the train).

What to eat on the train? What would you recommend for food to take with you on the train? You can take condensed milk or condensed cocoa - solving the issue with a drink (diversify tea). Oh, I forgot - from meat products you can take cans, ordinary domestic ones, which are from 8 months ...


Zhenya, did not meet mashed potatoes (dry) among the councils who responded. We take it on the road - there is always boiling water in the car, and mashed potatoes are bred very quickly - and put cucumbers and tomatoes on it - they are well stored on the road. Yes, if there is a chicken or sausage - here's a hot dinner for you. I try not to take dairy anyway - not to risk it. You can take condensed milk or condensed cocoa - solving the issue with a drink (diversify tea).

06/05/2001 10:39:37 AM, Nata_sha

When going on a long trip, you need to think over not only the list of necessary things, medicines and documents, but also the travel menu: you will probably get hungry on the way, so a snack will not hurt, reports. What should be the food on the road?

What to take with you on the road

Eating on the road is usually not very comfortable, so there are several requirements for travel food. Firstly, it must have a sufficiently long shelf life without a refrigerator and not be afraid of heat and sunlight. Secondly, it should not get dirty, crumble, wrinkle, have a pungent smell - think not only about yourself, but also about your fellow travelers. Finally, you need to choose food that does not leave a lot of peels or other debris, which is easy to prepare, and best of all - does not require cooking at all and even cutting.


Sandwiches, which are advised not to be abused in everyday life (dry food, after all), are ideal for the road: here you have bread, and vegetables, and meat or cheese. In addition, sandwiches can be eaten without getting your hands dirty (that's why they were invented).

There are many recipes for sandwiches - there is room for imagination. However, some foods should still be avoided. It is better to replace boiled sausage with baked in foil or boiled meat - it has a longer shelf life. The spices will also help extend the shelf life of the meat.

Try not to use "wet" vegetables, such as tomatoes, in sandwiches - they can leak. It is better to take cucumbers, lettuce, sweet peppers. Wrap each sandwich tightly in cling film.

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are a good snack. But soft and juicy fruits, berries and vegetables are best left at home: they will not be very convenient to eat on the road. You can take cucumbers, sweet peppers, radishes, celery, carrot sticks, leafy vegetables and herbs, from fruits - hard varieties of apples and pears, slightly unripe bananas.

What not to take on the road

Fresh bread is worth taking with you only if you are going to eat it right away (and if you are not afraid of crumbs). When traveling, it is better to give preference to bread or pita bread, which are stored longer and crumble less.

Leave chips, crackers and other snacks at home: they have very little nutritional value, they will only make you feel thirsty. If you absolutely want to crunch something on the road, grab unsalted nuts (they are very nutritious), dried fruits or apple chips (which, in fact, are also a type of dried fruit).


If you want something sweet to take on the road, stick with marshmallows and marshmallows, which don't melt in the heat/sun and store well enough without refrigeration. But they are also better to eat quickly. You can also take muesli bars, nuts, dried fruits, etc. But you should not take chocolate and cookies: chocolate will melt and get your hands dirty, and cookies will crumble. If you take pies with you, the filling in them should not be liquid.

You have to be very careful with dairy products. Recently, yogurts have become a popular "road food", but they are not stored for a long time without a refrigerator. Therefore, yogurt should be consumed first. On long journeys, it is better to buy dairy products during stops along the way (be sure to look at the expiration date). It is preferable to take cheese on the road processed and in slices (thin slices in individual packaging).

If you can’t imagine your diet without hot food, you can afford instant food: porridge, soup, mashed potatoes, noodles, etc. Buy semi-finished products not in bags, but in individual glasses, so you don’t have to worry about dishes.

You should not take jacket potatoes and boiled eggs with you (you will face the problem of peeling, and boiled eggs also have a rather specific smell), sausages and boiled sausage, deli meats (smoked meats, etc.), fatty fried meat.

How much food to take with you on the road?

It is difficult to say the exact amount: it will depend on the duration of the trip, the number of travelers, your appetite, etc. In general, on the road, due to low physical activity, the appetite is usually less, and people eat more likely not from hunger, but from boredom. Therefore, it is not necessary to take too much food: it will only increase the volume and weight of the luggage.

It’s better to take less and then buy more food on the road (it’s unlikely that you will go to remote places where you can’t even find yogurt or a chocolate bar) than to take too much food and then throw it away. But what you need to take on the road more is water (moreover, ordinary drinking, and not sweet soda).

Buy food on the road in a familiar store, be sure to look at the expiration date and storage conditions (you need products that can be stored at room temperature). All food must be sealed in plastic containers or individual bags. Vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed, dried and only then packed.

Be sure to take dry and wet wipes, hand sanitizer gel, several garbage bags, disposable tableware, and a folding knife on the road. You can also grab sugar, salt, instant coffee and tea packaged in bags.

What to take with you on the train from food and things? What hygiene products and medicines to take in the first place? What to do and how to pass the time? Consider a complete list with nuances and find out what kind of food is better to take for a day, 2 days or more, what kind of entertainment for a child is better on the road.

Traveling by rail is a good travel option, especially when you need to save some money. However, a long train ride is always tiring - for both adults and children. If you have already chosen this mode of transportation, find out what to take on the train from things so that you feel as comfortable and confident as possible.

If you're about to travel by train, check out this list of must-haves.

Without train tickets and a passport or other document proving the identity of a person, it is impossible to go on a trip. The most important place in the list of necessary things, along with documents, is also occupied by money and a mobile phone.

Put all this in your hand luggage so that it is always at your fingertips, especially if you are traveling in a reserved seat. If you carry cash with you, do not put them all in one place, but separate them: most put it deeper in your suitcase, and carry the smaller one that you have to spend on the road with you in your bag.

Don't forget to take your health insurance policy. Of all the variety of insurances, we advise you to take packages with full coverage, the larger the amount, the calmer it will be.

Change clothes set

If you have a long journey ahead, be sure to take a set of change of clothes that you will change into on the train. It can be a tracksuit for the cold season, and for the warm season - a T-shirt and shorts or breeches.

Also bring slippers or flip flops to change your street shoes. Socks do not interfere, in winter it will be an excellent addition to the wool option.

Be sure to put a few sets of underpants with things for a trip over long distances, these things should not be neglected on the road.

Personal care products

Not sure what to take on the train with you from personal hygiene products? The following list of the most necessary items will help you:

  • toothpaste and brush;
  • towel
  • antibacterial wet wipes;
  • toilet paper;
  • paper napkins;
  • toilet soap;
  • comb;
  • mirror.

Men will need a razor, shaving cream and after, replacement cassettes.

Women will also need cosmetics, which, for convenience, must be folded into a travel cosmetic bag.

What to take from medicines?

What to take on the train from medicines? Be sure to take some medicines on the road, they may be needed on the train, especially if the trip takes a day or several days. Make a mini-first aid kit from the following medicines:

  • painkillers (ibuprofen);
  • antihistamines (clarotadine, suprastin, tavegil);
  • drugs for diarrhea and to improve digestion (activated charcoal, mezim, allochol, smecta);
  • antipyretic drugs (paracetamol, koldakt);
  • antiviral agents (cycloferon, arbidol, viferon);
  • individual medicines needed for the treatment of chronic diseases.

If you find it difficult to fall asleep on the train due to the fact that you need absolute silence to relax, bring earplugs and an eye mask. You can take on the road tablets based on valerian herbs.

What to take with you on the train from food?

What food can I take on the train? If you are planning a trip soon, find out what to take on the train from food for a day, 2 days or more. First of all, you should not buy products in grocery stores you do not know, as you need to be sure of their quality.

On the road, you should not experiment with new types of food.

If there is no restaurant car on the train, and you don’t want to buy food at the station cafes, take the following products with you:

  • cereals, soups, instant noodles and mashed potatoes;
  • tea and coffee bags (boiling water can be taken on any train);
  • first courses in a thermos up to 1 liter;
  • buns without filling and icing, pies with jam or cabbage, which you need to eat on the first day;
  • hard cheeses;
  • apples, bananas;
  • cucumbers, greens, it is better to refuse tomatoes, as they can be easily crushed on the road, they quickly deteriorate in summer, and their juice is poorly washed off clothes;
  • bread on the road is better to replace with pita bread, as they do not spoil so quickly, the main thing is to store in a dry place;
  • if you can’t do without sweets, take marshmallows, marshmallows or dried fruits on the train.

When traveling for a day, you can safely take fried chicken in a container, meatballs, and other fried foods where there is little fat. Such preparations should not be stored in direct sunlight. As far as reality is concerned, all products are personally tested and passed the test.

  • What not to take with you on the train from products?

Not all products can be taken with you on the train, as many of them quickly deteriorate and can be poisonous. The list of products that are not suitable for the train looks like this:

  • chocolates and chocolates;
  • cakes, cakes and other sweets with cream;
  • boiled, fried chicken and duck (no more than a day);
  • sausages and boiled sausage;
  • alcohol;
  • smoked fish and meat;
  • dairy products.

If you want to spend your vacation the way you planned it, be conscious about the choice of food for your trip.

Necessary things for traveling with a child

What to take on a train for a child is one of the important issues that interest parents who have gathered on vacation with their children. It is rare for adults with children under the age of 3 to travel by train.

However, if this is the only way to get to the right place, try to prepare for the trip as carefully as possible and pack things that take up little space, but will be useful for children for entertainment and long time in an enclosed space.

First of all, take into account the items necessary to fulfill the physiological needs of the child. You will definitely need wet wipes, diapers and a potty, and bring enough change of clothes for your baby.

If the child is not yet walking, take a special carrying bag that will make the stay with the baby more comfortable and enjoyable for him and for you.

Be sure to stock up on enough baby food that you will need on the road. In a pharmacy or store, buy powdered milk formulas, instant cereals, juices and purees.

Pack a small towel and a few handkerchiefs when packing your baby's suitcase for the trip. Be sure to take the dishes for the child - a cup, bowl and spoon. It is usually hot on the train in both winter and summer, so change of clothes should be light, natural and comfortable. Just in case, be sure to put a few warm blouses and pants in your suitcase so that the child does not freeze and get sick.

Smartphone applications

If you have a smartphone and you are an active user of programs, then be sure to check out the best for tourists for Android and IOS (Iphone), which will greatly facilitate life abroad in an unfamiliar city.

Entertainment on the train for children and adults

If you have a long trip that will take you a day or more, do not forget to think about what to do on the train. The best entertainment for children is reading books, drawing, modeling from plasticine, walking games, puzzles, constructors, board games appropriate for the age of the child.

Be sure to take a tablet or laptop with plenty of downloaded games, during a long trip, your kid will surely show a desire to watch his favorite cartoons. A smartphone is also suitable for this purpose.

There are many options for what to do on the train as an adult. Put crossword puzzles, interesting magazines that match your interests, board games, an art book in your suitcase.

If you are traveling with a group of friends, then a great option for entertainment on the train would be the game "Tower", "Monopoly", "Svintus", "Scrabble", cards.

Needlewomen can usefully spend time on the train knitting or embroidering; for a change, you can download embroidery patterns to your smartphone.

To make the journey comfortable and the planned vacation pass without unpleasant surprises, carefully pack your things on the train, especially if you are traveling with children.

What you will be interested to know:

Have questions or want to add to our list? We will be glad for comments or criticism, be sure to share the list on the train with your friends on social networks, it will be especially useful for them to learn and not forget anything.

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