Legally brunette series. Quotes from the book “Academy of Magical Law. Legally brunette" Natalya Zhiltsova, Azalia Eremeeva

What is Legally Brunette? Almost the same as the movie "Legally Blonde". The message is the same, only with a fantasy twist. What to do if your career dreams are destroyed, and you go from the elite to the “losers”?
What to do if a guy exchanged you for your best friend and all your “kind and faithful” friends stopped talking to you at once?
What to do, what to do? Dry the crackers. You are Kara Thorne and it is not in your rules to retreat!
By the way, meet Kara, a twenty-year-old student at a prestigious academy, who took a course in general jurisprudence and studied at this moment for three whole years, waiting, like all distributions. The daughter of an influential senior judge who once voluntarily renounced his status as Chief Justice.
A little about the academy - four specialized faculties, namely:
First - tax law. Simplest.
The second is the Faculty of Investigation and Prosecution, which most often includes werewolves.
The third is the Faculty of Defense. The position is formal, because There are no true Seers left for a long time.
The fourth is the coolest, the Faculty of Judicial Affairs.
It was him that Kara aimed at, waiting for the courier with a notification about the distribution, it was a bummer, despite the fact that the student’s magical reserve was above average.
Hello to you, the faculty of grey. Faculty of Defense.
Everything that is not done is for the better and 11 suitcases filled to the brim with rags are not much, but they will help brighten up the gray tones of the hated faculty. With a couple of touches and a mouse-colored robe, the robe will turn into something shiny and glamorous, and the entire faculty, including the boys, will resemble a flower garden.
Long live the faculty of glamorous defense! For the first three years, Kara spent little time studying, skipping classes, preferring parties, and simultaneously emptying her father’s accounts. But the time has come to grow up, the time when you need to prove that you are not an empty place...
And I didn’t want to blush in front of the new teachers, namely the Supreme Judge and the Senior Investigator. Young, dashing, two handsome guys - single... New friends were found, starting with my roommate, new and real, and school would go on as usual, but already with positive marks.
But more than once or twice Kara will get into trouble, and more than once or twice, to the envy of all the female students, and perhaps even students, the above-mentioned teachers will turn out to be the rescuers.
Extremely light, I would even say a summer book. Don't expect anything extraordinary and you will be happy.
And the story with Kara does not end with this book, more than one or two books have already been written and published, and perhaps I will meet her. Maybe you'll want something sweet.
And they’re already calling me on the marathon, so bye bye. P.S.: as I already mentioned in my story, the book was won in a giveaway.

There are pie books that the brain should use in that state of being when you want to kill, fatigue has long taken over, you want to relax and just read something... pie. Films also have such a category, why not, as well as other pastimes, their purpose is to save the consciousness from overload and simply give it a rest. “Legally Brunette” is exactly that delicious pie, in which here and there you will come across plot points suggested by the film of almost the same name about a cute girl with hair the color of the sun, who proved that intelligence works, and how, not only in strong academics. And if at one time you happily unloaded your brain by watching “Legally Blonde” over a bucket of popcorn, then “Legally Brunette” will not let you down in terms of literature. There is where to laugh, there is where you want to give the main character a kick in the pretty butt, because in some places she behaves in the same direction as the wall. With all this, the matter is not limited to the purely banter and cute girl component, because in addition to the potential love triangle, an epic about true friends and a calling in life, mixed into a cocktail along with practice and heels, we are waiting for blood, guts, harsh dark comrades, a little of that characters and a serious batch of a serious and long-standing confrontation. Yes, there was some selectivity, but here she still plays the right role in terms of proportion and does not irritate. There is also a great episode of a meeting with the mother of one of the characters from the “almost in bed” position. For this one scene, I’m ready to applaud the authors, because it’s brilliant. As a result, I’ll go read the second part.

Dreams are like a kaleidoscope. When one breaks, a new one is formed from its fragments. I am so confused that it is difficult to express in words.
How many times have I changed my rating for this book, you ask?
Five times. These five times I doubted whether I liked it, but now, two weeks later, I realized that this book is mine. She completely suits me both in terms of her writing style and the energy she carries.
And for Lately the only book whose plot I actually remembered almost by heart. Beauty is truly a terrible force. She is able to turn even the most notorious lazy people into diligent students. Amazing characters, especially men, they are so “wow”, one is more mysterious than the other, one hundred percent, they are both irresistible and attractive, even being on the page of a book. And even though main character Sometimes she appears dumb, but as a brunette, this does not spoil the book at all, on the contrary, it adds some zest. It’s a small opinion, but I expressed my opinion, I’m very glad that I decided to do this, because I really want to see a continuation as soon as possible, which depends on the rating of this work. I will prove that they were wrong! And it doesn’t matter what faculty I study at!

The main temple of the Great Guardian was rightfully considered the most beautiful place not only in the Capital Region, but throughout the Latgardian Republic of Order and Justice. The white marble vaults, extending many tens of meters into the air, were crowned by a dome made of translucent moonstone. The sun's rays penetrating into the impressively sized hall played on numerous stained glass windows and sparkled on the gilded double gates of the main entrance.

In the center of the hall, on a round pedestal, there was a crystal shrouded in white radiance, approximately twice the height of a person. Above him, the words blazed with a blinding light: “Justice is a two-edged sword.”

Usually the few visitors to this majestic structure got lost in it. But not on this day.

Today the huge hall was packed almost to capacity, and people kept arriving. They crowded into the wide-open gates, trying to get inside as quickly as possible. And if possible, then make your way closer to the center to take the most comfortable seats.

The ceremonial suits and dresses of the ladies amazed with their splendor and abundance of decorations. The whole color of society, including The Supreme Council Latgardian Republic, gathered today for the ceremony. A special ceremony for the Consecration of the Supreme Judge.

“He’s so young,” one of the gray-haired advisers frowned.

This is Thorne’s place, but not Brock’s,” echoed a plump representative of the trade guild in an embroidered camisole.

Of course, Sebastian has a lot of strength, but he has no experience and...

No experience? - a man standing nearby intervened in the conversation; judging by his insignia, he belonged to the highest nobility. - Brock, although young, has made a dizzying career! He's one of the best.

Yes, perhaps, after the death of Chief Justice Duningham, there was little choice, the adviser agreed. - Either he or Thorne.

Unlike men, women's conversations were far from politics and discussions of the achievements of the new candidate. They were much more interested in his appearance:

Creator, we have never had such a beautiful Supreme Judge! - they sighed, rolling their eyes coyly. “They say that even the Great Guardian of Justice is moved by him.”

Suddenly the talking stopped. A strong, fair-haired, middle-aged man, dressed in a black judge's robe, entered the hall with a firm step. Strict, without golden embroidery, which usually ran along the wrists and along the lower edge of the material. In his hands he held a scabbard with a judge's blade.

The weapon was simple, unadorned and, compared to modern military designs, looked almost harmless. However, everyone knew that in the hands of a judge such swords acquire incredible strength and power.

An uneven rumble echoed over the crowd bowing and curtseying:

Judge Thorne...

Senior Judge of the Capital Region.

Without stopping or looking around, the man walked to the center of the hall and stopped near the sparkling crystal.

His period of mourning has gone on too long,” whispers were heard.

It's time for him to get married again.

The ladies looked with pleasure fit figure and a beautiful, thoroughbred face, with a firm jawline and lively light brown eyes.

I don't understand why not him? - The representative of the trade guild grumbled again.

“I refused,” the adviser answered briefly. - I didn’t explain the reasons, it’s Thorne.

Apparently, he blames himself for not saving his wife,” a man from the nobility suggested. - Like, if you couldn’t cope, it means you don’t deserve anything else. Moreover, he still has a small daughter...

Do you think so? - The adviser chuckled incredulously.

The noble interlocutor did not have time to answer. A low and prolonged ringing sound that echoed over the vaults of the temple announced the beginning of the Dedication ceremony.

In the silence that followed, the approaching footsteps sounded particularly loud. A tall young man entered the hall. Slender, dressed like Judge Thorne in a black judge's robe without decoration, only with a silver sash slung over his right shoulder.

The man was truly handsome. His snow-white hair pulled back into a ponytail contrasted with his even tan skin. Chiseled facial features with high cheekbones and a line of slightly pursed lips spoke of determination and confidence in own strength. And the sparkle of his bright blue eyes revealed an energetic and active fighter.

At the sight of him, many women could not resist barely audible sighs:


How good he is!

Meanwhile, the newcomer approached Judge Thorne, who was standing near the crystal. For several seconds the men looked into each other's eyes without looking away. Then Judge Thorne, bowing his head, stepped back from the pedestal.

Sebastian Brock, on the contrary, rose close to the crystal and placed both hands on one of the sparkling faces. After which his strong voice echoed through the tensely frozen hall:

I, Senior Judge of the Red Valley Region Sebastian Alistair Brock, accept the position of Chief Judge, taking over this post after the death of Duningham Chief Judge Irian Stern in the battle with Chaos. I swear to uphold honor and law, to serve for the good of the Latgardian Republic, the Council and the people. Like all Supreme Judges, I give a piece of my soul to the Crystal of Truth in the name of Order and Justice.

The very moment they were spoken last words, Sebastian was engulfed in a blinding light, completely hiding him from the eyes of those present.

However, something went wrong next. Many people in the hall continued to gaze in admiration at the pillar of light emanating from the crystal, but Brock felt that there was no connection with the souls of his predecessors. It was as if some invisible thin barrier stood between him and the power contained within the crystal.

At the same time, Sebastian himself was increasingly engulfed in heat with each passing second, becoming wild, almost unbearable. And finally, unable to bear it, he fell to one knee with a groan. At the same time, a female figure appeared from the dazzling glow, as if woven from many sparks.

Great Guardian! - Sebastian exhaled hoarsely, no longer daring to rise. He did not expect such an honor from the Great Guardian of Justice, who personally honored the initiation with her presence.

My poor boy... I’m sorry, I have no other choice,” she sadly whispered in response. - You are so young, and I have so much to do at pick you up!

I will do whatever you ask, Great Guardian. In the service of Order, I am ready to give my soul.

I know, I know. But it is your soul that you will have to leave behind. Crystal is not for you. But emotions and life... I'm sorry.

A sparkling ball fell from the Guardian’s translucent hands and hit the man’s chest, forcing him to arch and scream from wild pain that seemed to tear through his very essence. However, just a few seconds later, the pain and heat subsided, filling Sebastian's body with strength. And at the same time shackling all his feelings, freezing them, as if covering them with a thick crust of ice.

Sebastian stood up shakily. The glow that separated those present from what was happening at the crystal went out.

Welcome the new Chief Justice of the Latgardian Republic, Sebastian Alistair Brock! - Judge Thorne said loudly, handing him the judge's blade with a bow.

The entire hall bowed deeply and curtsied, exhaling synchronously:

Greetings, Your Honor!

However, not a shadow of a reciprocal smile or gratitude flashed on the face of the new Chief Justice. Ice-blue eyes looked at those gathered with absolute indifference. It seemed that all the colors of life had faded in this young man, and his face was frozen, like an alabaster mask.

One short nod instead of the traditional words of gratitude and assurances of service, and Sebastian Brock left the temple with a measured step.

Much later, when the temple doors closed behind the last visitor and the hall plunged into night darkness, the crystal flared up again. However, this time the light was dim, deathly, and crimson flashes snaked along the edges. And somewhere in its very depths, a black figure with a bone, disfigured muzzle and flaming holes in the eye sockets was raging. Long black claws scraped at the sparkling edges of the crystal in a vain attempt to break it from the inside.

But there was still not enough strength.

Any use of the material in this book, in whole or in part, without the permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.

© N. Zhiltsova, 2015

© A. Eremeeva, 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015


The main temple of the Great Guardian was rightfully considered the most beautiful place not only in the Capital Region, but also in the entire Latgardian Republic of Order and Justice. The white marble vaults, extending many tens of meters into the air, were crowned by a dome made of translucent moonstone. The sun's rays penetrating into the impressively sized hall played on numerous stained glass windows and sparkled on the gilded double gates of the main entrance.

In the center of the hall, on a round pedestal, there was a crystal shrouded in white radiance, approximately twice the height of a person. Above him, the words blazed with a blinding light: “Justice is a two-edged sword.”

Usually the few visitors to this majestic structure got lost in it. But not on this day.

Today the huge hall was packed almost to capacity, and people kept arriving. They crowded into the wide-open gates, trying to get inside as quickly as possible. And if possible, then make your way closer to the center to take the most comfortable seats.

The ceremonial suits and dresses of the ladies amazed with their splendor and abundance of decorations. The entire elite of society, including the Supreme Council of the Latgardian Republic, gathered today for the ceremony. A special ceremony for the Consecration of the Supreme Judge.

“He’s so young,” one of the gray-haired advisers frowned.

“This is Thorne’s place, but not Brock’s,” echoed a plump representative of the trade guild in an embroidered camisole.

- Of course, Sebastian has a lot of strength, but he has no experience and...

- No experience? – a man standing nearby intervened in the conversation; judging by his insignia, he belonged to the highest nobility. – Brock, although young, has made a dizzying career! He's one of the best.

“Yes, perhaps, after the death of Chief Justice Duningham, there was little choice,” the adviser agreed. - Either he or Thorne.

Unlike men, women's conversations were far from politics and discussions of the achievements of the new candidate. They were much more interested in his appearance:

– Creator, we have never had such a beautiful Supreme Judge! – they sighed, rolling their eyes coyly. “They say that even the Great Guardian of Justice is moved by him.”

Suddenly the talking stopped. A strong, fair-haired, middle-aged man, dressed in a black judge's robe, entered the hall with a firm step. Strict, without golden embroidery, which usually ran along the wrists and along the lower edge of the material. In his hands he held a scabbard with a judge's blade.

The weapon was simple, unadorned and, compared to modern military designs, looked almost harmless.

However, everyone knew that in the hands of a judge such swords acquire incredible strength and power.

An uneven rumble echoed over the crowd bowing and curtseying:

- Judge Thorne...

– Senior Judge of the Capital Region.

Without stopping or looking around, the man walked to the center of the hall and stopped near the sparkling crystal.

“His period of mourning has gone on too long,” whispers were heard.

“It’s time for him to get married again.”

The ladies looked with pleasure at his toned figure and beautiful, thoroughbred face, with a firm jawline and lively light brown eyes.

– I don’t understand why not him? – the representative of the trade guild grumbled again.

“I refused,” the adviser answered briefly. – I didn’t explain the reasons, it’s Thorne.

“Apparently, he blames himself for not saving his wife,” suggested a man from the nobility. - Like, if you couldn’t cope, it means you don’t deserve anything else. Moreover, he still has a small daughter...

- Do you think so? – the adviser chuckled incredulously.

The noble interlocutor did not have time to answer. A low and prolonged ringing sound that echoed over the vaults of the temple announced the beginning of the Dedication ceremony.

In the silence that followed, the approaching footsteps sounded particularly loud. A tall young man entered the hall. Slender, dressed like Judge Thorne in a black judge's robe without decoration, only with a silver sash slung over his right shoulder.

The man was truly handsome. His snow-white hair pulled back into a ponytail contrasted with his even tan skin. Chiseled facial features with high cheekbones and a line of slightly pursed lips spoke of determination and self-confidence. And the sparkle of his bright blue eyes revealed an energetic and active fighter.

At the sight of him, many women could not resist barely audible sighs:

- Sebastian...

- How good he is!

Meanwhile, the newcomer approached Judge Thorne, who was standing near the crystal. For several seconds the men looked into each other's eyes without looking away. Then Judge Thorne, bowing his head, stepped back from the pedestal.

Sebastian Brock, on the contrary, rose close to the crystal and placed both hands on one of the sparkling faces. After which his strong voice echoed through the tensely frozen hall:

– I, Senior Judge of the Red Valley region Sebastian Alistair Brock, accept the position of Chief Judge, taking over this post after the death of Duningham Chief Judge Irian Stern in the battle with Chaos. I swear to uphold honor and law, to serve for the good of the Latgardian Republic, the Council and the people. Like all Supreme Judges, I give a piece of my soul to the Crystal of Truth in the name of Order and Justice.

At the same moment as the last words were spoken, Sebastian was engulfed in a blinding radiance, completely hiding him from the eyes of those present.

However, something went wrong next. Many people in the hall continued to gaze in admiration at the pillar of light emanating from the crystal, but Brock felt that there was no connection with the souls of his predecessors. It was as if some invisible thin barrier stood between him and the power contained within the crystal.

At the same time, Sebastian himself was increasingly engulfed in heat with each passing second, becoming wild, almost unbearable. And finally, unable to bear it, he fell to one knee with a groan. At the same time, a female figure appeared from the dazzling glow, as if woven from many sparks.

– Great Guardian! – Sebastian exhaled hoarsely, no longer daring to rise. He did not expect such an honor from the Great Guardian of Justice, who personally honored the initiation with her presence.

“My poor boy... I’m sorry, I have no other choice,” she sadly whispered in response. “You are so young, and I will have to take so much from you!”

“I will do whatever you ask, Great Guardian.” In the service of Order, I am ready to give my soul.

- I know, I know. But it is your soul that you will have to leave behind. Crystal is not for you. But emotions and life... I'm sorry.

A sparkling ball fell from the Guardian’s translucent hands and hit the man’s chest, forcing him to arch and scream from wild pain that seemed to tear through his very essence. However, just a few seconds later, the pain and heat subsided, filling Sebastian's body with strength. And at the same time shackling all his feelings, freezing them, as if covering them with a thick crust of ice.

Sebastian stood up shakily. The glow that separated those present from what was happening at the crystal went out.

– Welcome the new Chief Justice of the Latgardian Republic, Sebastian Alistair Brock! – Judge Thorne said loudly, handing him the judge’s blade with a bow.

The entire hall bowed deeply and curtsied, exhaling synchronously:

- Greetings, your honor!

However, not a shadow of a reciprocal smile or gratitude flashed on the face of the new Chief Justice. Ice-blue eyes looked at those gathered with absolute indifference. It seemed that all the colors of life had faded in this young man, and his face was frozen, like an alabaster mask.

One short nod instead of the traditional words of gratitude and assurances of service, and Sebastian Brock left the temple with a measured step.

Much later, when the temple doors closed behind the last visitor and the hall plunged into night darkness, the crystal flared up again. However, this time the light was dim, deathly, and crimson flashes snaked along the edges. And somewhere in its very depths, a black figure with a bone, disfigured muzzle and flaming holes in the eye sockets was raging. Long black claws scraped at the sparkling edges of the crystal in a vain attempt to break it from the inside.

But there was still not enough strength.

Chapter 1

Ten years later

The morning began with a scarlet sphere suddenly appearing near my bed and a sound coming from it. loud voice father:

- Kara! It's almost nine o'clock in the morning! You overslept! Get up immediately!

I mentally groaned. Since my father left for work early in the morning, I cherished the hope of getting some sleep. However - alas. The pedantic parent monitored compliance with the regime established for me with the utmost care. At the same time, he was not at all embarrassed by the fact that last month I turned twenty.

But I waited so long to come of age! I was looking forward to the fact that after this mark I would finally gain at least some kind of independence. But my dear daddy immediately crossed out all my dreams, telling me that I would continue to live as he saw fit. And he threatened to excommunicate him from the sacred thing - credit cards and stores!

In general, I have come to terms with it. I even agreed to proper nutrition and understood the need for magical exercises aimed at strengthening the magical reserve. But, Chaos take it, why was this sleep mode needed?

Living while studying at the Academy, I fell asleep almost at dawn, and emerged from the embrace of sleep closer to lunch. And it was wonderful! Yes, I often didn’t make it to morning lectures, but my body felt quite comfortable. Much better than now! Although, actually, I was going to rest during the holidays.

Instead, upon arriving home, I had been desperately trying for weeks to fit into the routine prescribed by my father. I didn’t do anything! I mentally counted all the living creatures several times, trying to fall asleep at a time when I was just going to the next party at the Academy. And then I suffered from lack of sleep, trying to crawl out of bed at eight in the morning. How many times did she whine and beg her father for leniency? But Judge Thorne, who refused me almost nothing, was still inexorable in three things: sleep, nutrition, exercise.

Towards the end of the holidays, I began to count the hours, begging time to go faster, although I loved both my home and my parent very much. Only now I wanted to love them more and more from a distance. Preferably from a two-room apartment, which one would not dare call a hostel.

Thanks to my father's generosity, these beautiful rooms were at my disposal for the entire three years that I studied in the general jurisprudence course at the Academy of Magical Law. In general, living there was convenient, comfortable and very prestigious. And, most importantly, without father's drill!

And here, within our own walls...

Although on this amazing day, even the boring regime could not spoil my mood. After all, today the results of the selection for specialization with a visa to enroll me in the Faculty of Judicial Affairs will finally arrive!

The end of common subjects and the faceless stream of students around. A little more and I will officially join the elite!

Here, in fairness, it should be noted that there are four specialized faculties in the Academy of Magical Law. To enroll in the simplest of them, tax law, much was not required from students who had completed three years of general law. Just a passing grade, brains and money to pay for tuition.

Slightly more requirements were imposed on those wishing to study at the Faculty of Investigation and Prosecution. Most often, werewolves arrived there, capable of sniffing out almost any criminal.

The third faculty, the Faculty of Defense, was considered “major” among students. The fact is that there are no true Seers left for a long time, and the guilt or innocence of the defendants was quite successfully proven with the help of evidence collected by investigators and interrogations using Crystals of Truth. That is, the position of defender was conditional, formal. But nevertheless, according to tradition, it is obligatory, and therefore bread. So everyone who got into this faculty came from fairly wealthy families. So to speak, unsuccessful offspring of the aristocracy with a weak magical reserve or not very gifted, who were pushed through to study for money.

But the fourth was considered the coolest - the Faculty of Judicial Affairs. The elite of our society! Everyone dreamed of getting there, but only a few were destined to do so. After all, only those whose personal magical reserve was very high and whose spirit was strong enough were accepted there. Those who were approved by the Main Distribution Crystal in the temple of the Great Guardian of Justice.

And today such a moment has arrived.

As the daughter of the senior judge of the Capital Region, who has a significant personal magical reserve, I was not at all worried about the results. Everyone knew that I would follow in my father’s footsteps and become a judge. It couldn't be any other way. But nevertheless, I really wanted to get official confirmation! And finally order a magnificent robe, the fabric for which was specially woven for me at the Asatar manufactory, famous for its velvet.

Yes, yes, exactly from him! And this despite the fact that Asatar velvet was never dyed black.

I recalled with slight pride my month and a half of lamentation, after which my father could not stand it and turned to the owner with a personal request to create a piece of black velvet. I didn’t know how much they charged dad for such an order, and I didn’t even think about it. Glory to the Creator, my father spared no expense on my wardrobe.

By the way, the second pleasant moment today It was precisely the arrival of an updated wardrobe for which I emptied one of my father’s accounts at the Republic Bank.

Sitting up on the bed, I involuntarily smiled. Soon all those wonderful things in which I will shine at parties at the Academy will be in my hands...

Suddenly another sphere flashed in the room:

- Kar-ra-ra! You spent a fortune on rags?! – rang out a furious growling voice, in which it was difficult to identify the father.

Well, it seems that I really went a little overboard. But beauty requires sacrifice! So I had to sacrifice the beauty... the entire contents of the account.

“Well, I got a little carried away,” I said, trying to express as much remorse as possible.

- A little?! Yes, the republic spends less on defense per month! - the parent raged. - No, I'll whip you! At least once in your life, I'll flog you, Kara Thorne!

The sphere flared and disappeared.

I was sincerely glad that my father received the bill while at work. This means it will have time to cool down before returning home. No, the threat of spanking would have remained a threat in any case - dad loved me too much for that. But listen a whole hour I didn’t want a lecture about my frivolity at all.

Well, in the evening we will celebrate my assignment to the judicial faculty. Daddy will thaw, or rather, stop spitting fire, and my little shopping spree will be forgotten.

Distracting me from pleasant thoughts, nanny Terisa entered the room.

-Are you awake, baby? Was your father angry?

“Of course,” I winced and promised: “I won’t do that again.”

– Are you really going to spend less? - The nanny didn’t believe it.

“No, of course not,” I giggled. – I’ll just start taking a little from all accounts at once, so that it’s not so noticeable.

Nanny laughed.

- Look, your father will put you on bread and water.

“He won’t put me in jail,” I waved him off carelessly. – The diet must not be violated. The courier hasn't arrived yet?

Oh, how I wanted to quickly hear the desired words!

- No. Sagrin will inform you as soon as he crosses the boundaries of the estate. Don't worry Kara, everyone has been warned.

“Have you heard anything from Valtan?”

The nanny shook her head again, and I frowned slightly. The month and a half of silence from my official boyfriend, who has been one for the past two and a half years, was strange. And it was a little unnerving. It wasn't that I was in love with Valtan, but I still liked him.

Moreover, we were beautiful couple and for the past two years have become the king and queen of the Ice Ball. Even mine best friend Deirdre even expressed concern about his behavior: Valtan’s tape recorder was turned off.

I was strictly forbidden to call the Attertoun family nest. The father was categorically against Valtan, boiling only at the mention of his name. Of course, I still met with him, but...

However, it doesn't matter. I'll deal with this later. Let's say I'll make a little scandal and demand something pleasant to compensate for a long lack of attention. And now - no bad thoughts! Nothing will ruin my mood. Nothing!

After soaking in a small pool filled with warm bubbling water, I put on a cute morning dress of a soft peach color. Its light skirt barely reached the knees, and the neckline was quite low, but I had no complaints about my legs or chest. So I could easily afford this style.

After getting dressed, I habitually looked into the large mirror installed in the dressing room adjoining the bedroom and smiled. Reflected in it was a slender girl of average height, with expressive light gray eyes, a thin nose and plump lips smiled back.

I liked this girl in the mirror. As, indeed, many others.

Mentally grunting with satisfaction, I tied a pale yellow ribbon onto my hair, which fell in shiny black curls to the middle of my back, and left the bedroom.

With a light heart and in a great mood I headed to the small dining room for breakfast. But, as soon as she stepped onto the wide wrought-iron staircase, she discovered that she had underestimated her parent’s righteous anger.

Downstairs, in the hall, my father was already waiting for me.

– Come here immediately! – he ordered abruptly.

Yes, it's bad.

Having lowered my eyes and depicting complete remorse on my face, I went down the stairs and froze in front of my angry parent. He wasn't impressed. Looking sternly at me, he snapped his fingers and activated a pocket visarium, which unfolded into a long shiny ribbon all the way to the floor.

- This is your shopping list! Explain to me how you could spend so much money?!

“Yes, it’s easy,” the thought flashed through. “How long can I do it skillfully?”

But, of course, she didn’t say this out loud, but continued to stand in front of her father like a living statue of repentance.

- I'll deprive you of your pocket money! You will work part-time as a copyist in the Atrium!

Uh-oh, perhaps tears cannot be avoided.

- Dad, are we broke? – I inquired in a tragic whisper, blinking my eyelashes.

– No, but you are working diligently on it! - he growled. – Your passion for things goes beyond all boundaries. It's time to get serious, Kara! If you earned as fast as you spend, our house would already be made of pure gold. I'll cancel your card.

In my father’s open palm, in a flash, a narrow strip of a flickering mirror appeared, with the name of the bank, my name and the cherished words engraved on it: the limit is unlimited.

But this already threatened with disaster. I have to return to the Academy every other day, and I wouldn’t really like to do it without money.

- Dad! – my tragic cry rang out. – What will I do at the Academy without a map?!

- Study!

- Nooo! Daddy, you have one and only daughter! Do you really feel sorry for buying a couple of dresses for your little one? – I folded my hands pleadingly, not letting go of my card.

- A couple?! Yes, for that amount you can dress the entire Academy! You... are a bloodsucker, not a bloodsucker!

- Well, dad! “I turned my pleading gaze from the card to my father and sobbed, ready to cry.

- Tears will not help! – my father barked in such a tone that I instantly stopped the planned flow of tears.

In this state, perhaps a business approach is better.

- Okay, let me not buy a single thing for a month?

- Three months!

I can't hold out that long, that's for sure.

- Two! – I continued bargaining.

My father looked at me gloomily, apparently calculating something. Now, this is much better.

- I will behave perfectly! – I confirmed my promise with conviction with a new argument.

- Hm. Okay, we agreed,” he finally agreed, after thinking a little. – No wardrobe expenses for two months, only current expenses.

I carefully nodded my head, realizing that in a month my father would forget about his anger, and then... you never know what expenses would accrue during this time. The main thing is that the card will remain with me!

Apparently, something flashed in my eyes, because dad squinted with suspicion. But he didn’t have time to ask anything, because a call signal sounded in the hall.

- Yes? - answered the father.

“Your Honor, the Republican Postal courier has arrived,” said the servant’s voice. – Requests permission to open a portal to the estate.

- Let me in! – I immediately squealed, almost jumping for joy.


“Open it, Sagrin,” my father allowed.

A moment, and a portal funnel twisted in the hall, from which emerged a young man in a dark blue uniform with a large winged turtle emblem on his chest.

– Republican Post welcomes you! Any distance for us is measured in minutes! – the courier rattled off the standard motto of the postal service.

I chuckled mentally: the motto didn’t fit in with the emblem, and this was far from an accident. The current head of the Council of the Republic ordered the turtle to be installed for the post office, having lost patience after waiting for an urgent delivery that had been delivered to him for a whole week.

Taking a smoky gray ball out of his bag, the guy handed it to us. Taking the capsule, the father unsealed a standard sphere of protection and pulled out a small flickering mirror. I immediately stuck my nose in there and read the flashing text:

“Dear Mrs. Karina Anabella Thorne!

We are pleased to inform you that you have been enrolled in the defense department of the Academy of Magical Law. You must report to the main building Academy with documents for enrollment according to the attached list.”

Natalia Zhiltsova, Azalia Eremeeva

Academy of Magic Law. Legally brunette

Any use of the material in this book, in whole or in part, without the permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.

© N. Zhiltsova, 2015

© A. Eremeeva, 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

The main temple of the Great Guardian was rightfully considered the most beautiful place not only in the Capital Region, but also in the entire Latgardian Republic of Order and Justice. The white marble vaults, extending many tens of meters into the air, were crowned by a dome made of translucent moonstone. The sun's rays penetrating into the impressively sized hall played on numerous stained glass windows and sparkled on the gilded double gates of the main entrance.

In the center of the hall, on a round pedestal, there was a crystal shrouded in white radiance, approximately twice the height of a person. Above him, the words blazed with a blinding light: “Justice is a two-edged sword.”

Usually the few visitors to this majestic structure got lost in it. But not on this day.

Today the huge hall was packed almost to capacity, and people kept arriving. They crowded into the wide-open gates, trying to get inside as quickly as possible. And if possible, then make your way closer to the center to take the most comfortable seats.

The ceremonial suits and dresses of the ladies amazed with their splendor and abundance of decorations. The entire elite of society, including the Supreme Council of the Latgardian Republic, gathered today for the ceremony. A special ceremony for the Consecration of the Supreme Judge.

“He’s so young,” one of the gray-haired advisers frowned.

“This is Thorne’s place, but not Brock’s,” echoed a plump representative of the trade guild in an embroidered camisole.

- Of course, Sebastian has a lot of strength, but he has no experience and...

- No experience? – a man standing nearby intervened in the conversation; judging by his insignia, he belonged to the highest nobility. – Brock, although young, has made a dizzying career! He's one of the best.

“Yes, perhaps, after the death of Chief Justice Duningham, there was little choice,” the adviser agreed. - Either he or Thorne.

Unlike men, women's conversations were far from politics and discussions of the achievements of the new candidate. They were much more interested in his appearance:

– Creator, we have never had such a beautiful Supreme Judge! – they sighed, rolling their eyes coyly. “They say that even the Great Guardian of Justice is moved by him.”

Suddenly the talking stopped. A strong, fair-haired, middle-aged man, dressed in a black judge's robe, entered the hall with a firm step. Strict, without golden embroidery, which usually ran along the wrists and along the lower edge of the material. In his hands he held a scabbard with a judge's blade.

The weapon was simple, unadorned and, compared to modern military designs, looked almost harmless. However, everyone knew that in the hands of a judge such swords acquire incredible strength and power.

An uneven rumble echoed over the crowd bowing and curtseying:

- Judge Thorne...

– Senior Judge of the Capital Region.

Without stopping or looking around, the man walked to the center of the hall and stopped near the sparkling crystal.

“His period of mourning has gone on too long,” whispers were heard.

“It’s time for him to get married again.”

The ladies looked with pleasure at his toned figure and beautiful, thoroughbred face, with a firm jawline and lively light brown eyes.

– I don’t understand why not him? – the representative of the trade guild grumbled again.

“I refused,” the adviser answered briefly. – I didn’t explain the reasons, it’s Thorne.

“Apparently, he blames himself for not saving his wife,” suggested a man from the nobility. - Like, if you couldn’t cope, it means you don’t deserve anything else. Moreover, he still has a small daughter...

- Do you think so? – the adviser chuckled incredulously.

The noble interlocutor did not have time to answer. A low and prolonged ringing sound that echoed over the vaults of the temple announced the beginning of the Dedication ceremony.

In the silence that followed, the approaching footsteps sounded particularly loud. A tall young man entered the hall. Slender, dressed like Judge Thorne in a black judge's robe without decoration, only with a silver sash slung over his right shoulder.

The man was truly handsome. His snow-white hair pulled back into a ponytail contrasted with his even tan skin. Chiseled facial features with high cheekbones and a line of slightly pursed lips spoke of determination and self-confidence. And the sparkle of his bright blue eyes revealed an energetic and active fighter.

At the sight of him, many women could not resist barely audible sighs:

- Sebastian...

- How good he is!

Meanwhile, the newcomer approached Judge Thorne, who was standing near the crystal. For several seconds the men looked into each other's eyes without looking away. Then Judge Thorne, bowing his head, stepped back from the pedestal.

Sebastian Brock, on the contrary, rose close to the crystal and placed both hands on one of the sparkling faces. After which his strong voice echoed through the tensely frozen hall:

– I, Senior Judge of the Red Valley region Sebastian Alistair Brock, accept the position of Chief Judge, taking over this post after the death of Duningham Chief Judge Irian Stern in the battle with Chaos. I swear to uphold honor and law, to serve for the good of the Latgardian Republic, the Council and the people. Like all Supreme Judges, I give a piece of my soul to the Crystal of Truth in the name of Order and Justice.

At the same moment as the last words were spoken, Sebastian was engulfed in a blinding radiance, completely hiding him from the eyes of those present.

However, something went wrong next. Many people in the hall continued to gaze in admiration at the pillar of light emanating from the crystal, but Brock felt that there was no connection with the souls of his predecessors. It was as if some invisible thin barrier stood between him and the power contained within the crystal.

At the same time, Sebastian himself was increasingly engulfed in heat with each passing second, becoming wild, almost unbearable. And finally, unable to bear it, he fell to one knee with a groan. At the same time, a female figure appeared from the dazzling glow, as if woven from many sparks.

– Great Guardian! – Sebastian exhaled hoarsely, no longer daring to rise. He did not expect such an honor from the Great Guardian of Justice, who personally honored the initiation with her presence.

“My poor boy... I’m sorry, I have no other choice,” she sadly whispered in response. “You are so young, and I will have to take so much from you!”

“I will do whatever you ask, Great Guardian.” In the service of Order, I am ready to give my soul.

- I know, I know. But it is your soul that you will have to leave behind. Crystal is not for you. But emotions and life... I'm sorry.

A sparkling ball fell from the Guardian’s translucent hands and hit the man’s chest, forcing him to arch and scream from wild pain that seemed to tear through his very essence. However, just a few seconds later, the pain and heat subsided, filling Sebastian's body with strength. And at the same time shackling all his feelings, freezing them, as if covering them with a thick crust of ice.

Sebastian stood up shakily. The glow that separated those present from what was happening at the crystal went out.

– Welcome the new Chief Justice of the Latgardian Republic, Sebastian Alistair Brock! – Judge Thorne said loudly, handing him the judge’s blade with a bow.

The entire hall bowed deeply and curtsied, exhaling synchronously:

- Greetings, your honor!

However, not a shadow of a reciprocal smile or gratitude flashed on the face of the new Chief Justice. Ice-blue eyes looked at those gathered with absolute indifference. It seemed that all the colors of life had faded in this young man, and his face was frozen, like an alabaster mask.

One short nod instead of the traditional words of gratitude and assurances of service, and Sebastian Brock left the temple with a measured step.

Much later, when the temple doors closed behind the last visitor and the hall plunged into night darkness, the crystal flared up again. However, this time the light was dim, deathly, and crimson flashes snaked along the edges. And somewhere in its very depths, a black figure with a bone, disfigured muzzle and flaming holes in the eye sockets was raging. Long black claws scraped at the sparkling edges of the crystal in a vain attempt to break it from the inside.

But there was still not enough strength.

Ten years later