What does official business style of speech mean? What is this - formal business style of speech: examples of texts


Currently, the term “rhetoric” is used in a narrow and broad sense. Rhetoric (in the narrow sense) is the designation of a philological discipline that studies the theory of eloquence, methods of constructing expressive speech in all areas of speech activity (primarily in various oral and written genres). Rhetoric (in in a broad sense) is called neo-rhetoric or general rhetoric. Its rapid and productive development is caused by the emergence of new linguistic sciences - text linguistics, semiotics, hermeneutics, theory of speech activity, psycholinguistics. Neorhetoric is searching for ways practical application of these disciplines, is developed at the intersection of linguistics, literary theory, logic, philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, and psychology.

The goal of the work is to master the culture of business speech and communication, develop own style service relationships, image formation.

For a management specialist or businessman, achieving this goal means acquiring the most important component of professional activity.

Thus, speech, communication skills, etiquette are the main “tools” for creating an image business man, i.e. self-presentation, constructing one’s image for others. A noble image guarantees a leader or entrepreneur half the success and constant satisfaction from work. We must not forget that harmonious communication is always based on awareness of the importance of life and adherence to ethical standards, such as tact, delicacy, respect for the honor and dignity of the individual, and justice. Intelligence as a quality of internal culture - a tolerant attitude towards the world and towards people - is invariably reflected in external behavior and manifests itself in charm.

Features of official business style

Modern official business style is a functional variety of Russian literary language, used in the field public relations. Business speech serves as a means of communication between states, the state with an individual and society as a whole; a means of communication between enterprises, institutions, organizations; a means of official communication between people in production and in the service sector.

The official business style refers to the bookish and written styles of the literary language. It is implemented in the texts of laws, orders, decrees, orders, agreements, acts, certificates, certificates, powers of attorney, in business correspondence institutions. The oral form of official business speech is represented by speeches and reports at meetings and conferences, judicial speech, official telephone conversations, oral orders.

The general extralinguistic and actual linguistic features of this style include the following:

1) accuracy, detail of presentation;

2) standardization of presentation;

3) the obligatory prescriptive nature of the presentation.

Indeed, the language of laws requires, first of all, accuracy, not allowing any discrepancies; speed of understanding is not important, since the interested person, if necessary, will read the article of the law two or three times, striving for complete understanding. The standardization of the presentation is manifested in the fact that the heterogeneous phenomena of life in a business style fit into a limited number of standard forms.

Business speech is impersonal, stereotypical, and lacks an emotional element.

A specific property of business speech is the expression of will. Voluntariness in texts is expressed semantically (choice of words) and grammatically. Thus, in management documentation we constantly encounter first-person forms of the verb (I ask, I propose, I order, I congratulate), with modal forms, obligation (must, necessary, follows, proposed).

Depending on the scope of business speech and the stylistic originality of the corresponding texts, three substyles are usually distinguished within OA:

1) diplomatic (types of documents: international treaties, agreements, conventions, memoranda, notes, communiques, etc.; oral forms are practically not used);

2) legislative (types of documents such as laws, decrees, civil, criminal and other acts of state importance; the main oral form is judicial speech);

3) managerial (types of documents: charters, contracts, orders, instructions, statements, characteristics, powers of attorney, receipts, etc.; oral forms - report, speech, official phone conversation, oral order).

Diplomatic style. This variety of OA style serves the field of international relations. The scope of documentation of the diplomatic substyle is law and to a greater extent than in other substyles. - politics, as it is related to the implementation of the international policy of the state.

Legislative substyle. Juristic documents are distinguished by greater stylistic and linguistic homogeneity than documents of other substyles. In these texts one can note the widespread use of legal terminology.

In the legislative substyle, abstract vocabulary is used and there is practically no expressive-emotional language means or evaluative vocabulary. Evaluative words of this kind, such as parasite, criminal, acquire terminological meaning in legal texts. There are many antonyms here, since legislative speech reflects opposing interests, contrasts and compares concepts: rights and obligations, work and rest, personal and public, plaintiff and defendant, crime and punishment, marriage registration and divorce, adoption of a child and deprivation of parental rights, voluntarily and compulsorily, withhold and accrue.

The language of laws had a great influence on the formation of the entire official business style; it has originally been the basis of business speech. Of course, the language of laws should be a model for the language of management documentation. But the managerial substyle, like the diplomatic one, has its own norms and linguistic diversity, determined by the content and composition of documents.

Managerial substyle. The scope of application of the managerial substyle is a variety of administrative, departmental, and industrial relations. The types of documents of the management sub-style differ most from each other in compositional, stylistic and linguistic terms.

In the texts of the managerial sub-style, along with neutral and bookish vocabulary, words and stable phrases with the coloring of an official business style are used (undersigned, proper, following, housing tax, lump sum, notify).

The managerial substyle has its own administrative and managerial terminology, for example: the name of institutions, positions, types official documents. Due to the fact that this substyle serves different areas social and industrial activities, a wide variety of terminology is used in the texts of the substyle. In official texts, it is not recommended to use synonyms, replacing with them the direct names of objects and actions. Unlike the legislative substyle, there are few antonyms here. In management sub-style texts, abbreviations, compound words, and various means of codification are often used.

Only in the texts of the managerial substyle are used verb forms in the 1st person, sometimes personal pronouns. This is due to specification, with a precise indication of the author of the text. In the managerial style, verbs in the imperative mood are not used, and constructions with the words must and must are used relatively rarely. The meaning of obligation is softened in the texts by the use of such phrases as impute, oblige, impose an obligation.

Diverse. In each life situation There are certain standards of communication. In the official sphere, there are also specific norms that sometimes run counter to the general linguistic norms. This is a feature of the official business style. It is dry and insipid, all the turns in it are unambiguous and constant.

Formal business style: definition

Official business style is a style of business management and legislative acts that has been formed over many years. His characteristic feature constancy in the use of the same words and lexical phrases is considered.

Which every person periodically encounters in his life should be understandable and unambiguous. In addition, all its genres are written according to the same templates. Sometimes to get new document, it’s enough just to rewrite 2-3 words.

Stylistic features

Like anyone else, he has his own characteristic features. Formal business style in business texts characterized by accuracy and unambiguity of presentation, an obligatory-prescriptive character, complete impersonality, the absence of any emotional manifestations, standardization and stereotyping.

Any document should be interpreted in only one way. Therefore, all the data presented in it is unambiguous, because otherwise means confusion and lawlessness in any matter.

Since it is a business style, it is used to regulate the official sphere of human life and society. Everything that is stated in it must be fulfilled unquestioningly.

There cannot be any personal characteristics or subjective interpretations in the documents. Therefore, the official business style of the Russian literary language allows the presentation of personal information only in minor documents such as a statement or an explanatory statement to argue the need for a particular action.

The unambiguity of the presentation also translates into a high degree of stereotyping. It is present at all levels of style: from a set of lexemes to general structure the entire document.

Vocabulary of style

Like any other, the official business style in business texts uses a standard set of lexemes and phrases. First of all, these are words from the industry of official communication: prescribe, authorize, notify, plaintiff, head, law and the like. In other styles they are used much less frequently.

The second characteristic feature is the use of constant expressions and cliches of speech. This makes any text predictable, but at the same time completely unambiguous: based on, taking into account, in accordance with.

It is noteworthy that, despite the high level of impersonality, the use of first-person pronouns and verbs is allowed in an official business style. In comparison, in a scientific style this is completely unacceptable.

And the last feature is the presence of dry, slightly outdated clerical vocabulary, which in other styles sounds inappropriate and somewhat comical: takes place, is in a state alcohol intoxication, a liquid similar in appearance to cognac.

Syntactic constructions

Based on the consistency of syntactic structures, each person can easily determine the official business style. Examples of it are well known to everyone from the school. And probably more than once in my life I had to write a statement or protocol.

At the syntactic level, the presence of small constructions is primarily noted, simple sentences, a minimum number of complications, such as homogeneous members of the sentence or plug-in constructions. This is dictated by the need for simplicity and unambiguity in understanding the information presented in the document.

At the text level, there is a high level of standardization of its structure. For example, each statement begins with a header in the upper right corner, which indicates who is addressing whom. Next comes the text of the application itself, which ends with the date and signature of the applicant. The upper left corner of the document is left to overlay the resolution on this application. The same standardization is characteristic of all other genres.


It is quite widespread and can be encountered by any person all the time. Therefore, this style is divided into several substyles, depending on the industry of application.

Legislative documents are used to form the regulatory framework of society. It prescribes the rules by which every person subject to the influence of this particular document must live. also in legislative acts penalties are established for failure to comply with regulations.

The jurisdictional branch detects a violation and imposes punishment for it. This is also where cases are reviewed in connection with certain evidence or circumstances.

The administrative official business style is very common. Examples of such documents are even studied in school curriculum. This includes documents regulating the activities of individual organizations and their interaction with individual individuals.

And the last branch is diplomatic. Relations between states depend on the correctness of documentation in this area. One wrong comma or word can cause a global conflict.


In practice, the official business style of speech has a wide variety of examples of texts. It would be quite problematic to name absolutely all genres in one article. Therefore, we will focus on the most popular of them, dividing them into groups depending on the industry of use.

Legislative documents include a law, act, decision, decree. They are compiled at the highest levels of government by specially trained people.

In the legal profession, the genres of official business style in the Russian language are represented by sentences, court decisions, cassation complaints, search or detention warrants.

Administrative documents are among the most common. This includes a statement, autobiography, order, recommendation, fax, telephone message, receipt and many others.

In diplomacy, treaties, pacts, agreements, and conventions are most often used.

Business management

Much has already been said about how rich the official business style is in genres. Examples of their use are found all the time. This is an active style, used everywhere in Everyday life. Most often, an ordinary person encounters it in the business sector. When applying for a job, we write a resume, autobiography and application, and submit certificates from the previous place of work.

Basically, all these documents have approximately the same structure. They begin with an indication of the author who compiled this text, followed by a presentation of the material, which is certified by a signature and seal, if any.


In Russian philology, the official business style of a document, language, speech has an active nature of use. It is highly standardized and has a certain set of words and expressions that are used contrary to some laws of the language.

For example, tautologies are not a stylistic error, since they contribute to an unambiguous understanding, which cannot be achieved by using pronouns for a more beautiful literary sound.

Every person in his life must be able to use this style, since it regulates the interaction of the individual with the organization, the state and the entire legal world as a whole.

In a row book styles The official business style is most clearly outlined. It serves legal and administrative activities when communicating in government institutions, in court, during business and diplomatic negotiations: business speech provides the sphere of official business relations and functions in the field of law and politics. The official business style is implemented in the texts of laws, decrees, orders, instructions, contracts, agreements, orders, acts, in business correspondence of institutions, as well as in legal certificates, etc. Despite the fact that this style is subject to serious changes under influenced by socio-historical changes in society, it stands out among others functional varieties language with its stability, traditionalism, isolation and standardization.

The authors of the textbook “Culture of Russian Speech” note: “Business style is a combination linguistic means, the function of which is to serve the sphere of official business relations, that is, relations arising between state bodies, between or within organizations, between organizations and individuals in the process of their production, economic, legal activity" And further: “The breadth of this sphere allows us to distinguish at least three substyles (varieties) of business style: 1) the actual official business style (clerical); 2) legal (the language of laws and decrees); 3) diplomatic" 1.

Standardization of business speech (primarily the language of mass standard documentation) is one of the most noticeable features of the official business style. The standardization process is developing mainly in two directions: a) the widespread use of ready-made, already established verbal formulas, stencils, stamps (for example, standard syntactic models with denominate prepositions in order, in connection with, in accordance with, etc., which is quite is natural, since it greatly simplifies and facilitates the process of compiling standard texts of business papers), b) in the frequent repetition of the same words, forms, phrases, structures, in the desire for uniformity in the ways of expressing thoughts in similar situations, in the refusal to use expressive means language.

The process of standardization of business speech is closely related to the process of phraseologization. This can be seen in examples of the use of verbonominants (verb-nominal phrases) in numerous documentation, which in business language become a universal means and are often used instead of the actual verb forms parallel to them: provide assistance (instead of help), repair (instead of repair), carry out an investigation (instead of investigating), etc. Verbonominants widely penetrate business language due to the fact that in some cases their use becomes mandatory (there is no other way to say it): to allow a marriage, to commit a crime, to perform duties, to take a position, to assign responsibility . Their meaning may not coincide with the meaning of the verbs parallel to them: the combination conduct competition is not identical to the verb compete. Verbonominants not only name the action, but also express certain additional semantic shades and accurately qualify certain phenomena. For example, hit-and-run is a terminological phrase that is the official name for a certain type of road accident.

Other features of the official business style (besides standardization) are accuracy, imperativeness, objectivity and documentation, specificity, formality, and conciseness.

The linguistic means of the official business style form a relatively closed system, the basis of which is specific units of three levels: lexical, morphological and syntactic.

At the lexical level, in addition to commonly used and neutral words, we can distinguish: a) words and phrases used mainly in official documents and fixed in administrative and clerical speech (proper, due, above, undersigned, failure to fulfill, forward, bearer, guarantor, protect rights and freedom, ensure equality, etc.); b) terms, professionalisms and phrases of a terminological nature, which is determined by the content of official documents (the most common terms are legal, diplomatic, accounting: act, collection, legislation, respondent, recall (ambassador), ratify, applicant, etc.).

Many of the words with the coloring of an official business style form antonymic pairs: plaintiff - defendant, democracy - dictatorship, punished - acquitted, aggravating - mitigating (circumstances), etc.

In connection with the streamlining of the approach to terminology, two concepts began to be distinguished: “vocabulary with the coloring of an official business style” and “clericalism”. The first name reflects the place of the corresponding words in the system of general literary language, their functional and stylistic coloring. For example, the lexical units recipient (this) or due, non-subordinate, undersigned, compensation, appeal, collection, discovery, superior, etc. in business documents should be considered functionally colored. The second name, “clericalisms,” can refer to the same lexical units, but only when they are unintentionally used in a text with a different stylistic overtones, for example, in a journalistic or colloquial style, i.e. in cases of functionally unjustified transfer 2 . For example, in N. Kislik’s poem we read: “I am writing to you - everything is to you. I’ve loaded the communications service up to capacity...” The phrase “communication service” can be attributed to clericalism (though it performs a certain stylistic function in a given literary text). In the lexical system of the official business style, it is not clericalisms that function, but words with the coloring of the official business style. A specific feature of the lexical system of the official business style is also the presence in it of archaisms and historicisms, which are often used in the nominative function (for example, in the texts of diplomatic documents - assurance of respect, this, such, that, His Majesty, His Excellency, sir, etc. ). This style completely lacks slang, colloquial words, dialectisms, and words with an emotionally expressive connotation. Complex abbreviations for elephants and abbreviated names are often used here. various organizations and institutions (ZhREO, ZhES, research institutes, Central Clinical Hospital, KTS, Labor Code, student council, trade union committee, workshop committee, etc.).


1. Culture of Russian speech. M., 1998. P. 216.

2. The reason for the penetration of elements of the official business style, for example, into everyday speech can be explained by the widespread mass mastery of this style.

T.P. Pleschenko, N.V. Fedotova, R.G. Taps. Stylistics and culture of speech - Mn., 2001.

The official business style is used in the field of business and official relations between people and institutions, in the field of law and legislation. Official business speech is characterized by precision of formulation (which would eliminate ambiguity of understanding), some impersonality and dryness of presentation (it is brought up for discussion, not we bring it up for discussion; cases of non-fulfillment of the contract are noted, etc.), high degree standardization, reflecting a certain order and regulation of business relations.

In connection with these properties of the official business style, stable, clichéd phrases play a big role in it: to impute a duty, due to absence, to take measures, for lack of it, after the expiration of a deadline, etc. A striking sign of business style are combinations with verbal nouns: establishing control, eliminating deficiencies, implementing a program, checking execution, etc.

A significant number of speech genres are distinguished here: law, resolution, communiqué, diplomatic note, treaty, instruction, announcement, report, explanatory letter, complaint, statement, different kinds judicial investigative documentation, indictment, examination report, verdict, etc.

It is also necessary to take into account the conditions of communication, which in the business sphere determine the appearance of such a typical feature of the official business style as standardization (pattern, form). Since everything in legal relations is regulated, and communication is carried out according to certain standards that facilitate this communication, the speech standard, the template, turns out to be inevitable, necessary and even expedient and justified.

Due to the obligatory prescriptive nature and the need to formulate legal norms, business speech is also characterized by a special way of presentation. Narration, reasoning and description are not presented here in their “pure” form.

Since in the texts of state acts it is usually necessary not to prove something (analysis and argumentation precedes the compilation of these texts), but to establish and regulate, then these texts, in general, are not characterized by reasoning. The absence of this method sharply distinguishes the official business style from the scientific one, which is similar in a number of other features. This method of presentation, as a narrative, is also not typical for the business sphere of communication, since there is no need to talk about any events. Only in such genres as a protocol, a report, partly an agreement, and some parts of a resolution (statements) is there an appeal to a narrative style of presentation.

There are almost no “pure” descriptions in business speech. What looks outwardly like a description actually turns out to be a special prescriptive-statistical way of presentation, in which, for example, behind the present tense forms of the verb there is a subtext of obligation.

The official business style is divided into two varieties, two substyles - official-documentary and everyday business.

Each of the subtypes of official business style is unique. For example, the language of diplomacy has its own lexical system, rich in international terms (communiqué, attache, doyen); it uses etiquette words (king, queen, prince, Shahinshah, His Highness, His Excellency, etc.); The syntax of the language of diplomacy is characterized by long sentences, extended periods with branched allied communications, with those involved and participial phrases, infinitive constructions, introductory and isolated expressions.

The language of laws is the official language, the language state power, in which she speaks to the population. It requires precision in the expression of thoughts, generality, a complete lack of individualization of speech, and standard presentation.

Official correspondence is characterized, first of all, by high standardization. The existence of models and their speech variants, i.e. standards, greatly facilitates the preparation of business letters. Business letters are composed, not written. Brevity and accuracy are also necessary attributes of business letters.

Business papers (application, autobiography, receipt, etc.) should also be written briefly and clearly. They are compiled in a certain form.

Linguistic features of official business style

Vocabulary. 1. The lexical system of the official business style includes, in addition to common and neutral words, words and set phrases that have the connotation of an official business style. For example: proper, above, forwarded, recipient, present (meaning “this”).

  • 2. The second feature of the lexical system of the official business style is the presence in it large quantity words belonging to professional (legal and diplomatic) terminology. For example: legislation, conduct, act, powers, levy, legal entity, revoke, revocation.
  • 3. The vocabulary of the official business style is characterized by a complete absence of slang, colloquial words, dialectisms and words with an emotionally expressive connotation.
  • 4. A feature of this style is also the presence of stable phrases of the attributive-nominal type with a connotation of an official business nature: cassation appeal, one-time allowance, established procedure (usually in the prepositional case: “in the established manner”), preliminary consideration, conviction, the acquittal.
  • 5. The specificity of the lexical system of the official business style is the presence in it of archaisms, as well as historicisms. Archaisms: this, that, such, assurance of respect. Historicisms: His Excellency, Your Majesty. The named lexical units are found in certain genres of official business documents, for example, historicisms - in government notes.
  • 6. From a number of synonyms in the official business style, words are always selected that express the will of the legislator, such as, for example, decree, oblige, prohibit, permit, etc., but not say, advise.
  • 7. Many of the words of the official business style appear in antonymous pairs: rights - duties, plaintiff - defendant, democracy - dictatorship, prosecutor - lawyer, accusatory - acquittal. Note that these are not contextual, but rather linguistic antonyms.

Morphology. 1. Among the nouns, names of people are used in an official business style based on a characteristic determined by some action or attitude; for example: tenant, tenant, adoptive parent, plaintiff, defendant.

  • 2. Nouns denoting positions and ranks are used here only in the masculine form: witness Ivanova, police officer Sidorova.
  • 3. Verbal nouns are widely represented: exile, deprivation, execution, finding, liberation; among them, verbal nouns with the prefix non-: non-fulfillment, non-compliance, non-recognition occupy a special place.
  • 4. To avoid inaccuracies, the noun is not replaced by a pronoun and is repeated even in a nearby sentence.
  • 5. The “morphological sign” of the official business style is the use of complex denominative prepositions: for purposes, in relation to, on the subject, in force, in part, etc. Their stylistic coloring is revealed when compared with simple prepositions and conjunctions involved in the formalization of similar relations ; compare: for the purpose of preparation - to prepare, for preparation; due to violation - due to violation.
  • 6. In formal business style there is the highest among functional styles Russian language percentage of infinitive compared to other verb forms. Often this ratio reaches 5:1, while in scientific speech it is 1:5.

This quantitative increase in the share of the infinitive is associated with the goal of most official business documents - to express the will, the establishment of the legislator.

7. Of the conjugated forms, the forms of the present tense are most often used here, but with something different, in comparison with scientific style, meaning. This meaning is defined as “present prescription”, as opposed to “present timeless”, which is common in scientific style.

Syntax. 1. Of the syntactic constructions that have the coloring of an official business style, we note phrases that include complex denominative prepositions: in part, along the line, on the subject, in order to avoid, as well as a combination with the preposition by and prepositional case, expressing a temporary meaning: upon return, upon reaching.

  • 2. The need for detailed presentation and reservations explains the complication of simple sentences with numerous isolated phrases, homogeneous members, often lined up in a long chain of points. This entails an increase in the size of a sentence (including a simple one) to several hundred word uses.
  • 3. The percentage of complex sentences is relatively low, especially with subordinate clauses; the number of means of expressing logic and consistency of presentation in business speech is three times less than in scientific speech. Characteristic, however, is the widespread use of conditional constructions, since many texts (codes, charters, instructions) require stipulating the conditions of offenses and law and order.
  • 4. In many genres of official business texts, infinitive constructions with the meaning of must are widely represented, for example: The indicated decisions must be announced to the public.
  • 5. The syntax of the official business style is characterized by “stringing the genitive case,” i.e. the use of complex phrases with several dependent components in the genitive case without a preposition.
  • 6. The official business style, like the scientific one, is also characterized by an objective word order, and

Grammatical features of official business style

Comparison of business, scientific, journalistic (newspaper) and literary texts allows us to highlight some grammatical features of the official business style:

1. Predominant use of simple sentences (usually narrative, personal, general, complete). Interrogative and exclamatory sentences are practically never found. Of the one-part ones, only impersonal ones are actively used and in some types of documents (orders, official letters) - definitely personal ones: For the purpose of... it is necessary to highlight...; In case... it will be necessary to reduce...; I order...; Draw your attention to...

From complex sentences non-union and complex subordinate clauses with subordinate explanatory, attributive, conditional, reasons and goals, as well as constructions like... fulfilled contractual conditions are more common, which allows... Widespread use of constructions with denominate prepositions (In the order of supervision...; In connection with refusal...; ...due to under-delivery of materials) allows you to avoid the use of complex sentences with clauses of reason, purpose, conditionals. Subordinate clauses of place and time are generally rarely used.

Formal business style

    General characteristics of the official - business style of speech.

    Basic language features.

    Brief description of substyles and genres.

The official business style serves the sphere of administrative and legal activities. It satisfies the need of society for documenting various acts of state, social, political, economic life, business relations between the state and organizations, as well as between members of society in the official sphere of communication. Genres perform informational, prescriptive, ascertaining functions in various spheres of business life.

General stylistic features of official business speech: 1) accuracy of presentation, not allowing the possibility of other interpretations, detail of presentation; 2) stereotyping, standard presentation; 3) obligatory-prescriptive nature.

1. Scope of use

Sphere of office work and official relations

2. Topic

Official relations between states, legal entities, civilians, etc.

3. Goals

donations to international

at the native level through agreements and protests

Establishing relations between state-

donation and citizens, organization and civilians at the level of law

Establishing relations between management and subordinates at the level of orders, instructions and various types of business papers

4. Substyles




5. Main genres

Agreement, convention, memorandum, communiqué note, negotiations

Law, charter, constitution, decree

Order, protocol, statement, receipt, power of attorney, business conversation, negotiations

6. Basic linguistic features

Clichés, stylistically colored phraseology, lack of means of expression

7. Presenters style features

Standardity, stereotypedness, formality, concreteness, generalized - abstract nature of information, unemotional, dispassionate, concise, compact presentation of information richness.

2. Basic language features.


The official business style system consists of the following linguistic means:

Having the appropriate functional and stylistic coloring (vocabulary and phraseology), for example: plaintiff, defendant, protocol, job description, delivery, prepayment, identity card and etc.;

Neutral, interstyle, as well as general book language means;

Linguistic means that are neutral in color, but in terms of the degree of usage in the official business style, have become its “sign”, for example: raise a question, express disagreement;

There is a tendency to reduce the number of meanings of words, to make the words and phrases used unambiguously, and to terminology p eat. In the texts of this style precise definitions or explanations of the terms used (terminological combinations) are given if they are not commonly used, for example: The short delivery was caused by force majeure (the access roads were washed away by heavy rains);

Many of the words have antonymous pairs: rights - obligations, acquittal - indictment, action - inaction; synonyms are rarely used and, as a rule, belong to the same style: supply = supply = provision; depreciation = depreciation; repayment = creditworthiness.

To convey the accuracy of the meaning and unambiguous interpretation, complex words formed from two or more words are used: tenant, employer, above, above mentioned

And stable combinations: tax return, destination, joint stock company. The uniformity of such phrases and their high repetition lead to the clichédness of the linguistic means used, which gives the texts of an official business style a standardized character;

Preference is given to generic concepts: arrive (to arrive, to arrive, to come), transport means (bus, plane, train), populated paragraph (city, village, town), etc., because official business speech reflects social experience; the typical comes to the fore here to the detriment of the individual, peculiar, specific, since the legal essence is important for an official document.


The use of common nouns as proper names for the purpose of generalizing and standardizing the document: this Agreement, composition of the Contracting Parties;

Preferred use of prepositional - case forms of verbal nouns: based on, in relation to, by virtue of;

Many verbs contain the theme of prescription or obligation: prohibit, allow, oblige, indicate, assign and under.;

The verb form does not denote a permanent or ordinary action, but an action that is prescribed by law under certain conditions: The accused is guaranteed the right to defense;

When naming a person, nouns are most often used, denoting a person on the basis of an action or relationship, which is intended to accurately indicate the “roles” of the participants in the situation: applicant, tenant, tenant, executor, guardian, adoptive parent, witness, etc.

Nouns denoting positions and titles are used in the masculine form even when they refer to female persons: police officer Smirnova, defendant Proshina, etc..

The use of verbal nouns and participles is typical: arrival of transport, filing claims, serving the population, replenishing the budget; given, indicated, assigned.


Phrases including complex denominative prepositions: in part, along the line, on the subject, in order to avoid, and also with the pretext By and prepositional case, expressing temporary meaning: upon return, upon reaching;

Use of complex syntactic structures, impersonal and incomplete sentences: Listened..., Decided...;

Clichéd phrases: Please accept me for a position... in a department... at a rate... with....

Business speech is characterized by impersonal presentation and lack of evaluation. There is an unhindered statement, a presentation of facts in a logical sequence.

So, accuracy, unambiguity and standardization of the means used are the main features of the official business style of speech.

2. Brief description of substyles.

Diplomatic substyle found in diplomatic documents: diplomatic note, government statement, credentials. It is distinguished by specific terms, most of which are international: status quo, persona non grata, ratification, preamble etc. Unlike other substyles, in the language of diplomatic documents there is a high, solemn vocabulary to give the document emphasized significance, and etiquette formulas of politeness are also used in international public communication: I ask you, Mr. Ambassador, to accept the assurances of my high regard... or The Ministry of Foreign Affairs pays its respects... .

Communiqué– official communication about important events for the state.

Convention– an international treaty, an agreement on any issue.

Memorandum– 1) memorandum, official certificate on any issue; 2) a document outlining the essence of the issue being discussed in diplomatic correspondence; 3) a letter with a reminder of something; 4) a list of circumstances in insurance policy, which are not covered by insurance.

Note- an official diplomatic written statement from one state to another.

Legislative (documentary) substyle is the language of legislative documents related to the activities of official bodies. It is characterized by the vocabulary and phraseology of civil and criminal law, various acts, codes and other documents serving the official and documentary activities of state and public organizations, as well as citizens as officials.

Constitution- the fundamental law of the state, establishing the foundations of the political and social structure.

Law- an official state document regulating any area of ​​public life and intended to be observed by all residents of the state.

Decree- an official government document prescribing the implementation, creation, etc. anything at the state level.

Charter- an official internal legislative document establishing standards of conduct, business communication, rights and obligations of members of any society, work collective, etc.

Stationery substyle found in business correspondence between institutions and organizations and in private business papers. In this substyle, the rigor of document preparation is somewhat relaxed; business letters and other papers can be written in any form.

Power of attorney- a personal business document that entrusts something to someone.

Agreement– a written or oral agreement about future actions or mutual obligations that is accepted by two or more persons, enterprises, states, etc.

Statement- a business paper containing a request (to issue or allocate something, to accept somewhere) to a superior person or to a higher authority.

Order- an official business document containing an order from management.

Protocol– 1) a document containing a record of any factual circumstances, official statements (at a meeting, court, interrogation, etc.); 2) an act of a commission or official containing a description of the actions performed and the facts established.

Receipt– a business paper of a personal nature, which is drawn up by a person who takes something for temporary use from someone.

Agreement- an official agreement about something with someone.

Negotiation– a type of business conversation that involves an official meeting of representatives of enterprises, various organizations, etc. for the purpose of making or developing mutually beneficial decisions.