What does the apple of discord mean briefly? What does the expression “apple of discord” mean?

Let's take a closer look phraseological unit "apple of discord" .

This is the story of how a small apple led to a big war.

Let's consider the meaning, origin and sources of phraseological units, as well as examples from the works of writers.

The meaning of phraseology

Apple of discord- cause of dispute, enmity

Synonyms: root cause of the conflict, subject of dispute

IN foreign languages There are direct analogues of the phraseological unit “apple of discord”:

  • apple of discord (English)
  • Apfel des Paris, Erisapfel (German)
  • la pomme de discorde (French)

Apple of discord: the origin of phraseological units

In short, then we're talking about about the masterful provocation of the goddess of discord Eris, who threw her onto the banquet table Golden Apple with the inscription “To the most beautiful.” It is strange that there were only three contenders for this apple, but these were the elite of Olympus: the goddesses Athena, Hera and Aphrodite. The final result: geopolitical catastrophe, the Trojan War.

Perhaps everything would have turned out differently if all the gods and goddesses, without exception, of Eris, were invited to the wedding feast of the mortal Peleus and the goddess Thetis on Mount Pelion. It is worth recognizing that even now we often “forget” to invite family celebration some aunt with a bad character.

Further, the dispute between the three goddesses could have remained a minor misunderstanding if Zeus had taken responsibility for determining the most beautiful (for example, he would have cast lots and that would have been the end of it). But he can be understood, because one of the contenders was his wife, the goddess Hera.

But that’s why he decided to delegate this difficult task to Paris, who at that time was herding a flock on Mount Ida in the vicinity of Troy and did not know that he was the son of the king of Troy, Priam, and his wife Hecuba (the one about whom it was said in Shakespeare’s Hamlet: “What is Hecuba to him, what is he to Hecuba?”)? Strange decision. But the supreme deity knows better.

Modest social status and the location of Paris was precisely connected with the expected disastrous consequences for Troy of the visit to him of three goddesses, accompanied by the god Hermes and the ill-fated apple.

Before the birth of Paris, Hecuba saw horrible dream that gave birth to the torch that burned Troy. The dream interpreters explained it in such a way that this son would prepare the destruction of Troy and the entire kingdom of Priam. Therefore, King Priam ordered one of his shepherds to take the newborn to the top of Ida and abandon him there. But the child was nursed by a bear and later the shepherd took the boy to his place.

Aphrodite’s victory at the so-called Judgment of Paris was ensured by two things:

  • She promised the young man Paris happiness in love - the possession of the most beautiful of mortal women, Elena. Apparently, for the young man this was more inspiring than the power and glory promised by Hera and Athena.
  • She took care to make a special impression on Paris: she put on shiny, flowery clothes, soaked in the incense of spring flowers; I styled my hair and decorated it with flowers and gold. While her rivals considered such preparations unnecessary.

Later, Paris accidentally entered a competition organized by Priam in memory of him and won it. And sister Cassandra (the soothsayer) recognized her brother Paris, to the great joy of her parents and to the grief of Cassandra (she knew very well how it would all end, but as always, no one listened to her).

With the assistance of Aphrodite, Paris kidnapped Beautiful Elena, wife of the Spartan king Menelaus, which led to Trojan War and the death of Paris and almost the entire family of Priam.


The story of the apple of discord is described in the works of Homer, Stasin, Lycophron, and Hyginus.

The first person to use the expression “apple of discord” in modern sense, became the Roman historian Justin in the 2nd century AD.

Examples from the works of writers

“One might think that you have brought an apple of discord in your pocket, my lord, or that you are a brand born of Althea, which she put in a keg of gunpowder, for you have quarreled among themselves the king, the prince and the duke, as well as many courtiers, before this blessed days who didn’t even know about your existence. (W. Scott, “The Adventures of Nigel”)

For example, I know of a case where a bank note of five pounds served as a bone of contention, and then completely destroyed half a century of affection between two brothers (W. Thackeray, “Vanity Fair”)

The catchphrase - “apple of discord” is a common phraseological unit not only in colloquial speech, but it can often be found in classical foreign and domestic literature. Many people know the meaning of this expression, but not many know the origin of this idiom. In this article we will try to clearly explain the origin this idiom.

The history of the phrase “apple of discord” is very curious and interesting.

This phraseological unit was brought into the Russian language from ancient Greek myths.
Legend has it that one day the goddess of discord named Eridu was not invited to the wedding of two famous ancient Greece people, Thetis and Peleus. Much later, these newlyweds will become the parents of the legendary Achilles. Angry Eris throws a golden apple on which is inscribed “the most beautiful.” Naturally, the most decided to take possession of such an apple beautiful women Athena, Hera and Aphrodite. A serious quarrel broke out because all three goddesses wanted to become the owners of such a treasure. The three ladies decided to call young Paris, who was the son of the venerable king Priapus, as a judge.
Paris, without hesitation, gives the apple to the beautiful Aphrodite, although other goddesses at that time offered him all sorts of benefits. However, Aphrodite helped Paris steal beautiful girl Helen, who was the wife of Menelaus. Because of this illegal act, the Trojan War broke out much later.

Historians attribute the expression “apple of discord” to the Roman scientist Justin, who used it to denote a certain subject of dispute. This man lived in the 2nd century AD.

IN ancient mythology The Roman Empire can also see the designation of this event.

Based on all of the above, the expression “apple of discord” can mean the subject of a dispute or the cause of enmity. Therefore, under no circumstances let us introduce “apples of discord” into your family and disputes and enmity will never arise between you.

Apple of discord

Apple of discord
From ancient Greek mythology. One day, the goddess of discord and enmity, Eris, threw a golden apple onto the banquet table. There was only one word of dedication on it - “To the most beautiful.” The female goddesses who were at the feast - Hera, Athena and Aphrodite - began a dispute about who should own this apple. They called the young man Paris, the son of the Trojan king Priam, as a judge. And Paris awarded this apple to the goddess of love Aphrodite.
In gratitude for this, Aphrodite helped Paris kidnap Helen, the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus, which later became the cause of the Trojan War.
So the goddess of discord Eris achieved her goal: first a dispute arose, then a war.

Synonymous with a reason for hostility and dispute. This phrase was first used in this meaning by the Roman historian Justin (2nd century), who, apparently, should be considered the author of this catchphrase. encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”

Apple of discord

This expression means: the subject, the cause of a dispute, enmity, was first used by the Roman historian Justin (2nd century AD). It is based on a Greek myth. The goddess of discord, Eris, rolled a golden apple with the inscription “To the Fairest” between the guests at the wedding feast. Among the guests were the goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite, who argued about which of them should receive the apple. Their dispute was resolved by Paris, the son of the Trojan king Priam, by awarding the apple to Aphrodite. In gratitude, Aphrodite helped Paris kidnap Helen, the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus, which caused the Trojan War.

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.


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    "Apple of discord"- Apple of discord. Judgment of Paris. Painting by P.P. Rubens. 1638 39. Prado. “APPLE OF DISTRESS”, in Greek mythology, an apple with the inscription “most beautiful”, thrown by the goddess of discord Eris on wedding feast the mortal Peleus and the goddess Thetis; served... ... Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (foreign) subject of dispute. Wed. There is an apple of discord between him and Linkin, and this apple is Daria Mikhailovna herself. Saltykov. Innocent stories. Arrival of the auditor. Wed. Among the movables was the famous tarantass, which almost served as a bone of contention... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    A golden apple with the inscription of the most beautiful, which was thrown by the goddess of discord Eris at the wedding feast of the mortal Peleus and the goddess Thetis because they forgot to invite her to this wedding. Hera, Athena and Aphrodite began to lay claim to this apple. Goddesses... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    In Greek mythology, an apple with the inscription most beautiful, thrown by the goddess of discord Eris at the wedding feast of the mortal Peleus and the goddess Thetis; caused a dispute between the goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite; was awarded by Paris to Aphrodite for... Modern encyclopedia

    In Greek mythology, an apple with the inscription most beautiful, thrown by the goddess of discord Eris at the wedding feast of the mortal Peleus and the goddess Thetis; caused a dispute between the goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite; for a promise to help in the abduction of Elena... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    APPLE OF DISTRESS, in Greek mythology, an apple with the inscription “to the most beautiful”, thrown by the goddess of discord Eris (see ERIDA) at the wedding feast of the mortal Peleus (see PELEUS) and the goddess Thetis (see THETIS); caused a dispute between the goddesses Hera... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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