Abstract of the lesson in the senior group “Apple is a magical fruit. Summary of GCD on drawing in non-traditional technique "Apple tree with golden apples" (senior group)

“The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads- streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Children very early notice the beauty in the world around them and are drawn to it, therefore it is very important, using this desire, to enrich the sensory experience of the child, to develop his emotional environment. One of the close and available species work with children on the formation fine motor skills is a visual and artistic-productive activity.Interest in drawing is manifested in preschoolers very early, by about two years. By drawing, the child organizes and reflects his knowledge of the world. Drawing is as important as talking. Comparison of paint color with surrounding objects and nature helps to develop FANTASY, CREATIVITY, and IMAGINATION in a child.

In order to form the imagination, cognize the world around us, consolidate the ability to draw with paints, develop aesthetic perception, a sense of composition, spatial thinking and ability to thinkcaregivers middle group No. 7 "Little Red Riding Hood" organized a joint visual activity(drawing) "Apple tree with golden apples in a magical forest." The children learned to draw with paints, dab the brush well on a napkin before picking up paint of a different color. Such activities bring a lot of joy to children, and most importantly, they give a charge for children's creativity to inspire them to create.

Every child is born an artist. You just need to help him wake up in himself Creative skills, to open his heart to goodness and beauty, to help him realize his place and purpose in this world.

"ICT in preschool" - The use of ICT in preschool. Informatization as a resource for improving the quality of education. Electronic educational resources (EER). ICT. The informatization of society poses tasks for preschool teachers. Perspective. Market computer games. Opportunities to use ICT to improve quality. Information Society Development Strategy.

"Technologies for teaching preschoolers" - A positive assessment. Project types. Classification of children's games. Information Technology. Technologies used by teachers. Classification of children's games with rules. Person-oriented technologies. Classification of projects. corrective technologies. Modern technologies preschool education. Cognitive research activity.

"ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions" - Child. Build an information culture. Children with problems. Memory. The level of professional competence. Low level information competence. Lexicon. Computer. Use of ready-made digital educational resources. Expected results. Teacher training. Transformations in management activities.

"Development of preschool education" - The program determines the mandatory part. Implementation conditions educational programs. Components of the quality of preschool education. History of preschool education in Russia. Performance indicators preschool educational institutions of different types. preschool educational institution. Problems that need to be addressed.

"Planning in kindergarten" - Calendar plan in the planning system educational process DOW. Cyclogram. Algorithm. Planning educational activities. Child development. The plan includes 3 blocks. Fundamental changes in preschool education. Plants. long term plan for a year. We live in Russia. The content of the teacher's work.

"Innovative technologies" - Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of activities. Creation Method problem situations. Innovative technologies in preschool education. Controllability. Criteria of manufacturability of pedagogical technology. Consistency. Aspects of the concept pedagogical technology". By focusing on personal structures.

There are 15 presentations in total in the topic

Ovsyannikova Elena Alekseevna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MDOU No. 28 "Cockerel"
Locality: g.o. Podolsk, Bykovo settlement,
Material name: forward planning
Subject: Drawing in senior group
Publication date: 05.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Advanced planning for drawing senior group


" Fruits"

Program content: Continue to introduce children to the genre of still life and reproductions

still lifes. To teach children to draw a still life, consisting of a serving item and fruits, passing

shape, size and location of objects.

"Apple tree with golden apples in a magic garden" Program content. Teaching children to create a fabulous

image, draw spreading trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees, depict a lot

golden apples. To consolidate the ability to draw with paints (rinse the brush well before picking up paint

another color, blot the brush on a napkin, do not draw on wet paint). Develop aesthetic perception, feeling

compositions. Learn to beautifully arrange images on a sheet.


"Still life with vegetables"

Software content. Introduce children to a new genre of painting -

still life; give an idea of ​​what objects are depicted in still lifes (flowers, fruits,

vegetables, berries, household items). Learn about still life reproductions. Teaching children to sketch

sheet with a simple pencil, conveying the shape, size and location of objects.

"What is ripe in the garden"

Software tasks. Learn to convey in the drawing the shape, color and characteristic

features of vegetables; work on the composition of the picture - evenly place objects throughout the sheet

papers, leaving a little between them free space, find the value for objects,

corresponding to the size of a given sheet of paper; paint objects in a wide shape

rounded lines, holding the brush flat.

"Autumn Tree" Software tasks. Learn to convey the characteristic shape and color in the drawing

familiar fruits growing in our gardens and in the south; continue to develop compositional skills

(arrangement of objects evenly over the entire sheet of paper); develop the ability to work on a plan

(in advance, before starting work, mentally imagine the content of your drawing); continue to develop

pencil painting skills: in one direction with continuous movements without gaps, do not

going beyond the contour, with uniform moderate pressure.

"Gold autumn"

Software tasks. Teach children to reflect their impressions of observation in drawings

behind autumn nature, convey the color of autumn on a clear day: a bright color of various colors

foliage, leaf fall; continue to teach children to compose a plot drawing - to arrange

objects on a wide strip of land closer and further, fill the entire sheet of paper with an image;

to form the skills of using rational techniques when drawing homogeneous objects (first

draw all the trunks and branches of the trees, then the foliage on all the trees).

"Cloudy Autumn Day" Software tasks. Continue to develop in children the ability to transmit in

figure related content; develop the idea that through the selection of colors (color) you can

convey in the drawing a certain weather and mood; consolidate the ability to draw objects on a wide

strip of land.

"It's raining"

Software content. To teach children to figuratively reflect impressions of the environment in drawings.

life. Strengthen the ability to build a composition of the picture. Learn to use acquired transmission techniques

phenomena in the picture. Practice drawing with simple graphite and colored pencils (colored wax

crayons, charcoal pencil, sanguine).


"I will grow up


"Children on charge" Learn to draw people, observing the ratio of the head and body in size. Learn

convey in the drawing the position of the arms and legs when children perform exercises. Develop


"Health Secrets" To consolidate the ability to draw a human figure in motion. Strengthen knowledge of methods

and drawing techniques with colored pencils. Cultivate the right attitude towards health and healthy


"By Design" Encourage them to speak about their work and the work of comrades in full, detailed

sentences, using comparisons, figurative expressions. Learn to identify the topic and content of your

drawing, bringing the idea to the end, remembering the necessary ways of depicting. Practice in technique

drawing with colored wax crayons.



“Based on the poem by K. Chukovsky “Moydodyr” Learn to create images in drawings

literary characters. Learn to convey the shape of body parts, relative size, proportions.

To cultivate cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to take care of oneself.




Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin To consolidate the idea of ​​​​Moscow. Foster pride in

their homeland. Learn to convey the design of the tower, the shape and proportions of the parts. Practice creating

initial pencil sketch.

"Flag of Russia" Cultivate a sense of pride in your country, your city. Consolidate knowledge about Russia. About

one of her symbols State flag. Learn to transfer in a drawing characteristics

Russian city.

"Wide is my native country" Summarize ideas about your country. Build a civic sense

belonging to home country. To form a civic sense of belonging to the native country.

To consolidate the ability to select the content of the drawing, to realize the idea using a pictorial

material of choice.

"Machines of our village" Teaching children to draw different cars, Agreecultural machines. Agreecultural equipment.

Develop creativity. To consolidate the ability to draw objects and their parts of a rectilinear shape, transfer

proportions of parts, characteristic features of machines, their details. Practice drawing and coloring

pencil drawings.







"Kid" Software content. Continue to learn to outline the silhouette of an animal on four legs,

conveying his posture and structure. Introduce a new way of transmitting images -

stroke-"loop". Show the features and capabilities of continuous circular motions during transmission

texture of curly goat fur. Practice drawing with a loop.

"My puppy" To reinforce the idea that people have names, and animals have nicknames. encourage

talk about your work. Cultivate love for animals. Learn to draw animals using

geometric shapes. Improve the technique of painting with a hard brush



"Cockerel" Software content. Continue to learn to trace the contours of the palm with a colored pencil.

Learn to give to a familiar subject new image. Strengthen the ability to bring the drawing to the end. Develop

observation and imagination.

"Dymkovo duck" Software content. Continue to get acquainted with handicrafts,

to consolidate and deepen knowledge about the Dymkovo toy and its painting. Learn to select and create elements

murals (circles, rings, cells, dots, rhombuses, straight and wavy lines), its color system

(crimson, red, green, yellow, orange, blue colors) and the composition of patterns on the volume

product. Develop visual memory.



Software content. Learn to display the features of the texture of the depicted object.

Develop creative thinking when solving riddles.

"Squirrel" Software content. Introduce children to new material - sanguine (stick

brown color, made on the basis of clay). Develop light, fluid movements when drawing

sanguine, shading (smearing) the contours to convey the fur of the animal. Teaching children to draw

animal with graphic techniques. Develop imaginative thinking when guessing riddles.


"Tea-set" Software content. Learn to draw utensils on your own

invent patterns and decorate dishes in the same style. To consolidate the ability to arrange the elements of the pattern on

the surface of the object. Develop aesthetic perception, fantasy, imagination and sense of color.

Cultivate compassion and kindness.

"Gzhel Cup" Software content. Introduce children to Gzhel. Learn to distinguish characteristic

features of Gzhel painting, decorate the cup border with simple painting elements (straight and

wavy lines of various thicknesses, dots). Continue learning to mix blue and white paint

to get blue.

"Hat and Mitten" Software content. Learn to draw clothes. keep learning

independently invent patterns and decorate clothes in the same style and color. form a feeling


composition and rhythm.

"Alyonushka in a sundress" Software content. Continue to introduce children to the history of decoration

embroidery of clothes and linen. Show the beauty of embroidered products. Learn to convey characteristics

Russian folk clothes- sundress and shirts. Develop respect for folk culture.

"New Year"

Eli - big and small Fix ideas about appearance trees in winter dress. Learn





young and old firs in height, color and structure.



tree "




match the image with the shape of the sheet. Strengthen children's ability to use a variety of visual

material: gouache, whitewash, watercolor, candle, wax crayons. Develop children's creative imagination.

"Snowman" Software content. Continue to teach to convey the features of the depicted object,

using a poke with a stiff semi-dry brush. Cultivate compassion and kindness.



Christmas tree":

Teach children to convey impressions from new year holiday. Create in

picture image smart Christmas tree. Learn to mix paints on a palette to get shades of colors: pink,

blue. Develop figurative perception, aesthetic feelings (sense of color, rhythm).

"Father Frost" Software content. Continue to teach children to invent and embody a drawing on

paper, choosing a medium suitable for drawing (gouache, watercolors, colored pencils or

wax crayons). Develop imagination and imaginative thinking when guessing riddles.

"Snow Maiden" Software content. Continue to acquaint children with the concept of "cold colors". Learn

children draw fairy tale character keeping the proportions of the body. To achieve expressiveness of the image.




To fix the ability to draw a contour with a simple pencil without pressure. Develop creativity.

"Winter picture" Continue to acquaint children with the winter landscape, show that nature is beautiful in





outlines of trunks, branches of different tree species, using gouache, charcoal, sanguine, watercolor. fasten

technique of drawing with the whole brush, end.




in winter"




compositional solution (one tree on the whole sheet). Strengthen the ability to use different pressure on

a pencil to convey the lighter and darker parts of the image. Learn to use lines

different intensity as a means of expression.

"Trees in Frost" Develop aesthetic perception. Strengthen the ability to convey beauty in a drawing

nature. Exercise in drawing with sanguine, in drawing with gouache (with the whole brush and its end). Call

aesthetic feelings, to develop the ability to admire the beauty of nature and the created images.

"Winter in the City" Teaching children to convey a picture in a drawing winter city. Strengthen children's skills

draw different houses, tree species, using sanguine, wax crayons, whitewash, watercolor. fasten

the ability of children to convey the correspondence in size of objects between trees, houses.

“Based on the poem by S. Yesenin“ Birch ” Strengthen the ability to convey the impressions of the poem,

using for image different materials to improve technical skills. Learn to create

image of the subject, to find a beautiful compositional solution.

"Children walk in the winter on a walk" Teach children to draw a simple story. Strengthen the ability to draw

human figure, convey the shape, proportions and arrangement of parts, simple moves hands and feet.

Practice drawing and coloring with colored pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons.









"Portrait of a Pope" Software content. To give children an idea of ​​the genre of portraiture. Develop

artistic perception of the image of a person. Learn to draw a portrait of the father from memory (head and shoulders).

Practice mixing colors to get complexion.

"Flying Planes" Software content. Learn to draw aircraft silhouettes with a simple pencil,

submitting the form. Strengthen the ability to paint over an object with wax crayons and tint a sheet

watercolors so that one color blends smoothly into another. Develop creativity and imagination.

"Border guard with a dog" Exercise children in depicting a person and an animal, in conveying characteristic

features (clothing, posture), the relative size of the figure and parts. Learn to position well

sheet image. To fix the techniques of drawing and painting over drawings with pencils (colored

wax crayons).


at the post" To teach children to draw a person in motion, conveying characteristic features

costume, pose. To consolidate the ability of children to place an image on a sheet of paper, draw large,

distinctly. Use drawing and painting skills. Cultivate interest and respect

to the Russian Army.

"Steamboat" Learn to draw objects with a simple pencil, conveying the shape of the main parts, their

location and dimensions. Continue to consolidate the ability to fit the image into the sheet. keep learning

paint over the silhouette with wax crayons and tint a wet sheet of paper with watercolors.

"Bogatyrs of the Russian Land"

Learn to draw a Russian hero in armor; continue to teach children to transmit



simple human movements; learn to depict the characteristic features of the costume - a helmet, chain mail.

To consolidate the ability to evenly paint over the drawing in one direction. Build knowledge of who

such defenders of the fatherland; Cultivate patriotic feelings.

Ovsyannikova E.A.

"Dear mother, my mother" Make children want to draw a portrait of their mother, transfer to

drawing some features of her appearance (eye color, hair color, hair style). Teaching kids the right way

arrange parts of the face: divide the oval in half - eyes in the middle, divide the next half in half -

tip of the nose, from the tip of the nose to the chin - divide in half - lips. Fix drawing techniques

paints with the whole brush, its tip.

"A picture of me giving flowers to my mother" Continue to teach children to draw figures of people, correctly

conveying their proportions and differences in size (adult and child). Teach children in your drawing

portray yourself: a girl, a boy, the simplest movements: give flowers to mom, mom takes flowers. Fine

place the plot of your drawing on the landscape sheet. Cultivate love, care for mom, the ability to do

she is pleasant.

"Gift for Grandma" form good feelings to family members. Learn to select content for a drawing,

to choose independently pictorial materials. Raise the desire to give gifts to relatives and

"Mom's Sunshine" Generate interest in the image. To teach children to draw drawings from the palm of their hand, adding

eyes, mouth, rays. To develop independence in children, the ability to draw with paints. Bring up

respect for everything. What surrounds us.




Ovsyannikova E.A.


culture and



toys" To acquaint children with the history of the Dymkovo toy, to form knowledge about





Instill love and respect for work folk craftsmen- craftsmen. Develop an interest in learning


folk crafts.

"By Design" Learn to think about the content of your drawing based on the impressions received, select

materials according to the content of the image. Strengthen technical and drawing skills

different materials.

“We draw a sundress for a matryoshka” Continue to acquaint children with the Russian folk toy matryoshka. Learn

children to compare Semenov and Zagorsk nesting dolls, to distinguish between techniques for painting nesting dolls. Introduce




nesting dolls:











independence in drawing up a pattern. To fix the technique of working with a brush: flat, with the end of the brush.

"Introduction to Russian folk costume» To acquaint children with the history of Russian folk costume.

Show features national costume in Rus': a long beautiful sundress, a jacket with embroidery, with

wide sleeves, a scarf, ribbons or kokoshnik on the head. Boys: kosovorotka, striped trousers,







form moral qualities preschoolers.

"Gzhel teapot" To teach children to make a pattern based on Gzhel painting to decorate a teapot.





floral pattern in the center of the product. To consolidate the knowledge of children by making a border on Gzhel products from

dots, arches, straight and wavy lines. In the center of the product, learn to draw a Gzhel rose, chamomile.

To develop an aesthetic taste, to attach to the origins of Russian folk culture.

"Russian folk toy" Summarize children's knowledge about clay toys- Dymkovo and

Filimonovsky. Tell the children about the history of the Bogorodsk craft, about the Sergiev Posad wooden

toys. Tell children about the most popular wooden toy - matryoshka. Teaching children to distinguish

techniques for painting clay and wooden toys. Form an aesthetic attitude to the environment






"Ice drift" Software content. Learn to create a landscape composition, depicting a spring ice drift

on the river. To expand the knowledge of children about ice drift. Strengthen the ability to fit a drawing into a sheet. Continue

learn to draw with gouache. Develop observational, creative abilities.

What color is spring To teach children to convey pictures of spring nature in a drawing, to consolidate the ability

convey colors and their shades: light green, blue, blue. Fix the technique of mixing paint with

white. In drawing with colored pencils, use different pressure, different shading. Develop

children's creative fantasy: draw a fantastic picture.


Software content. Introduce children to a new way of drawing - spraying.

Learn how to draw paint toothbrush and run it back and forth along the comb, splashing paint on

"Spring has come, the birds have arrived" To teach children to draw a landscape, to convey their impressions of

pictures of nature, exercise in a beautiful arrangement of objects on a sheet, develop technical skills

children in the use of various drawing techniques: pokes, strokes, crumpled paper. Develop

aesthetic feelings, imagination.




"What cars bring groceries to the store" To form in children the ability to convey a form in a drawing

and structure truck; teach children to choose a body for the image of a truck designed

for a certain load - rectangular - for vegetables, rectangular van - for fruits, for milk,

fish - barrel, etc. To teach children to draw a car in the indicated sequence: a cabin with a motor,

frame, body, wheels. To fix the technique of working with colored pencils: draw in one direction,

make different pressures.

"Special Purpose Vehicles" To consolidate knowledge of the names and purpose of modes of transport. Learn

portray certain types passenger transport, transfer the shape of the main parts, details, their

size and location. Learn how to beautifully place an image on a sheet, draw large. fasten

ability to draw with pencils. Learn to paint over drawings using different pressure on the pencil to

obtaining shades of color.


"Victory Day"

"By Design" To develop creativity, figurative representation, imagination of children. Learn to think

bring the matter to an end. Exercise in drawing with colored wax crayons, a simple pencil, etc.

To consolidate the ability to enjoy a beautiful and varied pattern, talk about what is more in them

liked everything.

"Festive City" To teach to convey the design features of structures, to reflect them

festive decoration. To consolidate the ability to make a light sketch with a simple pencil, advanced

the main parts of the subject. Practice painting in one direction. Using different

pressing on the pencil to obtain shades of colors.

"Salute of Victory" Raise patriotic feelings, respect for the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

To acquaint with reproductions of paintings about the Victory Day. Learn to see the means of art

expressiveness that artists use to reveal the theme. Learn to reflect in the drawing

impressions of the Victory Day. Learn to work in the technique of scratching.

"Birds Hail Victory Day" Cultivate patriotic feelings, respect for the heroes of the Great

Patriotic War. Practice drawing on the entire space of the sheet. Encourage transfer

holiday atmosphere.






"Butterfly" Software content. Continue to introduce children to a new way of transmitting images

- subject monotype. Learn to draw on wet sheet paper. Develop fantasy and imagination.

To cultivate independence in the performance of work, aesthetic taste and sense of color. Develop

creative thinking.

“A bee flew out about spring

explore" Teach children to display the world around them in their drawing

nature: spring forest, beehive, bees fly. Teach children to use different techniques in drawing: draw

wax crayons, colored pencils, watercolors (sky, earth). Cultivate love for nature


take care of her, take care of her.

"Bouquet of daffodils" To teach children to convey in the drawing the characteristic features of spring flowers: coloring,

the structure of the flower, stem, leaves. Learn to beautifully arrange the image on a sheet of paper. Develop

aesthetic perception, learn to evaluate drawings by comparing them with nature.

"Dandelion" Software content. Continue to learn to convey the shape and structure in the drawing

item, use different techniques(drawing with a palm, a brush and a poke of a hard semi-dry

brushes). Develop imagination, teach to see a new image in a familiar subject.







features, learn to place the image across the entire sheet (closer to the bottom edge and further from it).

Develop the ability to draw with paints, fix the technique of mixing paints to get pink, light

green tint. Develop creativity and imagination.

Why we love summer

Software content. Learn to come up with a composition of a summer landscape and

implement the idea. Learn to harmonize colors.


Current page: 4 (total book has 12 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 8 pages]

Lesson 4. Drawing "Introduction to watercolor"

Software content. To acquaint children with watercolors, their features: paints are diluted with water; color is tested on the palette; you can get a brighter light tone of any color by diluting the paint with water, etc. Learn how to work with watercolors (wet the paints before drawing, shaking off a drop of water collected on the brush for each paint; dilute the paint with water to get different shades one color; thoroughly rinse the brushes, drying it on a cloth, napkin and checking the cleanliness of washing the brush).

The methodology of the lesson. Show children watercolors; say what they are called. Explain that before painting, paints must be moistened with water. Show how to do it (dip the brush in clean water and shake off drops on the paints without touching them with the bristle of the brush, otherwise you can stain the paints); teach to try the color of the paint on the palette, and then, by adding water, get an increasingly lighter tone. Invite the children to do all this on their own, and then draw (by sticking) leaves of different shades of green and some other color on a white sheet of paper or green and some other color stripes, etc.

In conclusion, to clarify children's knowledge of watercolors and their use. Examine the drawings, specifying the stripes of what colors and shades the children drew. From leaves with painted stripes, you can make a rug and admire the resulting beautiful rug.

Materials.Watercolor paints, palettes, white paper 1/2 landscape sheet, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child).

Lesson 5. Drawing "Cosmos"

Software content. To develop aesthetic perception in children, a sense of color. Learn to convey the characteristic features of cosmea flowers: the shape of the petals and leaves, their color. Continue to acquaint with watercolors, exercise in the ways of working with them.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider several cosmea flowers with children, clarify (activating children) the shape, color of the petals and leaves. In the process of viewing, include tracing the petals with the fingers of both hands to develop fine motor skills and convey the shape in the drawing.

Show children watercolors, remind them what they are called, what are their features, how to prepare them for drawing, how to get desired color and its shades on the palette. Emphasize the need to thoroughly rinse the brush.

Materials. Cosmea flowers 2-3 shades of red (crimson, burgundy) color. White paper 1/2 landscape sheet, watercolors, palette, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child).

Examination of flowers in a flower bed, in a bouquet, in illustrations. Introduction to shades different colors during observations. Comparison of different objects by colors and shades in didactic games, when looking at an illustration.

Lesson 6

Software content. To consolidate the ability of children to convey in modeling the shape of various vegetables (carrots, beets, turnips, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.). Learn to compare the shape of vegetables (fruits) with geometric shapes (tomato - circle, cucumber - oval), find similarities and differences. Learn to convey in modeling the characteristic features of each vegetable, using the techniques of rolling, smoothing with your fingers, pinching, pulling.

The methodology of the lesson. Invite children to name vegetables and fruits that they know, determine their shape. As you name, put vegetables and fruits, dummies or pictures on the table or on the easel. Asking children to clarify modeling techniques. To say that each child will sculpt at least 2-3 different vegetables or fruits to play in the store, there should be a lot of them.

Materials. Clay, modeling boards, stacks. Vegetables (models, pictures).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Observations in the garden kindergarten for the growth of vegetables, their cleaning as they ripen. Reading books, learning poems, looking at pictures. Didactic games“Wonderful bag”, “What vegetable is gone”, etc.

Lesson 7. Drawing "Decorate a handkerchief with daisies"

Software content. To teach children to make a pattern on a square, filling in the corners and the middle; use the techniques of sticking, drawing with the end of the brush (dots). Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of symmetry, a sense of composition. Continue learning to paint.

The methodology of the lesson. Show the children a square sheet of paper of any color in a light tone. To say that each child has such a “handkerchief” on the table that needs to be decorated with flowers. Explain that you need to decorate the middle and corners (ask where they are). Show how to draw a flower using the sticking method, placing the petals symmetrically: above the middle, below opposite, then on the left and opposite on the right, and then between them. Determine (by asking the children) the sequence of the pattern: first find the middle of the square, mark it with a drop of water; after checking if it is found correctly, start drawing, then place the flowers in the corners.

You can invite the guys to use other flowers similar to chamomile to decorate the handkerchief.

Materials. Squares of colored paper measuring 15x15 cm, gouache or watercolor paints, depending on the chosen colors, brushes, a jar of water, napkins (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Consideration of various decorative products (drawing the attention of children to the construction of a pattern: its placement on the shape of an object, color, pattern elements). Didactic game "Make a pattern." Acquaintance with folk products, their painting.

Lesson 8. Drawing "Apple tree with golden apples in a magic garden"

Software content. Teaching children to create fabulous image, draw spreading trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees; depict a lot of "golden" apples. To consolidate the ability to draw with paints (rinse the brush well before picking up paint of a different color, blot the brush on a napkin, do not paint on wet paint). Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of composition. Learn to beautifully arrange images on a sheet.

The methodology of the lesson. Talk to the children about the beautiful apples ripening in the orchards. Clarify the characteristic features of fruit trees: low trunk, spreading crown. Invite a child to show at the blackboard how to draw an apple tree. Then invite the children to depict apple trees with ripe "golden" apples.

In conclusion, arrange all the drawings for viewing, note that the children drew a lot of fruit trees and it turned out big picture – « magic garden”, in which magic golden apples ripened. Invite the children to say which trees are especially beautiful, why they liked them.

Materials. Album sheet, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Observations, talks about the harvest of fruits, looking at illustrations.

Lesson 9. Drawing "Cheburashka"

Software content. Teach children to create an image of a loved one in a drawing fairy tale hero: convey the shape of the body, head and other characteristic features. Learn to draw a contour with a simple pencil (do not press hard, do not trace the lines twice). To consolidate the ability to accurately paint over the image (without going beyond the contour, evenly, without gaps, applying strokes in one direction: from top to bottom, or from left to right, or obliquely with a continuous movement of the hand).

The methodology of the lesson. Show children a toy Cheburashka or a picture. To say that all the guys know and love Cheburashka, that he is kind and funny. And draw his portrait, but first take a good look at the toy. Clarify with the children the shape and size of the parts of the toy. To say that you first need to draw a contour with a simple pencil, and then paint over it; recall that with a simple pencil you need to draw easily, without pressing and without tracing the lines several times. Ask the children from which part (body, head) you can start drawing a toy.

Consider all the finished drawings, invite the children to highlight the most expressive ones: where Cheburashka is cheerful, sad, funny. Invite the authors of the selected drawings to tell about them.

Materials. A simple (graphite) pencil, colored pencils, a sheet of paper, close to a square in shape (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Reading the book by E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends." A conversation about Cheburashka, games with a toy, dramatization games.

Lesson 10. Application "Cucumbers and tomatoes are on a plate"

Software content. Continue to develop the ability of children to cut out round and oval objects from squares and rectangles, cutting corners using a rounding method. Develop coordination of movements of both hands. Strengthen the ability to accurately paste images.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider vegetables with children, ask about their shape. Learn how to cut them. Invite each child to cut a few tomatoes and cucumbers. During the lesson, follow the correct use of scissors, achieve a smooth rounding line. Draw children's attention to angular cuts; explain that this happens because the child turns the paper not smoothly, but in jerks, sharply squeezing the scissors. Apply custom display.

Materials. Vegetables to look at. Circle of white paper with a diameter of 18 cm; colored paper blanks for cutting vegetables, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. A conversation about harvesting vegetables in the garden. Sculpting vegetables. Didactic games with vegetables ("Wonderful bag").

Lesson 11. Drawing "What do you like to draw most of all"

Software content. To teach children to think about the content of their drawing, to remember the necessary ways of depicting. To cultivate the desire to bring the idea to the end. Develop fine art. Learn to analyze and evaluate your drawings and drawings of comrades.

The methodology of the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, say that every child has something that he loves to draw the most - let him draw that today. Encourage the creation of more interesting and complete images by asking the children what they are thinking of drawing and reminding them how to do it.

At the end of all the drawings, consider, choose the most interesting. Invite their authors to tell what they drew. Hang all the drawings in the group room, enjoy their diversity.

Materials. Colored pencils, landscape sheets (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Games and activities with children. Examination of children's drawings, illustrations in children's books. Reading books, telling stories. Conversations with children about who saw something interesting, unusual.

"Astronauts went into space"

Stas P., senior group

Lesson 12. Drawing "Autumn Forest"

Software content. To teach children to reflect autumn impressions in the drawing, to draw a variety of trees (large, small, tall, low, slender, straight and curved). Learn how to depict trees, grass, leaves in different ways. To fix the techniques of work with a brush and paints. Develop activity, creativity. Continue to develop the ability to enjoy beautiful drawings.

The methodology of the lesson. Talk to children about autumn natural phenomena. Recall previously learned poems about autumn, read new ones. Ask what trees the guys saw in the forest, in the park. Ask them to draw a picture autumn forest(parka). Remind that children depicted trees, herbs, leaves in different ways.

During the lesson, follow the methods of drawing with watercolors, correct the guys who are acting incorrectly.

Materials. Illustrations on the topic. Watercolor paints, landscape sheets, brushes, palette, jar of water, napkin (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Walking observations. Talking with children about how autumn has changed everything around. Singing songs, learning poems about autumn.

Lesson 13. Modeling "Beautiful birds" (Based on folk Dymkovo toys)

Software content. To develop the aesthetic perception of children. Cause a positive emotional attitude towards folk toys. To fix modeling techniques: clay rolling, pulling, flattening, pinching. Develop creativity.

The methodology of the lesson. Expose for consideration Dymkovo and Filimonov birds (you can use other products of local crafts); note how bright, elegant they are. Ask the children what kind of toys they are, what they are made of, how they are similar and how they differ from each other. Invite each child to fashion a bird (optional). Clarify by asking the children how they will sculpt.

At the end of the lesson, consider all the birds, enjoy the overall result, note the most expressive images.

Materials. Clay, stacks, modeling boards (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Acquaintance with Dymkovo toys, looking at their paintings.

Lesson 14. Drawing "It's raining"

Software content. To teach children to figuratively reflect impressions of the surrounding life in drawings. Strengthen the ability to build a composition of the picture. Learn to use the acquired techniques to convey the phenomenon in the drawing. Exercise in drawing with simple graphite and colored pencils (colored wax crayons, charcoal pencil, sanguine).

The methodology of the lesson. Read poems about autumn to children. Remind that it often rains in autumn and people walk through the streets under umbrellas. Offer to draw a rainy autumn day in the village, in the field. Refine the sequence of the image (the terrain is drawn first: forest, field, rain is drawn last). Remind children different ways drawing rain, grass, trees.

At the end of the lesson, consider all the drawings, mark the most expressive, including new images.

Materials. A simple (graphite) pencil, colored pencils or colored wax crayons, landscape sheets (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Observations in nature, reading books. Examining paintings and illustrations on the theme of autumn (draw the children's attention to the image of open umbrellas).

Lesson 15. Application "Dish with fruits and berries" (Teamwork)

Software content. Continue to practice cutting out objects of round and oval shape. To teach children to make small notches by eye with scissors to convey the characteristic features of objects. To fix the techniques of accurate gluing. Build skills teamwork. Develop a sense of composition.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider fruits with children (apples, pears, plums, peaches, grapes). Clarify their shape and characteristic features. Ask how you can cut an apple, pear. Call one of the guys to show to the board.

In the image cut out by the child, show how you can give an apple a greater resemblance by making a small indentation at the bottom and a deeper one at the top with scissors.

Materials. A large sheet of paper in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 50 cm of any soft tone. Sets of colored paper, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Conversations about the harvest, about the participation of children in it. Modeling vegetables and fruits. Didactic games.

Option. Application "Autumn Carpet" (Teamwork)

Software content. Continue to work out the techniques for cutting out parts of a round and oval shape. Learn to compose images from parts (flowers, berries, leaves). Develop a sense of rhythm, aesthetic perception. Cultivate teamwork skills.

The methodology of the lesson. Invite the children to make the application "Autumn Carpet" together. Show carpet motifs (flowers, bunches of rowan, autumn leaves). (Motives may be different.) Ask how they can be cut.

Divide the work among the children. If the carpet is made up of separate parts, then each child sticks the image on his own piece of paper, and then on a common one. big leaf. If the carpet is made immediately on a common sheet, then, having cut out the parts, the children make up the image directly on the large sheet.

At the end of the work, everyone admires the carpet together. Emphasize why it turned out so beautiful.

Materials. Large sheet of paper (carpet). Colored paper, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Walking observations. Consideration of plants, various decorative products (carpets, fabrics, scarves).

Lesson 16. Drawing "Funny toys"

Software content. To develop aesthetic perception, figurative representations and imagination of children. To acquaint with a wooden carved Bogorodsk toy. Learn to highlight means of expression this kind of folk toys. Cultivate interest and love for folk art. Develop fantasy. Learn to choose the material for drawing as you wish.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider Bogorodsk wooden toys with children: pecking chickens in a circle, blacksmiths, bears, birds, etc. To do this, it is better to gather the children around the table on which the toys are displayed. Invite the children to hold the toys in their hands; show how they move. Ask the children what the toys are made of, pay attention to the expressiveness of the poses and gestures of the figures carved by the masters.

Materials. Sheets of A4 paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, oily pastels, colored wax crayons (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Acquaintance with different types popular decorative arts, with folk toys. Image of various toys in modeling and appliqué classes.

Lesson 17. Modeling “How little Mishutka saw that everything was eaten from his bowl”

Software content. To teach children to create a fabulous image in modeling. Learn to sculpt the figure of a bear cub, conveying the shape of the parts, their relative size, location in relation to each other. Lead to an expressive image of the character of a fairy tale. Develop imagination.

The methodology of the lesson. Remind children of the Russian folk tale "Three Bears". Ask what happened in the hut and what the bears saw when they returned home; what Mishutka felt when he saw that his chair was broken and his dinner had been eaten. Offer to fashion such a Mishutka (surprised, indignant). Clarify the shape and size of the parts of the figure of Mishutka, their location in order to convey the mood (the bear raised its paws, spread them apart, etc.). Show head image techniques: roll out the ball, pull the muzzle, pinch the ears.

At the end of the lesson, consider all the images, invite the children to choose those where the state of Mishutka is more clearly visible.

Materials. Clay (plasticine), modeling board, stack (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Reading Russian folk tale"Three Bears" screening shadow theater, organization of play-dramatization. Playing with teddy bears.

Lesson 18. Application "Our favorite bear and his friends"

Software content. To teach children to create an image of their favorite toy from parts, correctly conveying their shape and relative size. To consolidate the ability to cut out parts of a round and oval shape, carefully paste the image, beautifully place it on a sheet of paper. Develop a sense of composition.

The methodology of the lesson. The teacher shows the children a familiar toy bear and says: “Guys, our Bear told me that he was very sad because his friends did not visit him and he had no one to talk to. How can we help him?" If the children do not guess about the possibility of making friends for him, then the teacher suggests: “Can you make friends for him? I will help you. Let's take a closer look at Mishutka."

After examining a teddy bear with the children, ask about the shape of its body parts, their size and location. Refine cutting techniques.

Invite the children to tell the order of the application and get to work.

Materials. White paper 1/2 landscape sheet for the background, colored paper for cutting out the figure of a bear (teddy bears come in different colors), scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Children play with dolls in the play corner. Modeling Mishutka based on the fairy tale "Three Bears". Reading fairy tales "Three Bears", "Bear and Girl".

Abstract GCD for drawing in unconventional technique"Apple tree with golden apples" (senior group)

Drawing "Apple tree with golden apples."

Integration educational areas: « Speech development"," Socially communication development”, “Cognitive development”


Learn to create a fabulous image, draw branchy trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees

Strengthen drawing skills non-traditional methods drawing (drawing with foam rubber pokes). Learn to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet

To develop coherent speech of children. Expand words knowledge.

Cultivate an interest in art.

Equipment: We will need:

tinted landscape sheet

simple pencil

gouache yellow, red, orange, green, brown, blue

brushes thin and wide

Foam "pokes"

jars of water


· napkins

a small piece of paper for a test poke drawing

Methodological techniques: Game situation, conversation-dialogue, productive activity of children, summing up.

GCD progress:

In a certain kingdom, in a distant state, there lived - there was a Gardener. Every autumn, golden apples ripened in his garden. Yes, the trouble happened: the Three-Headed Dragon flew in and ate all the apples, and burned the apple trees. The Gardener was saddened and went for advice to the Wizard. The wizard thought and thought and said: “I can help you revive the garden, only I need pictures with painted apple trees”

Guys, let's help the Gardener: draw apple trees with golden apples! Do you agree?

How do we start drawing? (draw an apple tree)

We start drawing with the largest object - an apple tree. The drawing is located in the center of the sheet.

We draw an apple tree: first, with a brush, draw the trunk, branches with brown paint.

Then we draw the leaves by “adhering”. To draw leaves, we need green gouache. First, by “sticking” we draw the leaves with dark green paint, and then add light green leaves.

We will draw apples with a foam poke.

How to draw an apple

Dip one end of the poke in yellow paint, the other edge in red paint

(remove excess paint on the auxiliary sheet)

We put a poke "Column" and gently scroll. It turns out a round apple with a red barrel. Oh what magic apple! Round, gold, with a pink barrel!

Physical break.

« Apple tree Serbian song

Apple tree! Apple tree! Children walk in a circle holding hands.

Where are your apples? In the center stands one child - the "apple tree".

Did the frost freeze them? Children stop, for every line

Or did the wind blow them away? bend one finger on both hands.

Or did the lightning strike?

Or hail beat them?

Or have the birds pecked?

Where did they disappear to? They lower their hands, shrug their shoulders.

The frost did not freeze them, These words are pronounced by the child - "apple tree".

And it was not the wind that carried them away, Children bend one finger on both

Did not burn them with fire, hands, starting with large ones.

There was no hail with rain,

The birds didn't bite them.

Kids broke! Children scatter, the “apple tree” child tries to tarnish them.

Independent work

Now sit down at the tables and we will draw an apple tree with golden apples.

Who has time to draw an apple tree, the drawing can be supplemented with details


Offer to admire the resulting drawings. I will photograph these drawings and send them to the Wizard. The Wizard promised to revive the apple trees and give them to the Gardener.

The teacher thanks the children for their work.