Scenario for the children's holiday “Journey to the Land of Fine Arts. Scenario for the celebration of creativity "Light of the Arts" Celebration of creativity scenario for art week

municipal institution additional education children

Children's School of Music No. 22 Privolzhsky ROO


"Journey to the Land of Art"

Performed: teacher

Vinogorova Nadezhda Anatolyevna

Kazan 2015

Scenario “Journey to the Land of Art” »

Presenter : Hello, dear guys, dear parents! We are very glad to see you at our Children's Art School. Today we will tell you about the activities of our school. We hope that many of you will join the ranks of our students.

N eznayka : Hello, dear Fairy. I heard that there is a school where you can draw, and there are different instruments there, and you can learn to dance. Do you know anything about such a school?

Fairy : Hello, Dunno. Of course I know. There is a special school where children draw, dance and learn to play various instruments such as flute, guitar, piano, button accordion, violin and many other wonderful instruments.

Dunno : Kind fairy, can you make sure that I study there? I want to draw, dance, play the guitar, flute, piano and all the instruments!

Fairy : Dunno, to study at such a school, you need to choose the art that you want to do.

Dunno : But I don’t know what to choose, can you help me?

Fairy : Of course I'll help! Let the guys and I take a trip to the land of art and you will choose what interests you.

The fairy waved her magic wand.

Fairy : Guys, we found ourselves in amazing country, country Visual arts! This type of art is perceived visually. This is painting, sculpture, graphics, photography. Painting is an art form created using paints applied to a flat surface. These are drawings. Guys, you all drew, and this type of fine art is very familiar to you. Students from the art school have prepared their works for you. (There is a display of children's works in painting, graphics and sculpture on a projection board).

Fairy : Now you and I will go to the country Choreographic art. The word choreography is translated as dance art. At all times, people loved to dance. Dance is very closely related to human health and beauty. Dancing develops a culture of movement and brings joy and pleasure to a person. Dance styles carry the culture of many centuries. In addition to the magnificent movement, the dance has a history, legends, outfits, everything that forms its aesthetics, which alone, separately from everything else, attracts people to it. (During the story, there is a show on the projection board dance groups in suits). The guys from the art school will perform a Russian folk dance for you.

Fairy : You and I are now going to another wonderful country, the country Musical art. Music is an art form with which we can convey our moods and feelings. Today we will introduce you to musical instruments. They appeared a very long time ago. People made them from sea ​​shells, bones of animals, plants, and, many centuries later, they acquired modern look. And then they formed groups. Some instruments are called strings, others keyboards, winds and percussion.

The country of Spain is famous for its arenas where people have competed with bulls since ancient times. And many centuries ago, brave knights danced at royal receptions, composed and sang serenades. And the instrument on which they accompanied themselves is known to everyone. This is a guitar. (It turns out a student with a guitar comes onto the stage, the Fairy approaches him). Of all the instruments of modern times, the guitar is the oldest. It has been known since the 13th century. Look at her (showing with gestures). It has a flat body and is shaped like a figure eight. It has a neck and 6 strings, and that's why it's called string instrument. The strings are attached to pegs, and the sound is produced using the fingers. Loved the guitar different peoples and began to consider it their folk instrument. Let's listen to how this instrument sounds. (The number is performed on the guitar).

Now we will get acquainted with instruments that are called stringed instruments. Stringed - because they have strings. And with a bow - because the sound is produced with the help of fingers and a bow, which is made of a wooden cane and horsehair. (A student enters with a violin). The violin has been known since the 16th century. She is small. It has 4 strings and the sound is very high. The violins were made by Italian craftsmen. These were entire families. The most famous of them is the Stradivarius family. Stradivarius violins are highly prized. The secret of making some of them has not yet been discovered. They have survived to this day. Only best performers receive the right to play Stradivarius violins. The famous Italian violinist Nicollo Paganini played this instrument. Let's listen to how this instrument sounds.

(The number is performed on the violin).

200 years ago, the Italian master Bartolomeo Cristofori from the city of Florence made an instrument in which, using hammers located inside the body, both loud sounds - forte, and quiet sounds - piano were produced (shows on the instrument). That's why the instrument got its name - piano.

Let's listen to the piano performance.

(The number is performed on the piano).

Fairy : Now we will get acquainted with the Russian folk instrument domra. Domra appeared in Rus' in the 16th century. This instrument was played by buffoons - wandering actors and musicians at various fairs and festivities and folk holidays. They sang comic songs in which they ridiculed the greedy and evil people, unjust rulers and priests. For this, the buffoons were persecuted, and their instruments were destroyed, they were burned in front of everyone. But domra survived. And today they play it, just like 400 years ago.

(The ensemble of domrists comes out.)

Let's listen to how this instrument sounds.

(The number is being performed).

Another Russian folk instrument is the balalaika.

(A student comes out with a balalaika).

The balalaika appeared in Russia under Peter I, at the beginning of the 18th century. On it, just like on the domra, buffoons played at holidays and fairs. Together with the domra, the balalaika is part of the Russian folk instruments. The first such professional orchestra arose at the end of the 19th century and was called the Great Russian Orchestra. It was organized by composer and balalaika player Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev.

(The number is performed on a balalaika).

And one more instrument that we will get acquainted with today is the recorder.

(An ensemble of block flutists comes out.)

It is an instrument played by everyone, from children to professionals. The recorder is easy to learn, compact, mellifluous and very comfortable. You can meet her at the concert early music, since this popular instrument The Middle Ages, among beginning musicians - brass players.

(The number is being performed).

Fairy : Dunno, did you like our trip to the land of art?

Dunno : Yes, I really liked it! I realized what I want! I want to play the balalaika!

Fairy : I’m very happy for you, Dunno! We are waiting for you at our art school in the new academic year!

Fairy : Dear girls and boys, dear parents! We hope you enjoyed our trip too. We look forward to seeing you in the new academic year as students of our Children's Art School!

Scenario for a class hour on the topic “Art Connoisseurs”

Greetings. Organizing time.

Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to our class hour. And today we will continue to talk about the great Russian artists and their paintings, which we never cease to admire. Juicy still lifes, delightful landscapes illuminated by the sun, light transparent paintings of marine painters... Russian painting has taken its rightful place in world culture. Her recognized masters give us the opportunity to experience an unforgettable adventure in the world of painting!

So today we will go to Magic world beautiful, the world of colors, lines, light and shadow, the world of music and poetic words, into the world of beauty. We will conduct our journey in the form of a game - a competition called “Connoisseurs of Russian Painting.” This game is not simple entertainment. Firstly, it will help you understand how deep your knowledge in this area is, it will allow you to learn a lot of new interesting facts from the history of Russian painting; secondly, it will show how you can reason, draw conclusions, act coherently in a team, communicate with each other and bring the job you start to the end. The competition will be judged by a respected jury, which would be more correctly called the artistic council. So, members of the artistic council, we invite you to take your seats: (introduction of the jury members).

First, we need to divide into teams. Multi-colored tokens will help us do this. You need to take a card and take a seat at the appropriate table. (2 minutes). So, all the teams have taken their places, it’s time to announce the rules of the game. (announcement of the rules of the game).

Well, I see that everything is ready for the exciting game to begin. So here we go.

1 round. Warm up.(1 question-1 point)

1. A work of art painted with paints. (Painting)

2.Complete the quote using one word: French painter Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin said: “A brush, a hand and a palette are needed to paint, but the picture is not created by them at all. They use paints, but write…….(feelings).”

3. Durable fabric base for painting. (Canvas)

4.Outstanding work famous master. (Masterpiece)

5. A type of fine art, the works of which are made in any color. (Painting)

Guys, of course, you remember that there are certain genres of painting.

6. Which one is it about? in question? (1 answer-1 point)

If you see in the picture

A river is drawn

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds,

Or a snowy plain

Or a field and a hut,

Required picture

Called (Landscape)

If you see in the picture

Cup of coffee on the table

Or juice in a large decanter,

Or a vase in crystal,

Or a bronze vase,

Or a pear, or a cake,

Or all items at once,

Know what it is (Still Life)

If you see what's in the picture

Does anyone look at us?

Or the prince in old cloak,

Or a steeplejack in a robe,

Pilot, or ballerina,

Or Kolka is your neighbor, -

Required picture

Called (Portrait)

We only remembered 3 genres of painting.

7. Name the rest genres of painting (1genre-1point-)

(historical, everyday, battle, fairy-tale-mythological, animalistic, seascape)

8. Where are the paintings stored? (Art Museum, art gallery)

9. Name the museums/ art galleries, which contains paintings by outstanding Russian painters. (1 answer – 1 point) (Russian Museum, Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery)

Well, guys, you did a good job. Let's ask our artistic council to announce the results of the "Warm-up" competition. (the jury announces the results of round 1)

2 round.

Guys, in the previous round we called largest museums and art galleries, where the greatest creations of Russian artists are collected. Anyone can visit them and enjoy works that have become classics of world painting. However, back in the 19th century, the best creations of artists ended up in the collections of nobles and ended up in the storerooms of the Academy of Arts. Few people have seen them. Create public art museums in Russia began in 1852, when the Hermitage opened its doors.

Moscow merchant Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, a widely educated man and a passionate collector, carefully and lovingly collected paintings by Russian artists for many years. He said "In all European countries there are rich museums where creations are collected best artists these countries. It’s time for us to have one too.” In 1872, Tretyakov began construction of the first halls future gallery, attaching them to the house in Lavrushinsky Lane, where he lived. In 1892 Tretyakov carried out his cherished dream- donated the rich collection he had collected to Moscow. By this time, his collection consisted of about 2,000 paintings. The grand opening of the gallery took place on May 16, 1893.

Now we will take a short excursion to Tretyakov Gallery, after which you will have to overcome the challenges of the second round. (watch video)

Our excursion has come to an end. We took away the paintings that make up the Tretyakov Gallery’s golden fund.

Now you will hear a description of some of them. Your task is to guess what picture we are talking about and name its author. (1+1 point for each picture).

1.“Early summer morning. It is cool and quiet in the dense pine forest. There is dew on the grass. A whitish fog rises. The sky turns slightly red, it seems like it’s about to catch fire. The sun does not illuminate the thicket, it only still gilds the tops of the trees. The pines are tall and mighty. It seems that they touch the sun with their crooked and spreading branches. The thicket is dense and impassable. Some pine trees lie on the ground, knocked down by a thunderstorm. Two clumsy bear cubs are tumbling on a broken tree. The third is standing on a tree, looking somewhere into the distance. The mother protects her babies, she does not like their games, and she growls.

(I.I. Shishkina “Morning in a pine forest”)

This is interesting: According to the results of a sociological survey, this picture is the second most popular in Russia, second only to Vasnetsov's Bogatyrs. It is assumed that its “plot” was suggested to the author by the Wanderer K. Savitsky. He also wrote bears. Moreover, initially there were two signatures on the painting - Shishkin and Savitsky, but P. Tretyakov, who bought this work, removed Savitsky's signature, considering it an original work by Shishkin.

2. The dark waters of a narrow stream, through which a girl runs across the bridge, carrying her little brother on her back. Behind the guys is a forest stretching to the horizon, where they went to pick mushrooms. The unreliable bridge bends slightly under the girl’s feet. The blond boy fearfully wraps his arms around his sister’s neck. She supports his legs, presses them to her, preventing her brother from falling. There is fear in the children's eyes. The girl looks around warily at the approaching thunderstorm. The wind blows her blond hair and scarf. A little more and it will start to rain.

(Konstantin Makovsky "Children running from a thunderstorm")

3. Morning. A young girl rides up to the entrance of the house, sitting on a black horse. The horse, excited by the ride, snorts and rears up, the hairy dog ​​barks, circling under the horse's feet. A little girl, dressed in a pink dress and green shoes, runs out to meet her and looks admiringly at her older sister.

(Karl Bryullov, “Horsewoman”)

4. A group of hunters is depicted against the background of autumn fields. An elderly hunter (apparently from poor nobles) talks about his incredible hunting success, like Baron Munchausen. His eyes are burning, he is tense, it is noticeable that he puts his whole soul into his story, most likely exaggerating what happened. The second, a young hunter dressed to the nines, listens attentively, believing his every word. trustingly, with great interest listens to him - by the expression of his face one can assume that he sincerely believes the narrator. Pushing his hat to one side, the peasant, reclining in the center, scratches incredulously behind his ear and grins.

(Vasily Perov. Hunters at rest.)

Well, guys, the second round is over. Let's ask our artistic council to announce its results. (the jury announces the results of round 2)

Round 3

Title of the painting. Genre. Anagrams. (Slide 8) hyperlinks in words.

Name of the painting. (Slide 11) hyperlinks on numbers.

1) K. Bryullov “The Last Day of Pompeii” (Slide 20) arrow control

2) A. Ivanov “The Appearance of Christ to the People” (Slide 21) arrow control

3) I. Kramskoy “Christ in the Desert” (Slide 22) arrow control

1) R. Reshetnikov “Again deuce” household genre(Slide 36) arrow control

2) V. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs” historical genre(Slide 38) arrow control

3) N. Ge “The sorceress of Endor summons the shadow of Samuel” mythological genre(Slide 37) arrow control

1) Still life (Slide 46) arrow control

2) Portrait (Slide 47) arrow control

3) Landscape (Slide 45) arrow control

1) “Barge Haulers on the Volga” by I. Repin (Slide 23) arrow control

2) “Boyaryna Morozova” V. Surikov (Slide 24) arrow control

3) "Morning" Streletsky execution» V. Surikov (Slide 25) arrow control

A fragment of what picture?(Slide 18) hyperlinks on numbers.

1) V. Surikov “Boyaryna Morozova” (Slide 27) arrow control

2) I. Repin “Barge Haulers on the Volga” (Slide 28) arrow control

3) K. Bryullov “The Last Day of Pompeii” (Slide 29) arrow control

In the autumn of 1833, the painting appeared at an exhibition in Milan and caused an explosion of delight and admiration. An even greater triumph awaited Bryullov at home. Exhibited in the Hermitage and then at the Academy of Arts, the painting became a subject of patriotic pride. She was enthusiastically welcomed by A.S. Pushkin:

Vesuvius opened its mouth - smoke poured out in a cloud - flames

Widely developed as a battle flag.

The earth is agitated - from the shaky columns

Idols fall! A people driven by fear

Crowds, old and young, under inflamed ashes,

Under the stone rain runs out of the hail.

1) A. Rublev “Trinity” (Slide 39) arrow control

2) A. Rublev “Our Lady of Vladimir” (Slide 40) arrow control

3) A. Rublev “Ascension” (Slide 41) arrow control

Round 5

Black square. Red Square. Cat in a poke. (Slide 10) hyperlinks in the image.

Black square. (Slide 14) hyperlinks on numbers.

1) V. Perov “Troika” dog (Slide 30) arrow control

2) P. Fedotov “Major’s Matchmaking” cat (Slide 31) arrow control

3) V. Polenov “Moscow courtyard” horse (Slide 32) arrow control

Red Square.(Slide 15) hyperlinks on numbers.

1) V. Vasnetsov “The Knight at the Crossroads” raven (Slide 33) arrow control

2) A. Savrasov rooks (Slide 34) arrow control

3) V. Vasnetsov “After the massacre of Igor Svyatoslavovich with the Polovtsy” eagles and vultures (Slide 35) arrow control

Cat in a poke. (Slide 16) hyperlinks on numbers.

1) How many people are depicted in V. Vasnetsov’s painting “Ivan the Tsarevich on gray wolf"? two (Slide 42) arrow control

2) How many people are depicted in R. Reshetnikov’s painting “Deuce Again” four (Slide 43) arrow control

3) How many people are depicted in I. Repin’s painting “Barge Haulers on the Volga” eleven (Slide 44) arrow control

Summarizing. Announcement of results based on the number of points scored by teams. Congratulations to the winners, rewarding. (Slide48)

This is our game over, thank you!

All children love holidays very much. They cannot always be timed to coincide with some important calendar event, and then you can hold a red holiday.

Preliminary work:

Red caps with an elastic band and headbands with a red sun (according to the number of children in teams), red medals (according to the number of children, with first and second places), and red chips (according to the number of competitions) are made in advance. For a Red character, the T-shirt, shorts, shoes and any type of hat are all red. Red balloons are hung in the hall and red toys are placed. The stage is decorated with large red letters P R A Z D N I K.

Methodological support:

1.Red square, cut into geometric figures(2 pcs.).

2. A large glass with a drink, straws for each team member (2 pcs.).

3. A set of silhouette pictures of vegetables, fruits, berries, a basket (2 pcs.).

4. Picture - coloring book, colored pencils for each team member (2 pcs.).

5. Silhouette of a vase, flower petals cut from colored paper different color and round centers yellow color(2 pcs.).


Rus' has long loved the color red. The front porch of a house was called red, an elegant Russian sundress was also red, about beautiful girl they said “beautiful maiden.” And in fairy tales, beautiful Elenas are often found. The main square of Moscow is Red. And there is a lot of red around us, let's look for it (children name objects, clothes, etc., where they find red).

Red enters the hall.


Guys, look who came to visit us. This is also red.

Red color:

Good afternoon guys,

I am the color red,

there is no one more beautiful than me,

will you be friends with me,

We won't have to bother.

Do you guys like me? (Yes). And I liked you right away too. I see you are very cheerful, but do you like to play? (Yes) I invite you to play different games, but these games are all red, don't you agree? (Yes). To do this, we need to divide into two teams, one team will be called “red suns”, the second - “red caps”.

The teacher and Red color help the children divide into teams and put distinctive signs on their heads (red caps and headbands with red suns), and also determine three people in the jury (one adult and two children). All competitions are held by the Red Color, and the teacher helps the children cope with the tasks.

1 competition “Red Square”.

The teams are given two identical red squares, cut into pieces (geometric shapes). The team that assembles the pieces into a whole square the fastest wins. The winners are awarded a red chip.

2nd competition “Pumps - red noses”.

Each team receives a large glass of red drink ( cranberry juice) and straws according to the number of children. The team whose members drink the drink through straws the fastest wins. The winners are awarded a red chip.

3rd competition "Red Garden".

The teams are given baskets, and silhouette pictures of vegetables, fruits and berries are laid out on the floor. - Various vegetables, berries and fruits grow in a fairy garden. Guys, in 1 minute you need to collect into your baskets only those vegetables, fruits and berries that are red. The team that scores wins large quantity correct pictures. The winners are awarded a red chip.

Red color:

Hey guys, we're a little tired. Let's relax and talk. My friends, do you know that red color is used not only for beauty and Have a good mood. He can also tell us a lot and even help. For example, a red light is on at a traffic light, what does it tell us? (Movement Prohibition). Right. And when we are picking mushrooms and we come across a beautiful mushroom with a red cap with white spots, can we pick it? (No). And why? (This is a fly agaric. It is poisonous). Right. And if we pick berries, will we pick green or red? (Red, green - not ripe). That's right guys, did you have a rest? Shall we continue playing?

4th competition “Red Artists”.

Each participant receives a red pencil, and teams are given an uncolored drawing. In 1 minute, participants must color everything that can be colored red. The team that does the best job in this competition wins. The winners are awarded a red chip. 5th competition “Red Flowers”

Flower petals of different colors and round yellow centers for them are laid out on the tables. In vases cut out of colored cardboard, you need to collect “bouquets” of only red flowers from individual elements (fold the petals and centers of the flowers so that you get a bouquet). The team with the best bouquet wins. The winners are awarded a red chip.


Well, that's the end of our fun party Red. Now our jury will count the total number of chips you have won and determine the winners. Did you guys enjoy playing with the color Red? Let's thank him for coming to visit us and making us so happy. After summing up, both teams receive red medals for first and second places.

Target: creating conditions for the emergence and development of children's interest in creative activities.


  • formation and development creative potential children;
  • development of communication skills;
  • creating conditions for children to realize that they belong to creative team, community;
  • creating a festive mood.

Addressability: for children 7-9 years old who are studying in arts and crafts and fine arts studios for the first year.

Technical equipment: sound equipment, seven-color flower (on an easel), palette, brush, paints, costumes of the Artist, Brush, Violet Paint, crossword puzzle (can be depicted on a sheet of A0 paper or projected onto a screen - in this case, a projection screen, projector, computer are needed ).


  • Artist
  • Brush
  • Purple Paint

Conditions and features of implementation:

Of great importance is the artistic design of the holiday (invitation cards, hall decoration, poster), musical accompaniment, original props for creative competitions, the skill of the presenters, their speech, and the ability to communicate with the audience.
The celebration is held in a large, festively decorated hall. The chairs stand in a semicircle. All the action takes place in the center of the hall. The hall is decorated with colorful balloons. The stands display the creative works of the children.
During the holiday, the children receive creative tasks from the Artist and successfully complete them.


(The host of the holiday, the Artist, comes out)

Artist: Hello guys! Hello dear guests! Let me introduce myself - the artist, Modest Apollonovich Tretyakov, full member of the Academy of Fine Arts.
Guys, this year you started studying in the studios of the arts and crafts department of the House children's creativity. Today I invited you to a holiday called “Hello, creativity!” What is creativity?

(Guys answer)

Creativity is the process of creating something new and beautiful. I hope that today you will be able to complete creative tasks and show that you can create!
But where is my assistant, Brush? She's probably drawing and that's why she's late.

(Brush appears)

Brush: Hello guys! Hello, Modest Apollonovich!

Artist: Brush, but why did you stay late?

Brush: Dear Artist, I couldn’t find the palette and your magic brush. They disappeared somewhere. Guys, don't you know where?

(Guys answer)

Artist: A mysterious phenomenon. I just need a magic brush today. Without a magic brush, I won’t be able to help the kids create beautiful things. What to do?

Brush: Continue our holiday. I really love holidays, and I also really like to draw!

Artist: Brush, what do you like to paint?

Brush: Sun, nature, flowers, animals, people...

Artist: Brush, we need to remember with the guys what images of nature, objects, and people are called.
Guys, now I will read you a wonderful poem by the poet Alexander Kushner “What I Learned.” But the last word Each part of the poem has to tell you:

If you see in the picture
A river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds,
Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut,
It's a similar picture
It's called... ( scenery)

If you see in the picture
Cup of coffee on the table
Or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal,
Or a bronze vase,
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once,
Know that this is... ( still life)

If you see what's in the picture
Does anyone look at us?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,
Pilot or ballerina,
Or Kolka, your neighbor, -
The picture must be called... ( portrait)

Artist: Guys, you named everything correctly! Brush, what's your favorite paint?

Brush: Orange. To get it, you need to mix red and yellow paints.

(Purple Paint appears with a palette and brush in his hands)

Purple Paint: Artist, Brush! I also really wanted to mix paints to get purple! For this I took a palette and a brush. But nothing worked out for me.


Brush: Purple Paint, don't be upset. Look how many guys are in the hall! They will help you.

Purple Paint: Guys, can you help me?

(Guys answer)

Artist: To know what paints need to be mixed to get different colors, you need to study, and also have friends who will always come to the rescue. Purple Paint, do you have a friend?

Purple Paint: Yes! Brush!

Artist: Brush, let's ask the guys what paints need to be mixed to get purple paint?

(Guys answer)

Yes, right. You need to mix red and blue paint. Do you understand, Purple Dye?

Purple Paint: Let's mix red and blue paints on the palette and see what happens.

(Mixes paints)

Hooray, it worked! My favorite color is purple!

Artist: Amazing! Violet Paint, stay with us at the festival - you will learn a lot of interesting things! Let's invite two participants from each creative team. Let them also try to mix colors and get blue, pink, dark blue, gray, beige, light green colors.

(The guys mix paints and show what they got)

- Well done boys! You have completed the task!

Purple Paint: Guys, do you know that not a single song mentions the color purple?

Brush: None?

Purple Paint: Not one! There is an “Orange Song”, a song about a green grasshopper and about a green light, about a blue carriage, a song about a pink elephant, about a white apple of the moon and a red apple of sunset, about White snow, but not about the color purple.

Artist: I know how to help you. Let's announce singing competition among students, teachers and parents of the Children's Creativity House. Anyone can participate! An indispensable condition is that the song must mention the color purple. Perhaps he will compose this song creative Group. The competition begins!

Purple Paint: Do you guys agree? It's great!

Artist: Brush, write an announcement about the competition today. And our holiday continues! Dear friends, you need to guess the words in the crossword puzzle. These are the words:

  1. Outstanding abilities high degree giftedness in any area (6 letters) (Talent)
  2. Without which you cannot catch a fish from a pond (4 letters) (Work)
  3. The artist's main tool (8 letters) (Pencil)
  4. Colored pencils without rims, as well as drawings made with them. Characterized by soft muted tones and velvety surface (7 letters) (Pastel)
  5. The artist's main tool (5 letters) (Brush)

The guys solve the crossword puzzle:

The hardest part is that you have to guess the word in the center of the crossword puzzle. You know the four letters of this word. Brush, help the guys.

(Guys guess the keyword of the crossword puzzle - creativity)

Well done! You guessed the crossword correctly!

Artist: And now for the next creative task. Please remember the wonderful fairy tale by Valentin Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower”. Remembered? Here is a magic flower from this fairy tale.

(Violet Paint pulls out an easel with a seven-flowered flower)

The color of each petal is one of the colors of the rainbow. Now you have to write on each petal those qualities that will help you create. I am calling three participants from each creative team.

(The guys go to the center of the hall to the prepared easels)

Well, friends, let's get to work! We wish you good luck! Brush, help the guys!

(The guys are doing the task)

Creative people need the following qualities: talent, patience, imagination, artistic taste, love of nature, knowledge of folk traditions, skill.
Yes, these are the qualities that are necessary to become a true creator, a master of his craft. And you completed this task! Well done!

Brush: At our festival, the creative works of the fashion modeling studio “Modnitsa” will be presented by students of the studio. The collection is called “Exotica”. The exoticism and mystery of the bright colors of tropical nature are reflected in these amazing things, sewn by the hands of young craftswomen.

(Demonstration of clothing models)

Artist: I would like to introduce creative teams: Soft toy workshop “Bees”. The motto of this team is: “With a toy, through life!”
The motto of the art studio “Inspiration”: “Both skill and inspiration, talent, patience and love!”
The ceramics studio “Put” chose the motto “It’s not the gods who fire the pots.”
The favorite time of the guys who study at the April art studio is, of course, spring.
Fine art studio "Art Studio". The motto is “Drawing is my calling.”
Floral design studio "Fantasy". The studio's motto: “From skill to mastery, from the Fantasy flower to a flight of fancy.”
Clothing modeling studio "Modnitsa".
Creative workshop "Growth". The motto is “We are growing, and our skills are growing with us.”
Design Studio.
Creative workshop “Academy of Wizards”.
Laboratory of equipment "Junior".
Let's welcome them, friends!

Artist: And now I would like to introduce the teachers of the arts and crafts department of the House of Children's Creativity.

(Presentation of teachers)

Brush: Now we bring to your attention the collection of the studio “Modnitsa” “Scarf Fantasy”. A scarf is a very ancient type of clothing. A little imagination - and it will turn into an evening dress or a beach suit. Greetings! Studio "Fashionista"!
In the hands of our young models are flowers made in the Fantasy studio. This composition was called “Eternally Blooming Garden”.

(Demonstration of clothing models and flower arrangements)

Artist: Students of the decorative and applied arts department participate in international, all-Russian, city and regional exhibitions, where they have repeatedly become winners, laureates and diploma recipients. Behind last year students of the department participated in 27 exhibitions and competitions at exhibition venues in LENEXPO, Manege, the Exhibition Center of the Union of Artists, the Ethnographic Museum, and the theater Young spectator, in the Sports and Concert Complex. Here are the names of some exhibitions: “Christmas in St. Petersburg”, “Room of My Dreams”, “Mosaic of Talents”, “School +”.
I know that your House of Creativity has existed for 23 years. And in the studios there are guys who have been creating art for 6, 7 and even 8 years.
And today, at our celebration, we want to present certificates of completion of a full course of study to graduates of the “Fantasy” floral design studio, the “Inspiration” art studio and the “Put” ceramics studio. Let's all congratulate the graduates together!

(Presentation of certificates, diplomas and gifts)

Brush: The next collection from the Fashionista studio is called “Seasons”. One season gives way to another. Golden autumn - snowy winter, gentle spring - green summer.

(Display of clothing models)

Artist: You have passed the tests and are worthy to create in the arts and crafts department of the House of Children's Creativity. Guys, go to the center of the hall.

(The guys go to the center of the hall)

Repeat after me the words that will guide your creativity.

(The guys repeat the Artist’s solemn promise)

We, students of the arts and crafts department studios, promise:

Don't be lazy in class!
Try to work hard!
Strive for the heights of creativity!
Achieve high results!
Take part in exhibitions!
Take prize places!
Giving people joy!
Never let your teachers down!

And now I will wave my magic brush and say the word “Dedicate!” And you will begin to create and create wonderful creative works!

(The artist says “Dedicated!” and waves his brush)

A gift from a creative ballroom dance team! Wonderful waltz!


After our holiday, I invite all guests to an exhibition of summer creative works by students of the department’s studios in showroom House of children's creativity.
Dear friends, I wish you to dare, create and conquer all peaks! Good luck in your creativity! See you again!

Brush and Purple Paint: Goodbye, guys!

Theater teacher - music department Trishin D.S.
School of Arts No. 2 – UNESCO Club

Scenario for the holiday “Initiation into Art.”

Location: concert hall.
Stage decoration: on the right top corner the backdrop of the scene is an image of Zeus.
In the center is the school emblem. Before the start of the holiday, the stage is not illuminated; the school emblem is illuminated by a light cannon.
The first three rows are free for first grade students.
The lights in the hall suddenly go out.
Music sounds:
The voice of Zeus sounds behind the scenes,
The image of Zeus is illuminated by a light gun.
Oh, dear Muses, tell me,
Where do so many beautiful maidens and young men come from?
Who collected them, on what occasion?
Say, O Helia, goddess of knowledge.
A light cannon illuminates the presenter in the image of the goddess Helia.
Helia: I'll tell you, Great Thunderer.
Today is a great day in this temple of art and science.
G: It was not for nothing that you sent me here.
Many goddesses came with me...
So that today in this temple.
They could introduce the kids to art.
The voice of Zeus from behind the scenes.
No wonder from high Olympus,
I turned my gaze here.
See that you are not in vain
Friends came to the temple of arts.
But I don’t see everyone here,
Where are the least of you?
Let him come out here now
The youngest, first grade.
And you, sitting in this hall.
I ask all my friends to rise up.
Give the kids a round of applause.
I command you to greet them solemnly.
Music is playing.
The light goes out, aimed at the image of Zeus.
The lights in the hall are turned on, 1st grade students enter and take the designated seats in rows 1-3.

The stage lights turn on.
Gelia descends into the hall, walking around the rows of first-graders
Helia: You can’t count everything,
Oh, how many wonderful discoveries
They have to do in this temple
And let it be difficult at first
The path to knowledge lies only through thorns.
They study a lot of subjects here, and they can master languages
All knowledge will be gained in chemistry
And they will be able to overcome computer science
Let them love biology
Yes, physics is the science of sciences.
And I hope a little later
History will become them best friend,
.Let them not be at odds with literature,
What if someone can become a poet?
They will study mathematics and soon...

The exit of the muse of muses from the right wing is highlighted on the stage.

Muse of Music, interrupting Helia:
Wait, sister, what about my subject?
After all, music is the pairs of art" ¬
Music inspires the world, supplies the soul with wings, promotes the flight of imagination, and gives life to everything that exists. She can be called the embodiment of beauty.
At this time, while the presenters are illuminated by a light gun located at the right wings, performers (5-6 soloists on different instruments according to the profile of the school) enter the stage from the left wings. Placed on stage.
M. M. Look, they came here with me
Those who have known the muse of music for a long time, Ito, what did they learn here? They will show you warmth from the bottom of their hearts.
Concert numbers of the soloists who took the stage are heard.
We illuminate one by one with the beam. Students are the last to play.
piano department. The stage lights come on and the performers
make a bow and at the end the following words Heliums leave the stage. The muse of muses goes backstage.
Gel. Thank you, muse of muses,
Your friends are always nice
They are like a ray of sunshine
Among the beautiful lands
A smile is given to everyone living on earth.
Gel. Among the gods of sacred Olympus
Believe me, there are countless beautiful maidens.
Invitation by voice and gesture, music is turned on.
Goddess of dancing, Terpsichore, your friends are in this hall

Terpsichore: I am Terpsichore, I am the goddess of dance,
Music is always beautiful,
Dance is the harmony of muse and body,
Look at the dance
My students dance so skillfully.
Dance "Waltz".
The dance performers go behind the right wing and remain there until the end of the concert.
Helia: Thank you, Terpsichore.
Terpsichore: Wait, Helia, I didn’t come alone
My friend came with me
It's called a palette.

Brush, pencil and even clay
It’s as if someone is singing in her hands.
Music is playing.
Palette: Thank you, I’m telling you, friend
That you didn’t forget about me,
But I'm not used to saying
I create with my hands, friends.
My creations are visible everywhere
They are in sculptures, on canvases.
The music of the exit of goddesses and muses sounds.
Sometimes flying under the dome,
By a deadly trick striking,
The muse of illusions, who is in love with the circus
I command that she come out.

Muse of illusions: My bow to you, servants of art,
My bow to you, his students.
So I ask them to take the stage now
Those students are very young,
Those in the circus arena
They dream of going out under the parade alle
And give your art
For the joy, laughter and fun of all.
M.I. goes behind the right wing. During these words, a student of the circus department comes out of the auditorium to the right wing of the stage, at the end of the words they bring out their details and show their number. At the end of the number, the performers
descend into auditorium.
Gel. Today from the heights of Olympus
And Melpomene descended
As a patron theatrical art
She came to you, friends.
Melpomene emerges from the left wing:
Thank you, oh fellow young ones
On theater stage not easy
Entering your image
Soar above the world
Or fall very deep into the abyss.
Live or die on stage
To be either a hero or a scoundrel.
But know that in the theater
You can't be lazy
You need to burn with a bright torch fire.
Number from the theater department.
Melpomene leaves behind the left wings at the end of Helium's number
continues to represent goddesses.
Gel. I heard. No, I know for sure
There are disciples of Orpheus in this temple,
They caress our ears with their songs."
Servants of vocals, show yourself here.
From behind the right wings, a girls’ choir sings the song “Twice two is four”,
The music of the muses' exit sounds on the Helium stage.
Helia: Friends, muses, help
Get the guys here quickly.
Helia: I invite students to the stage.
1. Theater department.
2.Art department.
3. Choreographic department.
4. Music department.
5. Variety and Circus Department.
6. Choir department.
Teachers take students to the stage l-th classes.
Helia, addressing the muses:
Thank you my friends, you are mine
You have had a wonderful holiday.
(Addressing the children.)
But listen, friends,
To initiate you into art
Zeus must take the oath.
And if you accept it
A temple of art for you.
The door will open wide.
The image of Zeus is consecrated with a light gun. The voice of Zeus sounds:

Zeus: We swear to serve music. .
And love her all my life.
We swear.
Learn choreography
Make friends with a brush and canvas
We swear.
In the theater or on circus arena
Only bring joy to people.
We swear.
Sing together in the choir,
No falsehood, pure, no wheezing.
We swear.
Entering the land of beauty,
Sparing neither effort nor time,
We will serve art
Treasure teachers
The love of art is to preserve everything.
We swear. We swear. We swear.
All concert participants take the stage.
Helia: Friends, please come to this stage,
Directors come up now.
Guys, he wants to congratulate everyone
To say parting words to you in good time.
1. Director's words
2. Gifts for first graders.

Gelia: Thanks to everyone who visited,
This temple today
I think that you are not in vain
They sent their children here.
They won't spend years here in vain,
Forward to knowledge of art and science
Come with me my friends.
Congratulations on your holiday today
Forward to knowledge, friends.
The music turns on. First graders descend from the stage and leave the auditorium.
Behind the scenes voice of Zeus:
I wish you happiness and luck
I command you to love art
See you again and come back often
To this temple of art.
With that I say goodbye.