Rules for using ground urban passenger transport. Rules for using ground urban transport


by order of the director of MUP "PP"
from 03/28/2016 No. 90

1. The passenger is obliged:

1. Board and exit the bus only at designated stopping points on the route after the rolling stock has come to a complete stop. Prepare in advance to exit and board the bus.

Passengers boarding and disembarking are carried out:

  • on buses with two doors, boarding is through the rear door, and passengers exit through both doors;
  • on buses with three doors, boarding through the rear and middle doors, exit through all doors.

The right to board through the front door is enjoyed by passengers with preschool children, pregnant women, disabled people, pensioners and elderly citizens, as well as passenger transport workers in the performance of their official duties.

2. Pay for travel and carry-on luggage (luggage) without waiting for the driver or conductor to request it, and obtain the appropriate tickets from the conductor (driver).

3. When boarding the bus, present to the conductor, and in case of non-conducted service, to the driver or passengers, a long-term travel card or a discounted travel card with an identification document.

4. Keep the travel pass and baggage tickets until the end of the trip and present them at the first request of the persons carrying out control. A single control ticket is valid for only one trip in one direction. Upon arrival at the final stop of the route, the passenger must vacate the bus. The sale of a ticket to a passenger may be denied if the capacity provided for by the design of the vehicle is exceeded, or if transportation is carried out only with the provision of a seat if there are no free seats. Monitoring compliance with capacity standards and the availability of free seats is carried out by the conductor, and in the absence of a conductor - by the driver.

5. If you find forgotten things, documents, money and other valuables in the cabin, hand them over to the conductor or driver.

2. The passenger has the right:

1. Carry with you free of charge children under the age of seven years. The passenger is required to have with him a document (birth certificate or parents’ passport with a record of the child’s birth) that confirms the age of the child transported with benefits on the fare and which must be presented upon the first request of the persons monitoring the fare.
For passengers with preschool children, pregnant women, disabled people and elderly citizens, 6-12 front seats are allocated in the bus, depending on its capacity. Other passengers occupying these seats must vacate them for the indicated persons.

2. Carry with you free hand luggage in the amount of no more than one piece, the length, width and height of which in total do not exceed one hundred and twenty centimeters, including small animals and birds in a cage, one pair of skis in a case, a children's sled, a baby stroller . Ensuring the integrity and safety of hand luggage is the responsibility of the passenger.

3. Transport hunting and service dogs in muzzles in the rear storage areas with a leash for a fee according to the tariff for one piece of luggage.

4. Carry for a fee according to the tariff one piece of luggage, the length, width and height of which in total do not exceed one hundred and eighty centimeters.

5. Get off at the stop “on demand”, about which you must first signal the driver using the bell button or inform the conductor.

6. Travel without additional payment for the cost of travel and baggage on a single ticket in the bus following the bus that has left the line due to a fault. Passengers are transferred by the conductor or driver of the bus for which the tickets were purchased.

3. The passenger is not allowed:

1. Carry on the bus flammable, explosive, flammable, poisonous, poisonous, caustic and foul-smelling substances, objects and things, the length, width and height of which in total exceed one hundred and eighty centimeters, firearms, piercing and cutting objects without covers or unwrapped form, objects and things contaminating rolling stock or passengers' clothing; animals and birds (except small ones in cages, baskets), long objects over 190 cm (except skis), bicycles (except children's).

2. Traveling on the bus in dirty clothes. Prevent the doors from closing or open them until the bus comes to a complete stop. Smoking on the bus, opening windows without the permission of the driver (conductor), leaning out of windows, being drunk in the cabin, placing children and luggage on seats, operating brake signals and door opening mechanisms, except for the need to prevent accidents, distracting driver and talk to him while driving.

3. Place hand luggage (luggage) in places intended for sitting, in the aisle between seats, near the entrance and exit of the vehicle.

4. Passenger liability:

1. For ticketless travel or unpaid baggage transportation on a bus, a fine will be collected from the passenger for each seat. A passenger is considered ticketless if he has not paid for travel and baggage before the next (after boarding) stop, and also: if he has presented a counterfeit ticket, or a ticket that has expired or that contains the name and number of an identity document that does not match the last name and the number indicated in the identity document presented by this person; presenting a previously used ticket; presenting a ticket intended for a person who has been granted an advantage in paying for travel and not having with him a document confirming the right to provide the specified advantage, or a long-term travel ticket issued in another city. The availability of passengers' tickets for travel and baggage transportation is controlled by officials authorized by the carrier.

2. A fine paid by a passenger for failure to pay the cost of travel or baggage transportation does not relieve him of the obligation to pay the cost of travel or baggage transportation.

3. For damage to the bus or its equipment, those responsible are liable in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Extract from the charter of motor transport and urban ground electric transport (as amended on November 8, 2007 No. 259-FZ), the rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by motor transport and urban ground electric transport (as amended on February 14, 2009 No. 112), the order of the Ministry of Automobile Transport of the RSFSR " On approval of the rules for organizing passenger transportation by road transport" (as amended on December 31, 1981 No. 200).

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Rules establish the procedure for organizing various types of transportation of passengers and baggage, including requirements for carriers and owners of transport infrastructure facilities, the conditions for such transportation, as well as the conditions for providing vehicles for such transportation.

2. Regular transportation of passengers and luggage

2.1. Stopping of vehicles for boarding (disembarking) passengers is carried out at all stopping points on the route of regular transportation, with the exception of stopping points at which boarding (disembarking) passengers is carried out at their request.

2.2. The driver or conductor is obliged to correctly and clearly announce to passengers the names of each stopping point and the next one, transfer points, and when changing the route, announce this at each stop, as well as warn passengers in the vehicle in advance about the stopping points at which Boarding (disembarking) of passengers is carried out at their request.

2.3. In case of termination of a trip in the provided vehicle due to its malfunction, accident or other reasons, passengers have the right to use the purchased ticket to travel in another vehicle specified by the carrier. The transfer of passengers to another vehicle is organized by the conductor or driver of the vehicle for which the tickets were purchased.

2.4. Allowances for the carriage of hand luggage and baggage, including free baggage, are established by the carrier taking into account the requirements provided for in Article 22 of the Federal Law “Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport”.

2.5. You are allowed to carry items as part of your hand luggage, regardless of the type of packaging. Ensuring the integrity and safety of hand luggage is the responsibility of the passenger. Placing hand luggage in places intended for sitting, in the aisle between seats, near the entrance or exit of a vehicle, including an emergency vehicle, is prohibited.

2.6. The availability of passengers' tickets, baggage receipts and hand luggage receipts is controlled by officials authorized by carriers, as well as other persons to whom such control is entrusted in accordance with federal laws or laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the controller).

2.7. A person who is stowaway is:

a) found during inspection in a vehicle without a ticket;

b) presenting a ticket without a cancellation mark, if cancellation of the ticket is mandatory;

c) who presented a counterfeit ticket;

d) who presented a ticket that has expired or which contains a surname and number of an identity document that do not correspond to the surname and number indicated in the identity document presented by this person;

e) who presented a previously used ticket;

f) presenting a ticket intended for a person who has been granted an advantage in paying for travel, and not having with him a document confirming the right to provide the specified advantage.

2.8. A person who is a ticketless person pays for travel from the point of embarkation to the point of destination in the manner established by the carrier.

2.9. A ticket intended for a person who has been granted an advantage in paying for travel will be confiscated if a document confirming the right to the specified advantage is not provided. The confiscation of a ticket is documented by an act, the first copy of which is given to the person who presented the specified ticket.

2.10. If baggage or hand luggage is found in a vehicle, the transportation or transportation of which is subject to payment, the owner of this baggage or this hand luggage is obliged to pay for their transportation from the point of embarkation to the destination in the manner established by the carrier.

2.11. Payment of the cost of travel, transportation of baggage and carriage of hand luggage provided for in paragraphs 2.8 and 2.10 of these Rules does not exempt from payment of fines for travel without a ticket, transportation of baggage without payment and transportation of hand luggage in excess of the established free baggage allowance established by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2.12. The passenger is obliged

2.12.1. Board and exit the bus (trolleybus) only at designated stopping points on the route after the rolling stock has come to a complete stop.

2.12.2. Pay for travel and carry-on luggage (luggage) without waiting for the driver or conductor to request it, and obtain the appropriate tickets from the conductor (driver).

2.12.3. The passenger is obliged to keep the ticket and receipt for hand luggage during the entire trip and present them at the first request of the persons exercising control. Single travel tickets and control tickets are only valid for one trip in one direction. Upon arrival at the final stop of the route, the passenger must vacate the bus.

2.13. The passenger has the right

2.13.1. Carry with you free of charge hand luggage in the amount of no more than one piece, the length, width and height of which in total do not exceed one hundred and twenty centimeters, one pair of skis in a case, a children's sled, a baby stroller.

2.13.2. It is allowed to carry animals and birds as part of hand luggage in cages with a solid bottom (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.), if the dimensions of these cages (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.) meet the requirements provided for in paragraph 2.13.1. of these Rules.

2.14. The passenger is prohibited

2.14.1. Prevent the doors from closing or open them until the bus comes to a complete stop. Smoking in the bus cabin, opening windows without the permission of the driver (conductor), leaning out of windows, being drunk in the cabin, placing children and luggage on seats, actuating brake signals and door opening mechanisms, except for the need to prevent accidents, distract the driver and talk to him while driving.

2.14.2. Foul-smelling and dangerous (flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and other) substances, bladed weapons and firearms without covers and packaging, as well as things (objects) that contaminate vehicles or passengers’ clothing are not allowed to be carried as baggage or as part of hand luggage.

2.15. The carrier has the right

2.15.1. Establish standards for the carriage of baggage, carry-on luggage, including free, larger size or in greater quantities than provided for in clause 2.13.1.

2.15.2. Refuse a passenger to accept baggage for transportation or carry-on luggage if the properties or packaging of the items included in the baggage or hand luggage do not meet the requirements established by the rules for the carriage of passengers.

2.15.3. Refuse a passenger to carry hand luggage if its placement in the vehicle will prevent passengers from entering the vehicle or exiting the vehicle.

3. Ticket sales

3.1 Travel of passengers on regular service routes is carried out using tickets.

3.2 Tickets for travel in urban and suburban traffic are sold:

a) in vehicles (conductors or drivers);

b) at specialized points and other places where tickets are sold outside of vehicles.

3.3 The sale of a ticket may be refused if the capacity provided for by the design of the vehicle is exceeded, or if transportation is carried out only with the provision of a seat if there are no free seats. Monitoring compliance with capacity standards and the availability of free seats is carried out by the conductor, and in the absence of a conductor - by the driver.

3.4 Selling a ticket without providing the passenger with a seat is permitted if the possibility of the passenger traveling without providing a seat is provided for by the design of the vehicle.

4. Lost and found things

4.1 Persons who find forgotten items in a vehicle or on the territory of a bus station are required to report this to the conductor (driver).

3. Establish that this decision comes into force from the date of its official publication.

b) pay the cost of transporting each piece of hand luggage, the length, width, height of which in total exceed one hundred and twenty centimeters (except for children's sleds, baby strollers, wheelchairs, one bicycle, one pair of skis);

2.1.4. have properly executed documents confirming the right to discounted or free travel on trams, trolleybuses and buses;

2.1.5. keep the purchased ticket during the entire trip and present it for verification or a document confirming the right to a discounted or free ride, upon the first request of the persons exercising control in the cabin or when leaving it;

2.1.6. notify the conductor or driver in advance of the need to stop the vehicle at the appropriate stopping point “on demand” to disembark passengers upon their request;

2.1.7. ensure the integrity and safety of hand luggage.

2.2. While in the vehicle, passengers should:

2.2.1. give up seats to disabled people, elderly people, and passengers with children;

2.2.2. do not lean against the doors, do not obstruct the entry and exit of passengers;

2.2.3. prepare for departure in advance, do not delay the vehicle at stopping points, observe the queue when entering and exiting.

2.3. Passengers of public ground urban passenger transport in Kazan must:

2.3.1. maintain cleanliness in the interior, take care of the safety of vehicle equipment;

2.3.2. upon arrival at the final stop of the route, vacate the vehicle interior;

2.3.3. If you feel the impact of electric current when entering or exiting a tram or trolleybus, as well as if smoke, a burning smell or fire appears in the cabin, immediately report this to the driver or conductor;

2.3.4. when unattended foreign objects are found in the vehicle interior:

a) immediately inform the driver or conductor about this;

b) do not take independent actions to remove or move them.

2.4. To avoid injury while driving, passengers standing in the vehicle must hold onto the handrails.

3. Passenger rights

3.1. Passengers of public ground urban passenger transport in Kazan have the right to:

3.1.1. Carry with you free of charge children under the age of seven years without the provision of separate seats.

The passenger is required to have with him a document (birth certificate or parents’ passport with a record of the child’s birth) that confirms the age of the child transported with benefits on the fare, which must be presented upon the first request of the persons monitoring the fare;

3.1.2. Carry with you free of charge:

Information about changes:

a) hand luggage in the amount of no more than one piece, the length, width and height of which in total do not exceed one hundred and twenty centimeters;

Information about changes:

b) one pair of skis and skates (in a case), a children's sled, a baby stroller, a wheelchair, one bicycle, small pets and birds in cages with a solid bottom (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.), fishing rods, small garden tools, musical instruments, the dimensions of which (the sum of the measurements in length, width, height) do not exceed 120 cm, or objects whose length is less than 220 cm;

c) a guide dog (muzzled and on a leash with a special identification mark) accompanying a disabled blind person, if he has a document authorizing the use of a guide dog;

3.1.3. In case of termination of a trip in the provided vehicle due to its malfunction, accident or other reasons, passengers have the right to use the purchased ticket to travel in another vehicle specified by the carrier. The transfer of passengers to another vehicle is organized by the conductor or driver of the vehicle for which the tickets were purchased;

3.1.4. transport dogs in the rear storage areas under conditions that prevent disturbance to passengers, with a muzzle and a leash, with payment in accordance with the established tariff for the transportation of one piece of luggage.

4. Passengers are prohibited

4.1. Passengers of public ground urban passenger transport in Kazan are prohibited from:

4.1.1. ride on the running boards of protruding parts of the vehicle;

4.1.2. enter the salon with ice cream, as well as with luggage and clothes that may stain passengers, seats, or the interior of the vehicle;

4.1.3. be in a state of intoxication in the cabin, drink alcoholic beverages, consume drugs;

4.1.4. smoking and using open fire, pyrotechnic devices (fireworks, firecrackers, etc.) in the vehicle;

4.1.5. damage the vehicle;

4.1.6. lean out of windows;

4.1.7. use seating areas other than their intended purpose;

4.1.8. operate the brake and door opening mechanisms, as well as prevent the closing and opening of doors, except for the need to prevent accidents;

4.1.9. be in the driver’s cabin, distract him and talk to him while driving;

Information about changes:

4.1.10. carry in your carry-on baggage stinking and dangerous (flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and other) substances, bladed weapons and firearms without covers and packaging, as well as things (objects) that contaminate vehicles or the clothes of passengers, as well as animals (with the exception of animals specified in paragraphs 3.1.2, 3.1.4);

4.1.11. place hand luggage in places intended for sitting, in the aisle between seats, near the entrance or exit of a vehicle, including an emergency one;

4.1.12. litter and pollute the interior of the vehicle;

4.1.13. stand at the front door of the cabin, making it difficult for the driver to monitor the entry and exit of passengers.

5. Passenger liability

For transport offenses, the passenger bears administrative responsibility in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Tatarstan on Administrative Offenses dated December 19, 2006 N 80-ZRT.

6. Driver's responsibilities

6.1. The driver of the vehicle must:

6.1.1. strictly adhere to the traffic schedule and follow a defined route with stops at all stop points, observing the speed, distance and interval in the prescribed manner, without sudden acceleration or braking;

6.1.2. be polite and considerate in dealing with passengers;

6.1.3. transport passengers in accordance with the maximum capacity specified in the technical characteristics of the vehicle, with a mandatory stop at all stopping points;

6.1.4. correctly and clearly announce to passengers the name of each stopping point and the next one, transfer points, and when changing the route, announce this at each stop;

6.1.5. in a vehicle equipped with a loudspeaker installation, inform passengers about the procedure for paying for travel, the availability of monthly travel tickets for sale, traffic safety, etc.;

6.1.6. warn passengers in the vehicle in advance about stopping points where passengers are boarded (disembarked) at their request;

6.1.7. stop vehicles for boarding (disembarking) passengers at all stopping points on the route of regular transportation, with the exception of stopping points at which boarding (disembarking) passengers is carried out at their request;

6.1.8. stop vehicles for boarding (disembarking) passengers at their request if:

a) the passenger in the vehicle will notify the conductor or driver in advance of the need to stop the vehicle at the appropriate stopping point;

b) there are people at the stopping point waiting for the vehicle to arrive;

6.1.9. start driving only with the interior doors closed;

6.1.10. sell control tickets only at stopping points and forced parking when the vehicle is completely stopped;

6.1.11. if items, documents, money and other valuables are found in the passenger compartment of the vehicle, hand them over to the dispatcher of the final station of the route, depot, or automobile enterprise;

6.1.12. if foreign objects are found in the vehicle interior that may pose a danger to the health and life of passengers:

a) do not take independent measures to move these items;

b) empty the cabin of passengers;

c) if possible, move the vehicle to a safe distance from people, buildings, or other vehicles;

d) inform law enforcement agencies, the dispatcher;

6.1.13. Having received information from passengers about the presence of electric current when entering or exiting a tram car or trolleybus, about the appearance of smoke, the smell of burning or fire in the cabin, act in accordance with special instructions;

6.1.14. if it is necessary to provide urgent medical assistance to a passenger, stop the vehicle, call an ambulance and inform the central dispatcher;

6.1.15. if passengers fail to comply with these Rules, commit offenses or refuse to pay the fare, stop the vehicle and contact internal affairs officers or take measures to disembark the violators;

6.1.16. upon arrival at the final stop of the route, inspect the interior for items left behind by passengers and check the technical condition of the vehicle. Report any detected malfunctions or damage to the dispatcher;

Information about changes:

Clause 6.1 is supplemented with subclause 6.1.17. - Decision of the Kazan City Duma of November 15, 2017 N 13-21

6.1.17. ensure safe boarding and disembarkation, as well as comfortable travel conditions for wheelchair users, people with mobility impairments and people with visual and hearing impairments.

6.2. Smoking for the driver and conductor in the vehicle is prohibited.

6.3. Other responsibilities of the driver are determined by his job description and the Technical Operation Rules.

6.4. The driver (or conductor) has the right:

Information about changes:

6.4.1. refuse passage to a passenger if they attempt to transport foul-smelling and dangerous (flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and other) substances, bladed weapons and firearms without cases and packaging;

6.4.2. refuse to allow a passenger to carry hand luggage if the properties or packaging of items included in the baggage or hand luggage do not meet the requirements established by the rules for the carriage of passengers;

6.4.3. refuse to allow a passenger to carry hand luggage if its placement in the vehicle will prevent passengers from entering and exiting the vehicle.

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ORDER of the Ministry of Automobile Transport of the RSFSR dated 31-12-81 200 ON APPROVAL OF THE RULES FOR ORGANIZING PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION BY ROAD... Relevant in 2018


1. The passenger is obliged:

1.1. Board and exit the bus only at designated stopping points along the route after the rolling stock has come to a complete stop.

Passengers boarding and disembarking are carried out:

on buses with two doors, boarding is through the rear door, and passengers exit through both doors;

on buses with three doors, boarding through the rear and middle doors, exit through all doors.

Passengers with preschool children, pregnant women, disabled people, personal pensioners and elderly citizens and passenger transport workers in the performance of their official duties have the right to enter through the front door.

1.2. Pay for travel and carry-on luggage (luggage) without waiting for the driver or conductor's request and receive the appropriate tickets from the conductor, and when operating buses without a conductor, through the ticket office - a piggy bank, a semi-automatic ticket office, or validate subscription coupons. Free travel for passengers is provided only in cases established by the Rules for the transportation of passengers and baggage by road in the RSFSR.

1.3. Present to the conductor, and in case of conductorless or cashierless service to the driver or passengers, an expanded long-term travel ticket or a document entitling them to travel for free.

1.4. Keep your travel pass, baggage tickets or stamped subscription coupon until the end of the trip and present them at the first request of the persons carrying out control. A single travel ticket, control ticket and stamped subscription coupon are valid for only one trip in one direction. Upon arrival at the final stop of the route, the passenger must vacate the bus.

1.5. If you find forgotten things, documents, money and other valuables inside the bus, hand them over to the conductor, driver or dispatcher at the final station of the route.

2. The passenger has the right:

2.1. Carry one child under 7 years of age free of charge.

For passengers with preschool children, pregnant women, disabled people and elderly citizens, there are 6 front seats on the left side of the bus along the bus. Other passengers occupying these seats must vacate them for the indicated persons.

2.2. Carry free of charge one piece of luggage measuring up to 60 x 40 x 20 cm, including small animals and birds in a cage, one pair of skis (in cases or wrapping), a baby sled and a baby stroller.

2.3. Transport hunting and service dogs in muzzles in the rear storage areas with a leash for a fee according to the tariff for one piece of luggage.

2.4. Carry for a fee according to the tariff one piece of luggage measuring no more than 100 x 50 x 30 cm.

2.5. Get off at the stop “on demand”, about which you must first signal the driver with the bell button or inform the conductor.

2.6. Travel without additional payment for the cost of travel and baggage on a single travel ticket, a stamped subscription coupon, in the next bus that has left the line due to a fault.

2.7. Carry portable gas cylinders.

3. The passenger is not allowed:

3.1. Carry flammable, explosive, flammable, poisonous, poisonous, caustic and foul-smelling substances, objects and things with overall dimensions of more than 100 x 50 x 30 cm, firearms, piercing and cutting objects without covers or unwrapped, objects and things that pollute rolling stock or passengers' clothing; animals and birds (except small ones in cages, baskets), long objects over 190 cm (except skis).

3.2. Traveling on the bus in dirty clothes. Prevent the doors from closing or open them until the bus comes to a complete stop. Smoking on the bus, opening windows without the permission of the driver (conductor), leaning out of windows, being drunk in the cabin, placing children and luggage on seats, operating brake signals and door opening mechanisms, except for the need to prevent accidents, distracting driver and talk to him while driving.

4. Passenger liability:

4.1. For ticketless travel or unpaid baggage transportation on a bus, a fine of 1 ruble is charged. per passenger for each piece of luggage.

A passenger is considered ticketless if, before the next (after boarding) stop, he has not paid for the fare and baggage allowance or has not validated the subscription coupon, as well as presented a personalized travel document issued to another person, or a long-term travel ticket issued in another city.

4.2. A fine paid by a passenger for failure to pay the cost of travel or baggage transportation does not relieve him of the obligation to pay the cost of travel or baggage transportation.

4.3. For carrying explosive, flammable, poisonous, caustic and foul-smelling objects and materials on a bus (if this violation does not entail criminal liability) a fine of 2 rubles is imposed. 50 kop.

4.4. Fines are imposed by the control and audit service of public road transport or by the police.

4.5. For damage to the bus or its equipment, those responsible are liable in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Appendix 37

RULES for using public ground public transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) in Moscow

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules traffic), Moscow City Law No. 45 of November 21, 2007 “Moscow City Code on Administrative Offences”.

1.2. These Rules determine the procedure for using public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) owned by the city of Moscow.

1.3. These Rules apply to urban, suburban and intersubject routes operating under the terms of the city order, and are binding on carriers and passengers.

1.4. These Rules must be located in the interiors of rolling stock of public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses).

1.5. The movement of public ground urban transport on routes opens from 6.00 am and closes until 1.00 am in accordance with the traffic schedule.

The opening and closing times of traffic may be changed by regulations of the Moscow Government.

2. Passenger transport enterprises are obliged to:

2.1. Ensure the transportation of passengers of all categories, including persons with disabilities, to their destination according to the established route.

2.2. Ensure the presence at stopping points of road signs and stencils with information about the names of stops, numbers and operating hours of passing routes, indicating the final stops of these routes, ensuring access to information for people with visual and hearing impairments.

2.3. Observe the established schedules of traffic intervals on public ground urban transport routes (trams, trolleybuses, buses).

2.4. In case of planned changes or closures of routes, notify the population through the media or by posting announcements at stopping points.

2.5. When promptly changing the route, notify the population by placing announcements at stopping points and by equipping rolling stock with information signs.

2.6. Before leaving for the line, ensure the proper sanitary condition of the salons, equipment, internal and external design of the rolling stock in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the Traffic Rules, Rules for the carriage of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport in the Russian Federation.

2.7. Ensure the safety of passenger transportation.

For improper fulfillment of the transportation conditions established by the relevant regulatory and legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, the carrier’s liability arises in accordance with current legislation.

3. Responsibilities of the driver of ground urban transport
public (tram, trolleybus, bus)

3.1. The driver is obliged:

3.1.1. If you discover or receive information from passengers about the presence of objects in the cabin of the rolling stock that may pose a danger to life and health, as well as the smell of burning, smoke, fire, or exposure to electric current, act according to the instructions.

3.1.2. Strictly comply with the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations.

3.1.3. Ensure the transportation of passengers in strict accordance with the requirements of the operation of rolling stock, road safety and passenger transportation.

3.1.4. Dispatch a tram, trolleybus, or bus from a stopping point only with the doors closed after passengers have boarded and disembarked.

3.1.5. Inform passengers, including those with visual and hearing impairments, about the name of each stopping point and the one following it, and transmit other necessary information using a voice recorder and special means.

3.1.6. In the event of a malfunction of warning devices, their absence, as well as in case of a prompt change in the route, announce information via microphone along the entire route until the malfunction of the devices is eliminated or the warning devices are installed and until the route is restored.

3.1.7. Sale of travel tickets only at bus stops.

3.1.8. Issue travel tickets to passengers after receiving payment for travel at the established tariff.

3.1.9. Limit the boarding of passengers depending on the occupancy of the tram, trolleybus or bus after notifying passengers about the end of boarding.

3.1.10. Inform passengers about inspections in the cabin of rolling stock.

3.1.11. Observe the route of the established route and the given schedule of public ground urban passenger transport.

3.1.12. Carry out boarding and disembarking of passengers at equipped stopping points provided for by the route diagram, with the exception of emergency situations.

3.1.13. Provide rolling stock with information signs when moving along the established route of public land transport.

3.1.14. Ensure safe boarding and alighting, including through the second door, as well as comfortable travel conditions for wheelchair users, people with mobility impairments and people with visual and hearing impairments.

3.2. Other responsibilities of the driver are determined by his job description.

4. Entry and exit procedures

4.1. Entry and exit of passengers is permitted only at stopping points after a tram, trolleybus, or bus has completely stopped.

4.2. Citizens are required to take turns when entering a tram, trolleybus, or bus and when exiting them.

4.3. Entrance to a tram, trolleybus, or bus is through the front door.

4.4. Exit from a tram, trolleybus, or bus is made through all doors except the front door. To exit, passengers must signal the driver in advance by pressing the bell button.

4.5. Passengers with a stroller, disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders, visually impaired people with a guide dog, or those with a white cane can enter through the second door after passengers exit.

4.6. Wheelchair users are allowed to enter a tram, trolleybus, or bus specially equipped for the disabled through the second door after passengers exit.

4.7. When entering or exiting a tram, trolleybus, or bus, passengers must hold on to the handrails to avoid injury.

5. Procedure for paying for travel and carrying hand luggage

5.1. Payment for travel is made in accordance with the current tariff by redeeming travel tickets through the control and ticket redemption device.

Magnetic tickets are passed through the tray of the ticket control and redemption device. Contactless travel tickets are registered by bringing the ticket control and redemption device to the target.

5.2. Payment for the carriage of hand luggage (the size of which in the sum of dimensions in length, width, height exceeds 120 cm) is made by redeeming a ticket for the carriage of hand luggage, which does not give the passenger the right to travel.

When carrying paid hand luggage, the passenger must first redeem the hand luggage ticket through the ticket control and redemption device, and then the travel ticket to pay for his travel.

Travel documents for categories of citizens entitled to free travel or travel with incomplete fare payment do not entitle them to free carry-on luggage.

5.3. Travel tickets to pay for travel on trams, trolleybuses, buses are purchased at specialized points for selling travel tickets, from drivers, conductors, distributors and in other places of monetary settlements with the population.

5.4. Valid tickets are only travel tickets intended for travel on public ground transport in the city of Moscow.

5.5. Invalid travel tickets are:

5.5.1. Expired tickets.

5.5.2. Tickets for a limited number of trips with the travel limit exhausted.

5.5.3. Wrongfully received or misused free boarding passes, Muscovite social card (SKM) and other discount tickets.

5.5.4. Tickets placed on the stop list.

5.5.5. Faulty tickets are travel tickets that have a damaged magnetic stripe or the recording on the magnetic stripe, tickets that have mechanical damage, as well as contactless travel tickets that cannot be read. A faulty ticket is not accepted by the ticket control and redemption device.

5.6. A travel ticket (or free boarding pass) that is found to be faulty through no fault of the passenger must be replaced at a ticket sales point. The passenger can find out the addresses of the points by calling the number indicated in the passenger compartment of the rolling stock.

5.7. If the SCM or other documents on the basis of which the right to travel free of charge or travel with incomplete payment and are not included in the stop list do not work, the driver is obliged to let the passenger into the vehicle through the second door.

6. Directions

6.1. The list of categories of citizens entitled to free travel or partial payment of travel in public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) is determined in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

6 2. The passenger is obliged:

6.2.1. Pay for travel by redeeming a travel ticket at the ticket control and redemption device.

One ticket redemption entitles you to only one trip in one direction.

6.2.2. Keep travel tickets redeemed in the ticket control and redemption device until the end of the trip.

6.2.3. When traveling, have documents confirming the passenger’s right to free travel or partial payment for travel.

6.2.4. Present for verification all types of travel tickets, as well as documents for the right to travel for free or for partial payment of travel to the controller, conductor or other persons authorized to monitor payment of travel and compliance with these Rules.

6.2.5. In case of refusal to pay for travel and (or) carriage of hand luggage, as well as upon presentation of invalid travel tickets, at the request of persons authorized to control the payment of travel and carriage of hand luggage, leave the tram, trolleybus, or bus at the nearest stopping point.

6.2.6. To avoid injury while moving a tram, trolleybus, or bus, hold on to the handrails.

6.2.7. The front seats in the cabin, marked with special inscriptions or symbols, are intended for disabled people, the elderly, passengers with children and pregnant women. Other passengers occupying these seats are required to vacate them for the indicated persons.

6.2.8. Maintain public order in public ground transport.

6.2.9. Upon arrival at the final stop of the route, vacate the interior of the tram, trolleybus, or bus.

6 3. The passenger has the right:

6.3.1. Carry with you free of charge: Children under 7 years of age. Baby stroller. Children sledges. One piece of hand luggage not exceeding the sum of three dimensions (height, length, width) 120 cm. One pair of skis in a case or other sports equipment in a case or bag. Animals and birds - in a cage not exceeding the size of hand luggage. Musical instrument in a case or cover.

6.3.2. Travel without additional fare in the next tram, trolleybus or bus that has left the line due to a fault if you have a travel ticket redeemed on the faulty tram, trolleybus or bus.

6.3.3. If you discover a fault with your travel ticket, contact the ticket sales point of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" to exchange it.

6.3.4. Carry pets under conditions that prevent disturbance to passengers (dogs must be muzzled and on a short leash).

6.4. Passengers are prohibited from:

6.4.1. Travel on a tram, trolleybus, or bus without paying a fare.

6.4.2. Travel in soiled clothing, carry objects and things that contaminate the rolling stock or the clothes of passengers.

6.4.3. Smoking in the cabin.

6.4.4. Be in a state of intoxication in the cabin, drink alcohol or alcohol-containing products, use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.

6.4.5. Damage rolling stock and equipment located in the cabin.

6.4.6. Unauthorizedly activate door opening mechanisms, fire extinguishing equipment, emergency hatch levers, emergency exit rings and other equipment, as well as interfere with the closing and opening of doors, unless this is required to prevent accidents associated with a threat to the life and health of passengers.

6.4.7. Leaning out of windows, placing hand luggage on seats and contaminating seats.

6.4.8. Distract the driver and talk to him while driving.

6.4.9. Travel on invalid travel tickets.

6.4.10. Travel on a preferential travel document or ticket issued to another person.

6.4.11. Carry explosive, flammable, poisonous, caustic and foul-smelling substances, firearms, piercing, cutting and breakable items without covers and proper packaging, hand luggage whose size (the sum of the measurements in length, width and height) exceeds 180 cm, long items over 190 cm (except for skis in a case), objects and things that contaminate the rolling stock or clothing of passengers, animals, with the exception of those specified in clause 6.3.

6.4.12. Ride on the running boards and other elements of the body of rolling stock of public surface urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) that are not intended for travel.

6.4.13. Post any advertisements and flyers in public surface urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) without permission from the administration of transport enterprises.

6.4.14. Pick up objects and things that have been forgotten or left by unidentified persons. If you find forgotten (abandoned) objects, things, documents or any valuables in public ground public transport (tram, trolleybus, bus), as well as feeling the impact of electric current, the smell of burning, smoke or fire, the passenger must immediately inform the driver about it .

6.4.15. Carry out professional photography and video shooting in the interiors of rolling stock of public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) without permission from the administration of transport enterprises. 7.1. Control over the operation of public ground urban transport is carried out by persons authorized to carry it out in accordance with the legal acts of the city of Moscow during the entire period of operation of public ground transport.

7.2. A passenger who has not paid for the fare is considered to be:

7.2.1. Traveling without a ticket.

7.2.2. Traveling with documents on the basis of which the right to free or partial payment of travel is granted, issued to another person.

7.2.3. Traveling on a ticket purchased for incomplete payment of travel without a document giving such a right (except for students of secondary schools).

7.2.4. Traveling on a ticket that has not been redeemed by a control device on rolling stock equipped with ASCP.

7.3. Checking payment for travel and carriage of hand luggage is carried out in the cabin of the rolling stock of public ground public transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses).

7.4. For damage to the rolling stock of public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses), as well as their equipment and road maintenance facilities (tram tracks, contact lines, etc.), liability arises in accordance with the law. Damages may also be recovered from the perpetrators in accordance with the procedure established by law. 8.1. When working on the line, the controller is required to have an official identification card and present it at the first request of the passenger and state his last name.

8.2. When working on the line, the controller has the right and obligation to:

8.2.1. Monitor compliance with these Rules, including the correctness of payment for travel and carriage of hand luggage by passengers.

8.2.2. If facts of violation of the requirements of these Rules are established, take, within the limits of their powers, in relation to the persons who committed the violations, measures provided for by law and these Rules.

8.3. Other rights and responsibilities of the controller are determined by his job description.