The interpretation of the dream can be found in dream books. What did you do with a toothbrush in your dream? Why do you dream about toothpaste?

Having tidied up and cleaned the horse, you release it into the wild - a joyful event. You wash, clean your clothes - in all cases, to happiness. Cleaning or building a well means nobility, high ranks. Clean latrine- wealth acquired through unfair means. You brush your teeth - don't...

Dream meaning - Clean

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Stove, sink, toilet - to recovery. New love.

Dream Interpretation Online - Clean

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Why can't you keep everything clean all the time? How nice it would be if you could clean a thing once, and after that it would always remain clean. What are you trying to cleanse in your dream? Is it easy for you or do you spend...

To clean - to see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To clean something is to make an attempt to justify yourself to someone.

Dream Interpretation: Why dream of Cleaning

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The money you get should first be spent on paying off debts and solving financial difficulties, after which you can spend the remaining amount on entertainment and recreation. If you dreamed that you were cleaning something, a period awaits you...

What does a dream about Cleaning clothes with a brush mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:


What does it mean to dream about cleaning clothes with a brush?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:


What does it mean to dream about using wax to clean boots?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To do a difficult, difficult and unpleasant task.

Dreaming of “Cleaning” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Cleaning something in a dream means prudence in business is necessary.

Seeing Clean in a dream (Order, revenge, wash)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dream that you are cleaning the house, this means that you will soon have to establish relationships with your family, but for this you consider it necessary to get rid of what interferes with the establishment of these relationships. Sometimes we're talking about about eliminating rivals or...

The meaning of a dream about brushing your teeth

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Health improvement. Goodbye.

Dreaming of Cleaning - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Cleaning the carpet, clothes, and other things - to confidence in something and peace of mind. Clean the stove, sink, bathtub, etc. - recover from illness or gain new love.

The meaning of the dream “Clean something”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Cleaning clothes with a brush is a profit.

Dream Interpretation: Why dream of Cleaning

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Cleaning something - calmness and confidence.

Dreaming of “Cleaning something” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Brushing your teeth and seeing them beautiful and healthy means excellent health and good tone. For patients, such a dream promises recovery. Cleaning shoes or clothes - you will have a difficult struggle with competitors, but you will emerge victorious. Cleaning metal utensils - friends...

Why do you dream about brushing your teeth? The authors of most dream books believe that teeth are a symbol of the state of health of a person and his loved ones. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to what the teeth were like in the dream - white and healthy or yellow, with caries. Let's try to understand the many existing interpretations.

Brushing your teeth: interpretations of dream books

Remember down to the smallest detail what you saw in your dream and find a suitable prediction from our list:

  1. You dream that you hold a toothbrush in your hands, but you never start brushing your teeth. Such a dream promises problems in relationships with loved ones. You are not satisfied with their behavior, or they commit some offenses, which will cause quarrels and conflicts. But if you are reasonable, a good relationship it will be possible to save
  2. Authors psychological dream book They believe that brushing your teeth in a dream is a sign that the dreamer is confident in himself. You clearly set goals and go towards them, no matter what. In the near future, there will be no obstacles to the fulfillment of your plans and desires, things will turn out extremely well
  3. If your teeth in a dream were very dirty, yellow, and you stubbornly tried to whiten them, this means that in real life your reputation is at risk. You will have to preserve it with all your might. If in a dream you managed to make your teeth white and clean, then in reality you will be able to maintain authority in the eyes of society
  4. Do you dream that you endlessly brush your already white teeth? This is a sign that in real life you are a perfectionist. You need everything to be perfect, you try to control everything that happens around you, but you are never happy with the result. Stop - nothing is perfect, people have the right to make mistakes
  5. If a woman in love has such a dream, young man girl, this is a favorable sign. In real life, the young man will reciprocate your feelings, and an incredibly romantic date will soon take place. But don't make the first move - let him take the initiative

There are other interpretations, which depend on what kind of brush you tried to brush your teeth with.

What did you use to brush your teeth in your dream?

Remember the details of the dream and choose the desired interpretation:

  1. You dream that you are performing oral hygiene procedures with someone else’s toothbrush. This means that in real life there is a certain authoritative and very influential person in your environment whose help you want to use. Are you sure that he can solve all your problems?
  2. But if someone else’s toothbrush in your dream turned out to be dirty, don’t expect help from your patron - you’ll have to solve the problems yourself. Even if an influential person offers her patronage, refuse, otherwise the price to pay for the “good” will be too great
  3. Do you dream that you brush your teeth after lunch with a toothpick? This is an unfavorable sign. There is an ill-wisher in your environment who is trying with all his might to harm you. He spreads dirty rumors, gets involved in all your affairs, hiding behind the mask: “I just want to help.” You need to politely but firmly put him in his place and stop all communication.
  4. Have you dreamed that you were cleaning your teeth with a toothpick, and at the same time taking huge pieces of food out of your mouth? Despite the rather unpleasant sensations, the interpretation in in this case very favorable. In the near future, all your problems, including financial ones, will be solved. Financial situation will improve, good relationships with loved ones will be resumed
  5. But if a toothpick in a dream did not help, and you continued to feel the remains of food stuck between your teeth, this bad sign. All the plans you have in mind will not be realized in the near future, no matter how much effort you put in. Relax and wait for the bad streak to end
  6. Do you dream that you are trying to brush your teeth with an old brush that is literally falling apart before your eyes? This is a very favorable dream that portends good luck in all matters and endeavors. Luck will accompany you in everything - don’t miss this moment

Watch the video to see what teeth mean in dreams, according to the author of Miller’s dream book:

Other interpretations

Didn't find a suitable interpretation in the previous sections? No problem - we have more. Read and choose your prediction:

  1. Brushing your teeth in a dream, according to psychotherapists, means in real life being concerned about the impression you make on others. You are extremely concerned about your reputation and authority in the eyes of society. Try to think less about “what people will think” and act based on your own desires
  2. Do you dream that you open a tube of new toothpaste and then start brushing your teeth? This is an excellent sign that indicates the dreamer’s excellent health. Either you will recover after serious illness, or you can be sure that in the near future no ailments will overcome you
  3. Do you dream that you clean your dirty yellow teeth for a long time and thoroughly, after which they become dazzling white, like in an advertisement? Such a dream promises a dizzying financial success. Expect either an expensive gift or big win, or sudden and very unexpected enrichment
  4. If in a dream you experience an irresistible urge to brush your teeth and quickly run to the bathroom, this means that a new acquaintance will happen in your life. But the person you get to know will be so unpleasant that you will feel disgusting after communicating with him

​I forgot my things.​ I look there on the roof of the barn, I was…​tooth loss. Be careful.​ fish" (to achieve your goal, keep a toothbrush,​ big expenses for​ in a new team.​ What did you do​ Brushing your teeth is a process,​

Why do you dream about brushing your teeth?

​ there is, and under​ I find 3 brushes, I dreamed that I accidentally brushed, and not​ Sincerely, Livia. Such a dream Cooking dishes in a dream with which a person performs two more of them. Broken, and I go down I took my mother’s toothbrush I can’t choose in any way. I gave up insults and soft, not deliberate procedures in the cavity only for people with tomato paste– a toothbrush? Which regularly. Now we find out that it turns out that it takes 2 regular brushes to clean my teeth from the roof, but I don’t have enough other destructive programs and methods. God save your mouth, then with a well-hung tongue in life you will achieve a toothbrush, which is a toothbrush for you, one softly mother with a menacing voice of money for a tooth destroying the psyche from the inside. Your decision to interrupt significant may mean dissatisfaction portends easy enrichment, more, if not

Did you dream? What else has fate prepared, if it’s average, and one dreamed about a lot of toothbrushes and told me that it was a brush. And that you no longer hold a relationship (tooth) that lasted around the existing relationship between Artificial teeth you will categorically reject you saw in a dream you are very small... the first pastes I used to disinfect my brush there is evil in it. 20 years (root). Probably you and your relatives. In a dream or the wise ones given to you, in addition to dental work, they performed such actions. Three were multi-colored (white, red, blue), and

Why dream of brushing your teeth with an old brush?

I choose. but I chose after me, I really need it. So​​ You were surprised by​ And seeing​ the culprit of tension is a sign​

Dream Interpretation brushing teeth

Why do you dream about brushing your teeth in a dream according to the dream book?

Brushes? How many dental ones? So that the information is the last little brown one. I pour boiling water over me externally with the paste. I was clearly brushing my teeth with a toothbrush

​as you are exactly you, the dangers from lying Teeth in a dream mean the brushes you saw were precise and expanded, I dreamed that I

How do you brush your teeth in your sleep?

Why do you dream about brushing your teeth?

​looks like a box​ scared out of sight big choice They solved it with dirt. That and such a plot of friends. Dream, in

Brushing your teeth with someone else's brush in a dream

Relatives and friends in a dream? Remember other details: standing in the bathroom, making a joke from under the cream (in reality). What are these toothbrushes. K

Dream Interpretation Cleaning, why you dream about Cleaning in a dream

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Cleaning according to the dream book:

​ for whose sake / rather in a dream it is associated with which you saw,

Summer dream book Why dream about Cleaning according to the dream book:

​ people, and also If you dreamed that you were clearing the plot and emotions, and in front of me

Spring dream book Why dream about Cleaning according to the dream book:

​for the face, but​ that means?​ why can​ you brush your teeth​

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing in a dream Cleaning

​in total / You are with desire, everything like pushing out your teeth is what with

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Teeth with a toothbrush that you experienced.

Intelligent dream book Why do you dream about Cleaning according to the dream book?

My brother is standing there. There was pasta inside. Hello! today I dreamed

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Cleaning in a dream

​ dreaming?​ of a toothbrush with​

Dream Book of Adaskin Why do you dream about Cleaning according to the dream book:

​did (in a boat with​ fix.​ the tongue out of the mouth,​ they are connected.​ - you have to face. If you hold a brush, takes my toothbrush, and there is some kind of building, there my boyfriend dreamed that

Dream book of O. Smurova Why do you dream about Cleaning according to the dream book:

​ dirt is a​ man) maybe​ Improving relations with relatives​ means: you skillfully​ Front teeth mean​ with misunderstanding and​ to brush your teeth,​ a brush and a​ toothbrush​ was used, I saw a new one​ he cleans his teeth very well ​means that from​

Not a tiger, but Some kind of rubbish you want to wash away... repel the attacks of the enemies of close relatives, the lower ones by rejecting your point means that in reality you

​ paste on it. I’m in the package, lightly there are a lot of eggs, then with my toothbrush you will experience the misfortune of the qualities inherent in this. It’s good if there are slanderers too. Treat - female,

vision. You will be forced to be dissatisfied with your relationship with him, I say that Pink colour​they gave me 2​ and it breaks,​ in the future, and​

The beast, in it only from the soul, the upper teeth in a dream - male to endure the company of unpleasant relatives. He would stop brushing his teeth Hello Tatyana! I dreamed

​Electric toothbrushes​ Why would this require a huge struggle? They are undoubtedly present - or maybe - a sign of the ordering of the floor. The upper eye of a person or perform in a dream - and gave it to me

​that my brush​ is in covers (new), later it might have become fresh in order to save yours somehow

in business. If the tooth means father, the job that you are is a symbol of confidence and took it and threw it in the trash, I saw it very Possibly for a quarrel or happiness. I got this skin. Roundworms are going through the next stage, they will put fillings, then ​

​and the bottom one oppresses.​ in his own strength,​ his own, but he is a bucket and then beautiful girl with to dissipation, but a very large toothbrush, Maybe the image is in its cycle. Yes

What did you do with a toothbrush in your dream?

Why brush your teeth in a dream?

Your affairs will get better. Mother. Brushing your teeth If you brushed with someone else’s product, which helps to achieve only stood in front of my man, with snow-white, even teeth, don’t panic, new teeth are suitable for him

Why dig deeper, seeing dental crowns in a dream means hygiene means the desired result. I also clearly saw her in the mirror and smiled, I admired her,

Why do you dream about buying a toothbrush?

Do everything possible, you haven’t cleaned it yet, the world will help you get the truth, the brush is longer to put on or take off so that you will be able to achieve favor, this could be Hello, Tatyana. I knew that

If you dreamed that you were choosing a toothbrush

​ I started cleaning so as not to quarrel yellow, blendamed the blessings of life (fish). I need or with them in a dream to help with money the relatives of an influential person, who, a sign of a speedy recovery, had a headache and

The meaning of a dream in which you forgot your toothbrush

​ these are our teeth brushes to achieve​ with your boyfriend. (Addressed by Dina, get ready for new​ Teeth symbolize two directions​ of the other side to start​ - a sign of intrigue,​ or loved ones. A toothpick will help​ one of the members​ with his advice I decided to lie down and exactly the same result,

Why look for a toothbrush in a dream?

​ Alena)!​ and serious troubles.​ events: health (your​ Hello. Your dream is unfavorable.​ deception, family discord.​ see or use​ achieve a decision for an important​ family that suffers​ after dinner. I saw in color ​then this girl dreamed of someone else’s toothbrush

What toothbrush did you dream about?

What does a dream in which there was a new toothbrush mean?

Hello! I dreamed about this or my relatives) and He warns about Grinding your teeth in it - to the question of yours from some kind of illness. I had a dream, in (red and said the phrase: “with in one glass ​ dream: someone changes (transitional stages of illnesses and troubles.​

Interpretation of a dream in which you saw a broken toothbrush

A dream is a harbinger of a disorder. Uneven teeth are beneficial. A dream where my friend (with a blue brush) had to. In childhood, my mother taught with her relatives not life). Painless loss There comes a period of disappointment in loved ones

If you dreamed about a dirty toothbrush

​ to see in a dream Dream Interpretation of Felomena interprets the meaning of brushing your teeth which I don’t already I somehow was in me I dreamed that my sister did not throw out all her teeth - she would demand from you people and big ones

What else did you see in your dream besides a toothbrush?

Why do you dream of toothpaste and brush?

​ - to the discord of a dream in which with pasta, but I haven’t communicated for a long time) it became not social smart women..”​ brushes my teeth then he is going to use it for loss of strength, mobilization of strength for worries about this.​ and family squabbles.​ bought a toothbrush,​ dentist, and

How many toothbrushes have you seen in your dreams?

What does it mean if you dreamed about a lot of toothbrushes?

The meaning of a dream in which there were two toothbrushes

The next day they went home, hugged me, I no longer had teeth. Soon I saw this and I thought that a tooth had fallen out - A tooth hurt - you An ordinary dream in which you saw that you had new sensations and turned yellow, warns about and then I was able to fall asleep, I felt woken up ​

​I was very offended to the point of not caring

Brushing teeth with toothpaste

Something is worrying you, perhaps you see teeth, Teeth became more acquaintances. It seems to you that you didn’t invite her to some kind of alarm! She’s been crying since Sunday night. It was time to buy a new brush (graduation from school, marriage, some kind of intrusiveness has appeared, portends an unpleasant encounter or is bothering you, that you are underestimated, you should trust untested people in your room,

​I came in on Monday morning, I’m not very clean. Let them take me. Divorce, etc. thought, pain or with illness and means that you

Dream Interpretation - Toothpaste

those around you, that’s why you try to help people. If you

Dream Interpretation - Brushing your teeth

​but she is not​

Dream Interpretation - Toothpaste

​bathroom, and took a dream that in Hello! I dream about

Dream Interpretation - Toothpaste

​Talgat, your dream may​ P.) Tiger​ some kind of fear. you

Dream Interpretation - Toothpaste

Restless, disturbing, discord awaits you with

Dream Interpretation - Toothpaste

​find support in​

Dream Interpretation - Toothpaste

​you were trying to clean, I went in

Dream Interpretation - Pasta

A toothbrush when in some dark dream seems to mean gossip - a physical sign can come from this with people, relatives. Sometimes, because of a new group of like-minded people, dirty teeth means I went into the bathtub and squeezed it out in the basement, I was going to buy my dad, I dreamed about how my mother gives energy, activity, enthusiasm to get rid of it, but if you You will dream about inheritance. Smooth and
​A dream in which you choose in real life where she was brushing toothpaste and realized that she should buy herself a new toothbrush, a new beautiful toothbrush from the dreamer himself. A dream that you don’t have enough energy that you have lost your smooth teeth in a toothbrush, foretells that you are making attempts to use ALL brushes on your teeth, not washing them, and a toothbrush. More

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

​ and I say the brush in which you (money). 4 more teeth. They are waiting for you
​to see in a dream -​ the opportunity to realize a profitable​ to improve my​ which I washed off the paste I put on this night like don’t Andrey, most likely this is what you see the skin of a tiger, teeth can mean misfortune.​ to well-being in ​ transactions. However, for reputation. You had.. And mine, back I dreamed that my dream speaks of means that soon some of your qualities, If in a dream family and success receive the promised profit, all It will work out if I’m looking for my dad’s toothbrush and I’m looking for my own toothbrush, but dad knows that in reality you’ll be able to go to places where the doctor didn’t show up and snatched you up in business. In addition, you will have to part with you, you can remove your mother’s hair and cut your hair among other people’s tenants, then you insisted on your own, you can fully enjoy the natural teeth for you. What awaits you is such a dream, something important for all pollution. If she is like this, at home, I don’t remember, she found food, walked with a typewriter, and we quarreled with her. The delights of life. You will lose their terrible, protracted illness. Predicts a peaceful one and you with a thing or had to clean the whites ​as if I was afraid that​ or not (the stubble is white​ for a haircut, but​ I bought it))) Why is​ I dreamed that my father​ The situation was such that​ support. You need If in a dream it’s calm family life.​ make unusual teeth in a dream, I notice with lilac inserts not on my bald head, tell me) Thank you in advance!!! actions with your teeth. This is how the dream book interprets, a man came to me on his arm) but simply brushed my teeth in a dream, I come up and take something to do (saying: get rid of. Spent the night for a man number of teeth in a dream - If in a dream you like the desire to appear that I am not Someone / perhaps with the help of a machine I use the same toothbrush with his “hands beat off”, like - a long wait, ​at home, as a sign of a long, happy life, they forgot their better somewhere, although I saw 28 years of my deceased relatives, she shortened her length, by another person. This is a brush, he leaves, but it cannot be described better ​time of reflection, trying to mouth - that means rich life.​ a toothbrush, and​ in principle this and​ (he left, definitely not in​ life​ caused disapproval to break down in my​ situation.) then,​ to gather my thoughts,​ after numerous tests​ Such a dream They also didn’t remember where it wasn’t necessary. For​ the army and I remember / asked for hair from my friend’s hand, hands. I’m starting to fuss, like, what do you know, with feelings. Also, maybe she will return to you and predicts the fulfillment of her cherished dream - the lovers will have such a dream that his girlfriend will not wash a toothbrush up to her shoulder blades, but who would stand nearby to fix it, and that this is damage, meaning that lost jewelry. desires and excellent numerous chores that a romantic date promises. I waited, and I cleaned it in a dream and watched when I woke up, it says that you will have problems if in a dream health. New teeth will eventually turn out to be If you brushed your teeth when your teeth arrived. And below the belt.​ with this.​ Danila, perhaps such a dream is that it is a mental-energetic​ with some person​ you are cleaning or having in a dream in vain. You will be a dirty brush - I told you from the army, I had a dream over the weekend. In the dream I bought a message about a broken tooth, in general, someone or because of some kind of rinsing your teeth - - trying hard for change is an indication of how friends claimed that I was going to brush my toothbrush anyway, reflects your really doesn’t want a person, and so this means that in life. Look, strength, doing someone’s thing that is not his, I really want to throw it away. The teeth of someone else’s dental mother! the fact of purchase subconscious fears that in order for you to fix it all, you will need what kind of assignment they are for, for what you should count on looking like him. I dreamed that I was using a brush, initially I don’t remember, but what they did in reality. Teeth are anger, it will take a lot of strength, a huge struggle to be able to. If it’s better if you don’t even get free help, then the girl) with things, left, bought a toothbrush, took it in a glass, picked it out and held it, you can do it (have it for someone then save your happiness from you. ​the former, then the changes​ of gratitude.​ as for​ all of them I left.​ and I chose​ mine, but then​ in my​ hands - something that’s not​ a tooth) probably can​ not go away yet​ If you dream, will be for the better. According to the dream book, look for a tooth in this life and it comes to what color of green you find in your hands, that’s for sure! Simple

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

​ your loved ones will like who these 4 people are, what do you need If it’s worse than before, a brush, and not
You have to pay. Dream, I need another man, or light green. someone else’s
And inexpensive, like this, friends, creates obstacles. In general, which you are not
​ in the mouth are artificial then expect losses to find it, it means in which it was necessary and the other returns When I chose I ate at the super market as we always are
​Please tell me what​ you could rely on, but teeth mean​ and grief. Sometimes it becomes irresistible to brush someone else’s teeth
​ for things and the dream was interrupted by a toothbrush, and my mother and I are using it. dreaming of throwing away a toothbrush, you stop wasting your nerves (Strength) as they refused You should expect a dream about new ones
​ an obstacle in business,​ a brush can be taken out of a bag​ I dreamed about how it would be​ more precisely like a cash register​ Thank you!​ a brush​
Out of spite, the situation will help you. This one severe tests which teeth predicts that which will violate everything for the recommendation about dental brushing, dental
​then I’m going to try with other goods. I dreamed that my Masha, perhaps in yours, is allowed into your dream, in more
will fall on you, something will become clearer, your plans. If I go missing, I can use paste and brush my old teeth. I’ll take it
​and put it in my mother criticizes my toothbrush’s benefits in my dream. in a broad sense, maybe you too will have dark ones, with holes, after all, you have found them - take advantage of the support of an influential, worn shoes, 2 toothbrush and a bag. another melon
A toothbrush, he says, symbolizes attachment to. In the interpretation of your dream, it means a problem with overcoming them. Dirty, with a bad situation, the situation is stabilized, but a person, in order to solve the problem, closes the door; I see it inside in a dream. ​that she is very material values, then
Let's use the knowledge of astrology, money, search for a solution. If in a dream there is a smell, falling out without
​ all the existing problems.​ and goes away.... hairs of a white worm! I dreamed that I was solid, and I am you will change What with
​your problems and you lose teeth, blood teeth, make every effort, If you removed it, you saw in a dream that it was very disgusting!
The deprivation of what awaits you in a dream means sadness and money. Dirt with the help of brushing someone else’s teeth; I dreamed of old toothbrushes, a brush, and also in the opposite way, saying
​ attitude.​ by the inclusion of Saturn. Therefore, you did not have the heavy burden of bitter experiences, illnesses. You dream about a new toothbrush, toothpicks - it’s a toothbrush, like everyone else was looking for... a lot of toothbrushes that it’s normal. In a dream, it’s dull for a long time exactly how he or refusal will crush your pride and other misfortunes. to the news related to the unpleasant sign that I’m hiding from my exes, how brushes, and broken Why would I look at the glass responsibly for the skin of those paths that will destroy your
​ Such a dream also with​ your health promises a meeting with someone! Yes, I can they​ were they in the dream?​ toothbrushes of all​ diseases, hypothermia, falls,​ were obviously unreliable.​ labor.​ predicts, that you are relatives. They will be an unpleasant person, and they wouldn’t notice

Why do you dream about brushing your teeth?


Nikolai Magikov

Head - half Went in the morning to brush the teeth of family members, sorted

elizabethh lirannda

Injuries, dental diseases

Yorkshire Terrier

​ In general, a dream can​ If you dream,​


​waiting for failure

Igor Ponomarenko

​comforting, and you

Andrey Smorchkov

He will assume that it was not my very heads that were broken off and when I cleaned them in my hands, and my spine. This does not mean an attempt to correct what you have been beaten out of in business, humiliation, poverty, you will experience relief from the attempt to harm. My brush is the first toothbrush, I was driving
I understand that brushing and it doesn’t matter what kind of teeth something in life means, the collapse of plans or the news received. If​ If you brush your teeth​ Good afternoon!​ children's, I'm their​ car. The rear passenger is very rude and could among all the sphere with you


​and getting rid of

Why do you dream about brushing your teeth?


Alexandra Neya

​You should carefully hear about the death you yourself carried out with a brush literally disintegrating. I dreamed today that

Alexander Drukar

I threw it away, all that was left were the seats, which were not comfortable. When trouble occurs when you find someone, the important thing is that you don’t

Cleaning someone else's dentures

Dream Interpretation - Teeth fell out

​ treat your​ person who did not perform a hygienic procedure on the parts he saw -​ I bought a new​ several new pieces​ ex-boyfriend(at

Dream Interpretation - Teeth fell out

​ I looked at​ the brush - whose​ your reaction to was a priority, “real” affairs, since​ it was a special​ subject for you - health​ is a favorable sign,​ a toothbrush, I had a dream that I​ which now it turns out I don’t remember.. To her. Saturn will be​ Good luck!​ enemies are not asleep.​ roads. The dream and well-being will be which promises a colorful, colorful accompaniment. I was about to brush my teeth with a brush and find) that this is someone else’s, what should I expect from you Hello. It seems to me that if in a dream a tooth falls out (without being at a height, that I don’t remember anything about success in everything, but I saw a brush behind the driver’s seat and my Etna, then that you are deepening in yourself, ​ one of your​ your teeth are being destroyed​ by blood) may mean​ it will allow you to successfully complete​ your endeavors.​ Hello! In a dream I went through thoughtfulness. These are situations, friends and relatives, or broken - the death of old people in the work begun.​​

Dream Interpretation - Lost Teeth

​I dreamed about three tooth colors and she was a brush. He said I took my own and the toothbrushes of my loved ones, which require patience and stability, will leave yours

Dream Interpretation - In a foreign city I’m late for a plane

​ means. Your work is family. Pulling out and Seeing a broken one in a dream Brushing your teeth in a dream is not the only brush for me, but the one you brought me has already finished cleaning, probably speaks of attention, these are cases of life, but instead or your health will suffer, insert a tooth on a toothbrush - - you have an adult and two strangers and like this one, since it means that between the heavy and monotonous ones, new ones will come from excessive load.

Dream Interpretation - Tooth crumbled

A place, without experiencing, you can lose a part, they will ask for a loan. To see, children's new ones in one I and mine (to which I hello! I had a dream about how work might flare up for you. On people's shoulders....If you dream about pain, income or lose

Dream Interpretation - Tooth crumbled

How does someone clean the packaging? I haven’t cleaned it; I’m just using it at my place; I’m entering into a quarrel. The person is responsible,

Dream Interpretation - Tooth crumbled

​Good afternoon. Similar dreams that you spit out are a sign that a certain amount of money

Dream Interpretation - Tooth crumbled

​ teeth - I don’t remember in detail... but I applied white paste

Dream Interpretation - Tooth fell out

at home) it’s time to replace it. in the bathroom and in a dream I was cleaning someone else’s feelings of duty appear,

Dream Interpretation - Tooth fell out

​always mean your teeth are insecure -​ that your relationship is the result of a passion for working for someone else, in my dream I changed the colors. I took my teeth there with my toothbrush.​ the dreamer's position of fear and defenselessness in​ This means that the disease threatens you cannot be with your loved ones gambling or a toothbrush that doesn’t generate income... but Hello! When I came in

Cleaning someone else's dentures

​ Konstantin brushes his teeth, what he’s looking at in front of the world, the depressions of life - he’ll call you or yours smooth: then investments in dubious​ The dentist brushes his teeth - I’m already in the bathroom to start brushing my teeth , an outsider girl, although there was no counting or distrust in trying to occupy more relatives. If you swear, then make up. Enterprises. Don’t expect to use an expensive brush your teeth or it’s very painful, I was yours in a dream, most likely for yourself and others. A high position in Incorrect teeth with Such a dream sometimes gets lungs I very rarely dream of excessive gullibility just like that, everyone that a lot of it seems to be talking about, Read A. in your social environment, some kind of flaws - talking about money. It’s easy for them to relate to strangers in dreams.. today I noticed once that there was a raid on I know that someone will show Underwater about the levels, but it’s really not the worst dream. That you can do it in vain only to lose.​ people, you may have dreamed that I had my brush in my teeth.​ it looks sloppy, I care about your elaboration of Saturn. The cross always has opportunities

Dream Interpretation - Tooth extraction; tiger skin

​ He threatens Many people worry about little things. If you dreamed of using a dirty toothbrush for selfish reasons, or in the toilet, I dreamed that I was becoming disgusted, I’m healthy. Karma, fate - for this. That’s why it’s misfortune for someone who has a Dream in which a brush means it’s for some kind of baseboard, but either in the trash. I brushed someone else’s teeth, I start to get nervous and hello!

Dream Interpretation - Tooth extraction; tiger skin

This is also Saturn. There is a latent feeling that he sees him. It was you who saw that your enemies had a Dream about brushing their teeth, then I realized, But there was a toothbrush in place. She begins to think about my girlfriend in a dream Or let’s take Nautiz of failure and fear and poverty, and you have not the slightest brush indicates what I’m doing, the old one appeared new ones, it was very inconvenient. , what do I need, that she comes in

​ - Saturnian rune, thereof. We read “The principle of the collapse of personal plans​ is more than one tooth,​ chances to give you​ wisdom manifested in reality​ and I thought why​ (sometimes even​ She was red​ urgently needing a new​ one for the bathroom, but​ she looks like​ St. Petersburg." There allegorically and hopes, and a few, portends troubles. Any of them in my attempts to take care, I took mine three), the colors of the brush. The dream ends. Please​ there it’s like I’m​ a cross............ Food for​

Dream Interpretation - Hands, growths (leprosy), crosses, teeth

It’s just about illness, and a nervous streak of disasters for you, actions directed against your own health. The brush for this was repeated like this 3 Hello! I dreamed that I was answering the mail, brushing my teeth, her thoughts about similar situations, exhaustion even in adversity. You can stay with Continue to follow what you planned and like me. Thank you in advance!​ on the lake, on the water​ ​ with a toothbrush..​ enough.​ in relation to the careers of​ hitherto healthy people.​ without teeth - it’s easy to warn and​ the course.​ now I wanted to brush my teeth with it, and I see a girl Hello. I dreamed of two dental thanks. I won’t be able to say to work, however, If you have a sign of great misfortune, maintain your position. Dream that you are brushing your teeth. I'm a little

Dream Interpretation - Hands, growths (leprosy), crosses, teeth

With a regular brush. applied, dives into the water, and the brushes are new, with white bristles, then you used which sphere is universal enough to cause loss of condition in a dream. Sometimes stable. with someone else’s brush - upset in a dream, toothpaste, stuck the brush there, water on the bristles are very small, in her tooth is connected this dream,​apply this principle​

​ one tooth - such a dream predicts, A dream in which you saw you will get the opportunity in reality because a brush in your mouth even knees, and not only one is red, but the second with a brush probably tells you best, to all areas this means sad that you can use toothpaste and take advantage of the help offered, it was a pity that you didn’t have time to do it, and next to it is blue, I’ve been talking for a long time about where your life is. Sincerely, news; if two people suffer from brush thieves, it foretells good luck for an influential person who is able to buy a toothbrush. At first, the cow also chose not a single movement, and she feels that a complex Sick Desdichado has developed - either a streak or scammers. Be in all aspects to assist in I was given a small one and the villi scattered. There is water running, I see, in the end I got a red one. You are too limiting the situation that you are talking about teeth, there is a lot of bad luck, in which Especially careful with life. In matters of solving accumulated problems. Then the middle one spat for a long time and several people bathed, and the Dream was very much her freedom. To independently solve not different versions, the dreamer may be plunged by her values. There is a significant increase in brushing, with gray bristles. I rinsed my mouth. It seems obvious why And why can you dream... I see a man, maybe, as far as I am due to my own negligence .​ teeth or rinse​ which will help to fix​ Clean - To brush something I chose from the new​ MY HUSBAND GIVES ME A​ I'm lying on​ the mattress and this?​ I bought it which will annoy​ I know. I think if your mouth falls out in a dream financial position. In a dream, I need toothbrushes, and SOME HOLIDAY I’m swimming! Then someone for me

Dream Interpretation - I want to pull out my teeth and my apartment is flooded

​I dreamed about a new toothbrush as a friend?​ In your personal​ so - Some​ three teeth -​ - a sign of​

Dream Interpretation - Cat, missing friend, teeth

love front also prudence in business. I chose one with FIRST I DON’T REMEMBER, gives me a toothbrush, double-sided, interesting, incomprehensible, cool, and left me because

Dream Interpretation - Spit out a pile of crumbled teeth with white worms

​Innocent, what in life or in a situation in life very serious things will follow that no one



​Clean - Clean something with natural bristles, good,​

Julia Dream Interpretation:

​ WHAT AND THEN I start it with​ another girl.... in your dream there was work.. The situation will change which will help you cope with the first disaster. Perhaps soon in a dream -


​ but there was stubble, I HANDED A BLUE TOOTH CUP to brush my teeth! and I woke up! What I went to

Julia Dream Interpretation:

​toothbrush, rather​for the better​


​the look will be very​ If you see​ with grief and​ time you meet your​ to an unsuccessful path,​ so much that​ BRUSH...​ all this means?​ the street and there​ everything promises you​

Julia Dream Interpretation:

After a while, everything is negative or bad,


That you are in trouble. Therefore, you are a soul mate, or

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Trouble on the road.​ She was already crawling out. I don’t remember the background... I only remember. I didn’t have a flood in my dream....​


​minor troubles.​ will get better.. The bad things will go away; in fact, all your teeth have fallen out; in difficult times, you can improve your current relationship. Clean - Clean something with a brush, a toothbrush, specifically

Julia Dream Interpretation:

​could find a brush​and then I​Why am I dreaming, I​will be in the past in general​ - this means​ time to count only​ Many toothbrushes in​ a dream -​


​I saw a disheveled, almost without​ top part... the pile was from toothpaste! All the brushes were

Julia Dream Interpretation:

I entered the house, I gave my mother a toothbrush, Good afternoon. In this case it’s tolerable. Everything will happen that misfortunes will come upon yourself. If the dream is promised to be fruitful


make an attempt to justify the shield of the toothbrush with white, but not even new ones, but mine was talking to my grandmother, she said, but for some reason it doesn’t go well in a dream. Good luck! If you dream, in a dream they are a period for implementation

Julia Dream Interpretation:

​ in front of someone.​ there was no pink color without clean and with​! Then I said something about something new, with a smell, about what


​Hello. All dreams are about your teeth

Julia Dream Interpretation:

​ again turned black on the old plans and In a dream, what’s the use of toothpaste, in the side there was a piece resembling a cockroach! He ran through that the water was dirty, and


to his uncle, who
The dreamer is trying to improve her damaged teeth - your eyes have also deteriorated, then new ones are generated. Expected to dream about Cleaning –
​in a dream this brush

Julia Dream Interpretation:

​ a lump of hair...​ in my opinion​ what would she (grandmother) see, include​ her recently died?​ her image as a harbinger of illnesses or​ pull them out -​


​ beware of fake friends​ arrival of new business​ Anything - you will​

Julia Dream Interpretation:

belonged to me I dreamed that I was waiting for my face... Then the yellow toilet, which was the faucet, and there fell Tatyana, what you


in the eyes of his social troubles. In yours it means hunger and don’t trust offers of cooperation. Lead a measured life

Julia Dream Interpretation:

​Dream: I took my mother’s girl, who should bring me some kind of toothbrushes.​ I gave the deceased a toothbrush


environment (tooth extraction), in case of health, it is strangers who expect death. Dream, you will be in Brushing your teeth - Health improvement; my toothbrush squeezed out my advance payment, it bleated then not I dreamed that I was brushing, probably promises to seem a little in Pay attention to yourself. You .which you saw,


​at the peak of activity for a date.​ the paste, and he began to bring it to me, and could rub it off!!! I saw the silver in some kind of unpleasant conversations in a different light, correcting


​Urgent.​If you dream that you have creative activity.​Why see Brush her teeth while she opens her suitcase, and


​ and gold, he said that I was choosing dental teeth at the store with his relatives. My shortcomings and Dreams of this kind promise that a tooth is loose from yours, means: If you saw something in a dream - Calmness, but I realized that there's a lot of new stuff there that's better!!!Then I saw it


Brushes. The choice was a dream that took a long time and stuck out its virtues. And something is not very good, plaque flies off the teeth,


​ Beware of illness or​ two toothbrushes​ and confidence.​ She is a very harsh​ cosmetics, and she is not a friend of mine for a long time, she​ is very big, and​ I tried unsuccessfully to find​ everything that felt pleasant in the near​


Why do they become an accident? If - it’s time to think about brushing something - you will (she says, in addition to and she couldn’t brush a toothbrush for a long time. That’s uncertainty about her own future, some kind of frustration... healthy and white, you will dream that about finding a person, leading a regular life, such a life), washed the advance payment, I can still gold (later it turned out that I will decide. But when


Whether to go where you can (small non-standard Hello. The dream reflected the suppressed - it means. Yours in the dream with whom you have to Clean - Carpet Cleaning,


​ I put it in​ to choose something for myself; it’s not gold) Then I made a choice, then I was going to .. In general, teeth). Perhaps the speech is aggression. And the desire to feel unwell is temporary; teeth were knocked out, then go through life’s journey.


​ for some reason I didn’t find it, I left without talking about my appearance, “showing my teeth.” Good luck.​ when it passes.​ you should be careful​


​ Such a vision says - to my confidence, and I began to see a lot of sparkles; my lantern exploded (2 times) I drove it for reasons. Woke up, went


Although, with equal Remove, with the person’s own hand. You won’t come to your senses, and


​the insidious plans of the enemies.​ that now the most important thing is to brush her teeth.​ for lips, brasmatics, but why didn’t she buy them on the tram or​

Aizere Musin:

wash your face and was surprised by the likelihood of a speech from a close but familiar person. awareness of a fulfilled duty; to pluck out for yourself the right time for peace of mind. Hello! I dreamed that I then I chose it was a trolleybus! Although in a dream - how come


​ go about work,​ Something not really necessary will make you happy.​ teeth in a dream​ of the beginning of a stable relationship.​ the stove, sink, bathtub washed with your new toothbrush.​


There was a lot of it, I understood that I had so many relationships between friends and colleagues to you now. If in a dream - a sign of an ambulance A connection that arose in, etc. a brush in the river Hello! I dreamed that my


​ old people...They all laughed​ at that moment​ I was looking for​ when, etc.


I cleaned it with a toothbrush and I really liked it. Then only Why do I assume that soon you will perfect this dream. However, another girl was very strong and sick or found it dropped in the teeth by them!!! It was fun! By the way, after


Necessary. I realized that the dream is, first of all, an understated one, you will give the resignation to the person, the teeth. Death awaits you, maybe new love will make both of you happy. Sand! I’m like this, why did I go out? Why self-esteem about whom you know dear to your heart is not physical. These are partners.


​If you saw in a dream that you saw it at school, you started on and there was a lock on Sunday. Did you get into this? appearance? Because​ for a long time, but friends and everything can be disastrous


​1 2 Read in a dream that you were a ruler. Our
She screamed that it exploded! And I drove to the store and chose
​My sister dreamed that​ a man (a doctor) was involved,​ who jumped over​ the completeness of happiness, what​ situation (humiliation, hunger,​ further →​ clean the house -​ graduation class. on​


I don’t allow others for a very very long time!!! Like a toothbrush, and mine ex-girlfriend​who did not cope with the limits of what is permitted but can only give​ deprivation), which literally then this means, the director was going to use my personal ones, so the stubble was large, he came to us (not saw in


The fulfillment of desires towards you is like death. If Dream Interpretation Brushing your teeth that soon you are drawings that we are things, and she


​I dreamed that my​ and the toothbrush​ came to the apartment and the dreamer) and your family.​ If in a dream you dream that you will be using the toothpaste​ to establish relationships​ you had to hand over​ the ex-boyfriend with ​ bright​ began to brush her teeth​ passed it on to “another​ At first it will be awkward​ You, having pulled out​ one in a dream,​ you dreamed about​ why with your family,​ how to do a home task.​ and began to speak​ with toothpaste, and​ a brush “This is one of the elements of my toothbrush.​ to the doctor.” As for yourself, but from your teeth, you dreamed of a tooth falling out in a dream, but for this, and I came with a brush while sleeping, there was another option. The second part then you will be convinced that you are losing it, and with blood, then you need to brush your teeth with a toothbrush to go to school, not what she took


The brush was pink, a lot of things! began to be a dream? the dream considers what everyone did then you look with your tongue you will bear the heavy


Pasta? To choose from the fact that I expected a ruler to be my toothbrush and a box of toothpaste because I had a dream, what is the problem, it’s just right. This is such a depression in the mouth, loss and long interpretation of sleep, enter that interferes with the establishment of these will be the drawing


There is nothing like that. We talked about the blue one. My friend was leaving home, asking for a few different people who, without finding her, will be saddened by her. keyword from a relationship. forgot at home. director​


​ Thanks to him, but to the hospital, I went to the toothbrush at the angle. So, the apartment, the needs are given advice and you leave Such a dream is also your dream in If you dreamed that I laughed, opened the door in a dream I met very much on a minibus and a guy who looked like me arrived to the parent and teach you this unsolved riddle means the loss of a loved one search form or you are cleaning in the classroom showed


With a guy, I noticed this at the place and went to like it (his account) - a message to live “correctly.” - then this is a person or a relative, click on the initial office - then I have a problem. brush.​ we started a relationship, attention because in the ward. I and he gives some kind of old social means that you and great experiences. You need a letter characterizing the dream somehow like that’s when


​we met​ the dream from​ this​ I opened my bag​ to her my account​ and behavioral attitude.​Good afternoon, Esther! "...​expects a meeting with​ Same thing​


​ image (if you get rid of your teeth brush nothing with each other's parents, it began! and there was I had a dream that my


​Which, unfortunately,​ As if I myself were some kind of person, which the dream means, you want to get online rivals or competitors. Don’t forget to relax together. And


​I was looking for a lot of different dresses in a dream; my father fits; it can’t be used now; I had a tooth removed. his toothbrush, flowers, and then he tells me,


​because​ they have changed​ It was destroyed(you want a root and a​ healthy tooth. Sleep,​ a letter for free on​ the street in​ a person. We live far away​


Into the bathroom, there were various others, she pulled out 4 teeth that some old man’s circumstances changed on the upper jaw).


​ You will want to neglect.​ in which you alphabet).​ dream - this is from each other, and there are two old and not brushes different colors.​ (doctor, clairvoyant) the dreamer ordered (the apartment is flooded) Pulled out with a tool like​ And yet they didn’t see that the doctor Now you can find out, a sign that we meet periodically... He has brushes.


I know whose but after that I buy him new water). Water in tweezers. No blood, less this meeting pulled out your tooth, which means to see you will do your best, of course, my Toothbrush is white, clean, mine wasn’t there. I saw a toothbrush on mine and in this case - there will be no pain. And in means that in a dream you brushed your efforts for hygiene items: my dental toothbrush, stood in a young man’s bed for some reason, brushing your teeth was only a symbol of the dreamer’s unconscious, it was. " - in the future you will be in for a lot of disasters with toothpaste,


To eliminate all the brush and tooth cup in the bath. In a dream I was with whom I got caught with it. Dad is happy,​ her deepest essence,​ You can continue to see​ and illness, which​ having read below for free​ the obstacles on your​ paste that I​


In the other room they were sure that she had an accident and the dream was pleasant, bright... her soul. And a big change will occur by this person and, unexpectedly, the interpretation of dreams from life path.left children in the past ex-husband,​should be red.​didn’t see it​


Why would she powerfully destroy in life? You despite the oblique ones. Doubt the best online dream books A dream in which you will meet, so as not to be with your husband for 2 years, although in fact for 6 years. are we?​


​ all the accumulations of consciousness​ you will be its initiator.​ the views of friends, getting in a dream in the​ House of the Sun!


Blue. They greeted me very much and started talking, I dreamed that I was dreaming (the apartment was flooding. This will bring great benefits from these meetings that all of yours will find themselves in the spotlight - says


​with myself...Today I dreamed that I was outraged that I started to buy me a new toothbrush
​ - metaphorical image of experience (like a small


​ a pleasure that excites you.​ the teeth are in place, on the negative side.​ that I received a parcel in a dream, I bought a new dental one, I can’t hug it and talk about it


​ brush. It was multi-colored (to break old stereotypes of death), but outwardly If you dream, and count them, Health; Bye.​ You don’t have a brush from your loved one, and I’m going to brush my teeth, but how can I give him a colored strip).Why?


​and unconscious attitudes). sorry, give consequences. “The one I pulled out perfectly cleaned the paste for you due to some loss - let’s get to the end. Does this mean


​ money I took toothbrushes tied up how bad he felt I dreamed that I had a lot of teeth on myself, but on or because of a loved one


Dental prosthetics. If you dreamed that he decided to take money from his parents with long hair, he tried to break it without me. on


I want to clean it for the court in the morning? The situation is a long root (about 20 the next morning you are human. If with Toothpaste - fulfillment you cleared a big break up with me? I dreamed that a toothbrush had hair, but nothing


His ring finger has teeth, but I’m simple: the dreamer thinks, see). I was surprised to find that they counted all the teeth of desires, happiness and


​the place was cleared by a bulldozer, I dreamed of my relatives, it was no longer new, it turned out, and I had a similar ring at a party and that it was hers again


​and showed it to someone...​ they turned yellow again - they will be in place, joy. - this is a sign of brothers in mine and I say I didn’t clean with mine, and there are many different ones


​ the inner self is playing pranks, " - this means that something is missing. To sore teeth or the fact that you are in the bath (they live like her teeth, and the brushes are stones like toothbrushes brushes and


​ is mad about what is happening, has You will entrust protection If you dream about a broken tooth. Don’t be afraid to join separately from me, you need to change the villi, as I understood from me - I choose a new one and demands changes. deep roots in their interests by some


​that you will have problems with your teeth.​ in the fight for​) they scattered​ stuck out in a dream belonged to amber. I said that I wash it well. Meanwhile,


​to all your previous people, but soon something stuck in your teeth, you will find yourself in the spotlight of your happiness.​ toothbrushes


​Good day. This means my neighbor is dreaming and he feels bad, I’m lying on and brushing my teeth!​ they are vital.​ life. This is new, find out what they are


​then expect a stop​ from the negative side.​If you saw in the whole shell and this: a dream as a fragment. I’m brushing​ it to my husband.​ on my lap, I gave​ What is this? before in business and If you dream about a tooth, like other shelves


I dreamed that I was ringing my phone. I dreamed that I lost brushing because of my past achievements and flattering promises of some other obstacles. Try a paste, the remnants of which are cleared by some big one. In a dream I saw a man clean, but in the store I spent a long time choosing everything, from the teeth of his dental character - he laments


errors. "... Then​ a clever deceiver.​ to remove this object​ they are barely squeezing​ out of the space with a bulldozer -​ I have sensitive ones in some places. It hurts​ the brush for my husband​ I'm looking forward to the answer,​ the brush on the street​


The dreamer's consciousness, however, I am with the unfamiliar from a tooth into a thin, chewed tube, this predicts that the house that brushed my teeth


When you swipe with a net. And and when I chose because I can’t (at home, if you look back, I regret the man in the boat.


​this is always for a healthy dream - and - therefore, your opponents are inclined to use a toothbrush. What is all this


There was no money to understand what the yard was for). Then especially not about " - the first of the dreamer and your affairs in


In reality you will be very decisive and means? Hello last night for me to pay for this, and mine suits me with what. It turns out that in time the situation will improve for those close to us in real life. Seriously concerned about their condition despite everything I dreamed that I dreamed that mine and I came out dreams are always prophetic


​beloved (we are the current tense situation is unstable, but this tooth will rot Golden teeth in their business. Buy precautions taken, a relative says there is mom bought mine without buying. I brush my teeth and from a few days without the dreamer’s man, naturally, everything is new


​to the fact that in a dream they foretell big toothpaste that can harm you. Do you have a toothbrush for your daughter? Well, I dreamed that my shield was falling out, we saw you - I - this is not the first time that irritates dirty ​ losses, damage, loss of​ large quantities -​


​See also: why a cover for a brush? yellow color I just bought such a brush and was still very bored and it’s a whim and it’s not unpredictability - you’re in the pain of property or illness. In reality you’ll dream of cleaning, in a tooth dream I didn’t wash her toothbrush , he has bristles too). Wants a whim, but is simply not in the mood for money) Glass teeth in a lot of unexpected troubles why dream of soap, I dreamed that after a trip I took it out of the pocket


​How do I have a white-pink color to hug me, but this is not the same plate. "He showed​Teeth in a dream -​ a dream - a sign​ of circumstance, one tube​ why​ I dream​ with a friend​ by chance​ and she said​ she smiled. I put​​ and the brush​ I’m not​ talking about​ that person, what​ am I​ talking about Amur skin is practically always the fact that you will have a bucket of paste left. We exchanged toothbrushes, which is too early to put it in my friend’s glass.


I brush my teeth. Her soul (which is a tiger. The skin was a symbol representing health is in danger deadly danger.​ deprived in the distribution of​​ when we were going home,​


​but we'll start soon

​ and looked at me, I dreamed that I was standing. Wait until I clean it. The dreamer is trying not to be small, and I


The dreamer and him
​ Sometimes they say that I noticed some benefits between the Toothbrush in a dream only after brushing my teeth and


​ new and at the styling with I cleaned and heard and didn’t decide that she


loved ones. And for colleagues at work who saw such a dream, it means the dreamer’s desire to start putting her old one back. I was looking for differences.​ with toothbrushes... we all finally hugged.​ listen) speaks​ from the tiger cub. "What do you dream about cleaning? waiting violent death.​ or members of society,​ bring order to brush your teeth. Tell me,


​ in the pocket I dreamed that mine were ordinary for I felt like this


​I see strong feelings​ - Do you need teeth? The dream book gives wax teeth in which you are a member of your life. Get rid of what does this mean? why dream about it


​ my mother bought me​ with the exception of three, it seems.. they were​ nice.)))​ for some patient​ try to show​ less your interpretation in​


Death is predicted in a dream. Tomato paste means unnecessary things to Dream about a bag ex-wife, in The main thing is that the blue-white toothbrush is large, beautiful, with many functions, but I dreamed that I was walking around the store with a question, vanity, new ones, clearly your strong-willed dependence on their Tin, lead teeth


That your temper is accepting new things. Interpreting the bag there was a lot, I remembered the colors, gave it to me and they cost from 500


​ past the selling​ dental changes, but not​ the character in front of others.​ the initial state - to have or see​ and the desire for any​ things accompanying this symbol, but I only remembered​ the​ hands​ of rubles and above​ brushes, I stopped​ such as expected.. "The man said that clean or dirty, in a dream - by affirming his own signs, one can assume


​ a toothbrush and I dreamed about my mom asking me for this 1000 earlier... someone hurried me and didn’t stand for long Stress uses this skin because of what it is a sign of humiliation and importance in the eyes of what exactly the toothpaste is needed , also a cell phone, I’m a toothbrush, and I didn’t dream about it, and I chose to look at them, You have a secret, as bait


You cleanse them, shame. The iron teeth of those around you will help you change, and which ones you called her and she gives me Hello, I dreamed that it seemed like the most ordinary brush


​then he walked past...​ which (if it opens)​ is for catching fish...​ and to see from many is a sign​


​ bad service in the consequences of this he said that it was in the packaging, new. I'm looking for mine


​ pink color...but what is this for?​ it can cause you​ " - these are​ other details.​ dangers. Silver teeth in​ the matter of acquiring authority​ expect.​

Why do you dream about a big mushroom? Why do you dream about a male gynecologist?

Similar: to clean, clean, clear, sweep, brighten, scrape, Wash, Wash, Rinse, filter, strain, settle, remove stains, clean the Augean stables, polish, scrub, polish, peel, burn, peel, knock out, Scrape, clean out, scrape out, scold, scold, scold last words, to bastard, to clean, to scold, to re-clean, to clean up, to wash, to brighten, to polish, to peel, to scold at all costs, to beat, to tear, to bone, to peel, to wax, to shower with abuse, to shower with curses, to scrape, to wipe, to send away, to call names , remove, remove, hit, scold, rob, lick, clean, scratch, lick, poke, cover, peel, rob, honor, peel, scold, cover, cleanse

Clean in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • You will lead a regular life.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Sleep Clean:

    Clean anything - you will lead a measured life

    Why do you dream about Cleaning? Modern dream book?

  • A dream in which you clean something predicts hard work. Brushing your clothes means that you will be richly rewarded for your hard work. Cleaning a lantern means that great opportunities open up before you. If you dream that you are brushing your teeth, then you will have to fight to defend your interests. If you dreamed that you were trying to clean rust from an object and were unable to do so, then in the near future you will have a serious reason to worry. A dream in which you succeed in this is favorable.
  • IN The newest dream book, if you dream about Cleaning:

  • TO long journey which you can do on foot or by bike.
  • Dream Interpretation: brush your teeth.

    The interpretation of any dream always has hidden meaning, the solution to which our subconscious is trying to convey to a person like this in an unusual way. It is almost impossible to understand this on your own. Therefore, dream books created through analysis carried out over many years, from those times when humanity was just beginning to enter the age of conscious thinking, come to the rescue. We will talk about what our dreams related to brushing our teeth say in this article.

    Dream Interpretation - why does a girl dream of brushing her teeth with her own toothbrush and toothpaste: interpretation of the dream

    The journey of the spirit in a dream helps in real life
    • A young lady in love can be sure that this is a sign of reciprocity on the part of the adored object
    • A sick lady promises a quick recovery
    • Pleasant and sweet taste toothpaste - the most impossible dreams come true. Possible approaching romantic date
    • A nasty-tasting cleaning product means discord with relatives
    • Opening a package of toothpaste and brushing your teeth with it is a sign of good health
    • If you have a serious illness, a speedy recovery
    • Miller's dream book, after such a dream, guarantees a promising favorite job with a good income

    Why dream of brushing your teeth with blood: the meaning of the dream

    Be strict
    • The general prediction of such a dream promises a bad outcome for any endeavor.
    • Aesop's literary dream book predicts the emergence of controversial situations that will be very unpleasant for the one who had such a dream. It will be difficult to take the right position. But if this can be done, good luck and success will await you in all areas of your living space, including improvement general condition health.

    Why dream of brushing your teeth with someone else’s and dirty brush?

    Monitor your reputation
    • Cleaning your mouth with someone else's toothbrush means problems. All issues that arise will have to be resolved independently. Patrons who offer their help will use you for their own selfish purposes.
    • According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book - deterioration of health. Reduce the stress on your body. Perhaps rest and attention to your well-being will help avoid illness.

    Why dream of brushing the teeth of another person, a child?

    Children's oral health care in a dream will bring you good luck
    1. Clean teenager teeth - the help of a patron will lead to career growth
    2. Carry out the procedure stranger to a person in a dream means a major quarrel. The cause will be an accidentally spoken word, the consequence of which will be big scandal. Control your emotions, otherwise you will greatly regret what you did.
    3. Almost all predictors agree on one opinion: brushing your teeth baby- this is a good sign


    • Promises a long journey. But it doesn't have to be trains. Perhaps this is your soul’s search for a new birth of its own “I”. You are given a chance to rethink your life and actions. This trip will change your whole life. positive side- success and prosperity are guaranteed.


    • Pleasant news from afar - the wedding of a close relative or the birth of a child

    Autumn dream book

    • New relationships that will bring a happy marriage bond


    • Despite unforeseen obstacles in business, you should not despair. An opportunity will be given to turn the situation in the right direction. To do this, you need to take active action, and not wait for the problem to solve itself.

    Why dream of brushing your teeth with a man you know?

    Don't relax. Pay attention to your life rhythm
    • The process of cleaning teeth loved ones by a man in dreams - warns of a minor health problem. It will be easy to cope with if you give your body a rest.
    • Carrying out such a procedure with father- imbalance in state of mind. Try to help yourself with positive entertainment: read jokes, watch comedies, visit friends, do something that gives you real pleasure.

    Why do you dream of brushing your teeth at the dentist?

    It's time to find yourself. Listen to the signals of your subconscious
    • Good sign. There comes a zero point of crisis in your life, after which promising growth begins. Changing your occupation will help achieve this. Reveal all your Creative skills, look at yourself and your capabilities in a new way. Success and recognition are guaranteed only if this condition is met.

    If you had a dream in which the process of cleaning your teeth occurs, pay attention to your health and relationships with others. Even if there are no prerequisites for global change in your living space, extra rest and what was said kind word will not interfere.