Traditions of Ecuador. Global Echo: Ecuadorian culture - traditions and customs, holidays, national costume, cuisine and way of life. Customs and traditions of Ecuador

The name of this country speaks for itself - the Republic of Ecuador is located on the equator and it is here that you can be in two hemispheres at once, placing one foot north and the other south of a geographical landmark. But this is not the only reason why travelers storm local spaces every year. The culture, cuisine and traditions of Ecuador are no less interesting for tourists than the natural beauty or fabulous Galapagos Islands.

From the kingdom of Kitu

Ancient Indian tribes who lived on the territory of modern Ecuador once built a powerful empire called the kingdom of Quitu. Then it was conquered by the Incas and Spanish conquistadors, as a result of which arose unique culture- diverse, colorful and unusual. The traditions of Ecuador are the customs of the Quechua Indians, mixed with Spanish religious dogmas and adapted to life in a multi-ethnic and class society. Part ancient culture was lost without a trace, but today’s Ecuadorians managed to preserve much for themselves and for their descendants.

You are my godfather

One of the main family traditions Ecuador – appointment of godparents of a newborn. Godparents here participate in the upbringing and maturation of their ward, help both financially and morally, and support the godson throughout his life. This tradition even helps build a career and promote business.
For an Ecuadorian, family is the most important asset. Children are loved here, the elderly are respected, and women are treated with respect and care. Younger son or a daughter, according to Ecuadorian tradition, is obliged to take parents who have become infirm into their home, and therefore there are almost no nursing homes or lonely old people in the country.

Useful little things

  • Ecuadorians, unlike other Latin Americans, are quite punctual, so when you receive an invitation to visit, do not be late! A small souvenir or flowers for the hostess of the house will be very useful both at a reception and at friendly gatherings.
  • Smoking in in public places allowed in the country, but open consumption of alcoholic beverages on the street is considered not very good manners.
  • Ecuadorians are polite and reserved, calm and reasonable. It is not customary to talk about material wealth here, but you can ask questions about family and children.
  • Ecuadorian traditions dictate asking permission from local residents before photographing them.

Ecuador: a story about the features of tourism and recreation. Helpful information about Ecuador for the traveler.

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The Huaorani, also known as the Sabela, Aushiri, Auca and Wao, are a small tribe of Indians who still live in the Amazon jungle in eastern Ecuador. In turn, they are divided into several more groups, quite often at war with each other: Tonyampare, Tihueno, Quiuaro, Damuintaro, Sapino, Tiguino, Huamuno, Kehueruno, Garsacocha, Camperi, Mima, Karuve and Tagaeri.

Unfortunately, today this formidable tribe is in danger of extinction: the danger comes from oil companies actively conducting geological exploration and oil production in the jungle in the territories of their residence - between the Kuraray and Napo rivers.

The Waorani speak an isolated Wao-Terero (or Wao-Tededo) language and are semi-nomadic, possessing a wealth of knowledge in ethnobotany and ethnomedicine. Their skill in preparing the neurotoxic poison curare for hunting using long blowpipes is known. For the Huaorani, the jungle is not only a home, it is primarily a source of physical and cultural survival. They were accustomed to building their houses from trees, making weapons and ceremonial objects. For example, the thorny chonta palm is an excellent building material and raw material for spears, and balsa is often used for ritual purposes.

Hunting and fishing are the main method of survival in the wild, but strictly certain types of animals and game end up on the Waorani table. They never kill deer, jaguars, large birds of prey or snakes. Polygamy is common among the Indian tribes of Northwestern Amazonia. Despite the ring of civilization shrinking around them, the Indians retain their primitive warlike customs, periodically raiding their neighbors.


The Txachila, Spanish for "los Colorados", "the painted ones", are a small tribe found in western Ecuador in the provinces of Santo Domingo de Txachilas and Esmeraldas. The main external difference between their men is their unique hairstyle: shaved hair on the sides of the head and bright red strands on the top of the head.

In Ecuador, Tsachila shamans are considered one of the best healers and Ayurvedic practitioners. Their settlements are easily accessible from Quito and Guayaquil.

A Tsachila Indian plays a traditional instrument.


Tribes of headhunters - Shuar, Achuar and Shiviar - inhabit a picturesque area on the banks of the Pastaza, along the Cordillera de Cutucu - on the one hand and at the very border with Peru, at the very mouth of the Huasaga, flowing along the Pastaza, on the other.

The Shuar, or headhunters, are the most numerous people of the eastern forests and foothills from Bobonasa and Pindoyacu in the north to Marañon in the south. Now their communities and settlements are concentrated in the jungle along the rivers flowing east of the Kutuku ridge. To the west of them live Mestizo and Quichua settlers.

Among the Ecuadorians themselves, it is common to divide the Shuar into Western (“Shuar of the borderlands”) and Eastern (“Shuar of the interior”), living east of Cutuku. The Muraniyya, or Muraya Shuar, are the “people of the highlands,” the “people of the Montagna,” who live in the valley of the Upano River, from its origins in the north to its confluence with the Paute and Yungansa rivers in the south. Fishing today is one of the traditional sources of food for these Indians. On the menu warlike peoples Spectacled bears, armadillos, jaguar, tapirs and other animals are often caught. Most likely, it was precisely thanks to its belligerence and bloodthirstiness, about which there are legends, that this tribe was able to maintain such a large composition.

Quichua Saraguro

The Quichua Saraguro are one of the groups of Indians inhabiting the mountainous regions of the equatorial Andes and the southern part of Ecuador in the province of Loja. The history of this tribe is shrouded in mysteries and secrets. It is still unknown where the name “saraguro” comes from. Either from the merger of two Quichua words: “sara” - corn and “kuri” - gold, or “sara” and “kuru” mean “caterpillar”, or “corn plant”. Disputes continue over the true origins of this tribe.


The character of the Otavalo Indians is always characterized by extreme enterprise, smiling and wit. They are farmers, weavers, and merchants; they enjoy using the gifts of civilization, but at the same time do not forget the behests of their ancestors. Otavalos live in the city of Otavalo, which is famous throughout the country as the capital of ponchos.

Zion and Secoya

These related Indian tribes live in northeastern Ecuador in the Aguarico and Putumayo river basins. The population of Zion today is only 260 people, and Secoya - 380. The main occupation is manual farming, hunting, gathering and fishing, but in addition they are engaged in the cultivation of corn, sweet potatoes, chonta peach palm, bananas, pineapples, and peppers. In every family, the head is a shaman - “kuraka”. It is they who attract curious tourists who, upon reaching the Cuyabeno Bioreserve, are ready to observe the rituals of the Zion Indians.

A distant and therefore mysterious country, so different from Russia... The Latin American flavor determines most of the features of life in Ecuador. There are few Russian-speaking immigrants there, but they exist, despite the difficult naturalization due to differences in mentality and appearance between Russians and Ecuadorians. For the immigrant who is from a temperate climate middle zone Russia finds itself in the tropical heat of Ecuador, even the weather can come as a shock. There is no snow at all in Ecuador, not counting the mountains, and the Ecuadorians themselves, with their peculiar way of life are descendants of local Indians and Spanish conquistadors.

Ecuador is a Catholic country, and the local population is very religious, like most residents of other Latin American countries. However, despite this, the crime rate in Ecuador is very high, as in the region as a whole. Not as high as in, for example, Venezuela or neighboring Colombia, but much higher than in more prosperous Chile and Uruguay. The typical Latin American temperament characteristic of Ecuadorians also contributes to this - lazy, slightly roguish, but at the same time explosive and hot-tempered. In addition, the mafia is strong in the country, really strong. However, the latter circumstance most likely will not have any impact on the life of an ordinary immigrant.

In appearance, Ecuadorians are also similar to other Latin Americans, and a person of European appearance will attract a lot of attention, sometimes not at all necessary. A light-skinned immigrant will most often be mistaken for an American, and the US is not liked here, so if it comes to such questions, it is better to immediately say where you came from. They treat Russia with indifference here, unlike Russia, and some people only know about it that it is some kind of big country on the other side of the world. But if there is a need to contact someone with a question, it is better to do it in bad Spanish than in good English - they will be more willing to help.

In general, Ecuadorians are characterized by a kind of laziness and idleness. They do not like to rush anywhere, leaving life to put everything in its place, which gives some advantages to an enterprising immigrant who is not afraid of work. The majority of Ecuadorians are open and friendly. They are very emotional, which can be expressed both positively and negatively. An Ecuadorian who is grateful to you for something is a model of cordiality who does not hide his joy, but an offended man will easily grab a knife.

Yes, perhaps one of the most striking features of life in Ecuador is the Ecuadorians themselves. They have a very developed sense of humor, they laugh a lot and willingly. But we should not forget that Ecuadorians are a very proud people. Their emotionality is a double-edged sword; they are easily offended, but they also make peace willingly, without harboring resentment. If you have a quarrel with someone, the best way will smile broadly and shake hands. Most likely, anyone is not too serious conflict this will be the end of it. Ecuadorians highly respect the customs and traditions of their country, and when communicating with them one should not forget about this. There is no need to publicly discuss, much less criticize, the way they live. All national events, holidays, customs, traditions and historical facts trends are a source of pride for Ecuadorians.

The majority of Ecuadorians earn very little, but poverty does not oppress them, although vanity is not alien to them. It makes sense to move to Ecuador to open your own business, or if you have a permanent income from outside. It makes little sense to look for a job here on your own, given that the normal salary here is considered to be about three hundred dollars.

- the smallest independent country South America, which got its name due to its unique geographical location. What is the country of Ecuador really like? Interesting Facts which will be presented below? Since ancient times, Indian tribes have lived on the territory of Ecuador, forming military alliances and states. But even the most powerful of them, the Inca state, could not resist the invasion of the Spaniards. Starts in 1531 European colonization country, which lasted about three hundred years. Today, Ecuador is a developing country that is consistently among the top five largest exporters of bananas, coffee and roses, and is successfully promoting beach and sightseeing tourism.

Unique and interesting facts about Ecuador

Customs and traditions

National cuisine

  1. The Spanish period influenced the local culture much less than in other countries. The most striking part of Ecuador's traditional cuisine is its variety of soups, including the hearty potato soup "locro de papas" - one of the most delicious soups in the world.
  2. Favorite meat dish is fried kuy, made from guinea pig. In Ecuador, these animals have long been bred for food.
  3. Only in Ecuador can you try the interesting fruit juice “naranilla”, with aromas of peach and citrus.
  4. The most expensive chocolate in the world is made in Ecuador. One dark To"ak chocolate bar weighing only 45 grams costs 169 euros.


The unique nature and rich historical heritage of Ecuador make this South American country one of the most attractive for fans of cultural tourism.

  1. Ecuador's most popular tourist attraction is the Equator Monument in Mitad del Mundo. After you take a photo against the backdrop of the equator, local postal employees will put a special stamp on a postcard, envelope, or even passport about your visit to this significant place.
  2. In the list of objects world heritage UNESCO two Ecuadorian cities at once - and. The Old Cathedral of El Sagrario and Calderon Square in Cuenca, Quito are perfectly preserved - witnesses of the former greatness of the Spaniards. The church in Quito is considered best example Baroque architecture in the New World.
  3. One of the most dangerous railways in the world is located between the cities of Alausi and Sibambe and has a symbolic name. The train moves along narrow cornices located on different levels over a steep cliff. But the fear of heights, which some tourists fear, is certainly compensated by stunning mountain scenery.
  4. The largest Indian market in South America is located in the town of Otavalo, north of.
  5. Gorodok is home to the most unusual cemetery in the world, where green bushes have been skillfully transformed into amazing “living” topiary sculptures. The number of figures is more than three hundred.


  1. Ecuador is home to the tallest active volcano in the world. The last eruption (height 5897 m) was recorded in 1942. On the slopes Cotopaxi is one of the few equatorial glaciers in the world.
  2. Top of the volcano

Ecuador ( Ecuador) is a republic located in the northwestern part of South America ( South America). The republic includes the Galapagos Islands ( Galapagos Islands). The capital of Ecuador is the city of Quito ( Quito).

The entire western part of Ecuador is covered by the Pacific Ocean ( Pacific Ocean). Ecuador shares borders with Colombia (Colombia) and Peru ( Peru).

There are four climatic zones adjacent to Ecuador. The flat part of the country and the coast are subject to a hot and humid equatorial climate. The average annual temperature in this zone does not fall below +28 °C, and the hottest and rainiest season falls from December to May. In the eastern part of Ecuador, the air temperature reaches +38 °C. The mountain region has a temperate equatorial climate, while the south and the Galapagos Islands belong to the subequatorial climate zone.

The majority of the population are Catholics. The official language is Spanish.

If tourists and their fellow travelers prefer beach holiday, we recommend paying attention to Atakames ( Atacames), Baia de Manta ( Bahia de Manta), San Vicente ( San Vicente), Playa de Montañita (Playa de Montanita), Salinas (Salinas) and the Santa Elena Peninsula ( Santa Elena Peninsula). In these resort towns you can not only relax on well-groomed beaches, but also engage in extreme tourism (diving, snorkeling and surfing). National Natural Park "Galapagos Islands" ( Galapagos National Park) - a favorite place for surfers and divers.

Those who plan to devote their vacation to excursion tourism will like Quito, Cuenca ( Cuenca) and Guayaquil ( Guayaquil) - cultural centers Ecuador, where vacationers can enjoy exploring significant historical sites, architectural monuments, and also visit natural parks, reserves and memorial Complex where the equator lies (zero latitude).

Travelers choosing an active country holiday should go on an excursion to the Chimborazo volcanoes (Chimborazo Volcano), Cayambe ( Cayambe Volcano) and Cotopaxi ( Cotopaxi Volcano), where they will be invited to practice mountaineering or go hiking along the mountain routes of Ecuador.

How to get there

Traveling to Ecuador for tourists from EU and CIS countries can be tiring.


From Madrid ( Madrid) companies Air Europa, LAN Airlines, Air Madrid And Iberia organize direct flights to Ecuador (Quito, Guayaquil). There are no other direct routes from Eurozone cities. There are no direct flights between Ecuador and the CIS countries.

Regular flights with transfers in Lima, Peru ( Lima) from Moscow ( Moscow) and Paris ( Paris) are provided by Aeroflot airlines and Air France. The company's planes fly to Ecuador KML with connection in Amsterdam ( Amsterdam). You can also get through Amsterdam via the air route proposed by UIA, departing from Kyiv ( Kiev).

Railway connection

Travelers can travel from the capital of Peru to Ecuador by train. The duration of such a trip will be about a day.


Tourists who are citizens of CIS and EU countries do not need a visa to travel to Ecuador.

This provision applies to all travelers planning to spend less than 90 days in this country. In this case, the procedure for entering Ecuador is simple: at the airport, guests of the country are given a stamp in their passport indicating the number of days allowed to stay in the country.

If desired, the initial period of stay in the country can be extended (up to 90 days) through the immigration service in Ecuador. A similar service is provided by the Ecuadorian service free of charge.


According to Ecuadorian customs legislation, the amount of currency imported into the country is not limited in any way. Moreover, any imported cash are subject to mandatory declaration. Export of currency from the territory of the country is permissible in the amount that was indicated when filling out the entry declaration.

Guests of Ecuador and their traveling companions can bring into the country tax-free:

The import of uncanned food into Ecuador is prohibited.

Without the appropriate accompanying documents, items of cultural or historical value cannot be exported. If travelers plan to bring jewelry, souvenirs, woolen or leather goods from vacation, they must have a receipt confirming the purchase.


Holidays in Ecuador will provide tourists with a unique opportunity to try a variety of authentic dishes of Indian tribes that lived in the country before the discovery of America.

Exotic soups are especially popular among Ecuadorians and guests of the country: “Locro” (potato soup with avocado and cheese), “Jaguarlocro” (potato soup with the addition of fresh blood) and “Caldo de pata” (broth cooked in fried veal hooves).

Ecuadorian cuisine will delight travelers who come to the country on vacation with its intricate meat dishes. Just look at the traditional Ecuadorian dish “Cuy” - fried guinea pig meat. And “Fritada” (pork fried in melted lard) will appeal to all gourmets. Original taste Seco de Chivo (roasted or well-stewed whole goat carcass) will be a gastronomic discovery for any traveler.

The cuisine of Ecuador will make a pleasant impression on those guests of the country who are interested in seafood dishes. We recommend trying “Supe de mariscos” (exotic seafood stew) and “Ceviche” (seafood marinated in a mixture of lime juice and hot pepper). The most tender fish “Encocados”, stewed in coconut milk, will leave a pleasant impression on guests of Ecuador.

A trip to Ecuador will delight those with a sweet tooth. A variety of desserts await them: Humitas (sweet corn), Colada (a delicious soufflé flavored with Andean naranjilla) and spicy Chucula(creamy mousse with cinnamon and vanilla, sprinkled with salted cheese shavings).

They don’t make wine in Ecuador, but anyone can try the local Pilsner or Biela beer, as well as alcoholic drinks"Canezalo" and "Pisco" based on sugar cane.


The national currency of Ecuador is the American dollar (USD). In circulation among Ecuadorians are:

  • banknotes from 1 to 100 dollars;
  • coins (cents) in denominations from 1 cent to 1 dollar.

Guests of the country and their fellow travelers will be able to take advantage of bank cards in tourist areas and hotels in Ecuador. Remember that an additional tax of 8% is charged for servicing plastic cards in the country. Small shopping and entertainment establishments, small hotels and hostels do not accept cards for payment. Travel checks can only be cashed at bank branches.

ATMs are usually equipped retail chains cities. In small populated areas You can only withdraw funds at a bank branch. It is for this reason that the most common method of mutual settlements in Ecuador remains payment in cash.

In general, the crime situation in the country is stable.

What you need to know

You are ready to travel to distant and mysterious Ecuador. What do you need to consider? What surprises should you prepare for before going on vacation?

Customs and traditions of Ecuador

Ecuadorians are very calm, balanced and hospitable. Hospitality among Ecuadorians is valued as highly as piety. If tourists and their traveling companions come to visit an Ecuadorian, they should give the owner of the house a small gift as a token of gratitude for the invitation.

In small towns, people greet everyone they meet on the streets.

There is no ban on smoking in public places, but we do not recommend drinking alcohol outside recreation areas. In a good manner Ecuadorians consider restraint when it comes to drinking alcohol.

You should not photograph Ecuadorian residents without obtaining their consent.

Sights of Ecuador

  • Those planning a holiday in Ecuador should pay attention to Cathedral to Quito (Cathedral of Quito). The cathedral was located on Independence Square (Independence Square), was built in the 17th century in Baroque style.
  • Avenue of Volcanoes (Avenue of Volcanoes) is a mountain range located south of the capital of Ecuador. This is one of the most attractive places for tourists and enjoys special respect among climbers.
  • Village of Otavalo (Otavalo) is the most popular tourist attraction among travelers who value souvenirs. There is an Indian market in Otavalo, open only on Saturdays. At this market, vacationers can buy souvenirs self made and haggle to your heart's content.
  • Cotopaxi is not only the tallest volcano in the world, but also an active volcano, located 200 km south of Quito just beyond the Avenue of Volcanoes.
  • Urbina Bay ( Urbina Bay) on Isabela Island ( Isabela Island) - home to the world's largest turtles, colorful iguanas and penguins. Isabela Island is the largest of the Galapagos Islands and is named after Isabella of Castile, Queen of Castile and Leon.
  • The Galapagos Islands are an archipelago located in the Pacific Ocean. The area around the islands is still experiencing volcanic and seismic activity, causing continuous changes in the landscape. The Galapagos Islands, together with their waters, form a natural park, which is often called a “working museum of evolution.”
  • Trip to the Sangai National Natural Park (Sangay National Park), which includes two active volcano, will leave an unforgettable experience for guests of Ecuador. The park preserves such rare species of fauna as the Andean condor and mountain tapir.

What souvenirs to bring from your trip?

  • Tourists buy warm sweaters, blankets and other products made from natural llama wool at the market in Otovalo.
  • Vacationers buy boxes, dishes and national costumes decorated with ethnic ornaments in Cuenca.
  • Silver jewelry travelers typically bring from Quito's mini market.
  • Figurines from a special light wood guests of Ecuador will be offered in Balsa and Salinas.
  • Hats and panamas, pipes made from tagua nut, carnival masks and national musical instruments everyone will find it in Guayaquil and San Vincent.