Journey through musical Europe plan-compendium on music on the topic. Musical journey. Music from different countries F. Liszt's great journey

Class: 4

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Target: the formation of the first children's ideas about the musical culture of Italy.

  • disclosure by means of an integrative complex of arts of the national identity of the musical and artistic culture of Italy;


  • acquaintance of children with outstanding representatives of the Italian performing and composing school, world-famous violin makers;


  • musical development of students through their direct participation in all types of musical activities;


  • to educate the creative personality of the child, his spirituality and morality on the works of musical and artistic arts.
  • Verbal.
  • Visual.
  • Practical.
  • Explanatory and illustrative.
  • Hearing.
  • Execution.
  • Plastic intonation.


  • Computer.
  • Multimedia projector.
  • Screen.
  • Accordion.

The musical material of the lesson.

  • Neopolitan song "Santa Lucia".
  • D. Rossini "Neapolitan tarantella".
  • N. Paganini "Capriccio".
  • INP “Four cockroaches and a cricket”.

Additional material.

  • Portraits by Robertino Loretti, Antonio Stradivari, Nicolo Paganini.
  • Reproductions of paintings by A.P. Bogolyubov “Sorrento” and S.F. Shedrin "Santa Lucia in Naples".

During the classes

(Slide #2)

The teacher greets the students.

Introduction to a new topic.

Teacher: Today we will make an exciting trip to Italy. (Slide #3)

Italy is located in the south of Europe, on the Apennine Peninsula. Famous cities - Rome, Venice, Naples, Sorrento. (Slide number 4, 5)

Let's get acquainted with the reproductions of paintings by A.P. Bogolyubov “Sorrento” and S.F. Shchedrin “Santo Lucia in Naples”.

What do these pictures have in common?

Pupils: The presence of the sea.

Teacher: That's right, the presence of the sea. Warm southern seas - Mediterranean, Adriatic, Ionian - play an important role in the life of Italians. Many inhabitants of this country are engaged in fishing. In addition to the sea, the Italians have another passion - singing. And often both objects of veneration, the sea and the song, are combined. An example of this is songs about the sea, about water, or rather songs on the water - the famous Italian barcarolles. The Barcarolles were born in Venice. (Slide number 6) The city is located on the islands of the Venetian Lagoon of the Adriatic Sea, so all movement in it is carried out only by boat. These flat-bottomed, single-rowed boats are called gondolas. (Slide number 7) They are ruled by gondoliers, while singing songs. (Slide number 8) One of the most popular not only in Italy, but throughout the world is the Neapolitan song “Santa Lucia”. Here is the Russian translation of this song:

The sea is shining
fair wind
The sail rises.
My boat is light
The paddles are big...
Santa Lucia. (2 times)

Naples is amazing
Oh, lovely land
Where smiles
We are heavenly!
Rushing from the sea
Songs native...
Santa Lucia. (2 times)

Listening to the work "Santa Lucia".

The song is sustained in the traditions of the barcarolle in size 6/8, the soft swaying movement of the melody reproduces, as it were, the splash of water. (Slide number 9). This song will be performed by the wonderful Italian singer Robertino Loretti.

Plastic intonation.

Teacher: Listening to music, we transform into gondoliers and control imaginary boats. The girls imitate the splashing of the waves with their hands, and the boys imitate the movement of the oar (a song sounds, the children transform into gondoliers and control imaginary boats).

Introduction to Italian folk dance.

The most common dance in Italy is the Tarantella. According to one version, the dance owes its name to the southern Italian city of Taranto. According to another version, the rapid circular movements of dancers performing the tarantella are similar to the action of people bitten by a tarantula (a special kind of spider). The tarantella is played at a fast pace and is accompanied by guitar playing, tambourine beats, and sometimes singing. (Slide number 10) Not a single holiday in Italy is complete without a tarantella. Now we will listen to the “Neapolitan tarantella” by D. Rossini. We mark the strong beat with palm strokes, imitating the beat of a tambourine.

Visiting the workshop of A. Stradivari.

(Slide number 11)

The violin instrument is also present in the accompaniment of the tarantella. Violins were made in many countries of the world, but the best violin makers lived in Italy. Their names are N. Amati, A. Guarneri, A. Stradivari. They passed on the secrets of mastery only to their students.

Only about 240 grams of wood is enough to make a violin. It should be of different species: spruce for the top cover, white-trunked maple for the bottom. You need to chop a tree only in the spring, when it comes to life, and the leaves draw moisture from the trunk. Otherwise, the tree, with resinous juices inside, will be heavy and deaf, and the sound will stick in it. The thickness of the walls of the violin is also different everywhere: thicker in the middle, and thinner towards the edges. And this is also for the beauty of sound. The sound flies out into the figured slots of the case, and does not go out inside. Even the stand on which the strings lie plays a role for the sound quality: it springs under the strings, softens their pressure. Lacquer also has a special meaning for the sound of the violin. He keeps her dry. But it may happen that the varnish binds the wood with its icy crust and does not allow it to sound. So, varnish is also not suitable for everyone. Violins made by the Italian master Antonio Stradivari are known all over the world.

Listening to the work of N. Paganini.

Now we will listen to a work that belongs to the pen of the Italian composer, the wonderful violinist Nicolo Paganini. (Slide number 12) This is the first violinist who began to perform violin works by heart. The name of the brilliant violinist is surrounded by legends. During his lifetime, he was accused of witchcraft, because at the time when he lived, in the first half of the 19th century, people could not believe that an ordinary person himself, without the help of magical powers, could play the violin so beautifully. (Sounds capriccio by N. Paganini)

Teacher: In what form is this work written?

Pupils: in the form of variations.

Teacher: That's right - in the form of variations.

Dynamic pause.

Teacher: And now physical education.

“Head forward, head back, head forward, back and straight.

Head back, head forward, head back, forward and straight.

Ear right, ear left, ear right, left, straight.

Nose to the right, nose to the left, nose to the right, left, straight.

Teacher: Well done!

Vocal and choral work.

Teacher: In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the text of the Italian folk song “Four cockroaches and a cricket”. What do you think the melody of this song will be like?

Students: Cheerful.

Teacher: And the pace?

Students: Moveable.

Teacher: That's right guys! Now let's listen to the sound of this song. (Performance by the teacher of the song).

Teacher: Let's work on diction. Well said is half sung.

Work with the text of the song (we pronounce it with an exaggerated-underlined pronunciation of each word).

Students learn the melody of the song (echo reception). And then they sing the song in phrases (chain).

Consolidation of acquired knowledge. (Slide number 13, 14)

  1. Which city in Italy is famous for its “water” streets? (Venice).
  2. Name the Italian folk dance (Tarantella).
  3. What is the name of the famous Italian singer of the song "Santa Lucia" (Robertino Loretti).
  4. Name the Italian folk instrument (tambourine).
  5. What is the name of the Italian composer and violinist (Nicolo Paganini).
  6. What are single-rowed flat-bottomed boats called? (Gondolas).

Summary of the lesson.

So the culture of Italy was represented by its best examples in all genres of musical art. We got acquainted with the famous Neapolitan tarantella by G. Rossini, the barcarolle "Santa Lucia" and the voice of R. Loretti, with an instrumental work by N. Paganini, visited the workshop of A. Stradevari and learned the secret of making a violin.


Please make a crossword puzzle so that the keywords are the new terms that you learned in the lesson.

"Musical Journey. Music of different countries»

Methodological development of a concert event for students in grades 5-7

1. Italy. About Italian songs6th and 7th grade students say )

Italy has been repeatedly called a country of high culture and art. After all, Italy is the homeland of people who have made a huge contribution to the world development of painting, music, theater and architecture. But now we will talk about music and Italian songs.

Italy is considered by many to be the cradle of the art of music, because many musical industries have developed in Italy.

Italian songs are the most loved all over the world, these are the world hits of the most famous performers. The history of Italian music goes back centuries, and it is precisely such a rich history of the development of musical art in Italy that can be called the reason for the current popularity of Italian pop music.

And in general, as the Italians very often say jokingly: "If there is something that we can do well, then it is to compose and sing songs." And this joke is very true, because the Italians do not lose heart in any situation and always compose songs, expressing their aspirations and dreams, fun and sadness, all feelings and desires and sing the best that is in their life. By studying songs, you can learn a lot about the culture of any country, people, and so on. The folk songs of Italy have been created for centuries. They express the whole culture of the people, and are associated with various events that took place in many parts of Italy.

Italy has a very big heritage , and they all differ depending on the area in which they originated. Historians studying the folk songs of Italy have managed to systematize thousands of ancient directions of folk songs. They determined that often the same melody can have different texts, or vice versa, the same text is superimposed on different melodies.

One of the most striking examples of Italian song isNeapolitan song . The Neapolitan song is a gem of Italian culture. It is called the second largest diamond, after the opera art of Italy. All over the world, a very large number of different performers include elements from this pearl of song lyrics in their repertoire. In addition, many performers take several whole Neapolitan songs into their repertoire. And this is an excellent solution, because Neapolitan songs allow you to demonstrate all the beauty and power of the performer's voice, at the same time, these songs are pleasing to almost all listeners, thanks to their unusually beautiful melody.

Today we will listen to some Italian songs arranged for piano.

The Neapolitan song "Return to Sorrento" was written in 1902 by two brothers Ernesto and Giambatista de Curtis, according to one version, at the request of the mayor of Sorrento for the arrival of the Italian Prime Minister.

E. Curtis "Return to Sorrento" performsBobrova Yana .

How beautiful is the distance of the sea,

How she attracts, sparkling,

Heart tender and caressing,

Like your eyes are blue.

You hear in the orange groves

The sounds of nightingale trills?

All fragrant in flowers,

The land bloomed all around.

Chorus: But you're going, dear,

The distance is calling you...

Am I forever

Lost you my friend?

Don't leave me!

I beg you!

Come back to Sorrento

My love!

3. Mexico.

"Cucaracha" - a comic folk song in Spanish in the corrido genre. It became popular during the Mexican Revolution of the early 20th century, as "cockroaches" were called government troops. However, there are references to the song dating back to 1883 and even 1818.

One of the versions of the song in Russian (Irina Bogushevskaya):

We recently bought a dacha, there was a suitcase in the dacha.

And we got a foreign cockroach in addition.

We just put on the record and start the gramophone

In yellow leather boots, he jumps on the plate.

“I am a cucaracha, I am a cucaracha,” the cockroach sings.

“I am a cucaracha, I am a cucaracha” - an American cockroach.

Mexican folk song "Cucaracha" will be performedSokov Andrey.

4. UK.

The music for the Harry Potter films was written by the famous and successful American composer John Williams. The very first film of this series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, was released in 2001.

J. Williams Music from the film "Harry Potter" played by Veronika Razina .

5. USA.

Another piece of music from another famous movie saga"Twilight". It is noteworthy that two songs were composed and performed by Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen). In addition, in one of the scenes of the film, Pattinson performs at the pianoBella's Lullaby . And we will listen to Bella's Lullaby performedKatya Ryazantseva.

6. France.

Jan Tiersen is a French conductor and conductor. Plays various instruments. Among them are violin, piano, accordion, acoustic and electric guitar, etc.Amelie » perform Davydova Vika.

More Soundtracks.

E. Morricone film soundtrack "Good, bad, evil" - Ganenkov Vlad

E. Morricone film soundtrack"1900th" ("Mozart's Reincarnation" - Irina Salimgareeva.

7. Russia

O. Petrova, A. Petrov Waltz from the film series "Petersburg Secrets" will be performedDeeva Lera .

At the endour concertmusic will soundP. I. Tchaikovsky.

"Seasons" December "Christmas" performsSnezhana Poleshchuk.

Bright pages in the life of many outstanding composers were travels to different countries of the world. The impressions received from the trips inspired the great masters to create new musical masterpieces.

F. Liszt's great journey.

The well-known cycle of piano pieces by F. Liszt is called "The Years of Wanderings". The composer combined in it many works inspired by visits to famous historical and famous cultural places. The beauty of Switzerland was reflected in the musical lines of the plays “At the Spring”, “On the Wallenstadt Lake”, “Thunderstorm”, “Obermann Valley”, “Geneva Bells” and others. During his stay with his family in Italy, Liszt got acquainted with Rome, Florence, and Naples.

F. List. Fountains of Villa Este (with views of the villa)

Piano works inspired by this journey are inspired by Italian Renaissance art. These plays also confirm Liszt's conviction that all arts are closely related. Seeing Raphael's painting "Betrothal", Liszt writes a musical play with the same name, and Michelangelo's severe sculpture by L. Medici inspired the miniature "Thinker".

The image of the great Dante is embodied in the fantasy sonata "After reading Dante." Several plays are united under the heading "Venice and Naples". They are brilliant transcriptions of popular Venetian melodies, including the fiery Italian tarantella.

In Italy, the composer's imagination was struck by the beauty of the legendary 16th-century Este villa, whose architectural complex included a palace and lush gardens with fountains. Liszt creates a virtuoso, romantic play "Fountains of the Villa d. Este", in which one can hear the trembling and flickering of water jets.

Russian composers-travelers.

The founder of Russian classical music M. I. Glinka managed to visit different countries, including Spain. The composer rode a lot through the villages of the country, studying local customs, customs, and Spanish musical culture. As a result, the brilliant "Spanish Overtures" were written.

M. I. Glinka. Aragonese jota.

The magnificent Aragonese Jota is based on authentic dance melodies from the province of Aragon. The music of this work is characterized by the brightness of colors, richness of contrasts. Castanets, so typical of Spanish folklore, sound especially impressive in the orchestra.

The cheerful graceful theme of jota breaks into the musical context, after a slow majestic introduction, with brilliance, like a “fountain jet” (according to one of the classics of musicology B. Asafiev), gradually turning into a jubilant stream of unbridled folk fun.

M. I. Glinka Jota of Aragon (with dance)

M.A. Balakirev was delighted with the magical nature of the Caucasus, its legends, and the music of the highlanders. He creates the piano fantasy "Islamei" on the theme of Kabardian folk dance, the romance "Georgian Song", the symphonic poem "Tamara" based on the famous poem by M. Yu. Lermontov, which turned out to be in tune with the composer's intentions. At the heart of Lermontov's poetic creation is the legend of the beautiful and treacherous Queen Tamara, who calls the knights into the tower and dooms them to death.

M. A. Balakirev "Tamara".

The introduction of the Poem paints a gloomy picture of the Darial Gorge, and in the central part of the work there are bright, passionate oriental-style melodies, revealing the image of the legendary queen. The Poem ends with restrained dramatic music, indicating the tragic fate of the fans of the crafty Queen Tamara.

The world has become small.

The exotic East attracts C. Saint-Saens to travel, and he visits Egypt, Algeria, South America, Asia. The result of the composer's acquaintance with the culture of these countries was the compositions: the orchestral "Algiers Suite", the fantasy "Africa" ​​for piano and orchestra, "Persian Melodies" for voice and piano.

Composers of the 20th century it was not necessary to shake for weeks in a stagecoach on impassable roads to see the beauties of distant lands. The English musical classic B. Britten in 1956 went on a great journey and visited India, Indonesia, Japan, and Ceylon.

Ballet - a fairy tale "The Prince of Pagodas" was born under the impression of this grand voyage. The story of how the evil daughter of the Emperor Ellin takes the crown from her father, and tries to take the groom from her sister Rosa, is woven from many European fairy tales, interspersed with plots of oriental legends. The charming and noble Princess Rosa is taken by the insidious Jester to the mythical Kingdom of Pagodas, where she is met by the Prince enchanted in the Salamander monster.

A kiss from the princess breaks the spell. The ballet ends with the return to the throne of the father-Emperor and the wedding of Rose with the Prince. The orchestral part of the meeting scene between Rosa and Scamander is full of exotic sounds, reminiscent of a Balinese gamelan.

B. Britten "Prince of Pagodas" (Princess Rose, Scamander and Jester).

Summary of a music lesson for grade 4 using ICT, creative technologies and developmental learning

Lesson topic : "A musical journey through Italy"Lesson type : a lesson of familiarization with new material

The purpose of the lesson : to acquaint children with the musical history of Italy, the main musical genres and phenomena characteristic of the musical culture of this country.


    give the concept bell canto ”, barcarolle, tarantella.

    to master some elements of musical notation using the example of a tarantella.

    introduce the popular Italian folk song "Santa Lucia", with "Tarantella" by G. Rossini, "Barcarola" from the cycle "The Seasons" and "Tarantella" from the ballet "Swan Lake" by P.I. Tchaikovsky, with paintings by artists A. Bogolyubov , I. Aivazovsky, S. F. Shchedrin, A. N. Mokritsky,

    learn the song "Pasta" by I. Boyko.

Equipment for the lesson : smart -board, multimedia equipment, computer, piano or synthesizer, music center.

Materials for the lesson : “Santa Lucia”, “Tarantella” by G. Rossini, “Barcarole” from the cycle “The Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, “Tarantella” from the ballet “Swan Lake” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, reproductions of paintings by A. Bogolyubov “View Sorrento”, I. Aivazovsky “Coast in Amalfi”, S.F. Shchedrin “Santa Lucia embankment in Naples”, A.N. Mokritsky “Italian women on the terrace”, reproductions of paintings by Italian artists on the topic, I. Boyko “Pasta”.

During the classes.

Teacher : - Hello guys! Today we will go on a musical journey through Italy, you will find out why the musical culture of this country is famous and interesting.

Since ancient times, the Italian people have been famous for their musicality, and the roots of this musical culture go back to Ancient Rome. Already then the first singing schools were created. And later, the Italian monk Guido D'Arezzo invented musical notation.

It was in Italy that the first opera was born. And this is not surprising, because in Italy everyone loves to sing: both children and adults, and people of different professions, from a baker to a minister.

Why do you think?

Children : - It is very beautiful in Italy, and I wanted to sing from the beauty of nature.

Teacher : - Indeed, this is facilitated by an unusually beautiful nature, a mild maritime climate and, probably, the Italian language itself. It is very melodious, melodic, it has a lot of vowels that are well vocalized. The Italian language is recognized by musicians as the international language of music.
See if these Italian words are familiar to you.

What do they mean? (Children remember the terms: "loud" and "quietly ”) And what other Italian words can you name? (Children call the words they know: legato , staccato , dolce , crescendo , diminuendo )

Teacher: - Listen to the famous Italian song "Santa Lucia" performed by Robertino Loretti (this is an Italian boy who once struck the audience with a beautiful voice bell canto ). He sang like an adult musician. Listen to the melodiousness of the language, the melodiousness of the vowels, feel the beauty of the melody. And the painting by S.F. Shchedrin “Santa Lucia Embankment in Naples” will help us to feel the atmosphere of Italy

Listen to a snippet of a song.

Teacher : - Did you feel the beauty of the melody of this folk song and the melodiousness of the Italian language? Do you think that without knowing Italian, you can understand in general terms what is sung in this song?

Children : - Probably about nature, a person expresses his love for someone or something.

Teacher : - Quite right. The song's lyrics describe the colorful coastal town of Santa Lucia on the coast of the Gulf of Naples. Let's sing a short fragment of the song, first in Russian, then in Italian.

The teacher teaches the melody and lyrics of the song to the children.

Teacher: - What language do you like to sing this song in?

Children : - In Russian, the content is clearer, but the melody is sung better and sounds more beautiful in Italian.

Teacher : - Yes, the Italian language is unusually vocal. The song "Santa Lucia" is written in the genrebarcarolles , that is, songs on the water, songs of the boatman. "Barca" means "boat" in Italian.

Pay attention to the painting by Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, marine painter XIX century. By the way, P.I. Tchaikovsky, our Russian composer XIX century, who, as you know, traveled a lot in different countries, also visited Italy. And there he listened attentively to the sound of folk melodies and songs. And he expressed his impressions in a piece of music, a piece for piano, which is called “Barcarolle”.

I will now perform a fragment of this piece, and you listen and tell me why the composer called the work like this: “Barcarolle”?

Children listen to a fragment of the play performed by the teacher.

Teacher : - So why did P. Tchaikovsky call the play "Barcarolle", why is the song on the water? How did the tune move? What was the accompaniment? (Children note the melodiousness, length, smoothness of the melodic line and the soft swaying of the accompaniment, reminiscent of the splashing of waves.)

Teacher : - But in Italy they not only sing. There are Italian dances that have become a kind of symbol of the country and are known throughout the world. Such is the dancetarantella.

There is a version that the name of this dance comes from a terrible tarantula spider, whose bite is deadly. And a person can avoid death by dancing the temperamental and passionate dance of the tarantella at a frantic pace. This dance is usually accompanied by playing the flute and tambourine beats. The melody of one very world-famous tarantella was written by an Italian composer XIX century Gioacchino Rossini.

Listen to the tarantella and catch the rhythmic basis of this dance.

Children listen to "Tarantella" by Gioacchino Rossini.

Teacher : - What is the musical size, the score of the tarantella?

Children note the three-part dance, some - the two-part.

Teacher : - The musical size of the dance is 6/8, that is, in a musical measure there are six beats lasting eighths. You can count on six counts or in a two-part size of three.

P.I. Tchaikovsky used the tarantella in the ballet "Swan Lake". There is a fragment when guests from different countries come to the ball to Prince Siegfried and dance their national dances. And the Italian guests are dancing the tarantella.

Listen to the tarantella from the ballet and tell me, do you know the melody of this dance?

Children listen to a fragment from the ballet "Swan Lake" by P.I. Tchaikovsky (scene at the ball)

Teacher : Did you recognize the tune?(Children recall a piece from the piano cycle "Children's Album" ) This is the melody of the "Neapolitan Song". Tchaikovsky once witnessed a scene in Naples, when a young man in love sang a serenade under the window of his beloved. The composer liked the melody of this song so much that he included it in the "Children's Album", and then it sounded in the ballet "Swan Lake".

But it also happened, guys, that Italian children earned their living by singing.

The song "Macaroni" tells us about this. By the way, pasta or pasta is also a gastronomic symbol of Italy. Listen to the song and tell me what rhythm of the dance you already know is based on it?

The teacher performs 1 verse and chorus of the song. Children learn the rhythm of the tarantella .

Vocal and choral work on the song . The teacher sings with the children to the melody of the refrain of the song. Further work on phrases, singing aloud, silently, in groups, etc.

Summary of the lesson.

Teacher: - Guys, did you like our musical journey through Italy? What genres of Italian music have you met today?(Barcarolle, tarantella). Which composers' music was played in the lesson? (Rossini, Tchaikovsky ) Which artists' paintings helped us to feel the beauty of Italy? (Bogolyubov, Aivazovsky, Shchedrin). I think you will share your experience with your friends and family. See you soon!