What's wrong with Christina Lyaskovets' mother? What's wrong with Christina Lyaskovets's mother? Christina Lyaskovets's mother is in serious condition

Christina Lyaskovets’s mother raised her not the worst daughter. By at least, about what the child turned out to be good man This is evidenced by the fact that this girl is patient by nature and will not put up with a “bestial” attitude towards herself. However, the girl does not strive for her mother, who is not having an easy time right now. Recently it became known that dear person participant of the television project House 2 fell into a coma and is now in the intensive care unit. The girl prefers to worry about her mother from a distance. She has no desire to go to the hospital with her. Previously, information appeared that Lyaskovets’ mother was going to participate in the television project House 3, which was rumored some time ago. She wanted to get on the project in order to provide support to her daughter and not let her be offended. However, it seems that the mother’s plans are not destined to come true.

When information appeared that Christina Lyaskovets’ mother would go to the project, household members began to express indignation about this, who did not understand what the point was in this woman’s presence at the project. The girl is doing well in her relationship with Fedor Strelkov. The couple is gradually moving towards marriage. However, something happened here unexpected turn. Christina began to organize various “eccentricities” before the “Person of the Year” competition. And after her behavior in the bedroom at the end of one of the parties, many fans of the television project began to have suspicions that she had a completely unconventional sexual orientation. Former escort model Anna Miljo stated that this girl is not attracted to men, and she entered into a relationship with Fedor as a cover. Here, of course, you can’t do without a mother, who can help her daughter and stand up for her.

Fedor Strelkov is seriously worried about his girlfriend’s mother. However, it may turn out that soon he will have to bury his mother-in-law, since the woman is on the verge of death. If we talk about another mother who participates in the project, Tatyana Afrikantova, then while she is in Polyana, she spreads incredible rumors about Christina’s mother. She reported recently that Christina's mother gave birth to her daughter while in prison. At the same time, she noted that it is difficult to expect moral standards and good behavior from the daughter of a prisoner.

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Fans of the TV series are disturbed by sad news. There are rumors that Christina Lyaskovets’ mother is unconscious in the hospital. Her health condition is very serious; perhaps the woman is fighting cancer.

The reason for such gloomy assumptions were the words of Christina herself, who admitted that she was going through a difficult period in her life and found support only from her lover Fyodor Strelkov. However, family grief will not allow the newlyweds to get married in the near future.

Until recently, fans of the TV star admired the beauty and youth of Christina’s mother when the girl posted them on Instagram joint photo. Therefore, there is hope that the rumors about a serious illness will not be confirmed.

The situation is complicated by the monstrous conflict between Kristina and Andrei Chuev’s camp. Chuev, Afrikantova and Tatyana Vladimirovna not only want to harass Christina legally, but also pester the obstinate girl in everyday life. Once Lyaskovets became so hysterical that the organizers allowed her to go home to calm her nerves.

However, it was on this visit that Christine, apparently, opened up. terrible truth about mother's health. Returning to the project, during another quarrel with Afrikantova, she blurted out that she envied Chuev’s fiancee for only one thing - Marina could always be close to her mother. Christina did not share any details about the family drama, however, she did not deny rumors about the illness of the person closest to her.

However, some TV viewers doubted the sincerity of Lyaskovets’ words. They reasonably noted that in such a serious situation, Christina should have been in the hospital, and not on the air of a reality show. In addition, the girl’s words about her difficult state of mind can be regarded as an attempt to manipulate the offenders. Lyaskovets' defenders objected that filming in "House-2" helps her earn the money she needs for treatment.

Let us remind you that Kristina Lyaskovets came to the television production from Minsk. The long-legged, graceful blonde attracted the attention of many guys, but things didn’t go beyond flirting. At one time, Christina was even courted by the charming paratrooper Andrei Cherkasov, who is today predicted to be the new host of “House-2.” However, at that time Lyaskovets was attracted by the exotic, and she ran away from the military man to a sensual Ecuadorian named Gabriel. The young people did not stay long on the project, as they were kicked out of the gate at the execution site.

In the fall of 2015, Lyaskovets returned to the show. The relationship with Gabriel ended, and the girl wanted to try her luck again. She was unlucky in the Seychelles: no matter how hard the blonde tried to make Burkhanov fall in love with her, his heart remained unconquered. Then Christina again came to Polyana, where she met Fedor Strelkov. This year the guy took second place in the “Person of the Year” competition. It was with Fedor that Christina managed to create not only a strong alliance, but also one of the most beautiful couples TV project.

The most discussed topic on the television set “Dom-2” in Lately There was a tragedy in the family of Christina Lyaskovets. The long-legged beauty has a reputation not only as one of the most attractive girls on the project, but also one of the main prudes. The day before, when a conflict broke out between her and the Afrikantovs, Christina even asked for an apology from Marina, which definitely aroused the sympathy of the audience.

However, it seems that Lyaskovets’ fate is not the most rosy. In one of the broadcasts, which was filmed even before the finale of “Man of the Year,” the girl involuntarily admitted that not everything was in order with her mother’s health.

Later, journalists dug deeper and found out: Christina’s mother was really sick. A woman who, until recently, was vacationing with her daughter and planning to come to the project, is now dying in the hospital. What exactly happened to the woman is unknown. Fans only know that she lost consciousness and has not yet emerged from a deep coma.

Some sources report that, most likely, Christina’s mother has cancer. Apparently, she herself learned about this relatively recently.

It seems that because of her mother’s illness, Christina and her boyfriend Fedor postponed their wedding. But just recently the couple was very close to this. Fans sympathize with Lyaskovets and support her in every possible way.

Christina does not hide the fact that her mother is sick

Poliksal.ru / Photo: Instagram

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