What does it mean where you come from? "Where you're from? Bloody rivers of Dahomey, or where zombies come from

“You think too much,” Montag remarked, feeling awkward.
- I rarely watch television, and I don’t go to car races,
and I don't go to amusement parks.
So I still have time for all sorts of extravagant thoughts.

Send your online opponent for clarification to Wikipedia- this is already a classic. The largest online encyclopedia has long been the place where you can find everything. Or almost everything. Of course, there are plenty of skeptics who claim that Wikipedia is completely unscientific, deceitful and full of oddities.

This is partly true: I myself saw a fragment of an article in which it is stated that Uzbekistan has long been considered the largest maritime power. Alas, the appearance of such gems is inevitable; if you like, this is retribution for the enormous popularity of the encyclopedia and almost free access to editing materials. Despite a certain percentage of defects, the appearance Wikipedia nevertheless it became a phenomenon of colossal power. The Internet community has finally found the “Island of Knowledge”, where millions of people come every day to get answers to their questions.

I think you will be interested to know the history of the phenomenon whose name is Wikipedia. So, let's remember the facts, dates and main events.

How and why Wikipedia was created

It’s probably not even worth saying that the Internet was initially considered by many as a source from which one could draw knowledge in any volume. Some were attracted to the Internet by the possibility of convenient communication or, while others initially viewed the Network as a colossal repository of information.

Just one of these fanatics was Ward Cunningham, who back in 1995 created a system for collective and editing materials. It was assumed that the system could store both text and graphic materials indefinitely. The development was called " Wiki", which translates from Hawaiian as "quickly".

However, the word “quickly” at first very poorly reflected the true state of affairs. The fact is that before everyone’s favorite Wiki there was also Nupedia. Today you will not be able to find this one on the Internet, since the Nupedia project was successfully closed back in 2003. Perhaps a completely different fate would have awaited him, if not for some absolutely insane bureaucratic approach to.

Just imagine: in order for an article to appear on Nupedia, it had to go through 7 levels of edits and authentication. It is not surprising that after existing for three years, this project could boast of only 24 ready-made scientific articles. English language. Yes, from the point of view of scientific reliability, these materials were impeccable, but three years for a little over 20 articles is, you know, far from a “wiki.”

It became clear that the idea of ​​creating general encyclopedia It’s great, but something urgently needs to be done with the edits. It was in the period from 2000 to 2001 that the idea appeared, where each user could independently propose any topic. It is important that the concept of posting materials was completely redesigned: in Nupedia only recognized scientific luminaries could create articles, but in Wikipedia anyone could do this.

It is read that the founders of modern Wikipedia are Jimmy Wales And Larry Sanger(the only editor of the project who received some kind of salary for his work). It was these two gentlemen who launched on January 15, 2001 on the Internet a project known to everyone today under the name Wikipedia. As usual, then there was some dark history, after which Sanger was fired and Jimmy Wales was declared "the one and only." However, this is not particularly interesting to us, the main thing is that the project was launched, and then events moved much faster.

Development of Wikipedia

One of the most successful decisions of the creators of Wikipedia was the rapid introduction of international sections. So, for example, the Russian-language section of the Wiki appeared on May 11, 2001, just a few months after the general start. At the same time, other international sections were created.

During the first year of operation of the portal, there were about 20,000 articles on it, still mostly in English. After a couple of years, the situation changed dramatically: the percentage of English-language and international materials was approximately 1 to 1.

Today, articles in English are a very, very small part of the entire volume of Wikipedia. So, for example, only in Russian section Today there are more than 1,100,000 articles, and it is not even one of the five largest on the portal.

Of course, such a colossal growth of Wikipedia did not begin immediately. In the first years, the project balanced on the line between poverty and modest income. It was only later that commercial branches were created, and well-known IT companies began to donate millions for the development of the resource.

At first, the encyclopedia was subsidized very, very limitedly. So, for example, the first fees for the needs of the main encyclopedia on the Internet did not even reach $100,000. This only seems like a big figure, but if you include here all the costs of maintaining functionality and Maintenance, then the amount is not so significant.

It started in 2003 successful development parallel projects based on the wiki platform. Wikiquote, Wikispecies, Wikimedia Commons, Wikisource, Wikinews and many other “Wikis” appeared. It became clear that the project was on solid ground and was confidently gaining popularity all over the world.

Tens of thousands of activists from all over the world, “burdened” with free time, began to work every day to turn Wikipedia into the most comprehensive and authoritative Internet resource of our time. They succeeded quite well: recent studies have shown that Wikipedia is only slightly inferior in terms of its scientific reliability famous encyclopedia Britannica, which was not created by amateurs.

Of course, in the encyclopedia you can still find many mistakes and inaccuracies; I will say more, it is full of deliberately distorted information, because of which serious scandals sometimes broke out. It got to the point that entire countries blocked access to Wikipedia for their citizens. Anything could happen. And yet we must admit that Wikipedia has become one of the most significant events on the Internet, the full importance of which we have yet to understand and analyze.

From where, from what places, from where, by what wind it was blown, from, whose, from where I come from, from where, from there Dictionary of Russian synonyms. where from where (simple); otkol, otkol (obsolete) which wind blew someone (colloquial joke) Dictionary of synonyms... ... Synonym dictionary

originally from- see gender; in zn. adv. According to its origin. Originally from the Penza region. Comes from peasant background. Where you're from? ... Dictionary of many expressions

I. adv. 1. From which place? O. you? O. Where do you come from? * Where do the firewood come from? From the forest, obviously (Nekrasov). O. no matter what (colloquial; about the sudden appearance of someone or something). O. the wind blows (colloquial; in what direction are things developing, circumstances, from ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

where- 1. adv. 1) From which place? Where are you from? Where are you from? * Where do the firewood come from? From the forest, obviously (Nekrasov) * From where / no matter what (colloquial; about the sudden appearance of someone or something) * From where / yes the wind blows (colloquial; in what direction they are developing ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

This term has other meanings, see Rurik (meanings). Rurik st. glory... Wikipedia

- (born June 30, 1942, Moscow) doctor philosophical sciences, professor, chairman of the commission on the culture of ancient and Medieval Rus' Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences "History of World Culture". Founder and Director of the Center for Ancient Slavic writing and... ...Wikipedia

Valery Alekseevich Chudinov (born June 30, 1942, Moscow) Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chairman of the Commission on the Culture of Ancient and Medieval Rus' of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences “History of World Culture”. Founder and director of the Center for Ancient... ... Wikipedia

Valery Alekseevich Chudinov (born June 30, 1942, Moscow) Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chairman of the Commission on the Culture of Ancient and Medieval Rus' of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences “History of World Culture”. Founder and director of the Center for Ancient... ... Wikipedia

Valery Alekseevich Chudinov (born June 30, 1942, Moscow) Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chairman of the Commission on the Culture of Ancient and Medieval Rus' of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences “History of World Culture”. Founder and director of the Center for Ancient... ... Wikipedia


  • Where we come from, Maxim Gettuev. New book famous Soviet poet composed works in which military feats and valiant labor are glorified, joyful feelings are revealed Soviet man, creator of new life. Author…
  • Where am I from, Evgeny Yevtushenko. The collection of poems by the famous Soviet poet consists of two sections. The first - "Welding by explosion" - included poems about the homeland, about Russia, the second - "Joining hands" - best poems O…
  • , V. I. Merkulov. The book is based on the research of a Moscow historian, Ph.D. historical sciences IN AND. Merkulova. It collects and analyzes both scientifically known information and completely new ones...

All my life, people I didn’t know or barely knew asked me, “Where are you from?” The question itself is not formulated so correctly. Personally, I was born in Yerevan, grew up in Ajapnyak. My “den” is here, I did not come from distant countries to establish residence in Armenia. It is clear that the question means something else - what is the origin of my ancestors. Again, if the word is about me, some of my ancestors are from Karabakh, but, for example, my paternal grandmother was born in Abastuman (Georgia, about 30 km from Akhaltsikhe), where her family moved from Erzurum. But if my ancestors were, say, from Aintap or Nakhichevan, what would it change, if I still would have been born in Yerevan, raised in Ajapnyak, studied at school No. 122, and so on. Having ancestors from one province or another is not at all a reason for pride or shame.

For Armenians, the question “where are you from” is the starting point for starting a conversation, just like, say, for the British, starting a conversation about the weather. If this is just curiosity, then that’s nothing, although I don’t think that “ancestral roots” tell us anything about personality Additional information. But basically this question is asked in order to find common features and differences, in order to differentiate between our own and not our own. If the ancestors of the interlocutors turned out to be from the same village or from the same region, this creates a certain family connection and gives great opportunity gossip about what bad manners and character the representatives of the neighboring village or district have. Although it is known that the presence of roots from a particular village, region or province does not at all determine either character traits, professional inclinations, or level of intelligence or degree of talent.

Of course, it is very desirable to know who your ancestors were, what they did, what they believed in, what they strived for, it is very interesting what cultural characteristics existed in the territory from which they came, but from all this one can directly derive positive and negative sides activities inherent in us living today, it seems to me that this is dull provincialism.

For me, the source of pride is not the province where my ancestors are from, but the fact that on this planet several million people speak, read and write Armenian, the richest language in the world in Armenian letters- himself beautiful alphabet in the world that all provinces had and have their own heroes and talents. Finally, the fact that the Armenians created a state in a small part of their historical homeland, of which I am a citizen.

Whether a state is good or bad is a different question.


I have known this story for a long time. This was more than twenty years ago. Then still a young editor of the Novoselitsk regional newspaper, I once went into the office of the also still young second secretary of the party committee. We sit and solve problems. Suddenly the door swings open and a small man enters without knocking. old man. Without even saying hello, he sits down heavily on a chair. We looked at him questioningly.

“Wait, comrades,” said the stranger. - Let me catch my breath a little.

We sat and were silent. We carefully studied the visitor, trying to determine what brought him to us. Finally, the secretary of the district committee could not stand it:

- I'm listening to you, comrade.

- Tell me, who are you? – he asked in turn. And he started asking:

- Excuse me, where are you from? Who are your parents? What are their names?

“I’m Salpagarov, Umar Ilyasovich,” answered the owner of the office, looking at his interlocutor with even greater bewilderment and interest. And he continued: “What is your mother’s name?” What is your father's middle name? Where do the parents live? Are they still alive? How many brothers and sisters are there in the family?

But now the questions are exhausted - and the guest’s face lights up with a smile. Apparently, the answers completely satisfied him:

- And I kept wondering if you were his son... And then I read in the district: Umar Ilyasovich Salpagarov. And right here. I came on a passing one.

“My name is Ivan Petrovich Voronin,” he finally introduced himself. – Does this name mean anything to you? – He looked hopefully into the eyes of his interlocutor. “We are brothers,” he said in a whisper, as if afraid that along with his last word his heart would jump out. - I am your elder brother. You weren't even alive then.

And he told a story that made me want to tell it right away. to a wide circle readers. But it was necessary to clarify some details, to meet with someone. And Umar Ilyasovich objected: there’s nothing special here, they say.

Then I witnessed another remarkable meeting. An old woman, Polina Dmitrievna Khimchenko, came to see U. Salpagarov (then he was already the head of the district administration), and, as it turned out, Native sister(on mother's side) Ivan Petrovich Voronin.

In addition, I met with another of Voronin’s sisters, Anna Dmitrievna, and her children. And now, therefore, I can, dear reader, tell you about what excited me so much.

...That year left its mark in the history of Russia with a severe famine. Residents of the village of Zhuravskoye, Novoselitsky district, where she lived, also went hungry. the large family Voronins (eight souls of young children).

One day the mother hugged the emaciated body of her eldest, Vanyushka, and whispered:

– You’re already an adult... Save yourself, son. Go to Burgustan, your uncle lives there - Timofey Voronin. Maybe it will help you.

And my uncle has a huge family of his own, and that’s all – small or small. What an extra piece there is! Moreover, the uncle’s wife did not receive her relative very joyfully: they themselves wandered around in other people’s apartments.

True, the uncle tried to protect his nephew, he even took him to work with him, to the forge. But Ivan himself understood: this is not a solution.

One day I took my empty knapsack and wandered off wherever my eyes led me. He walked for a long time or for a short time, but finally, exhausted, he wandered to the Karachay village of Tereza. Here, on the street, exhausted, Ilyas Salpagarov, the collective farm foreman, picked him up:

- What's wrong with you, guy?

- Uncle, I’m hungry.

An unfamiliar Caucasian man led a Russian boy by the hand to his home. Here they fed him what they could (the people of Karachay were also starving) and gave him a rest. Ivan told good people about his destiny and his wanderings. The whole family gathered in the house, listening to the story: the owner and the hostess, Ilyas’s parents - old men Yusup and Altynchach, four children, brothers and sisters of the owner. There are eleven souls in total.

– Tomorrow I’ll get you a job in my team. “You will be a blacksmith,” said the owner.

Old Yusup’s sternly frowned eyebrows trembled slightly. He nodded his head, approving of his son's intentions.

In the morning, at dawn, the whole family had breakfast, including the Russian boy.

“Well, let’s go, Vanyushka,” called Ilyas Yusupovich.

“Bring the boy to dinner,” Altynchach ordered her son, squeezing a corn cake wrapped in a white rag into Ivan’s bosom.

In the evening Ilyas announced:

“I decided to let Vanya live with us.”

“Together with four, we will feed the fifth,” agreed the daughter-in-law, the beautiful Shahi, née Tambieva. All other family members accepted the owner’s decision as a matter of course.

So, a boy from the village of Zhuravskoye lived for about four years in the family of Karachays, the Salpagarovs.

“During all this time, I didn’t even feel that I was not a member of this family, that I was a completely different nationality and a different religion,” said Ivan Petrovich. “They fed me and clothed me.” All the best that Grandma Altynchach and Aunt Shakhi prepared at home went to the kids and me. If Uncle Ilyas brought some kind of gifts, he always gave them to me first, and then to others - apparently, according to seniority. And I, of course, tried to help them in everything. He worked in a collective farm forge as a hammer hammer, and at home as a housekeeper. In this family, by the way, everyone worked, even the little ones: who would clean the house, who would sweep the yard, who would bring water. Good family, hardworking.

When our hero grew up, got stronger and the time came for self-determination, he went to work at the Zelenogorsky state farm, which is near Kislovodsk. How own son when he enters independent life, so Ilyas Yusupovich and Shakhi Abubekirovna dressed Ivan Voronin, put on shoes, and provided him with the necessary accessories for the first time.

Then Ivan Petrovich worked both at MTS and at the collective farm, and was even the chairman of the collective farm. And he never lost touch with the kind Karachai family, which sheltered him in difficult times. To the Great Patriotic War fought - like all Soviet people. Returning from the front, he immediately went to his second parents. But I didn’t find them there. By decree of Stalin, like the entire Karachay people, they were expelled from their native places.

“My heart bled,” recalled Ivan Petrovich, “when I saw the empty house. Yes, I heard that the Karachais were expelled, but I never believed that they were all indiscriminate. And I never thought that the Salpagarovs, and many other residents of this village, would suffer. And this despite the fact that only seven from this family fought with weapons in their hands on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, and three of them, as it later became known, died. Most of them took a direct part in my fate.

But a fact is a fact. Since then, Ivan Petrovich has not heard anything about his saviors, until chance brought him together with the Salpagarovs’ son, Umar (who, by the will of fate, became the head of the Novoselitsky district, and now works as the head of the State Labor Inspectorate in the Stavropol Territory).

Unfortunately, neither Ilyas nor Ivan are alive anymore. But the friendship of their children remained - the friendship established 70 years ago! I. Voronin, by the way, until recently, through his children, he was always interested in how things were going with Umar Ilyasovich and rejoiced at his successes. And there remains a good memory of the Salpagarov family and how people different nationalities they know how to get along with each other, overcome difficulties and enjoy life. After all, there are many destinies similar to I. Voronin in our history. I would really like to advise some “patriots” not to distort the history of human relationships, to remember the recent past, which was not always as bad as it is presented to us. Then people addressed each other with the words “brother”, “comrade”.


Where are you from?

proposal, number of synonyms: 1

From which places (2)

  • - a close person to Elisaveta Petrovna, who played a role during her accession to the throne, 1740...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - The expression is based on the title of the film “I Come From Childhood,” filmed by director Viktor Turov from a script by poet and film playwright Gennady Fedorovich Shpalikov...

    Dictionary winged words and expressions

  • - They come to the field, they are not considered family. See WILL - BOND They come to the field, they are not considered family. See FIGHT - WAR They come to the field, they are not considered family...
  • - Sib. Swear off. FSS, 94; Mokienko 1986, 152; SRNG 35, 130; SFS, 89...
  • - an insult to someone who behaves stupidly...

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  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See HAPPINESS -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See LOVE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The pig oinks, and the piglets oink. See ROD -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - God exalted the waders family. See ROD -...

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  • - See RANKS -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Volg. Everyone possible ways. Glukhov 1988, 151...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 4 originated originated originated originated...

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  • - go out, trace your origins, trace your family,...

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  • - native, son,...

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  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 9 in this spirit In a similar way so in this way in this way in this way in this way in this way...

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"where I come from" in books

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