Gypsies: who are they and where did they come from? Little-known facts about one of the most mysterious peoples

Roma, gypsies, or Roma are a traditionally wandering people originally from Northern India who have spread throughout the world, mainly in Europe.

Language and origin

Most Roma speak a form of Romani, closely related to the modern Indo-European languages ​​of North India, as well as the primary language of the country in which they live. It is generally accepted that groups of Roma left India many times, and by the 11th century they were already in Persia, in early XIV V. - in South-Eastern Europe, and in the 15th century. reached Western Europe. By the second half of the twentieth century. they spread across all inhabited continents.

Persons of Roma nationality call themselves one common name"rum" (meaning "man" or "husband"), and all non-gypsies by the term "gadjo" or "gadjo" (a word with derogatory connotations that means "hillbilly" or "barbarian"). Many Roma people consider the name "Gypsies" offensive.


Due to their nomadic lifestyle, absence from official census data, and their mixing with other nomadic groups, estimates of the total worldwide number of Roma people range from two to five million. No reliable statistics based on sporadic reporting in different countries impossible to obtain. The majority of Roma still live in Europe, especially in Slavic-speaking countries Central Europe and the Balkans. Many of them live in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Hungary, the countries of the former Yugoslavia and neighboring Bulgaria and Romania.

Eternal migrants

The stereotypical image of nomadic gypsies is often contradicted by the fact that fewer and fewer of them actually migrate permanently. However, their travel is limited. All nomadic Roma people migrate along established routes that ignore national borders. They also follow a chain of kinship or tribal ties.

The predisposition of Roma people is caused by forced expulsions or deportations. 80 years after their first appearance in Western Europe in the 15th century, they were driven out of almost every country in Western Europe. Despite the fact that Roma nationality became the reason for systematic persecution and deportation abroad, Gypsies, however, continued to appear in one form or another in the countries they left.

Objects of persecution

All non-sedentary groups living among sedentary peoples seem to become comfortable. The same is true of the Roma, who were regularly accused by the local population of many atrocities, which was a prelude to further official and legal persecution. Their relations with the host country authorities were marked by successive contradictions. Official decrees were often aimed at assimilating or coercing them, but local authorities systematically denied them the right to set up camp.

During the Holocaust, the only guilt of the Gypsies was their Roma identity, which led to the Nazi killing of 400,000 Roma.

French laws in our time forbid them to encamp, and have made them the object of police surveillance, taxed them, and summoned them to military service like ordinary citizens.

Spain and Wales are two countries that are often cited as examples of states where Roma have become sedentary, if not completely assimilated.

In recent times, socialist countries in Eastern Europe have attempted to implement forced settlement programs to end their nomadic lifestyle.

Gypsy professions

Traditionally, Roma people worked in jobs that allowed them to maintain nomadic image life, on the periphery of sedentary society. The men were cattle traders, trainers and entertainers, tinkers, blacksmiths, kitchen utensil repairmen and musicians; women told fortunes, sold potions, begged and entertained the public.

Before the advent of veterinary medicine, many farmers sought out gypsies for advice on animal husbandry and herd health.

The modern life of the Roma reflects the "progress" of the Gadjo world. Travel is now done in caravans of cars, trucks and trailers, and the livestock trade has been replaced by the sale of used cars and trailers. Although the mass production of kitchen utensils left tinkers out of work, some urban gypsies became auto mechanics and repaired car bodies. While some Roma people still lead a nomadic lifestyle, many have settled down, practicing their skills or working as labourers. Traveling circuses and amusement parks also provide work for modern gypsies as trainers, kioskers and fortune tellers.


The classical Romani family consists of married couple, their unmarried children and at least one married son, his wife and their children. After marriage, a young couple usually lives with the husband's parents until the young wife learns the way of life of her husband's family. Ideally, by the time the eldest son is ready to leave with his family, younger son gets married and brings his family new wife. In the past, marriages were traditionally organized by family or group elders to strengthen political and family ties with other families, groups or, occasionally, confederations, although this practice declined significantly in the late 20th century. Main feature Roma marriage unions involved the payment of bride price to the bride's parents by the groom's parents.

Ethnic groups

The distinctive features of a Roma representative are territorial differences, enhanced by certain cultural and dialectal characteristics. There are three main branches, or nations, of the Gypsies:

  • Kalderars are kotlyar-tinkers who came from the Balkans, and then from Central Europe, and are the most numerous.
  • Iberian Gypsies, or Zhitanos, are a Roma nationality whose representatives live mainly in the Iberian Peninsula, in North Africa and in the south of France. Strong in the art of entertainment.
  • The Manouche (from the French manouche), also known as the Sinti, are a Roma ethnicity whose members live primarily in Alsace and other regions of France and Germany. Among them are many traveling showmen and circus performers.

Each Roma nationality is divided into two or more subgroups, distinguished by professional specialization or territorial origin.

Political organization

Officially, no body or congress was ever created and no “king” was elected, accepted by all Roma, although “international” congresses of Gypsies were held in Munich, Moscow, Bucharest, Sofia (in 1906) and in the Polish city of Ruvne (in 1936). However, existence political authorities among the Roma is an established fact. Those who received noble titles such as "Duke" or "Count" in their early historical relationships with the local population were probably no more than chieftains of groups that moved in numbers ranging from 10 to several hundred households. These leaders (voivodes) were elected for life from among prominent families. Their strength and power varied depending on the size of the association, traditions and relationships with other entities within the confederation.

The voivode was the treasurer for the entire group, determined its migration route and participated in negotiations with local municipal authorities. He led through the council of elders, who also consulted with older woman associations. The influence of the latter was strong, especially regarding the fate of women and children, and was based on the obvious ability to earn and organize women within the group.

Social control

The strongest institution of the Roma people was the kris - the norms of customary law and justice, as well as the ritual and tribunal of the group. The basis of the Gypsy code was comprehensive loyalty, coherence and reciprocity within a recognized political unit. The highest penalty of the tribunal, which applied to all disputes and violations of the code, was excommunication from the group. A sentence of ostracism could exclude a person from participating in certain activities and punish him with unskilled work. In some cases, the elders granted rehabilitation, followed by a celebration of reconciliation.

Social organization

Roma groups consist of vics, i.e. associations of extended families with common origin both paternal and maternal, numbering at least 200 people. A big woman can have her own boss and council. You can apply for participation in vice as a result of marriage with a member of the clan. Loyalty and economic cooperation are expected at the household level, not at the vicar level. Absent in the Romani language general term for the household. A person can probably count on the support of a circle of significant relatives with whom he is physically close and is not at odds.

Spiritual Beliefs

Gypsies have no formal faith, and in the past they have generally disdained organized religion. Today, Roma people often convert to the dominant religion of the country in which they live and describe themselves as "many stars scattered in the eyes of God." Some groups are Catholic, Muslim, Pentecostal, Protestant, Anglican and Baptist.

Gypsies follow a complex set of rules that govern such things as neatness, cleanliness, respect, honor and fairness. These rules are called "romano". Romano means to behave with dignity and respect as a Roma person. "Romanipe" is the gypsy name for their worldview.

Keepers of traditions

Roma were distributors folk beliefs and practices in the areas where they settled (eg Romania), maintaining national customs, dancing and the like, which largely disappeared from rural life at the turn of the 21st century. Their musical heritage huge and includes, for example, flamenco. Although the Roma have a rich oral tradition, their written literature is relatively sparse.

IN beginning of XXI centuries, Roma continue to struggle with contradictions in their culture. Although they are forced to defend themselves less frequently from persecution by a hostile society, some mistrust and intolerance still remain. Perhaps an even greater problem they faced was the erosion of their way of life under the influence of the city in industrialized societies. Themes of family and ethnic loyalty typical of Roma music have helped to preserve certain notions of what Roma nationality is, but some of the younger and more talented exponents of this music, influenced by material rewards, have drifted away into external world. Individual housing, economic independence and mixed marriages with non-Roma became more common.

"Gypsies" is a collective term, the same as "Slavs", "Caucasians", "Scandinavians" or "Latin Americans". Several dozen nationalities belong to the gypsies.

The Roma have a national anthem, a flag, and an artistic culture, including literature.

Gypsies are conventionally divided into Eastern and Western.

The word “lave” in Russian slang is borrowed from the Gypsy language, where it has the form “lowe” (Gypsies do not “akayut”) and the meaning “money”.

An earring in one ear of a gypsy means that he is the only son in the family.

The Gypsies as a nation were formed in Persia (eastern branch) and the Roman Empire (aka Romea, aka Byzantium; western branch). In general, when talking about gypsies, they usually mean Western gypsies (Roma and Kale groups).

Since the Roma gypsies are Caucasians and arose as a nation in a European country, they are Europeans, and not a “mysterious eastern people,” as journalists like to write. Of course, like the Russians and Spaniards, they still have some heritage of Eastern mentality.

“Eastern” gypsies began to be called gypsies only in the 19th and 20th centuries, when Europeans visiting Asia drew attention to their external resemblance to gypsies, as well as some common crafts and traditions. “Eastern” Gypsies have a culture that is sharply different from the “common Gypsies” (that is, the culture of the noticeably more numerous and culturally developed “Western” Gypsies), although both have a common cultural heritage of Indian ancestors. “Eastern” and “Western” gypsies practically do not communicate.

The Romani languages ​​are overwhelmingly descendants of Sanskrit. Ethnically, the Gypsies are descendants of the Aryans, with a Dravidian admixture (Dravidians - indigenous people India, conquered by the Aryans, one of the oldest written cultures, at the time of the conquest was more developed than the culture of the nomadic Aryans).

Contrary to the statements of some people who are far from ethnography and history, there was never any “expulsion of the Gypsies” from India and the Roman Empire. In India there were no gypsies at all, there were Hindus. According to recent genetic and linguistic studies, the ancestors of the Gypsies, a group of Hindus of the "house" caste of approximately 1,000 people, left India sometime in the 6th century. It is assumed that this group of musicians and jewelers was presented by the Indian ruler to the Persian, as was the custom of that time. Already in Persia, the size of the group grew greatly, and a social division appeared within it (mainly by profession); In the 9th–10th centuries, part of the Roma began to gradually move westward and finally reached Byzantium and Palestine (two different branches). Some remained in Persia and from there spread to the east. Some of these gypsies eventually reached their homeland distant ancestors- India.

The gypsies left Byzantium during the period of its conquest by Muslims, in the hope of receiving help from fellow Christians (the people and times were naive). The exodus from the Roman Empire lasted for decades. Some Gypsies, however, remained in their homeland for various reasons. Their descendants eventually converted to Islam.

There is a hypothesis that the gypsies received the nickname “Egyptians” back in Byzantium, for their dark complexion and for the fact that the most noticeable part of the gypsies were engaged in, like the visiting Egyptians, circus art. Another nickname was associated with circus art and fortune telling, from which the word “gypsies” came: “atsingane”. Initially, this was the name given to certain sectarians seeking secret knowledge. But over time, apparently, the word has become a household word, ironic for anyone involved in esotericism, magic tricks, fortune telling and divination. The gypsies even then called themselves “Roma” and gave themselves the nickname “kale”, that is, dark-skinned, dark-skinned

It is believed that it was the gypsies who widely spread belly dancing in Muslim countries. However, there is no evidence or refutation of this.

Traditional areas of activity for Gypsies include the arts, trade, horse breeding and crafts (from the prosaic of brick making and basket weaving to the romantic art of jewelry and embroidery).

Soon after coming to Europe, the Gypsies became one of the victims of great socio-economic crises and were subjected to severe persecution. This has led to severe marginalization and criminalization of Roma. What saved the Gypsies from complete extermination was the generally neutral or friendly attitude of the majority of the common people, who did not want to implement bloody laws against the Gypsies.

They say that the famous Papus learned fortune telling from the gypsies.

The Inquisition was never interested in the gypsies.

Medicine knows no cases of leprosy among the Roma. The most common blood types among Roma are III and I. The percentage of III and IV blood is very high compared to other European peoples.

In the Middle Ages, Gypsies, like Jews, were accused of cannibalism.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, with increasing tolerance towards them in European society, the crime rate of the Roma decreased sharply and greatly. In the 19th century, a very rapid process of integration of Roma into society began in Europe.

Gypsies came to Russia more than 300 years ago. Like other now established peoples (for example, Kalmyks), they received imperial permission to live in Russia and engage in traditional crafts (trade, horse breeding, fortune telling, singing and dancing). After some time, these gypsies began to call themselves Russian Roma, which is still the largest gypsy nationality in Russia. By 1917, the Russian Roma were the most integrated and educated Gypsies in Russia.

IN different time Kalderars (Kotlyars), Lovaris, Servas, Ursaris, Vlachs and other gypsies also immigrated to Russia.

Almost all names of Roma nationalities are either the names of key professions or reflect the name of the country they consider their homeland. This says a lot about Roma priorities.

Famous Gypsy National Costume was invented in the 19th century. The Kalderars were the first to wear it. The Russian Roma national costume was invented by artists to create a more exotic stage image. Historically, Gypsies have always tended to wear clothing typical of their country of residence.

Gypsies are famous pacifists. However, at various times they served with the armies and in the armies of Germany, Prussia, Sweden and Russia. In 1812, Russian gypsies voluntarily handed over for the maintenance of the Russian army large amounts. Young Roma boys fought as part of the Russian troops. At the same time, what’s funny is that quite a few French gypsies fought in Napoleon’s army. There is even a description of a meeting between two gypsies from different sides during the battle between the Spaniards and the French. During the Second World War, Gypsies participated in hostilities as part of both regular armies (USSR, France; privates, tank crews, military engineers, pilots, orderlies, artillerymen, etc.) and partisan groups, mixed and purely Gypsy (USSR , France, Eastern Europe). The guerrilla actions of the Roma against the Nazis are sometimes called “Aryans against Aryans.”

As a result of the systematic targeted extermination of the Gypsies by the Nazis, about 150,000 Gypsies (for comparison, in the USSR lived from 60,000, according to the census, to 120,000, according to assumptions) died in Europe. "Gypsy Holocaust" is called Kali Thrash (there are also variants Samudaripen and Paraimos).

Among the outstanding Roma there are scientists, writers, poets, composers, musicians, singers, dancers, actors, directors, boxers (including champions), football players, historians, politicians, priests, missionaries, artists and sculptors. Some are better known, for example, Marishka Veres, Ion Voicu, Janos Bihari, Cem Mace, Mateo Maximov, Yul Brynner, Tony Gatlif, Bob Hoskins, Nikolay Slichenko, Django Reinhardt, Bireli Lagren, others less, but can also boast of significant contributions to gypsy culture.

Having seen the phrase “ nomadic people"without quotes, you don't have to read it. The author will not write anything truly reliable if he does not even know the fact that only 1% of Russian Gypsies are nomadic.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, despite the fact that in the media Roma frauds are in first place when mentioned in criminal articles, in statistics they are in last place. Ethnographers believe that the situation with gypsy fraud and drug trafficking is similar in Russia.

During Stalin's time, the Roma were subjected to targeted repression.

The term “gypsy baron” has been used by gypsies only for the last couple of decades, and not by everyone. This is borrowed from the media and romantic literature. The term is used specifically to communicate with non-Gypsies.

There are several notable gypsy theaters in the world: in Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Germany, as well as smaller theaters and studios in these and other countries.

One of the most interesting gypsy concepts is the concept of “filth”. It is associated with the lower body of a married woman or simply adult woman. It is enough for her to walk over something, and this place becomes “desecrated.” Clothing worn by a woman below the waist and shoes are automatically considered “defiled.” Therefore, the women's national costume of many gypsies around the world includes a large apron. And for the same reason, in order not to be desecrated, gypsies prefer to live in small, one-story houses.

Short hair among gypsies is a symbol of dishonor. The hair of the exiled and isolated was cut. Until now, gypsies avoid very short haircuts.

Why are gypsies called Romals?

    From Old Russian and Sanskrit Ro (Ra) and Ma (Me)

    Ro-Ra - Vedic ancient Indian and ancient Slavic - initial energy, aka the Sun, aka God - since then and now we understand that it is the Sun that feeds our system with energy - as Dersu Uzala used to say, the Sun is the main person.

    Male - Man(s) - a person of a certain clan-genus - Man-Manu - also one of the hypostases of the supreme deity - the progenitor of all people - both masculine and feminine life.

    The ending -man can be found in many names and surnames, and it just shows belonging to one or another family, clan, faith, or even the master.

    Remained in German and English languages- actually man and man - man-man.

    In Russian and related languages ​​it is more complex the word m-u-f- I won’t decipher it, it turns out indecent if taken literally.

    Well, the letter e is more attractive than our e - from the ancient times - there is - it is dumb. ist english is.

    From here we get Ro-Mal-e - Solar Man Is - that is, a man of God or a man of the sun.

    Gypsies - from the merger of tse - Old Russian tse-eto - are still in Ukrainian in this meaning, and ga-go - movement Ga or Go - a symbol of movement - road leg GA-t step-step-t G-lagol - all like that or otherwise shows movement.

    And it turns out that a gypsy - tse-ga-n - is a traveler, a tramp.

    romale are freedom-loving people... the gypsies call themselves that... besides, this kind of address is common among them in everyday life. It’s like, hey romale

    The most common and characteristic self-names of gypsies (exactly what they call themselves), taken from India, are rum or roma among the gypsies of Europe, house or lom among the gypsies of Asia Minor and the Middle East. these names come from the Indo-Aryan dom, with the cerebral sound d, which is pronounced as a cross between the sounds p, d and l. From the conducted linguistic studies it follows that the Roma of Europe and the home and/or land of Asia and the Caucasus are the three main streams of migrants from India. before today In India, there are groups called dom that are classified as low castes. according to Indo-Aryan sources of late antiquity and early Middle Ages The tribes with the self-name dom inhabiting the central and northwestern regions of India for centuries led and maintained their nomadic and semi-nomadic lifestyle and type of culture.

    the chain is as follows: Roma - the self-name of the people, gypsies; Roma - representative of the people, gypsies (separate); romale is a vocative form, an address to a representative of the people.

    Romale translated into Russian is gypsies; their language contains many Indian words and adverbs distorted by time. Romale is one of them, ro is qi, male is gane, qi means the beginning, and gane is persecution from oneself. An interesting and unstudied people are the Gypsies, why they went around the world. Each gypsy has his own world, unlike the others, he is both cunning and wise, evil and good, always in the path of his thoughts, like his life.

Carriers unique culture, Roma evoke mixed feelings. They scare some, inspire others. There are no indifferent people.

Where are you heading from?

Previously, it was mistakenly believed that Gypsies were Egyptians. Today's genetic research clearly proves that the starting point of migration of the “free people” was India. The Indian tradition has been preserved in Gypsy culture in the form of practices for working with consciousness. The mechanisms of meditation and gypsy hypnosis are in many ways similar; gypsies, like Indians, are good animal trainers. The gypsies are also characterized by syncretism of spiritual beliefs, which is one of the features of modern Indian culture.

The Gypsies had a huge influence on world culture. Balkan music and Boho style, which are in trend today, are products of gypsy influence.

There is no such people as gypsies. This is the collective name for several ethnic groups. The gypsies call themselves Roma (emphasis on the last syllable). Most likely, this is the influence of the life of the gypsies in Byzantium, which began to be called Byzantium only after its fall. Before that, it was considered part of Roman civilization. The common “Romale” is the vocative case of the ethnonym “Roma”.

“At least talk to me, seven-string friend”

Roma are unique in their musical culture. They are not only deeply integrated into the music themselves, but also influence the culture of the people of the countries in which they find themselves. This influence can be found almost everywhere. Sometimes cultures are so intertwined that we don’t always know when we listen to a romance whether to call it Russian or Gypsy.

Seven string guitar– is she Russian or gypsy?

It is believed that the seven-string guitar was invented in the 1790s by Andrei Osipovich Sihra. He made the first sample of the instrument in Vilnius, and later, upon his arrival in Moscow, he modified it. He became a real star, they signed up for lessons with him, he gave concerts and had an undoubted musical gift. His father was also a musician. I will not pull facts and claim that Sirha was a gypsy, but the instrument was developed precisely in the gypsy environment.

Before the 1917 revolution, a seven-string guitar, distinctive feature which is the system - G major - was very popular tool. Gypsy romances and Pushkin, and Tolstoy, and Turgenev, and Leskov listened precisely to the accompaniment of a seven-string guitar.

As one of the symbols of the “royal system,” the seven-string in the USSR lost its position and was replaced by six string guitar with classic Spanish tuning.

However, the gypsies did not abandon the seven-string guitar. Moreover, it was the Russian gypsies who first brought these guitars overseas after the revolution - to Brazil. The seven-string guitar still sounds today - not only in the Romen Theater, but also on the pop stage. For example, Madonna had a whole tour, where she was accompanied by Vadim Kolpakov, lead singer of the Via Romen ensemble.

Balkan music has also gained enormous popularity today, gypsy music from the flesh. Its development, by the way, is facilitated by the magnificent films of Emir Kusturica, who is also a musician, leader of the group No smoking Orchestra.
The seven-string guitar also survived in the USSR thanks to the bard song. Vladimir Vysotsky, Bulat Okudzhava, Yuri Vizbor, Sergei Nikitin - they are all “seven-stringers”.

“Gild the handle!”

Gypsy hypnosis is a typical example of neurolinguistic programming. There is nothing mysterious, much less frightening, about it. If you are so afraid of gypsy hypnosis, then you can even attend hypnosis seminars, where they will tell you everything about the nature of trance and methods of suppressing a person’s will centers by capturing his attention.

Gypsy hypnosis is an incredibly fascinating and voluminous topic, so I will only say about some of its basic principles and techniques.

The main thing that any hypnotist strives for is to obtain so-called rapport - control contact. The gypsy hypnosis technique is based on mind control through attention, so the first thing the hypnotist does is try to switch your external attention to your internal one.

Psychologist Sergei Zelinsky, in his work on gypsy hypnosis, emphasizes: " Gypsies are well aware of the phenomenology of deep trances, so if they notice a sign of a phenomenon, they immediately contribute to its development, thereby plunging the client into an even deeper state of trance".

Anyhow the gypsies won’t approach anyone. They have well-developed intuition and easily distinguish from a crowd people with a high level of hypnotizability - that is, a predisposition to suggestion. Traditionally, hypnosis occurs in crowded places. This is again part of the ritual - the attention of a person in the crowd is scattered. Traditionally, these are markets and shops, that is, places where a person knowingly comes with money, as well as in a state of psychological imbalance (shopaholism is one of the signs of hypnotizability).

The art of gypsy hypnosis is passed down from generation to generation. It is taught both verbally and empirically. Every gypsy hypnotist is an excellent psychologist who, through long practice, has developed tactile, visual, auditory, and even olfactory perception. Any human movement, even micro-movements, such as blinking or the work of facial muscles, speaks about something. And the gypsies know what they are talking about.

Fortune telling and cards

In the Middle Ages, Gypsies in Europe were considered Egyptians. The word Gitanes itself is a derivative of the Egyptian. There were two Egypts in the Middle Ages - upper and lower. The gypsies were so nicknamed, obviously, by the name of the upper one, which was located in the Peloponnese region, from where their migration took place, but belonging to the cults of lower Egypt is visible in the life of even modern gypsies.

Tarot cards, considered the last surviving remnant of the cult of the Egyptian god Thoth, were brought to Europe by the gypsies. It was not for nothing that they were called “Pharaoh’s tribe.” It was also amazing for Europeans that the gypsies embalmed their dead and buried them in crypts, where they placed everything necessary for life after death. These funeral traditions are still alive among the gypsies today.

The skill of predicting on cards is also passed down from generation to generation. Both on Tarot and ordinary ones. Not every gypsy can tell fortunes. In large Roma families, in camps, no more than 5% of girls are chosen for education. This art cannot be widespread, its secrets are kept, and a good fortune teller in the gypsy community is worth its weight in gold.

You shouldn’t romanticize fortune tellers, much less envy their gift. Taking on this role requires the gypsy to clearly understand the enormous burden she is placing on herself. In the Middle Ages, gypsies were treated with little ceremony, while fortune tellers were recognized as witches and burned at the stake. The modern Christian church also has a sharply negative attitude towards gypsy fortune-telling rituals.

According to Gypsy concepts, a woman should not be above a man. The Roma have the concept of “filth” associated with the lower part of the body of a married or simply adult woman. The place over which she passed becomes “defiled.” Clothes worn by a woman below the waist and shoes are also considered “defiled.” Therefore, the women's national costume of many Gypsies around the world includes a large apron, and Gypsies prefer to live in one-story houses.

The image of the gypsy baron that we know from films and television shows is more of a negotiator, a person representing the camp with its “face”. Usually this is a richly dressed, stately, mature, bearded, personable man with good communication skills. His task is purely representative; a real baron prefers not to stand out, although it is on him that all the threads of camp life converge.

Short form of the name Roman. Roma, Romasya, Romulya, Romanka, Romakha, Romasha, Romanya, Roro, Ro.
Synonyms for the name Roman. Romanus, Romano, Raman.
Nationality. The name Roman is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

Origin and meaning of the name Roman. The name Roman comes from Latin word“Romanus”, translated means “Roman”, “Roman”, “from Rome”. The name of the city of Rome was originally given from the names of the brothers Romulus and Remus. The name Roman is a derivative, a variant pronunciation of the name Romulus. Pairs female name- Romana. Another female name, Romina, will also be close in meaning.

Character and destiny. Romans love everything new, but it is difficult for them to complete everything. Everything distracts me - either illness or new hobbies. Every time he eagerly rushes to implement his idea, but he requires enormous patience and endurance to achieve results. But if this succeeds, the result will be impressive!

Roman is a little reckless, frivolous, he will not look for a way out difficult situation, but would prefer to let everything take its course, give up on what didn’t work out and take on something else, not regretting the missed opportunities at all. Roman is an optimist by nature and tries to see the good in everything; he will try to look at any bad event in his life with humor.

A novel will always help you find a way out of a situation, as it is not subject to thinking stereotypes. Roman is a wonderful pioneer; no journey would be complete without him. Even a banal shopping trip can turn into a memorable event. The novel is proud and witty. He will not try to be a leader, achieve records, or show his best side.

Roman is a very active boy, patience is not his thing, he needs to get everything at once. But main reason the fact that his thoughts run ahead of his capabilities, he is constantly distracted, quickly switches his attention. Too strict upbringing and strict boundaries will only encourage Roman to lie creatively. Roma has a good memory, he quickly grasps everything on the fly, he will not have problems with his studies if his parents do not try to make him a diligent student.

Roman has a pronounced talent for art, he likes what happened before, but accepts modern trends with great difficulty. Roman values ​​freedom above all else. He does not like change, but is sometimes ready to do things completely unimaginable for him. For example, just pick up and move to another country, or suddenly change your preferences.

Roman applies his enormous energy to his work. The owner of this name prefers professions related to communicating with people. Often men with this name can be found among actors, directors, sales and advertising managers.

Roman never experiences problems with colleagues or communication difficulties; he makes contact very easily and quickly finds common topics for conversation even in a completely new and unfamiliar company. The owner of this name is a very sociable person. Roma loves to talk, so she might accidentally reveal someone’s secret.

It’s quite difficult for Roman to find the one, but having found her, he protects her more than his eyes. After all, it is she who will help Roman be faithful to his ideas to the end and help bring them to life. Novels are most often monogamous and value family values.

Popularity. The name Roman is quite popular. For more than 15 years now, the name Roman has not left the top 30 most popular names in Russia. Behind Last year the level of attention to this name even increased slightly, reaching a maximum in November 2016.

Roman's birthday

Roman celebrates his name day on January 18, February 11, February 16, March 2, March 29, May 15, June 5, June 13, August 1, August 6, August 11, August 15, August 23, September 24, October 8, October 14 , November 13, December 1, December 10.

Famous people named Roman

  • Roman Viktyuk (theater director)
  • Roman Klein ((1858 - 1924) Russian architect)
  • Roman Vreden ((1867 – 1934) founder of Russian surgical orthopedics)
  • Roman Kartsev (pop, theater and film artist)
  • Roman Balayan ((born 1941) film director)
  • Roman Girshman ((1895 – 1979) French archaeologist)
  • Roman Ivanychuk ((born 1929) Ukrainian writer)
  • Roman Yakobson ((1896 – 1982) Russian and American linguist, literary critic)
  • Roman Polanski (one of the greatest post-war filmmakers)
  • Roman Kostomarov (Russian figure skater)