Gave the name to the daughter of the singer Madonna. Madonna - biography, information, personal life

Madonna (born 1958) is an American superstar, she is rightfully considered the queen of pop music, she has made an invaluable contribution to world culture. She is an eccentric and shocking, persistent, hardworking singer and talented actress.

How many children does Madonna have?

The singer Madonna has four children, two of her own are older children, and two younger adopted ones. The second official ex-husband, famous director Guy Ritchie, firmly believes that she is very good mother, she loves her children, but raises them in strictness. They were forbidden to watch TV, and much attention was paid to reading; it is worth noting that Madonna herself successfully composed fairy tales. She respects the freedom of her children and gives them independence, for example, the eldest daughter - in creating her own. Despite numerous breaks with men, the children of the very busy Madonna always remained with her, in her family, and she firmly defended this right in court.

Madonna's own children

So at what age did Madonna give birth to her children? Madonna gave birth to her first daughter, Lourdes, in 1996, when she was 38 years old, from Cuban athlete Carlos Leon, he was her boyfriend. Lourdes Leon is now an adult. She and her mother still practice the teachings of Kabbalah and are also partners in general business- They produce their own clothing line.

In 1998, the singer met the British, talented and famous director Guy Ritchie at a reception with Sting. It was he who greatly influenced the personal life of Madonna and her future children, becoming her legal second and last spouse. Having moved to her husband, she enjoyed living at home and became acquainted with the new country and its traditions. In 2000, baby Rocco was born. Currently, he is actively interested in breakdancing and even managed to perform as a dancer at the concert of Madona’s mother.

In 2006, Madonna and Guy Ritchie gave birth to a black boy, David Banda, from a poor African family in Malawi, when he was only 13 months old. He loved his people very much foster parents and was very worried about their divorce. Not long ago he had a meeting with his biological father Johan Banda, and they even had a friendly conversation for about 3 hours.

The fourth child in Madonna's family was Mercy James. In 2009, she, like David, was taken from the Malawi orphanage. Her father, James Kambewa, makes his appearance at times. He either wants to meet Mercy or asks for her photo. Madonna constantly refuses him, since at present his paternity in relation to Mercy has not been proven.

Madonna, full name– Madonna Louise Ciccone (born 08/16/1958) – American singer, actress, director, philanthropist. She is considered the most successful singer who has had a significant influence on modern music. Sales of her albums exceed 300 million copies. Winner of many awards.


Born in Bay City, Michigan, America. Madonna's mother was her full namesake and was of Canadian descent. She was mainly involved in housework. Silvio's father had Italian roots and was an outstanding automotive design engineer.

In terms of seniority, the girl was the third of six children. She studied at a Catholic school, with the exception of high school. From an early age I loved to dance.

During her last pregnancy, Madonna's mother was diagnosed with a malignant breast tumor. Being very religious, she decides to carry the child to term and refuses treatment until delivery. Having given birth, she dies a few months later; at that time she was only 30 years old.

Two years later, the father married the maid. Despite the fact that the family did not live in poverty, the stepmother introduced a regime of austerity on everything: she sewed her own clothes and used only semi-finished products.

In high school, Madonna attended a regular school, where she had the opportunity to participate in amateur performances, school plays and musicals. She was also involved in cheerleading. She was an outstanding student, for which her peers often disliked her, considering her a little strange. The modest girl also did not seek to make friends. In addition, at home she had to endure the antics of her older brothers, who were addicted to drugs.

Child photo Madonnas

However, Madonna still had several close people. Among them are the poet W. Cooper, who studied with her at the same school, and her philosophy teacher. From her childhood, the singer brought out a sharply negative attitude towards drug addiction and a peculiar one towards God, who allowed the death of her mother. The turning point of her youth was a shocking dance performance by fourteen-year-old Madonna at a school party, after which her father placed his daughter under house arrest. Her reputation as an exemplary excellent student is completely destroyed.

At the age of 15, the girl begins to study ballet. Her mentor, gay K. Flynn, had a great influence on Madonna. Together they attended exhibitions and concerts, as well as gay clubs. Madonna's appearance becomes sloppy and eccentric, and her behavior also changes. She made her first sexual experience known to the whole school. Having become a graduate, she goes to the University of Michigan and studies dance there, despite her father's desire to give her a medical or legal education.

Path to starting a career

The teachers were surprised by Ciccone's endurance; she was characterized as a very capable student. However, after studying for a year and a half, she decides to go to New York, where she hopes to join the P. Lang dance troupe. She succeeds, but her earnings do not allow her to rent a house. She begins to weaken from insufficient nutrition, and the dance director gets her a job as a restaurant cloakroom attendant. Later, Madonna becomes a model and also poses in the nude genre.

Madonna in her youth

She then lived in a cheap, crime-ridden area, where she was once sexually assaulted. After this, he experiences depression, leaves the Lang troupe and attends dance auditions. At one of them she was noticed by the Belgian producers of the singer P. Hernandez, who were able to evaluate not only the girl’s dancing abilities, but also her voice. Ciccone spends six months on the singer’s European tour, during which time he manages to suffer from pneumonia. She does not give in to the producer’s persuasion to sing in the pop-disco style, preferring punk rock, and returns to America, where her abandoned boyfriend D. Gilroy awaits her.

Gilroy prepared Madonna as a musician: he taught her to play several instruments and invited her to join his band as a drummer. In 1980, she created her own team, which did not last long. Then he assembles the rock group “Emmy”, and performs in it as a performer own songs and guitarist. Financial situation continues to be poor.

A year later, Ciccone meets the owner of the recording studio K. Barbon, leaves the group and signs a contract with her. The new manager saw a future star in her, she decides that Madonna should perform without an instrument, but with dance. Over time, the relationship between them worsens.


Together with his old friend S. Bray, Ciccone writes several dance compositions, the recording of which is given to the DJ of one of the clubs, M. Kamins. He arranges negotiations for Madonna with S. Stein, owner of Sire Records. From then on, the singer became simply Madonna. With zero costs and no photo of the singer, her first single “Everybody” turned out to be quite popular, and she begins work on the album.

Ciccone at the beginning of his career, 1983

The first disc was released under the name “Madonna” in 1983 and contains several hits. Michael Jackson's former manager F. Demann begins working with the singer. The second album is released a year later and becomes the leader in the American album chart. The composition “Like a Virgin” has become a hit for more than a decade. In 1985, Madonna embarked on her first domestic tour, after which her fan base grew rapidly.

Then the first scandals arise around her. Nude photographs of the singer from the past are published, after which the press begins to accuse her of participating in adult films. Madonna coped with the attacks of ill-wishers and continued to work. A new successful album was released in 1986. The singer's appearance changes to Hollywood style. He acts in films, but unsuccessfully.

In 1989, the next disc was released, already the second, produced by Madonna herself. Her performances turn into real shows, combining concert and theatrical elements, as well as ballet and video accompaniment. Becomes the object of new scandals, accused of plagiarism and anti-Semitism. At the same time, the singer's audience is expanding significantly, and she is beginning to be compared to Marilyn Monroe.

Blond Ambition World Tour (1990)


In 1992, Madonna opens a company in the entertainment industry and calls it Maverick. A new disc “Erotica” is coming out. The singer is perceived as the personification of sin, blasphemy and vulgarity. He aggravates the situation with his participation in D. Letterman's show, allowing vulgar behavior on television.

The 1994 album became a Grammy nominee. Madonna's performance style is complemented by R'n'B elements. Gradually, the attitude towards the singer softens. Her participation in the 1996 film “Evita” was highly praised, and she received a Golden Globe for her role in the film. At the same time, Madonna is interested in Buddhism, Kabbalah and yoga. In 1998, an album was released demonstrating her spiritual transformation. "Ray of light" wins a Grammy.

Madonna in the new century

The beginning of the new millennium is accompanied by the release of the album “Music”, a film starring the singer “ Best friend” and her move to the UK. In 2003, the next disc, “American Life,” was released, which became the most unsuccessful in the singer’s career due to her pacifist attitude. Madonna is accused of lack of patriotism, and her songs become banned on some American radio stations. The singer's popularity is declining somewhat.

In 2003, she tried herself as a writer for children. Her illustrated book “Roses of England” was received quite warmly, but immediately followed new scandal after kissing Britney Spears during a performance. Madonna tried to disown hints of gay.

The 2005 album returned the singer to her former popularity. In 2008, the singer began working with young stars and released the disc “Hard Candy.” The network of fitness clubs she opened in 2010 gets the same name. In addition, a clothing line for young people has been launched. The 2012 disc becomes even less successful than “American Life”. However, the tour following the album is popular. In 2013, Madonna was named the most paid singer. The new album was released in 2015.

Madonna with her children

Personal life

There were many men in Madonna's life. She had relationships with L. Kravitz, W. Beatty, D. Rodman, E. Kiedis and others. She was married twice. The first husband was the actor Sh. Penn. Family life took place under the constant attention of the press, was accompanied by scandals and beatings and lasted four years (1985-1989). In 1996, the singer gave birth to a daughter from her Cuban-born coach K. Leon. She named the girl Lourdes.

In 1998, Madonna, while visiting Sting, met her second husband, British director Guy Ritchie. Having become pregnant, she moved to London. In 2000, their son Rocco was born. After the wedding, the singer receives new citizenship. The marriage lasted until 2008, the couple managed to adopt a boy from Malawi. In 2009, Madonna independently adopted a Malawian girl. Then Madonna had affairs with men younger than her: fashion model H. Louis, dancer B. Zaibat. In 2015, information appeared in the press about the resumption of relations with her first husband.

Madonna is a famous American singer, queen popular music. Her hits occupied the leading positions in world ratings for a long time, and the singer herself was repeatedly awarded prestigious music awards. The biography of this strong-willed woman had many difficulties. However, thanks to her individuality and hard work, she was able to conquer the whole world. Singer Madonna known for her shocking concerts and videos, revealing costumes and turbulent personal life.

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Biography of Madonna

The future star was born in 1958 in Bay City, Michigan. At birth, the girl was given the name Madonna Louise Ciccone, as a result of which she became the namesake of her mother. The father of the family had Italian roots and worked as an engineer at a large automobile factory. Mom came from a Canadian-French family. In addition to the girl, the family had five more children.

Members of the Ciccone family were devout Catholics, but the future singer was distinguished by ridiculous behavior from childhood. During her childhood, she was not at all popular with her peers.

Madonna Louise liked to dance, and over time her father sent her to a ballet studio. After graduating from school, the girl entered the University of Michigan, but continued to study ballet. The coach convinced her to make dancing her profession, so the girl decided to quit her studies and move to New York.

This move was the most a brave act in the biography of the future singer. There was a catastrophic lack of money. The girl worked in a cafe where they baked donuts and danced in several troupes.

In 1979, Madonna went to the world tour with French disco singer Patrick Hernandez as an artist in his troupe. Upon her return, the girl founded her own rock band with musician Dan Gilroy. Two years later, a second group was created, whose dance tracks were played in many New York clubs.

In 1983, the singer recorded her songs and promoted them among influential people in the world of New York show business. She received the greatest support from producer Mark Kamins, with whom the performer even had an affair. Kamins, through his acquaintance Michael Rosenblatt, arranges a meeting for Ciccone with the founder of the relatively independent Sire Records label from Warner Music, Seymour Stein. He immediately signs a contract with Madonna

Debut single The singer's track was Everybody, which she recorded on a demo disc. In just a few weeks, the song rose to the top of the popular charts. Then a fairly budget video was shot for this song, but it also conquered the most wide audience. After this, the performer recorded the second single Burning Up, and it managed to repeat the success of the song Everybody.

This convinced the producers that the first full-length album of the rising star would be successful. In July 1983, their debut album entitled Madonna was released. It went unnoticed at first, but within a year it reached number 8 on the Billboard 200 and number 6 in the UK.

The second record, Like A Virgin, was purchased by more than 19 million people. Having gained fame, Madonna also tried on the role of an actress and starred in two films, in which she presented two new songs to the public.

In 1986, the True Blue disc was announced, recognized as the best in 28 countries. Such success was even included in the Guinness Book of Records. At the same time, the singer continued to act in films and actively toured.

Three years later, the pop diva entered into an agreement with Pepsi, under which her track Like A Prayer was featured in the company’s advertising video. The video contained religious symbols, which was condemned by Vatican officials. The company had to break the contract with the performer, but for another 11 years the song was considered the singer’s most successful track. Subsequently, the star shocked the public more than once, releasing erotic videos and performing in revealing outfits.

Throughout her career, Madonna has collaborated with many famous musicians, including Björk and Justin Timberlake. The pop diva even performed main party in the film adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Evita.

In 2012-2013, the singer was recognized as the highest paid celebrity. Her annual earnings were over $120 million.

The singer collaborates with leading fashion houses, and also tries herself as a screenwriter and director. In addition, the star founded a network of her own fitness centers.

Madonna's personal life

In 1985, the 26-year-old singer met actor Sean Penn. Their romance developed quite quickly and the young people got married that same year. IN next year Sean starred in the film At close range, especially for which the performer wrote the song Live To Tell. This ballad was included in the singer’s third album.

The leading role in the marriage belonged to the singer. In addition, she was then more popular than her husband. As a result, the actor received the nickname Mister Madonna. The couple's relationship began to deteriorate. Four years after the wedding happened public scandal, and the couple separated.

After the divorce, the pop diva found solace in an affair with the famous womanizer and actor Warren Beatty, but this relationship soon ended. During the same period, the singer was repeatedly accused of having close relationships with women, but the star herself emphasizes that she does not approve of same-sex relationships.

In 1996, the singer gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes. The girl's father is a semi-professional athlete Carlos Leon, Madonna's personal fitness trainer. Despite the birth of the child, the singer said that she did not see much point in marrying Carlos.

In 1998, the pop diva met the famous English director Guy Ritchie. Two years later, the couple had a son. In 2002, Richie directed the film “Swept Away,” in which his wife played main role. Its heroine was a selfish American woman who went on a cruise with her rich husband and ended up on a desert island with a poor Italian sailor. The film allowed viewers to see the brilliant acting transformation of Madonna, because in the conditions of the struggle for survival, her heroine was able not only to find softness and a feeling of gratitude in her heart, but also to sincerely fall in love with the Italian, although their story was not destined to continue.

Despite a good start, the marriage of the singer and director did not work out and seven years later the couple divorced. Since then, the pop diva has had several high-profile romances, including with the young Brazilian model Jesus Luz, but these romances did not have a serious continuation.

Often the price of success is so high that on the way to it you have to sacrifice almost everything and lose the most valuable thing. Madonna's biography is an example of how not to deviate from your goals and leave your opponents behind.

Madonna was born on August 16, 1958 in a family where, in addition to her, there were 4 older brothers. Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone - the singer's real name - completely repeats the name of her mother. The girl was raised in a religious family, but she was never an ideal daughter - on the contrary, she was considered strange and uncontrollable.

The future singer lost her mother very early, who died of breast cancer at the age of 30, a couple of months after the birth of another child. This was a big blow for the girl, and for a long time, already as an adult, the singer fell into hypochondria, as she was sure that she had the same disease.

It became difficult for my father to cope with family difficulties, and two years later he married for the second time. Madonna immediately disliked her stepmother, because she could not forgive her father for letting another woman into his heart. Besides, she was jealous of him stepbrothers and sisters, believing that they receive more attention.

Despite the fact that the girl studied very well, she was unable to build friendly relations with her classmates: they were jealous of her academic performance and considered her an “alien.” After all, the future world star could not hide his shocking character.

To prove her originality, at a school talent competition, 14-year-old Madonna Ciccone shocked everyone: she sang a song, appearing on stage in a revealing top and short shorts, her face painted with bright makeup. This event seriously affected the reputation future star and her Catholic family. The schoolgirl was put under house arrest, and insulting inscriptions addressed to Madonna often began to appear on the door.

At the age of 15, the singer begins to study seriously ballroom dancing. After graduating from school in 1976, she entered university to continue her dance education. This caused a serious scandal between Madonna and her father and further deteriorated their relationship, because his dreams of seeing his daughter as a lawyer collapsed. After studying for only six months, the girl realizes that she will not achieve world heights in the provinces, and decides to leave for New York.

Music career

A young girl arrived in the city of contrasts with a small budget (only 40 dollars), with a small suitcase, an extraordinary creative potential and a great desire to become a dance queen. She lived in a crime-ridden area, often worked only for food, and even posed for photographers as a nude model (later these photographs would “pop up” and end up on the pages of Playboy magazine).

Soon Madonna begins going to auditions for musicals. In one of them, she grabs luck by the tail and ends up in the troupe of artist Patrick Hernandez. While working there, the girl often hums different melodies. One day the directors notice this and ask her to perform a simple song. She sang “Jingle bells” and was right: she was invited to Paris to make her a vocal star. True, Madonna did not like this idea and, after working for only a short time, she returned back to New York.

Soon she meets Seymour Stein, the founder of the Sire Records label, who saw Madonna great opportunities and signed with her long-term contract. The first album was a success and 30 years later was even recognized as the best debut album in America. The track “Holiday” rose to the top of all US music charts and entered the top 20 best singles America.

The second album, which was recorded in 1984, was awarded a diamond certificate. The singer becomes the queen of the world stage. Almost all of her tracks take first place in the charts.

In total, Madonna released 13 studio albums, 8 of them occupied the top line in the US charts, namely:

  • 1984 – “Like a Virgin” (1st place).
  • 1986 – “True Blue” (1st place).
  • 1989 – “Like a Player” (1st place).
  • 2000 – “Music” (1st place).
  • 2003 – “American Life” (1st place).
  • 2005 – “Confessions on Dance Floor” (1st place).
  • 2008 – “Hard Candy” (1st place).
  • 2012 – “MDNA” (1st place).

Over the years musical career the singer tried herself in many styles and directions. She is not afraid to be shocking and unlike anyone else. The artist’s costumes and dresses surprise the viewer with their unusualness and extravagance. Singer Madonna was never afraid to appear to her fans as a being “not of this world,” and they loved their idol for this sincerity.

The star's acting career was less successful than her musical one. In total, there are more than 20 films with Madonna, but most of them were not even released. Here are some facts:

  • Released in the early 90s documentary, telling about the life of the singer.
  • Four years later, she played the main role in the filmed musical “Evita”.
  • In 2000, the actress received a role in the film “Best Friend.”
  • In 2004, a second documentary about the singer appeared on the screens.
  • In 2015, she tried her hand as a director.

Madonna's personal life

Madonna in her youth was not deprived of male attention, and she was not at all shy about showing off her intimate life publicly. The singer had many affairs, about which there were various rumors.

The first man in the singer's life was actor Sean Penn. This love arose very beautifully: the young man saw future wife descending the stairs in a beautiful long dress. In 1985, Madonna and Sean Penn exchanged rings and became husband and wife. But their union did not last long.

After that, the singer had affairs with many famous and respectable men from the sphere of show business: among them, for example, Lenny Kravitz, Anthony Kids. All this continued until she fell in love with her fitness trainer Carlos Leon, whom she offered to become a father. Madonna asked her lover to take tests and conduct healthy image life for birth healthy child. Soon their daughter Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon was born (at that time the singer was 38 years old).

The next relationship - with director Guy Ritchie - began unusually romantically. At first, Madonna mistook her future husband for an ordinary provincial boy. But soon all the cards were revealed, and the singer could not resist the courtship young director. Their wedding took place in December 2000.

Madonna and Guy Ritchie lived together for 8 years. The fruit of their love was a son named Rocco, and an adopted boy from an African family also appeared in the family. Soon, Madonna adopted another girl, Mercy Jame, and in 2017, two African twins: Stella and Esther. This became known after the singer shared photos with children in in social networks, in which she hugged her daughters.

Madonna's children are main pride and joy in the singer’s life. Thanks to them, the singer even tried herself as a writer and published the children's book “English Roses” in 2004. Eldest daughter Madonna Lourdes decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps and, at the age of 19, is already the media face of various advertising companies.

In 2013, the star began an affair with basketball player Denis Rodman. Madonna wanted to give him a son, but this did not happen, and their union soon collapsed.

Today, every person in the world knows the name of Madonna; her image is an icon of pop music, the personification of sexuality, shockingness and creative originality.

How old is Madonna and how does she manage to look so young? This is the question everyone asks when they see the star’s chiseled figure and her energetic dances during performances. Any girl can envy her external beauty - with a small height of 164 cm, the singer’s parameters are ideal: 90-60-90. The personal account of the Queen of Pop on Instagram contains many photographs that give fans the opportunity to see their favorite in different images and scenery. Author: Anastasia Kaykova

She's always good

Madonna(Louise Ciccone) is a famous American singer, songwriter, producer, dancer, actress, director and screenwriter. She was born in Bay City on August 16, 1958 in Michigan. She became one of the brightest stars in the history of pop music. Madonna was born and raised in a Catholic family. The family was large, the girl was the third child in the family. The singer's mother, Madonna Fortin, died of cancer at the age of thirty. Little Louise lived with her father. But he soon got married and his stepmother gave birth to two more children. Madonna studied at different schools and attended classes at a ballet studio. She continued to practice ballet even after finishing school.

While still a teenager, Madonna showed her musical talent. She became interested in dancing and then studied it both at school and at university. In 1978, the girl left for New York. There she takes dance lessons from famous choreographer Alvin Ailey, and also works as a model. Somewhat later, she created such groups as “Breakfast Club” and “Emmy”. The musicians performed in nightclubs. But soon the singer leaves the groups she created and develops a solo career.

Carier start

Madonna met Mark Kamins and lets him listen to her audio recordings. Within a few days they were accepted by the public and had incredible success. Casemis really liked Madonna. He was always trying to find her a good producer. For a long time the attempts were unsuccessful. But then such a person was found. It was Rosenblatt. A contract was signed - Kamins, Rosenblatt and Madonna began to work hard on the first record. Madonna's first song, "Ain't No Big Deal," was a flop. And there was no time left for re-recording.

The composition “Everybody. Soon, Madonna's songs began to occupy major places in the charts. The success of the young star was amazing.

Madonna released her second album, “Like A Virgin,” in 1984. The singer's 11th place in the US charts was brought by the title track, written by Tom Kelly. A video was shot for the single “Material Girl”. Madonna appeared before the public in a striking image of Marilyn Monroe. In 1985, Madonna becomes real national star. Her marriage played a big role in her career rise. She married famous actor Sean Penn.

With children and ex-husband Guy Ritchie

Path to glory

World fame fell on Madonna between 1985 and 1987. “Crazy For You” became a chart leader in the United States. and “Into The Groove” reached number one in the UK. Madonna began acting in films. She had a small but memorable role in the film Certain Sacrifice. Then she had a role in “Desperately Seeking Susan.”

Together with her husband Sean, she starred in the film “Shanghai Surprise”, but this film failed. In 1988, Madonna divorced Penn. Madonna's work is controversial. It gives rise to various rumors and opinions. The Catholic Church condemned the video for the song “Like A Prayer.” After this, Pepsi decided to terminate the advertising contract with the singer. But the hype is only good for Madonna. The album of the same name becomes a bestseller.

1992 becomes a fruitful year for the singer. She starred in several films and continues to release music albums and acts simultaneously in several films. Madonna is even trying to write books. The year 1993 for Madonna was marked by filming in the thriller “Body as Evidence.”

Hard work takes its toll on the star's health. She becomes depressed. In the film "With a Despondent Face" she performs cameo role singing postcards.

Creative takeoff

The year of takeoff creativity Madonna's year in cinema was 1996. In the successful musical "Evita" she plays the main role. There's something else going on in her life. an important event- she becomes a mother. The singer gave birth to a daughter and named her Lourdes. And the film Evita brings her a Golden Globe. But during this period, Madonna decides to devote herself to her family and leaves cinema for a while.

In 1998, one of her best albums"Ray Of Light". A year later, she received three Grammy awards for her 1998 album, Ray Of Light. Madonna starred in the famous film “Best Friend” and returned to cinema again. During this period, she married director Guy Ritchie. They have a son. Together with his family, the pop star moves to London and returns to his audience.

Madonna continues both her musical and artistic career. In the film "Swept Away", which was directed by her husband, Madonna played the main role. But the film was not successful. But the film “Die Another Day” became iconic for Madonna. She was nominated for two awards at once - Golden Globe and Golden Raspberry. In her next album, "American Life," Madonna demonstrates her dissatisfaction with the Bush administration. Madonna sends a letter against the authorities. The song “Hung Up” becomes the most popular hit in different countries.

In 2006, the pop star became a foster mother for the boy David, who had previously lived in Malawi. This decision by Madonna leads her to dedicate herself to family and charity. Two years later she released the album “Hard Candy”. It sells five million copies.

Madonna tried herself in various professions. She was an actress, a writer, a singer and a fashion designer. And everywhere she achieved great success.

in 2008, Madonna decides to separate from her second husband Guy Ritchie, an English director, with whom she lived together for more than 7 years.

With Jesus Luz

The secret of her youth

Actress, singer, Kabbalist Madonna always arouses the admiration of the public - both for her creativity and for her appearance. The 53-year-old star looks like a 35-year-old. She is constantly improving both externally and internally. Madonna undergoes a number of procedures every day in order to look young and beautiful. She runs, pumps up her abs, hits a punching bag, and does push-ups. Rumor has it that she constantly visits plastic surgeons. But the pop diva herself tries to hide this fact. The newspapers write that Madonna uses beauty injections, has had a facelift more than once, and has had her nose corrected. They say she even had her breasts enlarged. But within reasonable limits.

According to individual sources, Madonna still uses some anti-aging procedures. The essence of one of them is that under high pressure oxygen of highly concentrated preparations containing antioxidants and hyaluronic acid. Madonna has been using this method for many years. She even has a device with which she carries out procedures on her own.

Or maybe the best way to maintain beauty and youth in an older beauty is yoga, a healthy lifestyle, effective diets and an absolutely sober lifestyle (she has not drunk alcohol for 20 years).

Hundreds of thousands of women around the world dream of looking as good as the Queen of Pop Madonna at 53. Or maybe it's a matter of love relationships. Until recently, her name was associated with the name of her young boyfriend Jesus Luz (Brazilian model), who younger than the singer for 30 years. There were even rumors that the couple was going to get married according to the rules of the Cabal. The pop diva adheres to this doctrine.

But it didn’t come to the wedding. The Internet is full of new messages about Madonna's personal life. Her chosen one this time was 24-year-old dancer Brahim Zeibat. They met at the launch of the pop star's new ready-to-wear collection. Brahim performed a solo number. And after the performance, the world-class star herself approached the young talent. He was stunned by this. After this meeting, they began an affair. They do not hide their relationship in front of the public.

And Madonna's ex-boyfriend Jesus Luz returned to New York. He dreams of finding a girl to start a family with. Recently, photos of Madonna in nude style appeared on the Internet. It is believed that the pictures were “shared” by the star’s ex-boyfriend Jesus Luz. The racy photos were taken behind the scenes of one of the pop diva’s photo shoots.


  • Madonna (1983)
  • Like a Virgin (1984)
  • True Blue (1986)
  • Like a Prayer (1989)
  • Erotica (1992)
  • Bedtime Stories (1994)
  • Ray of Light (1998)
  • Music (2000)
  • American Life (2003)
  • Confessions on a Dance Floor (2005)
  • Hard Candy (2008)


  • Religions of the stars. Part 1. Madonna found answers in the teachings of Kabbalah women's magazine myJane