Daria pynzar VKontakte official page. Daria Pynzar: biography, personal life. Family and children of Daria Pynzar

Daria Pynzar was remembered by TV viewers as a bright blonde with angelic appearance and modest behavior. The girl’s life, like many of her colleagues, was changed by her participation in the famous TV show “Dom-2”. After the project, she did not disappear from television cameras for a long time, openly telling fans about her personal and public life. Former member construction site was so frank that she shared it with thousands of subscribers without hiding social network Instagram even with details of plastic surgeries performed.

Biography of Daria Pynzar

On January 6, 1986, in the small working-class town of the Donetsk region, Yenakievo, baby Dasha Chernykh was born. Her childhood was far from luxurious, since in the mining province money is given only hard work. WITH youth daughters, the family moved to the Saratov region in the town of Balakovo. There, the girl’s fate took a sharp turn, as she was left an orphan, having lost her parents.

The girl’s adult sister, Natalya, took up the task of raising the girl. After receiving a certificate of secondary education, Dasha entered the Faculty of Design at the Institute of Economics and Culture. The girl was an excellent student, loved to create sketches of women's dresses, dreamed of world fame and manically took care of herself. Out of boredom and in search of fame, Dasha decided to take part in the country's highest-rated TV show, Dom-2.

At numerous castings, the organizers immediately noted the well-groomed and spectacular blonde; it was this time that became the “rush hour” in Daria’s life.

"House-2" in the life of Dasha Pynzar

On New Year's Eve 2008, Dasha came to the project. In the pre-New Year bustle, participants immediately paid attention to the new beauty, as her feature was a statement of innocence. Thus, Daria immediately made it clear to all the ladies' men that she was only committed to long-term, serious relationship. Since then, a men's marathon began for the right to be Daria's first man. Everything turned out to be not so simple.

The first chosen one, Rustam Solntsev, even managed to move into the house with Dasha, but was dissatisfied with the blonde’s economic abilities. More than once the man complained about the mess, but the final blow was the fact that the hostess decided to wash his jeans, forgetting to take them out of his pocket mobile phone. After Rustam, Andrei Cherkasov, a pro in love matters, took on the task of winning the heart of innocent Daria. With his assertiveness and constant sexual hints, he scared off the inexperienced girl.

Desperate to find love, out of desperation Dasha turned her attention to the modest, handsome athlete Sergei Pynzar. The couple’s relationship could be called ideal, if not for Dasha’s passion for going to nightclubs with her bosom friend around the perimeter, who was not for nothing nicknamed the frivolous “Tru-la-la.”

Family life of Dasha Pynzar

Sergei turned out to be a tough nut to crack, so, despite all the disagreements, he proposed marriage to his beloved. In 2010, after much debate over the surname (her husband’s surname seemed dissonant to her), the couple walked down the aisle. Sergei even took future wife in her arms, walked around the registry office and carried her into the hall.

Already in the fall it turned out that Dasha was pregnant. On July 23, 2011, another participant in House-2, little Artem Pynzar, was born. The fact that the couple lives in living space rented by the project management outraged the public.

This is not surprising, because the family practically did not appear in front of the cameras. In 2015, the city apartments were closed by decision of the organizers, but Dasha and Sergey did not return to the program. Already in May 2016, they again celebrated the birth of their son David.

Plastics by Daria Pynzar

Daria Pynzar looked very cute and attractive before plastic surgery. It should be noted that her appearance never needed correction, and even while pregnant, the girl did not gain weight. excess weight, visited a cosmetologist and went in for sports. However, even the most beautiful women strive to improve themselves. Madame Pynzar was no exception.

  • Mamoplasty. Even during the girl’s pregnancy, fans, looking at the photo of Daria Pynzar, caught her having breast surgery. However this fact not confirmed, the breasts increased exclusively naturally lactation. The photographs allegedly depicting Daria Pynzar before and after plastic surgery only convey the changes female body during pregnancy. On dramatic changes Dasha went after the birth of her first son.

In the clinic plastic surgery DoctorPlastic created a 3D model that demonstrates how Daria Pynzar will differ before and after surgery if she receives 400 ml or 375 ml implants. Initially, my husband Sergei was categorically against plastic surgery, but then he said, since I decided to enlarge my breasts, then let him enlarge it more. On VKontakte and Instagram, the young mother even conducted a survey among subscribers about what volume of implants she should get. The choice fell on 375 ml makeweight. Daria Pynzar was afraid before the operation, but the doctor managed to calm her down, so after 30 minutes it was all over and the girl came to her senses.

After a long rehabilitation process, I took a walk for the first time new breasts Dasha succeeded at the wedding of the same restless friend Evgenia Feofilaktova. Now, as the girl admits, the new bust gave her and her husband new emotions and refreshed their relationship. Dasha is happy and considers her breasts to be complete perfection, which she demonstrates with the deep necklines of her evening dresses. Let us note that the “boom” for breast enlargement literally covered House-2 like a wave. This procedure Other, former and current, participants in the project also felt it.

  • Lip surgery Plastic surgery Daria Pynzar's lips turned out to be the most unsuccessful. More than once, the girl later regretted that she had succumbed to fashion trends and pumped plumping gel into her lips. A miracle did not happen; Daria Pynzar did not change for the better after the operation.

Her facial expressions became distorted. The promised 7 weeks for rehabilitation turned into months of agony, because her lips became swollen, began to itch and made it difficult to speak normally.

For the sake of normal life the girl came to the surgeons again, but to remove the gel. After plastic surgery, Daria Pynzar regained her original appearance and pretty, neat lips, and not a whistle bitten by bees.

  • . Most recently, Dasha shared her thoughts with fans about the operation of removing Bish’s lumps to draw the contours of her face. However, husband Sergei managed to dissuade his wife from unnecessary surgical intervention, because Daria’s chubby cheeks always aroused in a man only tenderness and a desire to kiss them. Subsequently, the girl only thanked her husband for his timely advice.

  • Botox. The former housewife does not disdain the famous “beauty injections.” After her visit to one of the cosmetology clinics in Moscow, her crown nasolabial folds sharply smoothed out, but her face did not acquire the terrifying rubberiness. The girl is frequent guest various hardware procedures, trying to maintain youth and attractiveness.

Now in 2017, the couple is successfully developing online clothing stores, starting to open new retail outlets and planning a third child. We can say with confidence that the Pynzaris became the strongest and most successful couple during the entire existence of the Dom-2 project.

Video: “Order table” with Daria Pynzar

Perhaps Daria Pynzar belongs to that category of people whose childhood can be called happy with a big stretch. Dasha was born in 1986, in the city of Enakievo, which is located in the eastern part of Ukraine. Later, together with her sister and mother, she moved to the Saratov region. Dasha’s mother died in 1994 and her sister, who by that time had already reached adulthood, took up raising the girl. A few years later, the sisters moved to the capital, where Daria entered MIEiK, choosing to specialize in equipment and interior design.

In those years, the girl’s main hobby was drawing - she owned various techniques, created magnificent compositions. Another passion of Daria is cats. At the same time, the girl loved to disappear into prestigious boutiques and expensive clubs - her sister was quite busy profitable business and allocated substantial sums of money for “small” expenses.

Nature has endowed Dasha with a chic appearance and excellent character. Before appearing on the project, she was a model of kindness and innocence. The girl came to House 2 in 2007, infatuated with Rustam Solntsev. At the project, she immediately stated that she had not yet had intimacy with a man and intended to build a serious relationship here. However, living together with Rustam was very fleeting - the young man was very disappointed with the absolute mismanagement of his beloved. As a result, having found his phone washed with laundry, Sontsev decided that it was time to end this novel. Dasha's next boyfriend was. The brave officer, confident and overly assertive, actively persuaded the girl to have an intimate relationship, finally pushing her away from him.

Upset by constant failures on the personal front, Daria began to take a closer look at Sergei Pynzar. The handsome dancer could not resist the charms of the luxurious blonde, even though at that moment he was trying to “make love” with Nadya Ermakova. Initially, communication between Dasha and Seryozha took place exclusively outside the Dom 2 project, however, when their relationship grew into a full-fledged romance, the rest of the show’s participants found out about it. Despite not all the courtship, on the project for a long time the romance between Daria and Sergei was considered a fiction, necessary only to ensure that both would remain in the program. However, over time, the lovers were able to prove to everyone the sincerity of their feelings and even won the “Romantic Date” competition.

However, their relationship cannot be called ideal either. At night, Dasha disappeared into the capital’s clubs, which frankly infuriated Sergei. The girl preferred spending time with Evgenia Feofilaktova to a conscientious vacation with a young man. Daria's main complaint against Sergei was his unprestigious and unpromising job - at that moment Pynzar was a trainer at a fitness club. Due to numerous conflicts, the relationship in the couple was constantly on the verge of breaking, but he always found ways to reconciliation. He not only forgave all the antics of the eccentric beauty, but also protected her from other participants in the project.

On March 8, Sergei presented Daria with a beautiful ring, proposing to marry him. The girl agreed, provided she left her maiden name. As it turned out, she didn’t like the guy’s last name. Sergei could not ignore such an insult and decided to break up with Daria. Realizing her mistake, the girl apologized and agreed to become Dasha Pynzar. In the spring of 2010, the guys legalized their relationship and continued to live on the project.

After this event, family life in the couple improved. Sergei's financial situation improved, Dasha became tender and attentive to her husband. In the summer of 2011, the couple had a son, Artem.

In order to become famous, it is not at all necessary to be born into a family of actors or moneybags. The example of a girl named Dasha Pynzar is proof of this. This girl was born in the very ordinary family, but after getting to Dom-2 she acquired the status of a social diva.

Biography and life of Dasha before the project

Daria Pynzar (nee Chernykh) was born in 1986 in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic on the territory of the Donetsk region (currently the land of the rebel Donetsk People's Republic). Even as a child, the girl’s parents moved to the Saratov region. After graduating from school No. 13 in Balakovo, the promising girl decided to conquer Moscow. In the capital, she studied to become an interior designer, receiving a diploma in 2010.

However, even before graduating from university, in 2007, Dasha decided to try herself as a participant in the notorious reality show “Dom-2” throughout the country. It’s unlikely that the girl suspected that this would make her popularly known and radically change her life.

Today Dasha Pynzar can safely be called socialite. She is not only a famous TV star, but also a talented businesswoman: she owns an expensive branded clothing store.

"House-2": Dasha Pynzar

Having found herself a participant in the project, Daria stated that she had not yet had intimate relationships with representatives of the stronger sex and intended to start strong and serious relationships. Viewers of “House-2” witnessed the girl’s success in the love field:

  1. Her first boyfriend was Rustam Solntsev, who was seriously older than her. In him she hoped to find long-awaited support in life and a reliable man. However, soon the dreams suffered a crushing defeat: the relationship in the couple was constantly overshadowed by quarrels. Solntsev was not happy with a girl who had no idea about housekeeping;
  2. The next relationship on the project was much more fleeting. The famous pick-up artist Andrei Cherkasov decided to hit on the charming blonde for the sake of fleeting pleasure, but was forced to settle for a decisive refusal;
  3. Bitter disappointment in her first men gave way to true love. She was charmed by a handsome man who was fond of choreography Sergey Pynzar. Noble manners and attractive appearance quickly won the heart of the beauty - as a result, one of the most beautiful couples appeared in “House-2”.

Sergey and Dasha Pynzar

At the time of his first acquaintance with Daria, Sergei was entangled in a relationship with another participant in the television project. They began to spend time in the capital's entertainment night spots. How their first meetings went, TV viewers will never know, but the romance became so serious that it was impossible to keep the relationship secret. However, as soon as the candy-bouquet period passed, the first problems began:

  • Daria often walked around clubs all night long, which the guy didn’t like;
  • Also, the girl often preferred to spend her leisure time in the company of best friend instead of a lover;
  • Sergei’s failures in the professional sphere became a serious reason for frequent showdowns.

On March 8, 2010, the guy decided to propose to Daria. She agreed, but on one condition: to keep her maiden name, since the word “Pynzar” seemed to her extremely dissonant. Hearing this, the young man almost upset his upcoming marriage, but prudence prevailed and the bride agreed not to violate customs.

Exactly two months later, the wedding took place, but the young couple decided not to leave the project, exposing the details of their family life for everyone to see.

What is her son's name?

After marriage, the relationship between the couple became more harmonious. Serezha found a decent and well-paid job, which earned him the respect of his young wife. In the summer of 2011, their son was born, who was named Artem.

Almost immediately after birth, the baby became a TV star, although he was rarely caught on camera. Viewers witnessed how an unsuspecting child learned to walk, suck a pacifier, etc.

Already at the age of 3 months he was shown to the audience of Dom-2. Caring for the child began to be turned into a show: Seryozha’s brother defiantly presented the boy with a car as a gift for his first birthday. The only thing Artem does so far with the expensive gift is turn on the radio and listen to music. After some time, the couple in in full force starred for the cover of a magazine, demonstrating a luscious family idyll.

Not only parents, but also Dasha’s sister take part in raising the child. The family lives in a separate private house.

In May 2016, the family was expecting a new addition: Daria gave birth to another boy, who was named David, about which the girl hastened to please her Instagram subscribers.

Dasha Pynzar: Instagram

Like many reality show participants, Daria hosts Instagram page, in order to stir up interest in one’s own person. In terms of traffic, her photo blog occupies one of the first places among all the participants of “House-2”: about one and a half hundred thousand subscribers follow the girl’s personal life, a significant part of whom share their impressions in the comments.

The lion's share of the content on her page consists of:

  • Pictures of family life;
  • Fashion clothes;
  • Hidden advertising (for example, Korean cosmetics, etc.)
  • Photos from the Dom-2 sites;
  • Reports on business success (Daria owns her own clothing store).

Almost no event in a girl’s life is complete without a photograph or even a series of pictures on a popular social network. Sometimes you can even watch short videos.

For some participants, Dom-2 becomes just a home. Among them is Dasha Pynzar. The reality show's multi-million audience is thoroughly aware of the events in the personal life of the TV star. But the girl is not at all shy about this: she knows how to competently present herself and show herself from the best side.

Video: Dasha Pynzar about her relationship with Sergei

IN this interview Daria Pynzar will talk about her pregnancy and her relationship with her husband Sergei:

Daria Chernykh ( real name famous participant TV show) was born in the small town of Enakievo, Donetsk region. Later, her family moved to the Saratov region together with her older sister and mother. But, to the common misfortune of the two sisters, the mother dies and care for the 8-year-old younger sister Dasha is taken over by her older sister.

Daria Pynzar in childhood

Daria Pynzar before participating in the House 2 project

After some time, the sisters finally decided to move to the capital, where Dasha, after graduating from school, successfully entered the institute at the faculty of interior design. These years for the girl were marked by serious study of drawing and perseverance in mastering new techniques. Didn't pass by real love to animals. For those who constantly follow the project: a cute cat named Mouse found her home in Dasha’s house.

Daria's passion for nightclubs, luxurious clothes from expensive boutiques and other female weaknesses, the achievement of which was facilitated by a good financial position older sister, who by that time had already managed to get on her feet and start her own business. It is worth admitting that Dasha is quite a spectacular blonde and until her participation in the television project she carried the image of a kind and fluffy girl.

Carier start

In December 2007, she met Rustam Solntsev as part of a project with her participation. And what does the viewer see? Dasha positions herself as a girl for whom the main issue at that time in her life was the question of finding a man - the faithful, the only one, etc. However, after a closer and longer acquaintance with Dasha, Rustam was somewhat disappointed in her inability to cope with household chores.

The climax in their relationship was Rustam’s jeans washed by Dasha, in the pocket of which there was a mobile phone. After a series of misunderstandings, Andrei Cherkasov becomes the next fan. However, excessive pressure and the desire for quick intimacy pushes Daria away from Andrey.

Rustam Kalganov (Solntsev) and Daria Pynzar

And then Daria’s close attention is attracted by choreographer Sergei Pynzar. Without further deviation from the topic, let’s say that Dasha managed to conquer Sergei with her charm, who at that time was in an unclear relationship with Nadya Ermakova. It is noteworthy that the couple’s relationship began to emerge in a non-project.

Here, on the show, their feelings acquired greater confidence, because characteristic and distinctive feature Sergei began his beautiful courtship of Dasha. In fact, few people believed in their feelings. According to the majority of participants, this couple stuck to each other so as not to be eliminated during the vote. But with the passage of time everything fell into place. Of course, there were differences in views and, accordingly, in actions. Sergei did not like Dasha’s nightly parties in Moscow clubs, for company in which she preferred her close friend Feofilaktova's wife.

Daria Pynzar with ex-girlfriend Evgenia Feofilaktova

The main and partly the main complaint against Sergei from Daria was, in her opinion, a hopeless job. At that time, Sergei held the position of trainer in one of the fitness clubs in Moscow. Endless conflicts and quarrels seemed to bring their separation closer. But no matter what happened, Sergei always made concessions and forgave the behavior of his beloved. After long scandals, moments of reconciliation came. So, on International Women’s Day, Sergei proposed marriage to his beloved Daria.

Further, citing a reluctance to take Sergei’s surname, the couple quarreled and had conflicts for some time. The final reconciliation came on the day wedding celebration, which took place on May 5, 2010. Despite the events happening in their lives, the couple made a joint decision to continue their participation in the television project “Home”. Moreover, after the wedding, conflicts in their family decreased.

Sergey and Daria Pynzar during the wedding celebration

Daria's character as a wife became more flexible and gentle, which could not but please Sergei, who by that time began to earn good money to support his family. In July 2011, the couple had their first child, Artem Sergeevich. Two years later, the couple decided to get married, thereby confirming the depth of their feelings and mutual desire to live in peace and harmony not only in the TV show, but also in real life.

In the spring of 2016, Daria and Sergei had a second son, who was named David.

About other famous public figures read

Daria Pynzar became famous after taking part in the scandalous reality show Dom-2. Today she happy wife and a mother of two kids who leads active life on your Instagram https://www.instagram.com/darya_pinzar86/

What is Daria talking about?

The celebrity posts new photos on her account almost every day. Thus, fans can watch their favorite and even be a part of her life.

After all, Dasha’s posts are filled positive emotions, bright colors and desires that often cannot be expressed in words. Most often, Pynzar supplements his photos with posts on the following topics:

  • family;
  • trips;
  • children;
  • beauty;
  • Friends;
  • Love.

In addition, Daria Lately I started watching football, loyally rooting for my home team. She sincerely worries about the Russian team and shares her emotions with her subscribers.

Not long ago, Daria posted photos from her vacation and briefly talked about how she spends time with her family. It immediately becomes clear that the young woman enjoys such moments and appreciates the minutes spent with loved ones or alone with herself.

It is worth recalling that Daria Pynzar got married in 2010 and very quickly became pregnant while still a participant in the famous reality show. On her Instagram, the young woman quite often posts photos with her chosen one. They show that there are still strong and happy couples in the world of show business.

In the Pynzar family, two wonderful children were born in 8 years. Boys most spend time with their parents, despite their busy schedule and frequent trips.

Of course, Daria is happy to film everything that happens to her sons, because such pleasant memories are important to any mother. The photograph deserved special attention among subscribers, the sight of which makes it difficult not to smile.

A bit of high life

Daria Pynzar never sits still. It seems unacceptable to her to waste her life in vain and do nothing. That is why she not only spends time with her family, but also appears quite often at social events.

Like a true woman, Daria loves to pose for the camera in beautiful outfits. Luckily, with her figure, style and beautiful smile, you can afford it. It’s nice to look at pictures like this, where people simply smile sincerely and enjoy life.

But not only successful shots can be found on Daria Pynzar’s Instagram. Even loyal fans criticized the following photo, and only a few praised the “original idea.”

Help, advertising, charity

Looking at how good celebrities look, many people wonder how they do it. Daria Pynzar on her page, although rarely, sometimes shares her beauty secrets, telling what and where she buys. Sometimes a special video is even shot for this.

Daria Pinzar often says that she loves to read and always takes it with her on vacation. good book. And these are not empty words, since the celebrity leaves reviews and impressions of the work he read on his Instagram.

Among other things, Daria never tires of delighting her subscribers with pleasant bonuses and gifts. She wants people to be able to wear quality shoes and pay significantly less for it. And you can do this by making just one post on social networks.

The famous woman pleasantly surprised with a post where she asked everyone who cared to help little boy. Daria was convinced that the information provided was true and became concerned about the fate of this child. If there are more such calls for help, it will be possible to save many children and all those who need help and support:

As you can see, Daria Pynzar’s Instagram is interesting and varied. The young mother and wife does not hide her happiness and is not afraid to share it with others.

We can only wish that everything will always be good in Dasha’s life and that she will remain the same wonderful person.