The meaning of numbers for marriage. Decoding the meaning of numbers when analyzing the date of a wedding celebration. How to choose a wedding month

In this article, we'll show you how to use your name and date of birth to calculate the years in which you're most likely to get married.

The first method is simple.

According to numerology, the timeline of a person's life can be divided into equal periods of time of 9 years. If we number the years included in the segment with numbers from 1 to 9, then the meaning of each number will determine the nature of the events awaiting a person in a given year.

Let's explain with an example.

Let's say you were born on November 9, 1976 (9/11/1976). And you are wondering whether you will have a wedding in 2017. To find out, you need to count your personal number of the year. To do this, you need to replace your year of birth in the date with 2017, and then add together all the digits of the resulting date.

We give the number ( 21) to a single digit number and we get personal number of the year:

Let's look at the value of the resulting number:

Number 1 of the year is a time of new beginnings, a wedding is possible.

The number of the year 2 is partnership, a good time for a wedding.

Number of the year 3 – self-realization, instability, wedding is undesirable.

The number of the year 4 is stability, favorable for weddings.

Number of the year 5 – change, risk, wedding possible.

Number of the year 6 – harmonious relationships, family, a good time for a wedding.

Number of the year 7 – “withdrawal”, solitude, wedding is undesirable.

Number of the year 8 – ambitions, material wealth, wedding possible.

Number of the year 9 – summing up, wedding is possible.

The second method is accurate.

If your date of birth indicates the possibility of a particular event, then your name can show your true desires. Moreover, the strength and direction of desires can change - in different years you subconsciously either want to get married or not.

For example, consider the name Zakharova Elena Viktorovna. Using the table below, we write down the numbers corresponding only to the vowels of the first name, patronymic and last name.

Table of correspondence between numbers and vowels

We calculate name cycles.

1. Numerical vibrations corresponding to the letters of the name will be sequentially activated every year, starting from the moment of birth. Moreover, the higher the value of the number, the longer the period of time it is active. For example, a unit (letters A and I) is active for one year, a four (letter E) is active for four years in a row, and a seven (letters E and O) is active for seven years in a row.

2. All vowels of the name are activated sequentially, starting with the first. In relation to our example, for the first six years the number 6, corresponding to the first letter E, will be active. Then for another six years, the number six, corresponding to the second letter E, will be active again. Next, one year (letter A) will be active. Then a new cycle starts, starting with the first letter of the name, and so on until the end of life.

First cycle

Next cycle

3. The letters of the Surname and Patronymic are activated according to the same principle, simultaneously with the name. Therefore, in order to determine which internal desires will dominate in the desired year, it is necessary to calculate separately each of the cycles of the first name, surname and patronymic from the moment of birth to the desired year. By adding together the numbers of cycles of the last name, first name and patronymic for the year we are interested in, and then bringing the sum to a single digit number, we get the Desire Number.

Let's return to our example. Let's say Elena was born in 1990, and we want to find out whether she will have a wedding in the period from 2010 to 2020. To do this, let's create the following table:

Personal Number of the Year

Name cycles

Wish number


Forecast period

As we see, in 2011, 2016 and 2020, the number of the personal year takes positive (in the sphere of personal relationships) values: 6.2 and 6, respectively. However, if we look at the meanings of the heart’s desire numbers, we will see that only 2016 can become the year of a probable wedding, since it is at this time that a person’s inner desires will coincide with the favorable opportunities opened to him by fate.

This article will provide an opportunity to touch the secrets of the ancient science of numerology.

  • A huge amount of information is contained in a person’s date of birth or the date of an event.
  • With this accessible information, by studying simple calculations, you can become a true expert on human character.
  • Thanks to this knowledge, an interesting and completely unexpected landscape of the universe opens up. Everything previously incomprehensible becomes easily explained

The meaning of the date of birth in numerology. The number of fate by date of birth in numerology

The meaning of date of birth in numerology

The date of birth shapes the destiny, interpersonal relationships, abilities, and energy of any person. The meaning of numbers for any date makes it possible to create a new destiny using the magic of numbers.

This magic number is the sum of the constituent digits of the date of birth.


Fateful number person:

Three + Four = Seven

What information does the number convey about the character of its owner:

  1. - aggression, unreasonable ambitions, leadership qualities, great determination, moderate ambition. A person with a 1 in his name knows how to achieve goals
  2. - restraint, flexibility, harmony in all aspects of life
  3. - optimism, great talent, increased intuition, slight imbalance
  4. - practicality, reliability, hard work, lack of risk-taking qualities
  5. - activity in achieving goals, adventurism, optimism, independence, unpredictability, resourcefulness, ingenuity
  6. - truthfulness, friendliness, stability, reliability
  7. - mystery, talent, intelligence. The desire for loneliness. They are often hermits
  8. - purposefulness, tough character, achieve a high financial position. Stable, reliable
  9. - successful, strong, achieve a worthy position and status, enormous wealth

Video: Numerology of birth - how does the date of birth affect fate?

How to determine character by date of birth in numerology?

  • To determine character by date of birth, add the date and month
  • This is the number of your basic character
  • Decoding the essence of character by numbers is described above

Numerology of first and last names

When analyzing the last name and first name, you should consider for what purposes the forecast is needed:

  • If it’s for business, we take for analysis the form of address in which you are addressed, that is, your full first and patronymic name, or last name, or maybe just your first name
  • For family relationships - we choose the way your loved ones address you, it can be a pet name, a nickname or just a name
  • The same goes for other relationships that interest you.

By giving a name, parents endow the child with certain abilities and strength corresponding to this name.
The patronymic and surname are a family inheritance.

This type of calculation allows you to determine the energy of the first and last name. Are they helping you or creating difficulties?

This will allow you to learn more about yourself and look at yourself from the outside.

Each letter of the last name, first name and patronymic corresponds to a number from one to nine. There is no zero in numerology.
To do this, write down your first and last name on a sheet
Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a number:
A-1, B-2, V-6, G-3, D-4, E-5, Zh-2, Z-7, I-7, J-1, K-2, L-2
M-4, N-5, O-7, P-8, R-2, L-2, M-4, N-4, O-7, P-8, R-2, S-3, T- 4, U-6, F-8, X-5, Ts-3, Ch-7, Sh-2, Shch-9, Y-1, L-1, E-6, Yu-7, Ya-2

The number of the name characterizes developed abilities, while the number of the date of birth analyzes the natural data of a person.

  • Determine the number for each letter of the name Add it up
  • We bring the amount to a single value
  • We interpret it in accordance with the meaning of the numbers according to the above decoding.

Numerology of marriage by date of birth

A successful or unsuccessful marriage, based on the date of birth of the partners, is determined by the date of birth of each spouse.

  • Add each date separately

For example, a wife was born on 15. Her number is 6=1+5.

  • My husband's birth date is 3, his number will be 3
  • Adding two numbers
  • Number of defects will 9

Let's look at the table and analyze:

Number of defects Interpretation
1 Neither of the two seeks to give in to each other. The marriage won't last long
2 Everyday problems can destroy a marriage if you don't make a concerted effort to resolve them.
3 Very harmonious couple. A love that is rare
4 Passive friendly couple. It can last a long time until one of the two wants sex on the side. If you want to save your marriage, pay more attention to sexual relationships
5 One of the partners is very easy in relationships. Even after becoming a family man, he doesn’t try to stop having affairs on the side. If you want to save your marriage, stop
6 Long family life guaranteed
7 Prosperous union, but too much worry about your well-being
8 A strong couple who will successfully overcome all difficulties. But we should trust each other more. Mistrust leads to internal insecurity
9 Perhaps this is not the case when it’s time to rush to register the relationship. Take a closer look at each other

Numerology of love by date of birth

The number by which you can determine the compatibility of a love relationship is calculated by adding the numbers of the month and year of birth to a single indicator.

  • Dates of birth are taken from both partners
  • Folds separately
  • And then the resulting numbers are added up again. Exactly the same as in the previous example

We apply the values ​​for predicting love relationships:

Love number Characteristics of relationships
1 Two purposeful people who put their goals above love. Either combine your efforts in one direction, or you will have to part ways.
2 Dependence of partners on outside opinions. Learn to make decisions together without other people interfering in your relationship.
3 Superficial relationships. If you do not make an effort towards mutual understanding and sincerity, a not very long relationship is possible.
4 Perfect couple
5 The birth of children will add stability to relationships. You can achieve a lot together if you support each other.
6 Don't be afraid to confess your love, restrain your jealousy. And only then will you become a harmonious couple
7 Relationships that will help you gain a lot of experience. They will not be easy, but very necessary in order to be a happy and harmonious couple in the future. The main problems will be related to financial difficulties. Learn to overcome them together. And there will not be a happier couple in the entire universe
8 You are completely different. If you want to maintain the union, you need to develop spiritually, turning a blind eye to each other’s shortcomings
9 Mutual understanding, development and support of each other are the key to good relationships. If you depend on the opinions of other people, love will not stand the test

Numerology of events by date of birth

The most significant events in life can be calculated by adding the numbers that make up that year to the year of your birth. With the resulting year, we do the same calculation.

For example, year of birth 1981





  • Significant years for a person born in 1981 would be 2000, 2002, 2006, 2014
  • It is during these years that important events will occur in a person’s life, on which his fate depends.
  • These can be both good and bad events

Video: Numerology. The magic of numbers. Destiny number, secrets of numbers in life

Numerology of wedding date by date of birth

Numerology of the wedding date You can determine the appropriate date for the wedding celebration by adding up the birth dates of the bride and groom, taking into account the year and month.

If the sum turns out to be more than 12, we reduce it to a single digit number.

For example, if 14, then 1+4=5.

This means May is the best time to register a marriage.

To clarify the date, we also add up all the birth numbers of the bride and groom. And we divide it in half. If the date is even, then the wedding should be held in the second half of the month; if it is not even, then in the first.

We choose a specific wedding date by mutual agreement.

Video: Happy wedding. Numerology of marriage

Tarot Numerology by date of birth

A very difficult but worthy fortune-telling in numerology by date of birth and Tarot cards
  • A way to predict by date of birth can be done using the meaning of Tarot cards
  • You can get practical advice by analyzing the age of a person of the corresponding year, with reference to the meaning of the cards
    To do this, add up all the numbers of the date of birth so that the sum does not exceed 22
  • For example, if you get 23, then add 2+3=5

We analyze the resulting figure, comparing it with the corresponding card of the Tarot deck of the major arcana

  1. High Priestess
  2. Empress
  3. Emperor
  4. High priest
  5. Lovers
  6. Chariot
  7. Justice
  8. Hermit
  9. Wheel of Fortune
  10. Hanged
  11. Death
  12. Moderation
  13. Devil
  14. Tower
  15. Star
  16. Sun
  • This method allows you to identify the energy potential of the person interested. Tell his future and past
  • By plunging into the arcana of the Tarot, the entire life path and purpose of any person is fully revealed. You can identify the strengths and weaknesses of a person. Uncover deep potentials
  • This is a more complex and in-depth forecasting process. In addition to knowledge of numerology, you need to know the meaning of the arcana of the deck. Feel the energy of the cards. Without meditation practices and yoga skills, you can receive distorted information
  • You need to be very careful not to harm a person. An untrained predictor may incorrectly interpret the information received. The result is a direction along the wrong path, a distortion of a person’s fate
    Tarot fortune telling is a deep knowledge that not everyone has access to.

Are numbers really that important in our lives?
  • Easy fortune telling by numbers will not do any harm. Even if you don’t like the result, don’t be discouraged - it’s just fortune telling
  • A person builds his own destiny. For fun, counting numbers, laughing and forgetting is one thing
  • But to calculate using numerology, delve into all the calculations, analyze all the pros and cons, make an important decision - that’s another thing.
  • Everything in life is relative. How you react to numerology, this will be the result

Video: Fatal numbers. Numerology

For each spouse it becomes one of the most precious and unforgettable in life. The wedding date is a kind of symbol of family happiness, so brides are especially careful when choosing it. If you want the day of celebration to become special, to coincide with some event that only two people know about, or to remember every detail forever, you should approach this issue with all seriousness.

Some couples choose a wedding date based on their own mundane plans - just to have time to invite guests, book a restaurant, rent a limousine, invite a photographer, musicians, and the weather will not let you down. It would seem, what else is needed? But with this approach, you can make a big mistake and choose a completely wrong date, and then, years later, not even suspect the cause of problems in your marital life. Getting married is a very serious step that no one would want to be disappointed in.

Why is it important to choose the right wedding date?

Did you know that people become closest to each other not just because they wanted to? Everything was decided a long time ago for each of us. In heaven. This opinion is held not only by white magicians, psychics and astrologers. If you are one of the adherents of theories about the meaning of the wedding date, try not to be distracted and read the article to the end - it will be more interesting further.

By the way, today many people are planning a celebration on the same dates - for example, 09.09.09 or 07.07.07. At the same time, they don’t even think about what such a combination will mean for their future married life. However, this is not just a consonant number series, but also dates that bring prosperity. It is no secret that three sevens foretell good luck, luck and material wealth, and the eight, as a sign of infinity, promises a long family life. The main thing is to truly believe in it. Then everything will be exactly the way you want.

Just not on a leap year!

Many lovers are afraid to get married on a leap year. There is a belief that nothing good should be expected from a marriage entered into during this period. Before choosing a wedding date, you need to make sure that the planned year does not have 366 days. Whether this is true or not, but, according to statistics, in a leap year there are actually more divorces, problems and troubles in families. Many people are wary of celebrating the New Year if February 29 is on the calendar. But along with the belief that a leap year is not the happiest period for starting a family, there is something else. According to it, leap year is considered the year of brides. Allegedly, unmarried girls who dreamed of getting married always found their happiness during a leap year.

Are you getting married in May? So, you will suffer!

Surely many have heard that the last month of spring is not the most successful period for marriage. Everyone knows about the above sign, but only a few know what its appearance is connected with and what its explanation is.

Previously, May was considered not the most suitable month for getting married. At this time of year, it was necessary to think not about festivities, but about field and garden matters. That is, nothing should have distracted the lovers from plowing the fields and sowing. Love is love, but you always want to eat. Weddings in Rus' usually took place in the fall, when the entire harvest was harvested.

Should we believe superstitions and folk signs?

But all signs are long gone. If a couple decides to register their relationship in May or a leap year, then that’s how it should be. The most important thing is that this is a mutual decision, and the lovers believe in the future. At the same time, you should not put pressure on your partner if he believes in omens and is afraid to get married in the chosen month or day for the wedding. It's better to reschedule the date.

Worries and doubts about the decision being made can cause adverse consequences. And the point here is not the date itself, but rather self-hypnosis - it is this that often plays a cruel joke. Both partners entering into marriage must be confident in their desires and intentions.

Choosing the day of the week for the wedding ceremony

Nowadays, wedding dates are usually set on Saturday. This is due to the general holiday, during which most friends, relatives and acquaintances have the opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds. But no one says that the solemn ceremony and festivities on Saturday are canon. A successful wedding date can be set on another day, which the future spouses will like more. The only thing worth considering is the work schedule of the registry office. In addition to Sunday, which is a national holiday, a non-working day in this government agency may fall on Monday or Wednesday.

Turning again to folk signs, we note that newlyweds have long tried to avoid Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is believed that Tuesday is a day of disagreement and quarrels.

If lovers enter into their union on Tuesday, there will be many conflicts in their family life. Newlyweds who decide to consolidate their union on paper on Thursday are better off postponing the day of the celebration. If you believe it, then in such a family the feelings of the spouses will quickly fade away, scandals will appear, and then betrayal...

You can get married on Wednesday. Although not everyone considers this day suitable for marriage, as it promises a gray and cool relationship, without a passionate spark and warmth. But Wednesday is an ideal day to create a family where each spouse values ​​their personal space and advocates freedom in relationships.

Saturday is the most popular day among newlyweds. At the same time, a happy married life awaits only those brides and grooms who register their relationship consciously, voluntarily, and not forced by various circumstances (we will not focus on them). Only in that family will there be success where each spouse is ready to sacrifice their own career, hobbies, financial interests, and meetings with friends to family happiness and trusting relationships. In a marriage concluded on a Saturday, both will be happy if they remain faithful to each other and protect their family “nest” at all costs.

As practice shows, the most favorable dates for a wedding are those that fall on Friday or Sunday. But Monday is completely unsuitable for love affairs and, of course, weddings. People often perceive Monday as a hard day because it marks the beginning of the work week. Whether it’s an accident, a coincidence or a pattern, difficulties often happen on Monday. It is not surprising that the relationship between spouses who got married on this day is difficult. In such families, husband and wife often throw out their negativity on each other, the mood and atmosphere in the house is unstable, but it is unknown why it depends. In such families, everyone seems to love each other, but misunderstandings and disagreements destroy happiness in the bud.

Ideal month to get married

As noted above, people used to try to have a wedding after the harvest. The best date for fun was determined to be the one that did not fall on fasting or church holidays. Since then, a lot has changed, but the echoes of folk signs remain, they are still listened to today, otherwise no one would believe that:

  • Anyone who marries in January will become a widow early.
  • Get married in February? Great idea, young people will live in love and harmony.
  • Those getting married in March will have to spend a lot of time away from home and rarely see their family.
  • April unions predict black and white stripes in the relationship between spouses.
  • A marriage concluded in May is not strong. It is impossible to avoid betrayal.
  • Families born on one of the days in June will be happy all their lives.
  • Have you set a wedding date in July? Reconsider your decision again. Like April, this summer month promises instability in relationships.
  • August weddings will give spouses not only undying love for each other, but also trusting relationships, respect, and mutual understanding.

  • Getting married in September is a guarantee of a long, calm and quiet family life.
  • You shouldn't get married in October - supposedly the spouses will face a lot of problems and lack of money.
  • But November is conducive to mass weddings - everyone who seals their relationship with marriage this month will live happily and in abundance.
  • December is no less favorable month for celebration.

Numerology in love affairs

To calculate the wedding date according to the laws of numerology, you will have to learn something about the meaning of numbers and their combination. Lovers often come to a dead end when they learn about the meaning of the numerical combination corresponding to the chosen day. Choosing a secret wedding date using numerology does not just mean choosing a beautiful number. There is no guarantee that consonant numbers will be lucky for a married couple. So, what is encrypted behind each number?

Is it possible to calculate the wedding date based on the date of birth?

It’s not just possible, but necessary - this is what experts in the field of numerology believe. To guess the wedding date, it is enough to calculate the sum of all the numbers in the day, month and year of birth. Let's try to explain it in more detail using an example.

For example, November 12, 1991 is the bride’s birthday, and April 23, 1985 is the groom’s birthday.

Bride's number: 1 +2+1+1+1+9+9+1= 25=2+5=7

Groom's number: 2+3+0+4+1+9+8+5= 32=3+2=5

The result is a total number when adding the numbers of the bride and groom: 7 + 5 = 12. It is the number 12 that will be suitable for the wedding ceremony for this couple.

There is another way to calculate the treasured number. For this purpose, the month for which the wedding is planned is taken as a basis. If it has 30 days, then the same total number must be subtracted from 30 (in our case it was 13), if 31 - from 31. Thus, the 18th or 19th of the desired month can be a favorable day. The essence of calculating the wedding date by birth is simple, everyone can understand it.

Secrets that lie in numbers

According to numerology, the wedding date is determined by another method. To choose the optimal day to get married, you will have to perform a chain of simple mathematical operations. The planned date, month and year of the celebration must be summed up in the same way as we did with dates of birth. As a result, we get a number that corresponds to one or another value. If the newlyweds are satisfied with the information received, it means they made the right choice; if not, it is better to change the wedding date.

Now about the meaning of each number:

  • One is the best number for a marital union. One symbolizes luck, achieving goals, and the willingness of partners to make compromises for the sake of their other half. The couple has good prospects together. For such a significant celebration, one is what you need.
  • Two is not the most suitable option. By getting married during this period, you risk living through years of quarrels and scandals. A couple who does not attach much importance to the wedding date will face conflicts and a lack of mutual understanding in the family. Such relationships are doomed to break.

  • Three is a cross between one and two. This cannot be said that this day is too bad for further married life, but it is also unlikely that you will be able to see great happiness here. In principle, this date is suitable for family celebrations and celebrations, but if you are going to get married in a church, it is better to move the ceremony to a more suitable date.
  • Four. Numerologists advise not to think twice and exclude such a date from the list of possible options. They say that family life, if you set a wedding date on this day, will become routine, boring, dreary and monotonous.
  • Five. By choosing a five, lovers take a big risk. If the feelings between spouses are real, without falsehood, self-interest, or profit, such a union will overcome any obstacles. By trusting your partner and truly loving each other, you can build an ideal family. Otherwise, for example, if a marriage is of convenience, divorce is inevitable.
  • Six. Agree to this date if marriage is considered. No? Then it is better to choose another option. Six is ​​not for those who have just met and immediately decided to get married.
  • Seven is a good date to get married. Spouses who tied the knot on this day will never become a “read book” for each other, and this only promises a long, reliable union. Partners will always discover something new in their other half, something that will make them love each other even more.
  • Eight is what you need for arranged marriages. To ensure that financial difficulties never arise in the family, you need to choose this number without hesitation. There will most likely be no passionate love in such a family, but there will also be no scandals or quarrels on domestic grounds. After all, when there is enough money in the family, there are much fewer quarrels and disagreements.
  • Nine - it corresponds to the best date for a wedding. Plan a ceremony for this date so that your family life has happiness, love, children, career, prosperity, luck, and understanding.

Choosing a date using numerology is now easy. It is enough just to correctly calculate the wedding day so that all the expectations from the family union are more than paid off.

How to choose the appropriate number according to the Orthodox calendar?

If the newlyweds decide to seal the relationship not only with formal stamps in their passports, but also to hold a wedding ceremony in a church, the date of the ceremony must be agreed upon with the priest. The priest will give consent to perform the ritual only to legal spouses. The newlyweds will have to provide a marriage certificate as proof. For a wedding, it is equally important that both spouses be baptized Orthodox Christians.

As for choosing a wedding date according to the Orthodox calendar, each church establishes its own holy holidays, during which wedding ceremonies are not held. In addition, marriage is impossible on those days that are considered sacred for the entire Orthodox diocese. It is believed that getting married on a holy holiday is practically equivalent to a sin. The following days and dates are prohibited for weddings:

  • All Saturdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are considered fasting.
  • Bright Sunday of Christ - Easter. Every year a new date for the celebration is set.
  • All great church holidays that fall into the category of the twelve. Among them are January 7 and 19, on which Christmas and Epiphany always fall, as well as the holidays of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, the Ascension, the Transfiguration of the Lord and others.
  • Five weeks. In 2018, these are the periods from January 7 to 18, from January 29 to February 3, from February 12 to 17, from April 9 to 14 and from May 28 to June 2.
  • The periods of the Great (Easter), Petrov, Dormition, and Nativity fasts.

The Orthodox calendar does not leave newlyweds much time to choose a wedding date. Some months of the year are almost completely occupied by fasting - these are March, December and June. They are not worth considering at all.

All that remains is to agree with the registry office

So, it seems that everything has been decided - the month has been chosen, a beautiful date for the wedding has been determined. But in the process of preparing for the celebration, there is always a risk of force majeure circumstances that force you to change the cherished date.

If the bride and groom have not yet contacted the registry office to submit an application, but have only booked the day they need, then everything is simpler - the reservation is transferred to those days where there are still free places. Otherwise, you will have to write the application again. If it has already been submitted, the date can be changed, but it is important to take into account that no more than 60 days should pass from the moment the application is submitted until the approximate day of the ceremonial painting. If the ceremony is postponed several months in advance, the wedding will simply have to be canceled, and later, when the deadline approaches (2 months before the wedding), you will need to go and submit an application again.

Couples who would like to formalize their relationship earlier than the planned date often have difficulties with the queue. In registry offices, the time is usually scheduled minute by minute, and if there is no free “window”, there is always a way out - this is on-site registration.

The wedding date is of significant importance for a young couple. To choose a suitable day, you can consult an astrologer or numerologist. But at the same time, no specialist can give any guarantee that the spouses will live a long and happy life together. The date of the wedding celebration alone is not enough, because everything depends on the newlyweds themselves. If their relationship is built on mutual love and respect for each other, this union is doomed to a successful long-term existence. It is fundamentally important that lovers, in addition to feelings, have common interests, views and plans for the future. If there is no mutual understanding and love in a marriage, then no date or correctly chosen day of the week will save it.

Numerology is the concept that all life, known and unknown, is determined by the vibration and specific creative moment of universal energy. As this energy moves and flows, it takes the form of wind, sun, ocean, dove and all physical manifestations. From this flow and the energies that describe it, you can interpret the life direction of your personality. You can see your purpose, your goals and your commitments. Your name and your date of birth represent a chemical formula that guides your karmic path and reveals your chosen purpose for your journey in this life. With every breath you also belong to the Cosmic Universe and the Celestial Spheres. These universal energies also impact your marriage, and your wedding day is just as important as the decision to get married, the engagement ring, and the actual wedding vows. So, one of the most important decisions regarding your wedding is the day and time you choose to get married.

The date you choose for your wedding can determine the course of your life together. The number of the day chosen is the key to the reasons we get married and opens the door to help us understand how to achieve the happiness we seek when we begin to share our lives with the one we love.

To determine your wedding day number you need to add the month, day and year of your planned day. If the answer has two digits, add each digit together until you get the final 1-digit number.


Wedding: 06/12/1999 1 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 37. 3 + 7 = 10. 1 + 0 = 1. Your number = 1. You can use a calculator, then you need to enter numbers this way: 1261999

Take advantage of a numerical forecast for your personal wedding day, which can show you a new and unusual, but quite accurate view of your marital relationship.

Wedding number 1

One is a sign of beginning, energy and courage. This promises a stable and reliable marriage, which will arouse admiration and envy among friends. It is perfectly described by the famous expression “One for all and all for one.” Spouses love and support each other. In addition, in such a couple, people will begin to help their loved ones in their careers, perceiving their partner’s job development as their own personal merit. People can act together to achieve a goal. Such relationships help to identify and release the partner’s inner potential. The connection between these people stimulates relationships and gives a reason to develop. However, one is a leadership number, so there may be inconsistencies due to the division of power and the definition of leadership in relationships. The young people will have a long grind, as each of them will strive for leadership, initially putting their interests above the desires and needs of their other half. However, after some time, the “storm” will subside, the spouses will develop a competent line of behavior and learn to give in to each other. A marriage concluded on the day of the Unit promises to be long and stable. However, it is unlikely to be simple.

Wedding number 2

If after the calculation it turns out to be a two, that's great. The vibration of this number gives agreement, understanding, mutual attraction, development, balance. You and your partner probably have the same interests, views and the same goal. This means you can have the marriage of your dreams, where everyone feels great and gets everything together. There will also be quarrels, but during heated discussions you will work out compromises and further strengthen the relationship. The basis of this union is primarily material. But such people enjoy each other's company, even if they initially built relationships in order to achieve greater profits. If you just remain partners, your firm will prosper. If your relationship develops into a marriage, then such a family will be completely happy in material terms. However, even the slightest hint of infidelity can become a huge disaster for the deceived - the husband or wife is unlikely to forgive the betrayal. Therefore, you will have to constantly work on relationships so as not to hurt your loved one and protect him from disappointment. In addition, in such a couple there will be a constant need for approval. So if your Wedding Number is 2, then praise your significant other more often.

Wedding number 3

Three as a wedding date promises a harmonious marriage, but on the condition that both parties are tolerant and not very jealous. Because three is two plus one, which means spouses and someone else. Such husbands and wives have problems with fidelity. And, nevertheless, even if there is no or will not be agreement on many issues, it is precisely in matters of marital devotion that spouses have the same views. Home and family are sacred to them, they will not leave for lovers, but they do not rule out taking steps “to the left.” This is why tolerance is so important. Spouses can make promises to each other and not keep them, because of this, there is always some kind of draft and chill in the house and relationships. If you explore the business sphere, it is impossible to achieve partnerships with such a number; business relationships will not work out. Problems may arise with everyday life - the Troika provokes a dislike of routine. That is, people who married under her “patronage” will ignore household duties, believing that anyone should do them, but not themselves. This, in turn, will also become a reason for conflicts and mutual claims. However, if both husband and wife are creative individuals, then such a family union will easily be the beginning of a promising existence.

Wedding number 4

Got a four? Expect a marriage full of turmoil - both positive and negative. One day the sun will shine for you, another time it will rain heavily. Moreover, the four will bind you with a strong passion that will not fade away throughout the entire marriage. However, be careful, as this “flame” will concern what happens both at home and outside it. You can argue about everything and quarrel over everything: the color of the sofa, the make of the car, the location or month of vacation. You will flare up and bully your significant other at the slightest provocation, and plates may fly in the air. However, if, among other things, you are united by common sense, caring for each other, caring for children and home, then everything will be fine. Excessive energy of the four can slow down business processes. In partnerships, these people are not able to help increase capital, but enriching themselves spiritually, gaining new knowledge and impressions is quite accessible to them.

Wedding number 5

Five is a number with a vibration corresponding to people who want to be free in marriage, but at the same time feel that they are closely connected to another person. One day they are inseparable and inseparable from each other, like a pair of white swans. And the next, they have no idea where their soulmate is, don’t think about her at all, and certainly don’t worry about her absence. If such a relationship ends in a wedding, then very happy children are born into this family. The vigorous energy that partners exhibit can be directed to any industry and will bring success everywhere. Between this union such love passions arise that they excite the blood. Partners will bring each other a lot of pleasant moments. They feel like they are in heaven. When they are together, nothing else exists - only their love. If, on top of everything, they can still curb their selfish feelings and think even more about their partner, then their union will be very long-lasting. The date corresponding to Wedding Number 5 can be recommended to those who, from the first moments of meeting, were connected not only by feelings, but also by work or hobbies, then the marriage will be truly successful. Moreover, such a couple will always have many mutual friends. In addition, the spouses will be happy to share household chores among themselves, and will spend their leisure time exclusively in each other’s company, sometimes letting other people they like into their company.

Wedding number 6

Six is ​​destiny. It may be that, having barely met, you were already convinced that one day you would get married and be together for the rest of your life. Because you will understand that you turned out to be the embodiment of dreams of marriage for each other. According to numerology, marriage with the resulting day six gives not only strong feelings, wisdom and harmony, but also a lasting and interesting future together. Six as a Wedding Number is an excellent date for getting married. In such a family there will be an abundance of everything - love, material well-being, and sincere interest in the success of the other half. People who get married under the auspices of the Six have every chance of “living happily ever after and dying on the same day.” The number six suggests that people are able to significantly help each other in relationships. This is also an earthly number, so the relationship will be long-term and partnership-based. Especially in the business sphere. For business this is an ideal option. For family relationships, the number predicts a calm, friendly relationship without violent emotions and showdowns. Even if the feelings fade away, such a family will exist thanks to the support of each other. If the partners are no longer connected by anything at all, they will still be able to continue communicating. The main thing is that each of them receives full return from the other for everything that he does for family happiness. Number 6 is not an option when “playing with one goal” becomes the norm of life. Openness and gratitude are an indispensable condition for harmonious coexistence. However, spouses understand this very well and, as a rule, without unnecessary reminders, “pay” for any action of their loved one with the same coin.

Wedding number 7

Wedding number 7 as a date for marriage is suitable only for those people who have innate calmness and “swan” fidelity. The fact is that Seven bestows analytical abilities, a clear awareness of what is happening to a loved one, so any suspicion of treason immediately becomes a reason for a thorough investigation. And if one of the spouses really “went to the left,” for the other it almost immediately ceases to be a secret. For partners, the number seven promises a fairly harmonious relationship. They can easily negotiate with each other. However, some recklessness is still present. One party or another may periodically forget to fulfill contractual obligations. But diplomacy and a sense of tact will allow you to resolve issues without leading to a scandal and without breaking off relations. More than the power of seals and stamps, you believe in the power of love, which united you both in joy and sorrow. It is your amulet, thanks to which harmony, joy, and stability reign in relationships. Together you will cope with all conflicts. Seven is the number of ideal order, health and wisdom. Such a wedding date, according to numerology, will be favorable to your family life. Such unions exist and are quite successful. Partners help each other develop and jointly solve money problems, achieving material success.

Wedding number 8

A marriage registered on the day of Number 8 is built solely on a financial basis. Therefore, it is recommended for those who, one way or another, get married for convenience. Then each spouse will clearly understand what he gives and what he receives in return. For romantically minded people, Eight as a Wedding Number can bring disappointment, since money will come first and hurt sensitive souls with the need to constantly think about the material well-being of the family. Eight is an amazing number. She makes the relationship non-standard, a little strange. Sexual attraction arises between such people, they are drawn to each other. If they unite, they can help promote each other in all areas. This Number is also favorable for couples in which both the bride and groom work in the banking industry, both occupy leadership positions or are aimed at active career growth. In this case, family life will be long and fulfilling. The spouses will be able to competently combine both love and care for their “daily bread.”

Wedding number 9

The numerological number nine may not guarantee you many years of being in a state of romantic and crazy love, but it certainly promises a very strong sense of community and unity. You will do everything together, one will support the other. Together you will safely experience happiness and unhappiness, joy and sadness. Thanks to this, even the most intricately woven intrigue of rivals and ill-wishers will not be able to destroy your relationship. Nine as a numerological wedding day also brings many positive qualities to marriage: mutual kindness, understanding, honesty and decency in actions. If one of the partners is able to solve everyday problems, then such a union will be very happy. Nine is characterized by a union of philosophers. Such a couple will be happy to spend time in philosophical conversations and dreams. But this is only if everything is fine with you materially. If, in reality, dreams are not supported by a stable financial situation, then the relationship may crack. That is why such a connection is better for friendships, and in marriage the family boat can quickly break down in everyday life.

With the help of numerology, you can not only learn a lot about your character, hidden abilities and talents, but even change your life for the better. The main thing is to correctly determine your personal luck number.

In numerology, the basic numbers are considered to be from one to nine. Each of them has its own sphere of influence that must be taken into account. You can’t just take and assign to yourself any number you like: there is a special calculation for this that will help you determine your lucky days and achieve your goal.

How to use luck numbers

Number 2. Your happiness in life lies in creating a family, which is favored by the deuce. Surrounded by loved ones, you will not be afraid of any adversity, but loneliness can play a cruel joke on you. You should have high hopes for this number, especially for people who are unsure of the correctness of their choice. Lucky days can be considered 2, 11, 20, 29.

Number 3. An exalted figure with sacred power. Patronizes people who have lost direction in life, helps them gain faith and shows support in difficult situations. On the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th you can count on good luck, which will help you build a new destiny and save you from other people’s interference.

Number 4. Imposes restraint, integrity and justice on its owner. Helps people make informed decisions, keep their word and strive for self-improvement. Numbers 4, 13, 22, 31 double the opportunity to find happiness.

Number 5. Symbolizes love and learning. 5, 14 and 23 are days when you should immerse yourself in learning something new or make dates that can change your personal life. Five is able to challenge excessive modesty and self-doubt. Usually people under her protection are happy in marriage and have great opportunities in the working field.

Number 6. Six helps people to be loyal, never lose heart and take into account other opinions. Usually, those with the number 6 achieve success through the work of others. Happiness tends to those endowed with resourcefulness, sociability, and prudence on the 6th, 15th, and 24th of every month.

Number 7. Those with a seven will enjoy good fortune throughout their lives. This is the number of a lucky person, it helps to find luck and success, especially on the 7th, 16th, 25th. Favors the acquisition of personal qualities with the help of which a person finds himself in life.

Number 8. The owner of an eight is often lucky on the 8th, 17th, and 26th. Luck follows from the very beginning to the end of the day, no matter what a person does. However, representatives of the fair sex should take note of the fact that conception on days under the auspices of 8 can complicate pregnancy.

Number 9. Helps people take stock, avoid serious consequences, and achieve what they want. On the 9th, 18th, 27th, you should mobilize your strength to finish something important. The energy emanating from the nine can help close current affairs profitably. However, everything new these days fails and risks ending not in your favor.

Helps people attract good luck using lucky numbers. Based on your date of birth, you can calculate for yourself the days that are suitable for making fateful decisions. be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and