Daniel Craig has come out as gay. Daniel Craig's public announcement that he is gay: Daniel Craig is no longer Bond

Celebrity biographies


02.03.15 13:02

He has been acting on stage since he was 14 years old, and has been acting in films since he was 24. But we only got to know him when he was closer to forty, when the Englishman was chosen for the role of James Bond. It was an incredible success for a little-known artist. And since 2006, the biography of Daniel Craig has been just an endless stream of blockbusters.

Biography of Daniel Craig

Liverpool guy

Daniel Rafton Craig was born in the ancient city of Chester, a suburb of Liverpool, and since childhood he witnessed exciting matches of the local team (since then, Liverpool players have been his idols). But he didn’t take up football himself; he turned out to be an excellent rugby player. Although he did not connect his life with sports, but thanks to the care of his mother, with the theater.

The biography of Daniel Craig began on March 2, 1968. He did not have long to enjoy the company of his father (who was a merchant seaman, and then began to work at a steel mill): his parents separated. And daughter Lea, and younger son stayed with mom. Olivia worked as a teacher and was an excellent painter. And after the divorce, she decided to console herself with an amateur theater troupe in Liverpool. There was no one to leave the children with, so the smell of the backstage was familiar to Craig from childhood. By the way, he hasn’t changed much since then - compare for yourself!

WITH light hand Olivia, as a teenager, Daniel appeared on the school stage in the images of Shakespearean heroes and fairy tale characters. After graduating from school in Hilbrey, he went to try his luck as an actor in London. He successfully auditioned for the National youth theater, from then on, Craig’s biography will be closely connected with the stage and touring.

In the capital

He was lucky again: the debutant got a role in the play of the Great Bard (it was the lyrical-historical piece “Troilus and Cressida”). The title characters lived during the period Trojan War, Daniel got the role of the Greek commander Agamemnon. With this performance and other theater productions, Craig traveled abroad, including in our country. Seeing the world was very cool, but you can’t spread impressions on bread. The aspiring artist had a meager salary, he worked part-time, and then decided to become professional actor- with a diploma.

For his studies, Craig chose the Hydehall School of Music and Drama. It was here that the director’s assistant, who was choosing the performers for the drama “The Power of Personality,” noticed him. The 24-year-old stocky, fair-haired student played his first film role. Together with him on film set turned out to be luminaries - the legend of the British theater John Gielgud and the American star Morgan Freeman. The newcomer had the role of a scoundrel, and he coped with it brilliantly. Since then, Daniel Craig's biography has added more work - albeit on TV. But it didn't upset me young artist- he believed that glory awaited him ahead - over there, behind the next turn of fate.

Became “one of the people” among gays

He was also lucky with the theater. He became famous for his role as a homosexual in the production of “Angels in America” (although it played a cruel joke on him - gays recognized him as “one of their own”, and the performer had to get rid of this “image” for a long time).

It is curious that years later he again had the opportunity to play a homosexual - in the film “Love is the Devil.” In this biopic, Daniel played the lover famous artist Francis Bacon. The guy broke into a celebrity's house to rob him, and ended up in bed - and in the role of the dominant partner.

Finally in Hollywood!

At the same time, the historical film “Elizabeth” was released, and, finally, Hollywood producers noticed the Briton, who so vividly played the conspirator George Ballard. In 2001, Daniel starred in the first part of Lara Croft. Of course, his Alex paled in comparison with the bright sexual charm of the girl-adventurer-archaeologist (Angelina Jolie), but these were already the first “bells”. Thus a new Bond was born!

The beginning of the 2000s turned out well for the Englishman: the thriller “The Jacket,” in which he starred with Oscar-winner Brody, Matthew Vaughn’s crime drama “Layer Cake,” and “Munich.” This last film was nominated for 5 Oscars, and Spielberg himself directed it. And the main success was just around the corner - the role of the life of actor Daniel Craig!

New Bond

When fans of the 007 series found out who was the next lucky guy - the sixth movie Bond, many of them were simply shocked. The former “James” are tall, slender, brunette handsome men (Lazenby doesn’t count, having played an agent once, he was recognized as the worst of them) with a touch of “secularism,” ironic and immediately becoming sex symbols. And here... A steely gaze with squinted eyes, a stocky figure, the actor’s height does not reach 188 - by as much as 10 cm! But the creators of Casino Royale, apparently, decided to be closer to reality (real spies are ordinary, unremarkable people who can easily blend into the crowd, but a handsome guy who literally has “AGENT” written on his forehead would have been immediately exposed ). And this “experiment” was a success.

Resounding success

Well, four Bond films with Craig's participation are already behind us - they were favored by critics, and the audience gradually got used to James' new appearance - the box office of the series is growing from tape to tape. The fourth part of the film series “Spectre” was a worthy continuation. But Dan is at a crossroads: should he continue? He's tired of being the polished 007.

In 2011, Craig got involved in another proposed franchise. “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” was also loved by the public (despite the fact that it was filmed by Fincher almost immediately after the Scandinavian version of the film adaptation of the novel). Much to the regret of Craig and Rooney Mara fans, they decided not to continue the series. Or rather, it will be relaunched with other artists.

Well, the thriller “House of Dreams” brought the artist new love: Daniel Craig’s personal life is a separate conversation.

Personal life of Daniel Craig

Unsuccessful marriage

When the very first film featuring the future Bond was released, he was able to save enough money to provide for his family. In 1992, he and Scottish artist Fiona Laundon had a modest wedding. Soon their daughter Ella was born - now the girl is almost 22 years old.

But either the actors were too young, or their love turned out to be just a fleeting passion, but the marriage exhausted itself after two years. Daniel Craig's wife stayed for her ex-husband good friend– she did not forbid her daughter to see her dad and always helped with advice.

Are you natural?

In connection with the roles of gays around the artist, rumors began to multiply about his unconventional sexual orientation- well, he didn’t live with his wife for very long, apparently he couldn’t!

But he denied these rumors new novel Craig - with his German colleague Heike Makács. The relationship turned out to be long, but the lovers did not have any children together, and they were in no hurry to get married...

Fateful thriller

But after the not very successful thriller “House of Dreams,” the one he could call his wife entered Daniel Craig’s personal life. Critics joke that if there is anything good about the boring and gloomy “House of Dreams,” it’s that Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz met on its set.

They did not make an “advertising event” out of the wedding (many Hollywood stars love to promote any event in their personal lives). Daniel Craig is not like that. The British quietly registered their marriage in June 2011, inviting only the four closest ones to the “gala” dinner (among them, of course, were children - the adult beauty Ella and the son of Weiss and Aronofsky, 4-year-old Henry).

These Hollywood actors are rightfully considered one of the most handsome men in the world - by at least, this is what their many fans think, as well as the directors who film them in the roles of hero-lovers. But the difficulty is that all these beauties in different time declared their homosexuality. Let's see who the spectators are crying about in vain and who is playing “for another league.”

Daniel Craig

Actor Daniel Craig did not openly admit his homosexuality, but the yellow press did its job - several years ago ex James Bond was spotted in the company of a strong man in one of the Californian gay bars. What a blow for fans of the British special agent! By the way, on the website you can look at all the performers of the role of Agent 007 and choose the best one.

Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey broke women's hearts twice in 2017 - first with the message that he was not interested in them at all, and then with his participation in the sexual harassment scandal. To be honest, we at the editorial office of uznayvsyo.rf don’t know how to treat him now - the train of a disgusting scandal will follow the star “ House of Cards" and "American Beauty" for many years to come.

Neil Patrick Harris

The main ladies' man of the sitcom How I Met Your Mother, Neil Patrick Harris, is in reality a faithful husband and caring father. He has been in a relationship with his partner, actor David Burtka, for more than a decade. And a few years ago, following the example of another star, Sir Elton John, they used the services of a surrogate mother and became the parents of two children.

Luke Evans

The star of the film “The Hobbit” and the “Fast and Furious” franchise, actor Luke Evans has never hidden his sexuality. And in 2017, he appeared in a small role as Gaston in the children's fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, starring Emma Watson. The editors of the site recall that a scandal erupted in Russia (fueled by the famous zealot of traditional values, Vitaly Milonov) - the character of Luke Evans had a homosexual admirer.

Ben Whishaw

The magnificent British actor Ben Whishaw became famous for his role in the film adaptation of Patrick Suskind's novel “Perfume”. Despite the fact that his hero was far from moral standards, the hearts of women around the world melted from the beauty and talent of Whishaw. Alas, the young actor turned out to be openly gay. Fortunately, this did not hinder his career in his homeland and in Hollywood - Ben Whishaw starred with the Wachowski sisters in Cloud Atlas, in addition, he works a lot in the theater.

Xavier Dolan

Director Xavier Dolan is almost the main hope of the European arthouse. Before he even reached the age of 30, he received several important prizes at film festivals. His films often touch on the issues of the LGBT community, in particular, in 2016, the Cannes Film Festival winner, “It’s Just the End of the World,” about the relationship of a young gay man with his family, was released. We highly recommend watching it.

Ricky Martin

Who would have thought that this hot Latino guy has no interest in girls at all? But the fact remains: Ricky Martin is openly gay.

True, he began his career at a time when sexual orientation could affect sales and concerts (for example, coming out ruined the career of George Michael), so until 2010 the artist refused to talk about his orientation.

I am happy to tell you that I am a happy gay man. I'm very happy to be who I am

Jim Parsons

Strictly speaking, Jim Parsons' character in The Big Bang Theory cannot be called a ladies' man. But be that as it may, the brilliant physicist with Asperger's syndrome still has a girlfriend - she is played by Mayim Bialik. On the eve of his fortieth birthday, Jim Parsons himself came out, saying that he had been happy with his partner Todd Spivak for many years. In 2017, the couple got married according to Jewish religious canons.

Zachary Quinto

An American with Italian-Irish roots, Zachary Quinto plays a lot in films, but his role as Captain Spock in the revived TV series made him famous. Star Trek" And in 2015, Vogue magazine recognized the actor and his partner, fashion model Miles MacMillan, as “an influential couple whose position is important for cinema, art, fashion and social life.”

Wentworth Miller

The star of the TV series “Prison Break,” Briton Wentworth Miller, for several years remained the embodiment of a woman’s dream of a brutal muscleman with tattoos. Imagine the surprise of his fans when he came out in 2013. This happened when Miller, in protest against the adoption of a law banning propaganda in Russia non-traditional relationships refused to come to the film festival in St. Petersburg. According to him, in his youth, Wentworth Miller tried to commit suicide because of the intolerant attitude towards gays in society.

Note that homosexuality is sometimes attributed to actors who simply appeared on screen in female images. In reality, a role is a role, and reality can be as far from the screen image as possible. We invite you to look at male Hollywood stars who tried on women's outfits at different times and with varying degrees of success.
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It was definitely Daniel Craig, who came to the club with a friend. All films with Daniel Craig from the Bond series have record box office receipts. Your next main role Daniel Craig played in the film “Archangel” based on the novel by Robert Harris. Daniel Craig, whose filmography received the first film from the “Agent 007” series, is ready to continue the “Bond” movie.

Fans adventure films about James Bond are literally shocked by the news about the sexual orientation of actor Daniel Craig, who played Agent 007 in the last two films. The paparazzi caught Daniel Craig in the company of a handsome young man at a gay bar in Venice, California. Fuck Craig!

Daniel held his friend tightly to him during the kiss,” an eyewitness tells the National Enquirer. When Daniel and his friend entered the club, you would have thought that these were two friends who had come to listen to music and have something to drink. Let us add that until recently Craig was dating producer Satsuki Mitchell. I'm shocked, is the British film actor who played the role of agent 007, Daniel Craig, gay? I don't understand why all the handsome Hollywood guys suddenly and unexpectedly change their orientation.

Daniel Craig now

And now Daniel Craig is gay, what can I say, James Bond is gay! The strangest thing is that he was married and also had love affairs with women, and here’s the news. But I’ll be honest, I can’t even imagine Craig as a homosexual. Nobody suddenly changes their orientation. More likely, they are cover wives (I’m not talking about Craig specifically, but in general).

Daniel Craig biography, photos - find out everything!

Who would have thought that the brutal Daniel Craig, who has already been recognized as one of the “hottest” 007 agents in the entire history of Bond, would be drawn into a loud gay scandal! Daniel and his friend behaved like a couple of real homosexuals, says the first source, “The friend patted Craig on the thigh, then on the shoulder - and Daniel did not mind at all. At the same time, Craig was listed for two years “ an exemplary family man" is married to Fiona Loudon (with whom he has a daughter), and is now "officially" dating Satsuki Mitchell.

Daniel Craig was born on March 2, 1968 in the family of a steel worker and an artist in Chester, England. Thus, Daniel plunged into the bohemian environment early; from the age of six he studied music. In 1992, Daniel married Fiona Loudon, and a year later their daughter Ella was born. But already in 1994 they separated.

Daniel Craig surprised by his sexual orientation

From 1996 to 2004, Daniel dated German actress Heike Makatch. Soon after Daniel was born, his parents divorced, and a little later his mother married the famous artist Max Blond. Daniel Craig, whose height, weight and muscular development were ideal for playing rugby, played until it was time to go to university. Daniel moved to London and started studying. Craig Daniel, whose height, weight and strong muscles determined his role - modern hero overcoming any difficulties.

Is Daniel Craig gay or straight?

Daniel Craig's first significant film role was the character of Alex West in the super-adventure film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. Daniel played the role dangerous competitor Lara Croft, who does not recognize any moral principles and therefore treats historical values ​​solely as a means of profit.

Daniel Craig - latest news 2015

In 2004, Daniel Craig played the lead role in a film directed by Matthew Vaughn under the quite innocuous title “Layer Cake.” However, the events that occur as the plot develops are far from harmless. In 2007, the Warner Brothers film studio produced a sci-fi horror film starring Daniel Craig in the leading male role. Home female role played by Nicole Kidman.

It's free and will always be free. This is not the first reason for rumors about non-traditional sexual orientation to appear. famous actor. A few months ago, Western tabloids wrote that Craig was seen kissing a man.

The other day Daniel was spotted at a gay club. The 23rd film in the Bond series and Daniel Craig's third film as James Bond was released under the title 007: Skyfall. In 2002, Daniel Craig, whose filmography was gradually replenished with new films, starred in the gangster action film Road to Perdition directed by Sam Mendes.

how to drink alcohol

Actor Daniel Craig stripped of 007 title due to drunkenness at gay club

Recently, not only the filming of the next Bond film was under threat, but also the reputation of the public’s favorite actor, who played Agent 007 in the films “Casino Royale” and “Quantum of Solace.” Perhaps Daniel Craig's behavior will encourage film producers to begin searching for a new James Bond.

Just yesterday the sun was shining brightly over the 23rd film about the extraordinary adventures of 007 James Bond. The film's director Sam Mendes has announced casting for the role of the next friend for Her Majesty's super spy. The bar has been raised to record heights by previous sex bombs, including such beauties as Halle Berry, Ursula Anders, Britt Ekland, Grace Jones and others. The voice of the people is the voice of God, and popular magazines began polling their readers about who they would like to see in Bond's iron embrace. According to tabloid polls, Freida Pinto (36% of the votes), Megan Fox (33%) and Avatar's Zoe Seldana (29%) were in the lead. All brunettes. Blonde Heidi Montag was content with a measly two percent.

And suddenly lightning flashed from the clear sky, making all these beauty contests unnecessary. The hitherto invincible agent 007 was laid down on both shoulder blades by despicable metal. Eon Productions, the cashier of the Bond film - the longest-running brand in cinema history - said that “there will be no movie” because its partner MGM, which financed the Bond film, was broke. By the way, the MGM studio itself has been put up for auction, but no one is in a hurry to buy it. And so James Bond, in the person of actor Daniel Craig and director Mendes, found himself with a broken... not an enemy, but a trough.

Rumors have spread that Eon Productions will snatch the Bond rights from MGM and get involved with either Sony or XX Century Fox, which were the distributors of the last two Bond films - “Casino Royale” and “Quantum of Solace”. However, no one has yet been able to snatch Bond from the clutches of MGM. To avoid downtime, Craig began filming the film “Cowboys and Aliens” with Yon Favreau.

But, as they say, misfortune does not travel alone. Agent 007 with the right to kill not only ceased to be golden, but, to the horror of his fans and especially female fans, he turned blue!

Recently, Daniel Craig was spotted at the popular gay bar “Roosterfish” in Venice, California. He was in the company of a “handsome young man,” the tabloids reported. Since Craig did not refuse to drink alcohol, having taken a certain amount of alcohol, Craig and the “pretty one” went onto the stage and began to dance with each other. “They looked like any ordinary gay couple,” writes Inquirer magazine. “Pretty” rubbed against James Bond’s legs and gently pressed against his powerful chest. Throughout the evening, visitors to the gay bar approached Craig's table, asked for his autographs, and expressed their admiration for him. None of this bothered Craig at all, and he was extremely polite to his gay fans. Late at night, after throwing a twenty-dollar bill to the bartender for a tip, the couple went out into the parking lot and began passionately French kissing.

The news of Daniel Craig's bisexuality shocked Bond fans. The person who loved Angelina Jolie in “Tomb Raider” and Nicole Kidman in “The Golden Compass” is gay?! A man who was married to Scottish actress Fiona Loudon for four years and has an 18-year-old daughter, Ella, is gay?! A man who has been living in a civil marriage with film producer Satsuki Mitchell (a woman) for several years is gay?!

The civil execution of the blue James Bond was merciless. From now on, disappointed fans call him not 007, but Oh-Oh-7! Well, how can you not groan here...
However, attempts to resurrect James Bond as Ian Fleming left him for us continue. It has just become known that the writer’s heirs have given the go-ahead to write another book about the adventures of agent 007. This honorable task has been entrusted to Jeffrey Deaver, the author of many best-selling thrillers. Working title detective - “Project X”. The time of action is our days. The setting, according to publisher Simon and Sehuster, is “an exotic locale... globe" The book will be published in May 2011. Jeffrey Deaver is on top of bliss. The bestselling author of The Bone Collector and Garden of Monsters says he is happy with the trust Fleming's heirs have placed in him. So, another million will be added to the hundred million copies of Bond books. “Project X” will be released simultaneously in the USA and England.

Several film studios have offered to buy the rights to the film adaptation of “Project X”. But whether blue Craig will play the golden Bond remains to be seen.

According to information from Moskovsky Komsomolets