Easy children's puzzles with a trick. The most difficult logic riddles, with a trick. What word always sounds wrong

/ 10 logic riddles to determine professional suitability for the role of investigator.

No. 1 riddle
A guy meets a girl, they love each other. They are supposed to see each other on Saturday evening, the girl is preparing for the meeting. An hour before the appointed time, an SMS arrives: “Sorry, dear, we won’t be able to see each other. I’m with my parents, they have guests, they will be late, we’ll have to stay there overnight. We’ll meet tomorrow, kiss, love.” The girl understands that the guy is lying to her . How did she understand?

No. 2 riddle
There is a guard at the entrance to the bank vault. A spy lurked nearby. One bank employee approaches the guard, the guard tells him: “Six.” The employee responded: “Five.” The guard let me through. The next one comes up - the guard: “Five”, the employee: “Four”. The guard let me through. The spy took a chance, the guard came up: “Four,” the spy: “Three.” The guard screams: “Wrong, got caught, you bastard!” twisted a spy. Question: why is it wrong and what is the correct answer.

No. 3 riddle
Several companies were engaged in the sale of goods, using specially prepared catalogs for these purposes. Since the companies' products were almost the same, their clientele was the same, as well as their number. Soon one of the companies changed its catalog. At first glance, it seemed that these changes only made him lose and became less in demand. However, after the change, this company's sales did better than its competitors. What change did they make and how did it work?

No. 4 riddle
When going on a 30-day vacation, the doctor gave the patient 30 tablets medicine"A" and 30 tablets of "B". You need to take these medications every day for 30 days and strictly one tablet of each drug per day, otherwise death. The tablets are absolutely identical in appearance, weight, density, etc. are also completely the same. One day, a patient took out 1 tablet from one package, and dropped 2 from another, and all 3 tablets got mixed up. How to follow the doctor's instructions?

No. 5 riddle
It is shaped like the moon, but like the weather it is different. It has a sunset, like the sun and dawn. Another important sign misleads us: - It is capable of “containing” any object within itself.

No. 6 riddle
The person who buys it does not use it himself. The person who produces it does not produce it for himself. The person who uses it does not know about it. What is it?

No. 7 riddle
There are three switches in the room, each connected to one lamp. Find a way to identify a switch-light bulb pair. If the light bulbs are in another room and you can only enter it once.

No. 8 riddle
The woman lives on the 12th floor of the building. Every morning, when she goes to work, she calls the elevator to the 12th floor and takes it down to the first floor. But in the evening, returning from work, she takes the elevator only to the 7th floor, and then, to get to her apartment, she covers another 5 floors on foot. Why?

No. 9 riddle
Yuri and Tatyana have been friends since childhood. Yura has an equal number of brothers and sisters. Tatyana has three times as many sisters as Yuri, and in total there are as many children as Yura’s parents. How many sisters does Tatyana have and how many siblings does Yuri have?

No. 10th riddle
Vasya, Petya and Kolya live next door in a house on Elovaya Street in apartments 15, 17 and 19. Each of them has a special door - one is painted red, the other blue, and the third dark green. Petya's door is blue. He works as a mechanic and is friends with Vasya, who lives in apartment 15. Neither Vasya nor Petya get along with Kolya. Apartment 17 has a red door. Determine where each of them lives and what color his door is.

No. 1 Answer:
If he really is with his parents, he should have written "stay here overnight"

No. 2 Answer:
The word "six" has five letters, the word "five" has four, the word "four" has six.
The answer is six.

No. 3 Answer:
They began to produce their catalog smaller in size than the catalogs of other companies, which is why this catalog always had to be placed at the top of the stack

No. 4 Answer:
You need to take out one more tablet from the first package - 4 in total. Cut everything in half. One day take 4 left halves, the other - 4 right halves. The main thing is to remember which half is which tablet.
Add another tablet, grind to powder, mix, and divide into two parts

No. 5 Answer:
P.S. If you look into the eye of a person looking at the moon, you will see the moon there.

No. 6 Answer:
This is a coffin.

No. 7 Answer:
You need to turn on two switches. After some time, turn one off. Enter the room. One light bulb will be lit from the switch being turned on, the second will be hot from being turned on and off, the third will be cold from the untouched switch.

No. 8 Answer:
This woman is very vertically challenged: She only manages to reach the 7th floor button in the elevator car.

No. 9 Answer:
Yuri has 1 brother and 1 sister. Tatiana has 3 sisters

No. 10 Answer:
Vasya lives in room 15 behind a dark green door. Kolya lives in room 17, behind the red door. Petya lives in room 19, behind the blue door

Trick riddles are riddles with a common question and a non-standard answer. At first glance, the answer may seem strange and incorrect, but if you read the riddle more carefully and think about the answer, it will turn out to be quite logical. Riddles with a trick, as a rule, are not without a sense of humor. They not only develop intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking, but are also fun. Tell tricky riddles to your friends and relatives, have a fun and useful time.

On Soccer game the same person always came. Before the game started, he guessed the score. How did he do it?
Answer: Before the game starts the score is always 0:0

More than an hour, less than a minute.
Answer: Seconds (hand of some watch models)
Tag. Anna

What language is spoken silently?
Answer: Sign language

Why is the stop valve on trains red and on airplanes blue?
Answer: Many will say: “I don’t know.” Experienced people will answer: “There are no stop valves on airplanes.” In fact, airplanes have a stop valve in the cockpit.
Makarova Valentina, Moscow

The boy paid 11 rubles for a bottle with a cork. A bottle costs 10 rubles more than a cork. How much does a cork cost?
Answer: 50 kopecks
Orlov Maxim, Moscow

One French writer I really disliked the Eiffel Tower, but I always dined there (on the first level of the tower). How did he explain this?
Answer: This is the only place in all of vast Paris from where it is not visible
Borovitsky Vyacheslav, Kaliningrad

What city did you hide in? male name and side of the world?
Answer: Vladivostok
Mezhuleva Yulia

Seven sisters are at the dacha, where each is busy with some kind of business. The first sister reads a book, the second cooks food, the third plays chess, the fourth solves Sudoku, the fifth does laundry, the sixth takes care of plants. What does the seventh sister do?
Answer: Plays chess
Gobozov Alexey, Sochi

Why do they often walk, but rarely drive?
Answer: By stairs

It goes uphill, then downhill, but stays in place.
Answer: Road

Which word has 5 "e"s and no other vowels?
Answer: Migrant
Radaev Evgeniy, Petrozavodsk

Two people approach the river. There is a boat at the shore that can only support one. Both people crossed to the opposite bank. How?
Answer: They were on different shores
25 25, Vladivostok

Vasily, Peter, Semyon and their wives Natalya, Irina, Anna are 151 years old together. Each husband is 5 years older than his wife. Vasily is 1 year older than Irina. Natalya and Vasily are 48 years old together, Semyon and Natalya are 52 years old together. Who is married to whom, and how old is someone? (Age must be expressed in whole numbers).
Answer: Vasily (26) - Anna (21); Peter (27) - Natalya (22); Semyon (30) - Irina (25).
Chelyadinskaya Victoria, Minsk

Jackdaws flew and sat on sticks. If they sit down one at a time, there’s an extra jackdaw; if they sit down in twos, there’s an extra stick. How many sticks were there and how many jackdaws were there?
Answer: Three sticks and four jackdaws
Baranovsky Sergey, Polotsk

Where does it happen that a horse jumps over a horse?
Answer: In chess
)))))))) Renesmee, L.A.

What table has no legs?
Answer: Dietary
Boyko Sasha, Volchikha

Do not write anything or use a calculator. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?
Answer: 5000? Wrong. The correct answer is 4100. Try using a calculator.
Ivanova Daria, Daria

How can a person not sleep for 8 days?
Answer: Sleep at night
Sone4ka0071, Sosnogorsk

What animal do people walk on and cars drive over?
Answer: Zebra
Tanya Kostryukova, Saransk

Which word uses “no” 100 times?
Answer: Moans
Muslimova Sabina, Dagestan (Derbent)

What's an elephant without a nose?
Answer: Chess
Ksenia Prokopieva, Moscow

Mr. Mark was found murdered in his office. The reason turned out to be bullet wound to the head. Detective Robin, examining the murder scene, found a cassette recorder on the table. And when he turned it on, he heard Mr. Mark's voice. He said: “This is Mark speaking. Jones just called me and said that in ten minutes he would be here to shoot me. There is no use in running. I know this footage will help the police arrest Jones. I hear his footsteps on the stairs. The door opens..." The assistant detective suggested that Jones be arrested on suspicion of murder. But the detective did not follow his assistant's advice. As it turns out, he was right. Jones was not the killer, as was stated on the tape. Question: why did the detective become suspicious?
Answer: The tape in the recorder was reviewed at the beginning. Moreover, Jones would have taken the tape.
Katarina, Moscow

Sherlock Holmes was walking down the street. And suddenly he saw a dead woman lying on the ground. He walked over, opened her bag and took out her phone. Tel. in the book he found her husband's number. He called. Speaks:
- Come here urgently. Your wife has died. And after a while the husband arrives. He looks at his wife and says:
- Oh, honey, what happened to you???
And then the police arrive. Sherlock points his finger at the woman's husband and says:
- Arrest this man. He was the one who killed her. Question: Why did Sherlock think that?
Answer: Because Sherlock didn't tell her husband the address
Tusupova Aruzhan

Two fifth-graders Petya and Alyonka are walking home from school and talking.
“When the day after tomorrow becomes yesterday,” said one of them, “then today will be as far from Sunday as the day that was today, when the day before yesterday was tomorrow.” What day of the week did they talk?
Answer: On Sunday
Khrushka, Ololoshkino

There is a rich house and a poor one. They are burning. Which house will the police extinguish?
Answer: Police don't put out fires, fires are put out by firefighters

What route has no one ever walked or ridden before?
Answer: Milky Way
Tikhonova Inessa, Aktyubinsk

How many years are there in a year?
Answer: one (summer)
Maksim, Penza

What kind of stopper can't stop any bottle?
Answer: Road
Volchenkova Nastya, Moscow

In what word is the drink and natural phenomenon “hidden”?
Answer: Grapes
Anufrienko Dasha, Khabarovsk

What sign must be placed between 6 and 7 so that the result is less than 7 and greater than 6?
Answer: Comma
Mironova Violetta, Saratov

Without what can nothing ever happen?
Answer: Untitled
Anyutka, Omsk

Union, number then preposition -
That's the whole charade.
And so that you can find the answer,
We need to remember about rivers.
Answer: i-sto-k
Nazgulichka, Ufa

What muscle is the strongest in the human body?
Answer: The common belief is language. In fact, it is the calf and masseter muscles.

You can tie it, but you can’t untie it.
Answer: Conversation
Dasha, Chelyabinsk

To what mere mortal does even the president take off his hat?
Answer: Hairdresser
Nastya Slesarchuk, Moscow

How to put 2 liters of milk in a liter jar?
Answer: Turn it into cottage cheese

Once upon a time there lived in a thicket an orphan girl, she had only two kittens, two puppies, three parrots, a turtle and a hamster with a hamster who was supposed to give birth to 7 hamsters. The girl went to get food. She goes through the forest, field, forest, field, field, forest, forest, field. She came to the store, but there was no food there. It goes further, through the forest, forest, field, field, forest, field, forest, field, forest, field, field, forest. And the girl fell into the hole. If she gets out, dad will die. If she stays there, mom will die. You can't dig a tunnel. What should she do?
Answer: She is an orphan
I'm Yulechka, Omsk

They are metallic and liquid. What are we talking about?
Answer: Nails
Babicheva Alena, Moscow

How to write "duck" in 2 cells?
Answer: In the 1st - the letter “y”, in the 2nd - a dot.
Sigunova 10 years old Valeria, Zheleznogorsk

Name a word in which one letter is a prefix, the second is a root, the third is a suffix, and the fourth is an ending.
Answer: Gone: u (prefix), sh (root), l (suffix), a (ending).
Little Daniel

Guess the riddle: who has the heel behind the nose?
Answer: Shoes
Lina, Donetsk

There were 20 people on the bus. At the first stop 2 people got off and 3 people got on, at the next - 1 got off and 4 got on, at the next - 5 got off and 2 got on, at the next - 2 got off and 1 got on, at the next - 9 got off and no one got on, at the next - 2 more came out. Question: how many stops were there?
Answer: The answer to the riddle is not that important. This is a riddle with an unexpected question. While you are telling the riddle, the guesser begins to mentally count the number of people on the bus, and at the end of the riddle, with a question about the number of stops, you will puzzle him.

There lived a husband and wife. The husband had his own room in the house, which he forbade his wife to enter. The key to the room was in the bedroom chest of drawers. They lived like this for 10 years. And so the husband went on a business trip, and the wife decided to come into this room. She took the key, opened the room, and turned on the light. The wife walked around the room, then saw a book on the table. She opened it and heard someone opening the door. She closed the book, turned off the light and locked the room, putting the key in the chest of drawers. It's my husband who came. He took the key, opened the room, did something in it and asked his wife: “Why did you go there?”
How did the husband guess?
Answer: My husband touched the light bulb, it was hot.

A husband and wife, a brother and sister, and a husband and brother-in-law were walking. How many people are there in total?
Answer: 3 people
Arkharov Mikhail, Orekhovo-Zuevo

This name in full sounds like Danuta. What is it abbreviated as?
Answer: Dana
Hanukova Danuta, Bryansk

A river that “fits” in your mouth?
Answer: Gum
Bezusova Anastasia, Overyata village

What comes first in Russia and second in France?

(Letter "P")

A tin can was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that 2/3 of the can hung from the table. After some time, the can fell. What was in the jar?

(Piece of Ice)

There were 90 apples growing on a birch tree. Blown strong wind, and 10 apples fell. How much is left?

(Apples don’t grow on birch trees)

You are competing and have passed the runner in second position. What position do you take now?

(If you answered that you are now first, then you are absolutely wrong. You overtook the second runner and took his place, so you are now in second position)

You passed the last runner, what position are you in now?

(If you answered the penultimate one, you are again absolutely wrong. Think about it. How can you overtake a runner who is running last? If you are running after him, then he is not last. The answer is that it is impossible. It turns out that your use of the brain is not the best strong point)

Do not write anything or use a calculator, and remember - you must answer quickly. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?

(The answer is 5000? Wrong again. The correct answer is 4100. Try using a calculator)

Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Chacha 2. Cheche 3. Chichi 4. Chocho.
Question: What is the name of the fifth daughter? Think fast. The answer is just below.

(Chuchu? NO! Of course, her name is Mary. Read the question again)

When a woman lifts her leg, what do you see? Five letters, starts with P and ends with A.

What elongates when you take it in your hands, pass it between your breasts and insert it into the hole?

(Safety belt)

What is on a woman's body, on a Jew's mind, used in hockey and on the chessboard?


What has a head but no brain?

(Cheese, onion, garlic)

Run, run - you won’t get there,
Fly, fly - not reach.


Little blue fur coat -
Covered the whole world.

Blue field
Silver is strewn.

(Stars on the sky)

Blue scarf,
Red bun
Rolling on a scarf
People smile.

(Sky and sun)

White cat
Climbs through the window.

(The lights of a sun)

Gray boars covered the entire field.

No arms, no legs,
And he opens the gate.

An eagle flies across the blue sky:
Wings spread out
Found the sun.

I'll look out the window:
Long Antoshka is coming.

Red rocker
It hung across the river.

No arms, no legs,
And he can draw.

The tablecloth is white
I dressed the whole world.

It flows, it flows, it won’t flow,
He runs, he runs, but he won’t run out.

Doesn't burn in fire
Doesn't sink in water.

Not the sea, not the land,
Ships don't float
But you can’t walk.

What does half an orange look like?

(To the other half)

When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house?

(When the door is open)

Two nails fell into the water. What is the Georgian's last name?


There are two coins on the table; they add up to 3 rubles. One of them is not 1 ruble. What coins are these?

(2 rubles and 1 ruble. One is not 1 ruble, but the other is 1 ruble)

She was white and gray
A green, young one came.

(Winter and Spring)

Two people approach the river. There is a boat at the shore that can only support one. Both people crossed to the opposite bank. HOW?

(They were on different banks)

What do you drop when you need it and pick it up when you don't?

(Sea anchor)

Two fathers and two sons were walking and found three oranges. They began to divide - everyone got one. How could this be?

(They were grandfather, father and son)

Without work it hangs, while work it stands, after work it is wet.

What is it that is easy to pick up the earth, but difficult to throw it far?

What rocks are not in the sea?

How do day and night end?

(With a soft sign)

Who speaks all languages?

There were four birch trees,
each birch has four large branches,
on each large branch there are four small branches,
There are four apples on each small branch.
How many apples are there in total?

(Not a single one. Apples don’t grow on birch trees!)

What is it: blue, big, with a mustache and completely stuffed with bunnies?


Which hand is better to stir tea?

(Which one contains a spoon, and if there is a spoon in both, then which one is more convenient)

In the room there were 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 hens. The owner came here with his dog. How many legs are there in the room?

(Two. Animals have paws)

How many steps does it take to put a hippopotamus in the refrigerator?

(Three. Open the refrigerator, place the hippopotamus and close the refrigerator)

How many steps does it take to put a giraffe in the refrigerator?

(Four: open the refrigerator, take out the hippopotamus, plant the giraffe, close the refrigerator)

Now imagine: they organized a race around the Kremlin, a hippopotamus, a giraffe and a turtle are participating. Who will reach the finish line first?

(Hippopotamus, because there is a giraffe in the refrigerator...)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird?

(No, he can't talk.)

How many peas can fit into one glass?

(Not at all, because peas don’t move)

Small, gray, looks like an elephant. Who?

(Baby elephant)

How does day and night end?

(Soft sign)

As you know, all native Russian female names end in either “a” or “ya”: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is only one thing female name, which ends in neither “a” nor “i”. Name it.

The woman is standing on the floor, her hole slightly open.

What is it: the hard is inserted into the soft, and the balls dangle nearby?

What kind of woman first rubs up against you and then demands money?

(Conductor on the tram)

Logic riddles and tasks - the necessary material for the teacher to carry out extracurricular activities(matinees, KVN, games), which contributes to the development of students’ computing skills and logical thinking. The material is recommended for children in grades 3-4.

What can travel around the world while remaining in one place, in the same corner? (Postage Stamp)

What is yours but others are using it? (Your name)

What animal do people walk on and cars drive over? (Across the zebra crossing)

One brick weighs 1 kg and half a brick. How much does a brick weigh? (2 kg)

How to turn a drop into a heron? Answer (Replace the letter “k” with “c”.)

You can't eat it, but you can cook it. (Lesson)

What's one thing mathematicians, drummers and hunters can't do without? (No fraction)

It goes uphill and downhill, but stays in place. (Road)

What fabric cannot be used to make a shirt? (From the railway station)

How can you transfer water in a sieve? (You need to put a piece of ice in the sieve)

What it is? The more you take from it, the bigger it becomes. (Pit)

What elephant doesn't have a trunk? (At the chess room)

The train travels east at a speed of 80 km/h. Which direction is the smoke flying? (Electric trains do not smoke (unless there is a fire).)

What can't be picked up from the ground? (Shadow)

From which tap you can’t wash your hands (from a construction tap)

A barrel of water weighs 50 kg, what needs to be added to make it weigh 15 kg. (Hole)

What is heavier than one kilogram of iron or cotton wool? (Equal)

You can tie it, but you can’t untie it (Conversation)

How many pens will fit into a pencil case? (None, since little hands can’t walk)

What kind of water can you cut your hand on? (Ice)

Which month has 28 days? (There is a 28th day in every month)

What grows upside down? (Icicle)

Which path has no one ever walked before? (According to milky)

When it is needed, it is thrown away; when it is not needed, it is picked up. (Anchor)

They don’t eat it raw, but throw it away when it’s cooked. (Bay leaf)

What happens if a red scarf is dipped into the black sea? (It'll get wet)

What's the best? What is most expensive? What's the shortest thing? What's the sweetest thing? (Life)

Eight can be seen from under the gate dog paws. How many dogs are there outside the gate? (Two)

Where are there no fish? (On the land)

How many years are there in a year? (One summer)

What color is the bun's hair? (The bun has no hair)

Where does it happen that a horse jumps over a horse? (In chess)

When it is impossible to answer the question “Are you sleeping?” (When do you sleep)

What question cannot be answered “Yes” (Are you already asleep?)

Which hand is better to stir soup? (with a spoon)

Why does a duck swim? (From the shore)

When a cat is washed, what is it like? (Wet)

Which car wheel does not rotate while driving? (Spare)

Which mug should you not drink from? (Out of empty)

Why do we have breakfast? (At the table)

What kind of horses are not in the river? (Dry)

What do you call a boomerang that didn't come back? (Stick)

Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)

Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth)

Name a word with 40 vowels (Soroka)

One driver did not take his driver's license with him. There was a one way sign, but he went in the opposite direction. The policeman saw this, but did not stop him. Why? (The driver walked)

Can it rain two days in a row? (No, there is night between them)

What always increases and never decreases? (Age)

The person is completely healthy, not dead, not disabled, but they carry him out of the hospital in their arms. (Newborn)

Trick riddles with answers represent an ordinary puzzle, but with a non-standard answer to it. At first the question seems a little strange and wrong. However, if you re-read the riddle several times and think a little, it will turn out to be quite logical. Ask such riddles to your friends and you will have fun.

Logic riddles with a trick.

2 people approached the river bank. There is a boat near the shore - it can only support one. However, each of them was able to cross to the other side. How?

Answer: both people were on different banks.

Semyon, Ivan, Alexander and their wives Lyudmila, Anna and Natalya are 151 years old together. Each husband is five years older than his wife. Semyon for one year older than Anna. Semyon and Lyudmila have been together for 48 years, Alexander and Lyudmila have been together for 52 years. How old are each of them and who is married to whom?

Answer: Natalya is 21 years old, Semyon is 26 years old, Ivan is 27 years old, Anna is 25 years old, Alexander is 30 years old.

Where can you see one horse jumping over another?

Answer: in chess.

What table doesn't have legs?

Answer: dietary.

What animal can cars drive over and people walk on?

Answer: zebra crossing

There is a word in which the word “no” is used as many as 100 times. What is this word?

Answer: the word "moans"

Which elephant doesn't have a nose?

Answer: the chess bishop.

Mr. Jake was found murdered in his own office. The cause of death was a bullet wound to the head. While examining the murder scene, Detective Robin discovered a cassette recorder on the surface of the table. The detective turned it on and heard the voice of Mr. Jake himself. He said the following: “Jake speaking. Recently Mark called me and said he would be here in 10 minutes. He said he wanted to shoot me. There was no point in running. I understand perfectly well that this recording will help arrest Mark. I think I hear his footsteps on the stairs. The door is already opening...” The assistant detective suggested that Mark be arrested on suspicion of murder. However, the detective was in no hurry to do this. As a result, it turned out that it was not in vain. The killer turned out to be a completely different person.

Question: how did the detective guess about this? Why didn't he believe the words on the tape?

Answer: The cassette tape was moved to the beginning. If Mark really was the killer, he would have taken the tape.

There are two houses: one rich, the second poor. They start to burn. Which one will the police put out first?

Answer: fires are extinguished by firefighters, so the police will not extinguish either the first or second house.

Trick riddles for children

If you want to test your child's unconventional thinking, then offer him riddles with a trick. For absolutely simple questions Quite non-standard answers may be hidden. The questions are formulated in such a way that the baby is distracted from the obvious question, so he will have to “launch” his logical thinking. Children's riddles will be great fun for the whole family!

What is the difference between the Volga and the priest?

Answer: Volga is mother, and priest is father.

Strange riddles are fun and interesting.

What is behind the hare and what is in front of the heron?

Answer: letter "C".

Why do people walk around with sad faces in London?

Answer: on the ground.

What kind of person never gets his hair wet when it rains?

Answer: bald.

What is the difference between a person and a locomotive.

Answer: a person first starts moving, and then whistles, but the locomotive, on the contrary, first whistles, and only then starts moving.

The more you take from it, the bigger it becomes.

Answer: pit.

How many gingerbread cookies can you eat on an empty stomach?

Answer: only one. The rest will already be eaten on an empty stomach.

In what place does a person pay for what is taken from him?

Answer: at the hairdresser.

Which river fits easily in your mouth?

Answer: Desna

What object has a heel behind its nose?

Answer: shoes

Dirty riddles with a trick

Any of the riddles we have proposed has a pretty decent answer. There are rumors that all these riddles were once published in the magazine “Murzilka”, but, unfortunately, there was no evidence of this - copies of the magazine have not been preserved.

Not horseradish, not a carrot, but there is a red head.

Answer: a pioneer in a cap.

Lie on your back and no one will need it, but lean it against the wall and it will immediately come in handy.

Answer: stairs.

Take it with both hands, put it between your legs, sweat for 5 minutes, and then go crazy.

Answer: bicycle.

It can be cold, it can be hot, it can be hanging, it can be standing.

Answer: shower

Which fellow has a drop fall from the end?

Answer: at the samovar

What type of dishes never gets you enough?

Answer: out of nowhere.

Funny riddles with a catch.

5 apples grew on the tree. A squirrel came running and picked 3 apples. How many apples are left hanging on the tree?

Answer: the tree grows cones, not apples.

What tree will the hare hide under if it rains?

Answer: under wet.

All names of Russian origin end with either the letter “A” or the letter “Z”. However, there is such Russian name, which does not end with these letters. What kind of name is this?

When is it easier for a black cat to get into the house?

Answer: everything is very simple - when the door is open.

On the table there is an eraser, a compass, a pencil, and a ruler. The task is to draw a circle. Where do you need to start?

Answer: the first thing you need to do is get a piece of paper.

There are 2 coins on the table. Their total amount- 3 rubles. One of the coins is not a ruble. So what are these coins?

Answer: one ruble and two rubles. That’s right, if one of them is not a ruble, then the second is definitely a ruble.

Complex riddles with a trick

The roof of one of the houses is asymmetrical: one of the slopes is horizontal at an angle of 70 degrees, and the second at an angle of 60 degrees. Let's assume that a rooster lays an egg on the ridge of the roof. In which direction will the egg roll - towards a steep or gentle slope?

Answer: A rooster cannot lay eggs.

At 14 storey building there is an elevator. Only two people live on the very first floor. With each floor the number of people doubles. Which elevator button is pressed most often by residents?

Answer: button number 1.

The boy fell down 6 steps, resulting in a broken leg. If he falls down 30 steps, how many legs will he break?

Answer: if you're lucky, but not alone. And in the worst case, only one, since his second one is already broken.

The chicken is walking along the road. If he crosses the road, where will he end up?

Answer: on the other side of the road.

Which car wheel will not spin on a right turn?

The tin can was covered with a lid and placed on the edge of the table in such a way that 2/3 of the can began to hang down. After some time, the can fell. What was in the jar?

Answer: a piece of ice.

Funny riddles with a trick and an answer.

A large truck was driving along the road. The moon and stars did not shine, his headlights were not on, but at the same time he was able to see and miss the woman who was crossing the road in front of him. How did he do it?

Answer: the event took place during the day.

They claim that they do not glue, but they have never even tried to glue them.

Answer: business.

On one of the islands there is a hospital with a grandmother, on the second there is a boy with apples. There is a bridge between the two islands. The boy needs to bring one apple to his grandmother, but the boy can only walk across the bridge with one apple. As soon as the boy crosses the bridge at least once, the bridge will collapse. He won't be able to swim back because there are sharks in the water. How can he give his grandmother the second apple?

Answer: When crossing the bridge, the boy will need to juggle.

There is a prison with a river around it. Three prisoners plan their escape without knowing about each other. The first prisoner escapes from prison, but while trying to swim across the river, he is eaten by a shark. The guards saw the second prisoner during the escape, pulled him out by the hair and shot him. And only the third prisoner managed to escape from prison. Question: where did the author deceive you? If you give 3 correct answers, he promised to treat you with candy.

Answer: all the prisoners in prison are bald, there are no sharks in the river, no one will treat you to candy.

Logic riddles with a trick with answers.

Lena wanted to buy a chocolate bar, but she didn’t have 10 rubles for this. Seryozha also dreams of a chocolate bar, but he only needs one ruble. The children decided to pool their money and buy one chocolate bar for two. However, they also lacked one ruble. How much does a chocolate bar cost?

Answer: the price of a chocolate bar is 10 rubles. Lena had no money at all.

This word can be mirrored, written upside down, written from right to left. However, it will not change.

Answer: it.

Answer: secret.

That you cannot hold it even for 10 minutes, despite the fact that it is even lighter than a feather.

Answer: breathing.

Cool riddles with a trick.

Why did Soviet janitors have their brooms shortened?

Answer: so that they do not stand leaning on it.

There were 5 apples on the plate, intended for 5 children. Each of the children came up and took an apple for themselves. However, one of the apples still remained on the plate. How can this be?

Answer: last child He took his apple along with the plate.

The person doesn’t really want to do this, but at the same time he absolutely doesn’t want to lose it.

Answer: work.

This item is thrown away when it is not needed and picked up when there is no need for it.

Answer: sea anchor.

He stands while working, hangs while not working, and after work he is all wet.

Answer: umbrella.

In France it is in second place, and in Russia it is in first place.

Answer: letter "R".

Which hand is better and more convenient to stir sugar?

Answer: with the hand that holds the spoon.

In the room there were 2 hens, 1 rooster, 2 cats, 5 puppies, 3 rabbits, 12 chickens. The owner entered the room with the dog. How many legs are there now?

Answer: two legs, because all animals have paws.

Can an ostrich tell that they are a bird?

Answer: No, because he cannot speak.

How many raspberries can fit into a glass?

Answer: none, because raspberries cannot walk.

Gray, small and very similar to an elephant. Who is this?

Answer: baby elephant.

What object does half an orange resemble?

Answer: to your soulmate.