Ancient civilizations, UFOs: Mysterious "airplanes" of Colombia. The planes of the ancients


The theme of flight, which is central to the gold artifacts of ancient Colombia, is revealed by the famous golden airplanes. They are considered by many to be the personification of the flying machines of the gods in the flesh. Most of them are kept in the Colombian Gold Museum in Bogota. A smaller collection is owned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Photo 1. Airplanes from the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

At the Metropolitan Museum of Art, airplanes form part of the Michael Rockefeller Memorial Collection. They were found in the Magdalena River region. In the museum's online catalog, these pieces of jewelry are listed as pendants in the shape of a flying fish, attributed to the Tolima culture and dated from the 10th to the 15th centuries. AD

Photo 2. Pendant with inventory number 1991.419.26

There are three airplanes in total in the catalog (photo 1). Moreover, the first two (photos 2 and 3) are almost identical. But the airplane in photo 2 is larger. Its length is 5.7 cm, while the dimensions of the second airplane are 4.8x4.5 cm.

Photo 3. Pendant with inventory number 1991.419.25

The third airplane (photos 4 and 5) is slightly different from the first two, and with comparable dimensions (4.1 × 2.5 × 5.4 cm) it does not seem so massive.

Photo 4 Pendant with inventory No. 1979.206.782

The photographs of “flying fish” clearly show details that cannot in any way be characteristic of a living organism. If the first two fish look like a space shuttle, then the third one looks like an amphibious aircraft.

Photo 5. Pendant with inventory number 1979.206.782

The artistic style of the figurines, with their characteristic curls and bulging eyes, has much in common with the style in which the craftsmen worked to create their dragons. Therefore, the entity that Tolima's golden planes represent is perceived by me as a dragon. It is noteworthy that all the dragons of the Metropolitan Museum of Art have a sign on their faces with a rounded end (in two cases) and a sharp end (in the third).

Photo 6. Flying fish

Of course, I would like to challenge the term “flying fish”, which the museum catalog uses to describe these artifacts. It seems that they were not identified as birds because of their toothy mouth and vertical tail. But the pendants also bear little resemblance to flying fish. Although there are still some similarities with the fish photographed in photo 6.

Photo 7. Pendant in the shape of a flying fish. Inventory No. 032924. Dimensions: 9.7×3.1×8.8 cm. Material and technique: gold, . Culture of San Agustin. 1 – 900 AD Found: Colombia, Huila, San Agustin. Columbia Gold Museum

A fairly realistic image of a flying fish can be seen on a gold pendant in the Columbia Gold Museum (photos 7 and 8). It was found in the burial of a leader in San Agustin, high in the Andes.

Photo 8. Close-up of the fish's head

At first glance, there is practically no resemblance between this fish and airplanes. However, the fish also shows its teeth in a grin and has very prominent eyes, which are usually the least noticeable part of fish.

Photo 9. Fishes in a display case at the Columbia Gold Museum

The Colombian Gold Museum displays many gold pendants of the Tolima culture in the form of ordinary, non-flying fish (photos 9 – 11). The figurines once made up necklaces of supposedly priestly rulers. Depending on the design, they more or less resemble golden airplanes.

Photo 10. Fish close-up

To the details unusual for fish, some of the figures add something else that resembles a swimmer’s arm extended forward (photo 11). Such deities in the form of a fish with a hand are characteristic of the pre-Inca culture of Nazca (Peru). Judging by the hand, the rounded shape of the head, its horizontal position and the corresponding placement of the eyes, it can be assumed that the features of a “walking fish” have been added to the features of the fish, namely, the larvae of a salamander, for example, an axolotl. He, like the fish in photo 11, also has teeth, albeit rudimentary ones. Similar even, identical teeth without fangs are also characteristic of the dragon’s head on Tolima’s airplanes (for more details, see).

Photo 11. Pendant in the shape of a fish. Culture of Tolima. Columbia Gold Museum

Fish-shaped pendants were also characteristic of the Chiriqui culture, which existed in the 11th – 16th centuries. AD in the territory of modern Panama. Two of them are kept in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (photos 12 and 13) and are called shark-shaped pendants in its catalog.

Photo 12. Pendant in the shape of a shark. Inventory No. 04.34.7. Dimensions: 9.53 cm. Material: gold. Culture: Chiriqui. Date: XI – XVI centuries. AD Geography: Panama. Metropolitan Museum of Art

However, it is obvious that even in terms of the number, shape and arrangement of fins, the fish in these pendants cannot correspond to a shark, not to mention the bulging eyes, the absence of a toothy mouth, as well as the “curled mustache” of the fish in photo 12. Undoubtedly, the pendants represent a deity, an image which was formed under the influence of the observation of the ships of the gods in the flesh, which could not only float under water, on the surface of the water, but, possibly, fly. Most of all, such a device corresponds to the shape of the fish given in photo 12.

Photo 13. Pendant in the shape of a shark. Inventory No. 1979.206.1054. Dimensions: 7.9×3.2 cm. Material: gold (cast alloy). Culture: Chiriqui. Date: XI – XVI centuries. AD Geography: Costa Rica or Panama, Burica Peninsula. Michael S. Rockefeller Memorial Collection. Metropolitan Museum of Art

The fish shown in photo 13 is interesting in that it is decorated with a carved ornament in the form of a strip that stretches along its sides (one would like to write “along the sides”) and nose. (By the way, the Tolima fish, shown in photo 11, has a similar pattern.) Through the triangular windows you can see that the fish is empty inside. For the usual decoration of a figurine, it was enough to draw a pattern on its surface. However, the master complicated the work. He made the fish hollow and cut out the pattern. As you know, on ritual objects none of the details can be random. This means that the artist sought to emphasize that the fish has an internal space that has its own purpose. By analogy with the killer whales of the Nazca ceramic paintings, which carry “passengers” in their bellies, it can be assumed that this ship was intended to transport the dead across the waters the world below.

Let's talk today about the mysterious "Inca airplanes" that were found in South America.

Golden airplanes of the Incas

Or as they are also called - the golden birds of the Incas, these are:
- golden figurines, about 5 centimeters in size, were found in the burials of Indian leaders
- organic remains allowed radiocarbon dating sufficient accuracy
- the time of manufacture of winged amulets became known - about 500 AD.
- it is assumed that during the life of the owners they were used as chest decorations or amulets
- 33 aircraft have been discovered to date
- the authors of these masterpieces were masters of the Tolima Indian culture
- who lived in what is now Colombia, in the middle reaches of the Magdalena River
- however, the creations of their hands were found far beyond the named region: in Venezuela, Costa Rica and Peru
- their appearance different, but the basic design remains the same
- an airplane with horizontal and - MAIN - vertical tail fin
- most of them are located in permanent exhibition Gold Museum at the State Bank of Colombia

History of discovery

These figurines have been exhibited around the world many times during traveling exhibitions"Treasures of Colombia"
but for a long time no one imagined that they could be models of aircraft.
And it’s not surprising, because the artifacts were listed in catalogs as “zoomorphic”:
- had the appearance of living creatures - with eyes, teeth, scales carved into the body, etc.,
- that’s why they were associated with fantastic or extinct animals, and not with airplanes.

The first to notice the amazing resemblance of the Inca golden bird to an aircraft was the American jeweler Emanuel Staub.
Staub sent a cast of the golden airplane to a friend, the famous zoologist Ivan Sanderson.
After a detailed examination of the artifact, Sanderson admitted that he did not know a single animal similar to the figurine sent to him, and to test the hypothesis about the aircraft, he handed it over to several aviation experts for analysis.
who confirmed that the figurine may well be a model of an airplane...

In the “golden airplane” figurine, modern aviation experts saw:
A. a model of an aerospace airplane with a tilting cockpit;
b. model of a one-time use cargo aircraft for landing on water;
V. model of a “subaquaplane” - an underwater aircraft.
There were other technical versions, but the plane in this golden craft was seen much earlier.

You can find this story on the Internet

In 1956, the “golden airplane” was exhibited at the “Gold of Pre-Columbian America” exhibition held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Among the spectators were American aircraft designers, whose attention was attracted by: the delta-shaped wing of the figure and the vertical plane of the tail (which never happens in birds). By agreement with the exhibition management, they were allowed to conduct research on the ancient “airplane” in a wind tunnel. It turned out that the golden “bird of the Incas” not only flies, but behaves best at supersonic speeds, the study of which was just beginning. The figurine was returned to the museum, and the delta-shaped wing and high vertical plane of the tail migrated to the Lockheed aircraft design bureau, which soon created a supersonic aircraft, which was the best in the world at that time. Modern supersonic aircraft exactly repeat the shape of ancient figures.

But what served as models for such works of art?

On the territory of modern Peru, where the powerful Inca Empire once existed, 500 km from the Pacific coast on the high Nazca plateau lies the mysterious Pampa Colorada (Red Desert). On this table-flat plateau, back in the 30s of the 20th century, pilots discovered dozens of smooth, like a concrete highway, sections of rocky surface ranging in length from several hundred meters to several kilometers. All of them were very reminiscent of the runways of modern airfields. This is beautifully shown in documentary film Erich von Däniken's "Memories of the Future" (and described in the book of the same name). Between these stripes on an area of ​​hundreds square kilometers - giant drawings familiar birds, animals, interspersed with strange animals, insects, plants... But the most important thing is that both the runways and the drawings can only be seen from the air!

It was then, in the early 30s, at the head of a small detachment of American amateur pilots, Robert Shippey took tens of thousands of photographs of monuments of pre-Columbian cultures. Here, under the wing of the plane, giant drawings of animals appear: a multi-meter iguana, a 120-meter bird, a 200-meter lizard, a giant monkey and many others. It was an incredible sight!
You can find out more about these lines and drawings in my >> SECRETS OF THE WORLD: DRAWINGS IN THE NAZCA DESERT

Add to this the conclusion of the English anthropological journal Maine, which states: “Analysis of the muscle tissue of preserved Inca mummies showed that the Incas differed sharply in blood composition from the local population. They were found to have a blood type of a rare combination. Nowadays, such a blood composition is known only for 2-3 people in the whole world” (!!!).

It is worth noting that mysterious figures and drawings, very similar to modern aircraft, were also found in other ancient cultures throughout the Earth.

So, after researching the “bird”, an urgent search began for similar figurines in Egyptian museums. And there were many of them.
Of all the Egyptian Abydos hieroglyphs, the most amazing is “helicopter”:

I, like many other people who come across this image, were interested in the square cutout in the lower part of the case. This is reminiscent of modern cargo helicopters. Large cargo is placed in this cutout:

Massive interest in mysterious artifacts arose in late 1969, after Sanders published about the ancient aircraft in Argosy magazine. The article created a real sensation and caused a lot of controversy around the mysterious gold figurines. But in 1996, German aircraft modelers from the small town of Leer, Algund Enbom and Peter Belting, proved in practice that the hypothesis about models of aircraft in the form of figurines of mysterious animals has the right to life. These two aircraft modellers created almost accurate, 16-times enlarged copies of the “Columbia Golden Airplane”, preserving all proportions and shapes, and another golden figurine, which, in their opinion, most closely resembled the airplane. To launch into the air, the models were equipped with motors and radio control systems.

The first test of the airplanes was watched by a huge number of people, among whom were scientists from various fields of science and many skeptics who did not believe that copies of the figures could fly. But what was their surprise when two models were not only able to take off, but also performed excellent aerobatic maneuvers (barrel roll, loop), and also glide perfectly even with the engines turned off.

After this experiment, many aircraft modellers began to create aircraft models of various golden figures, and in April 1996, mass demonstrations of assembled aircraft took place at the German Aviation and Cosmonautics Society. The scientists, aircraft designers, pilots and engineers present at the presentation, after seeing the flights, had no doubt that the “golden airplanes of the Incas” were copies of flying machines.

If we take into account the similarity of the “golden birds of the Incas” with flying machines and the mysterious stripes that line the entire Nazco Valley and which so strongly resemble runways, then a very logical conclusion arises - a real airfield for flying assets was located in Peru. And if you consider that similar finds are found all over the world, then the ancient Peruvians were not the only civilization in contact with mysterious guests. It turns out that for aviators from the deep past it was not difficult to overcome huge distances and move between continents. Of course, this is just a guess based on years of research, empirical observations and plain logic. But it has not yet been possible to prove one or another hypothesis. On the one hand, many artifacts were lost over time, and on the other hand, time reliably keeps the secrets of the past and most likely not everything is open to our eyes.

Of course, no one today is able to answer the question of where exactly the ancient Incas took the images for their unusual products, but one thing is for sure that not only the Incas made figurines that looked like flying machines, there are a huge number of such artifacts and all of them were found V different corners of our planet. Take for example,

“Colombian Golden Airplane” is the name given to an elegant four-centimeter object, probably used as an amulet or pendant-decoration and made no later than the middle of the first millennium BC. A total of 33 such items have been discovered today, and they were found not only in Colombia, but also in Peru, Costa Rica, and Venezuela. Their appearance is different, but what they have in common is the fundamental design of the aircraft with horizontal and vertical tail fins. Artists gave their products the appearance of living creatures with eyes, toothy mouths, and some covered them with notches in the form of scales. So, maybe this is the prototype of some long-extinct animal?
However, experts fully agree with the conclusion of US biologist Ivan
Sanderson: they can in no way be identified with any of the known
science of representatives of both fossil and modern fauna of the planet.
In the figurine of the “golden airplane,” modern aviation experts saw: a) a model of an aerospace airplane with a tilting cockpit; b) a model of a one-time use cargo aircraft for landing on water; c) a model of a “subaquaplane” - an underwater aircraft. A number of other technical versions have also been put forward that can only arise in the minds of narrow specialists. But, in general, the plane in this golden craft was seen much earlier. The story is simply fantastic.
In 1956, the “golden airplane” was exhibited among other exhibits in the exhibition “Gold of Pre-Columbian America”, held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The deltoid wing of this figure and the vertical plane of the tail (which never happens in birds) attracted the attention of American aircraft designers. By agreement with the exhibition management, they were allowed to conduct research on the ancient “airplane” in a wind tunnel. And then it turned out that the golden “bird of the Incas” behaved best at... supersonic speeds, the study of which was in full swing. The figurine was returned to the museum, and the delta-shaped wing and high vertical plane of the tail migrated to the Lockheed aircraft design bureau, which soon created a supersonic aircraft, which was the best in the world at that time...

For a very long time, experts argued about what these mysterious airplanes were. Most scientists were inclined to believe that they had nothing to do with aviation - it seemed too fantastic.
But soon even the most stubborn skeptics became convinced that these were indeed airplanes. This happened after an unusual experiment was carried out in Germany. Two aviation and aircraft modeling enthusiasts, Algund Enbom and Peter Belting, have created enlarged replicas of the unusual Colombian figurines. For this purpose, two figures were chosen that most closely resembled an airplane - one from the Columbia Gold Museum, and the second from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. The copies were sixteen times larger than the originals, but exactly repeated all their features.
Belting and Enbom equipped the airplanes with motors and radio control.
A decent crowd gathered to test the airplanes, including scientists - archaeologists, zoologists, historians.
And everyone was shocked - it turned out that the Indian airplanes had excellent aerodynamic properties. They performed all aerobatic maneuvers with dexterity, such as a loop or a barrel roll. The figures maneuvered as if they were created exclusively for flight - and even with the engine turned off, they glide freely in the air.
After this, many aircraft modellers began to carry out similar experiments, creating copies of certain golden figurines. Once, the German Aviation and Space Society held mass “demonstration performances” of such copies. And all the leading aircraft design engineers unanimously admitted that these figurines could only represent airplanes, once created by human hands... But they also could not answer the question - where could the Indians see samples for their crafts?
Some researchers have made assumptions about the extraterrestrial origin of the form of mysterious amulets: “We, of course, in no case can say anything concrete about this. One can only make hypotheses and make assumptions that even then, in full accordance with the myth of Atlantis, there existed a highly technologically advanced culture. But we cannot rule out the assumption that the creation of this culture was played main role highly intelligent beings of extraterrestrial origin"
Soon, scientists were allowed to conduct research on a real ancient “airplane” in a wind tunnel. And it turned out that the golden figurine is designed to fly at... supersonic speeds. The delta-shaped wing and high vertical plane of the tail captured the imagination of engineers, and soon a new supersonic aircraft was created on their basis.

As for the “golden flying ships,” the so-calledgolden bird of the Incas, stored in the Del Oro Museum, located in the National Bank of Colombia (Bogota). In 1956, this “golden airplane” was exhibited among other exhibits at the “Gold of Pre-Columbian America” exhibition held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The deltoid wing of this figure and the vertical plane of the tail (which never happens in birds) attracted the attention of American aircraft designers. By agreement with the exhibition management, they were allowed to conduct research on the ancient “airplane” in a wind tunnel. And then it turned out that the golden “bird of the Incas” behaved best at... supersonic speeds, the study of which was in full swing. The figurine was returned to the museum, and the delta-shaped wing and high vertical plane of the tail migrated to the company's aircraft design bureau

Lockheed, which soon created a supersonic aircraft, which was the best in the world at that time. Few people remember this story today. Yet we should not forget that modern supersonic jet planes are... direct descendants of the “golden bird” of the Incas!

"Colombian Golden Airplane" - this is the name given to an elegant four-centimeter object, probably used as an amulet or pendant-decoration and made no later than the middle of the first millennium BC. A total of 33 such items have been discovered today, and they were found not only in Colombia, but also in Peru, Costa Rica, and Venezuela. Their appearance is different, but what they have in common is the fundamental design of the aircraft with horizontal and vertical tail fins. Artists gave their products the appearance of living creatures with eyes, toothy mouths, and some covered them with notches in the form of scales. So, maybe this is the prototype of some long-extinct animal? However, experts fully agree with the conclusion of US biologist Ivan Sanderson: they cannot in any way be identified with any of the representatives of both fossil and modern fauna of the planet known to science.

In the figurine of the “golden airplane,” modern aviation experts saw: a) a model of an aerospace airplane with a tilting cockpit; b) a model of a one-time use cargo aircraft for landing on water; c) a model of a “subaquaplane” - an underwater aircraft. A number of other technical versions have also been put forward that can only arise in the minds of narrow specialists. But, in general, the plane in this golden craft was seen much earlier. The story is simply fantastic.

In 1956, the “golden airplane” was exhibited among other exhibits in the exhibition “Gold of Pre-Columbian America”, held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The deltoid wing of this figure and the vertical plane of the tail (which never happens in birds) attracted the attention of American aircraft designers. By agreement with the exhibition management, they were allowed to conduct research on the ancient “airplane” in a wind tunnel. And then it turned out that the golden “bird of the Incas” behaved best at... supersonic speeds, the study of which was in full swing. The figurine was returned to the museum, and the delta-shaped wing and high vertical plane of the tail migrated to the Lockheed aircraft design bureau, which soon created a supersonic aircraft, which was the best in the world at that time...

Denis Balmashov

In the thousand-year-old Inca burial grounds, archaeologists have been discovering small funny trinkets from time to time for more than a hundred years. precious metals, usually gold, depicting something not very clear. Since the “something” clearly has wings, but doesn’t look much like a bird, the finds are called “insects.” True, insects never had a vertical keel in the tail part, but you never know where the ancient masters’ imagination took them.

In the end, two German scientists, Algund Ebom and Peter Belting, were seriously offended several years ago by the frivolous classification of archaeologists and they decided to strictly analyze how gold jewelry corresponded to the biology and morphology of real insects.

It was quite easy to divide the jewelry into two groups: actual images of insects, where the wings are attached to the upper part of the body; and “products” with wings attached to the body in the lower part (which does not happen in insects), which also have a vertical keel. A careful look at this second group is enough to notice that most of all the decorations resemble small airplane models.

Of course, no one today can say where the ancient Incas craftsmen drew images for their unusual products. But we can definitely say that the masters in another country of the pyramids had similar images - in Egypt

According to the site:

Modern supersonic aircraft exactly repeat the shape of ancient figures. These figures, made in the shape of airplanes, were created about 1.5 thousand years ago. No one has been able to solve their mystery - what served as models for such works of art.

In the 19th century in Colombia, several dozen gold figurines of incomprehensible shape were found during archaeological excavations. The figurines were transferred to the museum at the State Bank of Columbia, where they were exhibited for many years in a row.

In the catalogs the figurines were listed as “zoomorphic”, that is, in the form of animals. And it was precisely how numerous visitors looked at them as strange animals.
And only in the 20th century, during the development of the aviation industry, it became clear that these strange figures were made in the shape of airplanes! It’s just that while there were no airplanes, people had nothing to compare them with.

Jeweler Emmanuel Staub was the first to notice this strange resemblance. He made a copy of one of the figures and sent it to zoologist Ivan Sanderson so that he could make his verdict - it was an animal or an airplane.
The zoologist studied the figure of an incomprehensible shape for a long time and carefully and came to the conclusion: it is by no means zoomorphic - there are no similar animals in the natural world.

It is interesting that almost all the figures, despite the fact that they look like airplanes, at the same time have signs of animals - eyes and mouths, which is why they were classified as zoomorphic. But when copies of the figures were sent to aviation experts, everyone unanimously admitted that they depicted airplanes! Experts saw in the figures the cockpit, fuselage, wings, stabilizers, fin...
But where would airplanes come from in such ancient times?

This question, posed by Ivan Sanderson in an article he published about airplanes from time immemorial, never found an answer.

But the publication itself aroused mass interest in the mysterious figures. AND a large number of people began searching for similar figurines and images in archaeological and historical museums and private meetings.

As a result, about thirty golden airplanes were found in various museums around the world. They all had common origin- V different time figurines were discovered in the burials of Indian leaders. Archaeologists have found that the airplanes, as already mentioned, were made about 1.5 thousand years ago. According to scientists, they were used as breast decorations and amulets.

Most of these airplanes were found in settlements of the Tolima Indians who lived in Colombia, but there are similar figurines found in Costa Rica and other countries in South America.

Let's fly!

For a very long time, experts argued about what these mysterious airplanes were. Most scientists were inclined to believe that they had nothing to do with aviation - it seemed too fantastic.

But soon even the most stubborn skeptics became convinced that these were indeed airplanes. This happened after an unusual experiment was carried out in Germany. Two aviation and aircraft modeling enthusiasts, Algund Enbom and Peter Belting, have created enlarged replicas of the unusual Colombian figurines. For this purpose, two figures were chosen that most closely resembled an airplane - one from the Columbia Gold Museum, and the second from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. The copies were sixteen times larger than the originals, but exactly repeated all their features.

Belting and Enbom equipped the airplanes with motors and radio control.
A decent crowd gathered to test the airplanes, including scientists - archaeologists, zoologists, historians.

And everyone was shocked - it turned out that the Indian airplanes had excellent aerodynamic properties. They performed all aerobatic maneuvers with dexterity, such as a loop or a barrel roll. The figures maneuvered as if they were created exclusively for flight - and even with the engine turned off, they glide freely in the air.

After this, many aircraft modellers began to carry out similar experiments, creating copies of certain golden figurines. Once, the German Aviation and Space Society held mass “demonstration performances” of such copies. And all the leading aircraft design engineers unanimously admitted that these figurines could only represent airplanes, once created by human hands... But they also could not answer the question - where could the Indians see samples for their crafts?

Some researchers have made assumptions about the extraterrestrial origin of the form of mysterious amulets: “We, of course, in no case can say anything concrete about this. One can only make hypotheses and make assumptions that even then, in full accordance with the myth of Atlantis, there existed a highly technologically advanced culture. But we cannot rule out the assumption that highly intelligent creatures of extraterrestrial origin played a major role in the creation of this culture.”

Soon, scientists were allowed to conduct research on a real ancient “airplane” in a wind tunnel. And it turned out that the golden figurine is designed to fly at... supersonic speeds. The delta-shaped wing and high vertical plane of the tail captured the imagination of engineers, and soon a new supersonic aircraft was created on their basis.

Cairo bird

Another antiquity stored in the Cairo Archaeological Museum has the same mysterious origin. In 1898, Egyptian researchers found a strange wooden object in a burial dating back to the 3rd century BC.

It was placed in a box labeled “Bird Figures,” where it lay for a long time.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the figurine was put on public display, and for a long time no one noticed anything strange about it.

It was only in 1972 that one visitor, physician Khalil Messih, who was seriously interested in archeology, noticed that this bird actually most closely resembles an airplane or glider.
The length of this strange object is 14.2 cm, the wingspan is 18.3 cm. The figure’s nose resembles a beak, but the tail is the keel of an airplane. The wings and body also look not like those of a bird, but like those of an airplane. However, this figure does not have stabilizers.

Khalil Messih claims that the missing parts simply broke off in time immemorial, and this figurine previously had them. He made exactly the same “bird” from wood, added missing parts to it and equipped it with a motor and propeller.

In flight, the figure showed miracles - it flew at a speed of 95 kilometers per hour and glides remarkably well.
After testing the “bird,” an urgent search began for similar figurines in Egyptian museums. And there were many of them, moreover, they all had the missing parts from the figurine found by Messikh!

Famous images of flying machines on the wall of an Egyptian pyramid.

True, Egyptian archaeologists were also unable to answer the same question: where could the airplanes that served as the prototype for these figurines come from in the third millennium BC?
And then sensational news came out - archaeologist William Deitch, conducting research, said that the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun died 3,300 years ago... in a plane crash. This is precisely what the nature of the injuries that resulted in his death speaks to. This news further fueled interest in the mysteries of ancient aircraft construction.

secrets of the 20th century

According to the site:

The land of the pharaohs has repeatedly surprised us with inexplicable artifacts, which even today make many people struggle to understand their designation and purpose, but mysterious artifacts are found not only in Egypt and direct evidence of this is the “Columbia Golden Airplane,” or as it is also called, “the golden bird.” Incas."

The Golden Bird is a small object measuring four centimeters found in Colombia in the 19th century and dating back to the mid-first millennium AD. Most likely, this item was used as an amulet or pendant. Today in the world there are several dozen such objects that were found not only in Colombia, but also in the territories of Venezuela, Costa Rica and Peru. In appearance they are slightly different from each other, but the fundamental design of the aircraft with horizontal and vertical tail fins unites all these artifacts

Let's find out more about this find...

For a long time, many people looked at the gold figurines exhibited at the Gold Museum at the State Bank of Columbia, as well as during various “Treasures of Colombia” exhibitions held in different parts of our planet, but no one imagined that they could be models of flying machines. And this is not surprising, because all these artifacts were listed in the catalog as “zoomorphic”, since they had the appearance of living creatures with eyes, teeth, scales carved on the body and other attributes of living creatures, therefore, they were all associated with strange animals that could died out a few hundred years ago, but not with airplanes.

The first person to notice the striking resemblance of the Inca golden bird to an aircraft was the American jeweler Emanuel Staub. To rule out the possibility that the figurine is a copy of some animal, Staub sent exact copy“Columbia Golden Airplane” to his friend, the famous zoologist Ivan Sanderson. After a detailed examination of the artifact, Sanderson realized that he did not know a single living creature similar to the figurine sent to him, and in order to test the theory about the aircraft, he handed it over to several aviation experts for analysis, who confirmed that the figurine could well be a model of an airplane.

They were found in the burials of Indian leaders. It is assumed that during the lifetime of the owners these items were used as breast decorations or amulets.

Due to the presence of organic remains in the burials that can be dated by radiocarbon method, the time of manufacture of the winged amulets is known with sufficient accuracy - about 500 AD. The authors of these masterpieces were masters of the Tolima Indian culture, who lived in what is now Colombia, in the middle reaches of the Magdalena River. However, the creations of their hands were found far beyond the borders of the named region. So, in Berlin Museum ethnography contains an “airplane” found on the territory of Costa Rica. The discovery of similar gold items has been reported in Venezuela and Peru.

A total of 33 such items have been discovered today, and they were found not only in Colombia, but also in Peru, Costa Rica, and Venezuela. Their appearance is different, but what they have in common is the fundamental design of the aircraft with horizontal and vertical tail fins. Artists gave their products the appearance of living creatures with eyes, toothy mouths, and some covered them with notches in the form of scales. So, maybe this is the prototype of some long-extinct animal? However, experts fully agree with the conclusion of US biologist Ivan Sanderson: they cannot in any way be identified with any of the representatives of both fossil and modern fauna of the planet known to science.

In the “golden airplane” figurine, modern aviation experts saw:

A) a model of an aerospace airplane with a tilting cockpit;

B) a model of a one-time use cargo aircraft for landing on water;

B) a model of a “subaquaplane” - an underwater aircraft.

A number of other technical versions have also been put forward that can only arise in the minds of narrow specialists. But, in general, the plane in this golden craft was seen much earlier. The story is simply fantastic.

On the Internet you can find the following story: in 1956, the “golden airplane” was exhibited among other exhibits of the exhibition “Gold of Pre-Columbian America”, held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The deltoid wing of this figure and the vertical plane of the tail (which never happens in birds) attracted the attention of American aircraft designers. By agreement with the exhibition management, they were allowed to conduct research on the ancient “airplane” in a wind tunnel. And then it turned out that the golden “bird of the Incas” behaved best at... supersonic speeds, the study of which was in full swing. The figurine was returned to the museum, and the delta-shaped wing and high vertical plane of the tail migrated to the Lockheed aircraft design bureau, which soon created a supersonic aircraft, which was the best in the world at that time...

Modern supersonic aircraft exactly repeat the shape of ancient figures. These figures, made in the shape of airplanes, were created about 1.5 thousand years ago. No one has been able to solve their mystery - what served as models for such works of art

On the territory of modern Peru, where the powerful Inca Empire once existed, 500 km from the Pacific coast on the high Nazca plateau lies the mysterious Pampa Colorada (Red Desert). On this table-flat plateau, back in the 30s of the 20th century, pilots discovered dozens of smooth, like a concrete highway, sections of rocky surface ranging in length from several hundred meters to several kilometers. All of them were very reminiscent of the runways of modern airfields. This is beautifully shown in Erich von Däniken's documentary Memories of the Future (and described in the book of the same name). Between these stripes, on an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, there are giant drawings of familiar birds, animals, interspersed with strange animals, insects, plants... But the most important thing is that both the runways and the drawings can only be seen from the air!

It was then, in the early 30s, at the head of a small detachment of American amateur pilots, Robert Shippey took tens of thousands of photographs of monuments of pre-Columbian cultures. Here, under the wing of the plane, giant drawings of animals appear: a multi-meter iguana, a 120-meter bird, a 200-meter lizard, a giant monkey and many others. It was an incredible sight!

Less than 10 years later, another scientist decided to look at the creations of the ancient Peruvians from an airplane. It was Paul Kosok. Once in the south, he ended up in Pampa de Nazca, where he discovered a giant art gallery. On the dark red surface of the plateaus appeared yellowish-white trapezoids, triangles and rectangles, often hundreds and hundreds of meters long. Sometimes endlessly long stripes stretched along the Pampa de Nazca, converging at certain points and then diverging again. Scattered among the apparent chaos of lines were giant drawings of animals.

When Kosok published a message about his discovery, accompanied by dozens of high-quality photographs taken from the air, the world did not believe him. Besides, there was a Second World War, and humanity had completely different concerns. They were discovered for the second time by Erich von Däniken in the book “Memories of the Future” (1968), which, unlike Kosok’s scientific articles, was read avidly by the whole world. In it, he reflected on whether the giant lines in the country of the Indians, who did not know the wheel, much less an airplane, were runways for astronauts. Isn't this related? Art Gallery"with aliens and extraterrestrial civilizations? For almost a quarter of a century, only one person was engaged in the drawings here. It was Maria Reiche, who came to Peru from Germany. Having settled in Lima, she was one of the first to hear from Professor Kosok about his incredible discovery. This message interested her so much that from then on she concentrated all her attention on this vast space.

But since these drawings are simply not visible from the ground, a natural question arises: “Did the ancient inhabitants of the Cordillera, the Incas, really know how to fly?” Here it is appropriate to recall the ancient Inca legend, which speaks of a “golden ship” that arrived from distant stars: “It was commanded by a woman named Oryana. She was destined to become the foremother of the earthly race. Oryana gave birth to seventy earthly children, and then returned to the stars."

Add to this the conclusion of the English anthropological journal Maine, which states: “Analysis of the muscle tissue of preserved Inca mummies showed that the Incas differed sharply in blood composition from the local population. They were found to have a blood type of a rare combination. Nowadays, such a blood composition is known only for 2-3 people in the whole world.”

Here is more information about this - drawings and lines in PERU and also about the Mystery of the “Candelabra of Paracas”

Massive interest in the mysterious artifacts arose at the end of 1969, after Sanders published about the ancient aircraft in Argosy magazine. The article created a real sensation and caused a lot of controversy around the mysterious gold figurines. But in 1996, German aircraft modelers from the small town of Leer, Algund Enbom and Peter Belting, proved in practice that the hypothesis about models of aircraft in the form of figurines of mysterious animals has the right to life. These two aircraft modellers created almost accurate, 16-times enlarged copies of the “Columbia Golden Airplane”, preserving all proportions and shapes, and another golden figurine, which, in their opinion, most closely resembled the airplane. To launch into the air, the models were equipped with motors and radio control systems.

The first test of the airplanes was watched by a huge number of people, among whom were scientists from various fields of science and many skeptics who did not believe that copies of the figures could fly. But what was their surprise when two models were not only able to take off, but also performed excellent aerobatic maneuvers (barrel roll, loop), and also glide perfectly even with the engines turned off.

After this experiment, many aircraft modellers began to create aircraft models of various golden figures, and in April 1996, mass demonstrations of assembled aircraft took place at the German Aviation and Cosmonautics Society. The scientists, aircraft designers, pilots and engineers present at the presentation, after seeing the flights, had no doubt that the “golden airplanes of the Incas” were copies of flying machines.

Of course, no one today is able to answer the question of where exactly the ancient Incas took the images for their unusual products, but one thing is for sure that not only the Incas made figurines that looked like flying machines, there are a huge number of such artifacts and all of them were found in different parts of our planet. Take, for example, the mystery of the SABU disk or the “Sakkara Bird” found in Egypt, which is also surprisingly similar to a model airplane and which I will tell you about a little later. Be that as it may, these artifacts suggest a completely different history of our ancestors, a history that is still so difficult for us to believe.