The mystery of the Nazca civilization. Archaeologists have finally solved the mystery of the Nazca desert Nazca giant drawings

The aliens' runways have already served their purpose. Archaeologists have finally solved the mystery of the Nazca Desert. An unknown ancient culture was revealed to them.

Figures of public rhetoric

It has been fourteen centuries since silence reigned on this rocky stage. The Nazca Desert maintains unshakable peace.

Fame came to this remote outskirts of Peru in 1947, when the first scientific publication dedicated to the “Nazca Desert Lines” appeared. When, in 1968, Erich von Däniken declared the mysterious drawings as “alien runways” in his book “Memoirs of the Future,” this idea became firmly entrenched in the minds of many people. Thus a myth was born.

For decades, scientists and amateurs have been trying to explain the mystery of these geometric patterns, stretching for kilometers and occupying an area of ​​about 500 square kilometers. IN general outline the history of their origin is clear. For several centuries, the inhabitants of southern Peru decorated the desert areas near the coast with mysterious signs drawn on the ground. The surface of the desert is covered with dark stones, but once they are removed to the side, the light-colored sedimentary rocks underneath are exposed. It was this sharp color contrast that the ancient Indians used to create their drawings - geoglyphs. The dark soil served as a background for huge figures, images of animals, and above all trapezoids, spirals, and straight lines.

But why are they here?

These signs are so large that it is believed that you can understand what they represent only by taking to the skies on an airplane. The mysterious lines of the Nazca Desert, included in the list of World Heritage Sites in 1994 cultural heritage, have long attracted the attention of lovers of esotericism. Who was this mysterious gallery intended for? For the gods, who are accustomed, while in heaven, to read in the souls of people and look at the creations of their hands? Or maybe this is the markings of an antediluvian spaceport built by aliens in this distant country? Or the prehistoric calendar, and the rays of the sun, falling on the earth at midday on the day of some equinox, certainly illuminated one of the lines to the delight of the priests and their fellow tribesmen? Or was it a real astronomy textbook, where the wing of some bird personified the course of the planet Venus? Or maybe these are “family signs” with the help of which one or another clan marked the lands it occupied? Or, when drawing lines on the ground, the savage Indians thought not about the heavenly or even about the heavenly, but about the underground, and these straight lines, going into the distance of the desert, actually marked the flow of underground streams, a secret map of water sources, revealed with such daring openness, that scientific minds even now cannot guess the meaning of what was written.

There were many hypotheses, but they were in no hurry to select facts. Almost the entire history of scientific research into mysterious drawings came down to the work of the German mathematician Maria Reiche, who, starting in 1946, studied them almost single-handedly, recording their sizes and coordinates. She also defended this ancient monument, when in 1955 it was decided to turn the Nazca plateau into a cotton plantation by installing an artificial irrigation system. This would have ruined the amazing open-air gallery (however, some of the drawings were already destroyed during the construction of highways).

Over time - thanks to all sorts of searchers for traces of "space aliens" - this desert came to world fame. However, oddly enough, complex scientific analysis the drawings themselves and the history of their origin were not studied. It has not been studied how the desert climate has changed over the past millennia. Surprisingly, almost all guesses about the origin of the secret signs that decorated the distant plateau were speculative. Few people were in a hurry to come to this utter distance in order to descend to the ground of facts. But this could probably clarify a lot in the history of the so-called Nazca culture (200 BC -600 AD) - according to experts, “one of the most interesting and in many ways mysterious cultures of the pre-Columbian America."

It’s not even clear what’s hiding more riddles- people or huge drawings left by them. Anthropologists studying the ancient Indians who inhabited this region of Peru have at their disposal only mummies, remains of settlements, and samples of ceramics and textiles. In addition, not far from the open-air gallery, in the town of Cahuachi, there are the ruins of a large settlement with pyramids and platforms built from raw brick (see “З-С”, 10/90). Researchers believe that this is where the capital of the Nazca culture was located. The ceramic samples she left behind are particularly elegant. They are characterized by a variety of colors: the vessels are painted in red, black, brown and white. These painted vessels were considered the most beautiful in all of Ancient Peru. Their shiny walls are covered with images of severed human heads, demonic creatures, wild cats, predatory fish, centipedes and birds. Obviously, these paintings reflect the mythical ideas of the ancient inhabitants of the country, but historians can only guess about this. After all, no written evidence has survived.

Thousands of years of Nazca

All the more reason to talk about the painstaking research carried out in this desert in 1997 - 2006 by specialists from various scientific disciplines. The collected facts debunk the popular explanations of esotericists. No cosmic secrets! The Nazca geoglyphs are earthly, too earthly.

In 1997, an expedition organized by the German Archaeological Institute with the support of the Swiss-Liechtenstein Fund for Foreign Archaeological Research began studying geoglyphs and settlements of the Nazca culture in the area of ​​Palpa, forty kilometers north of the town of Nazca. The place was not chosen by chance, because here the signs inscribed by the ancient Indians were located in close proximity to their settlements. The leader of the group, German historian Markus Reindel, was convinced: “If we want to understand geoglyphs, we need to look closely at the people who created them.”

Near Palpa, archaeologists have found numerous remains of settlements dating back to various eras, including the ruins of stone houses and well-kept tombs, however, they had long since been plundered. All this testified to the complex hierarchy established in a society that belonged to the Nazca culture. Fine ceramics and gold chains with figurines of fish and whales found in the burials refuted the usual idea of ​​​​the peasant character of this culture. It already has its own elite, an aristocracy. Without her participation, the geoglyphs would not have been constructed.

During the excavations, Reindel and his Peruvian colleague Joni Isla constantly encountered monuments of the so-called Paracas culture. It dates back to 800 - 200 years BC new era. This culture became known in 1927, when Peruvian archaeologist Julio Tello discovered 423 mummies on the deserted, barren Paracas Peninsula, perfectly preserved in the local climate.

It was believed that only the late phase of this culture was represented in Nazca territory. However, this turned out to be a fallacy. During excavations, settlements and burial grounds were discovered dating back to all phases of the Paracas culture. Moreover, the similarity of ceramics and textile fabrics, burial traditions and housing construction clearly prove that the Nazca culture is its direct heir. Thus, civilization in southern Peru arose many centuries earlier than was generally believed. Perhaps one of its centers was the Palpa oasis.

Nearby, in the town of Pernil Alto, on the banks of the Rio Grande River, a German archaeologist found monuments of “early Paracas” and along with this ceramics, “which we could not yet attribute to any era.” This ceramic tradition appears to predate the Paracas culture. It is dated very approximately - 1800 - 800 BC (according to radiocarbon dating, 1400 - 860 BC).

These are the earliest examples of fired pottery discovered in the entire Andean region. They were left by an unknown civilization that existed in the south of Peru in the 2nd millennium BC. It is to this that the art of creating geoglyphs dates back.

"Wednesday is stuck"

As part of this project, the history of the local landscape was explored for the first time. This clarified the origin of the “signs of the Nazca desert.” Here, unlike other coastal regions of Peru, another mountain range lies between the western ridge of the Andes and the coastline - the Coastal Cordillera. The 40-kilometer-wide basin separating this mountain range and the Andes was filled with pebbles and sediments during the Pleistocene era. A flat steppe area was formed - an ideal “canvas” for applying various designs.

Several thousand years ago, at the foot of the Andes, on the Nazca plateau, grass grew and llamas grazed. In this climate, people lived as if “in the Garden of Eden” (M. Reindel). The archaeologist even discovered traces of a flood nearby. Where the desert extends today, mud avalanches once occurred after heavy rains.

However, around 1800 BC the climate became noticeably drier. The onset of drought burned the grassy steppe, and people were forced to settle in natural oases - river valleys. By the way, almost at the same time, the first examples of ceramics appeared in the Nazca desert.

Subsequently, the desert continued its advance, getting close to the mountain ranges. Its eastern edge has moved 20 kilometers towards the Andes. People had to move to mountain valleys that lay at an altitude of 400 to 800 meters above sea level.

When, around 600 AD, the climate changed again and became even drier, the Nazca culture disappeared altogether. All that was left of her were mysterious signs inscribed on the ground - signs that there was no one to destroy. In an extremely dry climate, they survived for thousands of years.

The history of the development of the Nazca Desert once again demonstrates what a formidable force the desert represents in its age-old confrontation with man. A slight change in climate, a slight reduction in precipitation that will go unnoticed by residents of temperate zones, is enough, and then in the desert, as expedition member, geographer Bernhard Eitel emphasizes, “dramatic changes in the ecosystem will occur that will have a huge impact on the lives of the people inhabiting it.”

The Nazca culture did not die as a result of an instant catastrophe, such as war, but was - like the Mayan culture (see “Z-S”, 1/07) - gradually “strangled” due to changing environmental conditions. A long drought killed her.

Happiness is when spondylus comes back

Now, having studied the very environment in which the creators of the mysterious geoglyphs lived, researchers could begin to interpret them.

The earliest lines and drawings appeared about 3800 years ago, when the first settlements appeared in the vicinity of Palpa. The inhabitants of Southern Peru created this open-air gallery among the rocks. On the brown-red stones they scratched and carved various geometric patterns, images of people and animals, chimeras and mythological creatures. Archaeologists have found thousands of rock paintings ranging in size from a few centimeters to several meters. This grandiose exhibition of petroglyphs began to be explored only in the last ten years. Presumably, all of them were created in the 2nd millennium BC, “but this cannot be stated with certainty” (M. Reindel).

No later than 700 BC an important event. Petroglyphs are being replaced by drawings drawn not on rocks, but on the ground. By clearing away the top layer of pebbles, unknown artists of the Paracas culture create “graffiti” ranging in size from 10 to 30 meters on the slopes of river valleys - mainly images of people and animals, sometimes stars. For that time, these paintings were grandiose. But this is just the beginning. Many more centuries will pass before the famous “alien runways” appear.

Presumably around 200 BC, a real “revolution in art” took place in the Nazca desert. Artists, who previously covered only rocks and slopes with paintings, are starting to paint the largest “canvas” given to them by nature - the plateau stretched out before them. “A certain creator was drawing the contours of a future figure, and his assistants were removing stones from the surface,” this is how Marcus Reindel imagines the progress of the work.

For the masters of monumental graphics, who had a thousand-year tradition behind them, there was room to expand here. True, now instead of figurative compositions they give preference to works a la Mondrian: geometric figures and lines. They reach gigantic sizes, but, in essence, there is nothing extravagant or “cosmic” about them. A pair of straight lines, no matter how you extend them, will remain just a pair of straight lines, and you don’t need to sit in the cockpit of a sports airplane to understand this. Of course, in the Nazca Desert there are also huge images of animals (monkey, spider, whale), which are best admired from somewhere higher up, but these images are rare.

“Everywhere, including in the archaeological literature, it is certainly said that geoglyphs can be viewed at best from a bird’s eye view,” says archaeologist Karsten Lambers, a participant in the expedition. - This is wrong! It’s enough to visit the area to make sure that these signs are clearly visible from the ground.”

Approximately two-thirds of the geoglyphs are clearly visible from any point in the surrounding area. “In general, they were not created to be looked at,” Reindel emphasizes. Rather, they were part of an open-air “sanctuary.” They can be called "ceremonial figures". Archaeological research has shown that these lines have a purely practical (more precisely, mystical) purpose.

At the corners and ends of the drawings there were structures made of stone, clay and raw brick (in total, researchers counted about a hundred such ruins). They contained remains of textile fabrics, plants, crayfish, guinea pigs and spondylus shells - presumably sacrificial gifts. Archaeologists have interpreted these finds as altars or miniature temples that were used in certain rituals. Which ones?

The shells of the spondylus attracted particular attention. Throughout the Andean region, these beautiful shells were considered symbols of water and fertility. However, this mollusk lives in tropical waters - almost 2000 kilometers north of the Nazca Desert - and penetrates its shores only when El Niño arrives. Then the warm sea current deviates far to the south, and heavy precipitation falls on the coast of Peru. Apparently, since ancient times, people have associated the appearance of spondylus with approaching rainstorms. The unusual shell brought water to the fields and happiness to families. By sacrificing it on the altar, the desert inhabitants hoped to beg rain from the sky.

Next to the drawings, the researchers found many vessels buried in the ground, apparently during the performance of some rituals. Holes were also noticed, into which - judging by their diameter and depth - masts up to ten meters high were erected; banners must have fluttered on them (on ceramic vessels we have already seen images of similar masts decorated with flags).

According to geophysical research, the soil along the lines (their depth reaches almost 30 centimeters) is very compacted. Especially trampled are 70 drawings depicting animals and certain creatures (they make up about a tenth of all ground “graffiti”). It looks like crowds of people have been walking here for centuries! This entire area was the site of various festivals associated with the cults of water and fertility. “Some kind of processions were held here, perhaps with music and dancing, as evidenced by the drawings left on the ceramic vessels,” Reindel believes. These images are reminiscent of how those celebrations (or “conversations with the gods”?) were held. We see people drinking maize beer or playing the pipe, marching or dancing, making sacrifices and praying to the gods to give them rain. Such processions can still be seen in the Andes.

Such ceremonies had important symbolic meaning. When a clan created or changed geoglyphs, it openly demonstrated to its neighbors: this is where we live! This action was truly a religious act. “That is why we do not find any sanctuaries in Indian settlements - not even in Cahuachi. For them, all nature was a temple,” Reindel believes.

The creation of huge drawings, like, for example, the construction of pyramids in other parts of America, required joint efforts large number of people. Again, recent studies have shown that these drawings did not arise once and for all in the form in which scientists and enthusiasts of “cosmic messages” discovered them. Geoglyphs have been repeatedly redesigned, expanded, and transformed.

The arid climate turned the inhabitants of the Nazca Desert into excellent artists and engineers. Even Maria Reiche, describing the drawings found in the desert, noted: “The length and direction of each segment were carefully measured and recorded. Approximate measurements would not be enough to reproduce such perfect outlines as we see thanks to aerial photography; a deviation of just a few inches would distort the proportions of the design.”

Already in the first millennium BC, the ancient Peruvians learned to pump groundwater into tanks through pipes laid underground, creating reserves of life-giving moisture. The ingenious system of canals they built, including underground ones, is still used by local residents today.

Once upon a time, with the help of this network of canals, the ancient Indians irrigated fields where they grew beans and potatoes, pumpkins and cassava, avocados and peanuts. The main materials they used on the farm were cotton and cane. They caught fish with nets and hunted seals. They made thin-walled ceramics, which were painted with bright, colorful scenes.

By the way, the locals considered an elongated head to be the ideal of beauty, and therefore boards were tied to the forehead of babies to deform the skull while it was growing. They also practiced craniotomy, and some of those operated on lived quite a long time after this procedure.

But the time allotted to the Nazca culture had already expired.

The drier the plateau became, the more often the priests had to perform magical ceremonies to summon rain. Nine of the ten lines and trapezoids face the mountains, from where the saving rains came. For a long time, magic helped, and the clouds that brought moisture returned, until around 600 AD the gods finally became angry with the people who settled in this region.

The largest drawings that appeared in the Nazca Desert date back to the time when the rains practically stopped here. The following picture is drawn in the imagination. People literally beg the stern god of rain to heed their suffering. They hope that at least these signals given to him will be noticed by him. Thus, polar explorers lost in the ice paint their tent red so that someone flying across the sky will see a sign of their trouble. But the Indian god remained, as modern geographers testify, blind to these prayers imprinted into the flesh of the earth. It didn't rain. Faith was powerless.

In the end, the Indians left their native but harsh land and went in search of a prosperous country. When, after a few centuries, the climate became milder and people settled again on the Nazca plateau, they knew nothing about those who once lived here. Only lines on the ground that went into the distance or intersected reminded us that either the gods descended to the earth here, or people tried to talk to the gods. But the meaning of the drawings was already forgotten. Only now are scientists beginning to understand why these writings appeared - these huge “hieroglyphs” that seem ready to survive eternity.

However, it would be wrong to call the only viewers of these drawings some gods, immersed either in nirvana or in universal laziness. These lines are “more of a scene than a picture,” Reindel believes. True, he himself does not undertake to judge why the lines are located this way and not otherwise, why they form this or that pattern.

Obviously, this had a religious background, but due to the lack of collected facts scientists continue to argue about the religion professed by the people who inhabited the Nazca desert for two millennia, argue about the nature of their society and its political structure. This desert still holds many mysteries. But they will have to be solved without the participation of esotericists. There is too much earthly, everyday, vain in these “secrets of the Nazca desert.”

The world of artists could not live without miners

In 2007, American and Peruvian archaeologists discovered a mine in the Nazca desert area, where iron ore - hematite - was mined almost two thousand years ago, long before the arrival of the Spanish conquerors. Then this mineral was ground into powder, preparing bright red ocher, the American believes
researcher Kevin Vaughan.

“Archaeologists know that the peoples of the New and Old Worlds mined iron ore thousands of years ago,” explains Vaughan. - In the Old World, namely in Africa, this began to be done about 40 thousand years ago. It is known that the peoples who inhabited Mexico, Central and North America in ancient times also mined minerals containing iron.” However, archaeologists for a long time were unable to find a single ancient mine, until a few years ago their attention
I wasn’t attracted to the cave in southern Peru. Its area was about 500 square meters.

During excavations, stone tools, fragments of pottery, cotton and wool fabrics, shells, vessels hollowed out from pumpkins, and corn cobs were found here. Radiocarbon dating showed the organic materials to be between 500 and 1960 years old. According to archaeologists, during this time about 700 cubic meters rocks with a total weight of about 3,700 tons - and all in order to obtain the coveted ocher that the residents of the surrounding areas needed. It was used to color ceramic vessels and fabrics; the Indians painted their bodies and the clay walls of their houses with it. The Iron Age never began in this region of artists.

“In the Old World, metals were used to make various tools or weapons,” notes Vaughan. “In America, they were only a matter of prestige, an adornment for the nobility.”

Who punished the pyramid?

In the fall of 2008, thanks to photographs taken from space, Italian researchers discovered a pyramid buried many centuries ago in the Nazca desert. The area of ​​its base was almost 10 thousand square meters. The pyramid was built one and a half kilometers from Cahuachi by people belonging to the Nazca culture. Presumably it consisted of four terraces located one above the other. “In satellite photographs, the structure of the terrain is particularly visible, since the sun-dried clay bricks are very different in their density from neighboring areas of soil,” explains research leader Nicola Masini.

The inhabitants of Cahuachi buried these pyramids, like many other buildings, under a layer of sand after two disasters struck the area one after another: a flood and then a strong earthquake. Obviously, archaeologists believe, after these disasters the local priests lost faith in magical power pyramids and... buried her. The same was done with the rest of the buildings. However, this guess is quite speculative. Nobody knows what really happened then.

Considering huge drawings on the surface of the Earth, photographed from the air, begs the question, could humans have done this? The most mysterious place on the planet is considered the Nazca Plateau, which surprised scientists 100 years ago with its mysterious drawings. Until now, scientists have put forward various theories about the appearance of these drawings, but none of them gave an exact answer about the origin of these masterpieces.

Let's follow the scientists' research a little and try to find some explanation for these drawings.

The Nazca plateau or pampa, as it is called, is located 450 km from the capital of Peru - Lima. Its length is 60 km and 500 sq. meters is covered with various mysterious lines that make up mysterious drawings. The drawings present in this area are images of geometric shapes, animals, insects and people of amazing appearance. The drawings can only be seen from the air, as they are huge images.

When examining the area, it was found that the drawings were dug into sandy soil to a depth of 10-30 cm, and the width of some lines could be up to 100 meters (!). The lines of the drawings can be several kilometers long, while literally not changing from the influence of the shape of the terrain. The lines rise and fall from the hills, but their continuity and perfect evenness are not broken. The question immediately arises: who is the creator of such a picture in the desert - peoples unknown to us or aliens from distant space? But scientists have not yet been able to find an answer to this question.

To date, scientists have been able to accurately determine the age of this “painting.” Scientists carefully examined the remains of plant and organic origin found in the places of the drawings and found that the drawings were created in a period of time starting from 350 BC. to 600 BC

But this fact is not an accurate proof of the date of appearance of the drawings, since these objects could have come here after the creation of the drawings. There is also another scientific theory that says that the drawings are the work of the Nazca Indians, who could have inhabited this region of Peru (even before the arrival of the Incas). After the disappearance of this people, not a single historical mention of them remained on Earth, except for burials. And therefore, scientists cannot say for sure about the involvement of this people in the drawings.

Let's look at historical sources that mention Nazca drawings. They were first mentioned by Spanish researchers in their manuscripts, which date back to the 15th – 17th centuries. In our time, these information sources have attracted the attention of modern scientists, but the most interesting discoveries became available during the creation of the first aircraft, since the lines of the drawings form a single whole and reveal their secret only from a bird's eye view.

The first scientist to discover the Nazca paintings themselves was the Peruvian archaeologist Mejia Xesspe, who saw part of them from an elephant in one of the mountains in 1927. They began to really explore Nazca in the 40s, when the first photographs of drawings taken from an airplane appeared. These studies were led by the American historian Paul Kosok. But in fact, in anticipation of the first photographs of the Nazca drawings, they were discovered by pilots who were searching for water sources in the desert. We were looking for water, but we found the most mysterious mystery of our planet.

Kosok at one time put forward one of the many theories that suggested that the drawings were nothing more than a huge astronomical calendar. For clarity, he cited similar drawings from the starry sky. It turned out that some lines show the direction of the constellations and indicate the point of sunrise and sunset. Kosok's theory was developed in the work of mathematician and astronomer Maria Reiche, who devoted more than 40 years to systematizing and studying the Nazca paintings. She managed to find out that the drawings in the Nazca desert were made by hand.

The first figures drawn were birds and animals, and then various lines were drawn on top of these drawings. The scientist also managed to find sketches, which were later realized in full size. Ancient “artists” used coordinate poles to more accurately navigate the terrain and draw up accurate drawings. These landmarks were located at some points of the figures. If the figures can only be observed from a high altitude, then the conclusion suggests itself that the people who put them on the surface of the earth could fly. Thus a new theory emerged that the creators of the Nazca paintings were an extraterrestrial civilization or created an airfield for aircraft.

It subsequently turned out that Nazca is not the only place that has such images. 10 km from the plateau (near the city of Palpa) there are similar drawings and lines, and at a distance of 1400 km near Mount Solitari there is a huge statue of a man surrounded by lines and drawings similar to the Nazca drawings. On the territory of the Western Cordillera in the immediate vicinity of Nazca there are two painted labyrinths of a spiral shape, with in different directions turns. What’s most amazing is that a cosmic ray hits this area 1-5 times a year and illuminates this area for 20 minutes. There is even a claim by local residents that if you get caught in this beam, you can be cured of various diseases. Similar drawings were found in various countries of the world - Ohio (USA), England, Africa, Altai and the Southern Urals. They are all different, but one thing they have in common is that they are not intended for earthly viewing.

While conducting excavations in the Nazca territory, scientists found new mysteries for themselves. Drawings were found on the shards, which showed evidence that the inhabitants of this area knew about penguins. Scientists could not find another explanation for the found drawing of a penguin on one of the shards. Archaeologists also managed to find many underground passages and tunnels. Part of these structures is an irrigation system, and the other part belongs to the underground city. There are tombs and ruins of underground temples here.

One of the theories is the hypothesis of the origin of the Nazca paintings associated with the activities of alien civilizations. This hypothesis was first put forward by the Swiss writer Erich von Däniken. He claimed that aliens visited our planet in the Nazca region, but he is not sure that the drawings were their work. According to his theory, the drawings are intended to summon aliens who have left our planet. The triangles informed the alien pilots about the presence of crosswinds, and the rectangles informed the landing site.

Straight lines in the form of recesses could be filled with a flammable substance and serve as an indicator of the direction of the landing strips. This theory is fantastic and is not taken seriously in the scientific world, but even the writer managed to sow doubts in scientific theories origin of the Nazca paintings. This is where the theory of energy flows arose, which testifies to the connection between humanity and alien intelligence. One example is a huge image of the “Paracas candelabra,” a design on a mountainside on the Peruvian Paracas Peninsula.

Scientists believe that the candelabra is an information source about our planet. The left side of the picture contains information about the earth's fauna, and the right side about the flora. The general image is made in the form human face. Where the top of the drawing is located, the ancient inhabitants of Nazca installed a pointer, which is a scale of civilization development. According to the same theory, there is an opinion that our civilization was created by aliens from the constellation Leo. Perhaps the composition of straight lines was created by aliens to mark the runway for their ships.

There is other evidence for this theory. Scientists from England were able to study the components of the muscle mass of Inca mummies. And the results were simply amazing. The blood of the Incas had no analogues with the blood groups of the inhabitants of the Earth of that historical period. This blood type is a very rare combination...

But of course, the truth is born in a dispute. And that’s why those who reject all alien theories found it. In the early 80s, a group of students, taking wooden shovels with them, created an “elephant” that resembles the Nazca drawings. But their conviction did not have much influence, and in our time there are many supporters of alien participation in the creation of huge drawings.

Options for theories of the appearance of large drawings on Earth:
Animal drawings were created as a memory of the global flood.
Nazca drawings are one of the ancient zodiac calendars.
The drawn figures are created for ritual ceremonies of the water culture, and the lines represent the direction of the aqueducts.
The trajectory of the drawings was used for sprint races (though this is hard to believe).
Nazca lines and drawings are an encrypted message, a kind of code. It contains Pi, radian degrees (360°), decimal number system, etc.
The drawings were drawn by shamans under the influence of strong hallucinogens (admittedly, the theory is funny).

No matter how many different theories about the origin and purpose of the Nazca drawings are put forward, the mystery remains unrevealed. In addition, this mysterious plateau presents humanity with new mysteries. New researchers are constantly being sent to this area of ​​Peru. This area is accessible to both scientists and tourists, but will a person be able to open the curtain of mystery that hides the true purpose of the drawings from us?

In the southern part of Peru is the Nazca plateau, famous for its pattern system.

There are a large number of images painted on the plateau, the most famous of which are a lizard, a monkey, flowers, a spider and various geometric lines.

The uniqueness of these images is that they are colossal in size.

The average size of one figure is about 50 meters.

One of the largest objects, a lizard, reaches 188 meters in length.

With full confidence they can be called one of the wonders of the world.

Drawings drawn on the ground and reaching a size of more than four meters are called geoglyphs.

Machu Picchu, lost city Incas, and geoglyphs attract hundreds of tourists to Peru every year.

In total, almost 800 geometric figures and about 30 full-fledged drawings were discovered on the Nazca plateau.


Presumably, the time of appearance of the drawings is associated with the appearance of the Incas in the area.

Due to their large size, the drawings are not visible directly from the ground.

The first to see them was the American archaeologist Paul Kosok, when he was circling over the plateau in an airplane.

He discovered that certain lines indicated certain phases of the moon or constellation.


There is still no consensus on the purpose of these drawings.

Some scientists claim that the drawings represent the largest star atlas located in the open air.

The drawings look like lighter lines against a background of dark gravel. To create them, it was necessary to remove the top layers of rocky soil.

Almost all the drawings symbolize some kind of animal, but the meaning of the geometric shapes has not yet been solved.

There is no reasoned answer to the question of who created these giant images and for what purpose.

In the 70s of the twentieth century, ancient clay products were discovered in the Nazca desert, decorated with patterns from the plateau itself.

In addition, scientists discovered wooden piles driven in the places where the lines end. The dishes and piles date back to the 6th century AD.

Historian Alan Sauer found that Most of the drawings are created using a continuous, non-intersecting line.

Another assumption is that some of the lines follow the path along which underground rivers flow from the Andes to the Pacific coast.

There are several hypotheses regarding the nature of these drawings. So, the boldest assumption assigns the authorship of geoglyphs to extraterrestrial civilizations.

This is confirmed by the fact that to create such precise and large-scale figures, technologies are required that are absolutely inaccessible to American Indians.

Another fact that suggests the extraterrestrial origin of the images is the presence of a drawing similar to a modern astronaut.

So one theory claims that the Nazca Plateau is an ancient spaceport for guests from other galaxies.

There is also an assumption that the drawings and lines had cult significance. This is doubtful, since in order to have a minimal impact on the feelings of believers, these drawings must be visible.

In confirmation of the cult purpose of geoglyphs, American Jim Woodman suggested that the Indians actively used balloons and used them to regulate the creation of images.

How to get there

If you look at the world map, the Nazca Plateau is located 380 kilometers southeast of the capital of Peru, the city of Lima.
Coordinates where the drawings are located on the Nazca Plateau:
14° 45′ south latitude and 75° 05′ west longitude.
On the way to the mysterious desert you will be able to enjoy views of the picturesque coast of the Pacific Ocean.

The easiest way to get to Nazca is with a transfer in the town of Ica. The journey usually takes a little over seven hours.

Due to the large influx of tourists, it is better to purchase tickets in advance - at least twenty-four hours in advance.

Very often the terminals from which you can go to Nazca are located on long distance from the city center.

Depending on the transport company the cost of one ticket varies from 24 to 51 dollars.

It is most convenient to travel at night or late in the evening, when the heat subsides a little.

Tourists planning to visit the mysterious desert must wear comfortable closed shoes and light clothing.

The drawings are best viewed on sunny days. So, the most optimal the season for excursions to Peru begins in December and ends in March.

The air temperature at this time of year rarely drops below +27°C. An indispensable thing on the excursion is sunscreen and a thick hat.

Local agencies offer sightseeing tours on passenger planes. This is the best opportunity to view the entire plateau in detail.

On sunny days, most of the drawings are visible, especially since the guides choose routes associated with the most popular areas of the plateau.

It is also better to book such excursions in advance due to the large number of visitors.


A half-hour excursion departing from the city of Nazca will cost travelers approximately $150.

If you have $350 at your disposal, you can book a tour directly from Lima.

This amount includes travel to the Nazca airfield, watching a documentary, the flight itself and lunch at a local restaurant.

This option is the most profitable, as it saves valuable time for the traveler.

The most budget option is to visit the observation deck located on the El Mirador highway. The ticket costs a little less than a dollar.

But due to the large size and distance between the drawings, only two of them are visible to the traveler.

You should hurry up when visiting the Nazca Plateau: despite the fact that the authorities are fighting to preserve these mysterious patterns, some of them are crossed by the wheels of trucks and cars.

For example, during the construction of the Pan-American Highway, workers simply cut a 188-meter drawing of a reptile in two.

Part of the image is irretrievably lost. Having visited Nazca, you can fully feel the presence of a great mystery, the solution of which is still beyond the control of man. With its scale,

The quality of the geoglyphs is comparable to the Egyptian pyramids. In addition to drawings, Nazca attracts with other attractions. So, very nearby are the ruins of the largest ancient city

Kuachi, Chauchilla necropolis and Cantayoc aqueducts.

Video flight over the Nazca plateau

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Do you know what Nazca is? This is an ancient Indian civilization. It got its name from the river, in the valley of which you can still admire numerous cultural monuments. The heyday of this civilization was observed in the first millennium BC. Later, the name Nazca was given to a small Indian village in southern Peru, located behind the mountain ranges. In order to get to it from the capital of the state, Lima, it was necessary to travel many kilometers through a dusty, rocky and sandy wasteland.

Today, the city of Nazca is connected by a four-lane highway. Moreover, that part of it that passes through bare hills and desert is paved with wild stones. A small and quiet village in the past, today it is a small but very neat town. It has its own museum and a small park, various shops and even two banks. There are hotels of various classes in the town that accept tourists who go to this area in order to get acquainted with the world-famous Pampa de Nazca.


What attracts tourists from all over the world to a small town in southern Peru? Travelers come here to look at the amazing and mysterious Nazca Plateau. This is a plain located on some hill. It, like all plateaus, is characterized by a flat and sometimes wavy topography. In places it is slightly dissected. Distinct ledges separate the plateau from other plains.

Where is Nazca? This plateau is located in the south of Peru. It is separated from the capital of the country, Lima, by 450 km, which must be overcome in a south-easterly direction. on the map it is located almost in the coastal zone of the Pacific Ocean. From the plateau to its endless waters - no more than eighty kilometers.

Nazca coordinates will help you find this area on the map faster. They are 14° 41′ 18″ south latitude and 75° 7′ 22″ west longitude.

The Nazca Plateau has an elongated shape from north to south. Its length is 50 km. But the width of the area from the western to the eastern borders ranges from five to seven kilometers.

Natural conditions

Nazca's coordinates are such that the area is located in a dry climate zone. Due to this, it is sparsely populated. Winter here lasts from June to September. This is surprising for us, but in the Southern Hemisphere it does not coincide with that which is typical for the zone located north of the equator.

As for the air temperature, it is almost stable in this area. IN winter months its value does not fall below sixteen degrees. In summer, the thermometer almost always stays at +25.

The Nazca Plateau, as mentioned above, is located in close proximity to the waters of the Pacific Ocean. However, despite this, rain is very rare here. There are no winds on the plateau, since it is protected from air masses by mountain ranges. There are also no rivers or streams in this desert. You can only see their dry riverbeds here.

Nazca Lines

However, it is not its location that attracts many tourists to this region. The Nazca Plateau attracts with mysterious patterns and lines located directly on the earth's surface. Scientists call them geoglyphs. This concept means a geometric figure made in the earth's soil, the length of which is at least four meters.

Nazca geoglyphs are grooves made of a mixture of sand and pebbles dug into the soil. They are not deep (15-30 cm), but long (up to 10 km), having different widths (from 150 to 200 m). Geoglyphs, or, as they are also called, Nazca lines, are made in a very bizarre form. Here you can see the outlines of birds, spiders and animals, as well as geometric figures. There are about 13 thousand such lines on the plateau.

What is this? Secrets of history? Mysteries of the past? There is no clear answer to these questions. Some scientists believe that the Nazca drawings were applied to the earth's surface by skillful human hands. However, it is still not possible to confirm such an assumption. There is another, rather stable opinion, according to which the stripes and lines were applied not by people, but by representatives of alien intelligence. This is the greatest secret of the Nazca Desert, over which dozens of scientists are struggling. However, despite this, the mystery of the Peruvian plateau remains unsolved for the modern world.

History of discovery

The Nazca Desert (Peru) is famous for the huge paintings located on the plateau. These drawings, created by unknown creators, belong to the greatest achievements of world culture and are an undoubted monument of art throughout our planet.

The giant ground-based paintings were first noticed by pilots in 1927. But the Nazca geoglyphs became known to the scientific community only twenty years later. It was then that the American historian Paul Kosok published a series of photographs of amazing and mysterious drawings that were made from the air.

Creation technology

Nazca paintings are created by removing debris, brown stones and volcanic pebbles covered with a thin coating of black from a light subsoil consisting of a mixture of calcite, clay and sand. That is why the contours of giant figures are clearly visible from a helicopter or airplane.

From the air, all the lines against the background of the soil look lighter, although from the ground or from low mountains such patterns merge with the ground and cannot be distinguished.

Lines and geometric shapes

All the images that can be observed in the Nazca Desert have a different shape. Some of them are stripes or lines, the width of which ranges from fifteen centimeters to ten meters or more. Such soil depressions are quite long. They can stretch from one to three or even more kilometers. The stripes can also smoothly expand along their length.

Some Nazca lines are elongated or truncated triangles. This is the most common view on the plateau. Moreover, their sizes are very diverse and range from one to three kilometers. Such triangles are often called trapezoids. Some Nazca drawings represent large venues having a rectangular or irregular shape.
On the plateau you can also see quadrangles familiar to us from geometry, such as trapezoids (with two parallel sides). There are about seven hundred such creations with clear forms in the desert.

Many lines and platforms have some depth of the arcuate profile up to thirty centimeters or more. Moreover, all these grooves have clear boundaries that resemble a border.

Features of the Nazca Lines

The geoglyphs of the Peruvian desert are widely known because of their straightforwardness. The imagination of travelers is literally amazed by the lines stretching for many kilometers along the plateau, easily overcoming all the features of the relief. In addition, the Nazca figures have peculiar centers, usually located on hills. At these points, different types of lines converge and diverge. Often, depressions in the ground are connected to each other, combining in various combinations. It happens that figures and lines overlap each other.

The location of the trapezoids also turns out to be interesting. Their bases, as a rule, are turned towards the river valleys and are located below the narrow part.

It is also surprising that:

  • the edges of all lines have the highest accuracy, the spread of which is within only five centimeters over a length of several kilometers;
  • the visibility of the contours is maintained even when the figures are superimposed on each other;
  • available strict restriction figures in width with significant lengths of stripes;
  • the visibility of the stripes is maintained even when the soil characteristics change;
  • there is a similarity in the configuration and arrangement of ray-shaped figures with optical schemes;
  • the geometry of the figures is preserved even with complex terrain;
  • there are lines of an astronomical nature, indicating the cardinal directions or the days of the equinoxes.

Various drawings

A unique decoration of large-scale areas of the Nazca plateau are zigzags and whip-shaped figures. Among the 13,000 lines, 800 sites and hundreds of different spirals in the amazing and mysterious Peruvian desert, you can see meaningful drawings. These are three dozen figures of animals and birds, including:

  • a lizard 200 meters long, crossed by a ribbon of an American highway, whose builders did not notice the drawing;
  • a bird with a snake neck stretching 300 m;
  • hundred-meter condor;
  • eighty meter spider.

In addition to these images, you can see fish and birds, a monkey and a flower, something similar to a tree, as well as a thirty-meter figure of a man, made not at all on a plateau, but as if carved out on one of the steep slopes of the mountain.

From the ground, all these drawings are nothing more than individual strokes and stripes. You can admire the giant images only by rising into the air. These greatest secrets history, the mysteries of the past have not yet been clarified by scientists. How ancient civilization, which does not have aircraft, was able to create such complex drawings, and what are their purposes?

Features of Nazca drawings

Outline images of birds and animals have different sizes, ranging from 45 to 300 m. Width contour line drawings - from 15 cm to 3 m. All semantic images that can be seen on the Nazca plateau are concentrated along its edge, located above the valley of the Ingenio river.

Among the features of these drawings are:

  • execution of one continuous line that does not intersect or close anywhere;
  • the beginning and end of the soil excavation are located on the site;
  • the “output” and “input” of the contours are two parallel lines;
  • there is an ideal pairing of curved patterns and straight lines, which, as scientists have established, are made according to the strict laws of mathematics, which explains their harmony and beauty;
  • mechanical execution (except for the image of a monkey), which deprives the figures of animals of any emotional coloring;
  • the presence of asymmetry, which is explained by the imperfection of the work to enlarge the sketches;
  • the presence of secant lines parallel to one of the contour segments, which is explained by the complex execution of the internal space of the figure.

Assumptions and versions

Who is the author of the amazing creations located in the Nazca desert? For now, scientists can only build their own versions and put forward various hypotheses. Thus, there are many supporters of the assumption of the extraterrestrial origin of geoglyphs. They suggest that the wide lines served as runways for extraterrestrial civilization. However, this hypothesis has many opponents who put forward their own very powerful argument - the nature of the drawings. Yes, they are impressive and far from earthly in size, but their plot suggests that they were made by people, and not by aliens.

However, even in this case, many unresolved mysteries remain. How were masters unknown to us able to create such gigantic images that are only visible from the air? Why did they do this? What techniques were used to maintain the proportions of the giant models?

Hypotheses about the origin of paintings on the Nazca plateau are varied, and some of them are simply fantastic. However, among the existing versions there are some that are worthy of special attention.

So, according to some scientists, the entire system of Nazca lines is a huge calendar. Paul Kosok was one of the first to put forward this assumption. This American scientist was the first to discover a mysterious accumulation of various shapes and lines. His whole life after that was devoted to solving the mystery of the Peruvian desert. One day, Kosok noticed that the setting sun had set directly at the intersection of the horizon with one of the straight lines. He also discovered a stripe indicating a winter confrontation. There is also Kosok’s assumption that certain drawings correspond to certain cosmic bodies. This hypothesis has existed for a long time. Moreover, it was supported by many famous scientists from all over the world. However, it was later proven that the percentage of coincidence of Nazca drawings with certain planets is extremely small to consider this system a calendar.

There is another very plausible version. According to it, the Nazca lines indicate the location of an extensive system of underground water channels. This hypothesis can be confirmed by the fact that the location of ancient wells coincides with strips dug in the ground. But it is possible that this is just a coincidence.

Or maybe the purpose of the Nazca lines is of a cult nature? Excavations by archaeologists have discovered ancient human burials and altars in the places where the drawings were made. However, all ritual objects were always erected in such a way that they could evoke certain emotions and influence a person. Drawings, viewed only from above, do not evoke any feelings in those on the ground.

Be that as it may, whoever created these amazing figures had the ability to somehow move through the air and was remarkably oriented in space. Maybe ancient people knew how to build hot air balloons and fly on them?

All existing hypotheses have not yet brought humanity closer to solving the mystery of the Nazca Desert. Maybe scientists will soon answer the question about the origin of these amazing lines? Or maybe this mystery will remain unsolved...

The drawings of the Nazca desert are simply amazing! Their lines stretch from horizon to horizon, occasionally converging or intersecting; One involuntarily gets the impression that this is a runway for ancient aircraft. Here you can clearly distinguish flying birds, spiders, monkeys, fish, lizards...

Nazca is a desert in Peru, surrounded by low spurs of the Andes and bare and lifeless hills of dense dark sand. This desert stretches between the valleys of the Nazca and Ingenio rivers, 450 kilometers south of the Peruvian city of Lima.

“Many centuries before the Incas, on the southern coast of Peru, a historical monument was created, unparalleled in the world and intended for descendants. In size and precision of execution, it is not inferior Egyptian pyramids. But if there we look, raising our heads, at monumental three-dimensional structures of simple geometric shapes, then here, on the contrary, we have to look from a great height at wide open spaces covered with mysterious hieroglyphs, as if drawn on the plain by a giant hand. " With these words, the book of the desert explorer begins Nazca by Maria Reiche. “The Mystery of the Desert.” Mathematician and astronomer Maria Reiche specially moved from Germany to Peru to study the mysterious drawings. She is perhaps the main researcher and guardian of the desert plateau, where, thanks to her efforts, the protected area was created and created. plans of all lines, sites and drawings.

The gigantic drawings scattered between abstract figures and spirals, the size of which reaches tens and sometimes hundreds of meters, are extremely impressive. Of all the animals, the largest number are birds. Fantastic and quite reliably drawn, a total of 18 birds are depicted in the desert. But there are also completely mysterious animals, such as a dog-like creature with thin legs and a long tail. There are also images of people, although they are drawn less expressively. Among the images of people there is a bird-man with the head of an owl; the size of this picture is more than 30 meters. And the size of the so-called “big lizard” is 110 meters!

The desert area is approximately 500 square kilometers. The surface of the soil here is surprising in that it is covered with a kind of engraving that resembles a tattoo. This “tattoo” on the surface of the desert is not deep, but huge in size, lines and figures. There are 13,000 lines, more than 100 spirals, over 700 geometric areas (trapezoids and triangles) and 788 figures depicting animals and birds. This "engraving" of the earth stretches approximately 100 kilometers deep in a winding ribbon, the width of which is from 8 to 15 kilometers. These drawings were discovered thanks to photographs taken from an airplane. From a bird's eye view, it can be seen that the figures were created by removing brown stones from the light sandy subsoil, covered with a thin black layer of the so-called “desert tan”, which is formed by manganese and iron oxides.

The figures and lines are perfectly preserved due to the arid climate of the area. A wooden marker stake driven into the ground, found in the desert, was carefully studied and radiocarbon dated, which showed that the tree was cut down in 526 AD. Official science believes: all these figures were created by one of the Indian cultures of the pre-Incan period, which existed in the south of Peru and which flourished in 300-900 years. AD The technique for executing the lines of these huge “drawings” is very simple. As soon as you remove the top layer of dark crushed stone, which has darkened over time, from the lighter lower layer, a contrasting strip appears. The ancient Indians first made a sketch of the future drawing measuring 2 by 2 meters on the ground. Such sketches have been preserved close to some of the figures. In the sketch, each straight line was divided into its constituent segments. Then, on an enlarged scale, the sections were transferred to the surface using stakes and a wooden rope. With curved lines it was much more difficult, but the ancients coped with this too, breaking each curve into many short arcs. It must be said that each drawing is outlined by only one continuous line. And perhaps the greatest mystery of the Nazca drawings is that their creators never saw and could not see them in their entirety.

The question is completely logical: for whom did the ancient Indians do such titanic work? Paul Kosok, a researcher of these drawings, estimates that it took more than 100,000 years of working days to create the complex of Nazca figures by hand. Even if this working day lasted 12 hours. Paul Kosok suggested that these lines and drawings are nothing more than a giant calendar that accurately shows the changing seasons. Maria Reiche tested Kosok's assumption and collected irrefutable evidence that the drawings are associated with the summer and winter solstices. The beak of a fantastic bird, with a neck 100 meters long, is located at the point of sunrise during the winter solstice.

Some scientists put forward the version that the drawings had exclusively cult significance, but such a version is quite doubtful, because a religious building must certainly influence people, and huge drawings on the ground are not perceived at all. Hungarian cartographer Zoltan Selke believes that the Nazca sites are just a 1:16 scale map of the Lake Titicaca area. After exploring the desert for several years, he found a lot of evidence that fully confirmed his hypothesis. In that case, who was this super-giant map intended for? The mystery of the Nazca paintings remains unsolved.


The first strange lines on Nazca were discovered in 1927 by the Peruvian archaeologist Mejia Xesspe, when he accidentally glanced from a steep mountainside onto a plateau. By 1940, he had discovered several more incredible ancient signs and published his first sensational article. On June 22, 1941 (the day the Great Patriotic War began!!!), the American historian Paul Kosok took a light plane into the air and discovered a giant stylized bird, the wingspan of which exceeded 200 meters, and next to it something resembling a landing strip. Then he discovered a giant spider, a monkey with a strangely curled tail, a whale, and finally, on a gentle mountain slope, a 30-meter tall figure of a man with his hand raised in greeting. Thus, perhaps the most mysterious “picture book in the history of mankind” was discovered.
Over the next sixty years, Nazca was studied quite well. The number of discovered drawings has long exceeded several hundred, and the vast majority of them are made up of various geometric shapes. Some lines reach a length of up to 23 kilometers.
And today the solution to the mystery is no closer. What versions and hypotheses have not been put forward during this time! They tried to present the drawings as some kind of giant ancient calendar, but no mathematical justification was ever presented to the scientific world.
One of the hypotheses identified the drawings as certain designations of zones of influence of Indian clans. But the plateau was never inhabited, and who could deal with these “ger-
bami clans”, when they are only visible from a bird’s eye view?
There is a version that the images of Nazca are nothing more than an alien airfield. There are no words, a number of stripes are indeed incredibly reminiscent of modern takeoff and landing strips, but where is any evidence of alien intervention? Others claim that Nazca are signals from alien intelligence.
Recently, voices have begun to be heard that Nazca is generally the brainchild of someone’s falsification. But then a whole army of counterfeiters had to work hard for decades to produce the most gigantic counterfeit in the history of mankind. How could they keep the secret in this case and why, in the end, did they become so disfigured?
The most conservative part of scientists insists that all the variety of drawings and figures was dedicated to a certain god of water: “probably! represented a kind of sacrifice to the ancestors or gods of the sky and mountains, who sent people the water so necessary for irrigating the fields.” But why was it necessary to turn to the god of water in such a remote place, where there had never been any permanent residence, no agriculture, no cultivated fields? The rain that spilled on Nazca was of no particular benefit to the ancient Peruvians.
There is an opinion that ancient Indian athletes once ran along giant ancient lines, that is, some ancient South American Olympics were held on Nazca. Let's say that athletes could run in straight lines, but how could they run in spirals and in the pattern of, for example, monkeys?
There were publications that huge trapezoidal areas were created for the sake of certain mass ceremonies, during which sacrifices were made to the gods and mass celebrations took place. But then why did archaeologists searching all the surrounding areas not find a single confirmation of this artifact? In addition, some of the giant trapezoids are located on mountain peaks, which are not so easy for a professional climber to climb.
There is even a completely absurd version that all the gigantic work was carried out solely for the purpose of a kind of occupational therapy, in order to at least do something to occupy the idle ancient Peruvians... They claim that all the images of Nazca are nothing more than a giant loom of the ancient Peruvians, who they laid out their threads along the lines, since in the pre-Columbian era the Americans did not know wheels and did not have a spinning wheel... It was even argued that the Nazca drawings were a huge encrypted map of the world. Alas, no one has yet undertaken to decipher it.
The most cautious part of historians defines Nazca drawings and lines as certain “paths that had sacred significance along which ritual processions were carried out.” But then again, who could see these trails from the ground?
Until now, scientists have not come to an agreement on how the Nazca drawings were created, because the production of images of such a huge scale represents a huge technical difficulty even today. Only the technology for directly creating stripes has been more or less accurately established. It was quite simple: the surface layer of stones was removed from the ground, under which the ground had more light color. However, the creators of the drawings had to first create sketches of future giant images on a small scale and only then transfer them to the area. How they managed to maintain the accuracy and correctness of all the lines is a mystery! To do this, at a minimum, they had to have at hand the entire arsenal of modern geodetic equipment, not to mention the most advanced mathematical knowledge. By the way, today's experimenters were only able to repeat the creation of straight lines, but were powerless in the face of ideal circles and spirals... In addition
This means that images were created not only on flat areas of land. They were applied on very steep slopes and even almost sheer cliffs! But that's not all! In the Nazca region there are the Palpa Mountains, some of which are cut off like a table, as if some monster had gnawed their tops. These giant artificial sections also contain drawings, lines and geometric images.
There is also no unity regarding the time of construction. Nowadays it is customary to divide everything created on the plateau into seven conventional cultures, very spaced in time, from Nazca-1 to Nazca-7. Some archaeologists are inclined to attribute the creation of Nazca paintings to the period of time from 500 AD. to 1200 AD Others categorically object, since the Inca Indians inhabiting this region of Peru do not have even remote legends regarding Nazca, which gives grounds to attribute the time of creation of the images to almost 100,000 BC. They tried to determine the age of the stripes from the remains of fragments of clay shards found nearby. It was believed that ancient builders drank from clay jugs and then sometimes broke them. However, shards from all seven cultures were found everywhere on the same strip and, in the end, this dating attempt was considered unsuccessful.
The scientific study of Nazca today is also hampered by government restrictions. Due to the fact that after the discovery of the drawings, the plateau was subjected to a real invasion of “wild” tourists who drove all over the plateau in cars and motorcycles, spoiling the drawings, now it is strictly forbidden for anyone to appear directly on the Nazca Plateau. Nazca has been declared an archaeological park and taken under state protection, and the fine for unauthorized entry into the park is an astronomical amount - 1 million US dollars. Everyone, however, can admire the giant ancient images from the board of tourist planes that continuously circle over the mysterious plateau. But for real scientific research, you will agree, this is still not enough.
But the mysteries of Nazca do not end there. If on the surface of the plateau there are gigantic drawings that are still incomprehensible to human understanding, then in the depths of the caves there are even more incredible pukios - ancient underground water pipes in granite pipes. There are 29 giant puquios in the Nazca Valley. Today's Indians attribute their creation to the creator god Viracocha, but the canals are the work of human hands. Moreover, one of the canals was laid under the local river Rio de Nazca, so much so that its purest water was in no way mixed with dirty water rivers! From the description of an eyewitness: “Sometimes stone spirals lead deep into the earth, and watercourses have an artificial channel, lined with slabs and smoothly hewn blocks. Sometimes the entrance hole is a deep shaft that goes deep into the earth... Everywhere and everywhere these underground channels are artificial structures...” Pukios is also from the realm of eternal mysteries. Who, when and for what purpose created these gigantic water structures under a deserted plateau? Who used them?

An ancient clay figurine depicting surgery on a dinosaur.

In the capital of the province of Nazca, the town of Ica, lives the owner of the most incredible collection in the world, professor of medicine, Hanviera Cabrera. He has more than two and a half thousand figurines made of unfired clay, which the professor obtains from local Indians. The figurines depict the ancient inhabitants of Peru next to... dinosaurs and pterodactyls. At the same time, ancient Peruvians performed operations on dinosaurs, flew on pterodactyls and looked into space through a spyglass. The age of the figurines is estimated to be from 50,000 to 100,000 years, and maybe even more. As for the radiocarbon method, it gave very contradictory results. In addition to the figurines, Professor Cabrera's collection contains similar drawings on stones, including ones that depict aircraft in the starry sky. Moreover, Professor Cabrera’s collection is no exception. The famous Mexican collection of Acambaro also contains dinosaurs, including flying ones. The same is true in the Ecuadorian collection of Father Crecy. In addition, there is also the collection of Russell Burrows, who found sculptures with strikingly similar subjects in caves in Illinois. The same thing was found not long ago in Japan. Falsification in in this case impossible even theoretically! Well, and finally, the most scandalous discovery on the Paluxy River in the US state of Texas, where archaeologists discovered dinosaur bones and fossilized human traces in the same rock! This means that people already lived in the era of dinosaurs, or, conversely, dinosaurs lived in the era of people! But both of these completely change our ideas about the beginning of the human era, and therefore one can imagine how much irritation, misunderstanding and simply outright opposition these findings cause among the elite of the scientific world, who made a name for themselves on those hypotheses that are now completely crossed out by the findings of recent years!
And how can one not recall here the seemingly absurd assumptions of the Crimean academician A.V. Gokh, who says that the protein necessary to create a huge number of repeaters of the Crimean pyramids was obtained from huge dinosaur eggs. It should be admitted that the statements of the Crimean academician now look not so groundless.
Now, I think, it’s time to present to readers the hypothesis of the Emil Bagirov Institute regarding the giant geoglyphs in the Nazca desert. However, first two more facts.
First. Quite recently, through the works of the German researcher Erich von Däniken (known to us from the sensational journalistic film “Remembrance of the Future”), a giant... classic MANDALA was discovered in Nazca! Yes Yes! The same sacred mandapa with which today's Tibetans and Hindus designate the pictures they contemplate during meditation! The same mandala that was once the sacred sign of the Aryans and one of the main Vedic symbols. Coincidence? No way!
Second. Ancient texts of the Old World everywhere tell about certain flying machines, and machines of completely earthly origin.
For example, in the “Book of the Greatness of Kings” the flights of King Solomon are described in detail: “The king and all who obeyed his commands flew in a chariot, knowing neither illness, nor sorrow, nor hunger, nor thirst, nor fatigue, and at the same time everything in one day they traveled a journey of three months... He (Solomon) gave her all sorts of wonders and treasures that one could wish for and a chariot that moves through the air and which he created according to the wisdom given to him by God...
And the inhabitants of the Egyptian country told them: in ancient times the Ethiopians visited here; they rode on a chariot like an angel, and at the same time flew faster than an eagle in the sky.” No less indicative are quotes from the famous “Mahatbharata”: “l/i then the king (Rumanvat) with his servants and harem, with his wives and nobles entered the heavenly chariot. They flew over the entire expanse of the sky, following the direction of the wind. The heavenly chariot flew around the entire earth, (flying) over the oceans, and headed towards the city of Avantis, where the holiday was just taking place. After a short stop, the king rose into the air again in front of countless onlookers, who were amazed at the sight of the heavenly chariot.”
Or here’s another: “Arjuna, the terror of his enemies, wished that Indra would send his heavenly chariot after him. And then, in a blaze of light, a chariot suddenly appeared, illuminating the gloom of the air and illuminating the clouds around, and all the surroundings were filled with a roar similar to peals of thunder...”
So, all Indian sources claim that the ancient Aryan civilization had airships- vimanas. We find echoes of these unusual means of transportation in the legends of the peoples of the Aryan area, for example, the famous Russian fairy tales about a flying ship and so on. But for the vimanas to take off and land, they needed runways and landing strips. Are there traces of them in the Old World? As it turns out, there is! At the present time, at least three are already known: one in England, the second on the Ustyurt plateau near the Aral Sea and the third in Saudi Arabia. At the same time, similar giant geoglyphs were found everywhere, as in Nazca, although in smaller quantities. And this despite the fact that no targeted searches for ancient airports have ever been carried out anywhere.
So what can we assume? After the destruction of the Tower of Babel, that is, after the collapse of the single ancient Vedic faith into several concessions, the vigorous migration of Aryan tribes began, and with it the export of Vedic religion and knowledge. Of course, the main settlement of the Aryans was by land. It spread throughout Eurasia, where the Vedic influence is felt everywhere to this day. However, most likely, some of the Aryans also used mysterious vimanas, which, as we already know, had a long flight range and could fly across oceans. It was then, most likely, that the heroic throw across Africa and the Atlantic to South America followed. But why was the landing made on Nazca? It can be assumed that for some time this area attracted the Aryans because the Nazca region is rich in deposits of iron and copper ore, gold and silver. Let us also pay attention to the fact that it is in the Nazca region that very ancient abandoned mines for the extraction of all these metals were discovered.
Apparently, for some time the Aryans from the vimanas that arrived lived in these places. They brought the local residents into obedience, organized the mining of metals, introduced and spread among the ancient Peruvians the cult of the Great Goddess-First Mother, the Most Bright Sun-Horsa, the immortality of the soul and rebirth. It was then that runways and geometric signs were built, allowing vimanas to be aimed at them correctly, and underground conduits making it easier to provide water. It seems that the vimanas actively carried out the export of mined metals to Egypt or some other countries that were in the area of ​​​​the then Aryan influence. It is possible that the Aryans also used tamed local pterodactyls for short flights, which was depicted in the ancient clay figurines of Peru. Apparently there was such an experience. Suffice it to recall the same “Avesta” and “Rigveda”, numerous European-Aryan mythologies, where heroes very often use flying lizards as a completely suitable means of transportation. The same Russian heroes, for example, on occasion willingly used the legendary Serpent Gorynych for this purpose...
However, the time came and the Aryans who settled on Nazca, having completed their mission, forever left the place, which was not very suitable for permanent residence, leaving local residents Vedic cults, knowledge of crafts and the firm belief that the departed people-gods will one day definitely return. It was then, apparently, that the intensive creation of many drawings began, so that the people-gods flying in the skies past Nazca would see that they were still waiting for them here, as, indeed, in other places in America, where similar geoglyphs have now been found. At the same time, they drew what, in the opinion of the Indians, those who flew away liked most, what once surprised and amused them: unusual monkeys, hummingbirds, whales, iguanas.
Fortunately, the Aryans left the secrets of the technology for creating grandiose images to the local residents. That is why, among other drawings, the Indians placed a grandiose mandala - the sacred Vedic sign of the Aryans, quite logically assuming that seeing it, the people-gods would definitely return to this land, where they were so loved and so faithfully awaited. But, alas, none of the gods returned.

Centuries and millennia passed. The foundations of the Vedic faith, once laid here by Aryan priests, over time became intricately intertwined with local cults. However, the pyramids, the cult of the Sun, and many priestly rituals today are strikingly reminiscent of their Vedic foundations. All this time, the Indians patiently waited for the fair-haired, bearded people-gods carrying great faith and great knowledge. The time has come and bearded men clad in iron really came from the west, but instead of the long-awaited benefits they brought destruction and death. However, this is a completely different story...