Factors in the structure of the construction services market. Repair bacchanalia: how the market for finishing works works in Russia

Domestic is considered one of the most opaque. Many companies present there do not even have a license for such activities. Those that have the necessary resolution also often work according to various “shadow” schemes. It is very difficult to combat this negative phenomenon for the state, but this is the state of affairs.

The market for repair services today

Accurately estimate the market size repair services almost impossible, but let’s at least try to estimate its approximate scale. Let's start with the capital. , the total living area of ​​which is about two and a half million square meters without finishing and approximately 1.5 million m² with minimal finishing. In addition, every year at least 70 thousand apartments find new owners, which is another 4.2 million m².

Naturally, not everyone makes repairs in a new home; some prefer to do it on their own or resort to the help of friends. However, the vast majority of new residents still prefer to immediately change the situation and invite professionals. At the same time, let’s not forget about “planned” repairs, which any apartment requires at least once every ten years.

To get an approximate general picture of the repair services market in Russia, all of the above indicators need to be multiplied by four times. Here we proceed from the fact that the capital’s volumes are approximately a quarter of the national total. Regions that are attractive for construction organizations are the Moscow and Leningrad regions, as well as St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and other large cities.

Features of the repair market

To enter the repair and construction industry, certain requirements are required. First of all, these are the costs of solving organizational issues (obtaining a license, registration), tools and a car. If you don’t have enough for rent, you can do without an office. The main thing, of course, is to find qualified performers and, naturally, customers

The market for repair work traditionally becomes more active during the warm season, but in last years, with the advent of new modern materials pronounced seasonality is gradually fading away. Cosmetic repairs are the most popular, accounting for almost 90% of all orders. In the regions, people apply for major reconstruction in one case out of ten; in the capital, this figure can reach 25%.

It is also necessary to note such a feature of the repair work market as the almost complete absence of contractors. Yes, many companies are very popular due to their good reputation, but it is difficult to name even those that would be recognized by everyone in their city, and even more so on a nationwide scale. This fact is easily explained by the opacity of the industry, and specifically by the reluctance of organizations to attract unnecessary attention from the state.

Types of construction companies

There are three main types of companies providing repair and construction services. The cheapest option, even though it is illegal, is to invite private individuals or unregistered gangs of “covens.” IN major cities Such organizations usually involve Moldovans, Uzbeks and Ukrainians. Their labor costs much less, which allows management to set the lowest possible price.

Licensed mid-range companies usually employ between five and ten people. If necessary, they invite outside specialists under a contract. Often, such contracts are only oral, not officially supported. In general, the relations of such companies with the state are not particularly transparent either.

Large organizations specializing in elite and expensive objects are considered the most “law-abiding” in the Russian repair work market. These companies employ exclusively highly qualified professionals, and the project is usually supervised by an architect. This segment has the smallest number of players, but in monetary terms its share is the largest.


Despite the very likely economic downturn in the coming years, the renovation market shouldn't fall too far. main reason such optimism - the government, in any case, will need to continue to support the volume of housing construction, which means that the number of new buildings, if it decreases, will not be too catastrophic.

It is also important that the percentage of monolithic houses, repairs of which are much more expensive than panel houses, is growing every year. Apartments located in such buildings usually do not even have partitions or plumbing connections. In general, the field of activity remains vast. Another question is how customers will behave in a difficult economic situation.


Konkin Alexander Nikolaevich 1, Gorbunov Valery Nikolaevich 2
1 Penza State University architecture and construction, candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer at the department of “Economics, organization and production management”
2 Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Organization and Production Management

The article examines the current state of the construction and repair market, examines its main participants, the features of their interaction, and provides a description of the most likely paths of development. Search for new market segments and the formation of new mechanisms for interaction between its participants in conditions of limited information and financial resources is becoming the most relevant way to overcome the current financial crisis.


Konkin Alexander Nikolaevich 1, Gorbunov Valeriy Nikolaevich 2
1 Penza state University of architecture and construction, candidate of economics, senior teacher of the Department “Economics, organization and management of production”
2 Penza state University of architecture and construction, candidate of economics, associate professor of the Department “Economics, organization and management of production”

This article examines the current state of the construction and repair market. It describes the main participants, their interactions, the description of the most probable paths of development. The most relevant way to overcome the current financial crisis is the search for new market segments and the formation of new interaction mechanisms of its participants in an environment of limited information and financial resources.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Konkin A.N., Gorbunov V.N. Current state and prospects for the development of the market for construction and repair services // Modern Scientific research and innovation. 2015. No. 6. Part 3 [Electronic resource]..02.2019).

The market for construction and repair services has its own specific development, distinctive feature which is an extremely low degree of government influence and regulation, and, as a consequence, low organization and controllability of processes within the market.

In the context of the financial crisis, there has been a decrease in the share of large orders for construction, installation, repair and finishing work, both in the primary and secondary construction markets. The main problem participants in this market is to search for reliable and permanent counterparties. In this regard, the problem of finding new market segments and forming new mechanisms for interaction between its participants in conditions of limited information and financial resources becomes urgent.

To identify ways to develop the market for construction and repair services, first of all, it is necessary to determine its product boundaries, analyze the main types of services in this direction, identify market participants and its structure, describe its state and current development problems.

The market for construction and repair services, despite its routineness, has a number of features that complicate its study. This market in Russia is directly dependent on the housing construction market. Government incentives for the construction of new housing facilities and the specifics of selling new housing projects without any finishing create an almost endless demand for repair and finishing services. In many ways, it is the activation and development of the housing construction market that stimulates the expansion of the volume of repair and finishing work. At the same time, insufficient volumes of capital repairs of the housing stock today remain one of the most current problems repair market construction services in Russia. The volume of capital repairs of housing is on average 0.3% of the housing stock per year, while the average annual standard in this sector is (minimum 4%).

At the current rate of reconstruction and repair of the housing stock, its wear and tear in the coming years on average in Russia will exceed 60%. The total area of ​​dilapidated and emergency housing stock in the Russian Federation reaches 88 million square meters.

The market for repair and construction services in Russia is attractive to investors, in particular due to the low price threshold for entering the market, the absence of difficulties from a legal point of view, and the absence of clear leaders in the market today. Competition exists, but this market is still very free. Today there are many large and small companies that provide construction and finishing work to enterprises and individuals. Almost anyone with the appropriate knowledge and experience can provide repair and finishing services. At the same time, barriers to entry into the market are quite low or practically absent.

This business pays off in relatively short time, requires an average level of investment, but must be carefully organized, and that is why a business plan for such an enterprise must be required, as detailed guide, with all the calculations, deadlines, risks.

The number of service providers in this market cannot be accurately counted, since the majority of service providers are not legally formalized, that is, most repair companies are not registered anywhere. Unofficial and semi-official brigades continue to account for a huge share of this market.

It should be noted that, despite the attractiveness of the Russian market for repair and construction services for investment, in the regions the process of “civilizing” the market is developing very slowly; at present, firms interested primarily in “quick money” predominate here.

Thus, we can conclude that civilized relations between consumers and performers in the field of construction and repair work are still only in the formative stage.

The huge surge in the number of market participants was influenced by optimistic forecasts for the development of the repair and construction services market in the period 2008-2013 due to the positive dynamics of all key parameters. At this time, the demand for repair, construction and finishing work of various types increased significantly, despite the post-crisis stagnation. This trend was due to a number of reasons:

The level of well-being and monetary income of the population achieved in recent years;

Increased demand for housing;

Development of small and medium-sized businesses, ensuring the growth of office space.

In addition, clients’ idea of ​​repair is changing: often repair and construction work that was previously carried out independently is now required to be entrusted to specialists, so that they, in turn, will professionally carry out this work, while saving the customer’s time.

However, at present (2014-2015), due to the changed nature of the crisis, which affects not only the financial and banking, but also the oil and gas sectors due to the imposition of economic sanctions, the market conditions for construction and repair work have changed. Primarily due to a lack of financial assets, many businesses are postponing commercial real estate renovations indefinitely. Enterprises that did not have time to complete this work in the pre-crisis period or at its beginning are forced to suspend construction and repair work on their facilities (if production allows this), or their completion is delayed as funds become available.

The situation in the apartment renovation market on the primary and secondary markets is similar to the situation with the renovation of commercial real estate. The planned renovation of the apartment is postponed indefinitely. Major repairs are replaced by cosmetic ones. Offers to rent out apartments in new buildings (and not only) subject to renovation are becoming more and more popular in the rental housing market. That is, housing that is not suitable for living is rented out, and the tenant makes repairs at his own expense, and the costs incurred as a result of the repairs are included in the cost of rent.

The main service providers are medium and small companies, individual entrepreneurs, teams, various kinds of freelancers and guest workers (i.e. people who have not officially declared themselves to the tax authorities and do not officially work anywhere). The majority of consumers of services are owners of residential premises in apartment buildings, owners of commercial real estate, as well as persons purchasing or building suburban residential real estate.

With the advent of new technologies and tools, excellent materials and equipment, the budget for private construction has increased many times over, design solutions have become more complex, an urgent need has arisen to globally describe and calculate the upcoming process down to the smallest detail and to exercise strict control over construction and repair and finishing work. There is a danger that even with competent design, the project may be ruined by the contractor. In order to avoid a situation of complete collapse, it is necessary to insure yourself as much as possible by turning to technical supervision in construction, that is, a basic check construction work. To do this, it is necessary to recommend to the customer enterprises for carrying out this type of work, so that they can hand over the object as soon as possible and receive payment, subject to the quality of the work being carried out, compliance with building codes, rules for carrying out work, inspection and acceptance of hidden work.

All of the above-mentioned features of the development of the market for construction and repair services make it possible to identify the most characteristic problems of market participants, both for consumers and for performers of construction and repair work.

For consumers who order services for construction and repair work, most of whom are apartment owners, sooner or later a number of problems arise: the task of making repairs on their own or hiring specialists, as well as the task of choosing a supplier of these services.

The level of well-being of the population is growing, so more and more often the consumer decides to involve a specialized organization in solving this problem. Carrying out repairs on your own is not always profitable: income from the main work can bring more profit than saving on the services of a third-party repair organization using your own resources. The lack of basic experience in such work can lead to disastrous results when the result is radically different from expectations, and not for the better.

Enlarged main problems for service consumers(if a decision is made to engage a specialized company to carry out repairs) can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Large number of service providers
  2. Disorganization and “uncivilization” of the market.
  3. Difficulty choosing a supplier
  4. The consumer applies for the service once.
  5. No guarantees for the quality of work
  6. Lack of trust in service providers

Naturally, the problems of service providers themselves are fundamentally different from the problems of consumers, although they have the same nature of origin. Enlarged service provider problems can be represented as follows:

  1. Absence regular customers
  2. Problems finding clients
  3. High risk of job liability
  4. Lack of a regulatory and supervisory authority
  5. Uneven orders
  6. Uneven orders
  7. Seasonality of work
  8. Staffing and competence
  9. Dependence on counterparties

To ensure reliable sources of income and long-term clients, many construction and renovation companies are trying to occupy narrow market segments, such as subcontracting work, luxury renovation of apartments and country houses.

The existing problems in the development of the construction and repair work market made it possible to predict its further development, as well as identify promising trends and outline ways to solve problems. The main trends in the consumer segment of the repair services market can be identified as follows:

‒ With rising incomes, people are increasingly turning to third parties for repair services rather than doing it themselves.

When carrying out repair work, consumers use more high-quality finishing materials, which leads to an increase in the cost of repairs.

‒ More and more attention is being paid to the quality of services. This leads to the abandonment of guest workers in favor of companies that have a good reputation in the market and provide guarantees for the repair work carried out.

At the same time, service providers in the construction and repair services market are characterized by new patterns of searching for clients. One such example is the conclusion of contracts with private management companies. Mandatory cosmetic repairs of both the facade and staircases are carried out no more than once every seven years, which is why management companies do not employ this category of workers. The principles of concluding contracts are the same as everywhere else - either search through familiar contractors, or on the recommendations of colleagues.

Another example of a promising search for clients is the cooperation of construction and repair companies with sellers of building materials. When purchasing building materials for renovation, the buyer is given a certificate or a discount for the installation and laying of the purchased materials. An obvious benefit for all parties to the transaction. A seller of building materials may not form a construction and repair team on his staff, but create a specialized service department that provides advisory services on the selection of materials, drawing up estimates, and drawing up a contract. The work itself is performed by a third-party contractor. Cash, received by the seller from the contractor, covers the costs of maintaining the service center. The service center itself performs the functions of attracting customers and creating a positive image of the company.

As we see, the future of the construction and renovation market remains with large companies that provide a wide range of services and reliable guarantees. The main challenge facing service providers is a regular source of income and long-term clients. The main priority in the development of this market area is simplicity and openness of information for the consumer. In this case, the information should contain not only prices for typical work, but also customer reviews of the results of the work. An Internet portal built on the principle of a website can become this kind of aggregating resource public procurement, but not oriented towards budgetary organizations, but for private clients interested in an adequate ratio of price and quality of services received.

  • Fadeeva G.D. Characteristics of the market for repair and construction works in the city of Penza. Part 2 [Text] / G. D. Fadeeva, L. A. Zheleznyakov, K. S. Parshina // Young scientist. - 2013. - No. 11. - pp. 195-197.
  • Savelyeva S.V., Gorbunov V.N. Features of consumer choice in the market of repair, construction and finishing works // Modern trends in education and science: collection scientific works based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on October 31, 2013. Tambov: Publishing House of TROO “Business-Science-Society”, 2013. 147 p. – pp. 112-114.
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    The market for construction and repair services in Russia is directly dependent on the construction market. Stimulating the construction of new housing facilities and the specifics of delivering new buildings without finishing create an almost endless demand for repair and finishing services. According to experts, in Russia “the lion’s share of repair costs goes to correcting mistakes made by designers and builders, as well as eliminating deficiencies.” It is not surprising that the volume of the repair and construction market continues to grow and its scope is largely due to the specifics of the Russian construction industry. Another factor is also related to the fact that a significant part of the buildings went without major repairs for decades. Insufficient volumes of capital repairs of housing stock and commercial real estate today remain one of the most pressing problems of the market of repair and construction services in Russia. The volume of capital repairs of housing is on average 0.3% of the housing stock per year, while the average annual standard in this sector is at least 4%.

    At the current rate of reconstruction and repair of the housing stock, its wear and tear in the coming years on average in Russia will exceed 60%. The total area of ​​dilapidated and dilapidated housing stock in the Russian Federation reaches 88 million square meters.

    The reason for the fairly high demand for repair services for commercial real estate, first of all, is the fact that most of office premises rented by enterprises are class “C” premises - typical institute buildings in a state “without repair”, requiring partial or major repairs, sometimes with redevelopment. According to analysts, renovations are mainly carried out on office premises (60%), budget organizations (40%), as well as retail and service facilities (9%). No changes in the demand structure for repair objects are expected yet.

    Today there are many large and small companies that provide construction and finishing work to enterprises and individuals. Unofficial and semi-official brigades continue to account for a huge share of this market.

    The growth in the number of market participants was influenced by optimistic forecasts for the development of the repair and construction services market in the period 2008-2013 due to the positive dynamics of key parameters. At this time, the demand for repair, construction and finishing work of various types increased significantly, despite the post-crisis stagnation. This was the result of an increase in the level of well-being and income of the population, increased investment by companies and enterprises in fixed assets and housing construction, the development of small and medium-sized businesses and the growth of office space.

    In addition, in recent years, more and more often, repair and construction work, which was previously carried out independently, is entrusted to specialists so that they professionally carry out this work, while saving the customer’s time.

    “Vira-ArtStroy”, in the last two years, due to the crisis, the market conditions for construction and repair work have changed. Due to a lack of financial assets, businesses are postponing or suspending commercial property renovations indefinitely.

    In the apartment renovation market in the primary and secondary markets, the situation is similar. Planned home renovations are postponed or major renovation replaced with a cosmetic one.

    With the advent of new technologies, materials and equipment, the work budget has increased many times over, design solutions have become more complex, and the need arose to calculate the upcoming process down to the smallest detail and exercise strict control over repair and finishing work. There is a danger that even with competent design, the result of such repairs will only bring costs and disappointment; the project may be ruined or not completed by the contractor.

    For consumers who order services for construction and repair work, sooner or later a number of problems arise: the task of doing repairs on their own or hiring specialists, as well as the task of choosing a supplier of these services.

    Increasingly, the consumer decides to involve a specialized organization in solving this problem. Carrying out repairs on your own is not always profitable: income from the main work can bring more profit than saving on the services of a third-party repair organization using your own resources. Lack of experience in such work can lead to disastrous results. The main criterion when choosing a contractor is the quality of the projects already completed, as well as customer reviews.

    Another trend is the use of higher quality finishing materials, which leads to an increase in the cost of repairs, and an increase in the range of services offered. On average, customers spend about 50-60% of the total cost of repair work on finishing materials.

    According to Yandex search data, apartment renovations were of interest to residents of the Russian Federation 506,949 times in November this year. Taking into account the regional popularity index, the majority of these requests come from Moscow and the Moscow region - 146,387 (or 152%) requests, of which 109,247 requests or 152% are from Moscow alone. Second place in this ranking is occupied by the northern capital - St. Petersburg accounts for 35,866 requests or 126%. Note that a popularity of more than 100% means that in this region there is increased interest in this request, below 100% - reduced interest.

    Along with “apartment renovation”, users also searched for:
    apartment renovation photo 64 660
    apartment renovation prices 36,872
    apartment renovation for 33,455
    apartment renovation key 31 653
    turnkey apartment renovation 31,256
    work apartment renovation 17 500
    apartment renovation + in Moscow 16,399
    repair room apartment 15 270
    apartment renovation 2015 14,782
    apartment renovation + do it yourself 14,662
    apartment renovation + in a new building 13,480
    renovation of a one-room apartment 13,425

    Queries similar to "apartment renovation":
    apartment design 236 285
    finishing of apartments 114 712
    finishing work 114 696
    apartment interiors 125 269
    cosmetic repairs 22,018
    home renovation 368 813
    design renovation 38 931
    renovation + in a new building 29,234
    office renovation 19,067
    bathroom renovation 124 266
    turnkey repair 67,977
    repair + and finishing 15 660
    interior design 189 792
    repair work 112 129
    renovation of cottages 5,838

    If you trace the dynamics for the request “apartment renovation” in search engine for the last two years (November 2013 - October 2015), then the graph shows that:
    - Russians were least interested in the query “apartment renovation” in the Yandex search engine in June 2015 (387,587 queries);
    - the greatest interest in this request was in January 2014 (650031) and March 2015 (588020).

    As analysts from the Vira-ArtStroy company note, market dynamics for Moscow look different:
    - Muscovites were least interested in the request in May 2015 (88553);
    - the greatest interest in this request was in January 2014 (195477);
    - from June to October 2015 the market grew slowly (October - 115,800).

    The graph below shows the dynamics of the queries “building materials”, “interior design”, “apartment renovation”, “buy an apartment”, “construction”, taking into account the region (Moscow) for two years (November 2013 - October 2015) and their relationship.

    According to analyst research construction market, customers of services for renovation of apartments and private houses can be divided into three groups:
    - those who need cosmetic repairs or so-called partial repairs (wallpapering, installation of floors, etc.) within the range of 200 thousand rubles, these are approximately 60-70% of total number customers;
    - who can order comprehensive repair services for economy and middle class, costing from 200 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles, such customers are about 20-30%;
    - customers in the segment of major and luxury renovations worth more than 1 million rubles. about 10%.

    If a few years ago the full list of repair services contained more than 100 items, now it is about three hundred. The customer can choose what suits him best in terms of quality and cost. The most popular type of repair services are plastering and wallpapering (96%). The stability of demand for this type of work is explained by the fact that repairs using wallpaper are an opportunity to quickly, easily and relatively inexpensively update a room. This is followed by painting work, facade finishing (90% for commercial real estate); in third place - installation of partitions, finishing of walls with gypsum fiber boards and gypsum boards (35%); then - installation of suspended ceilings, installation and finishing of floors, installation of doors and windows (25% each). The least common types of repair services include installation of plumbing fixtures, as well as installation of tile and ceramic coatings.

    On average, each customer who has used repair services in recent years has used at least 3 various types repair services, and wall finishing, in this case, was a mandatory component in the complex of all interior finishing works. As the analysis of the results showed, structural changes in the demand for these types of repair work are not expected.

    The consumer, deciding to involve specialists in repairs, is faced with the question of a difficult choice among quite large quantity service providers in conditions of disorganization and “uncivilization” of the market, frequent lack of guarantees for the quality of work.

    Contractors providing repair and construction services can also be divided into three types:
    - companies and firms with developed infrastructure. These companies employ exclusively highly qualified professionals; the project is usually supervised by an architect;
    - private teams;
    - private individuals.

    Today, more and more attention is paid to the quality of services. This leads to the abandonment of guest workers in favor of companies that have a good reputation in the market and provide guarantees for the repair work carried out.

    Service providers, in turn, are faced with a lack of regular customers and the problem of finding clients, uneven orders, seasonality of work, liability risk, staffing and competence issues, and dependence on contractors.

    In search of reliable sources of income and long-term clients, many construction and renovation companies are trying to occupy narrow market segments, such as subcontracting work, luxury renovation of apartments and country houses.

    One example of new schemes for finding clients is the conclusion of contracts with private management companies. Mandatory cosmetic repairs of both the facade and staircases are carried out no more than once every seven years, which is why management companies do not employ this category of workers. The principles of concluding contracts, as elsewhere, are either searching through familiar contractors or on the recommendations of colleagues.

    Another example of finding clients is the cooperation of construction and repair companies with sellers of building materials. When purchasing building materials for renovation, the buyer is given a certificate or a discount for the installation and laying of the purchased materials.

    This year has been a difficult year for many repair- construction companies, experts called it the fading period. 2016 will be another year of mixed expectations.

    Despite the very likely economic downturn in the coming years, the renovation market shouldn't fall too far. The field of activity for repair and construction companies still remains vast.

    The future of the repair market lies with large companies providing a wide range of services and reliable guarantees. The main priority in the development of this market area is simplicity and openness of information for the consumer. In this case, the information should contain not only prices for typical work, but also customer reviews of the results of the work.

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    Let's consider the existing problems in the construction services market of the Russian Federation. The main problems of construction services in Russia arose long before the onset of the crisis - at the end of 2007. According to experts, if the global economic crisis, then the crisis of the construction complex inevitably arrived.

    The construction industry of the Russian Federation faces seven problems:

    Reduced consumer demand in the housing market;

    Reduction of the main sources of construction financing;

    Problems with personnel for construction - there is a constant shortage of specialists and qualified workers;



    Its productivity is one of the lowest;

    The industry's image is low and it is still classified as low-wage;

    Also, the decline in the construction industry, which occurred in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation under the influence of the consequences of crisis phenomena, had the greatest impact on the economy of these regions.

    The volume of work for the type of activity “Construction” in 2009 decreased by 18.5% compared to the previous year.

    Let's take a closer look at some of the above problems.

    The first problem is the reduction in consumer demand in the housing market. The general economic situation has had the greatest impact on the housing construction sector, which is determined primarily by the reduction in consumer demand in the housing market. However, potential demand for housing remains high. To a large extent, the ability of citizens to purchase housing is limited by a decrease in household incomes and the volume of mortgage loans provided.

    The reduction in consumer demand for housing and the tightening of bank lending conditions determine the insufficiency working capital construction organizations. In the current conditions, the problem of having a significant amount of unfinished housing becomes urgent. The volume of total area of ​​residential buildings put into operation in 2009 is mainly ensured by the significant reserve created in previous years. In 2009, the main volume of sales on the housing market was made up of houses with a high degree of readiness.

    The second problem is the reduction of main sources of financing. The construction industry has undergone major changes in recent years, take, for example, the abolition of the Russian State Construction Committee and the adoption of Law No. 214-FZ on shared construction, according to which the state, in fact, abdicated its responsibilities for housing construction. Next, the construction industry is redirected towards self-regulation. Before the crisis, the entire legislative framework and infrastructure of the industry were set up for a constant speculative increase in prices on the market. With the onset of the economic crisis in 2008, enterprises in the construction industry felt the full consequences.

    The most important obstacle to the normal development of the construction market in Russia was the transformational reduction in the main sources of financing for housing construction.

    Firstly, bank lending to developers. Banks have almost completely stopped lending construction projects due to a significant decrease in liquidity and increased risks of non-sale of housing projects, despite the fact that in September-October 2008 alone, the Bank of Russia allocated 1.411 trillion to the Russian economy. rub. in the form of loans issued to the banking sector. Project financing has been suspended, even through open credit lines on previously agreed terms. Since banks cannot violate Bank of Russia regulations, in particular reserve requirements, they are forced to close overdrafts and credit lines. In turn, the volume of accounts payable in banks is growing, and the share of unreliable loans is increasing. The result of these processes is a mutual crisis of confidence between borrowers and lenders.

    Secondly, mortgage lending to consumers of shared construction.

    Starting from the third quarter of 2008, a steady downward trend in the volume of residential mortgage lending has emerged. The number of banks issuing mortgage loans has decreased almost 20 times. Only a few have retained mortgage programs. Banks, as in the case of construction lending, have tightened the requirements for borrowers and the conditions for providing loans, and also significantly increased the rates (from 20 percent and above). Transactions on refinancing issued mortgage loans have completely stopped due to the lack of long-term external sources and insufficient development of the Russian stock market. Lending to the population during the construction phase has been completely stopped.

    Thirdly, movement in the secondary housing market, direct sales.

    There was a massive stop in home sales due to potential buyers expecting a fall in real estate prices, a reduction in the volume of mortgage lending, as well as a decline in real wages and job cuts. In parallel, the real sector as a whole faced a dramatic drop in effective demand, which also resulted in a lack of liquidity in all basic sectors of the economy.

    Based on the above-mentioned premises, developers are forced to “freeze” a significant number of construction projects that are at the stage of obtaining initial permitting documentation, as well as slow down the pace of construction that has begun, up to its complete stop, due to a lack of funds for settlements with contractors. There is a rapid decline in financial stability development companies, which creates a real threat of their bankruptcy. The situation is aggravated by the fact that many investment and construction companies and banks in the previous period pursued a very aggressive and risky policy to increase the volume of housing construction. The housing market was largely speculative, with an asset being purchased or an investment being made without a contracted sale.

    Investors, and even developers themselves, are losing interest in the industry at present. But the problem of a construction industry enterprise for its owner is the duration life cycle each product. One object will be implemented for at least 3-4 years, including design, approvals, etc. Consequently, it is simply impossible for builders and business owners to “quickly jump off the topic” during a crisis, especially if there are equity holders. Businessmen-builders would be happy to leave the market, given its complete futility, but doing this is very, very problematic. Thus, it is proposed to evaluate the situation within the enterprise more deeply from a management point of view and understand ways to survive in a crisis.

    Therefore, it is necessary to solve problems “from the inside”: the introduction of the “Long-term strategy for mass housing construction” in the construction complex of the Russian Federation: abolition of fees for land auctions, abolition of fees for connecting to networks, introduction, along with mortgages and shared construction, of savings schemes for raising funds from the population; organization of mass non-profit housing construction in Russia; experience in applying savings cooperative schemes through the Social Mortgage Fund under the President of Tatarstan.

    To protect the construction investment market from unscrupulous foreign and domestic contractors, conduct tenders and certification of suppliers of goods and services. Taking actions to improve the safety, quality and demand for services, products and materials is one of the methods for increasing competitiveness.

    Develop regulations, preventing the penetration of unscrupulous subjects of construction activities into the construction services market;

    Improve the legal regulation of the relationship between the customer and the contractor;

    Create uniform rules for conducting tenders.

    The third problem is the lack of specialists and qualified workers. The construction community today does not have necessary resources for independent management of the industry, for solving both regional and national problems in the field of construction. This is mainly due to the lack of funding, when professional associations work practically on a voluntary basis. There are no specialized committees, certification bodies, insurance and compensation funds, standards and interaction system. And to do all this, we need qualified personnel, which we don’t have.

    Russia still does not produce construction equipment, equipment for the production of building materials, and technologies that meet international standards are not being developed. There are no laboratories equipped with modern diagnostic equipment.

    A difficult situation is developing with the training of workers and mid-level specialists for construction and in the field of industrial services of buildings and structures, with the formation of human resources.

    Socio-economic features modern stage The development of the construction industry objectively requires qualitative improvement of the vocational education system.

    Ways to solve problems of construction organizations: consolidation of the construction community through professional associations in sectors of activity. All over the world significant, and sometimes even main role Professional associations play a role in the formation, maintenance and reform of economic sectors, in particular the construction industry. They take joint responsibility for the activities of their members and actively participate in all stages of the functioning of the industry - from the development and discussion of legislative and regulatory acts to the adoption of specific forms and mechanisms for the industry’s representation in the structures of government and public administration; development of industry self-regulation; development and consolidation on federal level uniform requirements for construction organizations; regulation wages sectors of the construction industry need to be consistently removed from state control.

    The main requirement in the current situation is to change the emphasis in existing training programs and orient them towards a qualitatively new model of a specialist who assimilates material not only at the level of knowledge, but more at the level of skills and abilities. Thus, in the training of mid-level specialists, special attention must be paid to the practical side.

    The fourth problem is the lack of uniform federal (national) standards can create discriminatory operating conditions not only for participants in the construction market, but also for manufacturers of building materials. Normative base in Russia is currently significantly outdated. According to the Law “On Technical Regulation” No. 184-FZ, SNiP and GOST standards should be replaced by a system of technical regulations and technical instructions. However, not a single technical regulation in the field of construction and industrial services has been developed since 2002.

    The solutions to the fourth problem are as follows. Carrying out work on standardization, unification of technical solutions, increasing the level of technical requirements for equipment, materials and technologies used in the construction and industrial maintenance of buildings and structures.

    The need to make proposals for change tax legislation in terms of attributing costs associated with the development of standards to the cost of production.

    The fifth problem is licensing. Today, licensing is the only but insufficient means to prevent numerous violations in the construction industry. Whoever issued the license should, logically, be responsible for the actions of those to whom he issued it. However, regulation in the form of state licensing is not able to ensure the necessary level of responsibility of construction companies for what is happening in the market. The license no longer protects the market from unscrupulous participants.

    Meanwhile, the abolition of licensing in construction activities without the introduction of an alternative system of regulation and control creates conditions for non-professionals to enter the market, which inevitably worsens the quality of construction.