Flag of Kalmykia. Coat of arms and flag of Kalmykia. Description and meaning of the official symbols of the republic Flag of the Republic of Kalmykia

State symbols of the Republic of Kalmykia, expressing national characteristics, socio-political and political system republics are: the State Emblem of the Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangchin sulde, the flag of the Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangchin Tug and the State Anthem of the Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangchin Chastr.

Coat of arms of the Republic of Kalmykia

The coat of arms of the Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangich sulde is an image of the “Ulan Hall” and “Khadak” in a circle of golden yellow color framed national ornament“zeg” on a blue background, at the base of which are the petals of a white lotus flower. At the top of the coat of arms is an image ancient symbol Derben Oiratov - four circles connected to each other.


At the top of the coat of arms, which is meant as consciousness, there is a dorven toolg - a symbol of the union of the four Oirat tribes - these are the origins of the Kalmyk people. This ancient sign also means life in peace and harmony with all peoples inhabiting the four corners of the world.
In the central part of the coat of arms, where the soul is implied, there is a lancer of the hall.

Historical origin of the Ulan Hall:

In 1437, the Oirat leader Gogon-taisha signed a special decree on the obligatory wearing of the zala on the headdresses of the Oirats as a distinctive sign from other peoples of the East. In 1750, Dondeok Daishi issued a law confirming the above decree. And finally, in 1822, at the Zenzelinsky meeting of Kalmyk noyons, zaisangs, lamas and gelungs, a decision was made: “Everyone should have a lancer on their cap and every man should wear a braid”...

Ulan Hall contains a symbolic meaning. When Buddhists pray and meditate, according to the teachings of the Buddha, a thousand-leaf white lotus opens at the back of the head. When they pray, they fold the palms of both hands and raise them above their heads. At this moment, according to Buddhist teachings, the door of consciousness opens. Then the worshipers touch their chin, mouth and chest with their hands, thereby opening the doors of speech and soul. This ritual carries with it the purification of the mind, consciousness, speech and soul, as well as the knowledge of the truth. This ritual also implied that a person’s consciousness was always open. Therefore, the wearing of a lancer hall (on the highest place - the head), symbolizing the sacred white lotus, was introduced. In the circle framing the ulan hall and the door of the toolg, a “zeg” ornament is depicted, indicating nomadic way life in the past and a bright path to prosperity. The basis of the coat of arms is a white lotus - a symbol of spiritual purity, rebirth and prosperity. The coat of arms has blue, yellow and white colors. Blue color means eternity, freedom and constancy. This is the favorite color of the steppe nomads. Yellow- this is the color of the people’s religion, this is the color of their skin and, finally, this is the personification of the fact that Kalmykia will always be sunny.
The Ulan hall is crowned with a white khadak. White color means our peaceful views, friendly relations with all peoples living both in Kalmykia and beyond its borders.

The author of the State Emblem of the Republic of Kalmykia is the artist Erdneev Bata Badmaevich. The coat of arms was adopted based on the results of a competition for best project State emblem and state flag of the Republic of Kalmykia.

Acceptance date : 11.06.1996

Number in the Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation : 150

Flag of the Republic of Kalmykia

The flag of the Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangchin Tug is a rectangular panel of golden yellow color, in the middle of which there is a blue circle with a white lotus flower consisting of nine petals. The flag is attached to a staff topped with a red tip in the shape of a “tongue of flame” with the contour outlines of the ancient symbol of the Derben Oirats on it - four crossed circles, at the base of which is the “Ulan of the Hall”. The aspect ratio of the flag is 1:2.

The yellow fabric of the flag, as well as the color of the coat of arms, signifies the religion of the people, the color of their skin, the sun-drenched republic. In the center of the flag there is a blue circle in which a white lotus is depicted, signifying the road to a bright future, to prosperity, well-being and happiness of the peoples of Kalmykia.

The author of the State Flag of the Republic of Kalmykia is the artist Erdneev Bata Badmaevich. The flag was adopted based on the results of a competition for the best design of the State Emblem and State Flag of the Republic of Kalmykia.

Date of adoption: 06/11/1996

Number in the Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation: 151

Anthem of the Republic of Kalmykia

The anthem of the Republic of Kalmykia is “Halmg Tangchin Chastr” (music by A. Madzhiev, lyrics by V. Shugraeva).

Sarul sәәkhn Khalmg Tankhch/ Bright beautiful Republic of Kalmykia
Sansn tootan kүtsәnә/ Everything that she plans, she accomplishes.
Avtsta җirһlin bat җlag/ Folding life strong reins
Aldr hartan athna/ He squeezes in a glorious hand.

Chorus: Ulan zalata Khalmg uls / Kalmyk people with a red tassel,
Ulata teegan keeruliy/ Let's decorate the Red Steppe!
Tөrskn nutgtan kүchәn nerәdәd/ We will dedicate our might to our native power,
Tolha mend hiriy/ Long live we!

Oln-keln әmtnlә hamdan / With all people different languages together
Uralan Tankhchin zүtknә/ my Republic strives forward.
Inglltin zalin ondr gerld / Friendship flame in high light,
Irgch mana batrna / Our future is growing stronger.

Baatr-chiirg үrdәr tuurad/ Glorified by strong, hardy children,
Buurl teegm өснә/ My gray steppe is growing.
Surhul-nomdan kilmҗәn өgәd/ Giving diligence to studies,
Sul neryan duduulna/ The free name is exalted.


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Author of the flag

B. B. Erdniev

Previous flags Proportion Author of the flag

P. Bitkeev

Flag of the Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangchin Tug is the state symbol of the Republic of Kalmykia of the Russian Federation. Approved by Resolution of the Parliament of the Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangch No. 65-IX dated July 30, 1993.


Article 2 of the Law of the Republic of Kalmykia “On State Symbols of the Republic of Kalmykia” contains the following description of the coat of arms of the republic:
State flag Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangchin tug is a rectangular panel of golden yellow color, in the middle of which there is a blue circle with a white lotus flower consisting of nine petals. The upper five petals of the lotus represent the five continents globe, the four lower petals are the four cardinal directions, symbolizing the desire of the peoples of the republic for friendship and cooperation with all peoples of the world.

The state flag of the Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangchin is tightly attached to a pole topped with a red tip in the shape of a “tongue of flame” with the contour outlines on it of the ancient symbol of the Derben Oiratov - four circles fastened together, at the base of which is the “lancer of the hall”.

The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 1:2 The ratio of the radius of the circle to the width of the flag is 1:3.5

The ratio of the length of the tip to the width of the flag is 1:4.5


Flags of the Kalmyk ASSR

1992 flag

The national flag was approved by the Resolution Supreme Council Republic of Kalmykia-Khalmg Tangch dated October 30, 1992. The description of the flag was enshrined in Art. 158 of the Constitution of the Kalmyk SSR - Khalmg Tangch:
"The state flag of the Republic of Kalmykia

– Halmg Tangch is a rectangular panel of three horizontal stripes: the upper one is azure, the middle one is golden yellow and the lower one is scarlet. In the center middle zone golden yellow in color, in a circle with a diameter equal to 1/4 of the width of the flag, there is a sign in the form of a flame of fire above two wavy lines. The sign and circle are scarlet. The ratio of the width of the stripes of azure and scarlet colors to the width

Golden yellow stripes – 1/2. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 1/2"


The author of the flag is P.Ts. Bitkeyev. The sign depicted in the center of the flag symbolized the concept of “beginning” or “man” in Old Kalmyk writing. According to E.A. Gunaev, the symbol in the form of a flame of fire is to a certain extent reminiscent of the traditional Mongolian symbol in the Soyombo writing system (moon, sun, hearth (tongues of flame), which was once reflected in the State Emblem of the Mongolian People's Republic. “Soyombo” is also depicted on the State Flag and State Emblem of the Republic of Buryatia. Fire means life, light, revival, prosperity, hearth..

1993 flag

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An excerpt characterizing the Flag of Kalmykia

At the same time, the chief of artillery of the 1st Corps, General Pernetti, with 30 guns of the Compan division and all the howitzers of the Dessay and Friant divisions, will move forward, open fire and bombard the enemy battery with grenades, against which they will act!
24 guards artillery guns,
30 guns of the Compan division
and 8 guns of the Friant and Dessay divisions,
Total - 62 guns.
The chief of artillery of the 3rd Corps, General Fouche, will place all the howitzers of the 3rd and 8th Corps, 16 in total, on the flanks of the battery, which is assigned to bombard the left fortification, which will total 40 guns against it.
General Sorbier must be ready, at the first order, to march with all the howitzers of the Guards artillery against one or another fortification.
Continuing the cannonade, Prince Poniatowski will head towards the village, into the forest and bypass the enemy position.
General Compan will move through the forest to take possession of the first fortification.
Upon entering the battle in this way, orders will be given according to the actions of the enemy.
The cannonade on the left flank will begin as soon as the cannonade of the right wing is heard. The riflemen of Moran's division and the Viceroy's division would open heavy fire when they saw the beginning of the attack of the right wing.
The Viceroy will take possession of the village [of Borodin] and cross his three bridges, following at the same height with the divisions of Morand and Gerard, which, under his leadership, will head to the redoubt and enter the line with the rest of the army.
All this must be done in order (le tout se fera avec ordre et methode), keeping the troops in reserve as much as possible.
In the imperial camp, near Mozhaisk, September 6, 1812.”
This disposition, written in a very unclear and confused way, if we allow ourselves to regard his orders without religious horror at Napoleon’s genius, contained four points - four orders. None of these orders could be or were carried out.
The disposition says, first: that the batteries set up at the place chosen by Napoleon with the Pernetti and Fouche guns aligned with them, a total of one hundred and two guns, open fire and bombard the Russian flashes and redoubts with shells. This could not be done, since the shells from the places appointed by Napoleon did not reach the Russian works, and these one hundred and two guns fired empty until the nearest commander, contrary to Napoleon’s orders, pushed them forward.
The second order was that Poniatowski, heading towards the village into the forest, should bypass the left wing of the Russians. This could not be and was not done because Poniatovsky, heading towards the village into the forest, met Tuchkov there blocking his way and could not and did not bypass the Russian position.
Third order: General Kompan will move into the forest to take possession of the first fortification. Compan's division did not capture the first fortification, but was repulsed because, leaving the forest, it had to form under grapeshot fire, which Napoleon did not know.
Fourth: The Viceroy will take possession of the village (Borodino) and cross his three bridges, following at the same height with the divisions of Maran and Friant (about which it is not said where and when they will move), which, under his leadership, will go to the redoubt and enter the line with other troops.
As far as one can understand - if not from the confused period of this, then from those attempts that were made by the viceroy to carry out the orders given to him - he was supposed to move through Borodino on the left to the redoubt, while the divisions of Moran and Friant were supposed to move simultaneously from the front.
All this, as well as other points of disposition, was not and could not be fulfilled. Having passed Borodino, the viceroy was repulsed at Kolocha and could not go further; The divisions of Moran and Friant did not take the redoubt, but were repulsed, and the redoubt was captured by cavalry at the end of the battle (probably an unexpected and unheard of thing for Napoleon). So, none of the orders of the disposition were and could not be executed. But the disposition says that upon entering the battle in this way, orders will be given corresponding to the actions of the enemy, and therefore it would seem that during the battle Napoleon would make all the necessary orders; but this was not and could not be because during the entire battle Napoleon was so far from him that (as it turned out later) the course of the battle could not be known to him and not a single order of his during the battle could be carried out.

Many historians say that battle of Borodino the French did not win because Napoleon had a runny nose, that if he had not had a runny nose, then his orders before and during the battle would have been even more ingenious, and Russia would have perished, et la face du monde eut ete changee. [and the face of the world would change.] For historians who recognize that Russia was formed by the will of one man - Peter the Great, and France from a republic developed into an empire, and French troops went to Russia by the will of one man - Napoleon, the reasoning is that Russia remained powerful because Napoleon had a big cold on the 26th, such reasoning is inevitably consistent for such historians.
If it depended on the will of Napoleon to give or not to give the Battle of Borodino and it depended on his will to make this or that order, then it is obvious that a runny nose, which had an impact on the manifestation of his will, could be the reason for the salvation of Russia and that therefore the valet who forgot to give Napoleon On the 24th, waterproof boots were the savior of Russia. On this path of thought, this conclusion is undoubted - as undoubted as the conclusion that Voltaire made jokingly (without knowing what) when he said that the Night of St. Bartholomew occurred from an upset stomach of Charles IX. But for people who do not allow that Russia was formed by the will of one person - Peter I, and that the French Empire was formed and the war with Russia began by the will of one person - Napoleon, this reasoning not only seems incorrect, unreasonable, but also contrary to the whole essence human. When asked what constitutes the cause historical events, another answer seems to be that the course of world events is predetermined from above, depends on the coincidence of all the arbitrariness of the people participating in these events, and that the influence of Napoleons on the course of these events is only external and fictitious.


“Ulan Zalata Khalmg” is the local name for the republican flag of Kalmykia, which is a horizontally elongated yellow panel with a round emblem in the center of the flag. On a round background blue color depicts a white lotus flower with nine petals. The full-size flag of the Republic is mounted on a staff with a specially shaped red tip.


The yellow (golden) color of the background of the cloth symbolizes the sun and Buddhism as the main religion of the Kalmyks. The blue color represents the sky, and in the traditional heraldic interpretation it is a symbol of constancy and eternity. White color means peace, unity and openness. The lotus flower is an image of purity and spiritual rebirth. A lotus with nine petals symbolizes world peace: the top five petals represent the continents, the bottom four petals represent the cardinal directions.


The official flag of Kalmykia was designed for the anniversary of the hundred-day reign of President of the Republic Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and adopted on July 30, 1993. This year the republican flag of Kalmykia celebrated its twentieth anniversary.

On the instructions of President K. Ilyumzhinov, the development of a new flag began in April 1993. On the 100th anniversary of his reign, the flag was designed and adopted.

The new flag of the republic was approved by Parliament Resolution No. 65-IX of July 30, 1993. The flag of "Ulan Zalata Khalmg" consists of a golden-yellow panel, in the center of which there is a blue circle with a white lotus flower consisting of 9 petals. The length of the flag is twice its width, the ratio of the radius of the circle to the width of the flag is 2:7. The author of the flag (and coat of arms) is B.B. Erdniev.

The golden color symbolizes Buddhism, the sun; blue is the color of the sky, eternity and constancy, lotus is a traditional symbol of purity, happiness, spiritual rebirth.

Five lotus petals directed upward symbolize the five continents, 4 directed downwards symbolize the four cardinal directions. That is, in in this case the lotus can be interpreted as a symbol of friendship between people all over the world.

The flag received the name "Ulan Zalata Halmg", and the coat of arms - the name "Schulde". Unfortunately, I am not an expert in the Kalmyk language. But nevertheless, I will make one hypothesis. It is quite possible that the Kalmyk names of the flag and coat of arms are confused in the Russian translation. Judge for yourself: “ulan zala” is the name of the red tassel on the headdress, which in the 15th century all Oirats (Kalmyks) were required to wear. And it is this tassel that is the main element of the coat of arms. The flag depicts a lotus, which is in no way connected with the tassel of the headdress. Agree that the term “Ulan Zala” has much more in common with the term “Ulan Zalata Halmg” than with “Schulde”. I repeat that this is just my hypothesis. Only experts in the Kalmyk language can confirm or refute it.

In 1994, a new Constitution was approved - the Steppe Code. In accordance with it, on June 11, 1996, Law No. 44-I-3 “On State symbols of the Republic of Kalmykia” (laws of January 3, 1999 No. 7-II-3 and March 12, 1999 No. 14-II-3 amended it, not relating to the essence of the issue).

The coat of arms and flag are confirmed by this law. The official description of the flag is:

Article 2.
The state flag of the Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangchin Tug is a rectangular panel of golden yellow color, in the middle of which there is a blue circle with a white lotus flower consisting of nine petals. The upper five petals of the lotus represent the five continents of the globe, the lower four petals represent the four cardinal directions, symbolizing the desire of the peoples of the republic for friendship and cooperation with all peoples of the world.
The state flag of the Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangchin is tightly attached to a pole topped with a red tip in the shape of a “tongue of flame” with the contour outlines on it of the ancient symbol of the Derben Oiratov - four circles fastened together, at the base of which is the “lancer of the hall”.
The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 1: 2. The ratio of the radius of the circle to the width of the flag is 1: 3.5. The ratio of the length of the tip to the width of the flag is 1: 4.5

Municipal organization of Kalmykia:
-municipal areas:
Gorodovikovsky (Gorodovikovsk city), Iki-Burulsky (Iki-Burul village), Lagansky (Lagan city), Maloderbetovsky (Malye Derbety village), Oktyabrsky municipal district, Ketchenerovsky (Ketchenery village), Priyutnensky (Priyutnoye village) , Sarpinsky (Sadovoye village), Tselinny (Troitskoye village), Chernozemelsky (Komsomolsky village), Justinsky (Tsagan-Aman village), Yashaltinsky (Yashalta village), Yashkulsky (Yashkul village);
-urban district "city of Elista" (until 2006 - Elista municipality).

Municipal districts include rural settlements and urban settlements "city of Lagan", "city of Gorodovikovsk".

The coat of arms of the Republic of Kalmykia is “Sulde”. In the center of the coat of arms is an image of an element of the national headdress - “ulan zala” (red tassel) and “khadak” (white scarf) in a circle of golden yellow color framed by the national ornament “zeg” on a blue background, at the base of which are the petals of a white flower lotus At the top of the coat of arms is the image of “dorvn toolg”, an ancient symbol of the union of the four Oirat tribes: four circles fastened together. These are the origins of the Kalmyk people. The oldest sign It also means living in peace and harmony with all the peoples inhabiting the four corners of the world.

The basis of the coat of arms is a white lotus - a symbol of spiritual purity, rebirth and prosperity. The coat of arms has blue, yellow and white colors. Blue color means eternity, freedom and constancy. This is the favorite color of the steppe nomads. Yellow is the color of the religion of the people, it is the color of the skin and, finally, it is the personification of the fact that Kalmykia will always be sunny.

The Ulan hall is crowned with a white khadak. The white color means our peaceful views, friendly relations with all peoples living both in Kalmykia and beyond.

History of the origin of the Ulan Hall

In 1437, the Oirat leader Gogon-taisha signed a special decree on the obligatory wearing of the zala on the headdresses of the Oirats as a distinctive sign from other peoples of the East.

In 1750, Dondeok Daishi issued a law confirming the above decree.

And finally, in 1822, at the Zenzelinsky meeting of Kalmyk noyons, zaisangs, lamas and gelungs, a decision was made: “Everyone should have a lancer on their cap and every man should wear a braid”...

Ulan Hall contains a symbolic meaning. When Buddhists pray and meditate, according to the teachings of Buddha, a thousand-leaved white lotus opens at the back of the head. When they pray, they fold the palms of both hands and raise them above their heads. At this moment, according to Buddhist teachings, the door of consciousness opens. Then the worshipers touch their chin, mouth and chest with their hands, thereby opening the doors of speech and soul. This ritual carries with it the purification of the mind, consciousness, speech and soul, as well as the knowledge of the truth. This ritual also implied that a person’s consciousness was always open. Therefore, the wearing of a lancer hall (on the highest place - the head), symbolizing the sacred white lotus, was introduced.

In the circle framing the ulan hall and the dorvn toolg, a “zeg” ornament is depicted, testifying to the nomadic way of life in the past and the bright path of prosperity.

The state flag of the Republic of Kalmykia is a rectangular panel of golden yellow color, in the middle of which there is a blue circle with a white lotus flower consisting of nine petals. The upper five petals of the lotus represent the five continents of the globe, the lower four petals represent the four cardinal directions, symbolizing the desire of the peoples of the republic for friendship and cooperation with all peoples of the world.

The state flag of the Republic of Kalmykia is attached to a pole topped with a red tip in the shape of a “tongue of flame.”