Scenario of the theatrical program play the accordion. Scenario of the extracurricular event "Russian Harmony Festival". Ivanovo rural settlement - holiday scenarios

A reader comes on stage and reads a poem:

Cossack region! Into the darkness of centuries

I see that your descendant is distant.

I see the glory of the Cossacks,

I hear the Cossack crying sadly...

Holy memory of that glory

From the younger generation

It's been covered in a veil for a long time now

The fog of cold oblivion...

May they be glorious in our days,

Who returns memory to the region.

I'm in front of them to the ground

I bow my head in bow.

The second reader reads another poem:

Very often behind events

And behind the bustle of days

We don’t remember our antiquity,

We forget about her.

Although more common

We're flying to the moon,

Let us remember the Cossack customs,

Let's remember our old days!

The presenter comes out in a Cossack costume.

Presenter. Good day, honest people! The working day is behind us: the hay has been cut and the stacks have been swept away. And they went into the forest to pick berries and mushrooms, and managed to catch fish. Finished the job - go for a walk! And when the sun goes down, beautiful girls and good fellows come to the outskirts of the outskirts to lead round dances, sing ditties and sing songs, show themselves and look at others, click seeds and kind words will have a word.

HOSTESS: Please, dear guests, please!

OWNER. Have fun and joy!

HOSTESS. We have been waiting for you for a long time - we are waiting, we will not start the holiday without you!

OWNER. We have a place and a word for everyone!

HOSTESS. We have prepared some fun things for you for every taste, for some a fairy tale, for others the truth, for others a song.

The stage is gradually filled with all the participants in the gathering; in pairs or threes they approach the hosts, bow and take their places on the benches.

A Cossack song sounds

“Like the Cossacks walk beyond the Don.”

How the Cossacks walked beyond the Don,

How the Cossacks walked beyond the Don.

The young girl stood and thought,

The girl is young.

One Cossack does not drink and does not party.

The young girl stood and thought,

The young girl stood and thought,

The girl is young.

He chooses a bride for himself.

He chooses a bride for himself.

The young girl stood and thought,

The young girl stood and thought,

The girl is young.

You, Cossack girl, become my wife.

The young girl stood and thought,

The young girl stood and thought,

The girl is young.

Eh, vine garden, green grove,

So who is to blame: the wife or the mother-in-law?

The mother-in-law is to blame.

(The first verse is repeated.)

Three villages, two villages.

The girl is cheerful.

The girl is cheerful.

2nd HOST.

Dunya left the thief

To the green garden.

Dunya picked a burlap tree,

Yes, right down to the spine.

Dunya sewed a sundress

Both smart and non-woven.

I put it in the corner

In a birch bark box.

Where did the cockroach come from?

Dunin ate his sundress.

As the poem progresses, Dunya improvises and looks into the box,

takes out a big fake cockroach, gets scared, throws it,

1st HOST. (Calms Dunya.)

Disperse, honest people,

No dust, path!

Good fellows are coming

Walk a little.

The song “How the Don Cossacks faithfully serve the Don...” is performed.

Like the Don Cossacks they serve faithfully,

They travel along the borders,

They don't worry about anything.

There is wine, we drink,

No wine - drink water

We won't change it for anything

Cossack fashion.

The girl is sitting in the mansion,

Hands clasped,

A Cossack stands in front of her,

Taking off my cap.

The Cossack twirled his mustache,

He pulled the horse back.

Yamu girl says,

Doesn't tell me to go to the tavern:

“You’re going to the cramped place,

You'll drink all your money there.

Father and mother will meet

What are you going to answer?”

We'll get drunk

And we will answer boldly:

“We have wine, we drink yayo,

No wine, we drink water.

We won't change it for anything

Cossack fashion."

2nd HOST. The good fellows sang a dashing Cossack song. According to the tradition of that ancient time, beautiful maidens come out with a response song.

The girls sing the song “In the garden by the valley...”.

In the garden by the valley I picked a rose,

She tore it up and threw it under those gates.

I tore it up and threw it under those gates,

Don't laugh, Cossack, that I'm an orphan.

If you had come to make a match, I wouldn’t have gone.

You will come to me to make a match, but I will not go.

I'll travel around Russia, I'll find something more beautiful.

Traveled around Russia and all the cities,

But I couldn’t find anyone more beautiful than you, orphan.

The Cossack returned to those gates,

The girl comes out crying.

And the girl came out crying,

You can see from her face that she’s been wooed.

In the garden by the valley I picked a rose...

1st HOST. At Cossack gatherings they not only sang songs, but also danced in circles. Good fellows looked closely at the girls and chose brides for themselves.

GIRLS. Aw! Aw! Let's shout!

Let's roar through the forest,

Let's go to the birch tree,

Let's start our own round dance!

A round dance is performed to the song “We were in the round dance.”

2nd HOST. There are talents on the Don,

I speak with confidence!

Since people are still singing -

Know that all is not lost.

The Cossack song “At the Meadow...” is performed.

Oh, by the meadow, by the meadow,

With a wide field,

With a familiar herd

The horse was walking freely.

Walk, walk, my horse,

Until I catch it

As soon as I catch you, I’ll bore you

Silk bridle.

How the Cossack caught the horse,

He tied me with a bridle,

Hit him in the sides with his spurs,

The horse flies like an arrow.

You fly, fly, my horse,

Fly, don't stumble,

Near Milka's yard

Get up, stop.

The horse stopped

Hit with his hooves,

For my darling to come out

With black eyebrows.

But my darling didn’t come out,

Her mother came out.

“Hello, hello, dear son-in-law,

Come to the house."

But I won’t go to the house,

I'll go to the bright room,

I'll wake you up in a deep sleep

Sleeping girl.

But the girl did not sleep,

She was waiting for the guy.

She hugged me with her right hand,

Kissed me deeply.

And in the morning everything settled down,

The whole village knew

Like a Cossack and a Cossack

Kissed me deeply.

1st HOST. Oh, the Cossack soul is wide!

And wherever you are in the wilderness,

They just took spoons in their hands

And play from the heart!

An ensemble of spoon players performs to the melody of the song “Varenka”

or "Wattle".

GIRLTara-ra, tara-ra,

The guys are coming from the yard,

Sing songs and dance,

Amuse everyone around!

The song “The Cossack was happy with everything, everything…” is performed.

The Cossack was happy with everything, everything,

I didn't know any need.

And now I have experienced

Been to Sevastopol.

In an open field there is fear and grief

Every day and every hour.

The day we get wet and shiver,

We don't sleep the whole night.

He himself is cold, the horse is hungry,

There is nowhere to lay your head.

The Black Sea is noisy,

The ships are on fire,

And we are extinguishing, strangling the Turks,

Glory to the Don Cossacks.

Great Russian glory,

We are always proud of her.

My faithful horse is under me,

Pike-glory of the Cossack.

Checker is a faithful friend

And a rifle on the enemy.

2nd HOST: People have always loved to dance on the Don. The soul of the Cossacks is revealed in the dashing dance.

Go around the whole planet,

There is no better Cossack dance.

Balalaika and accordion

They light a fire in us!

A dance is performed to the song “Unharness your horses, boys...”.

2nd HOST. Come on, let’s sit down next to each other.

Let's talk okay!

Nursery rhymes are heard.

Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

The caftan was burned.

Can you sew it up?

Yes, there is no needle.

How big is the hole?

One gate remains.

Foma, why can’t you come out of the forest?

Caught the bear.

So lead me here.

Yes, he’s not coming.

So go yourself.

He won't let me in!

Ivan, is it warm in your hut?

Warm! You can warm up in a fur coat on the stove.

Patrikey. Hey Mackay, what did you do today?

Makey. I was looking for mittens.

Patrikey. Found it?

Makey. Found it!

Patrikey.Where were they?

Makey. Yes, under my belt. Where are you going?

Patrikey. Seven miles away!

Makey. Sip some jelly?

Patrikey. No, look for a mosquito!

Makey. Which mosquito is this?

Patrikey. Yes, the one who wants to bite me on the nose!

Makey. Yes, he’s with you!

Patrikey.Where is this on me?

Makey. Yes, on your nose! (Slaps him on the nose.)

Matyukha.Tyukha, do you want to eat?

Tyukha.No. I had a snack.

Matyukha. What did you have for a snack?

Tyukha. Yes, I ate a crust of bread.

Matyukha. And you should have soaked it in a pot of sour cream.

Tyukha. Yes, she didn’t fit into the pot.

Grandma comes out.

Son, go to the river for some water.

My belly hurts.

Son, go eat some porridge.

Well. Since mother says, we must go.

1st HOST. Eh, the warehouse nursery rhymes are good,

Well, our songs are fine!

The song “I believed, I believe...” is performed.

The house stands above the river,

The pier is right next to the river.

A guy kisses a girl

He asks for his right hand.

Chorus: I believed, I believed, I believe,

I believed, I believed,

But I'll never believe it

That you will stop loving me.

White rose - goodbye,

Scarlet rose of love,

Yellow rose of separation,

I'm dying of sadness.

I pick a white rose,

I give you a scarlet rose,

Yellow rose of separation

I'm trampling underfoot.

If you love, you don’t love, don’t,

You're still young.

The time will come - you will love,

But it will be too late then.

Young years have passed,

Wrinkles covered my face,

Hair turned gray -

Now no one is needed.

A guide with a bear enters.

Guide. Make way, honest people!

The little bear is coming with me!

The bear bows.

Guide. He knows a lot of fun,

There will be a joke, there will be laughter!

2nd presenter. Bear, can you sing?

The bear nods his head affirmatively. The guide gives the bear an accordion and asks him to sing louder. Bear

takes the accordion and begins to play. Sings silently, widely

opening his mouth.

Guide. It hurts you to sing quietly. (To the audience.) Can you hear? (No!) Ask the little bear to sing louder!

All participants in the gathering ask the bear to sing louder. Bear

starts to roar loudly. The guide steps back, covering his ears with his hands. The bear continues to play, approaching the frightened guide, who waves him off with his hands. The guide takes the accordion. The bear bows.

Guide. Now show us, Mishenka, how the red girls blush, look in the mirror, preen themselves!

The bear sits on the floor, looks around, preens.

Guide. And how, Misha, do little children like to steal peas?

The bear crawls to the side and plops down.

Guide. How did grandma get ready to bake pancakes and only burn her hands?

The bear does, roars.

Guide. How do women slowly wander to their master's work?

The bear can barely move.

Guide. How do they run home from work?

The bear runs fast.

Guide. Show everyone how Dunyasha walks into a circle and dances dashingly!

The bear puts the scarf on his head and takes hold of its ends.

Dancing to the music. When the music ends, he sits on the floor.

Guide. Mishutka is already tired! (The bear stands up.) And he bowed to the people!

(The bear bows. The guide leads the bear away.)

1st Presenter. How many times have I sworn

Sing songs to the accordion.

As the accordion plays,

I can't sit still!

Girl. Let's stand, girls, side by side,

Let's sing ditties.

Boy. Yes, and we, perhaps, will get up,

Let's not leave our friends behind.

2nd Presenter. What are gatherings without ditties and seeds?!

The seeds are carried around the hall on a tray and treated to the audience.

Ditties sound.

That's it. We know a lot of ditties,

Both good and bad.

It's good for him to listen

Who doesn't know any.

Oh, you are Mother Russia,

How good it is!

Even though we live poorly,

But we dance and sing.

We'll sing ditties for you,

Wonderful though

That the old ladies will go dancing,

The old people will dance!

A group of boys in scarves sing ditties:

Oh, bad, bad!

There is a swan in the garden,

White cherry,

What has love done?

My darling walks around the village,

Walks, smiles,

It turned out that he inserted teeth,

The mouth doesn't close.

My darling is beautiful

She lived across the river

I wanted to see you

Swim across in a sieve.

There used to be Russian braids

At my darling's,

And now in a new fashion

Cropped head.

Oh, bad, bad,

There is a swan in the garden,

White cherry,

What has love done?

Boy. White girls,

Where did you get whitewashed?

Girl. We milked the cows yesterday,

They washed their face with milk.

Boy. Listen, girls,

We will sing a non-coherent song.

A pig grazes on an oak tree,

A bear is steaming in a sauna.

Boy. There is a cart on the mountain,

Tears are dripping from the arc.

There is a cow under the mountain,

Puts on boots!

Girl. Where are you going, Vanyusha?

After all, a cart without wheels!

And Vanyusha answers...

Boy. Harvesting oats.

That's it. Oh, that's enough, we've sung,

Give me a new change!

Oh, thanks to the accordion player

Here's to a fun game!

Girl. I'm already stamping my foot,

Let me stamp the other one.

Come to me, Vanyusha,

Come dance with me!

Boy. I put my foot on my toes,

And then on the heel.

I’ll start dancing Russian

And then squat!

A dance is performed to the melody of the song “Golden Bee”.

1st Presenter. Good people! Shouldn't we remember the songs of the old-timers?!

The song “Like beyond the Don, beyond the river...” sounds.

Like beyond the Don, beyond the river,

Under the green oak

The Cossack woman was breaking up

With a guy with black fur.

The Cossack woman was breaking up

In a field near Rostov,

Hugged in the wind

A dashing Cossack.

The Cossack spoke to the Cossack woman,

Taking off on a horse:

"Don't cry, don't cry for me,

My dear!"

He said and galloped

Along the steppe road.

Goodbye, dear Don,

The Quiet Don is wide.

2nd Presenter. The night has come, brought darkness.

The cockerel fell silent and the cricket began to chirp.

Mama came out and closed the shutters.

All the guys are sleeping and sleeping,

The whole world is told to sleep.

1st Presenter. We are proud of antiquity,

She became like family to us.

Always making someone happy

Our great-grandfathers' work.

2nd Presenter. Tie, Tie-edges are dear,

Cossacks have lived here from time immemorial,

They glorify their native expanses,

Razdolny songs are sung.

A song about the Outset is sung.

A river runs quietly between the green hills.

There is a village near its shores,

And she shares the same name with the river,

This name has entered my soul forever.

Drowning in the gardens that bloom in spring,

My little village, you are the most beautiful of all.

And in the spring the nightingales don’t let you sleep at night,

Nightingales sing about love to you and me.

Maybe there are golden lands on earth,

Only you are dearer to my heart, my connection.

Here the nightingales sing over the spring river,

Here is my homeland - a land dear to my heart.

At the end of the song, the participants in the gatherings leave the stage, waving their hands.

Play, Russian accordion!

Folk art competition.

Characters: Sekletya Ferapontovna - local gossip, careless housewife, Gorpina Dormidontovna - Sekletei’s neighbor, a wealthy villager, Yashka – a r t i l l e r i s t.

The stage can be designed like a corner of a village.

Secletea. Good people, why is this being done, huh? Where has this been seen? Have you heard the news? Gorpina Dormidontovna is planning a wedding, marrying off her daughter, but it is unclear who she is. Either the first, or the second, or the third... They brought in the groom, he comes to them every evening, cracks pancakes with sour cream, washes it down with mead, and who does he want to marry his daughter - Marinka? on Irinka? on Kristinka? - is silent. And what does he care about - they feed him, water him, take care of him, he can be a groom for ten years. He's still a rogue - Yashka the artilleryman, in a word. After all, a year ago he appeared in our village - and already managed to hit on all the women. And then Gorpina Dormidontovna, my neighbor, grabbed him like a tick - and she will marry him, she will definitely marry him to someone - either Marinka, or Irinka, or Kristinka. She forcibly marries, it’s impossible otherwise, who would covet her girls of their own free will: Marinka has a lisp, Irinka has a nasal voice, and Kristinka is snotty.

At the last words Gorpina Dormidontovna appears.

Gorpina. Why are you, Sekletya Ferapontovna, judging my daughters in no way?
Secletea. Oh, Gorpina Dormidontovna! Hello! Somehow you approached unnoticed. (To the side.) It crawled up like a snake. (To the interlocutor.) And here I am praising your daughters.
Gorpina. Are you praising? I only heard the ending - I was standing far away, I only understood “livaya”, “yavaya”, “savaya”.
Secletea. You understood everything correctly, Gorpina Dormidontovna, you heard everything correctly! I said that my neighbor’s daughter has one more beautiful than the other, one is proud, the other is majestic, and the third is such a beautiful passion!
Gorpina. Yes, my girls are ugly - they’re all into me!
Secletea. Sure sure! Such beauties! (To the side.) Whoever dreams at night will not wake up.
Gorpina. What are you doing there?
Secletea. Yes, I tell all the guys that they dream about your daughters.
Gorpina. What are you, Sekletya Ferapontovna, running around the village early in the morning? Are you collecting news again? (To the side.) You old gossip girl!
Secletea. What's the news? The most important news: which daughter are you marrying off - Marinka, Irinka or Kristinka?
Gorpina. But I won’t tell you! Let people gossip, rub our bones... And when you come to the wedding, you’ll see everything! Okay, I’ll go, Yakov Alexandrych should come for a visit... (Leaves.)
Secletea. Well, goodbye, neighbor, goodbye, girlfriend... little snake... The whole village is tormented as to which daughter is being married, and she: come to the wedding - you’ll see! I'll go tell my neighbors! (Leaves.)

Musical numbers. On the stage of Sekletea. Yashka sneaks up behind her.

Oh, fathers of light! Well, I'll tell you! (Turns around, sees Yashka, changes tone.) Yakov Aleksandrovich, how did you sneak up unnoticed, just like a spy... Were you taught this in your artillery regiment?
Yakov. Sekletea Ferapontovna, we were taught something different in the regiment: bam-bang - and to the point! (Hugs her.)
Secletea. Well, Yakov Aleksandrovich, you’re making me blush... Okay, we’ve persuaded you! (Pulls him by the ears and kisses him deeply.)
Yakov (barely escaped). Wow! I wonder what regiment you were trained in this in... As if the bride wouldn’t see...
Secletea. Oh, Yakov Alexandrovich, who is your bride? Who are you going to marry: Marinka, Irinka or Kristinka?
Yakov. This is Sekletea Ferapontovna, a military secret, and I, as a former artilleryman of the 625th regiment, have no right to disclose it!
Secletea. Well, kiss your military secret! The whole village is laughing, me too, I found brides! Look around, Yakov Alexandrovich, and you will see how much beautiful women in the world!
Yakov (looks around). I don’t see anyone... Only you, Sekletya Ferapontovna, are behaving somehow strangely...
Sekletea (reaches out to kiss Yakov). Well!
Gorpina (appearing). Who are you urging, Sekletya Ferapontovna? Yakov Aleksandrovich, hello, I’ve been waiting for you...
Yakov. Hello, Gorpina Dormidontovna! And then Sekletya Ferapontovna detained me... With all my respect, I kiss your hands...
Sekletea (to the hall). I found the handles... A three-pound rake!
Gorpina. Yakov Alexandrovich, the wedding is a done deal! I give a rich dowry, not a single bride in the village has such a thing, here is the list.
Yakov (reads, grunts meaningfully). Yes, I, Gorpina Dormidontovna, agree ten times!

Sekletea tries to look over his shoulder at the list.

Gorpina. And as you already knew me, Yakov Alexandrovich, I am a woman who is sensitive to beauty, so I wish that only the best musicians would play at the wedding!
Yakov. Or maybe, Gorpina Dormidontovna, since this is the case, we will order an orchestra from the city of Paris?
Secletea. Oh, Gorpina Dormidontovna, write me out! Write it out! Let's see foreign artists at least once in our lives!
Yakov(dreamily). Variety show, corps de ballet... There are such French women with bare legs... With bare breasts... (Sekletea covers his mouth with her hand.)
Secletea. With naked silhouettes!
Yakov (coming to his senses). Yes Yes…
Gorpina. We have enough of this goodness in our village! No, I’ll invite accordion players, balalaika players and singers to the wedding so that the most worthy ones will delight my ears! Let them play me a symphony here now, and I will choose the best!
Yakov. Oh yes Gorpina Dormidontovna! What a scope! Bam-bang - and to the point! Come on, villagers, who plays what and who sings songs, show your skills!
Secletea. Fathers of light! Musicians from all over the region are invited! And the dowry, the dowry... I need to run around the village and tell the latest news...
Gorpina. Why are you muttering there, Sekletya Ferapontovna?
Secletea. Yes, I say, the musicians need to be convened! And there they are already coming - you’ve really stirred up the whole village, they’re running around the streets with accordions!

Musical numbers.

She fulfilled her duty, ran around the whole village, informed the musicians and singers. And the most important thing - she told everyone about the dowry... she told everyone! After all, what is this, good people, where does this dowry come from? 4 fur coats, 6 hats, 5 left boots, 7 right boots, 10 shawls, 8 jackets, 8 skirts, 3 feather beds, 7 pillows, 30 pieces of underwear, 17 stockings! Where does all this money come from, huh? It was none other than Gorpina Dormidontovna who robbed the cash register at one time... Ah!
Gorpina (appearing). Why are you gasping there, Sekletya Ferapontovna?
Secletea. Oh, I say, what a rich bride you will have, Gorpina Dormidontovna! Yes, with such a dowry it was possible to bind the prince!
Gorpina. Yes, Yakov Alexandrych is no worse than any prince: handsome...
Sekletea (to the hall). Like a gray gelding!
Secletea. As they put it, so it lies!
Secletea. Let's get everyone in order!
Gorpina....and so shy!..
Secletea. As soon as he gives in, he clings to the walls!
Gorpina. Why are you there, Sekletya Ferapontovna?
Secletea. On such people, I say, our land rests! And there he is!
Yakov. Gorpina Dormidontovna! I brought you more musicians!

Musical number.

Since I am the groom, can we make it so that at my wedding I can not only sing and play, but also dance?
Gorpina. Yes please, Yakov Alexandrovich! Are we worse than the city of Paris?
Yakov. Well, then I brought the dancers!

Choreographic number.

Secletea. Good people, why is this being done, huh? While the musicians are playing harmonicas and singing songs for us, Gorpina Dormidontovna made Yashka do all the housework: he stacked the woodpile for her, fed the piglets, slammed the rugs, squashed a whole pot of cabbage soup without bursting!
Gorpina (appearing). What are you doing there, Sekletea Ferapontovna?
Secletea. Yes, Gorpina Dormidontovna has an enviable son-in-law, I say. He can do everything, does everything!
Gorpina. I couldn’t be happier with Yakov Alexandrovich, he’s just a real treasure! Doesn't straighten his back, he works all day!
Secletea. Well, for such a dowry you won’t even feel sorry for your back!
Yakov (appearing). Allow me to report, Gorpina Dormidontovna: I completed the task, so to speak, bam-bang - and to the point!
Secletea. Yeah! Bam-bang - and to my daughter!
Gorpina. What are you doing there, Sekletea Ferapontovna?
Secletea. Yes, I am happy for your daughter, Gorpina Dormidontovna, she will get such an economic artilleryman!
Gorpina. Oh, Yakov Alexandrovich, let’s go, I’ll feed you some pies!
Sekletea (following). Hey! What about the musicians? They're already carrying tools!
Yakov. Let them play! Our window is open, so we can hear everything!

Musical numbers.

Secletea. While the musicians were playing symphonies here, I quietly looked out the window to Gorpina Dormidontovna. Good people, why is this being done? Yashka sits at the table like a sultan. And around him is a mother with her daughters - Marinka, Irinka and Kristinka. You know, they have time to bring the pies to him, and in the time that I was peeking through the window... oh, I was walking under the window, he managed to wrap 42 pies, into one mug... And every single one of the pies was filled with meat. Wow! Yakov Alexandrych, I’ll see, doesn’t bring any gifts to his bride. He’s kind of like the groom, he should shower the bride with flowers, pour perfume on him, well, at least buy gingerbread from the general store...
Gorpina (appearing). Why are you there, Sekletya Ferapontovna?
Secletea. Well, I say, Gorpina Dormidontovna, Yakov Aleksandrovich probably showered you with gifts?
Gorpina. Oh, I failed, Sekletea Ferapontovna! I don’t know what to do! Gingerbread cookies - by the bag, lollipops - by the bag!

Yakov appears with a bag.

Secletea. There he is dragging the bag again! On the collective farm, he probably stole something...
Yakov. Here's a bag of nuts for you, Gorpina Dormidontovna! Chew to your health!

Musical numbers. Gorpina appears, throwing a shawl over her shoulders.

Secletea. Why are you, Gorpina Dormidontovna, dressed up like a Frenchwoman in a cabaret?
Gorpina. And because I’m waiting for Yakov Alexandrovich.
Sekletea (to the audience). Well, I should have waited in the old katsaveyka, otherwise I’d get dressed up!
Secletea. I say, you, Gorpina Dormidontovna, dressed up just like a picture, even in your magazine, in “Pluiboy”.
Yakov (appearing with a bouquet). Sekletea Ferapontovna, Gorpina Dormidontovna, my respects! Gorpina Dormidontovna, please accept this modest bouquet with all my heart...
Sekletea (to the hall). ...burdocks!
Gorpina. Oh, Yakov Aleksandrovich, you confuse me so much that I’m about to faint...
Secletea. You can't even fall like a log!
Yakov. Your three-inch eyes...
Secletea. Saucers!
Gorpina. Oh, Yakov Aleksandrovich, your words make me so excited, I’m just shaking all over...
Secletea. Seizure!
Gorpina. What are you doing there, Sekletea Ferapontovna?
Secletea. Oh, Gorpina Dormidontovna, I’m looking at you and thinking: I hope Marinka, Irinka and Kristinka don’t see you now, making eyes at your son-in-law, otherwise there could be jealousy and scandal right before the wedding.
Yakov. Sekletya Ferapontovna, as a former artilleryman of the 625th regiment, I ask you to sit down, because now a military secret will be revealed to you: Gorpina Dormidontovna will bring to your attention who she is marrying off!

Sekletea sits on a block of wood.

Gorpina. Sekletea Ferapontovna, since you are our neighbor, you know that my daughters are beauties, all young, everything is still ahead of them...
Yakov. That's why I'm marrying... Gorpina Dormidontovna!

Sekletea falls and remains lying.

Gorpina. What's the matter with you, Sekletea Ferapontovna? Are you really that happy for me?
Yakov. Well, let's do something fun, maybe the music will wake you up...

Gorpina and Yakov carry away Sekletea. Musical numbers.

Secletea. Good people, why is this being done, huh? After all, because of this Gorpina Dormidontovna I almost had a stroke! This is a snake - she deceived everyone, snatched such a groom, one might say, stole him from under his nose! One good thing - at least we’ve heard enough songs and seen enough artists!

Gorpina and Yakov appear.

Gorpina. What are you doing there, Sekletea Ferapontovna?
Secletea. Yes, I say, at least they looked at the musicians and listened to the songs in honor of the bride and groom!
Yakov. Well, Gorpina Dormidontovna, who will we invite to the wedding, who played the best today?
Gorpina. Everyone played well, I’ll invite everyone! I am a leading woman! And now I invite respected artists here again and give everyone gifts for their art!

Entering the artists, rewarding.

Yakov. Dear fellow villagers! Even though we are all busy people, we all have jobs, households, children, a home...
Secletea. But never waste time listening to our Russian harmonica, being sad while listening to folk tunes, or laughing at a perky ditty!
Gorpina. After all, this music is our soul! And if Russian songs sound, then you and I will live!

ABOUT SU SO "Shuya Complex Center SON", orphanage-boarding school for mentally retarded children.

Entertainment script

"Play the accordion"

(for older children up to school age)

Prepared by: speech therapist Bugrova Alexandra Alexandrovna


Entertainment scenario “Play the accordion”

Two buffoons come out (to a cheerful Russian-folk melody)

2 buffoon:

We are not simple guys - mischievous buffoons.

In the old days, among princes, we were received as friends,

They poured a glass full and sat him down at the prince's table.


We listen to domras and pipes

We had fun, sang songs,

Honest people danced and sang,

It was like a hive of bees was buzzing.


We did not come to you alone

And they brought friends to you,

We will sing songs and play

(Both buffoons):

Glorify Mother Russia.

The narrator comes out:

Today we have a truly unusual holiday. We will talk about our most beloved folk musical instrument. You have already become acquainted with folk instruments and have seen how rich and varied folk art. Every music has its own composer, and folk music there is no composer. People in the old days composed a song. they passed it on from mouth to mouth, added something, and thus it has survived to this day. That’s why this kind of music has an honorary name – Russian. folk song, Russian folk dance. And the science of folk art is called folklore.

Now the buffoons will tell you a riddle, and you will tell main character our holiday.

1 buffoon : “He gets fat, then loses weight, and screams throughout the whole house.” What is this?(Harmonic)

An accordion player comes out and plays something funny. Everyone greets him with applause.

Storyteller : Well done! That's right, it's an accordion or popularly an accordion.

Why does this riddle say that the accordion sometimes gets thinner and sometimes gets fatter?(Because when they play the harmonica, it either stretches - it gets fat, or contracts - it loses weight). Let's remember the song “I play the harmonica in full view of passers-by. Unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year.”(perform a song) What instrument did Crocodile Gena play? Of course, on the accordion - on the accordion!

2 buffoon: Now I’ll tell you another riddle. What is it about?

“Her whole soul is wide open, and even though there are buttons, it’s not a shirt,
It’s not a turkey, but it’s puffed up, and it’s not a bird, but it’s filled with water.”

Storyteller: Right! This is also an accordion.The riddle talks about the buttons on the accordion. What kind of buttons does the accordion have? Do not know? And I’ll tell you now...

Harmony is very interesting musical instrument. It is not a string instrument, nor a percussion instrument, nor a wind instrument. He keyboard-pneumatic. Why "key" ? Because it has keys - buttons. The musician presses the buttons and a sound is heard. (the accordionist accompanies the presenter's speech with a demonstration ) Right hand the musician plays the melody and accompanies with his left hand. A keyboard with buttons or accordion keys on the sides, and between them there is a chamber into which air is pumped. Air is pumped to the sound bars of the harmonica, and it sounds. That is why the tool is"pneumatic" , Invisibility-air works in it.

Antoshka runs in to the tune of the song “Antoshka” from the cartoon of the same name.

Antoshka: Hello guys! Do you recognize me? That's right, I'm Antoshka! I came to your party because I really love to sing and dance. You’re having so much fun here, can I stay with you?

Storyteller: Of course, Antoshka, stay with us. Really, guys?

I suggest you all do it together famous song about you “Antoshka, Antoshka...” (during the performance of the song, children's accordions and wooden spoons are given to the children)

For centuries there was no holiday in Rus' without singing and dancing to the accordion, and in the countryside even now not a single joyful event is complete without it. A the best tools Among the accordions, Tula ones have always been considered. And there are also Saratov, Vologda and, of course, Shuya accordions. When an accordion sounds, people are interested in it at any time, in any place.The sounds of an accordion influence people's thoughts and feelings. Listening to the accordion, all people become kinder to each other, it carries a charge of joy and good memories.


Guys, what would it be like to have such a spiritual holiday without Russian folk ditties!...

2 buffoon:

Hey, you are Red, Well done! Ladies-Madams!

Sing some ditties

1 buffoon:

Sing quickly to please your guests!

Children performing ditties come out.


1 Harmonist, harmonica player, I'm your girlfriend.

Play the harmonica, and I’ll sing ditties.

2 Harmonist, harmonica player, polka dot shirt.

Play, don't be lazy, for dogs and cats.

3 They say accordion is not in fashion, electronics are in fashion,

But the Russian harmonica still lives among the people.

4 I was called to dance, and the circle was small.

The accordion player sits and plays like a scarlet flower.

5 Accordion player, accordion player, ladle from the kitchen,

You wouldn't be with us if it weren't for the accordion!

6 I didn’t want to dance, I stood and was shy,

When the accordion started playing, I couldn’t resist.

7 I’ll give up, I’ll give up everything, I’ll give up, I’ll forget,
Oh, I'm tired of the accordion, I'll stomp my heel.

8 You, accordion-talker, my faithful friend,

I will be with you everywhere, everywhere, I will be a great accordion player!


In the old days, not a single event was complete without an accordion, either in the village, or in the countryside, or in the city. They played to the Russian accordion and played weddings, harvested crops and, of course, played. So today we will also play, dance and sing. Want to?

1 Buffoon:

Songs, games, round dances,
Will not go out of fashion

2 Buffoon:

Get ready kids
It's time to play.


1. “A goat was walking through the forest...”

2. "Lark"
Children stand in a circle and sing:

A lark sang in the sky,

The bell rang.

Frolic in silence

I hid the song in the grass.

The “lark” (leading child) with a bell moves inside the circle. At the end of the song he stops and places the bell on the floor between the two children. These children turn their backs to each other. Everyone says:

“Whoever finds the song will be happy whole year

The two run around the circle, moving in opposite directions. Whoever grabs the bell first becomes the Lark. The game repeats itself.

3. Game "Pillar"

Participants choose a “Pillar” boy. They dance around him, sing a song and dress him up.

I walk around the pillar

I walk around the oak tree.

What will I give the pillar,

What should we reward the young man with?

Girl: -I’ll give the pillar a wreath!

(handkerchief, beads, skirt, apron...) The song and round dance are repeated each time, the girls take turns dressing up the “column”.

Leading : -What a column we have, like a lady!

Come on, column, dance “Lady” for us, and we will help!

The “column” is dancing, everyone is clapping their hands.

4. "Mousetrap"

Everyone stands in a circle holding hands - this is a mousetrap. Several mouse people. They are outside the circle. Holding hands and raising them up, they walk in a circle saying the words:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

They gnawed everything, ate everything!

Beware, you rascals,

We'll get to you!

Let's slam the mousetrap

And we'll catch you right away!

As the text is spoken, the mice run in and out of the circle. With pronunciation last word“And we’ll catch you right away!”, they lower their hands and squat down. Those who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught and stand in a circle. Other mice are selected.

5. "Carousel".

Barely, barely
The carousels are spinning
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush,
Stop the carousel
One, two, one, two,
The game is over!

1 buffoon:

The hour of farewell is coming,
Our speech will be short.
We say to you: “Goodbye!
Until pleasant, new meetings!”

2 buffoon:

This is where the holiday ends,
Who played, well done!

The buffoons present the children with sweet prizes and say goodbye to the participants.

I have an idea for a wedding script, if anyone knows how to organize it, please give me some more ideas, and I would also like to hear healthy criticism.

The standard script has its advantages, but it has become too predictable and people get tired of everything that is repeated, so any new element is accepted with joy. An acquaintance wants to organize a car race, he must get to the bride before a certain time, and if he doesn’t make it in time, he will also have to compete with the guy who arrives at the appointed place first. The race will be with obstacles, in theory it will be fun, but also dangerous; the bride personally is against it, as she is afraid of being left without a groom at all.

Or even each episode can be played out separately. For example, instead of a ransom there will be a quest (task). The gang will travel to points that will need to be guessed in search of a bride.

I'm waiting for your suggestions in PM or in the thread.

Grand opening of the accordion competition "Play the accordion!" » - author's holidays


grand opening V regional competition accordionists in the Tatar region.



A phonogram of birds singing, nightingales trilling, and accordion playing sounds. The curtain rises. On stage with right side- folk ensemble

Play, accordion!

Play with excitement

About the vastness of the steppes and silence

About the free land,

About the glory of grandfathers and fathers.

Play, accordion!

To be heard

Dance and sing with all your heart.

The ensemble performs the melody to “OH, HOW I LIKE YOU.” Three dancing couples perform a dance on stage. At the end, they remain on stage, a song __________________, a choreographic composition is played.



Harmony, sighed gently, with overflow,

Like a stream, murmuring like a melody,

Piercing with trembling anguish,

Wedding, Host, Moscow, Moscow. region, Show group "Vega"

Moscow, Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Kurovskoye.

Modern presenter Andrey Chistov and his Creative team"Vega".

Are you looking for professional presenters and musicians for your holiday? So our offer is what you need! We will be happy to help you organize a holiday of any complexity, we will do it in a fun, modern and professional way...

Your own DJ, equipment, duet of guitarists with fun instrumental compositions, Vocal and instrumental ensemble, harmonica player, etc. Interesting, modern, interactive programs (LOVE STORY, interview with famous people, ONLY modern ones, with the use of a screen), we discuss the scenario individually. Real reviews You can find out personally from our customers.

We work unobtrusively, cheerfully, without “collective farm” (tangerines, notes, eggs, diapers, etc....)

And chopping in Russian, and from the shoulder!

Well, tear up my dear little Talia,

Wash away Russian hearts from grief!

Let all the bad things pass from our homeland

And the clouds of troubles will disappear from her face!

Drops are ringing over spring Russia,

Tearing snow bandages from the fields,

The accordion sings under the bright blue sky

And that means you and I will be together for a long time

To celebrate sunrises and sunsets

Thanks for everything to Him, the Creator!

The fatherland will be able to spread its wings

And my Motherland will rise!

The “BALLAD OF A SOLDIER” performed by V. KAMANOV sounds.

During the song there is a round dance in the background. At the end of the song, the girls line up on the steps.

And I want it to warm my heart

What kind of fire Gennady


Everywhere where I carried my

And they sang to the accordion and

danced -

Loved the two-row

worker - people:

Your affairs in a ditty

And no matter the song - life


1 VED. Good afternoon dear friends! Fifth time on Tatar land The accordionists gathered to show themselves and watch others.

2 ACT. For the fifth time on this stage they will compete in a virtuoso game on the most beloved folk instrument representatives of almost all districts of the region, as well as lovers of Russian accordion from the Omsk region, in order to name the best of the best.

1 VED. Dear friends! Meet the participants of the fifth regional harmonica competition.


2 ACT. We welcome the accordionists of the Bagan region;

Barabinsky district;

Vengerovsky district;

Zdvinsky district;

Iskitimsky district;

Representative of Karasuk district;

Kochenevsky district;

Krasnozersky district;

Delegation of the Kuybyshevsky district;

Kupinsky district;

Ordynsky district;

We meet the accordionists of the Northern region;

Tatarsky district;

Representative of Toguchinsky district;

Ubinsky district;

Our neighbors Ust-Tarsky district;

Chanovsky district;

Chistoozerny district;

Delegation of harmonists from Novosibirsk;

Ensemble "Veselukha" of the Novosibirsk Agrarian University.

Scenarios of rural holidays

Pashnina, V. Golden Gate: Folklore competition and game program for 10-12 years old: Cheerful people, hurry to the gathering! / V. Pashnina // Scripts and repertoire.-2011.-№16.- P.3-13.

Molchanova, V. We are glad to guests as good news: Scenario of a folklore themed evening “Russian gatherings”: Merry people, hurry up to the gathering! / V. Molchanova // Scripts and repertoire.-2011.- No. 16.- P.14-23.

Glukhova, K. We know, we know about the custom!: Entertainment in folk style for older children and preparatory groups Sada: Cheerful people, hurry up to the gathering! / K. Glukhova // Scripts and repertoire.-2011.- No. 16.- P.24-31.

Dyachenko, M. Voli, in the garden: Theatrical game program based on Russian folk tale“Turnip” for children of senior preschool and primary school age (5-8 years old): Cheerful people, hurry up to the gathering! / M. Dyachenko // Scripts and repertoire.-2011.- No. 16.- P.32-43.

Revneva, S. Once in the autumn...: Scenario for a musical and theatrical production of autumn gatherings: Merry people, hurry to the gathering! / S. Revneva // Scripts and repertoire.-2011.- No. 16.- P.63-68.

Pashnina, V. Today is the feast of the shepherds: Folklore performance on open area in honor of Yegoriy, the protector of cattle: Merry people, hurry to the gathering! / V. Pashnina // Scripts and repertoire.-2011.- No. 16.-S. 69-79.

Stepanenko, O. City of Masters: Scenario of a holiday in a city park: Cheerful people, hurry to the gathering! / O. Stepanenko // Scripts and repertoire.-2011.- No. 16.- P. 80-85.

Merkutova, N. Fair carousel: Theatrical performance script: Merry people, hurry to the gathering! / N. Merkutova // Scripts and repertoire.-2011.- No. 16.-P. 91-96.

Pashnina, V. Buffoonery: Scenario of a folklore festival for children: Hurry! Today is a holiday for the soul / V. Pashnina // Scripts and repertoire.-2011.- No. 1.- P.59-69.

Ivanenko, T.V. “There will be no holy spring in Rus' without Yegory”: Folklore holiday, dedicated to St. George the Victorious (May 16) / T. V. Ivanenko // Last call.-2011.- No. 2.- P. 16-18.

Solyankina, V. I don’t need other steppes: Scenario for celebrating the Day of the village of Bykovo: Every soul is glad for the holiday / V. Solyankina // Scenarios and repertoire. - 2011. - No. 4. - P. 46-61.

Zotova, I. My land and Motherland are one!: Thematic concert program celebration of Village Day: Every soul is glad for the holiday / I. Zotova // Scripts and repertoire.-2011.- No. 4.-S. 83-96.

Pashnina, V. M. Fifty to fifty: Intellectual game on the topic “Proverbs and sayings” / V. M. Pashnina // Leisure at school. - 2011. - No. 1. - P. 9-12.

Lukashuk, M. There is no kinder Russian stove: Script - a lesson for children of primary school age: Everyone has his own secret / M. Lukashuk // Scripts and repertoire. – l 2006.-- No. 22. – P.56 – 63.

Theatrical gatherings at the Russian stove, getting to know the details of the stove, meeting funny characters - the brownie and Baba Yaga.

Ermakov, S. The Legend of the Russian Bath: Theatrical performance from the village of Syamzha: Come, people, for a visit / S. Ermakov // Scenarios and repertoire. –2006.-- No. 12. – P. 50 – 74.

Bath holiday with a story about the history of the Russian bath, competitions and games, ditties and songs, a fair and an auction of bath items.

Book, V. What a miracle is this stove: Scenario of a rural holiday: Come, people, for a visit / V. // Scenarios and repertoire. – 2006.-- No. 12.-S. 38 – 49.

Invitation to parties with riddles, ditties, songs, games and treats.

Zhirnova, N. Beyond the outskirts: Scenario of folklore theatrical game program for an adult audience: Let's play together?... Yes! / N. Zhirnova // Scripts and repertoire. – 2006.--No. 11.-S. 80 – 91.

An exciting program with games, riddles, tongue twisters, dances and songs.

Malaya, N. Gulyai, village! : Holiday scenario: Russia begins from here / N. Malaya // Scenarios and repertoire. – 2006.--No. 10.-P.61 – 70.

Holiday script, dedicated. 450th anniversary of the village of Susanino (Molvitino).

Korolenok, S. G. Wonderful box: Folklore festival for students in grades 5-7: Folk culture/ S. G. Korolyonok // Read, learn, play. – 2006. – No. 9. – P.31-33.

Introducing children to folk games, songs, riddles and tongue twisters.

Otmakhova A.V. Folklore and native word: Lesson / A. V. Otmakhova // Pedagogical creativity. – 2006.-- No. 5. – P. 6 -8.

Introducing primary students to oral folk art: proverbs and riddles, fairy tales and ditties.

Bretskaya, S. E. Play, accordion, play!: Scenario of a folklore holiday: Folk culture / S. E. Bretskaya., S. M. Pankratova // Read, learn, play. - 2006. - No. 4. - S. 16–20.

Holiday of the Russian accordion: the history of the accordion, about it, mischievous ditties.

Netbaylo, Yu. Play and sing, Russian soul!: Theatrical concert / Yu. Netbaylo // Scripts and repertoire. – 2005.--No. 23. – P.6 – 15.

Festive fair with the participation of folklore groups, cheerful choreographic numbers, folk dances etc.

Kondratyeva, T. Lapti - little shoes: Scenario of an educational - game program: How many years, how many centuries... / T. Kondratyeva // Scenarios and repertoire. - 2005. - No. 17. - P. 54 - 58.

Gatherings, dedication ancient Russian shoes - bast shoes!

Nesmeyanova, V. Once upon a time there were: Evening meeting village old-timers with young people: Script / V. Nesmeyanova // Bibliopol. – 2003.--No. 3. –P.65 – 68.

Retro - a journey to the 1940s - 1970s, retro - a walk through the streets and favorite places of your native village, an excursion into the youth of the old-timers of the village.

Zvonareva, L. Cabbage Party: Scenario for rural gatherings: The rich, the happier you are / L. Zvonareva, T. Takova // Scenarios and repertoire.-2008.-No. 8.-P.37-44.

Pozolotina, T. Bow to well water: Scenario of a folk street festival: The rich we are, the happier we are / T. Pozolotina // Scenarios and repertoire.-2008.-No. 8.-P.45-52.

The holiday scenario includes the consecration of a well, commemoration of fellow villagers who died in the war with well water, memories of elderly people about events associated with the well, the opening of a memorial plaque with the inscription “Drink at the well - return home,” competitions, round dances, songs and ditties. The proposed script material can be used during Trinity, Kupala rites, village holidays.

Zhirnova, N. Without each other - nowhere: Scenario for the holiday of the saw and ax: The rich you are, the happier you are / N. Zhirnova // Scenarios and repertoire.-2008.-No. 8.-P.53-81.

We present to your attention a script unusual holiday an inseparable pair - a saw and an ax. It provides for the organization of an exhibition of clumsy toys, an exhibition and sale of benches, stools, frames, saws, axes, a staging of Russian satirical tale“Porridge from an axe”, competitions, etc.

Aganina, V. A. The fair is noisy, beckons with goods: / Folklore festival /: Folk culture / V. A. Aganina, V. D. Adintsova, E. Yu. Dubrovina// Patriotic education: a collection of scripts for secondary school teachers. - M.: Libereya-Bibinform, 2008. - P. 71-77. - (Children's reading room “Library Nurse” Issue 3).

Folklore festival with presentation of product lines: “Toy Shop”, “Grocery Shop”, “Clothing Shop”, “ china shop», « Book store", games, competitions, ditties.

Pashnina, V. We sell bast shoes for fun: Folklore holiday for children: Our world was created by labor / V. Pashnina // Scripts and repertoire.- 2010.- No. 17.-P.51-63.

Vychegina, R. Connected by the same fate with you...: Scenario for a village holiday: Where you were born, you came in handy there / R. Vychegina // Scenarios and repertoire.-2010.-No. 22.-P. 17-29.

Barkanova, G. Play, harmonica, sing, dombra!: Scenario for a street festival: Where you were born, that’s where you came in handy / G. Barkanova // Scenarios and repertoire.-2010.-No. 22.-P. 32-45.

Barkanova, V. In my village - my destiny!: Meeting of high school students with famous Borchankas: Where I was born, that’s where I came in handy / V. Barkanova // Scripts and repertoire.-2010.-No. 22.-P. 70-77.

We are mischievous friends: Ditties collected in villages Belgorod region: Where he was born, he came in handy // Scripts and repertoire.-2010.-No. 22.-P.89-96.

Ivanovo rural settlement - holiday scenarios

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