How to draw a girl's fingers on the right side. How to draw hands, draw a person’s hands and fingers step by step

Artists are entitled to many benefits that will never exist. For example, coupons for free food, separate transport so as not to blend in with the gray mass in the minibus, or a personal butler. I’m not an artist myself, but I’m already starting to feel all the delights permanent job hands (in my case left hand). After drawing for a long time, not only the hands begin to hurt, but also the back, tailbone and other parts of the body subject to creative pressure. In this lesson you will learn how to draw a brush. And two at once: human and artistic. A brush is a means of transferring paint to paper, oil to bread and powder to the brain. This is exactly what it looked like Magic wand, when he went to study at a magic school for treatment. With the help of a brush, such weapons of mass destruction as Malevich's Black Square were created, which shows the ratio of the black population and the rest of the inhabitants of the Earth. Over time, the brush multiplied by spores among people and began to appear at social parties and in laboratories for the creation of chemical weapons.

After the invention of the automatic pen and hydrogen bomb the brush lost its position and moved itself exclusively to artistic field, where it suddenly became a means of creating masterpieces. Being an artist, of course, does not promise great success, but sometimes there is money. What you can do with a brush:

  • Chewing on it gives an influx of new brilliant ideas and also relaxes the nervous system;
  • Draw the most famous painting in the world, or not to draw;
  • Make a cache out of it and hide your stash;
  • Use as a murder weapon;
  • Poking it at someone (just not too much);

Let's try to draw it all.

How to draw a brush with a pencil step by step

Step one. I won’t comment, because there’s not much to say here. From the pictures everything is visible and clear.
Step two.
Step three.
Step four.
I hope you enjoyed the lesson. See more similar ones

Drawing hands is actually very difficult. There is an anecdote that still lives among the walls of art institutions, which tells about an artist who, in order not to be embarrassed, painted his hands in his pockets and his feet in the grass. Hands are also a three-dimensional form, and it is the volume that needs to be conveyed. But that's not the worst thing. The most difficult thing is to correctly grasp the proportions. Already in second place is the transfer of movement and anatomical features. I'm not belittling the importance of knowledge of anatomy, it should be.
But if the proportions are not observed from the very beginning, further work will not bring a positive result. For example, a sitter sits in front of you.

His hands are in the right position, in a certain angle. So you need to correctly grasp the position of the hand from the perspective. And for this, look for proportions.

The slightest inaccuracy and the “correct” picture will not work. And you notice this inaccuracy already halfway to completing the work, no matter how regrettable it is.

I'll try to explain it differently. To begin with, you probably need to look at the following figure:

It is not necessary to know what the bone is called. It is enough to understand that the hand is not an amorphous material, not an inflated ball - it is bones covered with muscles, ligaments, and skin. Remember the proportional relationships of the parts of the skeleton of the hand.

When you draw from life, your hand will probably be at an angle, which will complicate your task. It will be necessary to convey the proportions of the “picture” itself, taking into account the proportions of the hands.

Featured here are the works of artist Andrew Loomis. The structure is shown very well, all volumes are perfectly conveyed. You can directly take and copy taking into account all proportional relationships. It is very well shown that the structure of the palm is based on a ball. Look how the fist is drawn. Start by conveying the basic proportional relationships, height and width, and basic masses. When you outline this on the sheet, proceed to constructing the main volumes. Outline your nails last, sometimes just a light outline with a pencil is enough.

After this, you can move on to the transfer of light and shadow, which will help convey volume. Please note that here light and shadow performs an additional function. It is used with light hints, clarifying volumes and shape.

Below are his drawings of children's hands. The hands of babies differ from the hands of adults in that the palm is more weighty and fleshy in relation to the fingers. The joints are practically invisible on chubby arms. This can lead to problems with misunderstanding; the baby’s hands may turn out to be “cotton-like.” Having already somewhat understood the structure of an adult hand, you need to move on to drawing the hands of babies. Schematically, a baby’s hand can be fit into a rectangle, close to a square, or even into a square.

Hands of older children. Slight differences begin to appear between the boy's hand and the girl's hand. The boy's hand is larger and stronger. Muscles and joints are better visible. Distinctive feature The girl’s hands are thicker, narrower, not muscular, the fingers are thinner, the nails are narrower. Joints and muscles are less visible. In drawing children's hands, the tendons are not transferred. They are still practically not expressed.

Women's hands have noticeable distinctive features from men's. Like everyone else in woman's face, the figure, and the hands themselves. They are drawn more delicate, with light rounded surfaces, more graceful. For greater grace of a woman's hand, middle finger should be about half the length of the palm; oval nails also add grace. Joints are easily conveyed; they can be conveyed by hints, small dimples, like those of an infant’s hands.

Hands are difficult to draw, especially from perspective. Many artists believe that the ability to draw hands is the indicator of a master.

The hand is probably one of the most difficult parts of the body to draw and causes a lot of trouble for illustrators. Let me remember again the book, where she admits that many artists spend half the time allotted for creating a sketch drawing hands. The artist Gustavo Fernandez once said that you can make a good career only through the ability to draw your hands well and expressively.

To build a model of a hand, you can use the same principle: first the frame, then the flesh.

Four bones radiate from the wrist, the continuation of which are the fingers, divided into three phalanges. The middle finger is the longest, the index and ring fingers are approximately the same length. The thumb is attached to the hand at the wrist:

One of the most difficult aspects in constructing a palm is where the fingers are attached to it. The most convenient technique was given to me by Natasha Ratkowski: you need to designate your palm in the form of a segment of a coconut shell, immediately determining its volume.

You also need to draw balls in place of all the joints. The fingers are marked with cylinders of suitable thickness:

The conditional model thus obtained is outlined, in in the right places The phalanges of the fingers and protruding knuckles are indicated:

Using this principle, you can build a hand in any position. When outlining the base, you should try to give your fingertips and nails a beautiful natural shape. If the palm is clenched, you should draw folds that form in the middle. Around thumb There is a muscle that does not contract and is always indicated by an arc.

Cartoon hands are still easier to implement because they do not require such realism in the image, but there are still rules that will make them the most attractive. This collection contains all kinds of examples of drawing hands + drawing recommendations from various sources.

Christopher Hart "How to Draw Everything You've Learned About Cartoons":

Hands of the main characters of the animated series Homer, Bart and others.

The human body has many parts. As we have already discussed with you here on the site, drawing the body and its individual parts correctly is not so easy. To do this, you need to study and know the basics of anatomy and physiology. Very often children draw parts of the body and the figures themselves in a very simplified, one might say amateurish way. We want to teach you how to draw elements here human body correct, primarily from an anatomical point of view. Arm yourself with a pencil and eraser, grab an album and start the lesson. By following our tips, you will gradually learn the basics of this wisdom.

Stage 1. Draw the caracal lines of the person’s hand. First we will teach you how to draw a person's hand from the elbow to the fingertips. We build a straight line.. On the upper part we mark a point from which we draw five segments, from which in turn we draw five more segments connected at an angle to the first. This is the basis of the future hand. Then, along the main straight line, we begin to outline the line of the elbow and the forearm of the hand (this is the part of the arm from the hand to the elbow). The forearm widens from the elbow bend, then thins and passes into the hand (the widened part). After this we begin to draw the fingers. First the little finger, then the ring finger. We draw them along those lines from point 1 of the same stage.

Stage 2. Now we draw the middle and index fingers of the hand. Along the auxiliary lines we give contours to the phalanges of the fingers. The hand is slightly bent, as if the person wants to take or hold something. Then we’ll draw the last, thumb. And further. On the fingers and palms we will show irregularities in the skin, depressions and tubercles, skin folds.

Stage 4. Now let's try to draw a person's hand separately. We build additional initial frame lines like this. Select a point on a piece of paper. From it we draw three features in different sides. At the end of the third line we put a point, and from it we draw segments connected to each other. It's like a skeleton of future fingers. We outline the hand itself with smooth lines around these straight lines to the finger area. The hand is bent down. Then. Let's draw the thumb. First, we will show its thickened part, then the phalanges of the finger itself and the line of connection with the index finger. Then we draw the index finger and middle finger of the hand, outlining the skeletal lines of the starting point of this drawing.

Stage 5. Finish drawing the ring finger and little finger. They are barely visible due to the front toes. We show folds on the skin, tubercles, bulges and irregularities on the hand. Then we delete all the sketch lines and leave only the necessary ones. We paint the hand, shading some areas (play of light and shadows). We hope you learned this lesson well and were able to draw human hands.

The image of hands, or rather hands, is quite a difficult task. Even many successful artists, with craftsmanship and landscapes, avoid compositions involving hands. Therefore, having set yourself the task of learning to draw hands correctly, you should understand that this is a long and painstaking work. First of all, you need to study the structure of the palm, the physiological basis - the skeleton. Most The best way for this purpose it is drawing from life.

Many people refuse to learn to draw. Fears that they will not be able to overcome difficulties, that they are not talented enough, prevent them from even trying to master basic drawing skills. They are looking for reasons and culprits, because it is easier to give up on an idea than to sweat a lot. And it's really sad. After all, you should understand that the learning process will not be easy. Some lessons are easier and it only takes a few hours of practice to get satisfactory results. And some aspects cannot be studied “at once”; you need to work long and hard before the first positive results appear. Both in life and in drawing, it is easier to give up on obstacles than to stress and move on.

In order to start drawing you will need: regular drawing paper, HB and 2B pencil, eraser. The first sketch is best done with a subtle HB pencil, and to further add tone and detail we use the 2B markings.

Step-by-step instructions

Turn the paper over horizontal position and divide it in half. Place your hand on one half and start drawing on the other. Imagine that your fingers are cylinders, your hands and wrists are geometric shapes. Thus, we can imagine the volumes that make up a human hand.

First, let's draw several straight lines repeating the axes of the fingers. Then we will install the top of the middle finger, little finger and thumb. We draw a connecting line between the extreme points of the axes of the thumb and little finger to help calculate the distance and make it easier to evaluate in further calculations of the distance between the joints.

The sketches made may seem like nonsense, and you may have a question: “How will a hand come out of these lines and dashes?” Remember that even great things begin from small things, and it is impossible to correctly build a palm without referring to the physiological structure.

Draw the thickness of the fingers along the marked ellipses so that thin cylinders are formed.

Erase the dark construction lines and smooth the image and add small parts such as nails, folds and wrinkles.

Then, using an eraser, select light colors and shades, erase the excess lines that remain from the sketches around the hand.

Remember that the attitude with which you start work determines the success or failure of your venture.