Dress up trick or incredible transformations. Magic or dexterity and skill? The secret of the trick with dressing up How to change clothes quickly in the circus

“Time is our most valuable resource,” we hear from everyone around us. How many daily routine activities can you save time on if you get used to doing them in a split second? For example, washing, cooking or changing clothes.

What woman would refuse such an ability to change outfits in a split second? This, by the way, is quite real and now we will find out how.

Dressing up trick

Quickly changing clothes is one of the interesting and exciting tricks

One of the most striking performances on the circus stage, along with sawing a man, freeing himself from chains, and taking a rabbit out of a hat, is room with quick change of clothes.

This type of trick is called transformation- it's practically separate genre, which relates to tricks and illusion.

A magician and an assistant, under the bright light of lamps and spotlights, various lighting special effects, and cheerful accompaniment, perform one that amazes the audience, young and old.

How does the dress-up trick work?

  • Everything happens to the accompaniment of a rhythmic dance with the stilted movements of the assistant, during which she changes her outfits.
  • To do this, the magician raises a screen or a special decorated folding cylinder over it or covers it with a huge amount of glitter, foil or confetti - all these actions create an atmosphere of magic.
  • The curtain does not hold over her for very long, just one or two seconds, and she transforms into dresses of all colors of the rainbow with such success and speed that one can only envy.

He can also change his appearance. In this case, they do it in turns. When the assistant changes clothes, the magician performs magical movements, when he - she supports the props and supervises the whole situation, and everything happens to an amazing dance. For both her and him, the methods of dressing are identical.

Amazing dress up tricks look in the video. See below exposure!

Exposure to the studio!

One of the types of transformation from Sudarchikov brothers, it implies the presence of hooks and lines inserted into clothing sets. This method is more complex and is not used often.

Preparing for this trick takes a lot of time.

There are two versions:

  • in the first, the clothing remains on the performer of the trick, but is inaccessible to the viewer's eye;
  • in the second, the garment is thrown under a screen or cylinder, so they are not completely released.

In any case, this requires careful preparation and probably the lion's share of skill.

Another method, which is the most common, is secret Velcro on clothes. It is sewn specially to order, Velcro is attached to the shoulders, and quick-release hooks or buttons can also be sewn on.

For example, the magician lifts the screen, and the changing assistant instantly unfastens the Velcro on the shoulders so that the upper part of the blouse splits into two halves and hangs below a fluffy skirt of a different color, or she sheds her outfit. The buttons visible on the suit are fake. Almost ninety percent of the seams are made with Velcro

There is also this option: The assistant changes her long red dress to a short green one. She can play up to ten outfits if the back hem of a long dress is green, resulting in a long red dress becoming a short green dress due to the raised hem.

This option is vulnerable, as a large layer of clothing may become noticeable. If you look closely at some assistants, their upper body looks more massive than their lower body. After the assistant has taken off her last outfit, her body takes on a natural forms and the heaviness from the upper body disappears.

Watch the video to reveal the transformation trick:

So what happens, the secret is very simple?

Dresses and costumes remain on the magician, but are “magically” invisible to the viewer

Multi-layering– the main postulate is that suits made of very thin fabric are worn layer by layer.

Clothing is specially sewn using special Velcro, hooks and buttons.

One dress can hide the second under the wrong side.

Application possible "ripping off" clothes with hooks strung on invisible fishing lines.

Dresses and costumes do not disappear without a trace; they remain on the magicians in an invisible way (for example, see point 2) or remain on the floor, covered with props on top.

IN Everyday life Such clothes are not available to everyone, but with great desire they are quite feasible for individual tailoring. Stage costume This kind of pleasure is expensive and costs about a thousand dollars. However, secrets must remain secrets.

Showing this type of show - mastery of the quick dressing trick requires careful elaboration of small details so that the most observant of the spectators does not smell the trick, as well as the dexterity and artistry of the performers, and large quantity confetti.

It is worth mentioning the diligent and numerous rehearsals. If you want to expose the magicians, then look closely at the smallest details. At a close distance, these Velcro and hooks hidden at a distance are clearly visible, which is not entirely good for ordinary people who dream of saving time on changing clothes.

Magic, illusion, trick - these are just the names of what captivates the viewer, captivated by what is happening on the stage or on the stage of the circus. The incredibleness of what the eyes see makes one believe in miracles. More than one generation of viewers remembers the performances of popular illusionists, great magicians David Copperfield, Hmayak Akopyan, Igor Kio. At their performances, incredible miraculous transformations took place, the disappearance of an entire train, movements from one box to another. And all this was in front of the public who was in the hall, and no one could understand how this was happening. And each artist kept his original secrets of tricks secret, which is why all the performances were unique and mysterious.

A little history

The costume transformation act, or cross-dressing trick, was rare in the former Soviet Union.

One could simply count the artists of this genre on one hand. The fact is that the costumes that were made for this number were very expensive. Not everyone had that kind of money to purchase fabrics and sewing. We must pay tribute to the circus and variety school - the performances were so beautiful and exciting that the artists were invited to perform abroad. However, the decision on the possibility of going on tour was not made by the host party. “Proven” artists went abroad...

The titled “transformation suits” work with Russian artists Olga Petryaeva and Maxim Kotov. Their performances are so original that they simply captivate the viewer. The trick with changing clothes is performed with such speed that the audience simply wonders how this is possible. The number is interesting and original. Many circus performers who choose to work in this genre, of course, bring something of their own. These include ideas, props, and costumes.

How does this happen?

Usually, the participants in the act are a magician and an assistant. Beautiful music sounds. The dressing trick begins. The girl is wearing a dress middle length, for example, polka dots. She enters a hoop covered with fabric, the magician lifts it up and after a couple of seconds lowers it, and the audience sees the assistant already in a dress of a different color and style. There is no one around to change the girl's clothes. The surprised viewer is left to speculate that the dress is probably changing color. What about the style? Maybe this is an optical illusion?

While the audience is perplexed by this disguise, the next one comes, no less interesting. The magician simply covers his assistant with a fabric screen, and the audience sees the new dress with wide-open eyes and a silent question - how does this happen?

During the time allotted for this performance, the assistant manages to change up to a dozen outfits in front of the audience, delighting the audience with each change.

The secret of the dress-up trick

Everything is much simpler than it seems to the viewer. To perform a routine perfectly, of course, the artists must act clearly and harmoniously, changing one outfit after another, raising and lowering the screen, making movements that distract the attention of the audience. But the key to the success of the trick is properly sewn clothes. These are not just dresses, blouses, skirts and suits, but unique things that can be transformed by acquiring your own the new kind right in front of an astonished audience.

Both participants in the act must be dressed so that the viewer does not suspect that they are wearing several layers of clothing made of thin material. This is necessary in order to perform the dress-up trick efficiently. The revelation of the number is that the clothes are attached with Velcro. Layer by layer is formed so that, after peeling off the Velcro on the shoulders, the blouse falls down, turning into a skirt. The top in this case will be the same color as the lowered skirt.

How to do the quick change trick

Each pair of artists has their own fastening technology and their own costumes. There are couples who do not accept any Velcro; their number is built on hooks and line. The costume transformations are also different. Some leave the removed costumes at the bottom of the round screen, others transform the costumes, leaving them on themselves, as if turning through the pages of a book.

Even if you lift the veil of secrecy a little and tell how this unique trick is done, the viewer who comes to the performance will be interested in the trick of changing clothes. The revelation, which inquisitive viewers are always looking for, will not affect the perception of the performance, but, on the contrary, will cause delight and admiration for talented artists.

Dressing up trick

Quickly changing clothes is one of the interesting and exciting tricks

One of the most striking performances on the circus stage, along with sawing a man, freeing himself from chains, card cheating and taking a rabbit out of a hat, is room with quick change of clothes.

This type of trick is called transformation is practically a separate genre that relates to magic tricks and illusions.

A magician and an assistant, under the bright light of lamps and spotlights, various special lighting effects, and cheerful accompaniment, perform a trick that amazes the audience, young and old.

How does the dress-up trick work?

  • Everything happens to the accompaniment of a rhythmic dance with the stilted movements of the assistant, during which she changes her outfits.
  • To do this, the magician raises a screen or a special decorated folding cylinder over it or covers it with a huge amount of glitter, foil or confetti - all these actions create an atmosphere of magic.
  • The curtain does not hold over her for very long, just one or two seconds, and she transforms into dresses of all colors of the rainbow with such success and speed that one can only envy.

A magician can also change his appearance. In this case, they do it in turns. When the assistant changes clothes, the magician performs magical movements, when he - she supports the props and supervises the whole situation, and everything happens to an amazing dance. For both her and him, the methods of dressing are identical.

Amazing dress up tricks look in the video. See below exposure!

Exposure to the studio!

One of the types of transformation from Sudarchikov brothers, it implies the presence of hooks and lines inserted into clothing sets. This method is more complex and is not used often.

Preparing for this trick takes a lot of time.

There are two versions:

  • in the first, the clothing remains on the performer of the trick, but is inaccessible to the viewer's eye;
  • in the second, the garment is thrown under a screen or cylinder, so they are not completely released.

In any case, this requires careful preparation and probably the lion's share of skill.

Another method, which is the most common, is secret Velcro on clothes. It is sewn specially to order, Velcro is attached to the shoulders, and quick-release hooks or buttons can also be sewn on.

For example, the magician lifts the screen, and the changing assistant instantly unfastens the Velcro on the shoulders so that the upper part of the blouse splits into two halves and hangs below a fluffy skirt of a different color, or she sheds her outfit. The buttons visible on the suit are fake. Almost ninety percent of the seams are made with Velcro

There is also this option: The assistant changes her long red dress to a short green one. She can play up to ten outfits if the back hem of a long dress is green, resulting in a long red dress becoming a short green dress due to the raised hem.

This option is vulnerable, as a large layer of clothing may become noticeable. If you look closely at some assistants, their upper body looks more massive than their lower body. After the assistant has taken off her last outfit, her body takes on a natural shape and the heaviness from her upper body disappears.

Watch the video to reveal the transformation trick:

So what happens, the secret is very simple?

Dresses and costumes remain on the magician, but are “magically” invisible to the viewer

Multi-layering– the main postulate is that suits made of very thin fabric are worn layer by layer.

Clothing is specially sewn using special Velcro, hooks and buttons.

One dress can hide the second under the wrong side.

Application possible "ripping off" clothes with hooks strung on invisible fishing lines.

Dresses and costumes do not disappear without a trace; they remain on the magicians in an invisible way (for example, see point 2) or remain on the floor, covered with props on top.

In everyday life, such clothes are not available to everyone, but with great desire they are quite feasible for individual tailoring. Stage costume This kind of pleasure is expensive and costs about a thousand dollars. However, secrets must remain secrets.

Showing this type of show - mastery of the quick dressing trick requires careful elaboration of small details so that the most observant of the spectators does not smell the trick, as well as the dexterity and artistry of the performers, and a large amount of confetti.

It is worth mentioning the diligent and numerous rehearsals. If you want to expose the magicians, then look closely at the smallest details. At a close distance, these Velcro and hooks hidden at a distance are clearly visible, which is not entirely good for ordinary people who dream of saving time on changing clothes.

Well, that's my two cents.
I couldn’t resist and looked on the net for the secret of this trick. That's what it is.
The secret of the trick is simple. Before starting the trick, you need to prepare the dresses as follows. The assistant first puts on a short skirt blue color. A medium-length red dress is worn over it. The reverse of the hem of the red dress should be blue - this is the top of the blue tunic. A yellow dress is worn on top of a red dress. The hem of the yellow dress is raised and secured at the shoulders with snaps, like a draped collar.

The hemline of the yellow dress should be red; this is the bodice of the red dress. The hem of the red dress with a blue reverse is attached to the shoulders at two points on top of the yellow hem with buttons. Dresses carefully prepared in this way will not let you down. The rest is a matter of technique. At the moment when the focus of the peak showers the girl with foil, she must quickly unfasten the buttons of one dress from her shoulders. The hem will turn its natural side up, and the effect of quickly changing the dress will be achieved. The same procedure of unfastening the hem of the dress from the shoulders must be carried out when the magician puts a hoop with fringed material on the assistant.
The basis of “Transformation” from the Sudarchikovs, their principle.
No Velcro, everything is built on fishing line and hooks, but several varieties of the transformation itself (when the removed costumes remain in different screens and when the costumes remain on the performer, but you do not see them).
But just because the secret of the trick became a little clearer, the trick itself did not become uninteresting to me.

Grandiose magic shows delight with their diversity. They create visual effects that even cinema would envy. And one of the most spectacular. but at the same time, a trick with dressing up is a safe trick.

What does it look like?

Usually, this trick is done by two people.

There is a magician and his assistant. She may be wearing a dress anycolors. For a certain period of time (usually just a couple of seconds), it is covered with something, or covered from the audience with a screen. At the same time, there is no one nearby who could quickly change her clothes. Everything looks quite convincing.

As soon as the screen is removed, the girl is usually wearing a completely different dress.

Some suggest that the dress changes color. But what if it is also different? style ?

Miracle? Magic? Or an optical illusion? In fact, everything is much simpler. To perform a similar trick, the magician's assistant is immediately put on someof things. They are made from very thin material. All the buttons here are just props. and clothes are attached only with Velcro. It’s worth peeling off the mount on shoulders and the upper part of the clothing falls down like a skirt, and on top remains the top from the bottom pulled up second set of clothes.

Everything is much simpler than we think. But sewing such a suit is not cheap. The price for the professional kit used in the show is passes for a thousand dollars.

Magic, illusion, trick - these are just the names of what captivates the viewer, captivated by what is happening on the stage or on the stage of the circus. The incredibleness of what the eyes see makes one believe in miracles. More than one generation of spectators remembers the performances of popular illusionists, great magicians Hmayak Akopyan, Igor Kio. At their performances, incredible miraculous transformations took place, the disappearance of an entire train, movements from one box to another. And all this was in front of the public who was in the hall, and no one could understand how this was happening. And each artist kept his original secrets of tricks secret, which is why all the performances were unique and mysterious.

A little history

The costume transformation act, or cross-dressing trick, was rare in the former Soviet Union. You could simply count the artists of this genre on your fingers. The fact is that the costumes that were made for this number were very expensive. Not everyone had that kind of money to purchase fabrics and sewing. We must pay tribute to the circus and variety school - the performances were so beautiful and exciting that the artists were invited to perform abroad. However, the decision on the possibility of going on tour was not made by the host party. “Proven” artists went abroad...

Titled Russian artists Olga Petryaeva and Maxim Kotov perform the “transformation of costumes” act. Their performances are so original that they simply captivate the viewer. The trick with changing clothes is performed with such speed that the audience simply wonders how this is possible. The number is interesting and original. Many circus performers who choose to work in this genre, of course, bring something of their own. These include ideas, props, and costumes.

How does this happen?

Usually, the participants in the act are a magician and an assistant. Beautiful music sounds. The dressing trick begins. The girl is wearing a medium-length dress, for example, with polka dots. She enters a hoop covered with fabric, the magician lifts it up and after a couple of seconds lowers it, and the audience sees the assistant already in a dress of a different color and style. There is no one around to change the girl's clothes. The surprised viewer is left to speculate that the dress is probably changing color. What about the style? Maybe this is an optical illusion?

While the audience is perplexed by this disguise, the next one comes, no less interesting. The magician simply covers his assistant with a fabric screen, and the audience sees the new dress with wide-open eyes and a silent question - how does this happen?

During the time allotted for this performance, the assistant manages to change up to a dozen outfits in front of the audience, delighting the audience with each change.

The secret of the dress-up trick

Everything is much simpler than it seems to the viewer. To perform a routine perfectly, of course, the artists must act clearly and harmoniously, changing one outfit after another, raising and lowering the screen, making movements that distract the attention of the audience. But the key to the success of the trick is properly sewn clothes. These are not just dresses, blouses, skirts and suits, but unique things that can be transformed, acquiring their new look right before the eyes of an astonished public.

Both participants in the act must be dressed so that the viewer does not suspect that they are wearing several layers of clothing made of thin material. This is necessary in order to perform the dress-up trick efficiently. The revelation of the number is that the clothes are attached with Velcro. Layer by layer is formed so that, after peeling off the Velcro on the shoulders, the blouse falls down, turning into a skirt. The top in this case will be the same color as the lowered skirt.

How to do the quick change trick

Each pair of artists has their own fastening technology and their own costumes. There are couples who do not accept any Velcro; their number is built on hooks and line. The costume transformations are also different. Some leave the removed costumes at the bottom of the round screen, others transform the costumes, leaving them on themselves, as if turning through the pages of a book.

Even if you lift the veil of secrecy a little and tell how this unique trick is done, the viewer who comes to the performance will be interested in the trick of changing clothes. The revelation, which inquisitive viewers are always looking for, will not affect the perception of the performance, but, on the contrary, will cause delight and admiration for talented artists.

beautiful and bright show, in which the magician and his assistant show various tricks, effectively played out with background music, special effects, sparkles, serpentine, colored foil, balloons and other holiday paraphernalia cannot leave almost anyone indifferent, from children to adults.

Among the numerous performances on sawing a person, freeing himself from ropes, getting rabbits out of a cylinder special place takes a trick with dressing up.

The essence of such a trick and examples of execution

In fact, it's really very bright room. A beautiful assistant (and they are selected for certain parameters, so these are almost always tall, slender beauties) performs dance moves, during which he manages to change clothes several times.

To do this, the wizard covers it for a moment with a special screen, a large folding cylinder, or sprinkles it with a heap of shiny foil. The result is a completely new look in clothes every time. It’s short and red, then long and green, short again, but orange, then purple, and so on. There are no limits to the variety and styles.

At the same time, changing clothes is simply instantaneous - a few seconds under the cover of a screen - and voila! What types of performance of this trick are there?

  1. Only the assistant changes clothes, and the magician makes magical sends and movements, playing out the situation.
  2. The change of clothes is carried out by the wizard himself, and the assistant only supervises the situation and supports the props.
  3. Both participants in the show take turns changing clothes, showing a beautiful pair dance.

An example of how this trick looks in action can be seen here:

If you want to understand how dressing happens, pay attention to the most discreet, small parts any show. Then you will surely solve the main part of the mystery.

Exposing this trick

So what is the secret of the dress-up trick? Today, two versions of its implementation are used.

Transformation from the Sudarchikov brothers. This option is more complex and involves the presence of several sets of clothing equipped with fishing line and hooks. This method is more closed from the public. There are two types of execution: the clothes remain on the person, but they are invisible to the viewer. The garment is thrown into a screen or folding cylinder. In both cases, preparation in advance plays a big role.

The most common version

Clothing for participants is made to order and consists of specially made suits with Velcro on the shoulders and quick-release hooks and buttons. So, for example, the assistant was wearing a medium-length lilac dress, and after being behind the screen it became red and short.

This means that initially, under the lilac outfit, she was wearing this red dress, the hem of which was made from the inside lilac color. Therefore, first it plays the role of the top of the first dress, and then becomes the bottom of the second. This way you can play up to 10 outfits. Large quantity will become noticeable, as it will make the upper part of the assistant’s body excessively massive. That is, the principle is as follows:

  • before the performance, the girl puts on her first outfit - a skirt (for example, blue);
  • then a red dress is placed on top and its hem is lifted up, securing it on the shoulders. It is blue on the inside;
  • followed by a yellow outfit, which is also attached to the shoulders, and its inner part is red, and so on.

Therefore, the assistant under the screen can only quickly unfasten the Velcro and release the bottom of the dress in a new color. Periodically, the clothing is completely shed after the demonstration, to reduce the accumulation of layers, leaving only the image that has not yet been shown to the audience.

Obviously, in both options you should carefully monitor the assistant and the magician. At the beginning of the performance, the girl has a more voluminous upper body than at the end. But the magician does not always lift the screen and the cylinder completely off the floor. Sometimes he leaves them lying around. This happens because there is excess clothing removed by the assistant.

Another nice option show here:

Mastering such tricks requires very careful elaboration of details and numerous rehearsals, because every little thing can be noticeable to the audience.