Where and when will the immortal regiment pass? Who and when came up with the “Immortal Regiment” campaign. History of the Immortal Regiment of Russia

is a near-Earth object with a diameter of about 30 meters. It was discovered on August 29, 2006, when it was at a distance of 4.5 million km. from our planet. Scientists observed the celestial body for 10 days, after which the asteroid was no longer visible through telescopes.

Based on such a short observation period, it is impossible to accurately determine the distance at which asteroid 2006 QV89 will approach the Earth on September 09, 2019, since the asteroid has not been observed since then (since 2006). Moreover, according to various estimates, the object may approach our planet not on the 9th, but on another date in September 2019.

As for whether 2006 QV89 will collide with Earth on September 9, 2019 or not - the likelihood of a collision is extremely low.

Thus, the Sentry System (developed by the JPL Center for NEO Studies) shows that the probability of a body colliding with the Earth is 1:9100 (those. about one ten thousandth of a percent).

The European Space Agency (ESA) estimates the chance of an asteroid crossing its orbit with our planet as 1 in 7300 (0,00014 % ). ESA placed 2006 QV89 in 4th place among celestial bodies posing a potential danger to Earth. According to the agency, the exact time of “flight” of the body on September 9, 2019 is 10:03 Moscow time.

In both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Easter always falls on Sunday.

Easter 2020 is preceded by Lent, which begins 48 days before the Holy Day. And after 50 days they celebrate Trinity.

Popular pre-Christian customs that have survived to this day include dyeing eggs, making Easter cakes and curd Easter cakes.

Easter treats are blessed in the church on Saturday, the eve of Easter 2020, or after the service on the day of the Holiday itself.

We should greet each other on Easter with the words “Christ is Risen,” and respond with “Truly He is Risen.”

This will be the fourth game for the Russian team in this qualifying tournament. Let us remind you that in the previous three meetings, Russia “at the start” lost to Belgium with a score of 1:3, and then won two dry victories - over Kazakhstan (4:0) and over San Marino (9:0). The last victory was the largest in the entire existence of the Russian football team.

As for the upcoming meeting, according to bookmakers, the Russian team is the favorite in it. The Cypriots are objectively weaker than the Russians, and the islanders cannot expect anything good from the upcoming match. However, we must take into account that the teams have never met before, and therefore unpleasant surprises may await us.

The Russia-Cyprus meeting will take place on June 11, 2019 in Nizhny Novgorod at the stadium of the same name, built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Start of the match - 21:45 Moscow time.

Where and what time do the national teams of Russia and Cyprus play:
* Venue of the match - Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.
* Game start time is 21:45 Moscow time.

Meet someone who didn't make it earlier: Sergey Lapenkov. Historian by education, journalist by profession, manager by position. Siberian. Together with two friends, in his free time from work, he came up with and implemented an idea that united and brought millions of people to the streets.

Sergey Lapenkov

The “Immortal Regiment” campaign was born in Tomsk four years ago, and in 2015, about four hundred thousand people took part in it in Moscow alone...


- Do you have a car, Sergei?

- "Opel".

- German, that means... But without the inscription “To Berlin!” on the rear window?

Without... And I don’t say thank you to my grandfather for the Victory using stickers on the car. In my opinion, this smacks of vulgarity.

By the way, this is an illustration of how a living matter can be dried out and then filled with a formal meaning that has almost nothing in common with the original idea.

For me, “The Immortal Regiment” is an absolutely personal story. As for each of those who started it. We didn’t set any major goals for ourselves.

- Who started, when and where?

- Probably, they sat and thought for three, as they should in a male company?

Approximately. With a small amendment that I haven’t drunk alcohol for thirteen years... Remember, like in the old movie: we have a friend, he doesn’t drink, but he comes to watch. This is about me. To put it simply, I chose my norm. One day the professor looked into my eyes and said: “Darling, you don’t need any more. At all. Pancreatitis is not a joke.” And I believed the luminary of medicine...

On May 9, my friends and I traditionally meet in the Camp Garden, where there are steles with the names of Tomsk residents who did not return from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. My grandfather’s name is not there, he is buried in the city of Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, but I always come to the Eternal Flame with flowers, because I consider Victory Day the main family holiday.

It was noticeable that every year there were fewer and fewer veterans, their ranks were thinning, and in 2011 Igor Dmitriev suggested: “Next time let’s take portraits of our grandfathers.” This is a holiday for front-line soldiers, they must march in victorious formation at any time.

Basically, the idea was in the air. We later learned that in 2007 in Tyumen a column of schoolchildren brought photographs of soldiers to the Eternal Flame, and two years later a march “Grandson for Grandfather” took place in Sevastopol. But these actions did not develop and remained a one-time action. So then we talked and forgot. They really remembered Igor’s proposal only in the winter of 2012. We thought: why not try to implement it? The three of us sat down and began to think about how to do this practically. Sergey was responsible for information on the Internet, I was responsible for radio (our media group includes five rating stations), Igor edited the TV commercial. TV-2 editor-in-chief and general director Viktor Muchnik provided the broadcast.

Actually, the whole backstory. All that remained was to decide what to call the action. We looked through various options and decided in favor of the “Immortal Regiment”, considering that this was more accurate and correct. While the memory is alive, the heroes have not died. A kind of relay race in time: from children to grandchildren, from grandchildren to great-grandchildren...

I hope that we managed to touch some strings in people’s souls; the work we started will not stall, despite the difficulties that have arisen in recent months, which we can also talk about if you want.

- I already want to. But let's take things in order.

We did not think about an all-Russian scale, although the spring of this year turned out to be especially busy. The number of cities that decided to join the action grew rapidly, the process needed to be somehow coordinated and directed in the right direction. A lot of time was spent on organizational issues. We even had a joke in our media group. One employee asks another: “Where is Lapenkov?” He answers: “The director is on the march...” After all, “Regiment” is pure volunteering, no one relieved me of my main job. Whatever one may say, five radio stations require attention...

Who knew what it would all turn into? In 2012, we wanted to hold an event in our native Tomsk and show it to people. What was needed was an alternative to how the fate of Victory Day had unfolded since the mid-2000s, when instead of veterans, mummers in soldier’s uniforms began to take to the streets, staging a cocktail of pseudo-parade and performance on the themes of the past war. Everything looked noisy, pretentious and, in our opinion, had little relation to the holiday that we remember and honor. Officials perceived May 9 as an event that needed to be reported to the top; politicians cut their dividends.

Purity and sincerity disappeared, so we tried to make Victory Day alive again.
- Did the city authorities easily accommodate you? After all, the spring of 2012 was preceded by a winter with opposition rallies. In the end there was already Bolotnaya...

People in Tomsk have known us for a long time; we have held various public events more than once. For example, the yard song competition is already twelve years old. First, everyone can sing with a guitar in the courtyards, then we gather the best performers for a gala concert accompanied by a professional orchestra in the large hall of Tomsk University. It turns out to be a beautiful theatrical performance. Or, say, we are organizing a sand hockey tournament. Also a long time ago, more than ten years ago, such a game was invented. With a man who now lives in Canada.
- Teaches the local public a new hobby?

He is busy with other things, but you laugh, and Vietnamese students studying at universities in Tomsk sincerely believe that sand hockey is a Russian national sport. Many teams participate in our tournament... We also hold a parade of vintage cars, celebrate Youth Day, in a word, in the city administration we are known as responsible people capable of organizing a mass event.

And then, in April 2012, we found out where and on what date the committee to celebrate Victory Day would meet, and we arrived. Everyone who performed before us asked for money. For gifts to veterans, for transport, for street improvements... Well, and so on. Only the amounts varied. The turn has come, we say: “We don’t need a penny. We’ll do everything ourselves, the main thing is to take Polk into account in your plans.” The deputy mayor asked: “How many people do you think will come?” They answered that we were counting on one and a half thousand. They also laughed at us: get excited, guys, it’s good if there are five hundred people.
- How much was it really?

Six thousand. Information support yielded results. We talked about the idea of ​​the “Immortal Regiment” on the radio, the TV-2 channel was actively involved, journalist Lesha Bagaev filmed a series of wonderful stories, they talked not only about veterans, but also about the history of families. Are you aware that in the Tomsk region there were settlements from where people were not called up to the front until 1942, and then they took everyone away at once? The so-called special settlers lived there, practically enemies of the people.

Volga Germans?

Who wasn’t there! And the Germans, and the Balts - Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, and Western Ukrainians, and Poles...
Immortal Regiment. Montpellier. France 2016

Did yours, Sergey, the trio of founding fathers of the “Immortal Regiment” also learn something new about their own grandfathers while preparations for the action were underway?

It’s better to ask Kolotovkin and Dmitriev about this, they talk touchingly... My grandfather returned from the front without both legs, Sergei’s grandfather lost his arm, and Igor’s grandfather retained all his limbs, but there was a different story. While he was at war, his wife was imprisoned for taking a loaf of bread to her own hungry children... A man went through the war as a private, returned home with one medal, and then this...

To be honest, I don’t know much about how my grandfather fought. He died when I was six years old. There are very childhood memories left.

Then you didn’t try to ask your relatives?

I tried it. But neither the grandmother nor the uncle could tell any living details. In Soviet times, books were published from the series “Worthy of the Title of Hero,” which described the exploits of those awarded the Gold Star, but these stories were written as if they were carbon copies. The words are the same, the situations are similar. Such, you know, officialdom...
But my grandfather did not like conversations on this topic. Although he maintained a touching, warm relationship with the former orderly, they corresponded for a long time. And his fellow soldiers often came to see him. As usual, grandma set the table, the guests sat down and drank, but there were never front-line tales or conversations like “Do you remember...” Grandfather immediately stopped everything.

I recently found out that the unit with which my grandfather went through the war is based in Kineshma, on the Volga. And in its chronicle there are pages dedicated to the Hero of the Soviet Union Guard, Senior Lieutenant Ivan Adamovich Lapenkov.

Why was he given the Star?

Briefly the story is this. My grandfather commanded a company and on July 30, 1944, with six soldiers, he went on reconnaissance to find a place for a future crossing of the Vistula. We came across the Germans, entered into battle, went ashore, found fishing boats and decided to cross the river immediately, without delaying it. They swam across, captured a bridgehead and held it for six hours until the battalion and the entire brigade had crossed.

It was probably a miracle that my grandfather survived. In September 1944 he was awarded the title of Hero. Before that, he had already received the Order of the Red Banner and the Red Star. After all, he managed to fight in Finnish...
Lapenkov Ivan Adamovich
01/15/1912 - 12/06/1972: Hero of the Soviet Union
By July 1944, Guard Senior Lieutenant Ivan Lapenkov was deputy commander of the motorized rifle battalion of the 20th Guards Mechanized Brigade of the 8th Guards Mechanized Corps of the 1st Guards Tank Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front. He distinguished himself during the liberation of the Lviv region of the Ukrainian SSR and Poland.
- When did you lose your legs?

Already in 1945, not far from Berlin. The Fritz fired a Faust cartridge, and my grandfather's legs were cut. I spent a long time in hospitals, then learned to walk on prosthetics. He even danced on them!

It must be said that Achinsk has always been considered a gangster city, and today it is among the leaders in the number of criminal showdowns and criminal offenses per capita. And in the post-war years, there was even more chaos on the streets. Complete atas! My grandfather was friends with Marina Ladynina, she also came from Achinsk, and when the famous actress came to her small homeland with patron concerts, my grandfather and grandmother were always invited to the performance and seated in places of honor. One evening they were returning through the alleys from the cinema, and the local punks tried to take them to the gop-stop. And my grandfather’s character was tough and strong-willed, otherwise he would not have gone through the meat grinder that life had in store for him. There were three or four raiders. And the grandfather was on prosthetics, with a cane... With her help, he sorted things out with the attackers, while the grandmother ran home to get a revolver. After the war, my grandfather worked as the head of the collection service at a bank, he was entitled to a service weapon... In a word, one bandit was shot, although not to death, the rest fled.

One day the grandfather got into a tight fight with his neighbor. Even though he was a front-line soldier, he drank heavily and in this state he lost control of himself and beat his wife in vain. At first, the grandfather tried to exhort, they say, stop it, dear man, with drinking, don’t disgrace the honor of the uniform. The neighbor is all over the place, it’s going to flood his eyes and let’s wave our fists. So the grandfather couldn’t stand it, he hit him once...

And my grandfather had a captured gramophone and jazz records brought from Germany. Such a weakness: I loved listening to good music in the garden among the flowers and beds. The neighbor did not forget the slap in the face, he wrote a denunciation to the authorities: so, they say, and so, the Hero of the Soviet Union, but he is fond of enemy jazz. It was 1949, and another campaign against spies and rootless cosmopolitans was unfolding in the country... Can you imagine, right? Achinsk and spies!

But the denunciation went away, we need to react. Fortunately, the head of the local MGB office knew my grandfather well, called him in for a conversation and said: “I won’t let this piece of paper go, but if they bring another one, they’ll have to put you in prison. And the Star won’t save you. Understand correctly, Ivan Adamovich...” Grandfather Understood. He returned home, took a stack of records out of the hut, put them in the garden, doused them with kerosene and set them on fire. He left only the notes of Lydia Ruslanova and Pyotr Leshchenko. Then he drank, which he almost never did, and went... to punch his neighbor in the face. But he had nothing to write a slander about.

This is what my grandmother and uncle told me. Not exactly war memories, to be honest. Now that information about the “Regiment” has spread widely, from time to time fellow countrymen from Achinsk who knew my grandfather contact me. Even in Israel one was found. Our local coordinator, Nathan Greenberg, spoke on local radio, talked about the “Immortal Regiment”, and after the broadcast he was found by a man who identified himself as the son of a close friend of Ivan Adamovich. Nathan called in the middle of the night and said: “Sergey, this is the story... I’m handing the phone over to the man, he’ll explain everything to you himself.” Indeed, it turned out that this family lived next door to ours...
- Maybe the son of the front-line soldier with whom my grandfather had a fight?

No, no, another one!

And my grandfather rarely quarreled with people. By nature he was gentle and kind. Although with iron principles. In 1970, for the 25th anniversary of the Victory, Heroes of the Soviet Union were given personal cars. The shortage was terrible for those times, you remember. People stood in line for a long time, overpaid, just to buy. And the grandfather is not only a Hero, but also a disabled person. A paper arrived that he was entitled to a manually driven Volga. Before that, my grandfather drove a Zaporozhets, also “tamed”. Grandma was really looking forward to them getting a decent car, but grandfather refused to get one. More precisely, he gave the Volga to a driving school and said let others learn to drive. Grandma once timidly asked why he did this, grandfather answered that the question of the car was never raised in our house again. We continued to drive the humpback...

Is it possible, Sergei, to say that the “Immortal Regiment” awakened family memory?

In many cases, yes, although in our family on May 9, the photo of my grandfather always stood in a prominent place. Nearby is a glass of vodka and a slice of black bread. It's been like this for as long as I can remember. I have kept the tradition.

But the fact is that personal history has rapidly grown into public history.

We began to think about various other meanings later. Initially, it was driven by the desire to cleanse May 9 of the alluvial husks, pedantic officialdom and attempts to speculate on the holy holiday. In the first year, our coordinators had conflicts with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and other left-wing organizations. They wanted to lead the Regiment column with photographs of Stalin in a ceremonial jacket. I asked one question: “Which of you personally is the grandson or great-grandson of Comrade Generalissimo? If there are any, bring them. But there is no need to take other people’s portraits.” I am not against communists, although I do not share their basic ideas. The point is different. We politely but firmly explained to representatives of other parties: “Regiment” is not about that, there is no need to try to use it for the sake of your own political PR. Frankly, this is very annoying.
- When did you feel that you were in the top ten?

It quickly became clear that people needed the story we had come up with, and they would have to deal with it. Six thousand people came out in Tomsk in the first year, in 2013 there were already fifteen thousand, and in May 2015 - all fifty. The column walked past the TV cameraman standing in one place for an hour and ten minutes, stretching from Novosobornaya Square to the Camp Garden. By the standards of our city, there are a lot of people. It’s as if one and a half million Muscovites walked along Red Square.

Here's another moment. We have experience in holding mass events, and I know very well that a crowd of five thousand can become uncontrollable at a moment’s notice. There are different people walking in the “Regiment” column, but I didn’t notice any drunk or aggressive people. Even a person with a cigarette in his mouth is a rarity. But there were many small children and women. And most importantly, the atmosphere is friendly and positive, which in our time is already a success. So people can be people. At least sometimes...

In 2013, how many cities supported the action?

About one hundred and thirty. In three countries - Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. According to our estimates, about two hundred thousand people took to the streets.
- “Word of mouth” spread the news?
Representatives of United Russia in 2012 suggested that we create a federal network project, promising financial and other support in return. We realized that we urgently needed to prescribe the principles of "Regiment". It is stated in the charter: this is a non-profit, non-political, non-state civil initiative, every citizen is free to support it, regardless of religion, nationality, political and other views. They specifically stipulated that “Regiment” cannot be personalized to any, even the most respected person - a politician, public figure, official. Only millions of those who have passed away and their descendants. We are for the unification of people, and anything that serves others is unacceptable to us.

Sometimes they ask: can we go with the logo of our company? For God's sake! But not in the ranks of the Regiment. In Tomsk on May 9, we go first, and then the party and corporate columns. This is the position of the mayor's office. We are not an image platform, but everyone’s personal memory.

You asked a question about “word of mouth”... We talked about the idea to fellow journalists from different regions, presented “Regiment” at the “Together - Radio” festival, went to the “Media Brand” competition, where the guys from Kazakhstan saw us, and Oleg Katsiev, head of Internews Network for Central Asia, invited representatives of local television companies to the congress in Shymkent (Chimkent). In short, we tried to use any media platform. So the information diverged. Like circles on the water.
Immortal Regiment, China
- And then the “domino principle” worked?

Well, yes, a snowball started rolling... By the new year 2013, we had contacts with fifty regions. Tula picked up the baton of Tomsk earlier than others. There is an amazing organizer there - Lena Grebneva, manager of MediaTrust. She firmly adheres to the positions of the Polk charter and at the same time was able to find a common language with the local authorities. In 2015, one hundred thousand Tula residents came to the rally, in fact every fifth resident. Incredible! After the first march, Governor Gruzdev invited Lena to go to work in the regional administration, to head the information department. She thanked and refused.

We have some cool guys here. That's the truth! They are as violent as Kolotovkin, Dmitriev and I. Denis Bevz took charge of the media center for free, establishing information exchange between all cities. The third place to join the "Regiment" was Uryupinsk, where the wonderful guy Maxim Tolstov lives. Then Volgograd, Kurgan, Novosibirsk, Omsk appeared and - off we go... In Yekaterinburg, the action is supervised by Channel Four and personally by Alena Vugelman, director of the television company. A touching human story in Pyatigorsk. Every year on May 9, Denis Ushakov went to the parade with his veteran grandfather. In December 2011, Semyon Romanovich died, and the “Immortal Regiment” became for Denis a direct continuation of the family tradition. As before, he goes to the march with his grandfather, but now in the photo...

The first forty cities joined the movement literally through a handshake. I knew all the coordinators personally; they were my comrades. From the very beginning, we built a horizontal community, united not by structure, but by idea. In 2012, we were awarded “TEFI-Region” in the “Television and Life: Social Action” category. Seryoga Kolotovkin went to Kazan to collect the prize. Igor Dmitriev didn’t want to, I couldn’t... We always emphasized: the main thing is not awards, but the opportunity to tell about the Regiment to as many people as possible.


In 2015, the TEFI was no longer awarded to you. The Orpheus figurine was awarded to actor Vasily Lanovoy and for some reason the TV Center channel...
TV awarded the “Immortal Regiment”
“Immortal Regiment”, “Luntik”, Dmitry Kiselev and “The Voice” - the First Ostankino Studio hosted the TEFI award ceremony, which summed up the results of the 2014/15 television season, but failed to identify a clear leader.

It is written in our charter: one country - one “Regiment”. I will not start a public tug of war. Wrong topic.

But it’s obvious that they are trying to push you aside. And they do it not too delicately.

Let's then rewind the film three years ago.

Moscow moved up to the "Regiment" in the sixth ten cities. A man called who introduced himself as Nikolai Zemtsov, a Khoroshevo-Mnevniki deputy. We talked on the phone, then on Skype. Kolya said that he wanted to hold an action in the capital and complained about how difficult it was. We tried to help as much as we could, but still in the first year few people came to Poklonnaya Hill.

Then in Tomsk we held a small congress of coordinators from among those who were able to get here at their own expense. Mostly Siberians arrived. There were two from beyond the Urals: Yulia Arsenyeva from Vologda, and Kolya from Moscow. As they say, they broke bread and discussed what to do next. At the same time, they decided to register an interregional historical-patriotic movement and create the necessary legal framework. How was it in many cities? A person comes to an official and says: “I am the coordinator of the civil initiative.” And he falls into a stupor. For him, this is a very strange combination of words; he is used to initiatives coming down from above according to orders. Our coordinators caused either horror or panic. More often than not, the door slammed in your face: come tomorrow, or better yet, the day after tomorrow!

In Perm, it was with great difficulty that they penetrated the local authorities; in Kemerovo, they could not hold the “Regiment” action for two years... In short, it became clear that a piece of paper with a blue stamp was needed. When a person brings a certificate from the Ministry of Justice, the attitude towards him is different, he is no longer so dangerous. And then the coordinator, you understand!

We registered, and Zemtsov again started a conversation, saying that Moscow needs to meet them halfway, make an exception by allowing commercial activities. But our charter clearly states that this is prohibited even in the interests of the movement. We didn't want Polk to be used as a channel for monetization and money laundering. In addition, there was a negative experience in Omsk, where people from a youth organization got into the local headquarters and stole half a million rubles, supposedly allocated to the “Regiment”.

Zemtsov continued to insist that the Moscow branch be allowed to engage in economic activities, but we said: sorry, the rules are the same for everyone, we will not deviate from the principles. They seemed to have settled on that, but the sediment, as they say, remained.

After some time, Kolya sent letters to our coordinators that Tomsk was dictating its will, stifling initiative, usurping memory... Well, and so on.

Riot on a ship?

He got involved in factional work, as they wrote before... The coordinators did not support Zemtsov, and in February 2014 we broke off relations with him.

And then began the history of the autonomous existence of the “Immortal Regiment” in Moscow. Separate from the whole country. In 2014, from twenty to forty thousand people gathered on Poklonnaya Hill.
- And Vasily Lanovoy has already appeared there?

Zemtsov brought him. This was when we were still communicating. The point was that Lanovoy was ready to hold concerts in support of “Regiment”. We liked the idea, Vasily Semenovich is an actor whom people love... But then it turned out that it was not so much Lanovoy who was going to help “Regiment”, but rather we who should assist in organizing his performances. Okay, we think it’s still good for the common cause. We reached an agreement with the regional Philharmonic, including a fee for the artist. And then we look at the script: the governor on stage... speech... presenting a diploma of honor to the dear guest... mayor on stage... speech... presentation... But we had an agreement that there would be no personal PR for undercover officials "Shelf"! In addition, it turned out that the concerts have a budget, the source of which they refused to reveal to us... In general, we explained that Polk is not a concert agency, and we are not going to produce sparkling water under that name.

Later, Lanovoy represented a new structure - “Immortal Regiment. Moscow”.
- And you have nothing to do with the 2015 march on Tverskaya and Red Square?

Formally no. But I know something else. There are 1,200 coordinators from twenty countries registered on the Polka website. In 2014, six hundred thousand people took part in our action in 420 cities; last May - already four and a half million.
Vladimir Putin at the “Immortal Regiment” rally in Moscow, 2015
Of course, Moscow is the capital, but still it is only one city... Of course, it’s great that Vladimir Putin walked along Red Square with the people. Not at the head, not one step ahead, not in the cordon of the chosen ones. Now, if the president stood on the podium, and the Immortal Regiment flowed by, there would be a collapse. For everyone. And so the picture looked absolutely natural and organic.

I want to emphasize: we do not insist on authorship and do not intend to sue anyone. It is more important that the tradition takes root. Ultimately, the people who come out with portraits of loved ones don’t care who exactly organized the march. If only the people's initiative is not taken over by politicians seeking to use it for their own needs. Unfortunately, there are still enough people who like to build a ladder for themselves on a pedestal from any available material...

In St. Petersburg, our coordinators hardly repelled the attacks of the local branch of United Russia. As a result, on May 9 of this year, one hundred and fifty thousand people took to Nevsky Prospekt without party paraphernalia. But in Moscow there were serious violations of the charter...
For example?

There were moments of mobilization when people were forced to march. And this, by the way, was observed not only in Moscow. In Krasnoyarsk, ten thousand people voluntarily joined the “Regiment” column, but this was not enough for the local authorities, and for some reason they kicked schoolchildren out onto the streets. Then they showed a story on television where a correspondent asked a girl: “What did the person whose photo you are carrying do?” And she replies: “What kind of person? This is a sign.” A lot of people watched the video on the Internet. Do you understand what I'm talking about?

What can you say about the photographs circulating on the Internet after May 9 with portraits of veterans abandoned and piled up in a heap?

The most amazing thing is that almost no one bothered to understand the situation. Everyone saw only what they wanted. Some are proof of hellish administrative resources, others are a setup and provocation. I realized a long time ago: the corners of the ring have their own picture of the world. Boxers stand up, they do not notice anyone or anything around them. This is very sad, people, even for the sake of May 9, cannot overcome the momentary in themselves...

We tried to find the loose ends and found out that perhaps the most widely circulated photograph was taken in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Our local coordinators admitted their logistical shortcomings, but there was no trace of malicious intent in their actions. In Moscow, volunteers without identification marks in the Tretyakovskaya metro area handed out tablets with photos of veterans to passers-by. What kind of people were they, why were they doing this? Mystery.

Did the founding congress of a new movement with the old name “Immortal Regiment”, which took place in Vyazma in June 2015, come as a surprise to you?

It was a natural course of events. They began creating parallel structures back in April and tried to appoint their own coordinators in the regions. We wanted to resolve the situation peacefully, so as not to bring it to the point of absurdity, but they did not meet us halfway, they called us a destructive force.

We believe that our task has been largely completed. The country heard about the "Immortal Regiment". I don’t think anyone will be able to trivialize this idea. Although, of course, it all depends on the people. I saw several people marching wearing T-shirts with veterans' portraits printed on them. They literally carried the photo on themselves. Unfortunately, we cannot change this if the father and mother did not explain to the boy or girl in time that the grandfather’s print on a T-shirt is beyond good and evil. You can’t exchange your memory for fu-fu, T-shirts and souvenirs.

I hope there will be little such nonsense. I'm afraid of something else. My grandfather fought so that there would be peace. I guess that’s why I never thought about the war. Like many other veterans. I am sure that none of the front-line soldiers would want his descendants to go through something like that. The worst thing is if the “Immortal Regiment” turns out not to be in the name of peace, but for the sake of a new war. It would be terrible if the memory of our ancestors would be used to educate younger generations for future battles. A monstrous substitution cannot be allowed. This is much more serious than the alternative structures of Nikolai Zemtsov or Vasily Lanovoy with TEFI. The trouble is if people are enthusiastic about the idea of ​​fighting with someone. In my opinion, this is a betrayal of the memory of our grandfathers. I’m definitely ready for something like this and will fight...

I look at the photo of Ivan Adamovich Lapenkov: you look just like him, Sergei!

Well, yes. Many people talk about this. I would like it not only externally...

It is generally accepted that the “Immortal Regiment” action began in Tomsk, where in 2012, six thousand Tomsk residents walked through the city streets with portraits of relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War. But, as it turned out, this is not so - the “Immortal Regiment” was invented in Tyumen.

The editors of OK-inform received a letter from Gennady Ivanov, chairman of the council of veterans of the Tyumen departmental security police battalion, who in 2007 organized and conducted the first “Immortal Regiment”, however, then it was called the “Parade of Winners”.

A week ago I had a dream that I was standing on the podium on the central square of Tyumen, the Victory Parade was going on, military personnel were marching in formation, followed by ordinary Tyumen residents, and almost everyone was holding portraits of war veterans. Many, many people. It was an amazing sight,” Gennady Ivanov told the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper in Tyumen about the birth of the idea of ​​the future “Immortal Regiment”. He sent a scanned copy of the publication dated May 8, 2007 to our editorial office.

Gennady Ivanov explains that the first portraits of victorious soldiers walked along the main street of Tyumen five years earlier than in Tomsk, which today is undeservedly considered the birthplace of the Immortal Regiment. And since 2008, Gennady Kirillovich sent out by e-mail his proposals for holding a similar Tyumen patriotic event to other cities in Russia and neighboring countries.

I wrote letters with my initiative to all regions of Russia addressed to governors, the United Russia party, and ministries. I also contacted Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Transnistria, the Baltic states... There were dozens of positive responses. The “Parade of Winners” action, or under other names, took place in many regions and, starting in 2009, it gained momentum, says Gennady Ivanov, confirming his words with official responses from regional and party leaders.

For example, the chairman of the Leningrad Region Culture Committee, Vladimir Bogush, wrote to Gennady Ivanov on April 30, 2009 that the “Parade of Winners” event proposed by a resident of Tyumen would be used in holding regional events dedicated to the 64th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

We gratefully and fully support the idea of ​​holding the “Parade of Winners” event,” Vladimir Bogush wrote to Gennady Ivanov three years before the “Immortal Regiment” was held in Tomsk. — Your appeal to the governor of the Leningrad region was reflected in the April issue of the information and methodological collection “Region of Culture.”

And suddenly it turned out that the idea with portraits of front-line soldiers originated only in 2012, and it came to the minds of three journalists from the Tomsk television company TV-2,” Gennady Ivanov is surprised.

At the same time, the Tyumen resident expects that he may be accused of vanity, saying that he wanted recognition, although in fact it makes no difference who came up with the action, the main thing is that it has acquired an all-Russian scale and is liked by Russians.

If you adhere to this position, then you can say to the relatives of Mikhail Sholokhov: “What difference does it make who the author of “The Quiet Don” is - Sholokhov or Fdor Kryukov, as long as the book is good,” Gennady Ivanov counters to this. “However, if, when describing the action with portraits of front-line soldiers, the media had not asserted in vain that it originated in Tomsk, then I would have continued to remain silent. And so, excuse me, I still have some kind of self-esteem, the campaign with portraits is my brainchild, and I don’t want them to spit on my soul.

By the way, on May 9, 2015, the “Immortal Regiment” action takes place in almost every city in Russia and in 11 other countries around the world. And it is not the fourth time, as is mistakenly believed, but the ninth!

Has it become popular among the people, and how many heroes does this story have? The idea of ​​creation belongs to a pensioner from Tyumen, and it became famous thanks to the efforts of Tomsk journalists. Then the federal authorities seized the initiative, which is worth talking about separately.

Operation Interception

Why was the popularly beloved event intercepted from the TV-2 channel? There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the anniversary of the great Victory was approaching, and they wanted to make the celebration as large as possible. Including financially. After all, journalists from Tomsk worked exclusively on “desire”: if you want, come to the rally, if you want, don’t. It is unlikely that it will be possible to raise millions this way. Then it was decided to entrust this task to the “All-Russian Popular Front”, as real specialists in matters of mass gatherings.

There were also political reasons that lay in the liberal roots of the Tomsk TV channel. The action was supposed to demonstrate the maximum unity of our compatriots in the face of a noble goal, and Putin’s ONF was much better suited for this than Tomsk TV-2. After which the “people’s front-line soldiers” practically forgot about who came up with the “Immortal Regiment” first, and took the entire initiative in organizing the march upon themselves.

New history of the "Immortal Regiment"

The consequences of this decision were not long in coming. Many publications, not to mention users of social networks, began to be indignant about the undeserved “snatching” of the share from its founders. The president's press secretary had no choice but to call the action a “popular impulse” and declare the proceedings with the authorship incorrect. And then the ONF completely rewrote the story about who invented the “Immortal Regiment”. The story looked like this.

Prophetic dream: who invented the “Immortal Regiment”?

There are many examples of how great thoughts come to brilliant people in their dreams. This is what happened with this action. The idea to carry portraits of fallen veterans in a march dedicated to Victory Day came in a dream to Gennady Ivanov, the son of a famous order bearer. It is he who is famous as the person who invented the “Immortal Regiment” in 2007.

Moreover, the hero’s descendant had a dream on the eve of the May holidays. He himself describes what he saw as follows: “The ninth of May, an official ceremony, a grand parade. The great song “Holy War” sounds. A column of thousands of people begins its procession along the main street of Tyumen, each of whom is holding portraits of relatives who died in the Great Patriotic War.” This dream impressed Gennady Ivanov so much that he decided to do everything possible to bring this action to life.

"Portrait at the Parade"

This is precisely the name that the “Immortal Regiment” campaign initially bore. Many residents of Tyumen took part in it, and what is especially important - the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the heroes. Subsequently, the Tyumen initiative was supported by other regions of Russia: a couple of years later, processions with portraits took place in Novosibirsk, Kazan, Kemerovo and many other cities.

In 2012, the initiative finally reached Tomsk. Here the action received the name “Immortal Regiment”, which immediately appealed to everyone. It was decided to leave it to this day.

How was it really?

There are, of course, many contradictions in this story. Starting from the lack of mention of the name of Gennady Ivanov in the official press, and ending with the very absurdity of the idea that such an action could begin because of one dream. The question of who came up with the immortal regiment would have remained open to this day, and perhaps the ONF would have been able to take away not only the action, but also the idea itself from Tomsk journalists.

However, in the archives of the regional press we were able to find records about the pensioner and public figure Gennady Ivanov, who actually published his thoughts on this matter in 2007 in the Tyumen Izvestia newspaper. In a word, the idea was there at that time, and there should be no doubt about the year in which the immortal regiment was invented. Only in 2007 the action itself had not yet been held. At the very least, it was picked up only in 2008, in the pensioner’s hometown and under his initiative. Then the column consisted of only one line of people with portraits of veterans.

Gennady Ivanov wholeheartedly advocated for the action and sought to ensure that it became as large-scale as possible. Therefore, he sent appeals asking to support the action not only to all regions of the country, but also to neighboring republics. Let everyone know who invented the immortal regiment in Russia and support the noble initiative!

What the newspapers wrote about the pensioner

The idea did not go unnoticed by the press. This is what the press wrote about Gennady Ivanov.

  • In the publication “Kuzbass” in 2009, it was stated that the editor had received an unusual letter with an original idea from a resident of Tyumen. Festive demonstrations on Victory Day are always carried out according to a standard scenario: artificial flowers, a parade, balloons... What if portraits of heroic warriors were made the main distinctive sign of this day? You don’t need any special things to do this, you just need to find an old photograph of a veteran and attach it to the shaft.
  • In 2010, the Ulyanovskaya Pravda newspaper also published information that on May 9, Victory Day, the main attribute would be the faces of the heroes of this holiday. At the initiative of a Tyumen resident, photographs of veterans will be carried by participants in the festive parade, including descendants of fallen soldiers.
  • The newspaper "Red North" in 2013 also mentioned that now the parade of winners is not just words and not a one-day event that will sink into oblivion tomorrow. Veterans are actually present at the festive procession - even if only in photographs. The faces of war heroes can and should become the main feature of the Victory Day!
  • In the same year, the publication Rabochy Krai confirmed in its publication that the idea belonged to Gennady Ivanov, a member of the Union of Journalists. The editors agreed that the idea he proposes is very interesting and relevant. How to make victorious heroes the main participants in the victory celebration? In photographs! Many, before finding them in old family albums, will rediscover the book of memories and learn a lot of new things. Children will learn to value courage and bravery and will respect veterans more. All this will bring much more benefit than, for example, flash mobs to create huge St. George ribbons. True memory is not at all in the size of the ribbon, it is in the faces of veterans, and they must be present next to us on this great day.

Responses from the central press

But all this is the regional press, but central television channels and serious publications have never mentioned Gennady Ivanov’s letters. Only after TV-2 first showed the idea on television, it was noticed and rightfully appreciated. Only they chose not to mention the pensioner himself, and thus, information about who came up with the “Immortal Regiment” campaign remained unclear.

  • The Izvestia newspaper published information in 2013 that the idea of ​​the action first appeared in Tomsk, but today it is being implemented in more than a hundred cities and towns. People come to the parade with photographs of fallen soldiers to be paraded through the streets.
  • In 2014, the newspaper “Zavtra” also reported that in 2012 a wonderful initiative was born in Tomsk, aimed at the unity of residents in the face of the great Victory. Everyone can participate in it. Now six countries and more than 120 Russian cities are participating in this action.
  • Also in 2014, the publication New Izvestia decided to publish an article about the celebration of Victory Day. It said that every year there are fewer and fewer veterans and more and more empty places. Therefore, it was decided to carry photographs of front-line soldiers who gave their lives in that distant war along the main streets of Tomsk. Today, this noble action has already been picked up in many other cities.
  • In 2014, RIA Novosti also reported that the first “Immortal Regiment” action took place two years ago in Tomsk. At that time, it was relatively small in scale: only 5 thousand people carried portraits of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, participants in the Great Patriotic War. But the initiative was so popular that a year later it was supported by 200 thousand participants. Parades of the “Immortal Regiment” took place not only in our country, but also in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. And in 2014, residents of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Israel will also join the action.

As you can see, each publication talks about exactly when and where the “Immortal Regiment” was invented - in Tomsk, in 2012. But they prefer to tactfully remain silent about the author of this action.

Tomsk or Tyumen?

The initiative, which supposedly originated in Tomsk, was gaining large-scale momentum. Subsequently, they began to call it the “Immortal Regiment” in Tyumen. Only local residents carrying portraits of veterans did not forget about who came up with the “Immortal Regiment” first. And with every mention of the action, it was always emphasized that its author and initiator was their fellow countryman.

The journalist himself, who invented the “Immortal Regiment,” responded with some resentment to this state of affairs. In 2014, Tyumenskie Izvestia published his letter, which said that in recent years the action, in which the main “participants” are portraits of fallen warriors, is better known as the “Immortal Regiment.” But in fact, this name took root only 5 years after the first parade with photographs of veterans took place in Tyumen. Allegedly, larger television channels and radio holdings took advantage of the idea. Of course, they have much more opportunities than a simple freelance correspondent...

Without knowing reliable information about who was the first to come up with the “Immortal Regiment” in Russia, one might indeed think that it originated in Tomsk. But that's not true. And the author who came up with this action is not at all vain and does not strive to have his name mentioned everywhere. But it’s one thing to talk about how this project is gaining scale without mentioning who came up with the “Immortal Regiment” and where exactly it was held for the first time. It’s quite another to deliberately distort history by giving priority in creating an initiative to a completely different city. Tyumen, not Tomsk, is the hometown of Gennady Ivanov! It was here that the “Immortal Regiment” was born. And we can’t keep silent about this!

Do you know who invented the “Immortal Regiment” in Russia?

Gennady Ivanov’s photo is rarely mentioned in the press. The freelance journalist himself, of course, did not have major media opportunities, and his voice was weakly audible, drowned out by more serious “sharks of the pen.” But still, one should not forget about the initiative of the pensioner, the fact that it was he who came up with the idea to immortalize the faces of heroic veterans in memory.

Gennady Kirillovich was practically not remembered in all these 8 years, since 2009. The authorities to whom he himself wrote remained indifferent to the idea. He took the initiative in his hometown alone. However, the pensioner’s dream really went to the masses only when the idea fell into the hands of journalists from the TV-2 channel. It was they who made the action truly popular. In short, the question of who came up with the “Immortal Regiment” in Russia and who developed this initiative is controversial and ambiguous.

Advice from Gennady Ivanov for those who want to take part in the action

Before the 2017 solemn parade, the creator of the “Immortal Regiment” held a press conference at which he answered questions and gave useful advice to the residents of Tyumen.

  • Even if you don’t have a photo of a veteran, it doesn’t matter. Indicate on the sign the name, patronymic and surname of the hero, his military rank, and that will be enough. You can additionally place the campaign logo on the sign and decorate it with a St. George ribbon.
  • It will take a long time to walk, but before that you will have to stand. Therefore, take care of comfortable shoes. You need to dress according to the weather. Don't forget to take a bottle of water with you and, if you wish, something to snack on.
  • The formation of the line in Tyumen is carried out by special volunteers. They line up people and make sure that everyone can take part in the procession. Depending on the size of the column, it can stretch across several streets.
  • During the “Immortal Regiment” campaign, special attention is paid to the absence of intrusive advertising and information banners. In past years, some organizations managed to carry their own symbols next to the St. George ribbons. This is simply unacceptable.
  • There is no need to register specifically to participate in the procession. All that is required is to come to the collection point at the appointed time, and if necessary, fill out a short questionnaire right on the spot. It will ask you if you are ready to take on volunteer duties or take part in other similar activities in the future.
  • If for some reason you cannot take part in the festive parade, but want to perpetuate the memory of the heroes, you can attach a small portrait of a warrior to your heart - as a chest badge.

How to prepare a portrait and how to carry it?

Despite disagreements about who invented the “Immortal Regiment” in Russia, this action is, first of all, aimed at reviving the memory of the heroes and defenders of our country. Therefore, you can take a photograph not only of your relative or family member, but also, in principle, of any hero of the Great Patriotic War. This is exactly what Gennady Ivanov himself, the one who came up with the “Immortal Regiment,” thinks. The photo can be of any size, even if it is small, because the main thing is memory! But, as a rule, printed portraits in A3 format are used in processions. Such a photo will be visible from afar.

A photo found in a family album or any other place needs to be scanned, the name and title of the hero added to it, and then the image printed in the desired format. And it doesn’t matter at all when this picture was taken - last year or before the start of the Great Patriotic War. By the way, in many cities you can print portraits of veterans for free - however, in A4 format. To make a larger print, you will have to pay extra.

Once the portrait is ready, all you have to do is protect it in case of bad weather. A film, for example, a regular file, will do; you can also order the image laminated right away. But placing a photograph under glass is not recommended.

Carrying a portrait on a pillar or in your hands is a personal matter for everyone. The fact is that it is physically impossible for everyone who wants to bring a photograph of their hero to the front rows of the column. Therefore, in order for the photo to be visible from afar, it can be attached to a special pillar. You can buy a ready-made one or make it yourself - it’s not that difficult.

It is worth thinking about the design of not only the front side, but also the back side of the portrait if you are carrying it on a pillar above your head. This is often forgotten, leaving behind an unsightly sight in the form of dirty plastic or a rough piece of plywood. Even if you just cover the back with white paper or write a few words about the hero’s deed, it will look much better.

Now you know everything about how to take part in the action, who actually came up with the “Immortal Regiment” first, and why this story has so many contradictions.

The editors of OK-inform received a letter from Gennady Ivanov, chairman of the council of veterans of the Tyumen departmental security police battalion, who in 2007 organized and conducted the first “Immortal Regiment”, however, then it was called the “Parade of Winners”.

A week ago I had a dream that I was standing on the podium on the central square of Tyumen, the Victory Parade was going on, military personnel were marching in formation, followed by ordinary Tyumen residents, and almost everyone was holding portraits of war veterans. Many, many people. It was an amazing sight,” Gennady Ivanov told the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper in Tyumen about the birth of the idea of ​​the future “Immortal Regiment”. He sent a scanned copy of the publication dated May 8, 2007 to our editorial office.

Gennady Ivanov explains that the first portraits of victorious soldiers walked along the main street of Tyumen five years earlier than in Tomsk, which today is undeservedly considered the birthplace of the Immortal Regiment. And since 2008, Gennady Kirillovich sent out by e-mail his proposals for holding a similar Tyumen patriotic event to other cities in Russia and neighboring countries.

I wrote letters with my initiative to all regions of Russia addressed to governors, the United Russia party, and ministries. I also contacted Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Transnistria, the Baltic states... There were dozens of positive responses. The “Parade of Winners” action, or under other names, took place in many regions and, starting in 2009, it gained momentum, says Gennady Ivanov, confirming his words with official responses from regional and party leaders.

For example, the chairman of the Leningrad Region Culture Committee, Vladimir Bogush, wrote to Gennady Ivanov on April 30, 2009 that the “Parade of Winners” event proposed by a resident of Tyumen would be used in holding regional events dedicated to the 64th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

We gratefully and fully support the idea of ​​holding the “Parade of Winners” event,” Vladimir Bogush wrote to Gennady Ivanov three years before the “Immortal Regiment” was held in Tomsk. - Your appeal to the governor of the Leningrad region was reflected in the April issue of the information and methodological collection “Region of Culture”.

And suddenly it turned out that the idea with portraits of front-line soldiers originated only in 2012, and it came to the minds of three journalists from the Tomsk television company TV-2, - Gennady Ivanov is surprised.

At the same time, the Tyumen resident expects that he may be accused of vanity, saying that he wanted recognition, although in fact it makes no difference who came up with the action, the main thing is that it has acquired an all-Russian scale and is liked by Russians.

If you adhere to this position, then you can say to the relatives of Mikhail Sholokhov: “What difference does it make who the author of “Quiet Flows the Don” is - Sholokhov or Fdor Kryukov, as long as the book is good,” Gennady Ivanov retorts to this. - However, if, when describing the action with portraits of front-line soldiers, the media had not asserted in vain that it originated in Tomsk, then I would have continued to remain silent. And so, excuse me, I still have some kind of self-esteem, the campaign with portraits is my brainchild, and I don’t want them to spit on my soul.

By the way, on May 9, 2015, the “Immortal Regiment” action takes place in almost every city in Russia and in 11 other countries around the world. And it is not the fourth time, as is mistakenly believed, but the ninth!