Sister of the deceased millionaire Bratash: If Anisina confesses to the police and returns the stolen documents, I will forgive her! Lyudmila Bratash biography, personal life, age, nationality (see)? Lyudmila brother who is she

Dmitry Kuronov: “Lusya copied all the collected information - bank statements, video footage - onto a flash drive and gave it to me.”

The scandal surrounding the millions and real estate of businesswoman Lyudmila Bratash continues. Nikita Dzhigurda intends to confirm his rights to her inheritance in court. The showman blames her driver for the death of Bratash. We spoke with the driver of the deceased, Dmitry Kuronov, and his wife to find out their version of the mysterious events.

Nikita Dzhigurda.

The death of 56-year-old businesswoman Lyudmila Bratash could easily get lost in the news reports. The woman died on February 14, 2016. Forensic experts concluded - traumatic brain injury. And they explained: a fall from one’s own height. Nothing supernatural. In recent years, Bratash has been drinking heavily. Due to the lack of criminal charges, they did not initiate a case.

The banal story would hardly have continued if Nikita Dzhigurda had not appeared in the story. After the death of the once successful lady, the actor burst into confession. He stated that Bratash was his son’s godmother and his closest family friend, and bequeathed her entire multimillion-dollar fortune to him. Further - more.

Dzhigurda believes that it was not alcohol that killed Lyudmila Bratash; the woman could have been killed by her personal driver Dmitry. The actor also blames his girlfriend and her sister for the death. The showman put forward different versions: “the driver was going to marry her,” “he wanted to take possession of Bratash’s fortune,” “all the most valuable things from her safe were missing,” “the will was stolen.” His words would hardly have been given due attention if Dzhigurda had not appeared in court with a will allegedly drawn up by the deceased. It says that the entire Bratash inheritance goes to Nikita Dzhigurda. Now the actor intends to seek the movable and immovable property of Lyudmila Bratash through the court.

Lyudmila Bratash.

We met with the same driver, the late Dmitry, and his wife Liana. These people presented their version of the tragic events.

To understand who Lyudmila Bratash is, you need to rewind the time film. About 20 years ago. Dashing 90s. It was then that Lyudmila Bratash made a dizzying career. A woman rose to the occasion when she founded a private luxury air travel company. Everything acquired through backbreaking labor is just from the past. Bratash's clients included Boris Berezovsky, Roman Abramovich, famous bankers, businessmen, oil workers, famous artists, and presidents of different countries. Over many years of work, Lyudmila has amassed a decent amount of capital.

The 2000s made their own adjustments. Oligarchs began to buy their own yachts and planes. And they no longer needed Bratash’s services.

The once successful businesswoman found herself out of work. Lyudmila was thrown overboard from a luxurious life. But Bratash knew how to count money. That’s why I didn’t throw everything I had accumulated down the drain. The woman invested in real estate - she bought three luxury apartments in Moscow and one in Paris, bought jewelry, and deposited part of the funds in banks at interest. Provided myself with a financial cushion for a rainy day. It seemed like she had everything figured out. She couldn’t calculate one thing, that a dark day would come for her much earlier than she could have imagined.

“Many of Marina Anisina’s circle did not understand her choice. Perhaps Nikita had some influence on her.”

“Lucy felt sorry for Anisina, that’s why she helped her family”

We met with Dmitry Kuronov and his wife Liana in their apartment. An ordinary five-story building, far from being in the very central area of ​​Moscow. The decor is spartan. Treats include instant coffee, marshmallows, gingerbread, cigarettes.

Look at how people live who, as Dzhigurda claims, stole the deceased’s millions,” Dmitry laughs. - I'm unemployed now. Who thought that Lucy would pass away so quickly, and that I, in turn, would lose my job so soon. I didn’t really have time to save anything. I haven’t gotten a job in the last 8 months.

- The case was closed, right?

After the fuss that Dzhigurda raised, inspections resumed. Do you think the case was closed quickly? No matter how it is. The investigation lasted a long time. At first they thought that Lyudmila could really have been killed by thieves for profit. But these assumptions are shallow. Bratash lived in an elite area, the yard was guarded, there was a permit system. Strangers did not get inside.

- As far as I understand, you are the first person to find Bratash dead in the apartment? Were you the one who called the police?

Yes, on February 15 I came to Lyudmila. It was my first working day of the week. She usually opened the door when I arrived. This time the door was locked. I called. Nobody answered. I went down to the security guard and asked if Bratash had left the house. Then we called the shift supervisor and called the HOA superintendent. I had spare keys to her apartment in my car. But I hardly used them. This time I took the keys, we opened the door and saw the body. They called an ambulance, a local police officer and the police. The investigation team arrived, and it began...

Nikita Dzhigurda beats himself in the chest, claims that he was the closest person to the deceased. How close were they?

Dmitry:“Maybe he considered himself one, only for the last two years he did not appear in her life.” I admit that Lyusya called Marina Anisina, but not Dzhigurda. I was with Lyusya all the time, she shared everything with me. I'll tell you one story. In 2014, trouble happened to Lyusya. She broke her leg. She was operated on. My wife brought home-cooked food to the Lyuse clinic every day. I carried her in a wheelchair for six months because she refused to develop her leg. Then we nursed her at home. I took her to bandages and massages. During the entire time that Lyusya was being treated, Dzhigurda never visited her, did not call, or inquired about her health. Anisina dropped into the hospital once for 5 minutes. Nikita appeared at Lyudmila’s house a few months before her death.

Lyudmila Bratash started drinking out of loneliness.

- How did Lyudmila Bratash even meet Dzhigurda?

Dmitry's wife, Liana, joins the conversation: - Lyudmila at one time lived in France, where she ran an air transportation business. I bought myself an apartment in Paris. At some event she met Marina Anisina. The girls became friends. There was no trace of Dzhigurda then. Then Anisina began to come to Russia more and more often, and on a television project she met Dzhigurda. Love-carrot spun. We decided to get married. But there wasn’t much money. And they have not yet acquired their own housing. Then Lyusya offered them her country house in Novakhov, a village between Rublyovka and New Riga, for their wedding celebration. Later, Anisina and Dzhigurda often used this house. For example, all the filming that Marina did in Moscow at that time took place in Lucy’s house. This is how Dzhigurda began to enter the Bratash house.

- Did Bratash often help the Dzhigurda-Anisin couple?

Often. When Anisina sold her house in France, Lyusya helped them look for an apartment in Moscow. They communicated closely at one time. Lucy even went on vacation with them to Turkey. In January 2014, Dzhigurda shared with Lyusya that he was going to go to the Maidan, but for this he needed money. I asked Bratash. She refused: “I don’t play such games.” According to Bratash, Nikita often asked her for money for his projects. And a couple of years ago, Marina and Nikita turned to Lyusa again. Marina asked Lucy for 250 thousand euros to buy real estate in Greece. She also begged to be her guarantor at a bank in France. Bratash was afraid of loans, so she did not meet them halfway. They seem to have bought the property. Lucina, a good friend in Greece, the owner of a real estate company, helped them. I don’t presume to say, but it seems they never paid for the apartment in full.

- Why did Bratash help them if she was not confident in these people?

Lyusya felt sorry for Anisin. After all, the circle of her acquaintances never accepted Dzhigurda. Many of Marina’s circle did not understand her choice. Moreover, there were plenty of contenders for her hand and heart. Perhaps Nikita had some influence on her. I only heard him coming and constantly shouting to her: “Kuma. Kuma..."

- Was Lyudmila generous?

Not to say that Lucy was very generous, but she supported her close people. How many times did she tell me: “Go to France, relax there. You will live in my house, I will provide you with everything.” But I always kept my distance. Understand, we are ordinary people, it is inconvenient for us to use other people's benefits. Although she and I became friends.

Dmitry:- We have two daughters, so Lucy constantly repeated: “Let the girls choose any place on the world map and go, I will pay for everything.” I’ve been communicating with Bratash for more than 20 years. During this time we managed to practically become close. But nevertheless, I always respected the chain of command. In public he called her by her first name and patronymic. Lucy really helped people a lot. For example, she paid for her employee to give birth in an expensive clinic, and helped another employee buy an apartment. She did not refuse if her friends needed something. And it goes a long way, she paid for my hip replacement surgery.

- Was Bratash really as rich as they say? Or are these already legends?

Dmitry:- Lucy had her own airline for private transportation. She rented planes from the Cosmos company that transported astronauts. These planes were no longer flying much at that time, and they were parked on the airport grounds. Lucy suggested extending the life of the liners. At my own expense, I converted the interiors of ordinary Tues into VIP ones. And its planes began to be in great demand.

Liana:- Lyusya told me that Berezovsky used her planes to take prisoners out of Chechnya. The private airline Bratash did not stand idle even for a day. Lucy worked around the clock. Well, she made a very decent capital.

Lyudmila Bratash (right) once owned a private air transportation company.

“Men used her and betrayed her”

- It is known that Lyudmila Bratash drank. When did she start drinking?

Dmitry:- Lucy has been drinking heavily for the last ten years. At first her business began to fade away. But with her money and brains it was possible to exist comfortably until old age. And open a new business. But she said: “I can’t run my own airline anymore, and I don’t want to do anything small.” It seems to me that she started drinking out of loneliness. She was an interesting woman, there were a lot of men hanging around her, but everyone wanted to get something out of her, she didn’t feel any love for herself.

- Did no one have feelings for her?

She had a man, a Frenchman, Philippe. I know him well, we still communicate. She loved him. And he is hers. They could have had a family, but Philip left her. He was tired of her endless feasts. I personally took her to restaurants and buffets. Lyusya was always the last customer after whom the restaurant was closed. She had binges. One day she flew in from France and I met her at the airport. So she could not walk to the car on her own feet. She was carried on a trolley by airport staff. And there are plenty of such stories. After all, all her friends turned away from her precisely for this reason. Lucy didn’t know how to drink much. And the drunken Bratash was not the most amiable interlocutor.

Liana:“You wouldn’t wish as much betrayal as Lucy endured on your enemy.” She was going through a breakup with Philip. She cried that he betrayed her and abandoned her. Everyone betrayed her. But she crossed out those people who betrayed her from her life. About 20 years ago she was robbed - money and jewelry were stolen from her safe. She then had an apartment on Kutuzovskaya. Lucy knew the girl who cleaned her out. But she did not write a statement to the police. I felt sorry for her children. But she immediately stopped communicating with that madam.

- Why didn’t Bratash give birth?

Liana:- Lucy wanted children, but apparently it didn’t work out. One day she showed me a photograph of two girls. They were 7–8 years old. She looked after them at the boarding school. I thought about adopting. For what reason I changed my mind, I don’t know. The absence of children is another personal tragedy for Bratash. But she didn't talk about this topic. Perhaps that’s why she loved other people’s children so much. After all, she had as many as 5 godchildren, whom she spoiled and showered with gifts.

- Did she understand that she was drinking herself?

Dmitry:- Of course, I understood. I told her: “Lyudmila, with your money you can be cured of any disease.” We offered her treatment, but she brushed it off: “It’s all a scam.” She didn’t even let doctors near her when they wanted to put IVs on her.

- Dzhigurda says that she has started drinking in recent years. Maybe he didn't know the true state of affairs?

He knew everything. In 2012, Lyusya went on vacation with Dzhigurda and Anisina to Greece. Marina called me from there: “Dima, what should I do? Lyusya is naked in the room, lying on the floor covered in bruises and drunk.”

- Could a drunken Lyudmila be persuaded to do something?

Liana:- Lucy was very demanding and stubborn. She always did only what she wanted, she never listened to anyone in her life. She was very principled. And she always controlled everything in any condition.

- Didn’t she indulge in drugs?

She always told me, I will drink as much as I want, but I have never smoked or tried drugs in my life. She was proud of this. And in this regard there was flint.

Bratash with Pavel Bure (left).

“250 thousand euros and jewelry were missing from the safe. Documents for Moscow real estate were also stolen."

Let's restore the chronology of events. So, Nikita Dzhigurda disappears from Bratash’s life for two years and reappears on the eve of the last New Year.

Liana:- Dzhigurda and Anisina showed up in December last year. The fact is that Lucy always prepared gifts for her five godchildren. For Dzhigurda’s children, although she was godmother to only one of them, she had accumulated a bunch of gifts in two years. They were in boxes in the room. At the end of December, Marina came to Lyusya’s home. According to Bratash, Anisina complained to her that there was no money at all and there was nothing to transport children to school in France. Marina then asked Lyusya to give her her car in Paris, so that she would have something to transport the kids with.

Dmitry:- I came to Bratash on December 21. Lyusya told me from the doorway that she had given the car to Marina. Well, she gave it and gave it away, I only advised to re-register the car in Anisina’s name so that Lyusya would not have to pay taxes.

- Were you well acquainted with Anisina and Dzhigurda?

We knew each other well. We communicated with them normally. There were no previous conflicts. Nikita always seemed strange to me, but nothing more. Everything changed after the New Year. On December 27, Dzhigurda called me: “We are taking Lucy to our place for the New Year so that you can rest for the holidays.” I was surprised. Lyudmila let me go anyway until January 10th. For the holidays, my wife and I were planning to go to my mother-in-law in Bryansk. On January 1, before leaving for vacation, I stopped by Bratash, because I left a shower stall in her garage - a gift for my mother-in-law. A security guard met me: “Dzhigurda has been with Lyudmila since yesterday evening.” I went up to the apartment. I was met by a surprised Dzhigurda. Lucy was lying on the bed in a tracksuit. Nikita grabbed Bratash by the arms and began to talk some kind of heresy like “Lucy was our angel yesterday.” I took a closer look at Nikita, he seemed sober. Therefore, I didn’t have any bad thoughts. I left them and went home. In the evening of the same day, the security guard at the house called me again, informing me that Lucy was being taken away somewhere. I rushed to Bratash. Opened the door. There are only dogs in the house. This seemed strange to me. Previously, Lucy had never left dogs alone. If she was away for a long time, she gave the animals to me. Just in case, I decided to check the safe. I took out a spare key. Lucy completely trusted me, so I knew where the keys were. I opened the safe, and it was empty.

- What was kept in the safe?

There was about 250 thousand euros in cash and jewelry. Lucy herself estimated the contents of the safe at 600 thousand euros. I started calling Anisina, Lyusya, Nikita. Phones were unavailable. Later, Marina, who was in France at that moment, contacted me. She promised to look into the situation. I calmed down a little. I took Lyusya’s dogs, and my wife and I left for Bryansk.

Liana:“When I found out that the safe was empty, I immediately thought that something was fishy here.” Knowing Lucy, one could assume that she could give money to the same Dzhigurda, but giving away the entire contents of the safe to anyone and being left with nothing is not about her.

Dmitry:- Lucy never threw money away, even when drunk. In any condition, she counted money.

Liana:- In a state of alcoholic intoxication, she could forget where she put the ring and earrings. Her husband sometimes returned from her with the words: “Today we were looking for a bracelet all day. Found”, “Lost earrings. Found." The only thing Bratash didn’t find was an expensive ring. It disappeared in Turkey, during her vacation with the Dzhigurda couple. Lyusya then thought that she had put the jewelry in the pocket of her tracksuit, and it fell out.

- Bratash’s last savings were kept in that safe?

No, there were still bank accounts. But Lucy still wouldn’t give up her expensive watch or her 5-carat diamond ring.

- In the end, did you find Lyudmila?

On January 2, Anisina called and said that Dzhigurda had assigned Lyusya to a closed clinic where she would be treated for alcoholism. We later learned that Bratash was admitted to the clinic only on the evening of January 3. Where she was for two days is unknown.

Dmitry:- There was also a strange story with the clinic. When I asked Dzhigurda the address of the hospital, he flatly refused to give it. That's when I suspected something was wrong. I contacted Lyudmila’s sister, Svetlana, who lives in Belarus. He notified her that money had disappeared from Bratash’s apartment, and Dzhigurda took Lucy herself away in an unknown direction. Sveta arrived in Moscow, and on January 5 we called the police. On the same day, we discovered another loss - documents for the Moscow real estate of Bratash disappeared.

Jewelry that disappeared from Lyudmila Bratash's safe.

-Dzhigurda was called in for questioning?

Liana:- He was checked and released. Lyusya made herself known only on January 8th. She called her sister and said that she would be back in a couple of days. But we didn’t see her at the appointed time. Then Svetlana again contacted the police. She asked me to find Lucy. She was told that Bratash wrote a note at the clinic saying she didn’t want to see her sister. In turn, Dzhigurda ordered the security guard of the house where Bratash lived not to let my husband into the territory, also on the basis of some kind of note allegedly from Lucy. Then they began to accuse Dmitry of theft.

- When did Bratash return from the clinic?

In total, Lucy spent more than a week in the clinic. Then she came back and sent me a text message asking me to bring the dogs. I arrived at her house and found Lucy in a state of prostration. She could barely move her tongue and seemed inhibited. I started asking her: “What happened? Do you know that your money and jewelry are missing? Dmitry is blamed for everything.” She nodded: “I know. Only two people enter my house - Dmitry and Dzhigurda. Maybe I hid it myself.” There was no point in further conversation. I understood that Lucy had not yet fully come to her senses. The only thing I reminded her of was: “Dzhigurda said that you fired Dimka.” She was surprised: “I didn’t fire anyone.” With that we said goodbye.

- After Bratash returned from the clinic, where was Dzhigurda?

Dzhigurda and Anisina did not leave Lucy a single step. They were next to her in the apartment all the time. No one was allowed near her. And on the first day after Lucy returned from the clinic, Nikita bought her cider: “A little bit is okay.” Bratash’s sister Svetlana, who had not yet managed to leave back to Belarus, told us all this. And on January 17, Dzhigurda practically escorted Sveta out of the house.

- Did Dzhigurda contact the police about the missing money?

He called the police. I demanded that Lyudmila write a statement that my husband had robbed her. Lucy refused. Bratash then broke off communication with us. She rarely called me, and only when Nikita was not around. He didn’t let her go one step away from him. Only on January 28 did I receive a text message from Lucy: “Come with Dima. Nikita went to France." And on January 30, she wrote to her husband: “Dima, 100 percent this is not you. Dzhigurda made a fool of himself.” We have saved this message. This coming weekend we came to see Lucy. Bratash has finally come to her senses. And she asked in a business-like manner: “Tell me what happened here.”

Based on such a will, Nikita Dzhigurda intends to fight for the inheritance of the late Bratash.

“Nikita was not interested in where or when Lucy would be buried. At this time he was giving interviews"

Liana:- We told her everything from the very beginning. Lyusya, in turn, said that not only did the money disappear from the safe, almost 500 thousand rubles were written off from her accounts. She then made a request to the banks where and when money was withdrawn from the cards. I found out that on January 2, 156 thousand were withdrawn from one card, 200 thousand from another and 120 thousand from a third. She also asked to view the CCTV cameras installed above the ATMs where money was withdrawn. We have preserved these photographs. The pictures show Dzhigurda and his driver. Nikita later said that he withdrew money to pay for Lyudmila’s treatment at the clinic.

- Where did he get the code for the card?

The codes were kept in a safe. Lucy also tried to get a bill from the clinic for her treatment. I sent requests there. But I never received an answer. By the way, when we asked Lucy if she was really treated there for alcoholism, she rolled her eyes: “They gave me masks, massages, and that’s all.” Later it turned out that the clinic where Lucy was hospitalized specialized in weight loss programs.

Dmitry:“When I told Lucy that in addition to money and jewelry, documents for apartments had also disappeared from her office, she was shocked. In a matter of days, we began to restore documents and carry out transactions so that no one could make any transactions with real estate. In Dzhigurda's absence, Lucy met with influential acquaintances and consulted on all these issues. She made an inventory of the missing property and was going to go to the police to file a statement. She copied all the collected information - statements from Sberbank, video footage - onto a flash drive and gave it to me: “Let you have it too.”

- Was Marina Anisina aware of what happened? She was in France after all.

According to Lucy, she called Anisina and told her about her suspicions. Marinka answered calmly, saying that if Nikita took the money, she would divorce him. That's all. We assume that Anisina could know everything. For example, when Sister Bratash was looking for the clinic where Lucy was admitted, she called Dzhigurda. He shouted into the phone: “You’re late, everything has already been transferred to us. You're nothing at all." Sveta then contacted Anisina. And she repeated the same words as Nikita. It was then that we realized that Marina was aware of Nikita’s affairs.

- After the trip to France, did Dzhigurda contact Bratash?

Nikita no longer contacted Lyudmila. Didn't come and didn't call. And do you know what the catch of this whole story is? Lucy never had time to write a statement to the police. So whoever got the jewelry and money was very lucky. I am no one Bratash and have no right to write statements. Lyudmila's sister never saw the contents of the safe. Therefore, the topic of theft was closed by itself.

- Do you remember what Lyudmila Bratash did the day before her death? Maybe you noticed something strange in her behavior?

Liana:- On February 14, she called us in the morning and asked us to come visit. She complained of a headache. We then realized that she had started drinking again. Lucy asked her husband to bring a bottle of white wine. We brought it, otherwise she would have ordered a box of vodka via the Internet, as she usually did. That day she was strange, they noticed that she had a hangover. She complained that she didn’t feel well. Before leaving, Lucy said to her husband: “Dima, see you tomorrow.” And we left. The next day, Dima, as usual, came to Lyusya at 10 am. Nobody opened the door for him. Luda was dead. And soon Dzhigurda began giving interviews in which he blamed my husband for the death of Bratash. He said that Dimka robbed her, drugged her, raped her, that he transferred all the real estate documents to himself, and so on.

- Did Dzhigurda personally contact you after his death?

Dmitry:- He never contacted us. He didn’t express his condolences to Sister Lucy either.

- Is it true that he was not allowed to attend Bratash’s funeral?

Dzhigurda was not interested in where or what time the funeral would be. My sister Lucy and I took care of the funeral arrangements. We buried Bratash in our family grave; we had one place. The funeral was quiet. Some of her employees, relatives and our family were present. At the end of her life, Lyudmila had no friends left. Her former business partners knew where the funeral service would be held, but no one came. While we were burying Lucy, Dzhigurda continued to blame us for her death through the media. I remember he was indignant that we supposedly wanted to cremate Lucy. What nonsense? Investigators immediately explained to us that the body cannot be taken out of the country, let alone cremated, because exhumation is possible, too much inheritance is at stake, anything can happen. After all, they initially planned to bury Lucy in Minsk, in the family grave. It didn't work out. The investigator didn’t even give Lyudmila’s passport to her sister; he said that anything could happen to the document in the morgue. The passport remained in business. We issued death certificates based on police certificates.

Today Dzhigurda declares that he is the heir to the entire fortune of the deceased. Could it happen that Lyudmila actually drew up a will for him?

Liana:- Lucy didn’t write any will for her sister. She always said: “Why? Everything will go to my sister anyway; she is my closest relative.” Shortly before her death, Lyusya told me that she knew that Nikita was laying claim to her apartment in France. Lucy even thought about drawing up a deed of gift for his son. She understood that her sister Svetlana did not need this property, she would not be able to service it. But it seems she never wrote any will. Meanwhile, Anisina seems to have been living in her apartment in France since April.

Dmitry:- I have no doubt that the court will figure out how genuine the will is in Dzhigurda’s hands. Nikita claims that Bratash wrote it six years ago, when she was in America. But she did not go to America at that time.

- What kind of fortune does Dzhigurda claim?

For everything. These are three apartments in Moscow. Each one costs about $2 million. Lucy has about 800 thousand euros left in her accounts. The deceased's sister Svetlana was supposed to inherit the inheritance on August 14. And on August 12, Dzhigurda brought his will to court. Why was he silent for so long? Also strange.

- Why does Dzhigurda accuse you of all mortal sins? You're not claiming the inheritance, are you?

I can only guess. It just so happened that at some point I ruined his plans. If I had not returned to Moscow for the holidays, perhaps before January 10, Lucy would have been processed, and she would have transferred the property to the right person. But I arrived, called my sister from Belarus, went to the police, created a fuss, and the matter began to escalate. Perhaps Dzhigurda did not forgive me for this.

Lyudmila Bratash, whose cause of death has become of interest to many, was born in 1960 in Minsk into a military family.

She spent her childhood next to the airfield where her father worked. This is probably why she dreamed of connecting her life with aviation for a long time.

Lyudmila received a degree in journalism and set off to conquer Moscow. At first she began to collaborate with Moskovsky Komsomolets, writing articles about music. She especially liked to write about the then popular group “Gorky Park”.

Then Bratash got a job at the press center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed to connect her life with aviation. She even created her own company called Al Air, which specialized in air travel for VIP clients. The woman rented planes and organized exclusive service on board. It is known that she even sometimes baked pancakes for passengers' breakfasts herself. Bratash had connections with major oil magnates and oligarchs, including Boris Berezovsky.

Lyudmila's acquaintances spoke of her as a unique businesswoman, capable of earning a large income from each flight.

In the late 90s, she also started reselling real estate.

In Lyudmila’s personal life, not everything was smooth. She never married and had no children.
At one time there were rumors about her affair with a French pilot. However, Bratash is remembered as a beautiful and wealthy woman. In 1998, she met Nikita Dzhigurda, who starred in the film “Love in Russian” near Minsk. For many years, Lyudmila maintained friendly relations with him. Even the wedding of Dzhigurda and Anisina took place in the Bratash country house. And in 2009, she became the godmother of their son.

Around the same time, Lyudmila began to abuse alcohol. Her airline was liquidated, and Dzhigurda accused the driver Bratash of embezzling her money. At the same time, Lyudmila’s sister Svetlana accused Dzhigurda of the same thing.

In 2010, Lyudmila made a will, according to which her entire fortune in the event of death goes to Nikita and his wife. It turned out that in this way she deprived her sister and nephews of their inheritance.

On the New Year holidays of 2016, Lyudmila was hospitalized with severe alcohol intoxication at the clinic. After returning home, she discovered that cash and securities had been stolen from her safe. On February 15 of the same year, the security guard and driver Bratash found her dead in the apartment with a broken head. Empty bottles were scattered around the apartment. The official cause of death was a detached blood clot. And she hit her head as a result of the fall.

Lyudmila's funeral was organized by Dzhigurda. Her grave is located at the Kolomenskoye cemetery. After the woman's death, a scandal began surrounding her will. A real hunt began for Nikita Dzhigurda, and Lyudmila’s relatives threatened him with cruel reprisals if he did not renounce the inheritance.


Six months ago, a tragic event occurred in the family of Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina. Their son's godmother was found dead in her Moscow apartment. Lyudmila Bratash was one of the richest businesswomen in Russia. After her death, Nikita and his wife began to be pursued by unknown persons, as it became known that the woman had assigned her entire inheritance to the star family. Dzhigurda is sure that the death of Bratash and the threats against him are the work of the businesswoman’s sister and her driver.

In the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program, the outrageous artist spoke about how he received a fabulous inheritance. He explained why Lyudmila Bratash gave her wealth not to her own sister, but to him and his wife.

“Lucy had an abortion from her loved one. Twins - a boy and a girl. After which she could not have children. It was her pain, her tragedy. When we met, she told me this pain. We went with her to the witch, who said: “You need to become a godmother. The son born to your friends will give you a signal. Your twin. First the boy will incarnate, and then the girl.” And when Angel was born, there was no question who would become godmother. And the next year Eva was born, white, looking more like Lucy than Anisina,” admitted Dzhigurda.

Nikita said that his family and Lyudmila Bratash have a long-term friendship. In fact, they were the closest people to her. According to Dzhigurda, the businesswoman wrote her will in 2010, after an attempt was made on her life. Before this, in October 2009, she bought an apartment in an elite complex in Moscow, and in November the property was re-registered to her sister.

The actor concludes that his girlfriend was deliberately put into a state of lack of will in order to sign all the documents and appropriate her housing. He is convinced that Lyudmila’s sister and her driver deliberately undermined her health in order to ultimately kill her and gain a fabulous inheritance.

In the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program, Dzhigurda shared with the audience documents that confirm that he is the heir to Bratash. Moreover, in the official document Lyudmila signed the following lines: “I ask that my will in the will be considered final, given that forgery, blackmail and the use of violence are possible on the part of other persons, including my sister Svetlana Romanova and my driver Dmitry Kuronov.”

Nikita is outraged that no criminal case has been opened in connection with the death of a famous businesswoman. He promises to provide evidence in court and proof of the guilt of Romanova and Kuronov in the death of his girlfriend.

Lyudmila Bratash was killed. Dzhigurda blames her driver. PHOTO

The godmother of Nikita Dzhigurda’s eldest son, Mika-Angela Krista, 56-year-old Lyudmila Bratash, was killed in her Moscow apartment.

A close friend of the family of Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina, 56-year-old Lyudmila Bratash, died tragically.

Bratash was a successful businesswoman, the owner of the luxury air transportation company Al Aire and the godmother of Dzhigurda’s eldest son Mick-Angela Christ.

The woman was found dead in her Moscow apartment in Krylatskoye. The investigation suggests murder for the purpose of robbery.

Traces of beatings were found on the body of Lyudmila Bratash - numerous bruises and abrasions. A large sum of money (about nine million dollars) and jewelry disappeared from the businesswoman’s apartment. The will also disappeared.

Lyudmila Bratash

According to Nikita Dzhigurda, he knows the name of the killer: Dmitry Kuronov, Lyudmila's driver, as well as her sister.

“She was killed on the night of February 15. She was a unique person. We wanted to start a joint project, but we couldn’t. I believe the driver killed her, who worked with her for 18 years. She trusted him very much, he had the keys to the safes. He had tortured and tormented her before. Marina and I saw her with bruises, but she never admitted that the driver Dmitry was doing it. He poisoned her. Last year she cut her sister out of her will and didn’t want to see her at all. Now there is an investigation because there is no direct evidence. The driver and sister are in her apartment, and they have the opportunity to cover their tracks. Yesterday and today I held the funeral service for our close friend in the church,” Dzhigurda told reporters.

In another comment, Dzhigurda also adhered to the version voiced above: “She was killed by her own driver Dmitry Kuronov. Violent death - her skull was fractured. We knew that he was going to fictitiously marry her. He tortured her, injected her with drugs, but no one believed in this believed. Her sister was also involved in her death- She has neither children nor relatives anymore. Lyudmila called her a thief in front of the investigator. As far as I know, they killed her on the sly, and Marina and I found out everything only on New Year’s Eve and tried to cure her. “I showed her the statement that she wrote against him on January 12, asking him to protect her from her former driver, because he threatens her life,” the artist said.

“Everything that was most valuable was gone. Even the will. It stated that she leaves part of the inheritance to Anisina and me,” added Dzhigurda.

Nikita Dzhigurda with children

Dzhigurda and Anisina were very close with Lyudmila Bratash, they even went on vacation together.

Lyudmila Bratash was Mika-Angela Christa's godmother.

According to Dzhigurda, the children loved Lyudmila very much.

There’s a new addition to the site’s team of authors—it’s great for all of you and for us to know Lena Lenina. In her head, crowned with a consistently bizarre hairstyle, a lot of interesting projects are always brewing, and she has enough inexhaustible energy not only to develop a chain of nail salons “Lena Lenina Manicure Studio” and to manage an unwomanly serious business. The soul of an eccentric blonde asks for creativity, and now Lena will write for us. Just don't expect traditional advice on how to get a rich fan. Lenina is certainly an expert in this matter, but we will take a different route and offer our columnist topics that she usually does not touch on and that are not expected from her. But in vain! Lena has something to say and tell. Including about her famous friends - for example, about the late Lyudmila Bratash and what actually connected the millionaire with Nikita Dzhigurda.


In recent days, all the media have been talking about the death of the former queen of business aviation and millionaire Lyudmila Bratash, as well as the inheritance of almost a billion rubles that she left to the children of Nikita Dzhigurda. I tried to stay away from this terrible story. Because my father asked me not to get involved. He was afraid that some dangerous people were behind her mysterious death, and the longer the police did not solve the case, the longer it would be dangerous to get involved in it. I only once took part in a talk show on Russia 1 channel, because Dzhigurda himself asked me.

He knew what few knew - for many years Lucy was my best friend. She did not like being called Lyudmila, and always introduced herself as “Lucy”.

We met many years ago - I lived in Paris and was not yet known even there. I helped a friend buy an apartment on Balzac Street, parallel to the Champs Elysees. I literally forced her to make this investment because I felt prices were going up. Lucy did not take much risk and bought a small but spacious two-room apartment. And then for several years in a row she scolded me for not forcing her to buy a larger apartment - the benefit from the jump in real estate prices in the city center would have been even greater. But it already tripled in price, for which Lucy was grateful to my instincts. I myself also made a lot of money with my real estate from this growth. I have always loved real estate investing.

Since childhood, being internally not very self-confident with an absolute tank-like appearance, I often wondered why an intelligent and successful woman, much older and more experienced than me, was friends with me. And then she explained that I was spectacular and smart beyond my years. And I gladly believed it.

At that time, ten years ago, Lucy’s relationship with her sister and nephews was excellent - Lucy financed any whims of her sister’s children and even bought her an apartment in Minsk. She, of course, also supported their parents, at that time Galina Iosifovna and Jonathan, sorry, I forgot the patronymic of Lucy’s father, were still alive. Lyusya often flew to Minsk. Two of Lucy’s most striking romantic stories with men happened before my eyes, and both later formed the basis of my book “Alphonse.”

First gigolo

Her first lover from those that happened before my eyes during the period of our friendship with her was supposed to become mine. But I didn't like it. Lucina, a French colleague in the airline business, Dominique, wanted to introduce him to me. She also had an airline. And one day she invited Lyusya and me to dinner at her luxurious French country house and there she introduced me to Philip, whispering in my ear that he had recently divorced. He seemed too narcissistic to me and I left dinner early.

The next morning, Lucy called and proudly reported: “I slept with your Philip.” I was indignant with a smile: “He’s not mine at all, and I’m very happy for you!”

And she even demanded details, which, with your permission, I will omit, I will only say that Philip tried very hard and was incredibly obsequious. This is understandable, he is a pilot of private planes, and Lucy has her own company for renting them. He is a typical gigolo who always chose cool women. His previous wife, for example, was the daughter of an airline owner. In the book, I described this story, camouflaging it in many ways, for example, using yachts instead of airplanes and replacing the name “Lucy” with “Musya” to hide the characters a little. Although Lucy, of course, had to recognize all the participants.

The love was passionate: Lucy made Philip a pilot in her company, gave him a record salary even for pilots, introduced him to all the millionaires she knew, and bought him a gold watch. My friends, including me, lost her.

The first time I found Lucy in a heavy drinking bout was after Philip’s betrayal with a Russian hairdresser’s apprentice. I arrived at her Paris apartment because she mumbled into the phone that she needed help. Opening the windows and airing out the stench, I poured all the alcohol from all the bottles into the sink and began psychotherapy. Lucy told me about how she caught the scoundrel cheating, kicked him out of her job and from her life, how he took a valuable part from her expensive plane and began to blackmail her, demanding compensation, and how she managed to reason with him with the help of military friends. After a few days of persuasion, Lucy promised me not to fall in love with gigolos.

Another scammer

And then I fell in love with the next one. Only he was not younger than her, like Philip. He was older and, as it seemed to her, cooler and richer. Lots of security, expensive gifts, a real colonel, even a general. As it turned out later, she was a real scammer who scammed her like a schoolgirl out of half a million euros. I never saw him, he tried not to show himself to his friends. But she talked a lot. For example, as in the most romantic period of their love, he once came to her, pale and trembling: “I crushed a pedestrian to death, I urgently need half a million to “get rid of the cops.”

She didn't know how much it costs to run over a pedestrian. And she put pressure on her banker to withdraw this amount from her account in cash the next morning. And the real colonel disappeared. And she only found out later that there were no raids in that place that day.

It was not easy for me already in the very first period of her drinking, because I myself do not drink a drop. I have never even tried any wine or vodka, or any alcohol at all, and, having seen enough alcoholics in ditches in Russia, I am an ardent opponent of any quantities of intoxicating drinks. But I sacrificed myself to a suffering friend in the hope that I would save her. True, a little later it turned out that she was hiding other binges from me, disappearing for 3-4 days, then for a week. Her airline employees were aware and covered up her disappearance.


Our first quarrel with Lyusya occurred over a famous oligarch and a famous newspaper. Lyusya rented out not only planes, but also expensive yachts. Once, she rented out the famous yacht “Christina” by Aristotle Onassis, worth almost a million euros a week, to one of her Russian clients. And after he moved out with his friends, enjoying the thrill that Lucy organized for him and his friends, similar to the prank from the movie “The Game” with Michael Douglas, she invited her friends, including me, to stay on the yacht.

Having little experience in working with journalists, I told a journalist I knew from Komsomolskaya Pravda about this amazing and expensive ship, without, of course, saying a word about the names of the clients.

But the journalist, don’t be a fool, somehow somewhere herself dug up the names of all the past clients and added them to the “header of my interview.” And the readers, including Lucy, decided that I had betrayed her client. Although I didn’t even know the names of all those listed. But after the material came out, we had an unpleasant conversation, Lucy screamed and didn’t believe me, and we quarreled. Not for long. Then they made up. Over time, I believed it or pretended to.

The second quarrel with Lyusya occurred on my initiative. Unexpectedly, I became a celebrity in France, and there was a period, just a month long, when it was impossible to find a newsstand in Paris without my face on many of the covers and advertising posters of the newspapers.

And the only person on Earth out of all my Russian and French acquaintances in France did not congratulate me on my long-awaited success - it was Lucy. I decided that she was jealous and was offended by her. For a long time.

But then, as friends usually do, we made peace again. The last straw in our breakup was her increasingly frequent alcoholic breakdowns. The binges became more frequent and longer, and I realized that I couldn’t save her until she wanted to, and I gave her an ultimatum - either she quits, or I’m no longer friends with her. She was unable to quit, although she made attempts to reconcile with me in direct proportion to the growth of my fame. She always liked famous people.

Fame was her unrealized blue dream during her lifetime. It's terrible that, ironically, she only became famous after her death.

Lucina’s attempts to make peace with me became less frequent after she became friends with Nikita Dzhigurda’s future wife, figure skater Marina. She also met her in Paris. Marina competed at the Olympics for France, receiving French citizenship. Some of our friends believed that this was a ploy to bypass the strongest competition in the Russian team and that this was a betrayal of Russia, but I believe that this does not detract from Marina’s merits as an athlete.

The last telephone conversation took place on Lyusina’s initiative. She was drunk, but she expressed herself clearly: “Lenka, let’s make peace, you know how much I love you! And even secretly from you I go to your chain of Lena Lenina’s manicure studios!”

True, her last phrase was absolutely the last: “Even though I don’t read all these books that you write, I still think you’re a smart woman!” At this point I hung up and we parted completely.

I don't like it when people judge my books without reading them. I put my soul into writing them. And friends shouldn't talk like that. I was offended again. This time for good. A few years later I met Nikita Dzhigurda in Russian show business.

Tragic death

It was he who recently told me the details of the tragic death of an ex-girlfriend. Nikita is convinced that Lucy was robbed and killed by her driver. I was in severe shock for several days. I had some kind of powerful self-identification with my deceased friend, and I even fired my own driver out of fear.

I watched in horror all the programs with Nikita’s participation about Luce. And with horror I recognized in the stories a once dear little man, disfigured by years of alcoholism and the bruises of beatings.

I recognized the stolen jewelry as the diamonds that Lyusya and I had chosen for her together in Paris. There was a piece of my story in the fragmentary video frames. I cried a lot. And I believed Nikita in everything. He deceived me in only one thing - that he did not cheat on Marina. Everyone saw the footage of him making love to Lyusya. By the way, this, of course, was not rape.

I believe that Lyusya asked him for intimacy and that, after Marina flew with the children to France for a year, Nikita and Lyusya began dating again.

Six months after Lucy's death, last September, Nikita proposed to me in my new home in Marseille, Moscow Region, on Kaluga Highway. He said that he had long wanted to divorce Marina. She told me the same thing at one time. They grew apart when she went abroad.

Nikita was in love with me. He dedicated very flattering poems. But I refused him. That would be crazy. And I flatter myself with the thought that I am reasonable. But he is kind, spiritual, honest and harmless. And I will always protect him.