Indian fairy tale. Indian folk tales: Three Princes Three Princes Indian fairy tale

In ancient times there lived a king. He had three sons, one better than the other: brave, smart, and reasonable. When the king grew old, he decided to leave his kingdom and live the rest of his days as a hermit in a holy monastery. The king began to think about which of his sons to put on the throne. I thought and thought, but I couldn’t choose: all three are equally good and worthy of the royal throne.

Then the king gathered his advisers and shared his concerns with them.

“You know well how happily the subjects live in my kingdom,” he said. “I decided to retire from government affairs, but I can’t decide which of my three sons to put on the kingdom, which of them will take care of the people as much as I do.” . Here is my order for you: arrange a test for the princes and then tell me which of them you want to see in my place.

The court advisers and nobles thought for a long time and finally found a way to test the princes. They gave the king's sons money, each equally, and ordered them to go to a foreign land. Whoever manages to manage his money best will be on his father’s throne. The king agreed with this decision.

And a few days later the princes set off on a long journey. They boarded the ship and sailed out to sea. They swam for a long time, and when they saw land, they went ashore. here the princes dispersed different sides and agreed to meet exactly a year later at the same place.

The two older brothers decided to engage in trade in order to gain more wealth, and each went their own way to seek fortune. But the younger prince did not know what to do, so he walked slowly along the shore. He walked for a long time, looked around, and then he felt sad. The prince sat down on a stone and remembered parental home and became sad. Suddenly an old man dressed as a hermit appeared before him.

“Where did you come from, young man, and where are you going?” he asked.

The prince told the elder what brought him to these lands. The hermit listened to him and said:

“I know, son, it’s one thing for you.” But not everyone will like it. Only those who are not greedy for money will take it on. If you do not pursue self-interest, then later you will get everything you want.

“I will do as you say,” answered the prince.

- Fine. Then buy grain with all your money and have it poured into a heap on the shore. Then every day, morning and evening, take a bag of grain from this pile and pour it into the sea. If you run out of grain, don’t leave here anyway!

The old man said this and instantly disappeared. The prince listened to his advice, bought grain with all the money, ordered it to be poured into a heap on the seashore, and pitched his tent nearby. Every day he threw two bags of grain into the water, and even took a handful of grain for food - and the pile became smaller and smaller. And then the day came when all the grain ran out, and the prince did not have a copper left to buy a handful of grain and satisfy his hunger.

The prince sat down on the shore and began to burn: “Alas for me, the foolish one! Apparently, I left home at an unlucky hour. I believed the deceiver and lost my money in vain. I am not destined to be a king if I cannot even take care of my own good.” And he decided that there was no need for him to stay in this place anymore. The prince went to his tent and went to bed in order to set off on the return journey the next morning.

That day, sea fish waited in vain for their usual food. After all, already for a long time- ever since the prince began throwing grain into the water - schools of fish from all over the sea fed on this shore. Following his subjects, the lord of the fish himself sailed to these places. But this time, for the first time in many days, the fish did not receive grain. Then the fish king began to ask his entourage:

- What's happened? We were fed deliciously for six months. Why did it all suddenly end today? Are we not to blame for this ourselves? Tell me, is the one who fed us for so long rewarded for his generosity? Did he receive anything as a gift from us?

“Now I understand what the matter is,” said the lord of the fish. “We turned out to be ungrateful and paid for it.” We need to correct our mistake. Here is my order for you: let all my subjects search for a precious pearl at the bottom of the sea and bring them to our good patron by morning.

All night, by order of their lord, the fish carried pearls out of the sea and placed them near the prince’s tent. All night the sea was agitated by a countless number of fish swimming with pearls. In the morning, the prince woke up from the splash of the waves and saw that a whole pile of beautiful pearls had grown next to the tent. He realized how he deserved such wealth and thought: “In vain I complained about my misfortunes. I'll stay-

In ancient times there lived a king. He had three sons, one better than the other: brave, smart, and reasonable. When the king grew old, he decided to leave his kingdom and live the rest of his days as a hermit in a holy monastery. The king began to think about which of his sons to put on the throne. I thought and thought, but I couldn’t choose: all three are equally good and worthy of the royal throne.

Then the king gathered his advisers and shared his concerns with them.

“You know well how happily the subjects live in my kingdom,” he said. “I decided to retire from state affairs, but I can’t decide which of my three sons to put on the kingdom, which of them will take care of the people as much as I do.” Here is my order for you: arrange a test for the princes and then tell me which of them you want to see in my place.

The court advisers and nobles thought for a long time and finally found a way to test the princes. They gave the king's sons money, each equally, and ordered them to go to a foreign land. Whoever manages to manage his money best will be on his father’s throne. The king agreed with this decision.

And a few days later the princes set off on a long journey. They boarded the ship and sailed out to sea. They swam for a long time, and when they saw land, they went ashore. Here the princes went in different directions and agreed to meet exactly a year later at the same place.

The two older brothers decided to engage in trade in order to gain more wealth, and each went their own way to seek fortune. But the younger prince did not know what to do, so he walked slowly along the shore. He walked for a long time, looked around, and then he felt sad. The prince sat down on a stone, remembered his parents' house and became sad. Suddenly an old man dressed as a hermit appeared before him.

Where did you come from, young man, and where are you going?” he asked.

The prince told the elder what brought him to these lands. The hermit listened to him and said:

I know, son, it’s one thing for you. But not everyone will like it. Only those who are not greedy for money will take it on. If you do not pursue self-interest, then later you will get everything you want.

“I will do as you say,” answered the prince.

Fine. Then buy grain with all your money and have it poured into a heap on the shore. Then every day, morning and evening, take a bag of grain from this pile and pour it into the sea. If you run out of grain, don’t leave here anyway!

The old man said this and instantly disappeared. The prince listened to his advice, bought grain with all the money, ordered it to be poured into a heap on the seashore, and pitched his tent nearby. Every day he threw two bags of grain into the water, and even took a handful of grain for food - and the pile became smaller and smaller. And then the day came when all the grain ran out, and the prince did not have a copper left to buy a handful of grain and satisfy his hunger.

The prince sat down on the shore and began to burn: “Alas for me, the foolish one! Apparently, I left home at an unlucky hour. I believed the deceiver and lost my money in vain. I am not destined to be a king if I cannot even take care of my own good.” And he decided that there was no need for him to stay in this place anymore. The prince went to his tent and went to bed in order to set off on the return journey the next morning.

That day, sea fish waited in vain for their usual food. After all, for a long time - ever since the prince began throwing grain into the water - schools of fish from all over the sea fed on this shore. Following his subjects, the lord of the fish himself sailed to these places. But this time, for the first time in many days, the fish did not receive grain. Then the fish king began to ask his entourage:

What's happened? We were fed deliciously for six months. Why did it all suddenly end today? Are we not to blame for this ourselves? Tell me, is the one who fed us for so long rewarded for his generosity? Did he receive anything as a gift from us?

“Now I understand what’s going on,” said the lord of the fish. “We turned out to be ungrateful and paid for it.” We need to correct our mistake. Here is my order for you: let all my subjects search for a precious pearl at the bottom of the sea and bring them to our good patron by morning.

All night, by order of their lord, the fish carried pearls out of the sea and placed them near the prince’s tent. All night the sea was agitated by a countless number of fish swimming with pearls. In the morning, the prince woke up from the splash of the waves and saw that a whole pile of beautiful pearls had grown next to the tent. He realized how he deserved such wealth and thought: “In vain I complained about my misfortunes. I’ll stay in this place and wait until the time comes to meet with the brothers.”

He sold some of the pearls and bought grain with the proceeds. Now sea fish began to receive even more food than before. Then the prince bought dung and hid a pearl in each dung cake.

A year passed and the older brothers returned. One of them traded fabrics all this year and made a lot of good things. Another ran a grocery store and made a lot of money. They found out that their younger brother had nothing but a big pile of dung, and they laughed at him.

What a fool you are! - They say. - I didn’t even save what they gave you! How much wealth are these dungs ​​of yours?

The princes were greeted with honor at home. They brought them to the palace, and the brothers began to tell how they lived in a foreign land and how they tried to make good use of their money. The elder brothers showed the accumulated wealth, the dignitaries and nobles counted the wealth they had brought. It was the turn of the younger brother. When the servants brought a huge pile of dung cakes into the hall, the courtiers began to secretly laugh.

It’s easy to praise what is beautiful in appearance and dazzles the eyes with brilliance,” the younger prince said then. “However, there are many things in the world that do not attract the eye, but are fraught with innumerable values.”

With these words, the prince began to break the dung and take out the pearls from them. The courtiers watched in amazement as the pile of selected pearls grew in front of the king, and for a long time they could not come to their senses.

The prince told how he managed to get such a treasure, and it became clear to everyone that the younger prince was not only smart, but also selfless.

Wah! Wah! - the nobles rustled approvingly. - That’s who should be our new king!

A few days later, the younger prince was solemnly enthroned. He was not offended by his brothers, he appointed them to high positions, and from then on everyone in his state lived in peace, fun and happiness.

In ancient times there lived a king. He had three sons, one better than the other: brave, smart, and reasonable. When the king grew old, he decided to leave his kingdom and live the rest of his days as a hermit in a holy monastery. The king began to think about which of his sons to put on the throne. I thought and thought, but I couldn’t choose: all three are equally good and worthy of the royal throne.
Then the king gathered his advisers and shared his concerns with them.
“You know well how happily the subjects live in my kingdom,” he said. “I decided to retire from government affairs, but I can’t decide which of my three sons to put on the throne, which of them will take care of the people as much as I do.” Here is my order: arrange a test for the princes and then tell me which of them you want to see in my place.
The court advisers and nobles thought for a long time and finally found a way to test the princes. They gave the king's sons money, each equally, and ordered them to go to a foreign land. Whoever manages to manage his money best will be on his father’s throne. The king agreed with this decision.
And a few days later the princes set off on a long journey. They boarded the ship and sailed out to sea. They swam for a long time, and when they saw land, they went ashore. Here the princes went in different directions and agreed to meet exactly a year later at the same place.
The two older brothers decided to engage in trade in order to gain more wealth, and each went their own way to seek fortune. But the younger prince did not know what to do, so he walked slowly along the shore. He walked for a long time, looked around, and then he felt sad. The prince sat down on a stone, remembered his parents' house and became sad. Suddenly an old man dressed as a hermit appeared before him.
-Where did you come from, young man, and where are you going? - he asked.
The prince told the elder what brought him to these lands. The hermit listened to him and said:
- I know, son, it’s one thing for you. But not everyone will like it. Only those who are not greedy for money will take it on. If you do not pursue self-interest, then later you will get everything you want.
“I will do as you say,” answered the prince.
- Fine. Then buy grain with all your money and have it poured into a heap on the shore. Then every day, morning and evening, take a bag of grain from this pile and pour it into the sea. If you run out of grain, don’t leave here anyway!
The old man said this and instantly disappeared. The prince listened to his advice, bought grain with all the money, ordered it to be poured into a heap on the seashore, and pitched his tent nearby. Every day he threw two bags of grain into the water, and even took a handful of grain for food - and the pile became smaller and smaller. And then the day came when all the grain ran out, and the prince did not have a copper left to buy a handful of grain and satisfy his hunger.
The prince sat down on the shore and began to burn: “Alas for me, the foolish one! Apparently, I left home at an unlucky hour. I believed the deceiver and lost my money in vain. I am not destined to be a king if I cannot even take care of my own good.” And he decided that there was no need for him to stay in this place anymore. The prince went to his tent and went to bed in order to set off on the return journey the next morning.
That day, sea fish waited in vain for their usual food. After all, for a long time - ever since the prince began throwing grain into the water - schools of fish from all over the sea fed on this shore. Following his subjects, the lord of the fish himself sailed to these places. But this time, for the first time in many days, the fish did not receive grain. Then the fish king began to ask his entourage:
- What's happened? We were fed deliciously for six months. Why did it all suddenly end today? Are we not to blame for this ourselves? Tell me, is the one who fed us for so long rewarded for his generosity? Did he receive anything as a gift from us?
“No, lord!” those close to him exclaimed in one voice. - We didn’t give him anything!
“Now I understand what’s going on,” said the lord of fish. “We turned out to be ungrateful and paid for it.” We need to correct our mistake. Here is my order for you: let all my subjects search for a precious pearl at the bottom of the sea and bring them to our good patron by morning.
All night, by order of their lord, the fish carried pearls out of the sea and placed them near the prince’s tent. All night the sea was agitated by a countless number of fish swimming with pearls. In the morning, the prince woke up from the splash of the waves and saw that a whole pile of beautiful pearls had grown next to the tent. He realized how he deserved such wealth and thought: “In vain I complained about my misfortunes. I’ll stay in this place and wait until the time comes to meet with the brothers.”
He sold some of the pearls and bought grain with the proceeds. Now sea fish began to receive even more food than before. Then the prince bought dung and hid a pearl in each dung cake.
A year passed and the older brothers returned. One of them traded fabrics all this year and made a lot of good things. Another ran a grocery store and made a lot of money. They found out that their younger brother had nothing but a big pile of dung, and they laughed at him.
- What a fool you are! - They say. - I didn’t even save what they gave you! How much wealth are these dungs ​​of yours?
The princes got ready for the journey, each loaded their property onto the ship and sailed home.

In ancient times there lived a king. He had three sons, one better than the other: brave, smart, and reasonable. When the king grew old, he decided to leave his kingdom and live the rest of his days as a hermit in a holy monastery. The king began to think about which of his sons to put on the throne. I thought and thought, but I couldn’t choose: all three are equally good and worthy of the royal throne.

Then the king gathered his advisers and shared his concerns with them.

“You know well how happily the subjects live in my kingdom,” he said. “I decided to retire from government affairs, but I can’t decide which of my three sons to put on the kingdom, which of them will take care of the people as much as I do.” . Here is my order for you: arrange a test for the princes and then tell me which of them you want to see in my place.

The court advisers and nobles thought for a long time and finally found a way to test the princes. They gave the king's sons money, each equally, and ordered them to go to a foreign land. Whoever manages to manage his money best will be on his father’s throne. The king agreed with this decision.

And a few days later the princes set off on a long journey. They boarded the ship and sailed out to sea. They swam for a long time, and when they saw land, they went ashore. Here the princes went in different directions and agreed to meet exactly a year later at the same place.

The two older brothers decided to engage in trade in order to gain more wealth, and each went their own way to seek fortune. But the younger prince did not know what to do, so he walked slowly along the shore. He walked for a long time, looked around, and then he felt sad. The prince sat down on a stone, remembered his parents' house and became sad. Suddenly an old man dressed as a hermit appeared before him.

“Where did you come from, young man, and where are you going?” he asked.

The prince told the elder what brought him to these lands. The hermit listened to him and said:

“I know, son, it’s one thing for you.” But not everyone will like it. Only those who are not greedy for money will take it on. If you do not pursue self-interest, then later you will get everything you want.

“I will do as you say,” answered the prince.

- Fine. Then buy grain with all your money and have it poured into a heap on the shore. Then every day, morning and evening, take a bag of grain from this pile and pour it into the sea. If you run out of grain, don’t leave here anyway!

The old man said this and instantly disappeared. The prince listened to his advice, bought grain with all the money, ordered it to be poured into a heap on the seashore, and pitched his tent nearby. Every day he threw two bags of grain into the water, and even took a handful of grain for food - and the pile became smaller and smaller. And then the day came when all the grain ran out, and the prince did not have a copper left to buy a handful of grain and satisfy his hunger.

The prince sat down on the shore and began to burn: “Alas for me, the foolish one! Apparently, I left home at an unlucky hour. I believed the deceiver and lost my money in vain. I am not destined to be a king if I cannot even take care of my own good.” And he decided that there was no need for him to stay in this place anymore. The prince went to his tent and went to bed in order to set off on the return journey the next morning.

That day, sea fish waited in vain for their usual food. After all, for a long time - ever since the prince began throwing grain into the water - schools of fish from all over the sea fed on this shore. Following his subjects, the lord of the fish himself sailed to these places. But this time, for the first time in many days, the fish did not receive grain. Then the fish king began to ask his entourage:

- What's happened? We were fed deliciously for six months. Why did it all suddenly end today? Are we not to blame for this ourselves? Tell me, is the one who fed us for so long rewarded for his generosity? Did he receive anything as a gift from us?

“Now I understand what the matter is,” said the lord of the fish. “We turned out to be ungrateful and paid for it.” We need to correct our mistake. Here is my order for you: let all my subjects search for a precious pearl at the bottom of the sea and bring them to our good patron by morning.

All night, by order of their lord, the fish carried pearls out of the sea and placed them near the prince’s tent. All night the sea was agitated by a countless number of fish swimming with pearls. In the morning, the prince woke up from the splash of the waves and saw that a whole pile of beautiful pearls had grown next to the tent. He realized how he deserved such wealth and thought: “In vain I complained about my misfortunes. I’ll stay in this place and wait until the time comes to meet with the brothers.”

He sold some of the pearls and bought grain with the proceeds. Now sea fish began to receive even more food than before. Then the prince bought dung and hid a pearl in each dung cake.

A year passed and the older brothers returned. One of them traded fabrics all this year and made a lot of good things. Another ran a grocery store and made a lot of money. They found out that their younger brother had nothing but a big pile of dung, and they laughed at him.

- What a fool you are! - They say. “And I didn’t save what they gave you!” How much wealth are these dungs ​​of yours?

The princes were greeted with honor at home. They were brought to the palace, and the brothers began to tell how they lived in a foreign land and how they tried to put their money to good use. The elder brothers showed the accumulated wealth, the dignitaries and nobles counted the wealth they had brought. It was the turn of the younger brother. When the servants brought a huge pile of dung cakes into the hall, the courtiers began to secretly laugh.

“It’s easy to praise what is beautiful in appearance and dazzles the eyes with brilliance,” the younger prince said then. “However, there are many things in the world that do not attract the eye, but are fraught with incalculable values.”

With these words, the prince began to break the dung and take out the pearls from them. The courtiers watched in amazement as the pile of selected pearls grew in front of the king, and for a long time they could not come to their senses.

The prince told how he managed to get such a treasure, and it became clear to everyone that the younger prince was not only smart, but also selfless.

- Wah! Wah! — the nobles rustled approvingly. “That’s who should be our new king!”

A few days later, the younger prince was solemnly enthroned. He was not offended by his brothers, appointed them to high positions, and since then everyone in his state lived in peace, fun and happiness.

Indian fairy tale

In ancient times there lived a king. He had three sons, one better than the other: brave, smart, and reasonable. When the king grew old, he decided to leave his kingdom and live the rest of his days as a hermit in a holy monastery. The king began to think about which of his sons to put on the throne. I thought and thought, but I couldn’t choose: all three are equally good and worthy of the royal throne.
Then the king gathered his advisers and shared his concerns with them.
“You know well how happily the subjects live in my kingdom,” he said. “I decided to retire from state affairs, but I can’t decide which of my three sons to put on the kingdom, which of them will take care of the people as much as I do.” . Here is my order for you: arrange a test for the princes and then tell me which of them you want to see in my place.
The court advisers and nobles thought for a long time and finally found a way to test the princes. They gave the king's sons money, each equally, and ordered them to go to a foreign land. Whoever manages to manage his money best will be on his father’s throne. The king agreed with this decision.
And a few days later the princes set off on a long journey. They boarded the ship and sailed out to sea. They swam for a long time, and when they saw land, they went ashore. Here the princes went in different directions and agreed to meet exactly one year later at the same place.
The two older brothers decided to engage in trade in order to gain more wealth, and each went their own way to seek fortune. But the younger prince did not know what to do, so he walked slowly along the shore. He walked for a long time, looked around, and then he felt sad. The prince sat down on a stone, remembered his parents' house and became sad. Suddenly an old man dressed as a hermit appeared before him.
“Where did you come from, young man, and where are you going?” - he asked.
The prince told the elder what brought him to these lands. The hermit listened to him and said:

“I know, son, it’s one thing for you.” But not everyone will like it. Only those who are not greedy for money will take it on. If you do not pursue self-interest, then later you will get everything you want.

“I will do as you say,” answered the prince.

- Fine. Then buy grain with all your money and have it poured into a heap on the shore. Then every day, morning and evening, take a bag of grain from this pile and pour it into the sea. If you run out of grain, don’t leave here anyway!

The old man said this and instantly disappeared. The prince listened to his advice, bought grain with all the money, ordered it to be poured into a heap on the seashore, and pitched his tent nearby. Every day he threw two bags of grain into the water, and also took a handful of grain for food - and the pile became smaller and smaller. And then the day came when all the grain ran out, and the prince did not have a copper left to buy a handful of grain and satisfy his hunger.

The prince sat down on the shore and began to burn: “Alas for me, the foolish one! Apparently, I left home at an unlucky hour. I believed the deceiver and lost my money in vain. I am not destined to be a king if I cannot even take care of my own good.” And he decided that there was no need for him to stay in this place anymore. The prince went to his tent and went to bed in order to set off on the return journey the next morning.

That day, sea fish waited in vain for their usual food. After all, for a long time - ever since the prince began throwing grain into the water - schools of fish from all over the sea fed on this shore. Following his subjects, the lord of the fish himself sailed to these places. But this time, for the first time in many days, the fish did not receive grain. Then the fish king began to ask his entourage:

- What's happened? We were fed deliciously for six months. Why did it all suddenly end today? Are we not to blame for this ourselves? Tell me, is the one who fed us for so long rewarded for his generosity? Did he receive anything as a gift from us?

“Now I understand what the matter is,” said the lord of the fish. “We turned out to be ungrateful and paid for it.” We need to correct our mistake. Here is my order for you: let all my subjects search for a precious pearl at the bottom of the sea and bring them to our good patron by morning.