Information project "monuments to literary heroes". The most famous monument to literary heroes. Monuments to literary heroes in Russia and in the world

Municipal budget educational institution

Average comprehensive school №78

Sormovo district of Nizhny Novgorod

Students' Scientific Society

Completed by: Plechkova Nadezhda,

8th grade student

Scientific supervisor: Petrushova T.V.

teacher of Russian language and literature




Chapter 1. Monuments literary heroes Russian writers…………………………………………………………………………………….4

Monument to “Chizhik-Pyzhik”……………………………………………………….5

Monument to the Lady with the Dog…………………………………………..6

Monument to White Beam……………………………………………….7

Monument to Ostap Bender…………………………………………….8

Monument to Lefty……………………………………………………...10

Monument to Malchish-Kibalchish…………………………………..12

Monument to Winnie the Pooh…………………………………………….….13

Monument to Mumu………………………………………………………..14 Monuments to the heroes of Bulgakov’s story “The Master and Margarita”…….16

Monument to two captains……………………………………………..17

Sculpture “Man in a Case” in Taganrog……………………….18

Chapter 2. Monuments to literary heroes foreign writers…….…19

Monument to the Little Mermaid…………………………………………………….19

Monument to Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson………………………20

Monument to Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn……………………………..…..21

Chapter 3 Monuments to literary heroes of fairy tales………………………..…..22

Monument to Nils……………………………………………………………...……22

Monument to the Beautiful Swan………………………………….…….23

Monument to the heroes of the fairy tale “Pinocchio”……………………………..……24

Monument to Crocodile Gena and his friends……………………….…….25

Monument Bremen Town Musicians…………………………………….26

Monument to Mowgli…………………………………………………….…..27

Monument to the goldfish………………………………………….……..28

Monument to Thumbelina……………………………………………..……29


List of sources and literature used…………………31


There are many interesting monuments to literary characters in the world. These heroes are known for their resourcefulness or courage, optimism or unusual actions, sense of humor or stupidity. In our country there are monuments not only to characters Russian classics, but also to heroes of foreign literature. The main thing is not on what land the hero was born, but where he was loved with all his soul. There are monuments to animals - for their loyalty and devotion. But there are monuments to those who have never lived - literary heroes. Why? Yes, because many of the heroes of the books did no less for people. Every day they give small and large readers all over the world happiness, to be kind and faithful, courageous and noble.

The topic of this work is relevant, because little studied. The goal is to familiarize students with monuments to literary heroes and the history of their appearance and thereby interest them in reading books. Objectives: find information on this topic, systematize the created material, develop skills in working with reference literature.

Chapter 1. Monuments to literary heroes of Russian writers

Monument to "Chizhik-Pyzhik"

The monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik was erected in 1994 in St. Petersburg during the Golden Ostap humor festival. Address - Fontanka embankment, near the Panteleimonovsky Bridge. The choice of location was due to the fact that in the 19th century the Imperial School of Law was located nearby, whose students wore yellow uniforms and hats resembling the plumage of a siskin. Like any students, they loved to visit taverns, and that’s when the famous song was born.

Petersburgers immediately fell in love little hero- a belief soon appeared in the city that if a small coin thrown to the bronze paws of a bird stayed on the small platform where the little siskin sat, the wish would come true. Probably, many would like their wishes to constantly come true... It is considered a good omen to throw a coin on the pedestal of Chizhik-Pyzhik.

There is another tradition for newlyweds: the groom must lower a filled glass tied on a rope to the monument and “clink glasses” with the siskin’s beak without breaking it. This is the key to happiness for a young family.

Little Chizhik-Pyzhik has been kidnapped seven times to date. The monument became popular among tourists in a short time.

Monument to the Lady with the Dog

On Amursky Boulevard in Khabarovsk, a monument was erected to the Lady with a Dog, the heroine of the story by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. The monument is a bronze bench on which a woman sits in a strapless dress with a deep slit, the Lady has a hat on her head, high-heeled shoes on her feet, and with her left hand she strokes a dog that sits next to her on the bench.

The sculpture adorns the square near the fountain, next to the Druzhba cinema, located on Amursky Boulevard. It appeared on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Khabarovsk.

Monument to White Bim

White Bim Black Ear - the four-legged and very touching hero of the story of the same name by the Voronezh writer Gavriil Troepolsky about the tragic fate loyal dog. The book was a huge success, it has been translated in dozens of countries, and is even included in the reading program in American colleges.

ABOUT A distinctive feature of the monument is the absence of a pedestal. Bim sits and waits patiently for his owner. It seems that just now he will call his devoted friend to him and Bim will rush out of his place and, joyfully waving his tail, will rush towards him. The writer himself spoke about his creation like this: “I released my Bim into the wild in Voronezh, and since then he has been running.” The authors of the unique monument to Bim, famous Voronezh sculptors, Elsa Pak and Ivan Dikunov work began on it in 1985. At the same time, the sculptors consulted with the author of the story about Bim, who was looking forward to the appearance of a monument to his hero. But, unfortunately, Troepolsky did not live to see its installation, which took place only in September 1998. On the occasion of the writer’s 105th anniversary on November 28, 2010, an event was organized next to the monument in his honor in the form of a theatrical performance “The Beam that Came from the Pages of a Book.”

Monument to Ostap Bender

Friday to the great schemer Ostap Bender was established on July 25, 2000 in St. Petersburg on Ostap’s “birthday”, on Italianskaya Street, building 4, at the entrance to the Zolotoy Ostap restaurant.

The sculptural portrait of Ostap Bender is endowed with the features of Sergei Yursky, who played Ostap in the movie. The sculpture represents the figure of Ostap, leaning with his left hand on a chair made by master Gambs, and with his right hand holding a folder with collected materials on the underground millionaire A. Koreiko. Anyone can sit on the chair.

Monument to Lefty

The monument to Lefty, who managed to shoe a flea, was solemnly opened in Tula. The legendary master in the working clothes of a Tula gunsmith is cast in bronze in full height, with his hair tied with braid and an open forehead, in his hand is a blacksmith's hammer. The history of the creation of this sculpture is unusual. The monument to the folk craftsman was made in 1989 for the 50th anniversary of Tulamashzavod. For a long time Lefty decorated the Labor Glory Square of the defense enterprise, access to which is strictly limited.

Now, so that all Tula residents and numerous guests of the city can admire the monument, Tulamashzavod donated it to the city. The bronze master stands on a two-meter pedestal in the historical part of the city on the banks of the Upa River, where gunsmiths have long lived, including the founder of the dynasty of the first Russian industrialists Nikita Demidov and his descendants. Nearby - under construction unique project the six-story building of the Museum of Weapons, stylized as a helmet of a Russian warrior. The prototype of the literary Lefty was the gunsmith Alexey Surnin. The life story of this talented Russian self-taught man is unique, whose biography provided the writer Nikolai Leskov with material for the famous “The Tale of the Tula Oblique Left-Hander and the Steel Flea.” Sent in his youth to England to study mechanics, Alexey Surnin, by a personal decree of Catherine II, was appointed chief mechanic of the imperial Tula Arms Factory and did a lot to improve factory production.

Monument to Malchish-Kibalchish

The monument to Malchish - Kibalchish was opened on May 19, 1972. The authors of this work of sculpture are V. K. Frolov, architect V. S. Kubasov. The height of the monument is 5 meters.

In memory of those times and the desperate hero Malchish-Kibalchish, a monument was opened, which stands on the Sparrow Hills at the entrance to the Palace children's creativity. The boy is barefoot, in the obligatory budenovka and with a sword drawn and a bugle in his hands.

The bronze Malchish-Kibalchish gathers all the boys to drive away the damned bourgeoisie, to take revenge on them for their dead fathers and brothers.

The five-meter monument is dedicated to all the guys who gave their lives for their Motherland. The monument was erected in honor of the 50th anniversary of the pioneer movement in the USSR.

Monument to Winnie the Pooh

In the town of Ramenskoye near Moscow, new residents have been registered since 2005 - bronze Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. Famous heroes favorite cartoon live not far from Victory Square, on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street.

The monument to Winnie the Pooh was made by sculptor Oleg Ershov. In general, the city of Ramenskoye has sheltered many cartoon characters: there are monuments to the cartoon characters “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Gena the Crocodile”, “Well, Just Wait!” etc.

As you know, the fairy tale about the teddy bear Winnie the Pooh was written by Alan Alexander Milne. The “father” of the Russian Winnie the Pooh is considered to be the poet and translator Boris Zakhoder, who translated the wonderful English fairy tale into Russian.

Monument to Mumu

The opening in 2004 coincided with the 150th anniversary of its publication famous work, which appeared in March 1854 on the pages of the Sovremennik magazine.

N and on the wall of the house on a memorial plaque hangs Gerasim’s janitor’s apron, his boots stand next to them, and Mumu lies curled up next to them.

A sculptural composition cast from cast iron with a lop-eared mongrel stops passers-by at the wall of house No. 95 - next to the club-cafe "Mumu" on Turgenev Square, as an act of repentance for our smaller brothers. This is the first step towards the creation of the Mumu Friends Club in the city under the motto “For human attitude to the dog." The international significance of this work by I. S. Turgenev is evidenced by the words of John Galsworthy, who in 1924 wrote about "Mumu": "Never through the means of art has a more exciting protest against tyrannical cruelty been created."

Architectural Monument Mumu is in perfect harmony with the place where it is located, and the cafe is very popular among visitors and tourists. It is not known whether everything was so, but the fact is undeniable that on that mournful day, many puppies born in the Northern capital were given the nickname Mumu. The monument to Mumu in St. Petersburg is not the only sculptural image of the heroine of Turgenev’s story. Another Mumu was installed in 1998 on the banks of the English Channel in the city of Enfleur by Russian director Yuri Grymov.

Monuments to the heroes of Bulgakov’s story “The Master and Margarita”

The inseparable couple from M.A. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" - the cat Behemoth and ex-regent Koroviev - settled in the courtyard of house No. 13 on Sovetskaya Armiya Street in 2006. The figures of Koroviev and Behemoth are made of artificial marble and seated on a bench.

Ulgakov's motifs are also present in the design of the waste collection area, stylized as a tram that beheaded Berlioz. The walls of the heating substation were painted with scenes from the novel: here you have Woland and Koroviev, and three cats, and the Master himself - Bulgakov, sitting on a bench.

Monument to two captains

In Pskov, in its very center, on Romanova Gorka, next to the Regional Library for Children and Youth, there is a monument to the literary heroes of the novel by our fellow countryman V. A. Kaverin “Two Captains”. The senior captain, Tatarinov, is given a clear resemblance to the famous polar explorer O. Schmid. It’s as if the mighty face of an intellectual and ascetic emerges from a block of ice, framed by a mighty beard. The second captain, Sanya Grigoriev, is a typical Pskov boy. He is wearing high boots and a pilot's helmet from the times of the Great Patriotic War.

The authors of the monument, St. Petersburg sculptors Mikhail Belov and Andrey Ananyev, created the sculpture in plaster in the early 90s of the 20th century. Model maker Guryan Arsentievich Smetanin made markings on the figures, and the foundry workers cast the monument: Yuri Ivanovich Gamzin and Nikolai Nikolaevich Kusherenkov. The grand opening of the monument took place in the year of the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory, on City Day, July 22, 1995. V. A. Kaverin did not live to see this day, but he saw the sketch of the monument. On one of the tablets of the project there was his review: “It seems to me that this project perfectly conveys the content and moral purpose of my novel “Two Captains.” The idea of ​​​​creating a monument to Kaverin’s literary heroes in Pskov belongs to former director regional children's library.

Sculpture “Man in a Case” in Taganrog

The monument was erected on January 27-28, 2010 as part of events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of A.P. Chekhov. The sculpture depicts Chekhov's character- teacher of the Belikov gymnasium from the story “The Man in a Case”. The author is Rostov sculptor David Begalov. A 500-kilogram full-length bronze sculpture was installed in front of the building of the former men's gymnasium, where the writer studied, and which now houses the A.P. Chekhov Literary Museum. The two-meter sculpture represents a thin man with glasses and an umbrella, who seems to be walking, resisting the wind.

The figure is installed without a pedestal; according to its creator, the “Man in a Case” should organically flow into the stream of people rushing about their business... The sculptural composition illustrates story of the same name the writer and portrays the pathetic teacher Belikov, trying to hide either from the rain and wind, or from his torment and fears. Installed in front of the facade of the left wing of the Taganrog men's classical gymnasium, where Anton Chekhov studied and the prototype of Belikov, the “man in a case,” worked.

Chapter 2. Monuments to literary heroes of foreign writers

Monument to the Little Mermaid

In Copenhagen there is a monument to the most dramatic character from Anderson's fairy tales - the Little Mermaid. The monument is installed in the port of Copenhagen on a granite pedestal. The statue is made of pure bronze, 125 centimeters tall and weighs 175 kilograms. Everyone knows the sad story of the little mermaid from childhood - she had to choose between her life and the life of her loved one. The fairy tale was written in 1836, and 73 years later the first ballet was staged based on it. The ballet made a particular impression on Carl Jacobsen, founder of the Carlsberg company. Karl ordered a bronze statue of the little mermaid from the best Danish sculptor Edvard Erikson and subsequently presented it to Copenhagen. The Little Mermaid statue has been one of the main symbols of Denmark for more than 95 years. Tourists from all over the world come to Copenhagen to touch the silent girl and make a cherished wish.

Monument to Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson

Holmes-Livanov and Watson (Solomin) make wishes come true.

The monument to Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson is located near the walls of the British Embassy, ​​on Smolenskaya Embankment in Moscow. The sculptural composition “Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson” was installed on April 27, 2007, on the 120th anniversary of the publication of Arthur Conan Doyle’s story “A Study in purple tones" The author of the composition, sculptor Andrei Orlov, took as a basis the images created by Sidney Paget, the first illustrator of Conan Doyle’s works. The prototype of Sherlock Holmes was the actor Vasily Livanov, who starred in the role of Sherlock Holmes in the serial detective series by Igor Maslennikov “Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson”. Doctor Watson was played by Vitaly Solomin, who also served as the prototype for his sculptural double. The artistic composition is made in human height. The Holmes and Watson monument at the British Embassy is a sign of dialogue between the two countries.

Monument to Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn

On the Mississippi River, there is a small town called Hannibal, where the famous American writer Mark Twain (his real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens). In the center of the city stands the great Cardiff Hill. And on the hill there is a monument to two barefoot boys - Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn - heroes of the famous books by Mark Twain “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. Two boys with torn pants go in search of their next adventure. The guys are depicted as, obviously, many generations of readers imagine them - carefree, mischievous, boyishly spontaneous. In addition to this, Huck holds the tail thrown over his shoulder. dead cat. This famous monument was opened in 1926. Sculptor Frederick Hibbard. Compatriots carefully preserve the memory of Mark Twain and his heroes. The writer’s house-museum in the city of Hannibal is often called “Tom Sawyer’s House.” Opposite is the "House of Becky Thacher", Tom's girlfriend.

Chapter 3. Monuments to literary heroes of fairy tales

Monument to Niels

The smallest monument to a literary hero stands in Stockholm. Its height is only 10 centimeters. A tiny boy sitting on a pedestal wrapped his arms around his knees. The author Liss Eriksson, while creating the sculpture, recalled his childhood: when he woke up at night and felt sad, he sat on the windowsill, clasped his hands around his knees and looked at the moon for a long time. It was this mood that the sculptor conveyed in the tiny sculpture “Nils”. Locals they really love Nils from the fairy tale " Wonderful trip Nils with wild geese” and every winter they knit warm clothes - hats and scarves so that the bronze baby does not freeze. And tourists put coins and, of course, make wishes.

Monument to the Beautiful Swan

The monument to the Beautiful Swan can also be seen in Odense. This small sculpture depicts the process of transformation of the Ugly Duckling into the Beautiful Swan. It also seems that the curve of the neck is not quite majestic, and the figure is a little angular, but everyone knows that soon, to the surprise of those around him, the most Beautiful swan in the world. This monument gives every person hope for a wonderful future and teaches them not to pay attention to difficulties, like the hero of Andersen’s fairy tale. This is probably why passers-by often linger in front of this sculpture.

Monument to the heroes of the fairy tale "Pinocchio"

The characters from the fairy tale “Pinocchio” “live” in the courtyard of the Kyiv Puppet Theater. The company of favorite heroes is headed by Pinocchio himself, who waves a golden key from the second floor terrace. Below are sad Pierrot, graceful Malvina with poodle Artemon and dad Carlo with his barrel organ. Taking a photo under Papa Carlo's hat is a matter of honor for both very young and big theater visitors. The authors of the composition are G. Savchenko, V. Primakov, T. Tsyupa and. Deaf.

Monument to Crocodile Gena and his friends

The monument to the cartoon characters, about a good-natured, green crocodile and his friends, is a sculptural composition of four bronze sculptures. Crocodile Gena plays the harmonica and sings a birthday song. Cheburashka listens to him carefully. The rat Lariska, running past her friends, also decided to listen to a kind song. She even stood on her hind legs, listening to the song. And Shapoklyak comes up from behind with a slingshot. The monument to Crocodile Gena, designed by sculptor Oleg Ershov, was erected in 2005 in the city of Ramenskoye at the intersection of Guryev and Mikhalevich streets. The monument is popular with both children and adults. But the sculpture of the rat Lariska is also popular among thieves. It had already been stolen several times and they tried to sell it for non-ferrous metals, but workers at non-ferrous metals collection points returned it to its rightful place.

Monument to the Bremen Town Musicians

In Germany, in the city of Bremen, on the Town Hall Square there is a monument to the literary heroes who glorified this city with the help of the Brothers Grimm. Sculptors of a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster - domestic animals that were unfairly kicked out by their owners due to old age and, thanks to their incredible enterprise, achieved a roof over their heads. The author of the sculpture is Gerhard Marx. Erected in 1953. In Riga there is also a monument to the “Bremen Town Musicians”, made in a more interesting and dynamic way. This is a gift from Bremen to its sister city Riga.

Monument to Mowgli

In the city of Nikolaev, near the main entrance to the zoo, which celebrated its centenary in 2001, in 1978 a picturesque sculptural group was installed depicting Mowgli and his faithful friend the panther Bagheera in a swift rush. This business card The zoo has become a symbol of the unity of man and wildlife. The figures are made of copper and stand on a low granite pedestal. The author is sculptor I. V. Makushina.

Monument to the goldfish

The sculpture of the Old Man with the Goldfish is located in Moscow behind the shopping complex " Okhotny Ryad» from the side of the Alexander Garden. There is a sign: students and applicants go to a streak with a fish to ask for lucky ticket on an exam or so that the teacher does not notice the cheat sheet. The fish will fulfill any wish only if you ask it correctly.

Monument to Thumbelina

A fountain hides beneath the weeping willow. It is crowned with the figurine of Thumbelina, who floats on a fallen autumn leaf on her long and dangerous journey.

The fountain with Thumbelina, as well as the monument to White Bim, were included in the fairy-tale composition near puppet theater. Seven bronze figures with lanterns decorate the columns of the theater: the Swan Princess, the Princess and the Pea, Cinderella... In the niches under the very roof are hidden the Cockerel - the Golden Comb, the Fire Horse, the Gray Wolf... When the city falls asleep, the bronze ones stand guard fairy tale figurines. They light the lanterns and guard the Fairy Tale until people wake up.


The topic of this work seemed interesting because it reflected the connection between literature and an art form such as sculpture. The chosen topic is relevant, practically unexplored. The objects of study were monuments to the heroes of children's books. It is impossible to calculate how many of them are installed. It was not possible to talk about all the monuments to literary characters. And how many other wonderful monuments exist, and we know practically nothing about them. The history of each monument is unique and deserves further research. The unveiling of a monument to a literary character is a significant event as people pay tribute to their favorite heroes. New monuments will appear in our country soon. For literary heroes there are truly no boundaries either in time or space.

Review by supervisor

on research work 8th grade student of MBOU Secondary School No. 78

Plechkova Nadezhda.

Subject:The history of the emergence of monuments to literary heroes.

The topic of the work corresponds to the content. This work describes in detail the history of the emergence of monuments dedicated to literary heroes. In my opinion, the student managed to justify the relevance of the chosen work. Nadezhda attracted attention because she accompanied the work with illustrations. The goals and objectives set by Nadezhda were defined correctly: with her work she drew attention to the problem of lack of interest in reading, and appropriate conclusions were drawn in these areas.

In my opinion, this work may have a practical orientation. Scientific work can be used as elective courses. The work complies with current standards and design rules.

Scientific supervisor: Petrushova T.V.,

teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU Secondary School No. 78.

It has become fashionable to erect monuments to heroes of literary works. Lately. “Our City Blog” has collected 15 interesting monuments on the streets of Russian cities.

Let's start with Tobolsk. Our selection opens with a monument to Robinson and Friday. The monument to the literary hero Daniel Defoe was erected in the city not by chance. In the second book about Robinson's travels, the writer sent his hero to the capital of Siberia, Tobolsk.

6 – From Tobolsk we go to northern Khanty-Mansiysk. Here, on the square of the river station, the heroine of the story by Alexander Greene meets and sees off the ships. Scarlet Sails"-Assol.

7 – In Omsk, in front of the entrance to the local Youth Theater, there is a monument to Don Quixote, the hero of Miguel de Cervantes’s book “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha.”

8 — A monument to the brave soldier Schweik was erected in Samara. The sculpture of the literary hero is located near the building of the former San Remo Hotel, where the Czech writer Jaroslav Hasek, the creator of Schweik, lived in 1918.

9 — Monument to the dog — Bim from the book of the writer Gabriel Troepolsky “White Bim” Black Ear"- was installed in 1998 in Voronezh at the entrance to the puppet theater.

1 0 – A monument to Baron Munchausen was erected in Kaliningrad. The sculpture was donated to the city by the residents of Bodenverden, where the prototype of the baron, Carl Hieronymus Friedrich Baron von Munchausen, was from. It is also known that the baron visited Königsberg twice - on the way to St. Petersburg and back.

11 — In a Moscow courtyard on Soviet Army Street, two literary characters from Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” — Koroviev and the cat Behemoth — sat down on a bench. The monument was opened in August 2006.

12 — The monument to the hero of the book by Ilf and Petrov, the great schemer Ostap Bender, is located in Pyatigorsk. The sculpture is located near the tourist attraction “Proval”. According to the book, Ostap was very surprised when he learned that “the city has not yet thought of charging ten cents for the entrance to Proval.”

13 — The monument to the heroes of Arthur Conan Doyle’s works, detective Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson, is located on Smolenskaya Embankment in Moscow. In the characters one can easily discern the features of Vasily Livanov and Vitaly Solomin, who played these characters in the Soviet television series.

14 – In Yekaterinburg near regional library them. Belinsky unveiled a monument to the Invisible Man. On the ground lies a metal plate with footprints and the inscription “The world’s first monument to the Invisible Man, the hero of the novel by H. G. Wells.”

15 — The monument to the nose of Major Kovalev, the main character of the story “The Nose” by Nikolai Gogol, is located in St. Petersburg. The sculpture appeared on the initiative of actor Vadim Zhuk in the mid-90s. In 2002, the nose disappeared. They could not find him for a whole year, until the loss was planted in the front door on Srednyaya Podyacheskaya Street.

In contact with

The monument was founded in August 1837, on the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, by the Tsarevich, Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich, the future Emperor Alexander II. The grand opening of the monument took place two years later, in the presence of Emperor Nicholas I, members royal family, retinue, numerous representatives of the Russian aristocracy, guests from abroad and large group participants in the Battle of Borodino. For three days, maneuvers of a 150,000-strong army under the command of Nicholas I continued, reproducing episodes of the “battle of the giants.”
Shortly before this, in July 1839, at the foot of the monument the remains of Prince Peter Ivanovich Bagration were buried, transferred here by order of the emperor from the village of Sima, Yuryev-Polsky district, Vladimir province. The commander, who died from a wound received in the Battle of Borodino, was initially buried on the estate of his relatives, the princes Golitsyn. The famous partisan poet Denis Vasilyevich Davydov, who was Bagration’s adjutant for six years, petitioned the emperor for the burial of the hero’s remains on the Borodino field.
The height of the monument including the cross is 27.5 meters. Its edges contain information about the strength of both armies on the day of the battle, about the “twenty languages” of Napoleon’s army, about the Russian generals who died on the memorable day of August 26, 1812. Here are expressive texts about the retreat of the Russian army to Moscow, about the entry of the French into the capital and Russian troops into Paris.
In 1932, the monument was destroyed as having neither historical nor artistic value. He shared the fate of the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior and many other monuments national history and culture. As a result of the barbaric action, the crypt containing Bagration's ashes was damaged. In 1987, more than half a century later, the monument and tombstone on Bagration’s grave were recreated in the same forms and materials - in cast iron and bronze with gilding - according to the surviving drawings of the architect Anthony Adamini. According to his designs, similar monuments were erected in the early 1840s in Smolensk, Maloyaroslavets and Krasny, that is, on the sites of the most significant battles of 1812.

The third grave of Bagration...

On August 18, 1987, a small funeral procession appeared on the Borodino field, deserted that weekday: a platoon of soldiers, several musicians brass band and four officers serving as pallbearers. This is how the legendary commander who fought against Napoleonic troops, Prince Bagration, was buried. They buried him for the third time.

His first grave was in the village of Sima on the outskirts of what is now the Vladimir region, where the general died on September 12, 1812 from a wound received in the battle of Borodino. Later, on the personal instructions of Emperor Nicholas I, it was decided to move the remains of the brave military leader to the Borodino field. There the burial took place twice, with an interval of 148 years.

“The Miracle Hero” is only suitable for scrap...

The first of Bagration’s Borodino burials took place in 1839. Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich, along with a huge retinue and 120,000-strong army, attended the opening ceremony of the monument near the crypt, where the remains of the “miracle hero of the Russian army” were solemnly transferred from Sima.

No one then could even imagine that this grave would be destroyed. But this is exactly what happened almost a hundred years later, in 1932.

In the young Country of Soviets, Prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration found himself “demoted” from the national heroes of Russia and turned into “some kind of tsarist general.” And this is not just a contemptuous phrase, at that time it was actually a synonym for the terrible word “counter-revolutionary”! And the majestic monument over the commander’s grave turned for officials “from proletarian culture” into an ordinary structure made of cast iron, which should be sent for melting down - in order to fulfill the plan for the delivery of scrap metal...

With the help of explosives, the main monument of the Borodino Memorial at the former Raevsky battery was turned into a pile of rubble. At the same time, Bagration’s crypt located nearby was destroyed by a powerful explosion, and the remains of the hero general were mercilessly thrown out of there. The resulting hole at the site of the destroyed burial was bashfully leveled with sand.

However, it soon became clear: the “scrap metal collectors” were in a hurry. Literally a few years later - on Borodin’s 125th anniversary - infantry general Bagration was “rehabilitated” in the Soviet Union! So, for the anniversary celebrations, on the instructions of the authorities, it was necessary to hastily erect a simple obelisk on that sandy wasteland with a false inscription: they say, here lies the commander, hero of the Patriotic War Bagration.

This “props” was displayed on the Borodino field for half a century. In the mid-1980s, when the next “round” date of a grandiose battle loomed ahead, it was decided to recreate the blown up monument on the Raevsky battery in its original form. And Bagration should be buried under it for real, so that everything becomes the same as before.

Bagration's funeral ceremony. Photo from the archive of I.F. Laptev.
“There were no ashes in the coffin! “

The second Borodino burial of the remarkable commander took place on August 18, 1987, and it was furnished much more modestly than the first, “imperial” one.

Colonel Ivan Laptev took part in the burial held on the eve of the 175th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. Ivan Fedorovich, in his letter sent several years ago to the editorial office of MK, spoke about some of the details of that “closed” ceremony:

“...It was I who was tasked with reburying Bagration. At that time I was a colonel, the head of the political department of the division and served near the village of Borodino. On August 16, the division commander, Major General S. M. Khodkin, summoned me and ordered me to prepare everything for the funeral. To this I objected to him that the ceremony for the reburial of such a commander as Bagration was should be headed by at least the Minister of Defense. But an order is an order! I studied the article of the Charter “Giving military honors during burial” and prepared everything necessary... During the reburial, I was able to see the contents of the coffin - it was completely empty.”

So is the current hero’s grave, located in the very center of the Borodino Memorial for almost a quarter of a century, also a sham?

As follows from the letter, Laptev tried to find out where the remains of the Russian hero could have gone in 1932. He found several local old-timers, and they said that after the explosion of the monument and grave, Bagration’s bones were lying right next to the road. “As residents of the surrounding villages - Borodin, Gorki, Semenovsky - told me, these very bones dark night picked up good people: some nun and an old man. They buried the remains of the legendary commander... These people soon died, taking with them the secret - the burial place of Prince Peter Ivanovich...”

Monument on the site of Raevsky's battery.
“We recovered 4 buttons and small bone fragments from the garbage.”

Does this mean that the commander’s coffin, lowered into the crypt in the summer of 1987, is really empty?

The MK correspondent was helped to understand the mysteries of Bagration’s current grave by archaeologist Evgeny Morev, who in the mid-1980s spent several seasons excavating at the site of the exploded monument.

I also heard the story about the nun who buried Bagration’s bones that survived the explosion,” confirmed Evgeniy Ivanovich. - However, regarding the fact that an empty coffin was allegedly placed in the restored crypt, the respected author of the letter is mistaken... In 1985, while working at the former Raevsky battery, I discovered the ruins of Bagration’s crypt, littered with earth and all sorts of debris. Here we managed to find fragments of the remains of the glorious general. Several soldiers from a neighboring military unit were assigned to help me. These young guys were imbued with the responsibility of the task entrusted to them and acted very carefully. They sorted through the soil from the excavation literally with their fingertips... As a result, in two months painstaking work We extracted from the garbage 4 buttons, scraps of old uniform fabric, fragments of epaulettes, scraps of leather belts... And most importantly - fragments of bones: small pieces of a skull, ribs, hands, vertebrae... All our finds would fit in two palms of an adult.

Morev transported the collected remains to the capital, hoping to conduct an examination there. But there was no money included in the budget for such work. Even the ashes of the legendary hero of the battles with Napoleon had to be transported in the most primitive way: in a backpack placed on the luggage rack of a commuter train.

Then Borodin’s finds lay for a long time in Evgeniy Ivanovich’s study, waiting in the wings. Alas! In those years, no one was eager to study the remains of the Russian general. Everyone simply brushed aside the persistent enthusiastic archaeologist, and after several months of fruitless attempts, Morev took Bagration’s ashes to Borodino (still in a backpack, by commuter train).

When the general was re-buried on the Borodino field, the remains we found were sewn into a silk bag, which was placed in the coffin. Of course, this bag turned out to be very small, and therefore it is no wonder that Ivan Fedorovich Laptev could simply not notice it. In addition, a capsule-sleeve was placed in the grave, in which a copy of the report on the excavations carried out and the finds made was sealed.

The very procedure of burying the long-suffering ashes of the Russian hero general was carried out “in working order.” In addition to the soldiers brought by Colonel Laptev, the only people present at the funeral were employees of the Borodino Museum and builders involved in the restoration of the crypt and monument.

The opening of the main monument, which took place a couple of weeks later and timed to coincide with the 175th anniversary of the battle, was much more magnificent. Crowds of people, ceremonial ranks of troops, fireworks... “Multi-star” generals, regional and district leaders specially came to Borodino. Even one of the secretaries of the CPSU Central Committee honored the event with his presence.

But why weren’t both of these ceremonies combined? Why didn’t they bury Bagration at the same time as the opening of the monument, with a large crowd of people? Employees who worked at the Borodino Museum at the time explained the situation as purely technical difficulties:

The crypt and the monument on the Raevsky battery are located very close to each other. So the stylobate - the lower part of the monument - literally hangs over the general’s grave. It would be impossible to complete the complete restoration of the monument until the crypt was walled up. It is for this reason that Bagration’s ashes had to be buried before all construction work.

* * *
Where did the bulk of the remains of the legendary general go? Buried by an unknown nun somewhere in the rural cemetery of Borodino?

I have heard other versions as well. But they differ from each other only in some details, says one of the leading specialists of the State Archives Russian Federation Igor Tikhonov, long years collecting materials about Prince Bagration. - They claim, for example, that one of the local residents collected the bones lying around the blown up crypt, put them in a wooden box and buried them in the neighboring Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery - southeast of the Savior Church. Other stories feature a certain rural school teacher who allegedly buried bones in a ravine... I tried to find some more reliable information on this matter, but to no avail. A targeted search for this legendary burial is unlikely to be crowned with success - only a lucky chance can help.

This means that it remains to be admitted that now all the surviving remains of General Bagration are buried in a crypt on the Borodino field.

The blog “Get to know your native land” is a virtual journey for children around the Pskov region and is the embodiment in the Internet space of the main materials of the Centralized project library system Pskov “Get to know your native land!”

This project was developed and implemented in the libraries of the Centralized Library System of Pskov in 2012-2013. - Library - Center for Communication and Information, Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow", Library "Rodnik" named after. S.A. Zolottsev and in the innovation and methodological department of the Central City Library.

The main goal of the project is to give a basic idea of ​​the historical past of the Pskov region, its present, about the people (personalities) who glorified the Pskov region, about the richness and originality of the nature of the Pskov region.

The project united library workers, participants in the educational process and parents with a common goal.

"Cultivating love for native land, to native culture, to native village or city, to your native speech is a task of paramount importance and there is no need to prove it. But how to cultivate this love? It starts small - with love for your family, for your home, for your school. Gradually expanding, this love for one’s native land turns into love for one’s country - its history, its past and present” (D. S. Likhachev).

Pskov. Ph. Petra Kosykh.
Our region has made a significant contribution to the formation, development and protection Russian statehood, into the spiritual life of society. The Pskov region, both in the past and in the present, has more than once set an example of understanding all-Russian interests, generated local experience that became the property of society, and put forward bright heroic personalities, prominent scientists, writers, artists.

Project implementation partners:

City schools:
· Secondary school No. 24 named after. L.I. Malyakova (primary school teacher Valentina Ivanovna Grigorieva)
· Secondary school No. 12 named after. Hero of Russia A. Shiryaeva (primary school teacher Tatyana Pavlovna Ovchinnikova)
· Border - customs - legal lyceum (primary school teacher Ivanova Zinaida Mikhailovna)

Pskov Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers:
Pasman Tatyana Borisovna – methodologist in history, social studies and law POIPKRO

Pskov State University
Bredikhina Valentina Nikolaevna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Humanitarian Education of Pskov State University.

Blog Editor:
Burova N.G. - manager Department of Information and Communication Technologies of the Central City Hospital of Pskov

Currently, despite the fact that the project that originally formed the basis for the creation of this resource has been completed, our local history blog continues to successfully exist and develop. Being at its core an information and educational resource and a good help for those who want to get to know Pskov and the amazing Pskov region (especially for children), - be it the opening of a monument in Pskov or on the territory of the Pskov region, impressions of trips to one of the corners of the Pskov region, the creation of a new local history toy library or photo gallery and, of course, we always inform our readers about the publication of new books about Pskov, designed for young local historians.

The materials on this blog can be used in school classes and at library events, or they can be read just like that - for self-education!

We are waiting on the pages of our blog for all the guys who are not indifferent to the history of Pskov and the Pskov region, and, in turn, we promise to delight our visitors with new materials. By the way, blog updates can be tracked in the section

Probably because many of these characters did no less for us than real-life celebrities who once lived. They give happiness to readers all over the world every day, teach us to be faithful and kind, noble and courageous.

The installation of monuments to heroes of works of poetry and prose is a tradition that goes back many decades. In many cities, on the streets and squares, in squares and parks, there are sculptures dedicated to various characters.

Each monument to literary heroes has its own destiny, its own history. Most interesting sculptures installed both in Russia and abroad, we will describe in this article.

Monument to the heroine of the fairy tale about the goldfish

The goldfish is one of the most auspicious and powerful symbols that brings prosperity, luck and well-being to the home. Every child knows from books that she is the main fulfiller of any desires.

Pisces are present in many folk tales. Literary fairy tale about the goldfish was first revised by the Brothers Grimm. In our country, A.S. Pushkin created his work. It's called "The Tale of the Goldfish." As the analysis of these works shows, the fish is not so much a fulfiller of desires as it represents the opportunity to begin new life, is a symbol of enlightenment. The image of an unhappy old man hiding a wise old man is the “spiritual” part of human consciousness, while the greedy old woman is our insatiable ego, which is immersed in worldly vanity. The ego demands various pleasures.

The goldfish monument was installed in many cities (Donetsk, Saransk, Berdyansk, Mamonovo, St. Petersburg, Adler, Lvov, Astrakhan,

Interestingly, psychologists have identified a group of people who are afraid of goldfish. Of course, not literally. The point is that a person prefers to be afraid to let something unknown and new into his life.

We can add to the list of the goldfish’s merits that today it has become the heroine of numerous jokes, as well as the main participant in Simoron rituals.

The monument, located in Astrakhan, is embodied in bronze gold fish, which appears lying on waves, also made of bronze. The sculpture is an advertising ploy for the Megafon company. The emblems of this operator adorn the pedestal of the monument.

The fish has a crown on its head that is polished to a shine. According to a belief that has already taken root among the residents of Astrakhan, you should make a wish and rub it. Then it will definitely come true. The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with Fisherman's Day. It took place in 2011. The author of the sculpture is Marat Dzhamaletdinov.

Monuments to a lady with a dog

At the end of the 19th century, when human morals were not yet as loose as in the 21st century, but the breath of revolution was already foreseen by the culture of the world, it was written famous work Chekhov. Resorts, including Crimean ones, where a person torn from a vicious circle Everyday life, fell into the enveloping aroma of freedom, became the first places in which husbands, fathers, mothers, wives could feel the taste of life. Of course, the heralds of the new era were the masters literary word, who with their pens brought the trends of new times to life.

The story “The Lady with the Dog” is one of the most striking works that has become a classic of the resort romance genre. This happened thanks to the skill and talent of A.P. Chekhov (1860-1904). The work was first published in 1899 in the magazine "Russian Thought".

It is not surprising that in order to perpetuate the memory of the writer and main character The center of the Yalta embankment was chosen for this work. In 2004, as part of the centennial anniversary of Anton Pavlovich, the monument “Lady with a Dog” was erected. Its authors are Gennady and Fedor Parshin. The sculpture depicts a slender female silhouette, dressed in a modest, elegant dress with lace. The girl holds an umbrella in her hands. She froze in dreamy reverie, fixing her gaze on the horizon. And next to you is a faithful dog with a smart, sharp face. He looks with devoted eyes at his mistress.

The figure of Anton Pavlovich located in the background is also very remarkable. He watches in a relaxed pose the creation of his own thought, which for a moment has descended from literary pages. The finished appearance of this sculpture is complemented by a cloak thrown carelessly onto the openwork of the fence, as well as a sign with the phrase from the work “...a new face has appeared on the embankment: a lady with a dog,” which is located at the feet of the writer.

Also in the city of Khabarovsk, on Amursky Boulevard, a monument to this heroine of Chekhov’s story was erected. This is a bronze bench on which sits a woman wearing a dress with a deep slit and strapless. She has a hat on her head and high-heeled shoes on her feet. She strokes the dog sitting next to her on the bench with her left hand.

This sculpture decorates the square near the fountain located next to the Druzhba cinema on Amursky Boulevard. It was installed for the 150th anniversary of the city.

Monument to White Bim in Voronezh

We are now transported to Voronezh in order to look at next monument. There are sculptures that make passers-by stop and feel anxiety, tenderness, and excitement. The monument to White Beam belongs to them. It was opened at the beginning of 1998.

G. N. Troepolsky (1906-1995) - Voronezh writer, author famous book entitled "White Bim Black Ear", published in 1971. The sculpture of Bim is located at the entrance to the puppet theater. It was installed on an autumn day when residents celebrated City Day.

Today the monument to White Beam is one of the most popular among children. Bim is cast in metal. He sits in a position in which loyal, intelligent and kind dogs are waiting for their owner to leave for a while. There is no pedestal for this sculpture: Bim is simply on the ground. And children love to pet him, as if this dog were alive.

He really seems alive. When you see this sculpture, it’s as if you feel the dog’s devoted and anxious gaze on you, as if asking: “Where is my master now?” However, Bim could not wait for him. The owner died and the dog became orphaned. Now Bim was left completely alone in the huge city.

Troepolsky's book about the fate of White Bim was a huge success. Sometimes the writer jokingly said that he released him into the wild in Voronezh, and since then the dog has been running. He's probably already covered half the world. This story was translated and published in dozens of countries. For example, the curriculum of American colleges includes this work without fail. In our country, a film was made based on the story, which was also a great success.

The authors of the monument are Ivan Dikunov and Elsa Pak. The author of the work often came to them during work, gave advice, and consulted. Gabriel Troepolsky, unfortunately, was not destined to see his beloved Bim in the metal: he died before he could see the installation of the sculpture.

Monuments to Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes is a literary character created by A. Conan Doyle(1859-1930). The works dedicated to his adventures are rightfully considered classics. detective genre. Societies of fans of Holmes and his deductive method have spread throughout the world. This detective is the most popular movie character in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records.

The Holmes Apartment Museum opened on Baker Street in London in March 1990. There are a lot of monuments to this hero.

The first monument to Sherlock Holmes

Holmes monuments in Japan and Great Britain

In 1988, on October 9, a statue of the great detective was unveiled in Japan (in Kariuzawa). Nobuhara Ken, the Japanese translator of Holmes, lived in this city. This monument was unveiled just a month later than in Switzerland.

The turn came to Edinburgh in 1991. On June 24, the third monument to Holmes was unveiled in Conan Doyle's homeland. It is installed on Picardy Place.

In London, a monument to Holmes was unveiled in 1999, on September 24, near Baker Street tube station. Sherlock looks thoughtfully into the distance. He is dressed for London weather - in a hat with a small brim and a long raincoat. Holmes has a pipe in his hand.

Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: monument in Moscow

In 2007, on April 27, a monument to the work was opened in Moscow, on Smolenskaya Embankment. This is the first sculpture depicting Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson together. Participated in creation Russian actor, who was awarded the Order of the British Empire by Elizabeth II for embodying the image of the main character of the work. The monument to literary heroes Holmes and Watson today is very popular among Muscovites and visitors. Many people like to take pictures against its background.

Monument to the frog princess in Moscow

In Moscow in 1997, an imitation of the Neglinnaya River was created to decorate Manezhnaya Square near the Kremlin. It was this that flowed here in ancient times, but was enclosed in a pipe in the 19th century. Zurab "settled" the heroes of various Russian fairy tales along the banks of the river. Among his creations is a monument to the frog princess.

Other sculptures in honor of the frog princess

Another monument to the character is located in Svetlogorsk (Kaliningrad region). The sculpture represents a female figure sitting on a stone. Her lips are pursed for a kiss.

A sculpture of the frog princess was also installed in Kaliningrad ( children's park"Youth"). The frog is very cute and fabulous.

Monument to the literary hero Pinocchio

In honor of the 130th anniversary of the author of the story "The Golden Key" Alexei Tolstoy in Samara at the gate literary museum a monument to Buratino appeared. Its author is Stepan Korslyan. A triumphant Pinocchio made of bronze holds a golden key in his raised hand. Big Book lies at his feet. Dmitry Iosifov, an actor who played the main character in the film “The Adventures of Buratino”, was present at the opening ceremony. It was on the basis of the image from this film that the sculpture was created.

Monument to Josef Schweik

More recently, in 2014, on August 24, a monument to Schweik, described almost 100 years ago in Jaroslav Hasek’s work “The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik” (1921), was erected in the Czech Republic. It is located near the town of Pisek, in the village of Putim. Some of the adventures of this hero took place here. Done by F. Svatek. Soldier dressed in military uniform from the First World War.

Previously, monuments to this brave soldier were erected in Slovakia (photo below), Russia, Poland and Ukraine. In total, thirteen monuments are known.

Monument to Gulliver

It was installed in St. Petersburg in 2007, on November 2. The sculptor is Timur Yusof. The hero of Jonathan Swift's famous story "Gulliver's Travels" is located on the University Embankment. The monument depicts a whole series of title characters of the work, decreasing in size. Each subsequent Gulliver is several times smaller than the previous one.

Monuments to Baron Munchausen

On May 11, 2004, the first Russian one was opened. It is located in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, in the Munchausen Museum. The author of the project was a descendant of the baron himself, Vladimir Nagovitsyn. This is a writer-storyteller who creates works under the pseudonym Vladi Nagova.

A monument to literary heroes can be very original. In Kaliningrad, for example, in the Central Park there is one of the most cheerful monuments. It is also dedicated to Baron Munchausen. The sculpture stands next to Queen Louise's Church. It became a gift to Kaliningrad for its 750th anniversary from Bodenwerder, the German city that is the birthplace of the baron.

It is known that the real prototype of Munchausen visited Koenigsberg twice on the way to St. Petersburg, as well as on the way back. The author of the sculpture is Georg Petau. The monument to Munchausen is a steel wall in which the silhouette of this hero is carved, flying on a cannonball. On one side, the inscription “Kaliningrad” is stamped on the pedestal, and on the other, “Koenigsberg”, to emphasize the historical connection between the Russian and German peoples.