Stories with a girl singer and a poser. “Minute of fame” or life: the biggest scandals at the talent show. "Boring" Varvara Vizbor

Recently there was a scandal on the “Minute of Fame” show. Performance eight-year-old Victoria Starikova, who performed Zemfira’s song “Live in Your Head,” caused a public outcry. Viewers of the program were outraged by the harsh judging of the girl’s performance.

The jury members felt that such a composition was not suitable for a first-grader who did not understand what she was singing about. Renata Litvinova was surprised that Victoria, having chosen this song for the competition, did not know Zemfira’s other works. “I internally protest against this. This is some kind of illegal move. Excuse me, you good girl"- said Litvinova.

" Moment of glory"

Vladimir Pozner also spoke sharply about the performance: “I am against children on stage. This is more parental vanity - parents want their children to come out so they can brag about them. An eight-year-old sings a song that was not written by an eight-year-old.” While the jury members spoke, Victoria cried, but no one thought to calm her down.

" Moment of glory"

Producer Max Fadeev, who has repeatedly been a mentor for the show “Voice. Children,” could not stay away from this situation. On his Instagram, he wrote a post in which he stood up for Victoria and condemned Vladimir Pozner for harshly criticizing the child. According to the producer, seeing the girl crying, he himself could not hold back his tears.

“I just watched Vika Starikova’s wonderful performance at the “Minute of Fame”.<…>I can’t ignore what happened on air, because I am a father, teacher and musician. Unlike everyone else gathered there on the jury. Therefore, I can evaluate this from a professional and pedagogical point of view. I have always deeply respected Mr. Posner and considered him the smartest, subtlest person, a journalist of the highest class. But, in my opinion, his attitude towards this small child was very cruel and completely insensitive. He is also a father, and he knows very well that with a child you need to be extremely careful and attentive in your assessments and criticism towards him,” said Fadeev (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. - Note edit.).

Max noted that, of course, there should be criticism, but not evil, but careful: “In relation to such a little girl, criticism should be in the form of a game or soft and fatherly. So that the child perceives it correctly. But Mr. Posner chose a different style of communication with a child no taller than 40 cm. When I watched what the jury members said to her, I cried with her. Because I felt very sorry for her: why does she have to justify herself and explain herself - who chose this song and what she puts into it. She puts in exactly what she feels, that's enough! She is not obliged to throw out all sorts of intellectual sayings in order to pamper the ears of such spoiled husbands. She just sang and that's it. This is neither good nor bad. She just sang, trying to convey her feelings as much as possible.”

Fadeev believes that one of the judges, Sergei Svetlakov, was ashamed of his colleagues:
“I saw the face of Sergei Svetlakov, who with every phrase of his colleagues did not know what to do with himself. I believe that he was ashamed of those sitting on left hand From him. Because I know how he treats children and what a wonderful father he is. I will not comment on Litvinova’s behavior, grimaces and texts, everything is clear with her.”

15:10 / 02 March 2017

Anna Starikova said that the editors of the show suggested they perform Zemfira’s song.

Young Tagil resident Victoria Starikova, who was brought to tears by the jury of “Minute of Fame,” was unable to make it to the next round and left the show.

In the second round, Victoria performed Sergei Trofimov’s song “Motherland,” which she sang to the accompaniment of her mother Anna. But this time, Renata Litvinova and Vladimir Pozner did not like the performance, whose words brought the girl to tears in the last episode. Let us remind you: for the first time they considered that Zemfira’s song “Live in Your Head,” which the girl sang, was too “adult” for her. The girl’s mother cannot yet tell what they didn’t like the second time, since the episode has not yet aired. But she explained to NASHA’s correspondent why Victoria performed Zemfira’s song in the first round.

– How did you generally feel about the jury’s reaction to your daughter’s performance of this song?

- With bewilderment! Because we went there at the invitation of the producers and editors of this project. That is, initially it was not our initiative. Of course we agreed. But there were no auditions. The show's editors invited Victoria after seeing her YouTube channel. They liked the little angel who sings all kinds of songs. Because Vika can handle anything. And it affected them.

As the girl’s mother said, Vika has been singing since she was 4 years old and is not the first to participate in music competitions. True, so far only on the Internet, where, in addition to her channel, the 8-year-old girl has pages on all popular social networks.

– And it was the editors of the show who suggested performing Zemfira’s song and thus making a surprise for one of the jury members - Renata Litvinova. Together with Vika, we also considered this possible. Since there is no age limit initially in this show. And in previous seasons of this show, even small children reached the finals.

– So you didn’t choose the song?

- No, they offered it to us. And we supported the idea of ​​making a surprise. But we didn’t want to offend anyone with this. We just wanted to show how our little angel will perform Zemfira’s song, of which Renata Muratovna is a fan. And she performed it in her own way, with her own interpretation of this song. In no way did we want to touch on any deep topics; with us everything was much simpler, more life-like and more understandable to a small child.

– What do you think about Posner’s phrase that children on stage are the result of parental vanity?

- And when famous people They support their children in every possible way and are proud of them, and everyone around them talks about their offspring - is this normal? Why is it possible for some, but for others they immediately say that this is vanity?

– How did your daughter cope with criticism from the jury? And what can you say about her participation in this project?

– My daughter said that she was very sorry when it all ended. No, of course she said it was scary, her arms and legs were shaking. But she really enjoyed participating. After him, she said that she wanted her life to be connected with cameras, performances, and competitions. In general, everything is great with us. I think it was a very useful experience that Vika could not have gotten anywhere else.

And Anna calls all the conversations and comments that the jury’s criticism caused psychological trauma to Vika as far-fetched speculation, which for some reason is being inflated on the Internet.

Vika Starikova sang Zemfira’s song “Live in your head.” The jury felt that the composition for the girl was clearly not chosen according to her age.

There are people who dream of fame from the cradle and purposefully go towards it, getting involved in all sorts of competitions, quizzes, Olympiads and other events designed to increase their chance of becoming a star. And there are people who themselves failed to realize their ambitions and are now trying to realize them in their own children.

If you are not a fan of the competition, we will briefly tell you what the essence of the matter is.

8-year-old Vika Starikova is one of the participants in the show. The girl chose Zemfira’s song “Live in your head” for the performance. She played it herself, she sang it herself. But the judges didn't like her performance. Sergei Yursky was the first to press the red button. The girl was instantly upset, but still held on. Then Vladimir Pozner criticized her performance.

According to the stern TV presenter, the song for Vika was completely inappropriate.

This is parental vanity, so that children can go on stage and they can be proud of them,” Posner allowed himself to make a barb at Anna, Vika’s mother.

Renata Litvinova, who, as we understand, treats Zemfira’s work with special reverence, asked if Vika knew her other songs. No, Vika didn’t know. What the actress didn’t like: she was rather cold and poisonous about the girl’s performance. As Anna later said in a conversation with journalists from Komsomolskaya Pravda, they heard the song “Live in Your Head” no longer performed by the author. Someone managed to make a cover and Vika liked it.

In general, after such a powerful rebuke, the girl burst into tears right on stage. Only Sergei Svetlakov spoke in defense of the little singer and her mother.

“She herself wanted to go on stage,” said the showman.

As a result, the jury could not decide whether to leave Vika in the competition or not: Svetlakov and Yursky were for it, Litvinova and Pozner were against it. The contestant decided her fate herself by tossing a coin. Hurray: Vika coped with the casting and moved on to the next round.

Meanwhile, the network has developed real war: someone defended Vika and her mother, someone attacked Anna, claiming that she was crippling the child’s psyche by forcing her to participate in similar shows. In response to the accusations, Vicky’s mother did not mince words.

Why should you scold me? For helping my daughter's dream come true? I don't get fame. Vika still got it. She is quite famous. She has 130 thousand subscribers on YouTube,” Anna was perplexed. - A test for the psyche? There are many such moments in life. Take any other competition. Isn’t there any stress on the psyche on a math test? What about the Unified State Exam?

As for the repertoire, according to Anna, it is difficult to separate creativity intended for children and adults.

What do you think are children's songs? Children's poems? Do these include the poems about war that we teach from kindergarten every May 9th? And we explain to children what war, death, and loss are,” Anna said.

What do you think? Do I need to choose age-appropriate songs?

    Yes need. It's stupid when a child sings about something he doesn't understand.