History of Old Russian female names. Male and female Slavic Vedic names

Until the end of the 10th century, the Russian people had not yet accepted Christianity and worshiped several gods. Accordingly, Old Russian names for children were pagan. After the adoption of Christianity, a confrontation began between common and Christian names.


The most important rite in Christianity is baptism. After the birth of a child, he must be baptized and given Orthodox name some saint. Old Russian names are gradually being replaced by Christian ones.

But church names are not originally Russian in origin. They came from ancient Greek, Hebrew, Roman languages. For a long time The church in every possible way prohibited names of ancient Russian origin. After all, they were pagan, and the state was Christian.

Worldly name

Still, it is difficult to re-educate people right away, so along with the name given at baptism, children were given familiar Old Russian names. It turned out that the child had church name and the so-called worldly. This was the name the baby was given in a narrow family circle. Gradually, with the strengthening of the position of the church and the faith of people, household names turned into nicknames.

There are several examples of such double names. The boyar, who received the name Fedor at baptism, was called Doroga at home, or the prince, bearing the name Mikhailo, was called Svyatopolk at home. Such examples are often found in ancient books or novels of Russian classics.

Names in pre-revolutionary Russia

IN pre-revolutionary Russia Old Russian names generally fell out of use. Within a week after birth, parents were required to baptize the child and give him a name according to the church calendar.

But for kids from a rich, influential family, the name was chosen by the parents, depending on the euphony and their preferences. The Church did not want to spoil relations with its benefactors and did not want to lose charitable contributions.

And when a baby from a poor family was baptized, the clergyman could choose a name from the church book, depending on the time of birth. The parents’ opinion might not even be taken into account, and the name did not always sound beautiful and euphonious.

Exists interesting fact, associated with the name and well-being of the family. Historians have found that by name it was possible to determine belonging to the class. So, in peasant families, girls were often called Vasilisa, Fedosya, Fekla. Noble families never named their daughters that way. Rich and ruling families gave their daughters names such as Elizaveta, Olga, Alexandra, Ekaterina. It was impossible to find such names in peasant families.

Old Russian names and their meaning

As a rule, when you hear an Old Russian name, you can understand what it means without translation.

Old Russian male names

  • Here, for example, is Svyatoslav. It is clear that the name is formed from the words “holy” and “glory”.
  • Vsevolod is a man who owns everything.
  • Bohumil - it’s immediately clear what kind of name this is. Child Bogumil - dear to God.
  • Or Vsemil means dear to everyone.

Very interesting were the names that children received depending on their position in the family. For example, if a third son was born into a family, he was given the name Trajan. The first son was called First, and the second was Second.

Old Russian female names

With names for girls, everything is also almost always clear.

  • Just like the boy Bogumil, the girl was called Bogumil.
  • Bliss is happy, and Bazhena is desirable. By the way, now you can sometimes come across the name Bazhen.
  • Darina - given by God.
  • Krasimira is the beauty of the world.

But not everything is so clear

For example, the name Ostromir. The association “sharp world” immediately arises. But this somehow does not fit into the understanding. Or the name Zhiroslav. It is clear that he is glorifying something. But what?

This is where a dictionary of the Old Russian language comes to the rescue. Thus, the word "fat" meant wealth and abundance. It is now clear that the name Zhiroslav means “glory to wealth.”

The word "ostro" means "brave", therefore Ostromir means "brave world". Although, of course, with modern understanding Sounds a little strange.

  1. Radomir;
  2. Vladimir;
  3. Ratimir;
  4. Gostimir and many similar ones.

Old Russian names are coming back

After October revolution Old Russian pagan names gradually began to return to use. This is due to the fact that young parents wanted to move away from the Saints and give the baby a beautiful name.

But at the same time, the revolution and electrification brought their own changes - Vseslav, Jaromir, Ogneslav, Zarina and Liliana were now running through the streets.

Of course, period Soviet power made some adjustments. Names associated with ideology, such as Turbina or Dazdraperma, became fashionable. But still, reason prevails - the Russian people want to return to their roots.

Children began to be born, who were given beautiful ancient Russian names. It sounds beautiful when the girl’s name is not Revolution, but Lyubava or Militsa. Names such as Muse, Nellie, Rosalia, Svyatoslav and Jaromir became fashionable.

Of course, not all names have returned; many are unlikely to take root. Not every parent now wants to name their child, for example, Stoppolsvet or Octo-Eyes. But still, for the most part, Old Russian names are very beautiful, and most importantly, it is clear to a Russian person what they mean. Without translation, it becomes clear that Vladlena is the ruler, and Lyubomira is the darling of the world.

Name as a characteristic of a person

IN ancient Rus' the name was given great importance. Parents tried to name the child in such a way as to highlight his belonging to the clan and family. Names could be given that defined any qualities desired for the child. Also, a person’s name determined his position in society.

In ancient times, a name could stick to a person even in adulthood. So, if a person had certain physical features, the name could personify them. You can easily guess what people with the names Kudryash, Mal, Chernysh were like.

Or names like these, pointing to certain character traits: Clever, Kind, Silent, Brave.

As already written above, depending on the number of children in the family, he was given a name: Pervyak or Tretyak, Elder, Menshak.

In the literature you can often find names indicating a profession. Especially popular names Kozhemyaka, Warrior and Villager. After reading this, you might think that these are nicknames or nicknames. But people were actually called that way, and this is confirmed by documents available to historians. Although at that time in Rus' there was not much difference between a name as such and a nickname.

What about the girls?

Studying ancient Russian names, you can find a lot of nicknames for men. But with girls everything is a little different. Why?

It's all about the position of women in society. No matter how often girls do not fight for their rights, their influence on the life of the state is always belittled. And accordingly, there are not many historically recorded facts of famous female names.

Old Russian female names as independently formed names were very rare. As a rule, they came from men.

  • Gorislav - Gorislava;
  • Vladimir - Vladimir;
  • Vladlen - Vladlena;
  • Svyatoslav - Svyatoslav.

This is partly the fact that women were to some extent deprived; girls gradually began to be given more christian names. If in the case of men there were often double names, for example, Svyatoslav-Nikola, then the girls had only one thing - Olga, Elizaveta, Anna.

In addition, over time, patronymics are gradually being used on behalf of the father. At first, in order to determine family affiliation, the child could be called Pantelei, Miroslav's son. Then the suffix “-ich” was added to the name. At first, such freedom was allowed only to noble people. But soon this tradition took root everywhere.

IN modern society It is no longer possible to do without a patronymic. Especially at special and official events, this is even a necessity. But at first such a privilege was given only to the upper class. Only after the abolition of serfdom was an ordinary peasant allowed to give and bear a patronymic.

With the adoption of Christianity in Rus', many original Russian names were lost. They were replaced by the names of Greek, Latin, Jewish origin. So the name Paul is Latin, Catherine is Greek, and Mary is Hebrew. However, some Russian names still remain in circulation, while others are returning to fashion today.

Joyful names

Most native Russian names can be recognized by three main features. Firstly, we can understand their meaning today, and without the use of dictionaries. For example, Bogdan - given by God. Secondly, the overwhelming number of Slavic names had a bright, kind, joyful meaning. Our ancestors believed that a child's name could determine his fate. So, Lyubomir - loving world, beloved by the world. And thirdly, many names consisted of two parts. For example, Lyud-mila, Good-nature, Miro-slava, Lyubo-mysl.

"Yar", "slav" and "light"

Some native Russian names contain the letter combination “yar”. It comes from Old Russian word"Yarilo". This is what they called the sun god in Rus', who personified life, prosperity, and joy. Therefore, our ancestors were sure that the appearance of a piece of God in the name would bring only happiness to the child. Today these names are coming back into fashion. So “Yaroslav” has not left the top 30 most popular names in Russia for the last five years.

However, the same can be said about “Vladislav”. This is also an ancient Slavic name. Many male and female names in Rus' included the root “slav”. Suffice it to recall Svyatoslav or Miroslava. It is clear that “slav” means glory, fame.

“Svet” was also the root of many Russian names. For example, Svetogor, Svetopolk, Svetoslava.

"God" and "world"

Many Russian names also included the word “god” (“god”). Surely, our ancestors called their children this way so that God would always be with them and protect them. For example, Bogolyub, Bogumil, Bozhen, Bozhedar. This group also includes the name Bogdan, which is also now very popular among new parents.

Of course, without such light and kind words“peace” was also simply indispensable. This is how the names Dobromir, Jaromir, Velimir appeared.

"Love" and "nice"

You won't get far without love either. This is what our ancestors thought. That is why names were often formed from the roots “lyub” and “mil”: Lyuboslav, Dobromil.

Forgotten names

At birth, a baby in Rus' was not given a name. At first he was called by some nickname: Hare, Fool, Pyatak, Man, Seed. Over time, when the child already showed his character in all its glory, he was given the appropriate name. Now most of these names have sunk into oblivion. These are names such as Brave, Prekrasa, Vyshan, Dorozh, Istr, Zvenets and others.

Bava - slow

Bagonya - wild rosemary

Bagro - meaning unclear, possibly from "crimson"

Bajan - adored, desired: from “bajati” - to desire

Bazhen something or

Bayko - talker

Bakan - crimson paint from the worm,

Bakota - joker

Bakula - Same

Bakunya - talkative

Balda - club, mallet. A large blacksmith's hammer is called a "buldoy". Bogatyr from a Russian fairy tale.

spoiled - spoiled, perhaps also that oh "baliya" - doctor

Balomir -“traditional healer” fits the meaning

Balosyn - doctor's son

Balui - mushroom

Balsha - diminutive of names with the stem “Balo”

Ram - ram. The custom of calling people “animal” names comes from ancient times and is common among all Indo-European tribes. For example, Wolf (wolf) among the Germans; Agnes (Sheep) among the Romans; Phocas (Seal) among the Greeks, etc. One can only assume that people took the name of the beast - the patron saint of the tribe (clan). The ram was first mentioned in 1249 in Polish sources.

Barvin - painted, colored. Periwinkle is a burial plant, coffin grass.

Barma - mumbler. The name of a Russian architect of the 16th century, one of the builders Christian temple St. Basil's in Moscow.

Barnim -(slow). “Barry” - delay, make someone hesitate. Barnim I - West Pomeranian prince.

fable - fabulous: from “fables” - fairy tale. Voivode of Moscow, who led the army against the Novgorodians in 1456.

Basco - Handsome

Batash - from “batat” - swing your legs

Batura - stubborn (Ryazan dialect)

Father - perhaps the same as Batash

Bahar - storyteller, liar

Bayan - narrator, storyteller; from “bayati” - to tell.

Bdigost - looking out for guests

Bedislav - glorious in misfortune. The name of one of the princes who suppressed the uprising of slaves in the Novgorod region in the 9th century.

Bejan - running

Without anger - angerless

Friendless - without friends

Bezman - meaning unclear

Without a place - meaning unclear

Beznos - noseless

Disgrace - ugly

Without prejudice - unaltered

Bezruk - armless

Bezson - sleepless

Beleut - ide (fish)

Great - white, white-haired

Belimir - white (suspended) world

Belovolod -"the one whose power is sacred." White is a illuminated color. Belovolod Prosovich - the messenger who told the story. to Prince Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich about the defeat of Prince Igor Svyatoslavovich from the Polovtsians in 1185.

Belovuk - white wolf, Serbian name

Beloglav - with a white head, gray

White-eye - the meaning is not entirely clear

Belogor - white (lit) mountain

Whiteness - distinguished guest

Belogub - having white (colorless) lips

Belozer - gyrfalcon (bird)

Belozor - white gaze, in contrast to the “black gaze”, i.e. evil eye

Beloslav - white (illuminated) and glorious

Belota - white

Belotur - white tour

Belous - having a white mustache

White Wolf - white wolves are considered the embodiment of spirits.

Bely Polyanin - a fabulous knight who taught Ivan Tsarevich military affairs.

Beloyar -"luminous rage"

Belyay - light, white

Belyak - white

Belyan - white

Ben - pitchfork: perhaps a “sharp”, angry person

Berest - birch bark

Beresten - birch bark

Beriva- the meaning is unclear, it is impossible to determine the meaning of the stem “ber”

Beridrag- meaning unclear

Berimir- meaning unclear

Berislav- meaning unclear

Bermyata- heavy; from “pregnancy” - heaviness

Berne- log, berno (Bryansk dialect), diminutive Bernyata

Bersen- gooseberry

Vesco - perhaps from “bes” - evil spirit

Besson- sleepless

Bestuzh- shameless: from “stouzh” - shame

Bivoy- beating warriors. Bivoy Beaver - Czech warrior who defeated with bare hands huge boar.

Bilug- short for Belogost

Bilyud- hitting people

Blaginya- good-natured

Blagovest- good news

Thankful- good (good) gift

Blagolyub - loving goodness(good)

Blagomil- one to whom good is good (good)

Blagomir- kind (good) to the world. It is possible that Blagomir and Bogumir are one and the same person. Kvasura conveyed to Blagomir the secret of preparing surya (suryn).

Noble- noble, i.e. born to benefit people. Chief Editor newspaper "Advice of Baba Yaga".

Blagoslav- glorious in kindness, glorifying goodness

Grace- blissful

Blagokhran- keeping good (good)

Blagoyar- kind and ardent

Blessed- blessed

Blazhibor- meaning unclear. From “to bless” (to please) and “to fight”.

Blazhimir- meaning unclear

Blazhislav- meaning unclear. Perhaps “pleased with his fame.”

Blazhko- diminutive of names with the stem “Blago” and “Blazh”

Blazn- temptation

Blestan- brilliant

Blestovit- from “to shine” and “to soar” (to live, to inhabit)

Blizhik- related

Blizbor- meaning unclear

Blizgost- meaning unclear

Blizna- scar from a wound

Nearby- meaning unclear

Crap Damn, that's a very common name. Pancakes have served as ritual food since ancient times.

Fornication- lascivious

Dishes- guardian. This was the name of Tatishchev’s governor Yaropolk ((©Luda), who betrayed his sovereign. After which in his name the “yu” in the people’s memory was replaced by “u”.

Beaver- beaver, sacred animal of the Aryans. “The soul of a beaver is equal to the souls of 100 righteous people”(Avesta).

Beaver- beaver-like

Bobrok- the same as Beaver. Voivode of Prince Dmitry Donskoy, Bebrok Volynets, participant in the Battle of Kulikovo.

Bobrynya- the same as Beaver

Bobyr- from “beaver” - to wander through water or swamp

Bogovlad- one who owns (something) from God, a divine ruler who rules (over someone) by the will of God

Bogodey- from “gods” and “actions”; godly, doing something to please the gods.

Bogolep- pleasing (sculpted) to the gods " Bogolyub, beloved by the gods

Bogomil- dear to the gods. High Priest of the Slovenians at the end of the 10th century. He led the resistance of the Novgorodians to the army of the baptists of Dobryniya Putyata.

Praying Mantis - praying to the gods. The word “to pray” in ancient times had the meaning of “to make a sacrifice.”

Bogomyak - from “gods” and “myakshiti”: literally: “the gods softened” (had mercy)

Bogorod- born after a request to the gods

Boguvid- the one whom God sees (notices)

Boguzhiv- one who is alive thanks to God

God's revenge- avenging god

Bohumil- dear God

Bogumir- at peace with the gods. According to the “Book of Veles” - the progenitor of some Slavic tribes (Krivichi, Drevlyans, Polyans, Northerners, Rus)

Bohun- “bogun” - a long pole placed on racks: nets are hung on them for drying. Also a wild rosemary plant.

Bogurad- caring for God

Boguslav- glorifying God

Boguval- praising God. Bohuchwal (d. 1253), bishop of Poznan, wrote Polish chronicles before 1252.

Bogush- diminutive of names with the stem “God”

Bogsha- abbreviation of names with the stem “God”

Bodan- (prickly) Serbian prince of the 11th century who conquered Bosnia

Bodalo- spear, spear.

Boden- a tool for striking.

Boeslav- glorious in battle

God- God's. An abbreviation of names with the stem “Bozh”, “God”.

Bozhan- Same

Bozhedar- God's gift

Bozheiko- diminutive of names with the stem “God”

Bozen- God's

Bozhedom- God's house

Bozeslav- praising the gods

Bozhetech- God's consolation

Bozhidar- God's gift. Bozidar Vukovic was a Serbian publisher who lived in Venice in the 16th century.

Divine- God's warrior

Bozhibor- fighting for the gods

Bozhimir- God's peace

Bozhirad- caring for the gods

Bozhko- diminutive of names with the stem “God”, “God”

God - Same

Boyborz- quick battle

The battle - fight, warlike, fighter

Boydan- warlike

Boykan- lively

Boyko- fighter

Bolebor- bigger (better) fighter

Bolegord- more proud

Bolegost- greater merchant

Sick- the one who is more ferocious

Painful place- the one who took the most revenge

Bolemil- cuter

Bolemir- more peaceful

Bolemyss- more thoughtful. Word think in ancient times had the meaning of “defeating the beast by cunning.” Myslivets- hunter; a person who knows how to kill an animal.

Bolerad- more caring (about someone) Bolechest, more honest

Boleslav- more glorious

Bolorev, according to the “Book of Veles”, Bolorev defeated and killed Vinitar, the king of the Goths (according to B. Kresen, Bolorev is Balamber)

Bolshak - big

Bonyata - meaning unclear Borai, meaning unclear Borzivoy, fast warrior

Borzygaard - from “greyhound” (fast) and “proud”

Borzirat - fast warrior

Boreyko - it is possible that this is a diminutive of names with the stem “Boron”.

Borzhivoy - Czech pronunciation of the name Borivoj. Czech prince 9th century The first Czech Christian prince.

Borzosmysl -"quick-thinking", quick-witted

Borzun - fast, fast

Greyhounds - fast. Possibly short for Borzosmysl

Borivit - from “fight” and “dwell”

Borignev - suppressed anger

Borivoy - conqueror of warriors. Novgorod prince of the 9th century, who fought with the Varangians. Gostomysl's father.

Bori l - struggling (South Slavic, name)

Borim - short for Borimir

Borimir - peace fighter

Boripolk - victorious regiment

Boris - short for Borislav

Borislav - fighting for glory. Prince of the Baltic Slavs

Boritekh - enjoying the fight

Borich - upland, forest

Borko - abbreviation for names with the stem "boron"

Borkun - perhaps from “wrestle”, “kick” - to fight with something.

Borna - the same as Borich.

Borovin - lingonberry: from “borovin” - lingonberry. “There are hogs in the grove, as if there were a sage...” (VK I.Ka).

Boroday - bearded

Boroslav - glorifying forest Or “glorifying the struggle”

Borten - bee hole, bee hole

Boru glory - gloriously fighting. Prince Boru Slav is mentioned in the Book of Veles (VK III 25).

Boruta - evil spirit, forest sorcerer. The name is a talisman. The evil spirit Boruta lived in Poland under the ruins of Lengitsky Castle, guarding countless treasures.

Borut - tribal elder from the Khorutan tribe (8th century). It was from this family that the prince was chosen.

Boryat - struggling. Possibly a diminutive of Borislav. Botko, knocking, pounding (South Slavic, name)

Botuk - fat man; from “boteti” - to get fat. Hence the “tops”

Bochar - stork or cooper

Boscha - hangover; from “bost” - to butt

Boyan - fighter. Singer-storyteller from “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”

Bravlin - sometimes spelled Bravalin, Brawly: perhaps from “hog” - goblin, obsessed evil spirit. Or “warlike,” which is most likely.

Braga- mash, fermented malt, a very common name. Diminutive Brazhko.

Brazd - furrow

Branen - military

Branibor - victorious in battles, or a protective forest.

Branivoy - fighting warrior

Braniwolf - fighting wolf

Branilyub - battle lover

Branim - short for Branimir

Branimir - fighting for peace

Branipolk - fighting for the regiment. Perhaps it also meant “fighting on the march.”

Branirad - rejoicing in battle

Branislav - won glory in battle

Branitech - enjoys battles

Branko - warlike; from “abuse” - battle, war. Diminutive of names with the stem "bran".

Brankovan - warlike

Branosud - legal duel

Brativoy - gathering warriors

Bratilo- diminutive of Bratislava

Bratimir- collecting the world

Bratislava- taker of glory

Bratodrag - dear brother

Brotherlyub - loving brother

Bratomil - merciful to brother

Bratoneg - tender to brother

Bratorad - caring for brother

Bratoslav - glorious brothers

Bratsha - diminutive of names with the stem "Brother"

Brezan - dedicated to birch, or born in birch

Bremislav - meaning unclear. Perhaps the basis of "Burden" means pregnant - heaviness. Then it turns out to be “burdened with glory.”

Brenko - earthen, clay. Boyar of Dmitry Donskoy. .

Breslav - mortal glory

Bretislav - gained fame. Czech prince of the 11th century, who expelled sorcerers from his principality.

Brko - barbel; a short man from a Serbian fairy tale who had such a huge mustache that birds built 365 nests in it.

Brovka - edge

Bronivit - defender of life,

Bronislav - protecting glory, or “glorious with weapons, armor”

Bronuta - defender

Brusilo - slurred

Bryachislav - rattling (ringing) with glory. Prince of Rostov Bryachislav, together with Rurik, suppressed the uprising of Vadim in Novgorod in 864.

Budai - wakeful or lazy

Budan - lazy person

Budanko - lazy, diminutive of Budan

Budivit - meaning unclear

Boo diva - raising warriors. Or a name-wish: “Be a warrior!”

Budivolna - raising waves

Budigost - here perhaps the stem "wudi" has meaning be. Then the name can be interpreted as a wish to the newborn: “Be a guest in this world!”

Budilko - alarm; diminutive of Budilo

Woke up - awakening

Budimil - here, as in the case of the name Budigost, we are dealing with a name-wish: “Be sweet (loved)!”

Budimir - waking up the world, that is, the rooster. The rooster is the sacred bird of Semargl and Dazhbog.

Budislav - awakening glory

Budovets- builder

Budorad- the meaning is not entirely clear. Perhaps “caring (caring) about construction.”

There will be- an abbreviation for names with the stem “Bud”. Princess Olga owned the village of Budutino (all of Budutina).

Budy- awakened. Breadwinner and governor of Prince Yaroslav the Lame. Budy in 1012 mocked the Polish king Boleslav before the battle.

Buoy- violent (mad). The name of a prince from White Rus'.

Buignev - violent in anger

Buyko- diminutive of names with the stem “Buy”

Buimir- meaning unclear. In any case, not " crazy world”, since the Slavs did not consider the world “sinful”, “crazy” and “vicious”. The world is wonderful and life is wonderful. And life is made worse by those who strive to improve it only for themselves.

Buinoe- daredevil

Buysil- possessing violent (insane) strength

Bui-Tur- a wild tour. Nickname of Prince Vsevolod from The Tale of Igor's Campaign.

Buen-Byk - Raging Bull; an assertive and courageous person.

Bueslav - wild glory

Bulba - bubble, fat man

Bulyga - club

Boone - proud, arrogant, rebel. Diminutive Bunya.

Bunislav - glorifying rebellion

Bunko- Same. Servant of Vasily II, Grand Duke of Moscow, who warned his master about the conspiracy.

Burivoy- “howl of the storm”, possibly “storm warrior”. Novgorod prince of the early 9th century, a descendant of Vladimir the Ancient in the ninth generation, Burivoy was a descendant of Prince Slaven and was the father of Gostomysl.

Brown- brown

Storm- storm. Burya the hero - son of a cow (from a fairy tale).

Bus - fog. In Sanskrit (an ancient Aryan language), "busa" also means fog. This is the name given to children born in bad weather (in fog), in bad weather. Bus (in another pronunciation Bos) was the prince of the Antes, a union of Slavic and other tribes in the northern Black Sea region. The Antes (as the Gothic historian Jordan called them; we don’t know what the alliance was actually called) repelled the attack of Germanarekh, king of the Christian Ostrogoths (reigned from 351 to 375 AD) and at the same time fought with Gulareh , king of the Gothic tribe Eru-lov (Heruli). An unexpected attack by the Huns (a union of Turkic, Indo-European and Finno-Ugric tribes) sweeps away both the Slavs and the Goths. Some of the Ant Slavs go to the Novgorod lands. The grandson of Herm-nareh Amal Vinitar, in alliance with the Huns, in order to show his strength and preserve the Gothic state, makes several campaigns against the Slavs and kills Bus. “Amal Vinitarius... was defeated in the first skirmish, then he behaved more bravely and crucified their king named Boz with his sons and 70 noble people, so that the corpses of the hanged would double the fear of the conquered.”(Jordan, History of the Getae). According to Adyghe legend, sister Baksan (Busa) erected a monument to her brother on his grave-mound, made by Greek craftsmen. According to Sh.B. Nogmov, a researcher of Adygea, in the 19th century, on the monument one could make out the name of Baksan, written in Greek, and at the end the year, which shows that the monument was erected in the 4th century.

Buslay - born by a stork. Or a reveler, a daring fellow.

Busl - stork

Busowolf - Gray wolf

Butko - arrogant: from “buta” - arrogance

Bushui - raging

Bushui-Tour - raging tour. Tur is a wild steppe bull exterminated in the mid-17th century.

Buyak - purebred bull. Name from Novgorod birch bark.

Buyan - violent

Bull - bull

Bulldog - bull killer

Bylyata - seasoned, experienced

Byslav - abbreviation for Zbyslav; very nice.

Bykhan - gingerbread


Many female names derived from male names are not listed.

Babura - butterfly

Bazhsna - desired; from “bajati” - to desire.

Trouble - trouble; name-amulet.

Bela - squirrel

Belava - little white

Beloslava - white (dangling) glory.

Snow White - snow-white. The inscription on the spindle whorl is known: "Bring Her to the Dreams" those. “Take it to Snow White.”

Beliana - little white

Belyanitsa - little white

Birch - birch. A sacred tree among the Slavs, giving them strength.

Besputa - dissolute. A talisman name given by parents to protect against evil spirits.

Blagolyuba - loving good (good)

Blagomila - the one to whom good is good (good)

Blagusha - diminutive of names with the stem “Blag”

Blessed - blessed

Bogdana - given by the gods

Bogolepa - pleasing to the gods

Bogumila - dear to god

Boguslav - praising God

Bozhedana - given by the gods

Bozhedarka - God's gift. Diminutive of Bozhedar.

Bozhemila - dear to the gods

Bozena - God's Famous Czech storyteller Bozena Nemcova.

Bozheslava - God's glory

Bolenega - more tender

Boleslav - more glorious. Daughter of Svyatoslav I Vsevolodovich (1196-1252), Grand Duke of Vladimir (1246-1248).

Borislava - fighting for glory

Boyana - combat

Bratislava - taking glory

Bratomila - dear brothers

Breslav - gained fame

Bronislava - defending glory

Bryachislava - ringing with glory

Buga - Croatian name. From the Bug River or from "Bug" - bittern.

Budana - lazy person

Bueslava- wild glory

Are you choosing a name for your newborn son? Parents always dream of their child being the happiest and healthiest. And the first thing you can do for him is to give correct name. After all, a name is a sign that influences not only the character, but also the fate of a person.

But the problem is that, firstly, the list of names is huge. Secondly, I would like to consider the strong and euphonious Slavic male names that have become popular again. In the article you will find out what traditions existed in naming boys in Rus' and what Slavic names meant.

What were boys called in Rus'?

Our ancestors, the Slavs, were strong and beautiful people. Rus' was famous for its heroes, and their names were bright. We learn about this from folk tales, epic. The poem "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" presents us with whole line wonderful heroes with memorable names.

When choosing a Slavic name for a boy, our ancestors paid special attention to its meaning. It had to necessarily reflect the character traits of the future man, warrior or successor of the family - grandfather, father. The names of men differed from the names of the peoples of other countries in their connection with the forces of Nature, gods and clan.

Slavic names for boys were chosen by parents depending on the type of employment, in honor glorious ancestors, based on the child’s character qualities.

    For example, Dobrynya is kind,

    Vsevolod - owner of everything,

    Rodomir – peace-bringer and many others.

The sons were named after pagan gods: the name Jaromir consists of two roots - Yarilo (sun god) and peace.

There were names indicating the order of birth of a child in the family: Pervusha, Vtorak, Tretyak.

The most common group is represented by two-basic names: Bogdan, Vsevolod, Svetozar, Svyatoslav, Ratibor, Tihomir, Yaropolk.

There were names associated with mythical characters, representatives of flora and fauna, natural phenomena: Brave, Pike, Hare, Yarilo, Lada.

Why are Slavic male names forgotten?

This was mainly influenced by the baptism of Rus', which occurred in the 10th century. Pagan beliefs were replaced by a national unified religion. With the change of faith, changes also occurred in people’s lives, their way of life, and their worldview.

Bans were imposed on the original Slavic names, so they gradually faded from memory and were forgotten. They were replaced by Hebrew, Byzantine, Greek, Babylonian, Syrian names. In the 19th century, very few Russian names remained; names of Latin origin appeared in families. IN modern Russia According to statistics, there were only 5% of boys with Old Russian names.

How to recognize Slavic names?

Male Slavic names had sacred meaning. They are beautiful, euphonious, and also strong-willed and strong. You can easily recognize them. Usually they consist of two bases: the first is the main one and was given at the birth of a child, the second was added when the boy grew up and had certain merits and showed himself in something. For example,

    Absey - born on the first day of spring,

    Vsemil - dear to everyone,

    Daroslav - giver of the word,

    Yaropolk is an ardent warrior.

Slavic names for boys

In the Slavic name book there used to be a lot of names. Currently, most of them are completely forgotten. So, if you want to name your baby a traditional Slavic name, then take a closer look at the following list.

Absey– talented, innate creativity.

Agnechron- strong, fast, need to dominate.

Agniy– a tendency to continuous movement, a bright person.

Aliy– active, always busy with something, vigorous energy.

Bazhen- desired, beloved.

Belimir– sacred in the world, full of love and compassion.

Belogor– white mountain, has a strong character.

Beloslav– a pragmatist, strives to milk everything himself.

Belomir– honest, active.

Beloyar- sacred rage bright personality, covets everything that a person can possess.

Bogdan- a confident, loyal friend.

Boeslav– handsome, confident and has a strong character.

Bozeslav- friendly and polite.

Bogolep- Created by God.

Bohumil- dear to God, reliable.

Bogumir- a friend to everyone.

Blagomir– capable of maneuvering and changeability.

Blagoslav– has the ability to forgive and high spiritual qualities.

Boleslav– glorified, most glorious, hearing.

Borislav- fighting for glory, an extraordinary mind.

Bratislava- sociable, cheerful.

Bronislaw- purposeful, persistent, principled.

Budislav- will be nice, master of the matter, sociable.

Bueslav– like a storm, indestructible.

Budimir– kind, loves nature, has a sense of beauty.

Vadislav– possessing fame, strong-willed, strong, successful.

Velibor- a great fighter.

Venislav– crowned with glory, prudent, successful.

Vitoslav- a symbol of reliability.

Vladimir- ruler of the world, leader.

Vsevolod– omnipotent, gift of persuasion, courageous, firm.

Vseslav- all-glorifying, famous.

Vyacheslav– glorifying, desire for leadership, sociable.

Gradimir– a good organizer, sociable.

Gleb– lump, decisive, fair.

Godimir– needed by the world, idealist, strives to improve the world.

Gorisvet– clear, intelligent, balanced.

Gorislav– blazing glory, healthy, strong, hardy.

Gostimir– talented, cheerful, versatile.

Daniyar- intelligent, knowledgeable.

Daromir– independent, courageous.

Divislav– amazing, full of energy, active.

Dobrolyub- kind and loving.

Dobroslav- famous for goodness.

Dobrynya- kind, daring, the best.

Drogoslavstrong personality, purposeful.

Yeseniy– practical, reliable, love science.

Zhelislav– brave, independent, decisive.

Zhiteslav– fair, active, strong.

Zvenislav– wise, self-sufficient, successful.

Zelislav– cheerful, sociable.

Zlatoslav– philosophical way of thinking, easily learns foreign languages.

Zlatozar– selfless, developed intuition, honest.

Igor- careful, attentive.

Krasimir– beautiful and peaceful.

Ladislav– balanced, reasonable, successful.

Luboslav- brave and independent.

Miloslav– glorifying peace, glorified by peacefulness.

Oleg– the soul of the company, decisive, reliable.

Peresvet– independent, courageous, strong character.

Radim– talented in art, sports, cheerful.

Radislav- reliable, conscientious, sensible.

Ratislavstrong-willed, loves power.

Ratmir– a warrior of peace, hospitable, purposeful, cunning.

Svetozar– persistent, independent, sociable.

Svetoslav– Diplomatic, practical, has willpower.

Tihomir- peaceful, good-natured, friendly.

Yarilo- sun, god.

Jaromil– confident, positive, friendly.

Jaromir– calm, balanced, cheerful.

Yaroslav– athletic, persistent, strives for victory and success.

Yaropolk– a glorious warrior, leader, independent, leader, has strong energy.

Of course, this list cannot be called complete, but it gives an idea of ​​what the ancient Slavic male names were like.

Male Slavic names are back in fashion

Having analyzed the meanings of ancient Slavic names, you will, of course, agree that they sound melodious, full of nobility, courage, and strength. They contain deep meaning and powerful positive energy. How more men with names like these, the better and healthier the world becomes. This is also a return to one’s origins and roots. Slavic names are energetically much stronger than foreign ones. And what more people bear names with positive energy, the better and purer the energy-informational background of the Earth.

Of course, no one is calling on you, parents, to completely abandon your usual names, such as Danil, Maxim, Arthur, Artyom, Egor, Arseny, Nikita, Semyon, Konstantin, Alexander, Nikolai, Kirill.

It’s just that among the ancient and forgotten there are many beautiful and noble ones. By endowing your child ancient Slavic name, you strengthen your family, make it stronger and cleanse it of bad energy. This is the power of a person’s name. The choice is yours.

Choosing a son's name is a difficult task for all parents. After all, the name will remain with the child for life, it will be his reflection. Therefore, the issue of a name for a boy must be taken seriously. On this moment there are names of different origins in the world Italian names, Kazakh, Greek, Old Russian names of boys and girls. If you decide to give your son an Old Russian name, then our article is just for you.

It should be noted that among the Old Russian names there are a huge number of beautiful and sonorous names, and if used correctly, you can significantly influence the fate of the child, that is, in the process of upbringing, strengthen the positive traits in the child’s character and develop in him good qualities. Princely names are in particular demand among Old Russian names. As a rule, men with names such as Vladimir, Vsevolod, Svyatoslav. The name Yaroslav gives the child a strong masculine character and charisma. There are also good old Russian names for boys, the owners of which were not princes, but were worthy husbands. For example, the name Bogdan (given by God). A boy named Bogdan will be a calm person who knows his worth; integrity and stubbornness are Bogdan’s striking traits. Boris (wrestlers) are smart, achieve great success, are scrupulous, and have a sense of humor. And such old Russian bright and having deep meaning there are many names.

Old Russian names boys:

Bohumil - dear to God

Krasimir - the beauty of the world

Budislav - be glorious!

Krasislav - the beauty of glory

Boleslav - glorifying

We love - beloved

Belogor - from the White Mountains

Ludimir - bring peace to people

Beloyar - furious

Lyubomil - beloved

Bazhen - God's

Lyubomir - loving peace and peace

Bueslav - stork

Lyuborad - pleasing with love

Budimil - be nice!

Lyuboslav - glorifying love

Bogolep - divine

Ladislav - glorifying beauty

Bratislav - brother, friend of glory

Ladislav - glorifying people

Belimir - white, pure

Lubodron - beloved, dear

Bogumir - bring peace to God!

Luceslav - in a ray of glory

Borislav - stormy glory

Lubodar - giver of love

Volodar - giver of will

Ladimir - peace-loving

Vitoslav - glory of life

Peace lover - loving peace

Vlastislav - owner of the world

Milava - sweet, kind

Vladimir - owner of the world

Mlad - young

Vyacheslav - glorifying advice

Mirodar - giver of peace

Venislav - crowned with glory

Milan - sweet, kind

World - worldwide

Myslemir - thinking about the world

Vseslav - illustrious

Moguta - powerful, mighty

Vysheslav - famous; all the glory

Miloslav - sweet glory

Vlastimir - rule the world

Mladen - young

Vsemil - dear to everyone

Milorad - sweet, kind

Verislav - faithful

Hope - hope expectation

Vojislav - glorious warrior

Negomir - gentle and peaceful

Vadim - invited, invited

Found - found

Vladislav - owner of glory

Neroslav - sealer of glory

Vadislav - called

Witty - sharp thinker

Gleb - sweet, affectionate

Ocheslav - desperate glory

Gradibor - force creator

Oleg - light, fast

Gorislav - glorifying the high light

Wonderful - wonderful

Gorisvet - high light

Peresvet - bright

Gostislav - ready glory

Putislav - path of glory

Gradimir - creator of the world

Premislav - accept the glory!

Gift - gift to the world

Pervoslav - ahead of glory

Drogoslav - dear glory

Ratislav - military glory

Dobrava - virtuous, bearer

Radimil - sweet joy

Daroslav - giver of the word

Radey - joy, joyful

Deyan - active, active

Ratibor - chosen warrior

Daromir - giver of peace

Radibor - chosen from the joyful

Dobran - good giver

Ruslav - fair-haired

Daren - gift to the world

Radislav - caring about glory

Dan - given by God

Radim - sweet joy

Drogorad - dear joy

Ratmir - a fighter for peace

Drohomir - dear world

Radosvet - light of joy

Danko - shining, day

Rusimir - Russian World

Divislav - in the radiance of words

Radimir - caring for peace

Daniyar - given for shine

Radovlad - own joy

Dobrolyub - loving goodness

Svetovid - light, holy

Danislav - giver of glory

Svetozar - illuminated by light

Daromysl - thinker, thinker

Svyatoboy - holy fighter, warrior

Dragolub - kind, beloved

Svyatomir - holy world

Dobroslav - glorifying goodness

Svetovik - light

Dragovit - valuing life

Svyatorad - holy joy

Damir - the giver of peace

Tichoslav - quiet glory

Yeseniy - clear sky

Trajan - third son

Zhelan - desirable

Died - peace, tranquility

Zhelislav - desired glory

Touched - tenderness

Zhdanimir - the awaited world

Delight - delight

Zhiteslav - glorifying life

Hranimir - keep the peace

Zlatoslav - golden glory

Khvalimir - glorify the world

Zlatozar - with a clear gaze

Khvalislav - praise the glory

Zvenislav - ringing with glory

Hranislav - keep the glory

Zalazar - because of the azure

Tsvetimir - be the color of the world

Zelislav - very nice

Chudomil - sweet miracle

Zdanimir - creator of the world

Chestimir - honor of the world

Zvenimir - calling for peace

Chestislav - honor the glory

Dawn - rising light

Chtislav - honor the glory

Izheslav - be with glory!

Shchaslav - happy

Igor - militant

Jaromir - be furious in the world

Ivar - tree of life

Yaroslav - shining with glory

Idan - walking, overcoming the path

Jaromil is a nice man

Ivan - to be born, to be born

Yaropolk - furiously up in arms

Krasibor - chosen from the beautiful

Janislav - nice