When is Vyacheslav's name day? Holy Martyr, Prince of Czech Vyacheslav

March 17 (March 4, Old Style) is not only the day of remembrance of the holy noble prince Daniel of Moscow. On the same day, the Orthodox Church celebrates the transfer of the relics of another prince - Vyacheslav of the Czech Republic, patron saint of Prague and the entire Czech Republic. What these Slavic princes have in common is an amazing humility and desire to serve their people, which they did in all the days of their short life. earthly path. And also feat of life the blessed Vyacheslav evokes images of other Russian princes - Boris and Gleb, who, like him, suffered a martyr's death at the hands of their brother.

From his grandmother, the martyr Lyudmila, the blessed Prince Vyacheslav of Czech inherited the best Christian qualities. The eldest son of the Czech Duke Vratislav, he was the crown prince from birth. At that time, there was a pious custom in the Czech Republic: the father of the growing heir asked the bishop to call upon him the deep blessing of God. This happened with Vyacheslav. After the Liturgy in the church Holy Mother of God The bishop placed the youth on the steps of the temple and blessed him with these words: “Lord God, Jesus Christ, bless this youth, as You blessed Your righteous Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and crown him, as You crowned the faithful kings.” Equal to the Apostles Constantine and Elena."

The father and grandmother also took care of the boy’s education. First, Saint Lyudmila gave her grandson to the priest of one of the Prague churches for education Slavic language, and then Vratislav sent his son to the city of Budec to study Latin and Greek languages, as well as other sciences. According to some information, one of the young prince’s teachers was Presbyter Paul, a disciple of Saint Methodius. Vyacheslav amazed his mentors with his abilities and mastered the sciences very quickly.

Unfortunately, Vratislav died in 920 in a battle with the Ugrians (Hungarians), and Vyacheslav assumed the princely throne when he was barely eighteen. Little is known about the time of his reign, but it can be said with certainty that special talents, combined with piety and deep education, made Prince Vyacheslav one of the best Czech rulers. The young prince paid special attention to the Christian education of his people. Ransoming the children of pagans sold into slavery, he gave them an education in the Christian spirit. The prince did not forget his brothers and sisters, left without parental care.

The life of the prince tells about his God-fearing dispensation: “He diligently tried to please God, cared for the poor, fed them, received the strange according to the word of the Gospel: “For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you received Me" (Matthew 25:35), respected the clergy, built and decorated churches, treated everyone with love, both rich and poor, and throughout his short life he thought only about the good.” But, as often happens, the saint’s pious life began to arouse envy and irritation among those close to him.

After some time, the prince’s younger brother Boleslav, trained by the nobles, began to hatch fratricidal plans. Vyacheslav was warned about the insidious plans, but did not want to believe it. In an effort to seize princely power, Boleslav invited his elder brother to the consecration of the church, and at the moment when Vyacheslav was walking to Matins, he himself and the conspirators attacked him and struck him with a sword. The prince’s blood, spilled on the threshold of the temple, could not be washed away, and after three days it disappeared on its own. The martyr's body was dismembered, and Boleslav did not allow anyone to remove it from the churchyard. Only the mother managed to ensure that the prince was inveterate and buried. After some time, the repentant fratricide transferred the relics of St. Vyacheslav to Prague, where they were placed in the Cathedral of St. Vitus, which was created by the martyr prince himself. They still rest there to this day.

Almost ten centuries later, in Russian state In the city of Perm, a boy will be born, whom his parents will also name Vyacheslav. He grew up very weak and sickly, and his studies were difficult for him.
Despite this, Vyacheslav Lukanin sought to enter a theological school; serving the Lord was his only desire, which was fulfilled over time. The Lord gave him in a wonderful voice. This talent did not go unnoticed by the school teachers. Very often the young man served in the choir at the local church, they even began to call him “choir leader,” he did so well. He mastered other sciences with great difficulty, constantly retook exams, and devoted all his free time to church singing. In 1989, after graduating from college, he entered the Perm Seminary. But my health prevented me from getting my diploma.
However, the leadership of the seminary leaves him with educational institution as director of the training choir. In 1901, his talent was appreciated so highly that he was invited to join the bishop's choir. A few years later he met a beautiful girl who became his wife - Maria Gordeevna Galkina. Soon they had a daughter. She won't only child in the family, a few years later Vyacheslav and Maria had 8 more children, three of them died in infancy.
In 1918, he was appointed regent of one of the choirs in the Yekaterinburg diocese. It was here, on the territory of the town of Kataysk, that punitive units “Red Eagles” were created, which were supposed to instantly respond to any commands of the godless authorities. The torture they inflicted on those arrested could perhaps compete in cruelty with the torment of the first Christians. The detainees were buried alive in the ground, quartered, mocked in every possible way, humiliating human dignity, forced to drink their own blood. And this despite the fact that the “employees” of such a detachment were sometimes not even 20 years old.
The day before happy holiday After the Transfiguration of the Lord, the martyr Vyacheslav and some believers of this town gathered to discuss how best to conduct the festive Liturgy. The meeting was held in the evening in one of the houses, they lit candles, and a small ray became visible from behind the curtains on the street side, where at that time there was a curfew and punishers were patrolling the streets. The monsters broke into the house and arrested everyone who was there. In the morning, the believers were taken to the temple and ordered to dig their own graves.
Father Vyacheslav finally asked only to pray in the temple, starting to read the funeral prayer, he slowly walked towards the temple, at that moment the “Krasnoorlovets” shot him in the back.
Deacon Vyacheslav Lukanin was canonized in 2002.

Life of the Holy Blessed Prince Vyacheslav of Czechia

The Holy Blessed Prince Vyacheslav of Czechoslovakia was the grandson of the Holy Blessed Lyudmila. She, together with her husband, Prince of Bohemia 1 Borivoi, made great efforts to convert their subjects to true faith. No wonder they received the sacrament of Holy Baptism from Saint Methodius, Archbishop of Moravia, the great enlightener Slavic peoples.
The son of blessed Lyudmila and Borivoj, Vratislav, was also a sincere Christian, who wholeheartedly accepted the faith of Christ from his pious parents, and in every possible way introduced it among the inhabitants of Bohemia, who were reluctant to part with their former pagan faith. The rooting of Christianity in the Czech Republic was also strongly hampered by the actions of Saxon Catholic missionaries, who introduced Christianity among neighboring tribes living along the Labe (Elbe) using cruel, violent methods.

It must be said that the wife of Vratislav Dragomir, although she accepted Holy baptism, but in my heart I remained devoted pagan tradition, and in legends the memory of her is preserved as an evil woman poisoned by the vice of pride. The cruelty of the German authorities and priests aroused in her anger and rejection of Christianity in general, but, of course, she hid this from her pious husband, who introduced the faith of Christ, of course, in other, virtuous ways, with love and patience.

The princely family, in addition to Vyacheslav and Boleslav, had another son, Spytognev, and several daughters, but Vyacheslav stood out among everyone for his cordiality, meekness, chastity and intelligence. As much as young Vyacheslav inherited his spiritual qualities from his father, who became famous for many pious deeds, Boleslav inherited his anger, pride and hidden dislike for Christianity from his mother Dragomira.

Feeling this dislike, Prince Vratislav gave Vyacheslav to be raised by his grandmother, Saint Blessed Lyudmila, who taught him to read and write and gave him, with the help of teachers and mentors, a very good education for those times.

When the holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Czech turned 18 years old, his father died, bequeathing the throne to him, his eldest son. The imperious Dragomira decided that her son was too young to rule, and began to reign herself, choosing as her confidants people who openly did not accept the Christian faith or were Christians, but not the best people spiritual qualities, because, unfortunately, this happens. She began to change the orders established by Vratislav that supported the Christian tradition.

Blessed Lyudmila was extremely upset by what was happening in the principality. Although the holy blessed Vyacheslav of Czech wished to give his life to serving God, Saint Lyudmila insisted that he accept the reign himself. Realizing that it was necessary to take steps to prevent unrest in a country in which there was not yet complete unity of faith, and paganism still occupied strong positions in some places, Saint Vyacheslav divided the principality into two parts and gave one to Boleslav, it was called Boleslavia after its name owner.

Princess Dragomira, deprived of power, was severely insulted. She constantly had conversations with Boleslav, which fueled his hatred of his brother and grandmother. Blessed Lyudmila understood what her daughter-in-law’s hatred threatened her with, and she left for the city of Techin. However, Dragomira found her, sent two of her boyars to Techin, who bribed several bandits there, who came to blessed Lyudmila during her prayer and took her life.

Whether the young prince knew or did not know about this - there is no reliable information, but it is known that soon after this regrettable event, Princess Dragomira was removed from the court by him.

The holy blessed Vyacheslav of Czech, despite his youth, ruled wisely and with great kindness. He married off his sisters and followed all the rules that his righteous father had established. There is a legend from which it is known that when the neighboring prince Radislav attacked Bohemia in order to take possession of these lands, in order to prevent great bloodshed, Saint Vyacheslav offered Radislav a one-on-one battle. Whoever wins wins the land. By the grace of God, Vyacheslav won, Radislav asked the holy prince for forgiveness on his knees, and the troops glorified the name of Vyacheslav, for his feat saved many lives.

During his reign, the holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Bohemia chose his confidants from the most pious Christians and ensured that cases in the courts were dealt with fairly.

He himself led a strict ascetic lifestyle - he often did not sleep well at night, but baked prosphora for the morning service. He owns a translation into Czech of the Gospel of John. In the morning, barefoot, with his servant, the elderly Podivoy, the holy prince went to a distant temple, and when Podivoy stumbled in the snow, he told the old servant to step in his footprints already laid in the snow.

The holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Czech was ready to give Boleslav the entire principality and retire to the service of God, which he had dreamed of since his adolescence. However, Boleslav lived not only with a passion for power. It was not beneficial for the German Latin missionaries to voluntarily accept Boleslav's rule of the entire principality, for such an act would have strengthened even more respect for the holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Czech and, accordingly, his Orthodox faith, for the sake of which he did not spare the princely throne. And the Germans incited Boleslav to destroy his brother in order to prevent him from committing this act worthy of an ascetic of the faith.

Wanting to visit his brother on the feast of Saints Cosmas and Damian, Prince Vyacheslav went to Boleslavl, hoping to return home after the liturgy, but Boleslav began to gently persuade Saint Vyacheslav to stay. At the evening meal, the saint was secretly warned that a conspiracy was being prepared against him, but he did not believe it, although he himself felt something was wrong.

On the morning of September 28, 935 after R.H. the holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Czech hurried to the church. At the gates of the courtyard, Prince Boleslav caught up with him. Vyacheslav smiled at his brother and said that last night went well. In response, Boleslav pulled out a sword hidden under his cloak and, saying that this evening would be even better, hit Vyacheslav on the head with the sword. But Vyacheslav, a seasoned warrior, knocked Boleslav to the ground and, holding him, asked what he was up to. Then another comrade-in-arms of Boleslav ran up and also struck the noble prince with a sword. Seeing that the conspirators were gathering around, the holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Czech hurried to the church, but they overtook him and stabbed him with swords. The same was done with his courtiers.

The saint’s body was taken, washed and wrapped in shrouds by the priest Krasei, but, fearing persecution, he did not dare to take him to Prague, placing the remains in the local church. Despite the fact that Dragomira did not like Christianity, upon learning of the death of her son, the princess ran to his body and bitterly mourned the death of her firstborn. Before the burial, blood came out of his wounds, and no one could wash it away - it again came out around his bed. When he was buried, she herself went into the ground in front of everyone.

Now the relics of the holy noble prince Vyacheslav of the Czech Republic rest in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, in the Cathedral of St. Vitus, which was once built by the holy prince himself, when he transported the remains of this revered saint here to the Czech Republic from Germany.

Meaning of the icon

The icon of the Holy Blessed Prince Vyacheslav of Czech reminds us of the righteous and ascetic life of this amazing saint. In a host of others Orthodox believers princes, he shows us an example of an amazing combination of high spiritual qualities of a person - a brave warrior, a wise and kind ruler and a true zealot of the Orthodox Christian faith. This spiritual creative activity tells us that the meekness, tolerance and at the same time the steadfastness of the ruler leave his name in history for a long time - for a long time and are a worthy example for instilling the same qualities in future generations.

1 Bohemia is a historical region in Central Europe, on which it was formed modern state Czech Republic.

How much our name can tell us; when we receive it, we acquire so many different things in character that we have no equal. Each name has its own origin and meaning. It is not always as we think that we can influence our destiny by changing our name. It goes next to us all our lives and gives us its pronunciation and character. Every day we meet thousands of people with different names, but it happens that fate develops in such a way that a single meeting can become very significant in our future.

The name Vyacheslav is not at all common in our time. Once upon a time in Rus' they often called children from noble family, but over time something changed and it began to be used very rarely. The name itself means great glory, and therefore boys with this name were credited with a very illustrious fate. Of course, you shouldn’t believe in superstitions, but sometimes they can come true.

Vyacheslav child

Children with this name are a little impatient and irritable. Such a child constantly has to be reminded that everyone loves him and shows constant care; without the manifestation of these feelings, he will feel uncomfortable. Quite with early age he begins to understand who is right and who is wrong, and always takes the side of the weak, so most often he has many friends who see in him a strong shoulder to lean on.

Children with this name get along well with sports, and if early childhood send him to any sports section, then by a more mature age he can become a good athlete. The desire for victory and justice will haunt the owner of this name all his life. If it suddenly happens that he likes a girl, then in front of her he will behave as naturally as in front of other guys, and will try not to show it. Maybe later, when they are alone on occasion, he will show his interest in her.

Youth of Vyacheslav

Over the years, Vyacheslav practically does not change, only from little boy a more confident man grows up. IN school years, he does not show himself in any way academically; he is usually a student of average performance. Vyacheslav does not like to stand out from the crowd, he is practically the same as everyone else, he rarely has leadership inclinations. He does not show himself in public life and does what is required just like everyone else.

Relationships with girls in their youth are not easy. For some reason they don’t really go to him; on the contrary, they avoid him and are a little afraid. Most likely, the factor that influences him is that he constantly fights for justice and can start a fight and argument out of the blue.

Mature Vyacheslav

A very mature age does him good. Vyacheslav becomes wise man, very calculating and sometimes a little boring. He always has many friends who surround him. Usually such people are very talented and by adulthood they have already managed to achieve some success in life.

Sociable and cheerful, the life of the party. If he is lucky from his youth and does not fall into bad company, then this person can express himself very brightly in life. Such people never remember evil and do not have the habit of remembering and reproaching something.

Family life

Usually Vyacheslav very carefully chooses his partner for life. By this age, as a rule, he has some experience in relationships with women. They don’t always turn out favorably, and that’s why he wants her to be the one, the one he chooses.
He needs clever woman, not just to love him, but to be an understanding and sensitive person. If he meets just such a person, then the marriage usually lasts a very long time and very rarely leads to divorce. Vyacheslav is a wonderful family man, he loving husband and a father who pays a lot of attention to his loved ones.

Sexually, he is a great dreamer and artist, which is why women love and appreciate such a partner. Every night spent with him is always different, passionate and cannot be quickly forgotten. If he takes a mistress, then such an affair most often comes out, because partners of strong temperament try to take possession of him completely.

Equality reigns in Vyacheslav’s family, and he can easily carry out any women's work around the house, just like his wife can freely help him at the dacha, nail any nail. This is such an idyll that complements each other.


Vyacheslav is a very interesting person; he likes all technical professions. Although from early childhood he loves sports and everything connected with it. Such a man has very well developed different sides. He can be either a designer or just a driver. His positive feature is a special attentiveness that comes in handy so often in life. Thanks to her, he can achieve great success in various matters. Most often, when choosing a profession, he starts from wages, rather than out of interest to your liking.

If he finds a job and is completely satisfied with it, then he may not change it to a new one for a very long time. Not everyone gets along with everyone in a team a good relationship. He is not always restrained and if he sees injustice, he will not be able to remain silent and sometimes he can allow himself to arrange loud scandal. His bosses love him, not for his scandals, but for his discipline and full compliance with his position.

If he gets down to business, he always brings it to the end and it will not depend on anything. He also cannot afford to be late for work or leave early. He works like everyone else, without showing much enthusiasm. At the same time, he manages to make pleasant acquaintances with the entire female half at the workplace.

Long, exhausting work is not for him; he periodically needs to rest in comfort. Therefore, spending time with friends in a cafe over a glass of beer can sometimes become his bad habit. Vyacheslav loves money very much, but strangely enough, he will never be able to do anything illegal or a simple adventure. So he just earns it and spends it. If he decides to go into business and open his own business, then he may succeed, but for this he will have reliable friends who will give good ideas. He won’t be a good boss, he doesn’t know how to lead at all, and therefore if he gets a leadership position, he doesn’t stay in it for long.

Vyacheslav in love

Love comes first for such people. He is not very constant and if he breaks up with a girl, he can immediately dive into the arms of another. He is not too attached to the female sex; he always has many fans who would like to spend the night with him. If this happens, he cannot get rid of them for a long time. This man is incredibly good in bed, his imagination and great mind make him interesting and very sexy. He often cheats on his girlfriends, but when this happens he becomes slightly depressed and remorseful. But it still happens again.
He sometimes treats the female sex very touchingly and, due to inexperience, makes mistakes, trusting them with all the most frank things. If a woman betrays him, then this separation is forever. Vyacheslav is not vindictive, but he cannot survive and forgive betrayal. For him, this is a blow to the gut, and it is not easy for him to recover from it.

In order to start a relationship, he finds many ways and comes up with different combinations. Meeting him is always a surprise and a unique situation. At first he is always gentle and touching, but over time, when required, he can be persistent and a little rude. This is why women love him, for the hidden temperament that only a woman can feel and for the affection that he can give her.

Positive features

Like every person, he has his own negative and positive character traits. His best positive feature is that such people are not selfish, although they always strive to be first and will not go over the heads of their comrades at the right moment. Always honest and fair, although very often this interferes with his life. Such people love their Motherland very much and will be faithful to it, no matter what happens.

Negative traits

Such fighters for justice are more likely than others to suffer from depression. His temper is very disruptive in life, he can show aggression. Even with the slightest injustice. Frequent conflicts on this basis very irritate those around him and it is very difficult to convince him otherwise. Because of this character, very often Vyacheslavs end up in bad companies, where fights or conflicts often occur and everything ends not very pleasantly. But if he finds himself in such a company, the interesting thing is that there he is respected for his sense of justice.

The name is of Old Russian origin. Its literal translation means “more glorious”, as it was formed from the words “vyache” (more, better) and “glory”.

Brief description of the person

Since childhood, he has shown such traits as hard work and patience. Already at this age he learns to rely only on his own own strength without asking anyone for help. And he sees obstacles not as a problem, but as a sporting interest, and therefore is not inclined to look for easy ways.

- a touching and naive child. He really needs parental approval and reassurance, otherwise he will think that he is not loved. If he has poor health, then any Sport section, this will also help him become a more confident and purposeful boy.

For the owner of the name there are no obstacles anywhere - he will always find his way to the goal thanks to his mind. It often happens that by the age of thirty, Slava has already completely brought his own ideas to life. He definitely has a good and elite job, he is probably even the boss.

He will always choose a wife who is beautiful and graceful, intelligent and educated. He will never allow his wife to put the burden of domestic problems on her fragile shoulders; the owner of the name can help prepare something, do the cleaning, but, most often, he will involve children in this work. By the way, he loves them very much.

But he will not tolerate deception, and will never trust the deceiver again. Women really like his natural charm, as well as his courtesy. He himself is not capable of betrayal, and will not play dirty tricks, but perhaps he will not expose himself if this will harm his personal interests.

Sometimes he can flare up and lose his temper, but he will immediately calm down and caress you, and if he accidentally offends you, he will apologize. He suffers severe irritation if something doesn’t add up or doesn’t work out, but he won’t give up halfway - he will certainly finish what he started. But generally speaking, all Vyacheslavs are good fathers and husbands.

He is quite sociable, has many friends and acquaintances. He loves guests and often invites them to visit. He can afford to drink with friends, but usually does not reach the point of alcoholism. He is not conflicting by nature, and generally treats people well.

Stories of the Saints

Most famous person with this name appears the holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Czechoslovakia. He is a descendant of the holy martyr Princess Lyudmila, and was brought up with high morality. Following the death of his parent, Prince Vratislav, he took over the principality at the age of 18.

Despite his young age, he was concerned about enlightening his people with the Christian faith. He was very zealous for the Christian faith and built an excellent temple in Prague in honor of the saint. He was also very intelligent and studied Greek and Latin.

The nobles, out of envy, wanted to overthrow him from the throne, and taught him to quarrel with his mother, and then also to enmity with his younger brother. Boreslav invited him to visit him, and when the prince was about to leave, he asked him to stay one more day. Vyacheslav refused to believe in the conspiracy; although they tried to persuade him to leave, he entrusted his own fate to the will of God and stayed.

The next morning, the prince was brutally killed by his own brother along with his servants on the threshold of the church. The mother later found the body that had been left at the scene of the murder and placed her son in the recently consecrated church at court. The blood stains were not washed off the church threshold for 3 days, and then disappeared on their own.

One more famous figure is the Hieromartyr Vyacheslav Lukanin. At a young age and in his youth, he suffered from constant illness due to poor health. However, when he was born, he received the gift of an unusually attractive voice.

He himself chose the spiritual path and entered the Perm School. There his talent was noticed and his development began to be encouraged. Despite the constant retakes of subjects such as mathematics and physics, he was very good at singing, which became his natural obedience in the choir.

Based on the impossibility of constantly attending classes, which was greatly facilitated by frequent illnesses, it was decided to transfer him to the Perm Theological Seminary as an employee, entrusting him with the management of the choirs of the seminary and school. In 1902, he was appointed psalm-reader at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Kizel, where, immediately after his arrival, he took over the leadership of the local choir.

He was killed in the back by a Red Army soldier during prayer in the cathedral, and then thrown into a grave he had recently dug. It happened in Nevyansk, the day before, before patronal feast Transfiguration Cathedral, where he and his parishioners were buried, not far from the altar.

Hieromartyr Vyacheslav is another saint revered by the Orthodox Church, whose birth fell into the family of a clergyman in 1879. Studied at the Yaroslavl Theological Seminary. Having completed his studies, he receives an appointment to a parochial school in the village of Tolgobol as a teacher, and there, over time, he becomes engaged to a representative of an ancient priestly family, Nadezhda Solntsova.

He held the position of teacher of the Law of God in many parochial schools, and was ordained after some time to the rank of deacon. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of parochial schools, he was awarded a medal. After the revolution in February 1917, he was transferred to the prison church.

Some sources say that, most likely, when the Yaroslavl uprising happened in January 1918, he was severely and brutally wounded by prisoners, as a result of which he soon died. The saint's body was buried in a cemetery that belongs to the Church of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk. In 2001 first year Holy Synod Russian Orthodox Church made the decision to canonize the Hieromartyr Vyacheslav Zakedsky.