Church Orthodox holiday of August. Day of the Blessed Princes Boris and Gleb

Special holiday in the calendar. This Day of Saints Boris and Gleb, the day of their memory. The Day of Boris and Gleb is important not only for true Christians, but also for those who want to check signs for the future, and, of course, for traders.

The brothers, the passion-bearing princes, the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb were the first to be canonized by the Russian and Constantinople Churches. They were the younger sons of Prince Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles, brothers of Yaroslav the Wise of Kyiv. The holy martyrs were raised in Christian piety, and their lives were sacrificed to love and Christian good deeds. They did not want to raise their hands against their brother Svyatopolk the Accursed and died without resistance at the hands of the murderer. The Lord himself took revenge on the power-hungry Svyatopolk.

May 15 (May 2) is the day of the transfer of the incorruptible relics of Saints Boris and Gleb, in Holy Baptism of the Lord Roman and David, respectively. The relics of the holy martyrs healed many people suffering from various ailments. Numerous churches and monasteries were built throughout the Russian land, honoring the martyrdom of the canonized brothers. The relics of Boris and Gleb were transported, transferred from church to church, from church to church more than once. Temples and churches collapsed, but the relics remained incorrupt.

The Day of Saints Boris and Gleb carries multiple folk signs. By the way, this day was also popularly called the nightingale day. Several signs are associated with nightingales. So, if the nightingale sings all night, it means there is sunny day. Who will hear in Nightingale day the nightingale before the cuckoo, he will have a fun and happy summer.

May 15
the Slavs also celebrated Profit-day, because St. Boris was considered the patron of profitable trade. If you want to have all year good profit, celebrate Barysh Day according to Slavic traditions. On this day, all the sellers at the bazaar tried to cheat. Having sold something at a profit on this holiday, they predicted profit for themselves for the whole year. There was even a saying about this day: “St. Boris himself fought.” In addition, sellers on this day strictly observed special folk trading traditions (they can often be seen even in modern markets):

  • the seller spent money from the first sale on all the goods in order to sell it as quickly as possible;
  • the first buyer was not sent away empty-handed - at least they gave him some change if he was going to leave without buying;
  • Having cheated someone, the sellers baptized the “extra” money, placed it to their left and, if they did not return for it that day, sewed it into red cloth and carried it with them for good luck in trading.

Buyers also had their own traditional rules for Barysh Day:

  • to avoid unnecessary spending and protect prudence, you need to take red coral with you;
  • to attract money, you should put a chipped coin in your wallet;
  • To see the true quality and price of a large purchase on Profit Day, you should wash your eyes with holy water before going to the market.

This multifaceted holiday with many signs and traditions falls on May 15th. Also Day of Saints Boris and Gleb celebrated on August 6 (July 24) and September 18 (September 5).

As soon as it gets closer to the name day, I immediately want to know the history of the patron saint, whose name we received at baptism. Otherwise, the whole meaning of the name day is lost. After all, on this day you need to try to come to the temple, pray before the Lord and your saint, in order to continue to receive help and protection from enemies and everyday adversities, and when he comes last hour earthly, to receive a repentant and shameless death. And now let’s ask, when is Boris’s name day? But before answering this question, let's look at history. ancient Rus', because the most famous saint with this name is the Russian prince Boris, who is commemorated in conjunction with the holy prince Gleb. However, there were many other, already modern, locally revered Saint Boris.


Before we begin to consider the question of when Boris’s name day is, let’s look far into history to find out what our saint became famous for. Boris and Gleb are two pious brothers, Russian princes, who were martyred in 1015. These were the sons of the Kyiv prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, born to the Byzantine princess Anna. After the death of their father in the internecine war for the throne that began in 1015, the brothers Boris and Gleb were killed by their elder brother Svyatopolk the Accursed.

These were the first to be canonized as Now the Russian Orthodox Church reveres them as intercessors of the Russian land, heavenly helpers and patrons of the Russian princes. Boris's name day takes place twice a year, but more on that later.

The history of the lives of Saints Boris and Gleb is recorded in ancient literary works, in the “Tale” of Jacob Chernorizets and in the “Reading” of Nestor the Chronicler. A huge number of churches and monasteries were built in honor of these saints.


Boris and Gleb received the names Roman and David at baptism. Although by that time the name Boris had ceased to be pagan, and it could be used in the naming at baptism. For example, already in the 10th century, the canonization of Prince Boris, who baptized Bulgaria, took place.

He was born shortly before the Baptism of Rus' by his father Vladimir and was raised in the Christian faith. He received an excellent education, read the Bible, the Tradition of the Holy Fathers and the Lives of the Saints. His brother Gleb was close to his brother from childhood, and therefore both grew up kind-hearted and merciful.

Around 987-989 from his father Boris received the right to reign in Rostov, and Gleb - in Murom. When Prince Vladimir fell ill, Boris was called to the capital city of Kyiv. But then his father sent him with his squad to repel the Pecheneg raids. But he did not meet the Pechenegs anywhere and on the way back he stopped on the Alta River, where he soon learned about the death of his father and that Svyatopolk had taken his throne. The squad wanted to go to war against him, but Boris did not want to cause fraternal bloodshed. Then the father’s army abandoned the pious prince, and he was left alone with his youths.

The fight for the royal throne

Svyatopolk established himself autocratically in Kyiv. He could not resist and decided to send the boyars, led by Putsha, to Boris, since the latter was very loved by the people, and this made him a dangerous rival. The soldiers crept up to Boris's tent on the night of July 24 (30) and heard psalms singing from there. They decided to wait until Boris fell asleep. As soon as Boris finished the prayer, saddened by the death of his father and, knowing his brother’s villainous intentions, he went to bed. The murderers suddenly burst into the tent and pierced the body of Boris and his servant George, who wanted to protect his master, with spears.

They wrapped the mortally wounded but still alive Boris in a tent canvas and took him away. Svyatopolk, concerned about this matter, sent the Varangians to finish off Boris. And so it was done - they killed him with a sword in the heart.

The prince's body was secretly taken to Vyshgorod, and there he was buried near the Church of St. Basil. Saint Prince Boris was then 25 years old.

To the theme of “Boris’s Name Day” we must add the fact that then, just as cruelly and barbarously, almost a month later, Svyatopolk dealt with Gleb, who forbade his serving youths to use weapons to protect him. After some time, Gleb’s body was also transported to Vyshgorod and buried next to the tomb of his brother Boris.

Boris's name day according to the church calendar

Thus, the holy passion-bearer Boris received the crown of martyrdom from the Lord, was numbered with the righteous and settled with the apostles, and prophets, and with the faces of other martyrs, rejoicing in the ranks of the saints and singing with the Angels.

Angel Boris Day is celebrated twice a year on July 2 (May 15) and July 24 (August 6) - the day of the murder of the prince. The day of the murder of Prince Gleb on September 5 (18) is especially honored.

Many people mistakenly think that the day of veneration of St. Boris is June 20. The date seems to be close to the name day, but still incorrect. The entire Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of the Holy Spirit on June 20.

The lives of these two holy martyrs were sacrificed to love - the main Christian good deed. “Whoever says, ‘I love God,’ but hates his brother is a liar” (Gospel of John, chapter 4, verse 20).

The fact that people are ready to do anything to gain power is known to absolutely every adult. History, which should teach humanity, has a huge number of examples of how people did the most terrible, vile and ugly things in order to gain as much power as possible.

History is replete with a huge number of similar actions. Kievan Rus. In those days, princes were ready to do anything to ascend to the throne. For example, the sons of the Kyiv prince were ready to kill each other in order to become the head of Kievan Rus after the death of their father. This is exactly what happened to the sons of Vladimir the Great. After his death, his sons began to share his throne. In the process of dividing power and spheres of influence, princes Boris and Gleb were killed. But this is not what they remember most of all. The fact is that they became the first Russian saints who were canonized not only by the Orthodox, but also by the Catholic Church.

Although Boris and Gleb did not become famous for their state affairs, like their father Vladimir or brother Yaroslav, but it was to them that one of the first ancient Russian literary works. In addition, a huge number of legends and beliefs are associated with their lives. Also, many different temples and churches were built in their honor.

Among other things, a holiday was established in memory of these two noble princes. Moreover, the day of memory of Boris and Gleb takes place several times a year. Despite the popularity of these princes and the fact that 4 times a year a day of remembrance is held in their honor, few people know about the holiday of the blessed princes Boris and Gleb. However, it is necessary to have this information, because this is our history. Moreover, she is really interesting.

history of the holiday

In honor of Gleb and Boris, 4 days of remembrance were established at once, which indicates their significance not only for the history of Kievan Rus, but also for Orthodox Church. For example, on May 15, the day of remembrance of the transfer of the relics of these princes to the new church-tomb takes place. Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavovich took the initiative to move them in 1115.

On October 5, a separate day of remembrance is held in the Cathedral of the Tula Saints in honor of these martyred princes. This holiday is explained by the fact that Gleb and Boris were one of those Orthodox ascetics whose life is directly connected with Tula. It is worth noting that on this day the memory of not only the sons of Vladimir the Great, but also many other princes is honored. Moreover, the Cathedral of Tula Saints is the largest cathedral Orthodox holiday. On this day the memory of saints, saints and holy fools is honored. Also, the Cathedral of Tula Saints includes 20 holy princes and princesses, including Boris and Gleb.

On September 18, a separate holiday is held in memory of Prince Gleb Vladimirovich, who was canonized not only by the Russian, but also by the Catholic Church. According to legend, Gleb, like his brother, was killed by his elder brother Svyatopolk. This terrible and vile murder took place on September 9. Memorial Day for this prince now takes place on the 18th of the same month.

A joint day of remembrance in honor of these holy martyred princes takes place annually on August 6th. This particular holiday can safely be called the largest and most significant, since on this day the memory of both princes is honored.

It is worth noting that initially Boris and Gleb were revered as miracle workers and healers. There were legends that they could heal the sick and lepers. However, over time, the attitude towards them has changed a little. Representatives of the princely family began to see Boris and Gleb as martyrs and their protectors. A little later, ordinary Russian people began to treat the same as representatives of the princely family. So these princes became the protectors of the Russian lands and all princes.

The chronicles are replete with details that at the coffins of Boris and Gleb there are people suffering from the most various ailments, were miraculously healed. In addition, they describe various victories that the generals won under the names of these princes. For example, Nevsky’s famous victory over the Swedes was won under the names of Boris and Gleb. And this is far from the only example of such victories.

As many have noted modern historians, the popularization of the names of Boris and Gleb and the creation of a personality cult of these princes is associated with the desire Kyiv princes strengthen the unity of the state. The princes understood that if the younger brothers did not comply with their obligations towards their older brothers, this could lead to the destruction of the state. In many ways, this is why a holiday was established in honor of Gleb and Boris.

How the holiday is celebrated in Russia

Despite the fact that Boris and Gleb are among the most popular, famous and significant holy princes. Not every person knows about the existence of a holiday that is celebrated in their honor. That is why in Russia the Day of the Blessed Princes Boris and Gleb is practically not celebrated.

On this day, people who have to overcome some serious challenge, can pray to these saints to help them achieve success.

How the holiday is celebrated around the world

Since this holiday concerns exclusively the history of Kievan Rus, it is not celebrated in the world outside of Russia and some other countries that were influenced Principality of Kyiv. And this is understandable, because few people will celebrate foreign holidays that were established in honor of this or that historical figure. For example, we do not celebrate Martin Luther King Day, and in the USA we do not celebrate the Day of the Blessed Princes Boris and Gleb.

It is worth noting that Boris and Gleb are also revered in catholic church. However, Catholics do not celebrate any holidays in their honor.

The holy noble princes-passion-bearers Boris and Gleb (in Holy Baptism - Roman and David) are the first Russian saints canonized by both the Russian and Constantinople Churches. They were the youngest sons of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.

The holy brothers, born shortly before the Baptism of Rus', were raised in Christian piety. The eldest of the brothers - Boris received a good education. He loved to read the Holy Scriptures, the works of the holy fathers and especially the lives of the saints. Under their influence, Saint Boris had an ardent desire to imitate the feat of the saints of God and often prayed that the Lord would honor him with such an honor.

Saint Gleb with early childhood was brought up with his brother and shared his desire to devote his life exclusively to serving God. Both brothers were distinguished by mercy and kindness of heart, imitating the example of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, merciful and responsive to the poor, sick, and disadvantaged.

While his father was still alive, Saint Boris received Rostov as an inheritance. While ruling his principality, he showed wisdom and meekness, caring primarily about inculcating the Orthodox faith and establishing a pious way of life among his subjects. The young prince also became famous as a brave and skillful warrior. Shortly before his death, Grand Duke Vladimir called Boris to Kyiv and sent him with an army against the Pechenegs.

However, the insidious and power-hungry Svyatopolk did not believe Boris’s sincerity; Trying to protect himself from possible rivalry with his brother, who had the sympathy of the people and troops, he sent assassins to him. Saint Boris was informed of such treachery by Svyatopolk, but did not hide and, like the martyrs of the first centuries of Christianity, readily met death. The killers overtook him while he was praying for Matins on Sunday, July 24 (old style), 1015, in his tent on the banks of the Alta River.

After this, Svyatopolk just as treacherously killed the holy Prince Gleb. Having insidiously summoned his brother from his inheritance - Murom, Svyatopolk sent warriors to meet him in order to kill Saint Gleb on the road. Prince Gleb already knew about the death of his father and the villainous murder of Prince Boris. Deeply grieving, he chose death rather than war with his brother. The meeting of Saint Gleb with the murderers took place at the mouth of the Smyadyn River, not far from Smolensk.

The lives of the holy passion-bearers were sacrificed to the main Christian good deed - love. “Whoever says, ‘I love God,’ but hates his brother is a liar.”(1 John 4:20). The holy brothers did something that was still new and incomprehensible to pagan Rus', accustomed to blood feud - they showed that evil cannot be repaid with evil, even under the threat of death. “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul.”(Matt. 10:28).

The holy martyrs Boris and Gleb gave their lives for the sake of obedience, on which a person’s spiritual life and, in general, all life in society is built. "You see, brothers,- notes the Monk Nestor the Chronicler, - How high is obedience to an older brother? If they had resisted, they would hardly have received such a gift from God. There are many young princes today who do not obey their elders and are killed for resisting them. But they are not likened to the grace that these saints were awarded.”.

Celebrations in honor of Saints Boris and Gleb are held three times a year - according to the new style these are the dates: May 15 - the transfer of their relics to the new church-tomb in 1115, built by Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich in Vyshgorod, August 6 - the celebration of both saints and September 18 - memory of Prince Gleb.

Orthodox magazine Thomas

The noble prince-passion-bearers Boris and Gleb are the first saints who were canonized by the Russian Church. Their feat reveals one of the amazing facets of Christianity. Boris and Gleb did not want to participate in the internecine war with their older brother Svyatopolk - they meekly accepted martyrdom and forgave their killers. We will talk about the life of the passion-bearing princes, about their church veneration and folk traditions associated with the day of their memory.

Who are Boris and Gleb

Princes Boris and Gleb (baptized Roman and David)- these are the first saints canonized by the Russian Church. Before them, there were also saints on our land, but they were all glorified later.

The holy noble princes-passion-bearers Boris and Gleb are the youngest sons of the Kyiv Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich (Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir). After the death of Vladimir in 1015, a fierce internecine struggle for lands and the princely throne began on Russian soil. Boris and Gleb were killed by their elder brother, Svyatopolk, popularly nicknamed the Accursed.

The story of the life and martyrdom of Boris and Gleb is described in two books, famous monuments ancient Russian literature: “The Legend” of Jacob Chernorizets and “Reading” of Nestor the Chronicler.

When is the memory of the holy noble-believing passion-bearer princes Boris and Gleb celebrated?

The memory of Saints Boris and Gleb is celebrated several times a year:

May 15, according to the new style - the transfer of their relics to a new church-tomb in 1115, which was built by Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich in Vyshgorod.

Life of Boris and Gleb

The holy noble passion-bearing princes Boris and Gleb were the youngest sons of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. They were born before the Baptism of Rus'. Having accepted Christ with all his heart, the Kiev Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich began to raise his younger sons in Orthodox faith. Saint Boris was well educated and read the Bible and the lives of the saints with joy and zeal. Saint Gleb did not lag behind his brother, and was also interested in faith and strived to live in piety. As you know, after receiving holy baptism, their father, Prince Vladimir, completely changed his life, abandoned pagan sins and became an example of a truly righteous ruler for the people. Younger sons who were lucky enough to be born at the time of the Baptism of Rus', imitated the example of their father. For example, they helped the poor with him.

When the brothers grew up, Boris inherited the city of Rostov from his father. The young prince ruled it with wisdom. Shortly before his death, Vladimir called Boris to Kyiv, gave him an army and sent him on a campaign against the Pechenegs. Soon the Grand Duke died, and his eldest son Svyatopolk arbitrarily declared himself the Grand Duke of Kyiv, taking advantage of the fact that Boris was on a campaign. Saint Boris did not want to challenge this decision - he was disgusted by the very thought of an internecine war. Boris disbanded his army with the words: “I will not raise my hand against my brother, and even against my elder, whom I should consider as my father!”

But Svyatopolk was afraid that his brother would change his mind and take the Kiev throne from him by force. He sent assassins to Boris. Despite the fact that Saint Boris learned about the terrible threat, he did not hide. He was attacked with spears while he was praying. It happened on July 24, 1015 (August 6, new style) on the banks of the Alta River. The prince did not die immediately; the first to be killed was his faithful servant Georgy Ugrin, who rushed to Boris’s defense. The saint himself, on weak legs, came out of the tent where he had been praying and said to the murderers: “Come, brothers, finish your service, and may there be peace for brother Svyatopolk and you.” Then the warriors again pierced the prince’s body with a spear.

The prince was still breathing when the killers took him to Kyiv to show him to Svyatopolk. On the way they met two Varangians, whom Svyatopolk sent. The Varangians saw that Boris was still alive and finished off the saint with a blow of a sword to the heart. The body of the passion-bearer was brought to Vyshgorod and, in secret from everyone, it was placed in a church in the name of St. Basil the Great.

Svyatopolk did not stop at one murder. At that time, Gleb reigned in Murom. The elder brother sent soldiers to him. Like Boris, Gleb also knew in advance that assassins were sent to him. But the internecine war was for him worse than death. The killers overtook the prince at the mouth of the Smyadyn River, near Smolensk.

After the double murder, Svyatopolk, who was popularly nicknamed the Accursed, did not rule for long. He ended his days in exile, hated by everyone. Internecine wars gradually ceased. The feat of humility, obedience and meekness made Boris and Gleb truly national saints.

Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise of Kiev found the relics of Saint Gleb and placed them in the church in the name of Saint Basil the Great in Vyshgorod - next to the relics of Saint Prince Boris. The holy remains of the brothers became famous for numerous miracles.

The Legend of Boris and Gleb

The Legend of Boris and Gleb is a monument of ancient Russian literature, which is dedicated to the story of the murder of the sons of Prince Vladimir - the holy noble passion-bearing princes Boris and Gleb. According to historians, it was most likely written by Jacob Chernorizzets.

The legend was created in the middle of the 11th century, during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Later, “The Tale of Miracles,” written in 1089-1115, was added to the book. There are more than 170 copies of “The Tale of Boris and Gleb”; one of the most famous is contained in the Assumption Collection of the late 12th and early 13th centuries.

Canonization and veneration of Boris and Gleb in Rus'

Boris and Gleb are the first canonized Russian saints. Exact date their canonization is unknown, historians have information about this different opinions. Some believe that the brothers were canonized already when, in 1020, the relics of Gleb were transferred from the bank of the Smyadyn River to Vyshgorod and placed next to the relics of Boris in the temple in the name of St. Basil the Great. Others think that veneration began after the first wooden church in the name of Saints Boris and Gleb was erected in Vyshgorod in 1021.

But most researchers believe that the holy noble-believing passion-bearer princes Boris and Gleb were canonized when their relics were transferred to a new stone church. This happened in 1072 on the initiative of the sons of Yaroslav the Wise - princes Izyaslav, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod, as well as the Kyiv Metropolitan George.

These saints became famous for many miracles, they were revered as intercessors of the Russian land.

Why were Boris and Gleb canonized?

Boris and Gleb were canonized as passion-bearers. “Passion-bearer” is one of the ranks of holiness. This is a saint who suffered martyrdom for fulfilling God's Commandments, and most often - at the hands of fellow believers. An important part of the passion-bearer’s feat is that the martyr does not hold a grudge against the murderers and does not resist.

Icon of Boris and Gleb

Icons of Saints Boris and Gleb began to be painted immediately after their canonization. Nestor the chronicler writes about their image in his “Reading about Saints Boris and Gleb” and clarifies that Yaroslav the Wise ordered to paint the image. But, most likely, according to researchers, the iconography of the holy brothers was developed no earlier than the 1070s, because from more early period not a single icon or fresco depicting them has survived. But in the 11th and first half of the 12th centuries we already see images of Boris and Gleb, for example, on reliquary crosses. Traditionally, Boris and Gleb are depicted on icons together, they stand in full height dressed in princely clothes. In their hands they hold a cross - a symbol of martyrdom, or a cross with a sword (the sword is an indication that they are princes and warriors). The brothers are also depicted turning slightly towards each other, as if talking to each other. From the second half of the 14th century, hagiographic icons of Boris and Gleb began to be painted in Rus'. And in the post-Mongol period they are often depicted sitting on horses.

Folk traditions associated with the day of remembrance of Saints Boris and Gleb

The day of remembrance of Saints Boris and Gleb was popularly called differently: Boris and Gleb of Summer, Boris and Gleb the insomniacs, Boris and Gleb palikopna (thunderstorm burns haystacks), Zazhinki, Beginning of the harvest, Name day of the sheaf. Almost all traditions associated with this day can be classified as agricultural.

Poem about Boris and Gleb.

At Chernigov night from the mountains of Ararat,

the fur of the ears reaching to the sky,

saving children from brotherly alms,

The Lord is crying from the illuminated heights.

Churches burn with gilded lime,

Svyatopolk the Accursed sharpened his sword.

Killers are breathing behind every birch tree.

Barely touching the stones of Sinai,

dark boron, airy bread,

saving breadwinners at a quick trot,

Boris and Gleb's horses are galloping.

The crafty devils are confusing their path.

Dahl wakes up in scattered sunshine.

He who does not accept torment will never be saved.

Kyiv will droop, the Volga will spill,

Constantinople will look doomed and blindly,

like from the bloody eyes of Svyatopolk

Boris and Gleb's horses are galloping.

Death is waiting for them on the scorched crops,

there is no shelter for them, it will be bad for them,

unless a homeless artist saves them

hawk moth and plower named Lekha.

Let a joyful miracle happen,

serves as the colors of the ringing demand,

to heaven from the evil here

Boris and Gleb's horses are galloping.

God Almighty from the azure firmament

tenderly lays a path for them under their little feet.

God is not responsible for either life or death.

We will awaken the children killed by the sorcerer.

Now and ever along the steep slopes of Sinai,

across the Russian field into the Russian sky,

without crushing a single spikelet under you,

Boris and Gleb's horses are galloping.

<1977 год Boris Chichibabin >