The Great Martyr Catherine helps in some way. Martyrdom of Catherine. The meaning of the name Ekaterina

The Holy Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria is revered by Eastern and Western Christians. This early Christian saint lived in Egypt when Maximin ruled the Roman Empire. She came from noble family and was the daughter of Emperor Constus, who, according to later sources, ruled Alexandria. Before accepting Christianity, the saint bore the name Dorothea. The girl was very beautiful and highly educated, she knew well the works of philosophers and the works of ancient poets and historians, and had a talent for medicine and languages.

How did Dorothea become a Christian?

Dorothea told her parents that she would become the wife of only a man who would be equal to her in wisdom and position in society. Having listened to her daughter, her mother - a secret Christian - introduced Dorothea to her spiritual father. From him the girl learned about the One who, in intelligence, wealth, nobility and beauty, surpassed everyone living on earth. Dorothea, who with all her heart wanted to see the Groom, received an icon of the Mother of God as a gift and prayed in front of Her image. In a dream, the Mother of God appeared to her with the Youth in her arms, who for some reason turned away from her. With this question, the girl returned to the elder, then he baptized her with the name Catherine and told her about Christ. The virgin again prayed before the image Mother of God and in a dream I saw the Lord. Now she was betrothed to the Heavenly Bridegroom.


Being a pagan, Emperor Maximin in 305 gathered the inhabitants of the surrounding lands in Alexandria to make a sacrifice pagan gods. Crowds of people in city squares, sacrificial bonfires, and the roar of slaughtered animals struck Catherine, and the girl came to the emperor’s palace to denounce the pagans.

The emperor was captivated by the girl’s beauty, and he wanted to convince her to renounce the Christian faith. To do this, he called 50 wise men, but after a dispute with Catherine, they themselves believed in the truth of Christian teaching. The enraged Maximin ordered the philosophers to be burned at the stake. When their bodies were found unburnt, many people believed in Christ.

Having heard about the faith, courage and virtues of the virgin, Maximin’s husband and his soldiers believed in the Lord. All attempts by the Roman ruler to persuade the saint to paganism were in vain, and on his orders, Catherine was thrown into captivity. Empress Augusta came to her along with the military leader Porfiry and 200 soldiers.

After 12 days of imprisonment, Maximin wanted to subject Saint Catherine to terrible torture, for which a device in the form of four wheels with nails was placed in the city square. By rotating the wheels, the saint’s body would simply have been crushed, but when Catherine was tied to them, the mechanism collapsed and the wheels scattered, causing many of those who came to watch the execution to be maimed. This miracle also inspired the people in the square to believe in Christ.

Augusta wanted to prevent Catherine’s torment and personally asked her husband for admonition, but he angrily tortured his wife and then ordered the execution of her, Porfiry and the soldiers.

Catherine herself was executed the next day - the martyr's head was cut off with a sword. Tradition says that instead of blood, milk flowed from the head of the righteous woman, and her body was lifted by angels and carried to Mount Sinai. IN Orthodox Church The memory of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, the Martyr Augusta, the Martyr Porphyry and two hundred soldiers is celebrated on December 7 (November 24, O.S.).

Finding relics and veneration

In the 6th century, monks from the Sinai monastery found the relics of the saint - the head and left hand. They transferred them to their monastery, which later began to bear the name of St. Catherine. From here the news about the saint spread throughout Christendom. The relics of the Great Martyr Catherine are kept in the altar of the Basilica of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The head of St. Catherine is covered with a crown. The reliquary with relics is taken out of the altar after Matins on the days of the Lord's holidays. For constant veneration by pilgrims, a reliquary with a particle of holy relics was installed in the basilica near the icon of the Great Martyr Catherine. When visiting Sinai in Egypt, believers, in addition to the monastery, try to visit Mount St. Catherine, where the relics of the martyr were found.

Belarusians also have the opportunity to venerate the icon of the Great Martyr Catherine. The image of the saint with a particle of her relics is in the Elisabeth Church of the St. Elisabeth Monastery in Minsk.

Less than ten years remained before the Edict of Milan, which officially recognized Christianity. But at the beginning of the 4th century no one could even think about it. Horrible murders of Christians continued throughout the Roman Empire. In 309, Maximin Daza became emperor in Egypt and the east.

Maximin waged a methodical war against Christianity. Forged anti-Christian documents were distributed. The denunciation system regularly supplied new victims. Supervision over participation in public sacrifices became more careful. They became mandatory even for infants. All products sold were sure to contain the blood of sacrificial animals. All suspected Christians were asked to sign a document containing blasphemy against Christ and make a sacrifice to the idol.

During his next tour of the provinces, Maximin came to Alexandria. At the request of the emperor, this city was declared the capital of the next holiday in honor of the Olympian gods. Cattle were driven here from everywhere to be sacrificed.

In the midst of pagan celebrations, a girl of extraordinary beauty entered the temple. She clearly belonged to high society. Maximin signaled her to approach. The girl called herself Catherine and addressed the emperor with rather bold words: “Recognize the temptation into which you are drawn by demons, for you consider corruptible and insensitive idols to be gods.”

Catherine turned out to be an excellent speaker. She denounced the madness of idol worship, calling famous Roman philosophers and historians as witnesses. Maximin, who respected scientists, but who himself had not read either Diodorus or Plutarch, was silent for a long time. Then, not knowing what to say, he proposed to postpone the conversation to a later time, when all the sacrifices would be made.

Catherine came from a royal family and not only received the best education for those times - she was a real expert in pagan literature and philosophy. Her extensive knowledge aroused admiration: many noble men wooed Catherine, but everyone received an invariable refusal. Her condition turned out to be practically impossible to fulfill: “I want to have as my groom no other than someone equal to me in learning.”

Catherine did everything as her mentor ordered. At night, the Queen of Heaven appeared to her with the Infant God. “Look,” the Mother of God said to the Son, “how beautiful and intelligent she is!”

But the Child turned away from Catherine. “She is so ugly and stupid,” He said, “that I cannot look at her... Let her first learn from the elder who gave her the icon!”

Waking up, Catherine hurried to her mentor. He told her about Christ and His teaching, then she wished to accept holy baptism

After some time, the Mother of God and the Child appeared to the girl again, who this time did not turn away, but looked at her with meekness. As a sign of betrothal to the Heavenly Bridegroom, Catherine received a beautiful ring. From now on she did not part with him.

Soon after this event, Maximin arrived in Alexandria.

...Meanwhile, the celebrations ended. It's time to continue the conversation with Catherine about the origin of the gods. The emperor gathered a whole college of philosophers and ordered them to prepare for a verbal duel with the learned girl. And when Catherine began to cite the evidence of the pagan Sibyls about Christ, the philosophers were forced to remain silent. Maximin became furious and ordered the philosophers to be burned. Before their martyrdom they confessed
And the emperor liked Catherine so much that he decided to achieve her favor by any means. He alternated persuasion with threats. Meanwhile, the courtiers listened to the words of the saint, and many began to doubt their gods...

Desperate to break Catherine’s will, Maximin ordered the girl to be beaten and imprisoned.

She was not given food. But Catherine did not starve: a dove brought food to the martyr every day. A few days later, the prison was visited by Augusta, the wife of Maximin, and Porphyry, a friend of the emperor and military leader. Both of them, seeing Catherine, bowed to the saint. She instructed them in the faith and predicted the crown of martyrdom for them.

Soon the emperor demanded the prisoner to appear in court. Again I marveled at her beauty. Again he offered to make sacrifices to the gods. Again I received a firm refusal. The saint was tied to an instrument of torture. Suddenly it broke into pieces...

Maximin was overcome with furious anger. And he decided to put an end to the saint once and for all by beheading her. While Saint Catherine was being led to the appointed place, her recent friends and noble women walked next to her. Crying, they urged her to take pity on herself and obey the emperor. Catherine walked calmly. She knew: she didn’t have long to wait and she would see the One to whom her soul had been yearning all her life.

The warriors did their job, but instead of blood they saw... milk. The believers did not find the body of the saint. It was found on Mount Sinai. According to legend, he was carried there by Angels.

The veneration of Catherine began immediately after her death. On the icons the Great Martyr is depicted in rich clothes and a royal crown, as befits the bride of Christ. Often icon painters place in their hands a holy scroll with the inscription: “Lord God, hear me, and grant absolution to those who remember the name of Catherine, and at the hour of their departure, see them off in peace, and give them a place of peace.”

December 7(November 24, old style) The Church honors memory of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. This is one of the most famous and revered Christian saints, both in the Eastern and Western churches. Catherine - " always clean"(translation from Greek), according to life - the chosen bride of Christ, to whom the Heavenly Bridegroom Himself presented His wedding ring.

Veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

The first mention of the celebration of the memory of St. VMC. Catherine belongs to VIII century. The veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine is closely connected with the history of the Sinai Monastery, that is, with the early history Christianity, and in Russia it dates back to the times Kievan Rus. Thus, already in one of the most ancient November menyas (11th century) there is a service for her. The life and martyrdom of the saint were included in the Great Four Mena of St. Macarius and prologues (collections of the lives of saints). Particles of the relics of St. Catherine were contained in 2 reliquaries from the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin - a pectoral reliquary cross from the 70s. XV century and in the carved folding icon “Praise of the Mother of God” with selected saints on the back (3rd quarter of the 15th century).

Holy Great Martyr Catherine. Troparion and Kontakion

The service of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine is not marked with a special holiday sign and is sung together with the service of the post-feast and St. martyr Mercury.


With virtues, like the rays of the sun, you enlightened the faithless sages. And like the bright moon walking in the night, you drove away the darkness of unbelief, and you assured the queen, and you also exposed the tormentor, the divinely called bride, blessed Catherine. With the desire to ascend to the heavenly palace, to the Beautiful Bridegroom Christ, and from Him to be crowned with a royal crown. With the angels standing before him, pray for us who are creating your most honorable memory.


Empress Catherine the Martyr today, and with your orbits denounce the harmful heresy. An angel came from heaven to that one, bringing strength from the Most High. Having already received manly speech, Christ is a martyr’s praise.


Library of Russian Faith

Folk traditions on the day of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

The name of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine was very popular among other female names, especially in our time, so the name day is a very notable event in church calendar, rightfully decorating the humble Lenten meal with rich, festive pies.

Previously, the so-called Catherine’s festivities were very popular among the people. On this day it was impossible to sit at home, the whole village had to have fun and rejoice. In Rus', young people rode sleds down hills and on horse-drawn sleighs. The grooms tried to look for a good bride during the festivities so that they could arrange a wedding during the winter meat-eater. The girls, in turn, asked the saint to find a good and worthy groom.

People also turn to the holy great martyr for help during pregnancy and difficult childbirth. In the West, she is considered the patroness of students and all students, like Saint Tatiana in Russia.

Holy Great Martyr Catherine. Icons

“Iconographic original”, compiled at the beginning of the 20th century by S.T. Bolshakov, based on the originals of the 16th century, reports that Saint Catherine is depicted as follows: “On her head is a royal crown, her hair is as simple as a maiden’s, an azure robe, cinnabar underwear (red underwear), royal barmas (precious decorations on clothes) to the hem, both on the shoulders and on the sleeves, the sleeves are wide, in right hand There is a cross, and on the left there is a scroll, and in it he writes: “Lord God, hear me, grant absolution to those who remember the name of Catherine, and at the hour of his departure, see him off in peace and give him a place of peace.”

Thus, only without the scroll, she is depicted in an early 13th-century icon from the monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai. Perhaps it was this icon that served as the main temple image and was located near the shrine with the relics of the saint.

Sometimes Saint Catherine is depicted wearing a red cloak - the traditional attire of martyrs - and a blue tunic. The head of the saint may be covered with a white cloth, symbolizing chastity, spiritual and physical purity.

In the 16th century, a new iconographic version appeared in Russian art - “Prayer of the Great Martyr Catherine for the People”, not found in Byzantine or Balkan art. The saint is depicted with a scroll in her hand containing the text of her dying prayer; behind Catherine is an executioner with a sword; sometimes the wheel and fortifications of Alexandria are depicted nearby.

Probably, this iconography arose due to the veneration of St. Catherine as an intercessor “at the exodus of the soul”: before her execution, she prayed to the Lord to forgive all the sins of those who would remember her before death. Sometimes kneeling believers are depicted at the saint’s feet, resorting to her prayerful intercession.

Temples in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

There are currently up to 300 churches in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, both in Russia itself and beyond its borders: in Finland, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Cyprus, Turkey and Egypt.

Among the most ancient buildings in Rus', the Novgorod Church in honor of the Great Martyr is known; it is mentioned in the list of wooden churches that burned down in 1310; later (from the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries) it appears as a stone chapel of the Church of the Assumption at Torg.

The history of the first Moscow church of the Great Martyr Catherine begins in late XVI century, when a craft settlement appeared on Vspolye (Bolshaya Ordynka Street), established through the efforts of Anastasia Romanovna, the first wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. She also built a wooden temple here, known from chronicles of 1612.

The Monastery of St. Catherine is one of the oldest continuously operating Christian monasteries in the world, founded in the 4th century in the center of the Sinai Peninsula. Among the abbots of the monastery, the most famous is St. John Climacus. Initially it was called the Monastery of the Transfiguration or the Burning Bush. After the discovery of the relics of St. Catherine and the spread of her veneration, by the 11th century the monastery acquired its present name - the Monastery of St. Catherine.

The Church of the Nativity of Christ in Yekaterinburg on this day marks, as it were, the second throne. Due to the inability to travel to Yekaterinburg on the day patronal feast, on Christmas Day, for several years in a row, believers from all over the area have been gathering here a month earlier, on the day of remembrance of St. Catherine, who gave the name to the city.

The city was founded in 1723 as the capital of the mining region. The name of the city was given in honor of Catherine the First. During the reign of Catherine II, a main road Russian Empire- Siberian tract. Yekaterinburg became the key city to the vast and rich Siberia, a “window to Asia,” just as St. Petersburg was the Russian “window to Europe.”

Today Ekaterinburg is the fourth most populous city (after Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk) in Russia.

She was the daughter of the ruler of Alexandria of Egypt, Consta, during the reign of Emperor Maximin (305-313). Living in the capital - the center of Hellenic learning, Catherine, who had rare beauty and intelligence, received an excellent education, having studied the works of the best ancient philosophers and scientists. Young men from the most eminent families of the empire sought the hand of the beautiful Catherine, but not one of them became her chosen one. She announced to her parents that she agreed to marry only someone who surpassed her in nobility, wealth, beauty and wisdom.

Catherine’s mother, a secret Christian, took her for advice to her spiritual father, a holy elder, who performed a feat of prayer in solitude in a cave not far from the city. After listening to Catherine, the elder said that he knows a Youth who surpasses her in everything, for “His beauty is brighter than the sun’s radiance, His wisdom governs all creation, His wealth is spread throughout the world, but this does not reduce it, but multiplies it, the height of His family - ineffable." The image of the Heavenly Bridegroom gave birth in the soul of the holy virgin to an ardent desire to see Him. The truth to which her soul was yearning was revealed to her. At parting, the elder handed Catherine an icon of the Mother of God with the Infant Jesus in her arms and ordered her to pray with faith to the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of the Heavenly Bridegroom, for the granting of a vision of Her Son.

Catherine prayed all night and was honored to see Holy Virgin, Who asked Her Divine Son to look at Catherine kneeling before Them. But the Child turned away His face, saying that he could not look at her, because she was ugly, ugly, poor and insane, like every person who had not been washed by the waters of holy Baptism and not sealed with the seal of the Holy Spirit. In deep sadness, Catherine again went to the elder. He accepted her with love, instructed her in the faith of Christ, commanded her to maintain purity and chastity and to pray unceasingly, and performed the sacrament of holy Baptism over her. And again Saint Catherine had a vision Holy Mother of God with the Baby. Now the Lord looked at her tenderly and gave her a ring, betrothing her to Himself. When the vision ended and the saint awoke from sleep, a ring shone on her hand - a wondrous gift from the Heavenly Bridegroom. At this time, Emperor Maximin himself arrived in Alexandria for a pagan festival. On this occasion the holiday was especially magnificent and crowded. The cries of sacrificial animals, the smoke and stench of the altars, which burned incessantly, and the hubbub of the crowds on the lists filled Alexandria. Human sacrifices were also made - confessors of Christ who did not retreat from Him under torture were doomed to death in fire. Holy love for the Christian martyrs and a heartfelt desire to alleviate their lot prompted Catherine to go to the chief priest and ruler of the empire, the persecuting emperor Maximin.

Having identified herself, the saint confessed her faith in the One True God and wisely exposed the errors of the pagans. The beauty of the girl captivated the ruler. To convince her and show the triumph of pagan wisdom, the emperor ordered to convene 150 rhetoricians - the most learned men of the empire, but the saint prevailed over the sages, so that they themselves believed in Christ. Saint Catherine made the sign of the cross over the martyrs, and they courageously accepted death for Christ and were burned by order of the emperor.

Maximin, no longer hoping to convince the saint, tried to seduce her with the promise of wealth and glory. Having received an angry refusal, the emperor ordered the saint to be subjected to cruel torture and then thrown into prison. Empress Augusta, who had heard a lot about Saint Catherine, wished to see her. Having persuaded the governor Porfiry with a detachment of soldiers to accompany her, Augusta came to the dungeon. The Empress was amazed by the strength of spirit of Saint Catherine, whose face shone with Divine grace. The holy martyr revealed Christian teaching to those who came, and they, believing, turned to Christ.

The next day, the martyr was again brought to the trial seat, where, under the threat of being thrown on the wheel, she was asked to renounce the Christian faith and make a sacrifice to the gods. The saint adamantly confessed Christ and herself approached the wheels, but an Angel crushed the instruments of execution, and they scattered into pieces, killing many pagans. Seeing this miracle, Empress Augusta and the courtier Porphyry Stratilates with 200 soldiers confessed their faith in Christ in front of everyone and were beheaded. Maximin again tried to seduce the holy martyr by offering her marriage, and again received a refusal. Saint Catherine firmly confessed allegiance to her Heavenly Bridegroom - Christ, and with a prayer to Him she herself laid her head on the block under the executioner's sword.


The relics of Saint Catherine were transferred by angels to Mount Sinai. In the century, by revelation, the venerable head and left hand of the holy martyr were found and transferred with honors to the newly created temple of the Sinai Monastery, built by the holy emperor Justinian.
The marble pillar, on which, according to legend, the saint was beheaded, was preserved at the beginning of the 21st century in the Alexandria Savvinsky Monastery.


Troparion, tone 4

With virtues, like the rays of the sun, / you enlightened the unfaithful sages. / And, like the bright moon to those who walk in the night, / you drove away the darkness of unbelief / and you assured the queen, / You also exposed the tormentor, / God-called bride, blessed Catherine, / by desire you ascended into the heavenly palace / to the beautiful Bridegroom, Christ, / and from Him you were crowned with a royal crown: / to him, with the angels standing, / praying for us, / doing most honorable things I am your memory.

Kontakion, voice 3(Similar to: Virgo today:)

Who are victorious today, Catherine the martyr/ and denounced the harmful heresy to the vitiates,/ An angel from Heaven came to that one,/ bringing strength from the Most High,/ having received the same, courageously speaking: // Christ is mu Apprentice praise.

Kontakion, tone 2(Similar to: Seeking the Highest:)

Raise up an honorable face of the Divine, martyrs, now,/ in honor of the all-wise Catherine,/ for at the Tribute of Christ, preached and trampled upon the serpent,// having tamed the minds of rhetoricians.

The icon of the Great Martyr Catherine is revered among Orthodox Christians. The saint is considered the patroness of students who turn to the icon for help in difficult moments of life.

Saint Catherine of Alexandria helps everyone who turns to her with sincere prayers. Her life is an example of chastity and true faith in the Lord. Often they turn to her for support, ask for peace of mind, and repent of their sins.

History of the icon

Catherine's story begins in the third century. She was born into a noble religious family. Her parents gave the girl an excellent education, and when the time came for marriage, Catherine wished herself a husband who was smart and honest, better than herself. The mother took the girl to church, where Catherine was imbued with the spirit of Christianity and went through the sacrament of baptism. After the ceremony, she had a dream in which the Lord himself appointed her as his bride. Waking up, she found an elegant ring on her finger.

Catherine lived in a time of unrest and strife, and during another ungodly holiday with sacrifices, she went to the palace to the king. Emperor Maximin was struck by Catherine's intelligence and beauty and invited the greatest philosophers to try to persuade the girl to his faith. However, nothing could break the spirit of a true believer. She bravely endured numerous tortures, and the angel who appeared to her told her that she would be able to withstand the struggle for true faith. The emperor ordered the execution of Catherine of Alexandria. Along with her, the emperor's wife and his best friend military leader who followed the example of Catherine and adopted Orthodoxy, renouncing paganism.

Where is the image of the Great Martyr Catherine?

Icons depicting the saint were especially revered in St. Petersburg. Empresses Catherine the First and Catherine the Second considered her their patroness and intercessor. Ten temples with her name were built in the great city. Now the image of Catherine can be venerated in many places throughout Russia, for example:

  • in the church of the same name in St. Petersburg;
  • in St. Isaac's Cathedral;
  • in the village of Murino Leningrad region;
  • in the church of the same name in Moscow, Bolshaya Ordynka Street;
  • in Moscow churches on Ibragimov Street, Donskaya Street, Odintsovskaya Street, Pyatnitskaya Street, on Red Square.

There are also temples and churches in Smolensk, Vidnoye, the village of Semenovsky in the Suzdal region, Nerekhta in the Kostroma region, Egypt, Mordovia, and Tatarstan.

Description of the icon of the Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria

The most ancient icons date back to the 8th-9th centuries. On them the Great Martyr is skillfully depicted in royal attire, with a crown on her head. On some icons, Catherine is depicted with a palm branch in her hands. Catherine's red robes symbolize martyrdom, and her white scarf symbolizes chastity.

What do people pray for before the image of Catherine of Alexandria?

Before the icon, you can pray to avoid mistakes that can cause harm. They also ask Catherine for patronage, for protection from all sorts of dangers that await people on life path. Women turn to Catherine with prayers to gain spiritual harmony, establishing relationships in the family, asking for the protection of their children. Those who receive education also pray to the image. Many are named after the saint educational establishments in European countries.

Prayers are offered to Catherine in the hope of help in legal proceedings. Anyone who needs help can sincerely pray to the holy great martyr. Prayers in front of the image strengthen a person’s faith not only in the Higher Powers, but also in his own, allowing him to overcome obstacles and achieve his goals through honest work.

Celebration date

A solemn service in honor of the memory of the Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria takes place December 7. On this day, everyone can turn to the saint for help, and his sincere prayers will be heard.

Prayer before the icon

“Holy Great Martyr Catherine! We humbly appeal to You. Protect our souls from all evil and do not let us stumble. Send your grace to us and give us reason to overcome all difficulties in learning and in life. Protect anyone from evil, do not let them stray from the Orthodox path, strengthen our faith in the Lord. Save and preserve our children and families, do not let evil fill our hearts filled with prayer. Amen".

The image of Catherine helps everyone realize the value of their life and knowledge. Thanks to this image, many gain confidence and move towards their goal much faster. Prayers offered to Catherine of Alexandria must come from a pure heart. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, and do not forget to press the buttons and

07.12.2017 05:48

During the celebration of Christian holidays, many people ask questions about the prohibition of certain actions. What...